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Aims We aim to quantify the relative importance of various endogenous and exogenous processes influencing the spatial distribution of the individuals of plant species at different temporal and spatial scales in a species-rich and high-cover meadow in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.Methods We calculated Green's index of dispersion to infer the spatial distribution patterns of 73 herbaceous species at two scales (0.25 and 1.0 m 2). We constructed a series of generalized linear models to test the hypotheses that different species traits such as mean plant stem density, per capita dry biomass, maximum plant height and mean seed mass contribute to their spatial distribution. We used the first principal component of soil C, N and P to explain abundance variation across quadrats and sub-plots.Important findings The individuals of the species studied were highly spatially aggregated. At both spatial scales, biomass and stem density explained the most variation in aggregation, but there was no evidence for an effect of mean seed mass on aggregation intensity. The effects of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus at different depths affected plant abundance mostly at the broader spatial scale. Our results demonstrate that self-thinning and habitat heterogeneity all contribute to determine the spatial aggregation patterns of plant individuals in alpine meadow vegetation in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

桃园害虫及天敌群落动态研究   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:30  
通过对桃园害虫天敌群落的系统调查,应用主分量分析法、最优分割法和模糊聚类分析方法进行分析.结果表明,群落具有明显的主导因素和时间格局;对桃园节肢动物群落55种节肢动物的数量变化进行模糊聚类分析,选置信水平λ=0.47,将其分为4个时期,利用最优分割法,将害虫天敌的发生量分为3段,利用主分量分析法,明确了主要害虫及其天敌种类.  相似文献   

Many factors including pest natural enemy ratios, starting densities, timings of natural enemy releases, dosages and timings of insecticide applications and instantaneous killing rates of pesticides on both pests and natural enemies can affect the success of IPM control programmes. To address how such factors influence successful pest control, hybrid impulsive pest-natural enemy models with different frequencies of pesticide sprays and natural enemy releases were proposed and analyzed. With releasing both more or less frequent than the sprays, a stability threshold condition for a pest eradication periodic solution is provided. Moreover, the effects of times of spraying pesticides (or releasing natural enemies) and control tactics on the threshold condition were investigated with regard to the extent of depression or resurgence resulting from pulses of pesticide applications. Multiple attractors from which the pest population oscillates with different amplitudes can coexist for a wide range of parameters and the switch-like transitions among these attractors showed that varying dosages and frequencies of insecticide applications and the numbers of natural enemies released are crucial. To see how the pesticide applications could be reduced, we developed a model involving periodic releases of natural enemies with chemical control applied only when the densities of the pest reached the given Economic Threshold. The results indicate that the pest outbreak period or frequency largely depends on the initial densities and the control tactics.  相似文献   

1. Egg parasitoids in the genus Anagrus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) are important mortality factors for grape leafhoppers ( Erythroneura elegantula ; Homoptera: Cicadellidae) in California vineyards, yet must overwinter in habitats external to these vineyards. Existing evidence suggests that French prune trees, which harbour the overwintering host Edwardsiana prunicola , planted adjacent to vineyards may enhance early-season abundance of Anagrus.
2. Anagrus overwintering in French prune tree refuges were labelled with the trace element rubidium in four separate experiments. Rubidium-labelled Anagrus were captured in adjacent vineyards in two of the experiments, confirming that French prune trees contribute to early-season Anagrus populations. Anagrus from refuges were captured at the most distant sampling positions, 100 m from refuges.
3. Use of rare element labelling has, for the first time, enabled the relative contribution of different sources to early-season colonization by this parasitoid to be quantified. Refuges contributed 1% and 34% of Anagrus colonizing two of the experimental vineyards, respectively. The remainder originated from overwintering habitats external to the French prune/vineyard system.
4. The spatial patterns of Anagrus originating from external overwintering habitats suggest that the French prune trees are generating a 'windbreak effect'. Anagrus dispersing within the windstream colonized vineyards at a higher-than-average rate immediately downwind of refuges.
5. The amount of colonization by Anagrus from external overwintering habitats was apparently related to the distance to presumed overwintering habitats. These findings demonstrate that both the number of natural enemies emerging from a refuge and the composition of the surrounding landscape are important in determining the impact of local, small-scale habitat manipulations.  相似文献   

This 3-yr study examined the use of two different apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, pest management programs based on horticultural mineral oil. Whereas oil provided some additional control of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), when targeting eggs of both generations (Oil/Direct Pest program, typically six applications per season), the additional benefit was difficult to detect when densities were high. With moderate densities, oil reduced the number of fruit infestations, but not stings (unsuccessful entries). There also were some measurable benefits to leafroller, Pandemis pyrusana Kearfott control. Oil was most useful, however, in suppression of secondary pests. White apple leafhopper, Typhlocyba pomaria McAtee, was the primary target of oil applications in the Oil/Indirect Pest program (typically three applications per season). However, leafhopper suppression in the Oil/Direct Pest program was generally greater because of the higher number of applications. Phytophagous tetranychid and eriophyid mites also were suppressed by more oil applications. Predatory mite populations were lower in both oil programs than in the check, but it is difficult to determine whether direct toxicity or reduction of prey was responsible for lower predator populations. There also was some evidence that oil suppressed woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum Hausman. The six-spray oil program largely prevented a woolly apple aphid outbreak that occurred in July and August 1998 in the check, although the three-spray program seemed to provide some suppression despite the nonspecific spray timing.  相似文献   

Studies in polytunnels were conducted to investigate the effects of ultraviolet (UV)‐blocking films on naturally occurring insect pests and their arthropod natural enemies on a cucumber crop. Within tunnels clad with Antibotrytis (blocks light < 400 nm) and UVI/EVA (UV transmitting), 5.8 and 23.4 times more aphids, respectively, were recorded on traps compared with those on traps within tunnels clad with XL 385 (blocks light < 385 nm). When all plants within the UVI/EVA tunnels had become heavily infested with aphids, half of the plants in XL 385 tunnels were uninfested. More Coleoptera and thrips (approximately two times) were recorded under the UVI/EVA film than under the UV‐blocking films, but for other arthropod pests (e.g. whitefly, leafhoppers), clear conclusions could not be drawn as low numbers were recorded. Substantial numbers of chalcid parasitoids and syrphids were found under the UV‐blocking films, but further research is needed to evaluate fully the effect of such films on biological control of aphids. Higher syrphid numbers and more aphid mummies were recorded under the UVI/EVA film, probably because of the higher numbers of aphids present in tunnels clad with this film. The potential that UV‐blocking films have as an effective component of commercial Integrated Pest Management (IPM) systems, for protected horticultural crops, is discussed.  相似文献   

An aggregated distribution of dispersed seeds may influence the colonization process in tree communities via inflated spatial uncertainty. To evaluate this possibility, we studied 10 tree species in a temperate forest: one primarily barochorous, six anemochorous and two endozoochorous species. A statistical model was developed by combining an empirical seed dispersal kernel with a gamma distribution of seedfall density, with parameters that vary with distance. In the probability density, the fitted models showed that seeds of Fagaceae (primarily barochorous) and Betulaceae (anemochorous) were disseminated locally (i.e. within 60 m of a mother tree), whereas seeds of Acer (anemochorous) and endozoochorous species were transported farther. Greater fecundity compensated for the lower probability of seed dispersal over long distances for some species. Spatial uncertainty in seedfall density was much greater within 60 m of a mother tree than farther away, irrespective of dispersal mode, suggesting that seed dispersal is particularly aggregated in the vicinity of mother trees. Simulation results suggested that such seed dispersal patterns could lead to sites in the vicinity of a tree being occupied by other species that disperse seeds from far away. We speculate that this process could promote coexistence by making the colonization rates of the species more similar on average and equalizing species fitness in this temperate forest community.  相似文献   

1. Mazerolle et al. (2006) concluded that some aquatic invertebrate species, including bog‐associated species, readily colonise man‐made bog pools. In contrast, in Dutch bog remnants Van Duinen et al. (2003) found that a considerable number of bog‐associated species do not colonise newly created bog pools. 2. The conclusion of Mazerolle et al. (2006) is based on vagile aquatic invertebrates. Here, we question whether their conclusion can be extended to more sedentary species, which were not captured in the Canadian study, but made up an important part of the invertebrate assemblage in the Dutch study. This discrepancy could be caused by sampling artefacts, low colonisation rates of these species or an incomplete restoration of site conditions. 3. In Canada, chances of recolonisation may be higher than in the Netherlands, as natural and near‐natural bogs are more extensive. In the Netherlands, with low chances of recolonisation, persistence of species may be more important. To disentangle the relative importance of persistence and recolonisation, evaluations of the success of restoration projects need to cover the entire invertebrate assemblage, including both vagile and more sedentary species.  相似文献   

Aim Urbanization is a leading threat to global biodiversity, yet little is known about how the spatial arrangement and composition of biophysical elements – buildings and vegetation – within a metropolitan area influence habitat selection. Here, we ask: what is the relative importance of the structure and composition of these elements on bird species across multiple spatial scales? Location The temperate metropolitan area of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Methods We surveyed breeding birds on 71 plots along an urban gradient. We modelled relative density for 48 bird species in relation to local woody vegetation composition and structure and to tree cover, grass cover and building density within 50–1000 m of each plot. We used an information‐theoretic approach to compare models and variables. Results At the proximate scale, native tree and understory stem frequency were the most important vegetation variables explaining bird distributions. Species’ responses to landscape biophysical features and spatial scales varied. Most native species responded positively to vegetation measures and negatively to building density. Models combining both local vegetation and landscape information represented best or competitive models for the majority of species, while models containing only local vegetation characteristics were rarely competitive. Smaller spatial scales (≤ 500 m) were most important for 36 species, and eight species had best models at larger scales (> 500 m); however, several species had competitive models across multiple scales. Main conclusions Habitat selection by birds within the urban matrix is the result of a combination of factors operating at both proximate and broader spatial scales. Efforts to manage and design urban areas to benefit native birds require both fine‐scale (e.g., individual landowners and landscape design) and larger landscape actions (e.g., regional comprehensive planning).  相似文献   

Dispersal is an important influence on species' distributions, patch colonization and population persistence in fragmented habitat. We studied the impacts of habitat fragmentation resulting from establishment of an exotic pine plantation on dispersal of the marsupial carnivore, Antechinus agilis. We applied spatial analyses of individual multilocus microsatellite genotypes and mitochondrial haplotypes to study patterns of gene flow in fragmented habitat and natural habitat 'control' areas, and how this is affected by the spatial dispersion of habitat patches, the presence of corridors and a 'mainland' source of migrants. Spatial analysis of molecular variance and partial Mantel tests confirmed the absence of cryptic barriers to gene flow in continuous habitat, which if present would confound the comparison of genetic structures in fragmented vs. unfragmented habitats. Spatial genotypic structure suggested that although dispersal was male-biased in both habitat types, fragmentation restricted dispersal of males more than that of females and the degree of restriction of male dispersal was dependent on the geographical isolation of the patch. The scale of positive genotypic structure in fragmented habitat was restricted to the two closest patches for females and the three closest patches for males. Our results provide evidence for significantly increased gene flow through habitat corridors relative to that across the matrix and for significantly lower gene flow between 'mainland' unfragmented habitat and habitat patches relative to that within either habitat type, suggesting a behavioural barrier to crossing habitat interfaces.  相似文献   

Abstract In the presence of permanent spatial heterogeneity, local dispersal, especially short‐range dispersal, can facilitate coexistence by concentrating low‐density species in the areas where their rates of increase are higher. We present a framework for predicting the effects of local dispersal on coexistence for arbitrary forms of dispersal and arbitrary spatial patterns of environmental variation. Using the lottery model as an example, we find that local dispersal contributes to coexistence by enhancing the effects of environmental variation on scales longer than typical dispersal distances, which can be characterized solely by the variance of the dispersal kernel. Higher moments of the dispersal kernel are not important.  相似文献   

The influence that vegetation diversity and the spatial scale of that diversity exert on insect behavior has increasingly been explored in the ecological literature, but relatively few experiments have explicitly incorporated both factors in experimental treatments. We conducted a field study designed to explore the effect of both of these factors on insect movement behavior in a broccoli agroecosystem. We caught and released seven‐spotted ladybird beetles (Coccinella septempunctata L.) in plots containing different degrees of vegetation diversity at two different spatial scales in which prey had been removed. Beetle movement was recorded at timed intervals, and move lengths and turning angles were used to generate discrete path maps for each beetle. Observed mean beetle net squared displacements were compared with predicted net squared displacements, and 95% confidence intervals were generated using a bootstrap method described by Turchin (1998 ) [Quantitative Analysis of Movement: Measuring and Modeling Population Redistribution in Animals and Plants. Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, MA.]. Predicted net squared displacements underestimated beetle movement in smaller plots with both low and higher vegetation diversity for the first five move lengths, whereas no significant difference between observed and predicted net squared displacement for beetles in larger plots of either level of vegetation diversity were detected. These findings highlight the need for a better understanding of how natural enemies are influenced by vegetation diversity and the spatial scale of that vegetation in agroecosystems. The implications of these results for biological control are discussed.  相似文献   

The color of noise and the evolution of dispersal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The process of dispersal is vital for the long-term persistence of all species and hence is a ubiquitous characteristic of living organisms. A present challenge is to increase our understanding of the factors that govern the dispersal rate of individuals. Here I extend previous work by incorporating both spatial and temporal heterogeneity in terms of patch quality into a spatially explicit lattice model. The spatial heterogeneity is modeled as a two-dimensional fractal landscape, while temporal heterogeneity is included by using one-dimensional noise. It was found that the color of both the spatial and temporal variability influences the rate of dispersal selected as reddening of the temporal noise leads to a reduction in dispersal, while reddening of spatial variability results in an increase in the dispersal rate. These results demonstrate that the color of environmental noise should be considered in future studies looking at the evolution of life history characteristics.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a fundamental process in ecology because it influences the dynamics, genetic structure and persistence of populations. Furthermore, understanding the evolutionary causes of dispersal pattern, particularly when they differ between genders, is still a major question in evolutionary ecology. Using a panel of 10 microsatellite loci, we investigated at different spatial scales the genetic structure and the sex-specific dispersal patterns in the common vole Microtus arvalis, a small colonial mammal. This study was conducted in an intensive agricultural area of western France. Hierarchical FST analyses, relatedness and assignment tests suggested (i) that females are strongly kin-clustered within colonies; (ii) that dispersal is strongly male-biased at a local scale; and (iii) long-distance dispersal is not rare and more balanced between genders. We conclude that males migrate continuously from colony to colony to reproduce, whereas females may disperse just once and would be mainly involved in new colony foundation.  相似文献   

1. We examined the response of a predatory benthic fish, the longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ), to patchiness in the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates on cobbles at three hierarchical spatial scales during summer and autumn 1996, and spring 1997 in a southern Appalachian stream. 2. At the primary scale (four to five individual cobbles separated by <1 m), the intensity of foraging was not correlated with the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble, regardless of season. 3. At the secondary scale (i.e. foraging patches <5 m in diameter) we found that benthic macroinvertebrates were patchily distributed in summer, but not in autumn or spring. Concomitantly, in summer, longnose dace foraged on cobbles with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macronvertebrates than nearby, randomly selected cobbles with similar physical conditions (i.e. longnose dace tended to avoid low-prey foraging patches). In contrast, when benthic macroinvertebrates were distributed homogeneously (spring and autumn), dace did not select patches with a significantly higher biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates than that available on randomly selected cobbles. 4. At the tertiary scale (i.e. stream reaches 11–19 m long), the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates (per cobble per reach) was patchily distributed (i.e. differed significantly among reaches) in all seasons. Among reaches with physical characteristics preferred by longnose dace, (i.e. erosional reaches dominated by cobble/boulder substratum and high current velocity), we detected a significant, positive correlation between the biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates/cobble and longnose dace density in all seasons. 5. Our results demonstrated that both spatial and temporal patchiness in resource availability influenced significantly the use of both foraging patches and stream reaches by longnose dace.  相似文献   


In many agricultural landscapes, significant biodiversity gains can be made by improving the ecological condition of degraded remnants of semi‐natural habitat. Recent emphasis has been on the level of management intervention required to initiate vegetation recovery in small forest remnants, but no comparable emphasis has been placed on benefits for invertebrate communities. In the Waikato region, New Zealand, we tested the effects of livestock exclusion, mammalian pest control, and their interaction, on leaf‐litter invertebrate communities in 30 forest remnants, using a space‐for‐time substitution approach. A total of 87 376 invertebrates were extracted from 964 leaf‐litter samples. Invertebrate density was an order of magnitude lower in remnants than in nearby large forest reserves. For key taxa, such as Diplopoda, Isopoda, Coleoptera and Mollusca, 10‐ to 100‐fold lower densities were recorded in remnants with no pest control, particularly where livestock were not excluded. By contrast, other taxa such as Thysanoptera and For‐micidae (Hymenoptera) had up to 100‐fold greater densities in remnants with recent stock exclusion and pest control. These changes led to a significant livestock exclusion x pest control interaction effect on the degree of invertebrate community dissimilarity between forest remnants and forest reserves. Using structural equation modelling, we found that treatment effects were largely mediated by a cascading series of indirect causal paths involving altered soil chemistry, vegetation composition, and litter mass relative to large forest reserves, although the livestock exclusion × pest control interaction was inadvertently confounded with differing slopes and areas of remnants in different treatments. Livestock exclusion and mammalian pest control have significant, but contrasting, effects on invertebrates in the first 10–20 years following livestock exclusion from forest remnants, with mammalian pest control having limited benefit for the leaf‐litter invertebrate fauna without livestock exclusion.  相似文献   

红富士苹果园害虫与天敌群落的定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用多元分析方法对烟台市牟平区红富士苹果园害虫与天敌群落进行了定量分析,采用最优分割法将苹果害虫与天敌群落的时序结构分为5个阶段,并分析了各个时序段害虫及天敌的发生特点.对害虫亚群落、捕食性天敌亚群落和寄生性天敌亚群落进行了主成分和因子分析,明确了不同时期起主要作用的害虫及其天敌种类.典型相关分析表明,主要害虫及其天敌类群之间存在显著相关性,其中金纹细蛾与其寄生蜂、绣线菊蚜与其寄生蜂、山楂叶螨与其专一性捕食性天敌深点颏瓢虫和东方钝绥螨之间的相关性高.  相似文献   

In a previous study, a model of landscape heterogeneity was developed and applied to a spatially structured wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) population. That study showed clearly the influence of resource heterogeneity on connectivity levels. The simulation study was based on female movements and used population genetic validation data appropriate for a female study. Most models assume that males and females will exhibit similar patterns, although this has rarely been tested. In the current study we extend the analysis to consider differences between female and male connectivity in the same spatially structured pest system. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were screened on the same samples used previously for mtDNA analysis. The mtDNA data were used to validate female results, and AFLP data were used to validate combined male and female results. Connectivity patterns from the two simulations (female, and combined male and female) connectivity patterns showed no association. However, each was concordant with appropriate validation data, showing highly significant associations between pairwise population connectivity and the genetic data. A relative connectivity metric for the combined simulation was regressed against the mean of pairwise ΦST values, with almost 70% of the variation explained by a linear model. Demonstrating differential effects of habitat heterogeneity on male and female connectivity provides further evidence that spatial resource heterogeneity impacts on connectivity. Understanding differences in population connectivity will allow improved predictions of disease spread, local extinctions and recolonizations. Furthermore, modelling such differences in pest systems will allow management plans to be better targeted, for example by strategically introducing diseases for control purposes into populations which exhibit high male connectivity to aid spread, but low female connectivity to inhibit recolonization potential after control.  相似文献   

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