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The interplay between the recruitment dance and food-giving trophallactic contacts of returning Apis mellifera foragers was analyzed. Dancing and trophallactic events were recorded for bees returning from a rate feeder that provided 50% weight on weight sucrose solution at a constant flow rate of 5 μl min−1. Bees that had danced immediately before their trophallactic contact had more recipients per trophallaxis compared with bees that did not dance before. Thus, besides information coded in dancing behavior, dance maneuvers could serve as a stimulus to increase attention of bees located on the dance floor to receive nectar. In addition, the number of bees receiving food during a trophallaxis showed a positive correlation with the probability of dancing immediately after contacting. The time from arrival at the hive to when the first or the subsequent contacts took place presented no correlation with the probability of dancing after trophallaxis. Also, the duration of a trophallaxis was positively correlated with the number of recipients per trophallaxis. These results suggest that returning foragers could receive information during a trophallactic contact with their hive mates that modify thresholds for dancing. Dance maneuvers and trophallactic contacts performed by foraging bees seem to be “mutually” affected. Accepted: 29 November 1999  相似文献   

  • 1 Directional movement by foraging honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) was studied on several flower arrays. The most frequent move among equidistant flower stalks was straight ahead from stalk to stalk with frequencies decreasing for increasing turn angles. Turns to the left were about equal in frequency to turns to the right.
  • 2 Bees maintained directionality when moving from flower stalks that had been rotated 90° counterclockwise while the bee was on the stalk (no difference between moves from rotated stalks and unrotated controls). Thus, directionality is maintained by the bee and is not an artefact of flower distribution.
  • 3 Bees also maintained directionality when the entire array was rotated around the flower stalk the bee was on. Thus, bees use an external cue to orientate in a given direction rather than fixing on an inflorescence within the flower array.
  • 4 Bees foraging on very different flower arrays differed in patterns of directionality and in distances flown between flower stalks. Therefore, even though bees maintain directionality using external cues, flower distribution can nevertheless influence flight patterns.

Abstract. 1. Foraging patterns were studied using honey bees on artificial flower patches to determine if given individuals could change behaviours under differing conditions.
2. Two types of flower patches were used; those simulating a population of flowers, dimorphic for colour, and grids simulating a single colour-dimorphic inflorescence.
3. In the simulated population of flowers bees were individually constant to colour over a range of reward volumes and flower patch sizes.
4. Each bee remained individually constant to a flower morph when visiting a population-type grid but changed to random visitation on the simulated inflorescence.
5. On the simulated inflorescence, with morphs providing unequal qualities of reward, most bees foraged on the higher molarity morph.
6. Most, but not all bees, failed to minimize uncertainty on the simulated inflorescence.
7. On the simulated inflorescence, bees failed to optimize when one morph provided a greater reward volume than did the other.
8. In the population of flowers bees flew from flower to flower, whereas, they walked on the simulated inflorescence.  相似文献   

The relationship between changes in foraging patterns (inferred from waggle dance activity) and colony energy status (inferred from brood rearing activity, food storage, and colony weight) was examined for the African honey bee during a period of relative resource abundance and resource dearth. When resources were more abundant mean foraging distances (about 400 m) and foraging areas (4–5 km2) were small, and colonies recruited to 12–19 different sites per day. Colony foraging ranges and sites visited increased slightly during the dearth period, yet foraging continued to be concentrated within less than 10 km2. The degree to which fluctuations in foraging patterns were correlated with colony energy status varied with the availability of floral resources. During periods of relative forage abundance, increases in foraging range and number of sites visited were significantly correlated with increases in brood rearing and colony weight. In contrast, colonies examined during periods of resource dearth exhibited no correlations between foraging areas, foraging distances, and fluctuations in brood rearing, food storage, or colony weight. Thus, during dearth periods colonies may not be able to coordinate foraging patterns with changes in colony energy status.  相似文献   

Summary Seasonal foraging patterns were investigated using six observation colonies maintained in the Okavango Delta, Botswana. Pollen collection, flight from the hive, and recruitment for pollen and nectar sources occurred throughout the 11 months of the study. However, the distribution of foraging activity throughout the day changed seasonally. Colonies emphasized recruitment for pollen sites throughout most of the year. Brood production occurred in all months except May, and there was a significant, positive correlation between the proportion of recruitment activity devoted to pollen sources and the amount of brood comb in the colonies. The seasonal foraging patterns ofscutellata in the Okavango were similar to those of Africanized honey bees in the neotropics. The extended foraging season and emphasis on pollen collection may be associated with the high swarming rates and migrational movements of tropical honey bees.  相似文献   

How do bees choose flight direction while foraging?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT. Various authors have reported that nectar-collecting bees usually maintain an overall degree of directionality in their successive foraging flights. I here ask what kind of cues honeybees (Apis mellifera ) use to decide on departure direction from one inflorescence to the next. In a horizontally placed flower array, individual workers were experimentally rotated while imbibing sugar solution from an artificial flower mounted on a turntable. Rotation itself did not affect the subsequent departure direction. However, rotating the bees by 180° resulted in choices that were rotated by the same amount, as compared to the control treatment (i.e. no rotation). I suggest that flight directionality is determined in bees from the spatial orientation of their body before departure (e.g. by moving to the nearest flower they face).  相似文献   

《Developmental neurobiology》2017,77(9):1057-1071
The mushroom bodies (MBs) are insect brain regions important for sensory integration, learning, and memory. In adult worker honey bees (Apis mellifera ), the volume of neuropil associated with the MBs is larger in experienced foragers compared with hive bees and less experienced foragers. In addition, the characteristic synaptic structures of the calycal neuropils, the microglomeruli, are larger but present at lower density in 35‐day‐old foragers relative to 1‐day‐old workers. Age‐ and experience‐based changes in plasticity of the MBs are assumed to support performance of challenging tasks, but the behavioral consequences of brain plasticity in insects are rarely examined. In this study, foragers were recruited from a field hive to a patch comprising two colors of otherwise identical artificial flowers. Flowers of one color contained a sucrose reward mimicking nectar; flowers of the second were empty. Task difficulty was adjusted by changing flower colors according to the principle of honey bee color vision space. Microglomerular volume and density in the lip (olfactory inputs) and collar (visual inputs) compartments of the MB calyces were analyzed using anti‐synapsin I immunolabeling and laser scanning confocal microscopy. Foragers displayed significant variation in microglomerular volume and density, but no correlation was found between these synaptic attributes and foraging performance. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 77: 1057–1071, 2017  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The allocation of honey bee foragers among food patches is a result of decisions made by individual bees that are based on internal and external cues.
2. Decision-making processes are often based on internal thresholds. For example, if the quality of the food source is assessed by a forager as exceeding its internal threshold, the bee will continue foraging on that food source.
3. It is often assumed that all individuals have the same threshold and therefore use the same thresholds in decision-making, but because the honey bee queen mates with 12–30 males, the workers within a colony are genetically heterogeneous. Thus, the thresholds used by individual bees may be genetically variable within a colony.
4. Models of colony-level foraging behaviour of honey bees suggest that the rate of abandoning food sources is a critical parameter affecting foraging success. Moreover, these models show that variance among subfamilies in their abandonment rates may increase the colony's foraging efficiency.
5. Experimental data showing the relationship between the probability of abandoning a food source and its profitability are lacking, as is information on any variation in abandonment rates among subfamilies.
6. Abandonment rates were determined experimentally for four honey bee families for seven different sucrose concentrations. The results showed that abandonment rates appear to be invariant among (sub)families. The importance of forager fidelity to declining food sources is discussed with respect to foraging efficiency in a changing environment.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that colonies of honey bees composedof workers with faster rates of adult behavioral developmentare more defensive than colonies composed of workers with slowerbehavioral development, we determined whether there is a correlationbetween genetic variation in worker temporal polyethism andcolony defensiveness. There was a positive correlation for thesetwo traits, both for European and Africanized honey bees. Thecorrelation was larger for Africanized bees, due to differencesbetween Africanized and European bees, differences in experimentaldesign, or both. Consistent with these results was the findingthat colonies with a higher proportion of older bees were moredefensive than colonies of the same size that had a lower proportionof older bees. There also was a positive correlation betweenrate of individual behavioral development and the intensityof colony flight activity, and a negative correlation betweencolony defensiveness and flight activity. This suggests thatthe relationship between temporal polyethism and colony defensivenessmay vary with the manner in which foraging and defense dutiesare allocated among a colony's older workers. These resultsindicate that genotypic differences in rates of worker behavioraldevelopment can influence the phenotype of a honey bee colonyin a variety of ways.  相似文献   

It is believed that in honey bees spermatozoa stored inside the spermatheca remain motionless, however, some studies have reported the contrary. To observe behaviour of spermatozoa inside spermathecae, we have instrumentally inseminated queens with spermatozoa stained with fluorescent stains. During the first 8 h after insemination movement of the spermatozoa was stationary, without fast forward movement. Later, we observed circular movement of the spermatozoa inside spermathecae. Numerous circles were visible at one time. The circles were located close to the spermathecal wall. Movement of the spermatozoa was also observed in spermathecae of naturally inseminated queens. The marble-like pattern of the spermathecae was changing. The changes were slow and well visible only when video recordings were played at high speed.  相似文献   

Biogenic amines and division of labor in honey bee colonies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Brain levels of dopamine, serotonin, and octopamine were measured in relation to both age-related division of labor and inter-individual differences in task specialization independent of age in honey bee colonies. The only differences among similarly aged bees performing different tasks were significantly lower levels of dopamine in food storers than comb builders and significantly lower levels of octopamine in soldiers than foragers, but soldiers also were slightly younger than foragers. Differences associated with age-related division of labor were stronger. Older bees, notably foragers, had significantly higher levels of all three amines than did younger bees working in the hive. Using social manipulations to unlink chronological age and behavioral status, octopamine was found to exhibit the most robust association between behavior and amine level, independent of age. Octopamine levels were significantly lower in normal-age nurses versus precocious foragers and overage nurses versus normal-age foragers, but not different in reverted nurses versus reversion colony foragers. Dopamine levels were significantly lower in normal-age nurses versus precocious foragers, but higher in reverted nurses versus reversion colony foragers. Serotonin levels did not differ in any of these comparisons. These correlative results suggest that octopamine is involved in the regulation of age-related division of labor in honey bees. Accepted: 10 February 1999  相似文献   

There is growing evidence indicating that dancing honeybees can transfer some information about the found food source by means of wing movements. However, the available data are limited and inconclusive in the case of the frequency of wing beats. Therefore, in this study, the hypothesis that the wing beats convey information about the foraging distance was re‐examined. Honeybee dances were recorded using a high‐speed camera, and foraging distances were decoded from the duration of waggle phases. Dancing honeybees moved their wings for almost half (47%) of the duration of waggle phases. The number of wing‐beating pulses and the combined duration of wing beating were strongly positively correlated with the duration of waggle phases (p < .0014), whereas the mean frequency of wing beats, the mean duration of wing‐beating pulses and the mean number of wing beats in one wing‐beating pulse were not correlated with the duration of waggle phases (p > .05). Nevertheless, both the mean frequency of wing beats and the mean number of wing beats in one wing‐beating pulse were positively correlated with the mean frequency of abdomen waggles (p < .0014). They were also positively correlated with the mean frequency of wing‐beating pulses (p < .0014). The correlation matrix revealed that there were two groups of dance components that were positively correlated within groups, but negatively correlated between groups. One of the groups provided information about distance to the food source. We hypothesise that the other group, including the number of wing beats in one pulse, the frequency of wing beats, the frequency of wing‐beating pulses and the frequency of abdomen waggles, may provide information about the motivational state of foragers.  相似文献   

西方蜜蜂幼虫发育温度对成体翅膀形态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨不同恒定温度条件对培育蜜蜂蛹翅膀形态特征的影响,作者将进入蛹期的西方蜜蜂(Apismellifera)放入人工气候箱里,分别在32、35和36℃的恒定温度条件培育,直到蜜蜂蛹羽化出房为止。测量了蜜蜂翅膀的标准形态特征,包括翅的大小、肘脉长和11个翅肘脉角,所得到的数据进行多变量比较分析、相关性分析、主成分分析和区别分析。研究结果表明,不同温度条件对蜜蜂翅膀形态特征有明显的影响  相似文献   

Experimental work was conducted at two apiaries located in Irbid district and in Shuna North, Jordan, during the years 2004–2006. The aims of these investigations were to estimate the seasonal changes in the infestation rates of the bee louse (Braula sp.) and to develop an easy and rapid method of estimating the infestation rate on workers with bee Braula. Two major honey bee subspecies are reared in Jordan; Apis mellifera carnica and Apis mellifera syriaca were used in this study. The results showed that the infestation rate began to increase rapidly in May, reaching the season's maximum rate of 16.2%, 15.8% and 17.4% for A. m. carnica and 22.6%, 23.9% and 22.9% for A. m. syriaca in December of 2004, 2005 and 2006, respectively. The maximum adult numbers of bees were found in April and June, whereas the minimum for the year was in January in both honey bee subspecies colonies during the study period. The actual population of the bee louse could be estimated by counting the daily dropped lice and multiplying by a factor of 158. This factor is valid for the experimental colonies of both subspecies kept for 3 years under semi‐arid Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

【目的】以西方蜜蜂Apis mellifera工蜂肠道为例探究组织透明化技术--丙烯酰胺交联替换脂质透明硬化成像/免疫染色/原位杂交兼容组织水凝胶(clear lipid-exchanged acrylamide-hybridized rigid imaging/immunostaining/in situ hybridization-compatible tissue-hYdrogel, CLARITY)在昆虫组织上的应用,确定CLARITY与荧光原位杂交(FISH)相结合在昆虫肠道组织透明化中的适用性。【方法】依照CLARITY技术操作程序,用水凝胶固定西方蜜蜂肠道,并以被动方式透明化,再用靶向东方蜜蜂微孢子虫Nosema ceranae 16S rRNA带异硫氰酸荧光素(fluorescein isothiocyanate, FITC)标记和靶向真核细胞18S rRNA带Texas RED标记的寡核苷酸荧光探针进行肠道组织的荧光原位杂交,然后用DAPI(蓝色)进行细胞核复染,通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察透明化的染色组织。【结果】首次成功将西方蜜蜂肠道组织透明化。在激光共聚焦显微镜下,观察到马氏管的原始分布形态,以及东方蜜蜂微孢子虫在中肠末端分布更密集的空间分布特征,并实现了对肠道组织的3D重构。【结论】CLARITY能应用于蜜蜂肠道组织透明化,透明化组织能进行原位杂交和激光共聚焦观察。CLARITY和FISH相结合免除抗体制备和石蜡切片的麻烦,直观展示肠道内部的真实状态,为昆虫生理病理研究提供了一种可靠特异的标记方法。  相似文献   

Two acetylcholinesterase (EC membrane forms AChE(m1) and AChE(m2), have been characterised in the honey bee head. They can be differentiated by their ionic properties: AChE(m1) is eluted at 220 mM NaCl whereas AChE(m2) is eluted at 350 mM NaCl in anion exchange chromatography. They also present different thermal stabilities. Previous processing such as sedimentation, phase separation, and extraction procedures do not affect the presence of the two forms. Unlike AChE(m1), AChE(m2) presents reversible chromatographic elution properties, with a shift between 350 to 220 mM NaCl, depending on detergent conditions. Purification by affinity chromatography does not abolish the shift of the AChE(m2) elution. The similar chromatographic behaviour of soluble AChE strongly suggests that the occurrence of the two membrane forms is not due to the membrane anchor. The two forms have similar sensitivities to eserine and BW284C51. They exhibit similar electrophoretic mobilities and present molecular masses of 66 kDa in SDS-PAGE and a sensitivity to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C in non-denaturing conditions, thus revealing the presence of a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol anchor. We assume that bee AChE occurs in two distinct conformational states whose AChE(m2) apparent state is reversibly modulated by the Triton X-100 detergent into AChE(m1).  相似文献   

Summary This study investigated the effects of colony growth and development, food storage, foraging activity and weather on the migration behavior of African honey bees in the Okavango River Delta, Botswana. Four observation colonies were studied during the honey bee migration season (November–May), at which time the availability of blooming species was reduced. Two of the colonies (colonies 1 & 2) migrated during the study period, while the remaining two (colonies 3 & 4) did not. During the 4–6 weeks preceding the onset of migration preparations, colonies 1 & 2 exhibited increasing population sizes, high levels of brood production with low brood mortality, relatively large stores of food, and increasing mass. In contrast, the populations of colonies 3 & 4 did not increase, brood-rearing activity was erratic and lower, brood mortality was higher, food stores became depleted and colony mass declined. Both colonies 3 & 4 ceased rearing brood, and colony 3 died of starvation. Colony foraging activity was examined by monitoring waggle-dance activity 2–3 days each week. For 4–6 weeks before the onset of migration in colonies 1 & 2, daily foraging areas and mean daily foraging distances became increasingly large and variable. Colonies 3 & 4 exhibited foraging patterns similar to those observed for colonies 1 & 2 preceding migration. There was no clear association between 7 weather parameters examined and migration behavior. These data suggest that migration is influenced by an interaction of intra-colony demographics, food reserves and foraging patterns. Migration may be feasible only for those colonies that possess (1) a population of appropriate size and age structure to compensate for the natural attrition of older workers during the emigration process, and (2) sufficient food reserves for long-distance travel and the establishment of a new nest. Changing foraging patterns may reflect a deteriorating foraging environment, which may trigger the onset of migration preparations, provided that colony demographics and food reserves are conducive. Colonies that show decreased brood production, higher brood mortality and reduced food stores may be incapable of migrating, even when experiencing deteriorating foraging conditions. Rather, such colonies may have a greater chance of survival if they attempt to persist in a given area.  相似文献   

The fungus Ascosphaera apis is a worldwide fungal pathogen of honey bees. To provide tools for understanding the dispersal history of this pathogen, strain differences in virulence, and host-pathogen interactions, we used the draft genome assembly of A. apis to develop microsatellite loci for this species. We present testing results for 25 scorable loci revealing two to eight alleles per locus in a survey of Maryland isolates of this fungus.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. . An improved model for the repellent effect of pyrethroid insecticides on insects was developed using small colonies of honey bees, Apis mellifera L., in flight cages. Conditioning to scented feeders allowed the separation of foraging bees from a single colony into paired treatment and control groups. The repellent response was characterized as a sublethal toxic effect resulting in transitory inhibition of activity. Permethrin and cypermethrin were shown to be contact repellents to honey bees; exposure was primarily to the tarsi and abdominal venter. Repellency was fully reversible within 24 h. No permanent effects on either memory function or foraging efficiency were observed following acute exposure.  相似文献   

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