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The ladybird beetle Propylea japonica is an important natural enemy in agro‐ecological systems. Studies on the strong tolerance of P. japonica to high temperatures and insecticides, and its population and phenotype diversity have recently increased. However, abundant genome resources for obtaining insights into stress‐resistance mechanisms and genetic intra‐species diversity for P. japonica are lacking. Here, we constructed the P. japonica genome maps using Pacific Bioscience (PacBio) and Illumina sequencing technologies. The genome size was 850.90 Mb with a contig N50 of 813.13 kb. The Hi‐C sequence data were used to upgrade draft genome assemblies; 4,777 contigs were assembled to 10 chromosomes; and the final draft genome assembly was 803.93 Mb with a contig N50 of 813.98 kb and a scaffold N50 of 100.34 Mb. Approximately 495.38 Mb of repeated sequences was annotated. The 18,018 protein‐coding genes were predicted, of which 95.78% were functionally annotated, and 1,407 genes were species‐specific. The phylogenetic analysis showed that P. japonica diverged from the ancestor of Anoplophora glabripennis and Tribolium castaneum ~ 236.21 million years ago. We detected that some important gene families involved in detoxification of pesticides and tolerance to heat stress were expanded in P. japonica, especially cytochrome P450 and Hsp70 genes. Overall, the high‐quality draft genome sequence of P. japonica will provide invaluable resource for understanding the molecular mechanisms of stress resistance and will facilitate the research on population genetics, evolution and phylogeny of Coccinellidae. This genome will also provide new avenues for conserving the diversity of predator insects.  相似文献   

Triplophysa is an endemic fish genus of the Tibetan Plateau in China. Triplophysa tibetana, which lives at a recorded altitude of ~4,000 m and plays an important role in the highland aquatic ecosystem, serves as an excellent model for investigating high‐altitude environmental adaptation. However, evolutionary and conservation studies of T. tibetana have been limited by scarce genomic resources for the genus Triplophysa. In the present study, we applied PacBio sequencing and the Hi‐C technique to assemble the T. tibetana genome. A 652‐Mb genome with 1,325 contigs with an N50 length of 3.1 Mb was obtained. The 1,137 contigs were further assembled into 25 chromosomes, representing 98.7% and 80.47% of all contigs at the base and sequence number level, respectively. Approximately 260 Mb of sequence, accounting for ~39.8% of the genome, was identified as repetitive elements. DNA transposons (16.3%), long interspersed nuclear elements (12.4%) and long terminal repeats (11.0%) were the most repetitive types. In total, 24,372 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the genome, and ~95% of the genes were functionally annotated via a search in public databases. Using whole genome sequence information, we found that T. tibetana diverged from its common ancestor with Danio rerio ~121.4 million years ago. The high‐quality genome assembled in this work not only provides a valuable genomic resource for future population and conservation studies of T. tibetana, but it also lays a solid foundation for further investigation into the mechanisms of environmental adaptation of endemic fishes in the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Bivalves, a highly diverse and the most evolutionarily successful class of invertebrates native to aquatic habitats, provide valuable molecular resources for understanding the evolutionary adaptation and aquatic ecology. Here, we reported a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly of the razor clam Sinonovacula constricta using Pacific Bioscience single‐molecule real‐time sequencing, Illumina paired‐end sequencing, 10X Genomics linked‐reads and Hi‐C reads. The genome size was 1,220.85 Mb, containing scaffold N50 of 65.93 Mb and contig N50 of 976.94 Kb. A total of 899 complete (91.92%) and seven partial (0.72%) matches of the 978 metazoa Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs were determined in this genome assembly. And Hi‐C scaffolding of the genome resulted in 19 pseudochromosomes. A total of 28,594 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the S. constricta genome, of which 25,413 genes (88.88%) were functionally annotated. In addition, 39.79% of the assembled genome was composed of repetitive sequences, and 4,372 noncoding RNAs were identified. The enrichment analyses of the significantly expanded and contracted genes suggested an evolutionary adaptation of S. constricta to highly stressful living environments. In summary, the genomic resources generated in this work not only provide a valuable reference genome for investigating the molecular mechanisms of S. constricta biological functions and evolutionary adaptation, but also facilitate its genetic improvement and disease treatment. Meanwhile, the obtained genome greatly improves our understanding of the genetics of molluscs and their comparative evolution.  相似文献   

The leaf resemblance of Kallima (Nymphalidae) butterflies is an important ecological adaptive mechanism that increases their survival. However, the genetic mechanism underlying ecological adaptation remains unclear owing to a dearth of genomic information. Here, we determined the karyotype (n = 31) of the dead‐leaf butterfly Kallima inachus, and generated a high‐quality, chromosome‐level assembly (568.92 Mb; contig N50: 19.20 Mb). We also identified candidate Z and W chromosomes. To our knowledge, this is the first study to report on these aspects of this species. In the assembled genome, 15,309 protein‐coding genes and 49.86% repeat elements were annotated. Phylogenetic analysis showed that K. inachus diverged from Melitaea cinxia (no leaf resemblance), both of which are in Nymphalinae, around 40 million years ago. Demographic analysis indicated that the effective population size of K. inachus decreased during the last interglacial period in the Pleistocene. The wings of adults with the pigmentary gene ebony knocked out using CRISPR/Cas9 showed phenotypes in which the orange dorsal region and entire ventral surface darkened, suggesting its vital role in the ecological adaption of dead‐leaf butterflies. Our results provide important genome resources for investigating the genetic mechanism underlying protective resemblance in dead‐leaf butterflies and insights into the molecular basis of protective coloration.  相似文献   

The Tetraodontidae family are known to have relatively small and compact genomes compared to other vertebrates. The obscure puffer fish Takifugu obscurus is an anadromous species that migrates to freshwater from the sea for spawning. Thus the euryhaline characteristics of T. obscurus have been investigated to gain understanding of their survival ability, osmoregulation, and other homeostatic mechanisms in both freshwater and seawater. In this study, a high quality chromosome‐level reference genome for T. obscurus was constructed using long‐read Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) Sequel sequencing and a Hi‐C‐based chromatin contact map platform. The final genome assembly of T. obscurus is 381 Mb, with a contig N50 length of 3,296 kb and longest length of 10.7 Mb, from a total of 62 Gb of raw reads generated using single‐molecule real‐time sequencing technology from a PacBio Sequel platform. The PacBio data were further clustered into chromosome‐scale scaffolds using a Hi‐C approach, resulting in a 373 Mb genome assembly with a contig N50 length of 15.2 Mb and and longest length of 28 Mb. When we directly compared the 22 longest scaffolds of T. obscurus to the 22 chromosomes of the tiger puffer Takifugu rubripes, a clear one‐to‐one orthologous relationship was observed between the two species, supporting the chromosome‐level assembly of T. obscurus. This genome assembly can serve as a valuable genetic resource for exploring fugu‐specific compact genome characteristics, and will provide essential genomic information for understanding molecular adaptations to salinity fluctuations and the evolution of osmoregulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

Antheraea pernyi is a semi‐domesticated lepidopteran insect species valuable to the silk industry, human health, and ecological tourism. Owing to its economic influence and developmental properties, it serves as an ideal model for investigating divergence of the Bombycoidea super family. However, studies on the karyotype evolution and functional genomics of A. pernyi are limited by scarce genomic resource. Here, we applied PacBio sequencing and chromosome structure capture technique to assemble the first high‐quality A. pernyi genome from a single male individual. The genome is 720.67 Mb long with 49 chromosomes and a 13.77‐Mb scaffold N50. Approximately 441.75 Mb, accounting for 60.74% of the genome, was identified as repeats. The genome comprises 21,431 protein‐coding genes, 85.22% of which were functionally annotated. Comparative genomics analysis suggested that A. pernyi diverged from its common ancestor with A. yamamai ~30.3 million years ago, and that chromosome fission contributed to the increased chromosome number. The genome assembled in this work will not only facilitate future research on A. pernyi and related species but also help to progress comparative genomics analyses in Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

The greenfin horse‐faced filefish, Thamnaconus septentrionalis, is a valuable commercial fish species that is widely distributed in the Indo‐West Pacific Ocean. This fish has characteristic blue–green fins, rough skin and a spine‐like first dorsal fin. Thamnaconus septentrionalis is of conservation concern because its population has declined sharply, and it is an important marine aquaculture fish species in China. Genomic resources for the filefish are lacking, and no reference genome has been released. In this study, the first chromosome‐level genome of T. septentrionalis was constructed using nanopore sequencing and Hi‐C technology. A total of 50.95 Gb polished nanopore sequences were generated and were assembled into a 474.31‐Mb genome, accounting for 96.45% of the estimated genome size of this filefish. The assembled genome contained only 242 contigs, and the achieved contig N50 was 22.46 Mb, a surprisingly high value among all sequenced fish species. Hi‐C scaffolding of the genome resulted in 20 pseudochromosomes containing 99.44% of the total assembled sequences. The genome contained 67.35 Mb of repeat sequences, accounting for 14.2% of the assembly. A total of 22,067 protein‐coding genes were predicted, 94.82% of which were successfully annotated with putative functions. Furthermore, a phylogenetic tree was constructed using 1,872 single‐copy orthologous genes, and 67 unique gene families were identified in the filefish genome. This high‐quality assembled genome will be a valuable resource for a range of future genomic, conservation and breeding studies of T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

Onychostoma macrolepis is an emerging commercial cyprinid fish species. It is a model system for studies of sexual dimorphism and genome evolution. Here, we report the chromosome‐level assembly of the O.macrolepis genome obtained from the integration of nanopore long‐read sequencing with physical maps produced using Bionano and Hi‐C technology. A total of 87.9 Gb of nanopore sequence provided approximately 100‐fold coverage of the genome. The preliminary genome assembly was 883.2 Mb in size with a contig N50 size of 11.2 Mb. The 969 corrected contigs obtained from Bionano optical mapping were assembled into 853 scaffolds and produced an assembly of 886.5 Mb with a scaffold N50 of 16.5 Mb. Finally, using the Hi‐C data, 881.3 Mb (99.4% of genome) in 526 scaffolds were anchored and oriented in 25 chromosomes ranging in size from 25.27 to 56.49 Mb. In total, 24,770 protein‐coding genes were predicted in the genome, and ~96.85% of the genes were functionally annotated. The annotated assembly contains 93.3% complete genes from the BUSCO reference set. In addition, we identified 409 Mb (46.23% of the genome) of repetitive sequence, and 11,213 non‐coding RNAs, in the genome. Evolutionary analysis revealed that O. macrolepis diverged from common carp approximately 24.25 million years ago. The chromosomes of O. macrolepis showed an unambiguous correspondence to the chromosomes of zebrafish. The high‐quality genome assembled in this work provides a valuable genomic resource for further biological and evolutionary studies of O. macrolepis.  相似文献   

The greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood, is an agricultural pest of global importance. Here we report a 787‐Mb high‐quality draft genome sequence of T. vaporariorum assembled from PacBio long reads and Hi‐C chromatin interaction maps, which has scaffold and contig N50 lengths of 70 Mb and 500 kb, respectively, and contains 18,275 protein‐coding genes. About 98.8% of the assembled contigs were placed onto the 11 T. vaporariorum chromosomes. Comparative genomic analysis reveals significantly expanded gene families such as aspartyl proteases in T. vaporariorum compared to Bemisia tabaci Mediterranean (MED) and Middle East‐Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1). Furthermore, the cytochrome CYP6 subfamily shows significant expansion in T. vaporariorum and several genes in this subfamily display developmental stage‐specific expression patterns. The high‐quality T. vaporariorum genome provides a valuable resource for research in a broad range of areas such as fundamental molecular ecology, insect–plant/insect–microorganism or virus interactions and pest resistance management.  相似文献   

China is the origin and evolutionary centre of Oriental pears. Pyrus betuleafolia is a wild species native to China and distributed in the northern region, and it is widely used as rootstock. Here, we report the de novo assembly of the genome of P. betuleafolia‐Shanxi Duli using an integrated strategy that combines PacBio sequencing, BioNano mapping and chromosome conformation capture (Hi‐C) sequencing. The genome assembly size was 532.7 Mb, with a contig N50 of 1.57 Mb. A total of 59 552 protein‐coding genes and 247.4 Mb of repetitive sequences were annotated for this genome. The expansion genes in P. betuleafolia were significantly enriched in secondary metabolism, which may account for the organism's considerable environmental adaptability. An alignment analysis of orthologous genes showed that fruit size, sugar metabolism and transport, and photosynthetic efficiency were positively selected in Oriental pear during domestication. A total of 573 nucleotide‐binding site (NBS)‐type resistance gene analogues (RGAs) were identified in the P. betuleafolia genome, 150 of which are TIR‐NBS‐LRR (TNL)‐type genes, which represented the greatest number of TNL‐type genes among the published Rosaceae genomes and explained the strong disease resistance of this wild species. The study of flavour metabolism‐related genes showed that the anthocyanidin reductase (ANR) metabolic pathway affected the astringency of pear fruit and that sorbitol transporter (SOT) transmembrane transport may be the main factor affecting the accumulation of soluble organic matter. This high‐quality P. betuleafolia genome provides a valuable resource for the utilization of wild pear in fundamental pear studies and breeding.  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps represent a large proportion of hymenopteran species. They have complex evolutionary histories and are important biocontrol agents. To advance parasitoid research, a combination of Illumina short‐read, PacBio long‐read and Hi‐C scaffolding technologies was used to develop a high‐quality chromosome‐level genome assembly for Pteromalus puparum, which is an important pupal endoparasitoid of caterpillar pests. The chromosome‐level assembly has aided in studies of venom and detoxification genes. The assembled genome size is 338 Mb with a contig N50 of 38.7 kb and a scaffold N50 of 1.16 Mb. Hi‐C analysis assembled scaffolds onto five chromosomes and raised the scaffold N50 to 65.8 Mb, with more than 96% of assembled bases located on chromosomes. Gene annotation was assisted by RNA sequencing for the two sexes and four different life stages. Analysis detected 98% of the BUSCO (Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs) gene set, supporting a high‐quality assembly and annotation. In total, 40.1% (135.6 Mb) of the assembly is composed of repetitive sequences, and 14,946 protein‐coding genes were identified. Although venom genes play important roles in parasitoid biology, their spatial distribution on chromosomes was poorly understood. Mapping has revealed venom gene tandem arrays for serine proteases, pancreatic lipase‐related proteins and kynurenine–oxoglutarate transaminases, which have amplified in the P. puparum lineage after divergence from its common ancestor with Nasonia vitripennis. In addition, there is a large expansion of P450 genes in P. puparum. These examples illustrate how chromosome‐level genome assembly can provide a valuable resource for molecular, evolutionary and biocontrol studies of parasitoid wasps.  相似文献   

Sex pheromone production in the female pine caterpillar moth, Dendrolimus punctatus is controlled by a PBAN-like substance located in the head of female moth. Pheromone titer was significantly decreased by decapitation of female moth, and restored by injection of either Hez-PBAN or head extract prepared from male or female moth. Stimulation of pheromone production by head extract followed a dose-dependent pattern from 0.5 to at least 4 head equivalent. A gland in vitro assay was used to study the relationship between gland incubation time and pheromone production as well as calcium involvement in the stimulation of pheromone production by head extract. Maximum pheromone production was occurred at 60 min after pheromone gland was incubated with two equivalents of head extracts. In vitro experiments showed that the presence of calcium in the incubation medium was necessary for stimulation of pheromone production. The calcium ionophore, A 23187, alone stimulated pheromone production. The pheromone components (Z,E)-5,7-dodecadienol and its acetate and propionate were produced in these experiments but in addition to the aldehyde, (Z,E)-5,7-dodecadienal was also found. This indicates that females are capable of producing four oxygenated functional groups. The PBAN-like substance control of the pheromone biosynthetic pathway was investigated by monitoring the incorporation of the labeled precursor into both pheromone and pheromone intermediates.  相似文献   

The pine caterpillar Dendrolimus punctatus (Walker) with a larval facultative diapause is one of the most destructive insect pests of the pine tree Pinus massoniana in China. The larvae feeding on pine trees with different damage levels were studied to determine the induction of diapause under both laboratory and field conditions. Developmental duration of larvae before the third instar was the longest when fed with 75%–90% damaged needles, followed by 25%–40% damaged needles and intact pine needles, whereas mortalities did not differ among different treatments under the conditions of 25° and critical photoperiod 13.5:10.5 L:D. At 25°, no diapause was induced under 15:9 L:D, whereas 100% diapause occurred under 12:12 L:D regardless of the levels of needle damage. Incidences of larvae entering diapause when they were fed with intact, 25%–40% and 75%–90% damaged pine needles were 51.7%, 70.8% and 81% under 13.5:10.5 L:D, respectively. Similar results were obtained in the field experiment. Incidence of diapause was significantly different among the pine needle damage levels of pine trees when the photoperiod was close to the critical day length, indicating that the effect of host plants on diapause induction was dependent on the range of photoperiod. The content of amino acid and sugar decreased and tannin increased in pine needles after feeding by the pine caterpillars, suggesting that changed levels of nutrients in damaged needles or a particular substance emitted by damaged pine trees was perhaps involved in the diapause induction of the pine caterpillar.  相似文献   

Soybean cyst nematode (SCN, Heterodera glycines) is a major pest of soybean that is spreading across major soybean production regions worldwide. Increased SCN virulence has recently been observed in both the United States and China. However, no study has reported a genome assembly for H. glycines at the chromosome scale. Herein, the first chromosome‐level reference genome of X12, an unusual SCN race with high infection ability, is presented. Using whole‐genome shotgun (WGS) sequencing, Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) sequencing, Illumina paired‐end sequencing, 10X Genomics linked reads and high‐throughput chromatin conformation capture (Hi‐C) genome scaffolding techniques, a 141.01‐megabase (Mb) assembled genome was obtained with scaffold and contig N50 sizes of 16.27 Mb and 330.54 kilobases (kb), respectively. The assembly showed high integrity and quality, with over 90% of Illumina reads mapped to the genome. The assembly quality was evaluated using Core Eukaryotic Genes Mapping Approach and Benchmarking Universal Single‐Copy Orthologs. A total of 11,882 genes were predicted using de novo, homolog and RNAseq data generated from eggs, second‐stage juveniles (J2), third‐stage juveniles (J3) and fourth‐stage juveniles (J4) of X12, and 79.0% of homologous sequences were annotated in the genome. These high‐quality X12 genome data will provide valuable resources for research in a broad range of areas, including fundamental nematode biology, SCN–plant interactions and co‐evolution, and also contribute to the development of technology for overall SCN management.  相似文献   

Genome assemblies are currently being produced at an impressive rate by consortia and individual laboratories. The low costs and increasing efficiency of sequencing technologies now enable assembling genomes at unprecedented quality and contiguity. However, the difficulty in assembling repeat‐rich and GC‐rich regions (genomic “dark matter”) limits insights into the evolution of genome structure and regulatory networks. Here, we compare the efficiency of currently available sequencing technologies (short/linked/long reads and proximity ligation maps) and combinations thereof in assembling genomic dark matter. By adopting different de novo assembly strategies, we compare individual draft assemblies to a curated multiplatform reference assembly and identify the genomic features that cause gaps within each assembly. We show that a multiplatform assembly implementing long‐read, linked‐read and proximity sequencing technologies performs best at recovering transposable elements, multicopy MHC genes, GC‐rich microchromosomes and the repeat‐rich W chromosome. Telomere‐to‐telomere assemblies are not a reality yet for most organisms, but by leveraging technology choice it is now possible to minimize genome assembly gaps for downstream analysis. We provide a roadmap to tailor sequencing projects for optimized completeness of both the coding and noncoding parts of nonmodel genomes.  相似文献   

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