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We investigated the effects of different environmental factors on the distribution and abundance of 6 species of dasyurid marsupials using a multiple‐scale analysis. Data collected in the spinifex dunefields of the Simpson Desert, Australia, were analysed at 3 spatial scales spanning more than 5 orders of magnitude: “metasite” (covering an area of 1000–2000 km2), site (2–12 km2) and grid (0.01 km2). Temporal variability was also investigated, using data collected in March, April, and May in 4 consecutive years from 1997 to 2000. Both abiotic and biotic factors influenced the capture rates of different species at different times and spatial scales. At the coarsest spatial scale, Dasycercus cristicauda (mulgara) was consistently limited in its distribution by the intensity of rainfall, probably as an indirect result of increased grazing pressure from pastoral activity and a higher density of feral predators in high rainfall areas. However, at the finest spatial scale, this partly carnivorous species was scarce in areas of dense spinifex, perhaps because such habitats yield lowest returns during foraging, and was more common in areas where small invertebrate prey were abundant. Factors affecting the distribution of the most abundant dasyurid species in the study area, Sminthopsis youngsoni (lesser hairy‐footed dunnart), could not be identified at any scale; we conclude that this reflects the opportunistic foraging strategies and flexible habitat requirements of this insectivorous species. Both Ningaui ridei (wongai ningaui) and Sminthopsis hirtipes (hairy‐footed dunnart) were less abundant throughout the study region. For N. ridei, a spinifex specialist, predictors of occurrence could be identified only at the finest scale of analysis; at the grid level, a close positive association was detected in 2 of the 4 study years between capture rate and spinifex cover. For S. hirtipes, all 3 levels of spatial analysis revealed a negative association between capture rate and both rainfall and spinifex density. For the rarely‐caught S. crassicaudata (fat‐tailed dunnart) and Planigale tenuirostris (narrow‐nosed planigale), no clear results were obtained at any spatial scale, and we interpret this to indicate that the study region represents sub‐optimal habitat for these species. Given that different factors affected the distribution and abundance of dasyurids at different spatial scales over time, we conclude that a multiple‐scale approach to population and community analysis is vital to accurately identify which environmental processes shape population and community dynamics. Understanding the interplay between regional and local processes will be crucial for management of existing species populations and for prediction of their distributions and abundances in future.  相似文献   

In grassland systems across the globe, ecologists have been attempting to understand the complex role of fire, grazing and rainfall in creating habitat heterogeneity and the consequences of anthropogenic control of these factors on ecosystem integrity and functioning. Using a South African grassland ecosystem as a model, we investigated the impact of fire and grazing pressure on small mammal communities during three differing periods of a rainfall cycle. Over 2 years, 15,203 trap nights revealed 1598 captures of 11 species (nine rodents, one macroscelid and one insectivore). Results highlighted the importance of the interplay between factors and showed that the role of fire, grazing and rainfall in determining small mammal abundance was species-dependant. While no two species were affected by the same environmental variables, grass cover or height was important to 56% of species. Considered independently, high rainfall had a positive influence on small mammal abundance and diversity, although the lag period in population response was species-specific. High grazing negatively affected overall abundance, but specifically in Mastomys coucha; fire alone had little immediate impact on small mammal diversity. Six months after the fire, vegetation cover had recovered to similar levels as unburned areas, although small mammal diversity and richness were higher in burned areas than unburned areas. Grazing levels influenced the rate of vegetation recovery. In conclusion, low-level grazing and burning can help to maintain small mammal biodiversity, if conducted under appropriate rainfall levels. A too high grazing pressure, combined with fire, and/or fire conducted under drought conditions can have a negative impact on small mammal biodiversity. To maintain small mammal diversity in grassland ecosystems, the combined effects of the previous year’s rainfall and existing population level as well as the inhibition of vegetation recovery via grazing pressure need to be taken into consideration before fire management is applied. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Habitat spatial distribution, seasonal variation, and activity patterns influence changes in vertebrate assemblages over time. Terrestrial birds play major roles in the dynamics of tropical forests, but there are few effective methods to study these species due to their cryptic coloration and elusive behavior. We used camera‐trap data collected during 16 mo (February 2017–June 2018) to describe the terrestrial avifauna in southeastern Peru, assess to what extent the composition of terrestrial avifauna changes among seasons and across two major habitats (terra firme and floodplain forests), and determine daily activity patterns of terrestrial birds. We used overlap analyses to examine temporal co‐occurrence between ecologically similar and sympatric species. Camera traps recorded 16 species, including eight species in the family Tinamidae. Capture rates were highest for Pale‐winged Trumpeters (Psophia leucoptera; Psophiidae) and Gray‐fronted Doves (Leptolila rufaxilla; Columbidae). Species composition did not differ between habitats or seasons, and capture rates between habitats only differed for White‐throated Tinamous (Tinamus guttatus). Overlaps of activity patterns were high between ecologically similar species and species found in terra firme habitats (White‐throated Tinamous and Cinereous Tinamous, Crypturellus cinereus) and in both habitat types (Pale‐winged Trumpeters and Gray‐fronted Doves). Low numbers of captures of possibly locally rare or less abundant species hindered a complete analysis of spatial and seasonal patterns of terrestrial bird assemblages. We suggest a greater sampling effort and greater spatial replication to better understand the spatial and seasonal dynamics of the terrestrial avifauna. Further studies that assess the mechanisms that allow the coexistence of sympatric tinamous would be valuable, both in our study area and elsewhere. The use of camera traps in long‐term monitoring projects proved to be an effective tool for monitoring terrestrial birds, identifying cryptic and often rare animals to species level, and providing valuable ecological information at species and community levels.  相似文献   

A study on the ecology of rodents and insectivores on Mount Chilalo and the Galama Mountain range was conducted during August, 2007–April, 2008. Study grids were marked in nine randomly selected habitats. Sherman live traps and snap traps were used to capture the small mammals. A total of 2525 (including recaptures) individual rodents and insectivores were captured in 5488 (Sherman) and 1590 (snap) trap‐nights. Among the live‐trapped animals, 2037 (96.2%) and 80 (3.8%) were rodents and insectivores, respectively, that comprised 17 species. These were as follows: Arvicanthis abyssinicus, Arvicanthis blicki, Arvicanthis dembeensis, Lophuromys flavopunctatus, Lophuromys melanonyx, Mastomys natalensis, Mus mahomet, Otomys typus, Rattus rattus, Stenocephalemys albipes, Stenocephalemys albocaudata, Stenocephalemys griseicauda, Crocidura glassi, Crocidura flavescens and Crocidura thalia. Tachyoryctes splendens and Hystrix cristata were sighted but not captured. Endemics to Ethiopia constituted 60% of the trapped small mammals. Lophuromys flavopunctatus was the most abundant and widely distributed rodent species, while M. mahomet was the least. The altitudes between 3301 and 3400 m asl had the highest species composition and abundance although it is second in number of catches per trap‐nights. The majority of rodents and insectivores were associated with montane forest habitat, whereas the least were in the shrubland. Anthropogenic effects were witnessed affecting the distribution of small mammals.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the population dynamics, morphological characteristics, and diet of rodents on Rangitoto Island (Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand) to provide information for the future development of an eradication strategy. An aerial 1080 operation to eradicate possums and wallabies was carried out two months after the study began. The effects of this operation on rodent population dynamics are discussed. Both ship rats (Rattus rattus) and mice (Mus musculus) were trapped on Rangitoto Island over a 15 month period. A two month decline in mouse abundance was noticed following poisoning; following this the population recovered rapidly, reaching a Peak of 12 captures per hundred trap nights (12 C100TN(-l)) in autumn and then declining over winter. A longer decline in ship rat abundance was observed, although this reached a pre-poisoning level of 1.6 C100TN(-l) in April. Thereafter the population did not reach pre-poisoning levels again. Total body length and weight were significantly related to age, and were similar to those of mice and ship rats recorded in other New Zealand studies. The majority of breeding appeared to occur between September and May for both species. There was evidence of delayed reproductive maturity for female mice and mts born at the end of summer. A relatively large number of young mice were caught in autumn, with very few being caught in spring. Invertebrates were the major component of both species' diet, with weta (Hemideina thoracica) predominant, while plant matter was a minor constituent. The nematodes Physoloptera getula and Mastophorus muris were present in the stomachs of 22% of mice and 59% of ship rats.  相似文献   

To understand habitat preferences, seasonal abundance and diets of rodents in wet and dry season surveys were conducted in Alage, Southern Ethiopia. Sherman and snap traps were used to capture rodents from the four habitats: bushland, Acacia woodland, maize and wheat farmlands. A total of 3312 trap nights, from the four trapping habitats, yielded 776 individuals that represented 11 species of rodents. The distribution of rodents varied between habitats and seasons. Wet season rodent abundance was 52.3% while in the dry season it was 47.7%. Seasonal differences in species abundance were insignificant. Bushland habitat had high wet and dry season abundances with 137 and 211 individuals, respectively. Abundance was low in maize farm (57 individuals) in the wet season and wheat farm (10 individuals) in the dry season. Stomach content composition analysis of snap‐trapped rodents from different habitats showed differences between species and across seasons. Six rodent species were recorded as pests on the farmlands in this study area. In conclusion, variation in habitat preferences and diet of rodents in different habitats and across seasons might be due to the role of ground cover and food sources.  相似文献   

A commonly reported pattern in large herbivores is their propensity to irrupt and crash when colonizing new areas. However, the relative role of density‐dependence, climate, and cohort effects on demographic rates in accounting for the irruptive dynamics of large herbivores remains unclear. Using a 37‐yr time series of abundance in a mouflon Ovis aries population located on Haute Island, a sub‐Antarctic island of Kerguelen, 1) we investigated if irruptive dynamics occurred and 2) we quantified the relative effects of density and climate on mouflon population dynamics. Being released in a new environment, we expected mouflon to show rapid growth and marked over‐compensation. In support of this prediction, we found a two‐phase dynamics, the first phase being characterised by an irruptive pattern best described by the θ‐Caughley model. Parameter estimates were rm=0.29±0.005(maximum growth rate), K=473±45 (carrying capacity) and S=2903±396 (surplus) mouflon. With a θ=3.18±0.69 our model also supported the hypothesis that density dependence is strongest at high density in large herbivores. The second phase was characterised by an unstable dynamics where growth rate was negatively affected by population abundance and winter precipitation. Climate, however, did not trigger population crashes and our model suggested that lagged density‐dependence and over‐grazing were the probable causes of mouflon irruptive dynamics. We compare our results with those of Soay sheep and discuss the possibility of a reversible alteration of the island carrying capacity after the initial over‐grazing period.  相似文献   

One potential, unintended ecological consequence accompanying forest restoration is a shift in invasive animal populations, potentially impacting conservation targets. Eighteen years after initial restoration (ungulate exclusion, invasive plant control, and out planting native species) at a 4 ha site on Maui, Hawai'i, we compared invasive rodent communities in a restored native dry forest and adjacent non‐native grassland. Quarterly for 1 year, we trapped rodents on three replicate transects (107 rodent traps) in each habitat type for three consecutive nights. While repeated trapping may have reduced the rat (Black rat, Rattus rattus) population in the forest, it did not appear to reduce the mouse (House mouse, Mus musculus) population in the grassland. In unrestored grassland, mouse captures outnumbered rat captures 220:1, with mice averaging 54.9 indiv./night versus rats averaging 0.25 indiv./night. In contrast, in restored native forest, rat captures outnumbered mouse captures by nearly 5:1, averaging 9.0 indiv./night versus 1.9 indiv./night for mice. Therefore, relatively recent native forest restoration increased Black rat abundance and also increased their total biomass in the restored ecosystem 36‐fold while reducing House mouse biomass 35‐fold. Such a community shift is worrisome because Black rats pose a much greater threat than do mice to native birds and plants, perhaps especially to large‐seeded tree species. Land managers should be aware that forest restoration (i.e. converting grassland to native forest) can invoke shifts in invasive rodent populations, potentially favoring Black rats. Without intervention, this shift may pose risks for intended conservation targets and modify future forest restoration trajectories.  相似文献   

Assessing small mammal diversity is a common procedure, which usually employs widespread standard techniques, for gathering information for a wide range of studies. Traditional methods, however, may be biased against capturing arboreal marsupials, such as Dromiciops gliroides, an endemic marsupial currently considered a rare species in the Patagonian temperate rainforest due to the low abundances reported previously. I tested a new capturing methodology to assess the small mammal diversity of an old-growth forest in Patagonia, based on a randomized and balanced design, which incorporated a combination of different trap types, bait types, and placement heights. The proposed methodology included four trap types (two for live-capturing: wire-mesh and Sherman traps, and two sign-recording traps for tracks and hair), two types of bait (banana and rolled oats), and two trap placements (ground level and 1.5–2.5 m above the ground). Trap type, bait type, and height of placement all had significantly different effects on capturing and detecting rodents or marsupials; environmental variables at the trap location also affected the ability to detect rodents and marsupials. Traditional methods used for sampling small mammals performed well for rodents but are not effective for capturing marsupials and vice versa, showing species-specific sampling protocols. There is no single combination of trap-bait-height capable to assess the entire small mammal community, but the combination of the most effective protocol for rodents and the most effective protocol for marsupials guarantee better results.  相似文献   

1. The thermal response of isolated perfused hearts of four dasyurid marsupials was determined and compared with that of two rodents. 2. Heart beat rate was strongly temperature dependent in all species. 3. The temperature of cardiac arrest in the species investigated in the present study and of others collected from the literature occurred at a mean of about 13 degrees C in homeotherms, 7 degrees C in daily heterotherms, and 1 degrees C in hibernators. 4. For both marsupials and placentals the temperature of cardiac arrest in hibernators and daily heterotherms correlated with the minimum body temperature during torpor.  相似文献   

Irruptive population dynamics are characteristic of a wide range of fauna in the world's arid (dryland) regions. Recent evidence indicates that regional persistence of irruptive species, particularly small mammals, during the extensive dry periods of unpredictable length that occur between resource pulses in drylands occurs as a result of the presence of refuge habitats or refuge patches into which populations contract during dry (bust) periods. These small dry‐period populations act as a source of animals when recolonisation of the surrounding habitat occurs during and after subsequent resource pulses (booms). The refuges used by irruptive dryland fauna differ in temporal and spatial scale from the refugia to which species contract in response to changing climate. Refuges of dryland fauna operate over timescales of months and years, whereas refugia operate on timescales of millennia over which evolutionary divergence may occur. Protection and management of refuge patches and refuge habitats should be a priority for the conservation of dryland‐dwelling fauna. This urgency is driven by recognition that disturbance to refuges can lead to the extinction of local populations and, if disturbance is widespread, entire species. Despite the apparent significance of dryland refuges for conservation management, these sites remain poorly understood ecologically. Here, we synthesise available information on the refuges of dryland‐dwelling fauna, using Australian mammals as a case study to provide focus, and document a research agenda for increasing this knowledge base. We develop a typology of refuges that recognises two main types of refuge: fixed and shifting. We outline a suite of models of fixed refuges on the basis of stability in occupancy between and within successive bust phases of population cycles. To illustrate the breadth of refuge types we provide case studies of refuge use in three species of dryland mammal: plains mouse (Pseudomys australis), central rock‐rat (Zyzomys pedunculatus), and spinifex hopping‐mouse (Notomys alexis). We suggest that future research should focus on understanding the species‐specific nature of refuge use and the spatial ecology of refuges with a focus on connectivity and potential metapopulation dynamics. Assessing refuge quality and understanding the threats to high‐quality refuge patches and habitat should also be a priority. To facilitate this understanding we develop a three‐step methodology for determining species‐specific refuge location and habitat attributes. This review is necessarily focussed on dryland mammals in continental Australia where most refuge‐based research has been undertaken. The applicability of the refuge concept and the importance of refuges for dryland fauna conservation elsewhere in the world should be investigated. We predict that refuge‐using mammals will be widespread particularly among dryland areas with unpredictable rainfall patterns.  相似文献   

The recent commentary by Woinarski (2014, Global Ecology and Biogeography, doi: 10.1111/geb.12165) disagreed with our conclusions on the correlates of decline in the marsupials of tropical Australia (Fisher et al., 2014, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23 , 181–190). We compared traits of species that were associated with range decline in southern and northern Australia. We found that habitat structure, climate and body size were correlated with range decline. In the north, declines of marsupials were most severe in savanna with moderate rainfall. In the south, the ranges of species in open habitat with very low rainfall have declined most. Also, the association between range decline and body mass differed between north and south: this is the main concern of Woinarski, who further disagreed with our choice of the Tropic of Capricorn as a boundary between north and south, our omission of rodents, how to treat timing of extinctions, and our inference that cats are major drivers of decline. We address these concerns in this response.  相似文献   

We compared the trappability of marked and unmarked individuals in species of marsupials and rodents of three tropical assemblages of small mammals in Brazil. Two studies used trapping grids, one in cerrado and the other in an Atlantic forest reserve, whereas the study in a rural area used transects. In the two studies using trapping grids, marked animals were frequently more trappable than unmarked ones, but in some species this difference was not significant. In the rural area, marked and unmarked animals did not differ significantly. The number of recaptures per resident animal was higher in the two studies using trapping grids than in the rural area where transects were used. Differences in trappability between the three studies might have been caused by differences not only in trapping design (grids vs. transects), but also in the type of trap used, bait, and habitat. Although differential trappability tends to be considered the rule in small mammals, these results suggest that trappability of marked and unmarked animals may be specific for the particular combination of sampling design, field methods, and habitat under study.  相似文献   

An alternative interpretation is provided of the concepts of carrying capacity and exchange ratios, particularly suitable for game animal species, based on management models for a given area of rangeland or pasture. It involves modelling animal population dynamics as discrete‐time logistic equations. Carrying capacity is then generated endogenously using rainfall as a proxy. The model interaction parameters, also generated endogenously, represent the animal exchange ratios. Because these two parameters are generated endogenously, this approach takes into account all the animals' habitat requirements (food, cover, water and space) simultaneously, unlike other approaches that tend to consider food requirements only. This makes the approach amenable to multi‐species situations. It also captures the ecological definition of population growth models where the realized rather than the theoretical carrying capacity is determined endogenously.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Changes in the composition and abundance of 5 marsupial and 3 eutherian mammal species, and of their helminth communities pre- and post-perturbation by wildfire at Nadgee and Timbillica State Forests in southeastern coastal New South Wales during the period September 1977 to September 1985 are reported.
  • 2.2.Dasyurid marsupials (Antechinus stuartii, Antechinus swainsonii and Sminthopsis leucopus), peramelid marsupials (Perameles nasuta and Isoodon obesulus) and native eutherian rodents (Rattus fuscipes and Rattus lutreolus) occurred pre-fire. These species and the introduced house mouse (Mus musculus) occurred post-fire.
  • 3.3. All host taxa harboured a diverse helminth fauna dominated by nematodes. The helminth communities in A. stuartii, A. swainsonii, S. leucopus and R. lutreolus represented more than 70%, those in P. nasuta, R. fuscipes and M. musculus represented more than 50% and that in I. obesulus represented less than 40% of the total helminth faunas known to occur in these hosts throughout their geographic ranges in Australia.
  • 4.4. Adult nematodes of Capillaria sp. 11 and Tetrabothriostrongylus mackerrasae occurred in all host groups, those of Peramelistrongylus skedastos occurred in both marsupial groups but not in rodents, larval stages of the ascaridoid nematode Ophidascaris robertsi occurred in all host groups and physalopterid nematode larvae believed to be Abbreviata spp. occurred in dasyurid marsupials and in rodents but not in peramelid marsupials.
  • 5.5. Four helminth communities were recognised: one in the dasyurid marsupials, a second in the peramelid marsupials, a third in the native rodents and a fourth in the introduced house mouse.
  • 6.6. Differences in the helminth communities in host taxa pre- and post-wildfire were associated with the ecological strategies of the hosts and their roles as opportunistic invaders (M. musculus), fire-enhanced species (S. leucopus) or slow recolonisers (P. nasuta) post-perturbation by wildfire.

Birgitta Aava 《Oikos》2001,93(2):205-212
Frequency distributions of mammal body sizes in large‐scale assemblages have often been found to show a positive skew. In an attempt to explain this pattern, a model has been put forward which incorporates energetic constraints on fitness and thereby predicts optimal body sizes corresponding to the mode of the distribution. A key assumption of the model is that energy is unlimited. However, if energy is limited, the input of energy into a herbivorous mammal community should influence the shape of the frequency distribution. Thus, I propose that increases in primary productivity will decrease the variation of body size and increase the mean body size in a distribution. So, in low‐productivity environments we should see a predominance of small‐sized species, but with a great variation of body sizes due to limitations of resources (energy). I tested this hypothesis using the herbivorous mammal fauna (rodents, bats and marsupials) in seven biomes of Australia. Because herbivorous marsupials generally are fairly large‐bodied while rodents and bats are small‐sized and because marsupials also have a different mode of reproduction from placental mammals, the hypothesis was also tested on placental mammals and marsupials separately. There was no clear mode for the entire assemblage in any biome, but as primary productivity increased, the variation of body masses decreased and the mean body mass of the distribution increased. Body mass distributions of both placental mammals and marsupials displayed clear modes. Placental mammals also showed an increase in mean body mass. The variation in body mass of marsupials was highest for the intermediately productive biomes. Primary productivity does seem to have some effect on mammalian body mass in this case, but the results here need to be complemented with studies of other assemblages before any general conclusions can be drawn. It is also important to distinguish which taxa are affected in a heterogeneous assemblage like the Australian herbivorous mammal fauna.  相似文献   

Interactions between large herbivores and their food supply are central to the study of population dynamics. We assessed temporal and spatial patterns in meadow plant biomass over a 23‐year period for meadow complexes that were spatially linked to three distinct populations of Roosevelt elk (Cervus elaphus roosevelti) in northwestern California. Our objectives were to determine whether the plant community exhibited a tolerant or resistant response when elk population growth became irruptive. Plant biomass for the three meadow complexes inhabited by the elk populations was measured using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), which was derived from Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper imagery. Elk populations exhibited different patterns of growth through the time series, whereby one population underwent a complete four‐stage irruptive growth pattern while the other two did not. Temporal changes in NDVI for the meadow complex used by the irruptive population suggested a decline in forage biomass during the end of the dry season and a temporal decline in spatial variation of NDVI at the peak of plant biomass in May. Conversely, no such patterns were detected in the meadow complexes inhabited by the nonirruptive populations. Our findings suggest that the meadow complex used by the irruptive elk population may have undergone changes in plant community composition favoring plants that were resistant to elk grazing.  相似文献   

Epigeal movement of smoky shrewsSorex fumeus (Miller, 1895) following precipitation was examined in two habitats with different moisture conditions. Shrews and invertebrates were collected in pitfall traps over several consecutive nights each month from August to November 1996 and from March to August 1997. Capture rates of smoky shrews significantly increased following rainfall at dry ridgetop sites (p=0.001) but not at moist streamside sites (p=0.335). In mesic environments, favorable conditions on the forest floor not associated with precipitation may increase movements of shrews. Available invertebrate biomass did not increase significantly with rainfall in either habitat type (p=0.121 and 0.368). Increased surface activity by smoky shrews after rain events is probably related more to their ecophysiology than to increased prey availability.  相似文献   

Abstract Most ecologists are comfortable with the notion of habitats as recognizable entities and also with situations where the junction between two adjacent habitats forms a discrete edge. Such edges form naturally because of sharp changes in important edaphic, geomorphological, climatic or chemical properties to which plants, in particular, respond. Less clear is the effect of such edges on assemblages of mobile organisms, especially invertebrates that operate at relatively small spatial scales. The objective of the present study was to sample invertebrate composition across a natural edge between a well‐developed riparian habitat on fluvial sands and a saltbush habitat developed on a stony gibber plain in a semi‐arid region of New South Wales, Australia. A total of 150 pitfall traps on five 1‐km‐long transects that straddled the edge produced more than 13 000 adult specimens from 21 ordinal invertebrate taxa. A total of 10 446 beetle, ant, wasp, fly and springtail specimens were further sorted into 426 morphospecies. Comparisons and estimates of trends in abundance and richness were made, along with computation of multivariate dissimilarity and permutation statistics, to determine if the land system edge was coincident with changes in invertebrate abundance and composition. These analyses were unable to detect disjunctions in diversity coincident with the edge. The data suggest that many taxa are either present consistently in both habitats or are mostly found in one habitat but ‘leak’ several hundred metres across into the other. Few taxa were unique to either habitat. The result is that assemblage composition for invertebrates changes gradually over distances of up to 400 m either side of the edge and that the distance to a recognizable change in composition is taxon dependent. Even sharp habitat edges, as defined by discrete changes in soils and plants, are not edges but broad transition zones for many invertebrate taxa. There are several implications of these results, especially for landscape ecology.  相似文献   

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