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Regeneration from Anthurium scherzerianum leaf segments was found to be highly dependent on genotype and leaf age. Of the various medium factors tested, the NH4NO3 level had the most significant effect on callus and shoot formation from leaf tissue. A low level of NH4NO3 (200 mg/l) proved beneficial to the induction of regeneration in all genotypes investigated. As compared to induction, multiplication of callus and shoots in subcultures was less susceptible to the action of various medium factors. After isolation from callus, shoots readily formed roots in the absence of growth regulators. High NH4NO3 level (720 mg/l) strongly accelerated root formation. Rooting ability progressively decreased as a consequence of repeated shoot multiplication in the presence of benzyladenine (BA) as sole growth regulator. The advantages and limitations of different micropropagation schemes are discussed.  相似文献   

A method of calculating relative growth rates (RGR) and net assimilation rates is presented. The method is based on the fitting of a polynomial through the relative growth rate values calculated by the 'classical' approach rather than through the In-transformed plant weights as in the 'functional' method. Additional ways of reducing the harvest-to-harvest variation characteristic of the classical approach are discussed. The main advantages of the present approach over the functional one are: (1) The degree of the polynomial can be increased (within certain limits) without inducing spurious fluctuations in RGR. Thus, quite complex trends in RGR can be described. (2) There is little interference between RGR values in different parts of the experiment. The main advantages over the classical approach are: (1) The erratic fluctuations in RGR are dampened. (2) As frequent small harvests are allowed, the workload at each harvest can be diminished and a more reliable impression of ontogenetic drift in RGR can be obtained. (3) RGR is described by a continuous function, thus facilitating further calculations and compilations.  相似文献   

The rate of environmental niche evolution describes the capability of species to explore the available environmental space and is known to vary among species owing to lineage-specific factors. Trophic specialization is a main force driving species evolution and is responsible for classical examples of adaptive radiations in fishes. We investigate the effect of trophic specialization on the rate of environmental niche evolution in the damselfish, Pomacentridae, which is an important family of tropical reef fishes. First, phylogenetic niche conservatism is not detected in the family using a standard test of phylogenetic signal, and we demonstrate that the environmental niches of damselfishes that differ in trophic specialization are not equivalent while they still overlap at their mean values. Second, we estimate the relative rates of niche evolution on the phylogenetic tree and show the heterogeneity among rates of environmental niche evolution of the three trophic groups. We suggest that behavioural characteristics related to trophic specialization can constrain the evolution of the environmental niche and lead to conserved niches in specialist lineages. Our results show the extent of influence of several traits on the evolution of the environmental niche and shed new light on the evolution of damselfishes, which is a key lineage in current efforts to conserve biodiversity in coral reefs.  相似文献   



Hybridisation associated with biological invasions may generate new phenotypic combinations, allowing hybrids to occupy new ecological niches. To date, few studies have assessed niche shifts associated with hybridisation in recently introduced populations while simultaneously characterising the niche of parental species in both native and introduced ranges.  相似文献   

The relative growth rate of the brown alga Sargassum horneri (Turner) C. Agardh in the sea at Maizuru Bay, Japan, was investigated from summer to winter to examine the impact of declining solar radiation and temperature. The observed change in the growth rate between summer and winter was insignificant, in spite of a major decline in solar radiation and water temperature. The mean relative growth rate was 4.6% per day, equivalent to the daily net photosynthetic production previously reported for this species.  相似文献   

The effects of stratification temperatures and burial in soil on dormancy levels of Carex pendula L. and C. remota L., two spring-germinating perennials occurring in moist forests, were investigated. Seeds buried for 34 months outdoors, and seeds stratified in the laboratory at temperatures between 3 and 18 °C for periods between 2 and 28 weeks, were tested over a range of temperatures. Seeds of the two species responded similarly to stratification treatments, except for an absolute light requirement in C. pendula. Primary dormancy was alleviated at all stratification temperatures, but low temperatures were more effective than higher ones . (≥ 12 °C). Dormancy induction in non-dormant seeds kept at 5 °C occurred when seeds were subsequently exposed to 18 °C. Dormancy was not induced by a transfer to lower temperatures. Buried seeds of both species exhibited seasonal dormancy cycles with high germination from autumn to spring and low germination during summer. Temperatures at which the processes of dormancy relief and of dormancy induction occurred, overlapped to a high degree. Whether, and when, dormancy changes occurred depended on test conditions. The lower temperature limit for germination (> 10%) was 9 °C in C. remota and 15 °C in C. pendula. Germination ceased abruptly above 36 °C. Germination requirements and dormancy patterns suggest regeneration from seed in late spring and summer at disturbed, open sites (forest gaps) and the capability to form long, persistent seed banks in both species.  相似文献   

  • One of the key environmental factors affecting plant reproductive systems is temperature. Characterising such effects is especially relevant for some commercially important genera such as Citrus. In this genus, failure of fertilisation results in parthenocarpic fruit development and seedlessness, which is a much‐prized character. Here, we characterise the effects of temperature on flower and ovary development, and on pollen–pistil interactions in ‘Comune’ clementine (Citrus clementina Hort. ex Tan.).
  • We examine flower bud development, in vitro pollen germination and pollen–pistil interaction at different temperatures (15, 20, 25 or 30 °C). These temperatures span the range from ‘cold’ to ‘hot’ weather during the flowering season in many citrus‐growing regions.
  • Temperature had a strong effect on flower and ovary development, pollen germination, and pollen tube growth kinetics. In particular, parthenocarpic fruit development (indicated by juice vesicle growth) was initiated early if flowers were exposed to warmer temperatures during anthesis.
  • Exposure to different temperatures during flower bud development also alters expression of the self‐incompatibility reaction. This affects the point in the pistil at which pollen tube growth is arrested and confirms the role of sub‐ and supra‐optimal temperatures in determining the numbers of pollen tubes reaching the ovary.

Continuous shoot growth monitoring in hydroponics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A weighing apparatus for automatic recording of fresh weight of shoots of spinach plants ( Spinacia oleracea L., cv. Subito) growing in nutrient solution is described. The system was tested for 17 days in a controlled environment and enabled the determination of the relative growth rate (RGR) of the shoot fresh weight. Results from three consecutive growth experiments demonstrated diurnal fluctuations in the relative growth rate of the shoot fresh weight. In general, relative growth rates were between 0.32 and 0.36 day−1 16 days after sowing and decreased to between 0.11 and 0.18 day−1 during the 12 following days. The variance between three replicate growth curves was compared with the variance of a growth function fitted through destructively obtained spinach shoot weight data.  相似文献   

Seed germination and seedling growth of the annual halophyte species Suaeda japonica Makino were investigated in response to variable salinity of sediment pore water. The germination percentage of S. japonica’s soft brown seeds, which are dominant among dimorphic seeds, decreased with an increase in salinity, although germination was still observed at 1200‐mM NaCl concentration. The germination percentage and germination speed observed in April were higher than those observed in December when treated with sediment water with 400–1200 mM of NaCl concentrations. These data suggest that S. japonica seedlings could be established on sediments that experience high temperatures. Germination recovery of S. japonica seeds transferred from 600‐mM NaCl containing sediment (seawater equivalent) was lowest among 0–1200‐mM NaCl treatments, implying the low tolerance of seawater conditions of S. japonica seeds. Seeds germinated in 900‐ to 1200‐mM NaCl medium showed poor growth, but survived, in hypersaline conditions, and exhibited improvement in growth upon transfer to lower salinity.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity analyses, coupled with ecological niche modelling (ENM) of species with a restricted distribution, may provide valuable information for understanding diversification patterns in endangered areas. We analyzed the genetic diversity of Recordia reitzii, a tree restricted to the threatened and highly fragmented Brazilian Atlantic forest, using three intergenic cpDNA spacers and ten microsatellite (SSR) loci. To assess the historical processes that may have influenced the distribution of extant R. reitzii populations, the current potential distributions of R. reitzii and Recordia boliviana, a closely related species, were modelled and projected onto the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and Last Interglacial (LIG) periods. Niche divergence was quantified between these two. The cpDNA and SSR data showed a north–south pattern of the diversity distribution and structured populations, suggesting that gene flow is probably limited. According to our data, R. reitzii exhibits low genetic diversity, which may be a result of a founder or distribution‐reduction effect, narrow distribution or small population size. The ecological niche models showed a wider palaeodistribution during the LIG and a retraction during the LGM for both species. Tests of niche divergence and conservatism indicated that bioclimatic factors might have influenced the diversification of these Recordia species. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 176 , 332–348.  相似文献   

Climate may play important roles in speciation, such as causing the range fragmentation that underlies allopatric speciation (through niche conservatism) or driving divergence of parapatric populations along climatic gradients (through niche divergence). Here, we developed new methods to test the frequency of climate niche conservatism and divergence in speciation, and applied it to species pairs of squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes). We used a large‐scale phylogeny to identify 242 sister species pairs for analysis. From these, we selected all terrestrial allopatric pairs with sufficient occurrence records (= 49 pairs) and inferred whether each originated via climatic niche conservatism or climatic niche divergence. Among the 242 pairs, allopatric pairs were most common (41.3%), rather than parapatric (19.4%), partially sympatric (17.7%), or fully sympatric species pairs (21.5%). Among the 49 selected allopatric pairs, most appeared to have originated via climatic niche divergence (61–76%, depending on the details of the methods). Surprisingly, we found greater climatic niche divergence between allopatric sister species than between parapatric pairs, even after correcting for geographic distance. We also found that niche divergence did not increase with time, further implicating niche divergence in driving lineage splitting. Overall, our results suggest that climatic niche divergence may often play an important role in allopatric speciation, and the methodology developed here can be used to address the generality of these findings in other organisms.  相似文献   

Populations of Arenaria uniflora exhibit intraspecific variation in floral size and degree of protandry in association with the evolution of self-pollination. Heterochrony, or a simple change in the absolute timing or rate of developmental events, is proposed as the evolutionary mechanism underlying the origin of the small, self-pollinating flowers from their large, outcrossing progenitors. Inflorescence growth in two autogamous populations and their related outcrossing progenitors was studied to provide the temporal data necessary for testing the hypothesis of heterochrony. All four races showed significant variation in the growth and mature length of inflorescence organs. Inflorescences of selfing races were smaller, and had slower relative growth rates and a two-fold increase in the plastochron relative to outcrossing populations. The large-flowered races were both significantly protandrous. A more detailed growth analysis of flower development in two races indicated that the selfing flowers develop at a slower rate and for a longer duration relative to outcrossing flowers. The implications of these temporal changes in floral ontogeny for the heterochronic origin of self-pollinating floral forms are considered.  相似文献   

To help evaluate root distribution patterns, elongation rates of individual roots were measured as a function of soil temperature for Encelia farinosa (a C3 species), Pleuraphis rigida (C4), and Agave deserti (CAM), sympatric codominants in the northwestern Sonoran Desert. Measurements were made at current and doubled CO2 concentrations under winter and summer conditions of air temperature (day/night temperatures of 17 C/10 C and 33 C/22 C, respectively). The three species had different optimal temperatures for root elongation (Topt) under winter conditions (25 C for E. farinosa, 35 C for P. rigida, and 30 C for A. deserti); Topt increased by 2-3 C under summer conditions for all three species. The limiting temperatures for elongation also acclimated from winter to summer conditions. The rate of root elongation at Topt was higher under summer than winter conditions for E. farinosa (9 vs. 6 mm d−1) and P. rigida (20 vs. 14 mm d−1), reflecting conditions for maximum photosynthesis; no difference occurred for A. deserti (9 vs. 10 mm d−1). Decreased elongation rates at extreme temperatures were associated with less cell division and reduced cell extension. The doubled CO2 concentration increased average daily root elongation rates for A. deserti under both winter (7%) and summer (12%) conditions, reflecting increased cell extension, but had no effect for the other two species. Simulations of root elongation as a function of soil temperatures showed that maximum elongation would occur at different depths (16-20 cm for E. farinosa, 4-8 cm for P. rigida, and 0-4 cm for A. deserti) and during different seasons (winter to spring for E. farinosa, spring to summer for P. rigida, and all year for A. deserti), contributing to their niche separation. Shading of the soil surface moderated daily variations in soil temperature, reducing seasonal root elongation for winter and spring and increasing elongation for summer. Shading also altered root distribution patterns, e.g., optimal rooting depth for A. deserti and especially P. rigida increased for a hot summer day.  相似文献   

An understanding of plant responses to fluctuations in environment is critical to predictions of plant and ecosystem responses to climate change. In the northern hemisphere, the northern limits of distribution of major biomes are probably determined by the tolerance of their dominant physiognomic types (e.g., deciduous hardwood trees) to minimum winter temperatures and can thus be predicted from long-term patterns of temperature fluctuations. At a more detailed level, the responses of functional groups of plants to altered climate can be predicted from their known responses to fluctuations in soil resources (nutrients and water) and the expected effect of climatic change on these soil resources. Laboratory and field experiments demonstrate the feasibility of this approach.  相似文献   

The topography of the tropical Andean forest is steep, resulting in physical conditions that change with the elevation, thus driving a high turnover of insect pollinator species over short distances, which may lead to localized gene dispersal, promoting genetic divergence between plant populations distributed along the elevation gradient. In this study, we characterized the population genetic structure of Anthurium caucanum and A. panduriforme, two closely related species that coexist along the elevation gradient in the Andean forest but differ in inflorescence size and abundance of flower visitors. The sampling of both species covered seven elevation bands, from 2,200 to 2,900 MASL. Five microsatellite loci were used to genotype the sampled individuals. Our results indicated that heterozygosity was high for both species. Genotypic richness was significantly lower for A. caucanum (G/N = 0.45) compared with A. panduriforme (G/N = 0.88), while population differentiation was strong for A. caucanum (Fst = 0.23) but low for A. panduriforme (Fst = 0.03). Assignment analysis suggested a low rate of immigration events for A. caucanum populations and a high gene flow between A. panduriforme populations. Based on the seed production of bagged inflorescences, A. caucanum demonstrated the ability to self-pollinate, while A. panduriforme was considered self-incompatible. In addition, genotypic richness decreased with elevation for A. caucanum. In summary, the contrasting population genetic structure of the two Anthurium species along the elevation gradient appear to be the result of different gene flow rates, mating systems, and life-history traits, such as clonal growth, flowering phenology, and density.  相似文献   

The coexistence of different species of large herbivores (ungulates) in grasslands and savannas has fascinated ecologists for decades. However, changes in climate, land‐use and trophic structure of ecosystems increasingly jeopardise the persistence of such diverse assemblages. Body size has been used successfully to explain ungulate niche differentiation with regard to food requirements and predation sensitivity. But this single trait axis insufficiently captures interspecific differences in water requirements and thermoregulatory capacity and thus sensitivity to climate change. Here, we develop a two‐dimensional trait space of body size and minimum dung moisture content that characterises the combined food and water requirements of large herbivores. From this, we predict that increased spatial homogeneity in water availability in drylands reduces the number of ungulate species that will coexist. But we also predict that extreme droughts will cause the larger, water‐dependent grazers as wildebeest, zebra and buffalo–dominant species in savanna ecosystems – to be replaced by smaller, less water‐dependent species. Subsequently, we explore how other constraints such as predation risk and thermoregulation are connected to this two‐dimensional framework. Our novel framework integrates multiple simultaneous stressors for herbivores and yields an extensive set of testable hypotheses about the expected changes in large herbivore community composition following climate change.  相似文献   

Aim  We studied elevational species richness patterns of Schizothorax fishes and identified the roles of ecological and evolutionary factors in shaping the patterns of elevational diversity.
Location  The Tibetan Plateau and its adjacent regions.
Methods  We assembled distribution and altitude data for all Schizothorax species using the literature. We merged ecological and evolutionary approaches to test the relationships between species richness and ecological factors (climate, area, the mid-domain effect) or evolutionary factors (diversification rates and time of colonization).
Results  We found that species richness of Schizothorax fishes peaked at mid-elevations. Rainfall, area, the mid-domain effect and diversification rate were weak predictors of the richness pattern. Temperature showed a nonlinear relationship with species richness. Temperature and time of colonization were the most important variables in explaining the elevational diversity pattern.
Main conclusion  Our findings indicate that the time-for-speciation effect and niche conservatism play important roles in variation of species richness.  相似文献   

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