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Molecular strategies in Metazoan genomic evolution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Saccone C  Barome PO  D'Erchia AM  D'Errico I  Pesole G  Sbisà E  Tullo A 《Gene》2002,300(1-2):195-201

There have been over 25 independent unicellular to multicellular evolutionary transitions, which have been transformational in the complexity of life. All of these transitions likely occurred in communities numerically dominated by unicellular organisms, mostly bacteria. Hence, it is reasonable to expect that bacteria were involved in generating the ecological conditions that promoted the stability and proliferation of the first multicellular forms as protective units. In this study, we addressed this problem by analyzing the occurrence of multicellularity in an experimental phylogeny of yeasts (Sacharomyces cerevisiae) a model organism that is unicellular but can generate multicellular clusters under some conditions. We exposed a single ancestral population to periodic divergences, coevolving with a cocktail of environmental bacteria that were inoculated to the environment of the ancestor, and compared to a control (no bacteria). We quantified culturable microorganisms to the level of genera, finding up to 20 taxa (all bacteria) that competed with the yeasts during diversification. After 600 generations of coevolution, the yeasts produced two types of multicellular clusters: clonal and aggregative. Whereas clonal clusters were present in both treatments, aggregative clusters were only present under the bacteria treatment and showed significant phylogenetic signal. However, clonal clusters showed different properties if bacteria were present as follows: They were more abundant and significantly smaller than in the control. These results indicate that bacteria are important modulators of the occurrence of multicellularity, providing support to the idea that they generated the ecological conditions‐promoting multicellularity.  相似文献   

Despite their biological importance, a significant number of genes for secondary metabolite biosynthesis (SMB) remain undetected due largely to the fact that they are highly diverse and are not expressed under a variety of cultivation conditions. Several software tools including SMURF and antiSMASH have been developed to predict fungal SMB gene clusters by finding core genes encoding polyketide synthase, nonribosomal peptide synthetase and dimethylallyltryptophan synthase as well as several others typically present in the cluster. In this work, we have devised a novel comparative genomics method to identify SMB gene clusters that is independent of motif information of the known SMB genes. The method detects SMB gene clusters by searching for a similar order of genes and their presence in nonsyntenic blocks. With this method, we were able to identify many known SMB gene clusters with the core genes in the genomic sequences of 10 filamentous fungi. Furthermore, we have also detected SMB gene clusters without core genes, including the kojic acid biosynthesis gene cluster of Aspergillus oryzae. By varying the detection parameters of the method, a significant difference in the sequence characteristics was detected between the genes residing inside the clusters and those outside the clusters.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between (or dependence of) bacterial evolution in prokaryotes and metabolism, and the changing physical-chemical conditions present during early evolution.  相似文献   

MicroRNA对多细胞动物复杂性进化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴中华  陈良标 《遗传》2010,32(2):105-114
MicroRNA(miRNA)是一种长度约为22个碱基的非编码单链小分子RNA。作为一类重要的转录后基因表达调控因子,miRNA参与了广泛的生物学过程,如发育时程调控、细胞分化、凋亡、肿瘤以及病毒抵抗等。然而,除了在个体发生过程中的重要功能外,越来越多的研究表明,miRNA在系统发生中也扮演着关键的角色。基因表达模式的不同被广泛地认为是物种内和物种间表型差异的根源,动物物种间miRNA的保守性和多样性研究提示miRNA对物种间表型差异以及动物进化起着重要的作用。文章介绍了miRNA产生过程和作用机制,重点探讨了miRNA在动物进化过程中的作用,从miRNA的进化速度、miRNA表达的时空特异性、miRNA作用靶位点变异以及miRNA基因的扩增与丢失4个方面论述miRNA介导的基因调控网络对多细胞动物发育复杂性进化的影响,推测miRNA在多细胞动物进化过程中驱动了复杂性的增加。  相似文献   

For a new, more complex floral form to become established in a population it must overcome the problem of frequency-dependent constancy to successfully attract pollinators. This may be achieved by complex floral forms offering absolute greater rewards than the simpler forms, or by complex flowers offering a higher probability of being rewarding because fewer pollinators are able to visit them. In this paper we examine the effect of three pollinator foraging strategies on the ratio of flights within and between floral morphs and hence on the probability of a new morph establishing in a population without offering a greater reward. We incorporate pollinator behaviour based around observations of two pollinator species systems into three models of competition for pollinators. In the first model the constancy of the pollinator of the new floral morph is a function only of the foraging strategy of the existing pollinator of the original floral morph. In the next model the constancy of the second pollinator is determined by the number of rewarding flowers of each floral morph left by the original pollinator and in the third model it is determined by the ratio of rewarding flowers of each morph left by the original pollinator. The results demonstrate that under conditions of intense competition for pollinators, new, more complex floral forms are indeed able to attract high levels of constant pollinators without offering intrinsically higher rewards. However, for this to occur constancy in one of the pollinators must be a function of the ratio of rewarding to non-rewarding flowers of both floral forms. One prediction from our results is that sympatric speciation of floral complexity based on a higher probability of reward is more likely to occur in flowers offering rewards of pollen rather than nectar. This is because the cost of visiting non-rewarding flowers is usually higher where the reward is pollen rather than nectar. We also predict that complex flowers occurring at low frequency, which offer rewards of nectar, may need intrinsically greater rewards if they are to successfully attract pollinators.  相似文献   

A polyploid organism by possessing more than two sets of chromosomes from one species (autopolyploidy) or two or more species (allopolyploidy) is known to have evolutionary advantages. However, by what means a polyploid accommodates increased genetic dosage or divergent genomes (allopolyploidy) in one cell nucleus and cytoplasm constitutes an enormous challenge. Recent years have witnessed efforts and progress in exploring the possible mechanisms by which these seemingly intangible hurdles of polyploidy may be ameliorated or eventually overcome. In particular, the documentation of rapid and extensive non-Mendelian genetic and epigenetic changes that often accompany nascent polyploidy is revealing: the resulting non-additive and novel gene expression at global, regional and local levels, and timely restoration of meiotic chromosomal behavior towards bivalent pairing and disomic inheritance may ensure rapid establishment and stabilization as well as its long-term evolutionary success. Further elucidation on these novel mechanisms underpinning polyploidy will promote our understanding on fundamental issues in evolutionary biology and in our manipulation capacities in future genetic improvement of important crops that are currently polyploids in genomic constitution. This review is intended to provide an updated discussion on these interesting and important issues within the scope of a specific yet one of the most important plant groups--polyploid wheat and its related species.  相似文献   

Two conjectures, drawn from Gregory Chaitin's Algorithmic Information Theory, are examined with respect to the relationship between an algorithm and its product; in particular his finding that, where an algorithm is minimal, its length provides a measure of the complexity of the product. Algorithmic complexity is considered from the perspective of the relationship between genotype and phenotype, which Chaitin suggests is analogous to other algorithm-product systems. The first conjecture is that the genome is a minimal set of algorithms for the phenotype. Evidence is presented for a factor, here termed 'genetic parsimony', which is thought to have helped minimize the growth of genome size during evolution. Species that depend on rapid replication, such as prokaryotes which are generally r -selected are more likely to have small genomes, while the K -strategists accumulate introns and have large genomes. The second conjecture is that genome size could provide a measure of organism complexity. A surrogate index for coding DNA is in agreement with an established phenotypic index (number of cell types), in exhibiting an evolutionary trend of increasing organism complexity over time. Evidence for genetic parsimony indicates that simplicity in coding has been selected, and is responsible for phenotypic order. It is proposed that order evolved because order in the phenotype can be encoded more economically than disorder. Thus order arises due to selection for genetic parsimony, as does the evolution of other 'emergent' properties.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 88 , 295–308.  相似文献   

Evolution is often deemed irreversible. The evolution of complex traits that require many mutations makes their reversal unlikely. Even in simpler traits, reversals might become less likely as neutral or beneficial mutations, with deleterious effects in the ancestral context, become fixed in the novel background. This is especially true in changes that involve large reorganizations of the organism and its interactions with the environment. The evolution of multicellularity involves the reorganization of previously autonomous cells into a more complex organism; despite the complexity of this change, single cells have repeatedly evolved from multicellular ancestors. These repeated reversals to unicellularity undermine the generality of Dollo's law. In this article, we evaluated the dynamics of reversals to unicellularity from recently evolved multicellular phenotypes of the brewers yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae. Even though multicellularity in this system evolved recently, it involves the evolution of new levels of selection. Strong selective pressures against multicellularity lead to rapid reversibility to single cells in all of our replicate lines, whereas counterselection favoring multicellularity led to minimal reductions to the rates of reversal. History and chance played an important role in the tempo and mode of reversibility, highlighting the interplay of deterministic and stochastic events in evolutionary reversals.  相似文献   

Biological complexity is a key component of evolvability, yet its study has been hampered by a focus on evolutionary trends of complexification and inconsistent definitions. Here, we demonstrate the utility of bringing complexity into the framework of epigenetics to better investigate its utility as a concept in evolutionary biology. We first analyze the existing metrics of complexity and explore the link between complexity and adaptation. Although recently developed metrics allow for a unified framework, they omit developmental mechanisms. We argue that a better approach to the empirical study of complexity and its evolution includes developmental mechanisms. We then consider epigenetic mechanisms and their role in shaping developmental and evolutionary trajectories, as well as the development and organization of complexity. We argue that epigenetics itself could have emerged from complexity because of a need to self‐regulate. Finally, we explore hybridization complexes and hybrid organisms as potential models for studying the association between epigenetics and complexity. Our goal is not to explain trends in biological complexity but to help develop and elucidate novel questions in the investigation of biological complexity and its evolution.  相似文献   

Supernatural belief presents an explanatory challenge to evolutionary theorists—it is both costly and prevalent. One influential functional explanation claims that the imagined threat of supernatural punishment can suppress selfishness and enhance cooperation. Specifically, morally concerned supreme deities or ‘moralizing high gods'' have been argued to reduce free-riding in large social groups, enabling believers to build the kind of complex societies that define modern humanity. Previous cross-cultural studies claiming to support the MHG hypothesis rely on correlational analyses only and do not correct for the statistical non-independence of sampled cultures. Here we use a Bayesian phylogenetic approach with a sample of 96 Austronesian cultures to test the MHG hypothesis as well as an alternative supernatural punishment hypothesis that allows punishment by a broad range of moralizing agents. We find evidence that broad supernatural punishment drives political complexity, whereas MHGs follow political complexity. We suggest that the concept of MHGs diffused as part of a suite of traits arising from cultural exchange between complex societies. Our results show the power of phylogenetic methods to address long-standing debates about the origins and functions of religion in human society.  相似文献   

Species in the fungal genus Beauveria are pathogens of invertebrates and have been commonly used as the active agent in biopesticides. After many decades with few species described, recent molecular approaches to classification have led to over 25 species now delimited. Little attention has been given to the mitochondrial genomes of Beauveria but better understanding may led to insights into the nature of species and evolution in this important genus. In this study, we sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of four new strains belonging to Beauveria bassiana, Beauveria caledonica and Beauveria malawiensis, and compared them to existing mitochondrial sequences of related fungi. The mitochondrial genomes of Beauveria ranged widely from 28,806 to 44,135 base pairs, with intron insertions accounting for most size variation and up to 39% (B. malawiensis) of the mitochondrial length due to introns in genes. Gene order of the common mitochondrial genes did not vary among the Beauveria sequences, but variation was observed in the number of transfer ribonucleic acid genes. Although phylogenetic analysis using whole mitochondrial genomes showed, unsurprisingly, that B. bassiana isolates were the most closely related to each other, mitochondrial codon usage suggested that some B. bassiana isolates were more similar to B. malawiensis and B. caledonica than the other B. bassiana isolates analyzed.  相似文献   

Symbioses among co‐evolving taxa are often marked by genome reductions such as a loss of protein‐coding genes in at least one of the partners as a means of reducing redundancy or intergenomic conflict. To explore this phenomenon in an iconic yet under‐studied group of obligate symbiotic organisms, mitochondrial genomes of 22 newly sequenced and annotated species of lichenized fungi were compared to 167 mitochondrial genomes of nonlichenized fungi. Our results demonstrate the first broad‐scale loss of atp9 from mitochondria of lichenized fungi. Despite key functions in mitochondrial energy production, we show that atp9 has been independently lost in three different lineages spanning 10 of the 22 studied species. A search for predicted, functional copies of atp9 among genomes of other symbionts involved in each lichen revealed the full‐length, presumably functional copies of atp9 in either the photosynthetic algal partner or in other symbiotic fungi in all 10 instances. Together, these data yield evidence of an obligate symbiotic relationship in which core genomic processes have been streamlined, likely due to co‐evolution.  相似文献   

The Polydnaviridae (PDV), including the Bracovirus (BV) and Ichnovirus genera, originated from the integration of unrelated viruses in the genomes of two parasitoid wasp lineages, in a remarkable example of convergent evolution. Functionally active PDVs represent the most compelling evolutionary success among endogenous viral elements (EVEs). BV evolved from the domestication by braconid wasps of a nudivirus 100 Ma. The nudivirus genome has become an EVE involved in BV particle production but is not encapsidated. Instead, BV genomes have co-opted virulence genes, used by the wasps to control the immunity and development of their hosts. Gene transfers and duplications have shaped BV genomes, now encoding hundreds of genes. Phylogenomic studies suggest that BVs contribute largely to wasp diversification and adaptation to their hosts. A genome evolution model explains how multidirectional wasp adaptation to different host species could have fostered PDV genome extension. Integrative studies linking ecological data on the wasp to genomic analyses should provide new insights into the adaptive role of particular BV genes. Forthcoming genomic advances should also indicate if the associations between endoparasitoid wasps and symbiotic viruses evolved because of their particularly intimate interactions with their hosts, or if similar domesticated EVEs could be uncovered in other parasites.  相似文献   

The enlargement of the genome size and the decrease in genome compactness with increase in the number and size of introns is a general pattern during the evolution of eukaryotes. Among the possible mechanisms for modifying intron size, it has been suggested that the insertion of transposable elements might have an important role in driving intron evolution. The analysis of large portions of the human genome demonstrated that a relatively recent (50 to 100 MYA) accumulation of transposable elements appears to be biased, favoring a preferential insertion of LINE1 transposons into sex chromosomes rather than into autosomes. In the present work, the effect of chromosomal location on the increase in size of introns was evaluated with a comparative analysis performed on pairs of human paralogous genes, one located on the X chromosome and the second on an autosome. A phylogenetic analysis was also performed on the X-encoded proteins and their paralogs to confirm orthology-paralogy and to approximately estimate the time of gene duplication. Statistical analysis of total intron length for each pair of paralogous genes provided no evidence for a larger size of introns in the gene copies located on the X chromosome. On the opposite, introns of autosomal genes were found to be significantly longer than introns of their X-linked paralogs. Likewise, LINE1 elements were not significantly more frequent in X-chromosome introns, whereas the frequency of SINE elements showed a marginally significant bias toward autosomal introns.  相似文献   

Fungal transposable elements and genome evolution   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
M.J. Daboussi 《Genetica》1997,100(1-3):253-260
The transposable elements (TEs) identified in fungal genomes reflect the whole spectrum of eukaryotic transposable elements. Most of our knowledge comes from species representing different ecological situations: plant pathogens, industrial, and field strains, most of them lacking the sexual stage. A number of changes in gene structure and function has been shown to be TE-mediated: inactivation of gene expression upon insertion within or adjacent to a gene, DNA sequence variation through excision and probably extensive chromosomal rearrangements due to recombination between members of a particular family. Moreover, TEs may have other roles in evolution related to their ability to be horizontally transferred and to capture and transpose chromosomal host sequences, thus providing a mechanism for dispersing sequences to new sites. However, the activity of transposable elements and consequently their proliferation within a host genome can be affected, in some fungal species which undergo meiosis, by silencing processes. Our understanding of the biological effects of TEs on the fungal genome has increased dramatically in the past few years but elucidation of the extent to which transposons contribute to genetic variation in nature, providing the flexibility for populations to adapt successfully to environmental changes is an important area for future research. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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