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To assess risks of cultivation of genetically modified crops (GMCs) on non‐target arthropods (NTAs), field tests are necessary to verify laboratory results and in situations where exposure pathways are very complex and cannot be reproduced in the laboratory. A central concern in the design of field trials for this purpose is whether the tests are capable of detecting differences in the abundance or activity of NTAs in a treated crop in comparison with a non‐treated comparator plot. The detection capacity of a trial depends on the abundance and variability of the taxon, the values assumed for type I (α) and II (β) errors, and the characteristics of the trial and statistical design. To determine the optimal trial layout and statistical analysis, 20 field trials carried out in Spain from 2000 to 2009 to assess risks of GMCs on NTAs were examined with α and β set at 0.05 and 0.20, respectively. In this article we aim to determine the optimal number of sampling dates during a season, or longitudinal samples, in the design of field trials for assessing effects of GM maize on NTAs, and the ones that contribute most to achieving detectable treatment effects (dc) less than 50% of the mean of the control. Detection capacities are a function of the number of individual samples taken during the season but a high number of samples is rarely justified because gains of repeated sampling can be relatively low. These gains depend primarily on field tests relative experimental variability in individual samplings (i.e. experimental variability relative to the mean of the control in each sampling date) which in turn depends on the sampling method (visual counts, pitfall traps or yellow sticky traps) and the density (or abundance) of the taxon in question. Taxa showing more density (or abundance) have less relative experimental variability. The smaller the experimental variability, the lower the profit of increasing the number of sampling dates. Sticky traps have a good effect detection capacity and need very few sampling dates, whereas visual counts and pitfall traps have a poorer effect detection capacity and need more individual samples to achieve dc values lower than 50%. In maize field trials, it is recommended to concentrate sampling efforts in certain growth stages; the optimal ones for achieving an acceptable detection capacity are variable but, in general, samples in the first half of the season render better detection capacity than samples in the second half.  相似文献   

Lung cancer‐associated mortality is the most common cause of cancer death worldwide. Non‐coding RNAs (ncRNAs), with no protein‐coding ability, have multiple biological roles. Long non‐coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a recently characterized class of ncRNAs that are over 200 nucleotides in length. Many lncRNAs have the ability of facilitating or inhibiting the development and progression of tumours, including non‐small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Because of their fundamental roles in regulating gene expression, along with their involvement in the biological mechanisms underlying tumourigenesis, they are a promising class of tissue‐ and/or blood‐based cancer biomarkers. In this review, we highlight the emerging roles of lncRNAs in NSCLC, and discuss their potential clinical applications as diagnostic and prognostic markers and as therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Enemy‐free space has been shown to mediate host shifts in herbivores, but this has not previously been documented in parasitoids. Also, natural enemies shown to maintain host shifts have always been from higher trophic levels, rather than competitors. 2. In Hawaii, an Australian parasitoid (Diachasmimorpha tryoni) of medflies that loses competition contests to a subsequently introduced Asian parasitoid (Fopius arisanus) has shifted its realised host range to attack non‐target gall flies on lantana. 3. The present study demonstrates experimentally that D. tryoni reproduction is: (i) lower on medflies in coffee when F. arisanus is present than when it is absent; (ii) higher in gall flies on lantana than on medflies in coffee, when F. arisanus is present; and (iii) higher in medflies on coffee than in gall flies on lantana, when F. arisanus is absent. This meets Berdegue et al.’s (Ecological Entomology, 21 , 203–217, 1996) three conditions to confirm the importance of enemy‐free space. 4. In the field, F. arisanus is abundant on medflies, whereas D. tryoni is rare on medflies, but is the dominant parasitoid of lantana gall flies. 5. Competitor‐free space is thus shown to be a key mechanism maintaining an apparent host shift by an introduced biocontrol agent onto a non‐target species.  相似文献   

The peptide ω‐Hexatoxin‐Hv1a (Hvt) is one of the most studied spider toxins. Its insecticidal potential has been reported against species belonging to the arthropod orders Lepidoptera, Diptera and Orthoptera. The gene encoding Hvt has been transformed into cotton and tobacco to protect the plants from damage by lepidopteran pests. This study evaluated the expression of the ω‐HXTX‐Hv1a gene in transgenic plants, and the toxicity of plant‐expressed and purified Hvt on target lepidopteran insects and on several non‐target species. Transgenic Bollgard II cotton plants, which produce Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 and purified Cry2Ab2 protein were included in the study as comparators. LC95 values of purified Hvt against Spodoptera littoralis and Heliothis virescens were 28.31 and 27.57 μg/ml of artificial diet, respectively. Larval mortality was 100% on Hvt‐transgenic tobacco plants but not on Hvt‐transgenic cotton, probably because of the significantly lower toxin expression level in the transgenic cotton line. Non‐target studies were conducted with larvae of the predators Chrysoperla carnea and Coccinella septempunctata, adults of the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani, and adult workers of the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Even at 40 μg/ml, Hvt did not adversely affect the four non‐target species. Purified Cry2Ab2 at 10 μg/ml also did not adversely affect any of the non‐target species. Our results show that Hvt might be useful for developing insecticidal plant varieties to control pest Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

1. Predator–prey interactions have traditionally focused on the consumptive effects that predators have on prey. However, predators can also reduce the abundance of prey through behaviourally‐mediated non‐consumptive effects. For example, pea aphids (Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris) drop from their host plants in response to the risk of attack, reducing population sizes as a consequence of lost feeding opportunities. 2. The objective of the present study was to determine whether the non‐consumptive effects of predators could extend to non‐prey herbivore populations as a result of non‐lethal incidental interactions between herbivores and foraging natural enemies. 3. Polyculture habitats consisting of green peach aphids (Myzus persicae Sulzer) feeding on collards and pea aphids feeding on fava beans were established in greenhouse cages. Aphidius colemani Viereck, a generalist parasitoid that attacks green peach aphids but not pea aphids, was released into half of the cages and the abundance of the non‐host pea aphid was assessed. 4. Parasitoids reduced the population growth of the non‐host pea aphid by increasing the frequency of defensive drops; but this effect was dependent on the presence of green peach aphids. 5. Parasitoids probably elicited the pea aphid dropping behaviour through physical contact with pea aphids while foraging for green peach aphids. It is unlikely that pea aphids were responding to volatile alarm chemicals emitted by green peach aphids in the presence of the parasitoid. 6. In conclusion, the escape response of the pea aphid provided the opportunity for a parasitoid to have non‐target effects on an herbivore with which it did not engage in a trophic interaction. The implication is that natural enemies with narrow diet breadths have the potential to influence the abundance of a broad range of prey and non‐prey species via non‐consumptive effects.  相似文献   

The widespread planting of insect‐resistant crops has caused a dramatic shift in agricultural landscapes, thus raising concerns about the potential impacts on both target and non‐target pests. In this study, we examined the potential effects of intra‐specific seed mixture sowing with transgenic Bt rice (Bt) and its parental non‐transgenic line (Nt) (100% Bt rice [Bt100], 5% Nt+95% Bt [Nt05Bt95], 10% Nt+90% Bt [Nt10Bt90], 20% Nt+80% Bt [Nt20Bt80], 40% Nt+60% Bt [Nt40Bt60] and 100% Nt rice [Nt100]) on target and non‐target pests in a 2‐year field trial in southern China. The occurrence of target pests, Sesamia inferens, Chilo suppressalis and Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, decreased with the increased ratio of Bt rice, and the mixture ratios with more than 90% Bt rice (Bt100 and Nt05Bt95) significantly increased the pest suppression efficiency, with the lowest occurrences of non‐target planthoppers, Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera in Nt100 and Nt05Bt95. Furthermore, there were no significant differences in 1000‐grain dry weight and grain dry weight per 100 plants between Bt100 and Nt05Bt95. Seed mixture sowing of Bt rice with ≤10% (especially 5%) of its parent line was sufficient to overcome potential compliance issues that exist with the use of block or structured refuge to provide most effective control of both target and non‐target pests without compromising the grain yield. It is also expected that the strategy of seed mixture sowing with transgenic Bt rice and the non‐transgenic parental line would provide rice yield stability while decreasing the insecticide use frequency in rice production.  相似文献   

The African fig fly, Zaprionus indianus Gupta, is rapidly spreading through the New World and is a new potential pest for numerous fruit crops. Methods are needed to detect and monitor Z. indianus. A recent study shows that Z. indianus can be attracted with a mixture of wine and vinegar, but there are no chemical attractants yet identified. This fly was captured incidentally as a non‐target insect in experiments to develop chemical lures, based on wine and vinegar fermentation volatiles, for Drosophila suzukii Matsumura and Drosophila melanogaster Meigen. We then generated testable hypotheses on what combination of these volatiles was involved in Z. indianus attraction to wine and vinegar. We determined through a series of trapping experiments that the blend of ethanol, acetic acid, acetoin, isoamyl acetate, methionol and ethyl hexanoate constitutes a strong attractant for Z. indianus and accounts for its attraction to the combination of wine and vinegar. These results and findings provide the first opportunity to develop a long‐lasting and consistent chemical lure for trapping of Z. indianus. Such a lure in a suitable trap should provide a good means to document the spread of the fly and determine its seasonality and abundance in new areas and crops.  相似文献   

Climate change may shift interactions of invasive plants, herbivorous insects and native plants, potentially affecting biological control efficacy and non‐target effects on native species. Here, we show how climate warming affects impacts of a multivoltine introduced biocontrol beetle on the non‐target native plant Alternanthera sessilis in China. In field surveys across a latitudinal gradient covering their full distributions, we found beetle damage on A. sessilis increased with rising temperature and plant life history changed from perennial to annual. Experiments showed that elevated temperature changed plant life history and increased insect overwintering, damage and impacts on seedling recruitment. These results suggest that warming can shift phenologies, increase non‐target effect magnitude and increase non‐target effect occurrence by beetle range expansion to additional areas where A. sessilis occurs. This study highlights the importance of understanding how climate change affects species interactions for future biological control of invasive species and conservation of native species.  相似文献   

One of the major applications of transgenic crops in agriculture are the so‐called Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner (Bt) plants, in particular Bt maizes, which produce insecticidal Cry proteins that target specific orders, such as the Lepidoptera or Coleoptera. We reviewed publications that reported on the direct toxic effects of Bt‐maize and/or Cry proteins of current Bt‐maize events on larvae of non‐target butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera). In total, 20 peer‐reviewed publications were identified, of which 16 papers contributed laboratory‐based data and seven field‐based data. An adverse effect on caterpillars was recorded in 52% of all laboratory‐based and in 21% of all field‐based observations. The variables most often studied and having the highest occurrence of effects were larval survival, body mass, and developmental time. Parameters of the adult stage were under‐represented in the studies. Overall, 11 lepidopteran species were tested. The majority of the studies originated from the USA, with the Monarch butterfly being the most studied, whereas other species and other parts of the world were widely neglected. Laboratory experiments were often run under unrealistic conditions from an ecological point of view. Although the papers we reviewed indicated a potential hazard for Lepidoptera that are exposed to and feed on lepidopteran‐specific Bt‐maize pollen, a general conclusion on the level of risk for butterflies and moths cannot as yet be drawn. A comprehensive risk characterization would require thorough hazard identification, exposure assessment, and impact assessment. However, our review showed that even the basic level of hazard characterization is as yet incomplete. Reasons for this are the still‐limited numbers of publications and concurrent lack of knowledge, the restriction of data to only a few species, the over‐representation of North American species, and the identified limitations of both laboratory and field experiments. The findings of this review suggest that more realistic, ecologically meaningful, and detailed experiments and analyses are crucial to improve the present assessment of Bt‐maize cultivation effects on Lepidoptera.  相似文献   

In Australia, dengue control combines source reduction with lethal ovitraps to reduce Aedes aegypti populations during outbreaks. Lethal ovitraps are considered a sustainable and environmentally friendly method of controlling container‐inhabiting mosquitoes, however, to‐date, this claim has not been quantified. This study assesses the potential impact of lethal ovitraps on non‐target organisms when used to control Ae. aegypti in tropical Australia. For retention of specimens, we substituted standard sticky ovitraps for lethal ovitraps. We collected 988 Ae. aegypti and 44,132 non‐target specimens over 13 months from 16 sites. Although Ae. aegypti comprised only 2.2% of the total collection, they were were the eighth most dominant taxa collected, on the 93rd percentile. Of the non‐target organisms, Collembola were the dominant taxa, 44.2%, with 36.8% and 10.5% Diptera and Hymenoptera, respectively. Of the Dipterans, 61% were family Phoridae. Lethal ovitraps were visited by 90 insect or invertebrate families in total. Ovitraps are attractive to Collembola, Phoridae, Sciaridae, Formicidae, and Culicidae, with minimal attraction by Apidae and other commonly monitored non‐target organisms. For container‐inhabiting mosquitoes, LOs are cost effective operationally, requiring minimal staff resources for placement and retrieval.  相似文献   

A rich and diverse assemblage of arthropods and non‐biomineralized macroalgae occurs in the Upper Devonian marine deposits of the Holy Cross Mountains, central Poland. The phrase Kowala Lagerstätte is herein proposed for the fossil‐bearing deposits confined to the lower Famennian marly shale and limestone succession of the famous Kowala Quarry. The arthropod fauna is represented by phosphatic exoskeletal remains that still preserve the fine micro‐ornamentation of the cuticle. The fauna includes crustaceans and crustacean‐like taxa such as thylacocephalans, phyllocarids and angustidontids (in order of abundance). The non‐biomineralized algae, represented by at least three morphotypes, occur as carbonaceous compressions of their thalli while still preserving fine details including bundles of thin tubular projections. Although their general appearance is reminiscent of some Early Palaeozoic non‐calcified Dasycladales algae, their true taxonomic position is still uncertain. Lithology, as well as faunal and phytoplankton content point to a pelagic sedimentary environment. Impoverished benthic fauna, sediment lamination and geochemical signatures indicate at least periodic bottom‐water dysoxic to anoxic conditions. Thus, the preservation of arthropod cuticle and non‐calcified algae was primarily governed by oxygen‐deficient bottom waters that prevented bioturbation and scavenging during their burial.  相似文献   

Progress on the research and development of insect-resistant transgenic rice, especially expressing insecticidal proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), in China has been rapid in recent years. A number of insect-resistant transgenic rice lines/varieties have passed restricted and enlarged field testing, and several have been approved for productive testing since 2002 in China, although none was approved for commercial use until 2006. Extensive laboratory and field trials have been conducted for evaluation of the efficiency of transgenic rice on target lepidoteran pests and potential ecological risks on non-target arthropods. The efficacy of a number of transgenic rice lines currently tested in China was excellent for control of the major target insect pests, the rice stem borers (Chilo suppressalis, Scirpophaga incertulas, Sesamia inferens) and leaffolder ( Cnaphalocrocis medinalis), and was better than most insecticides extensively used by millions of farmers at present in China. No significantly negative or unintended effects of transgenic rice on non-target arthropods were found compared with non-transgenic rice. In contrast, most of the current insecticides used for the control of rice stem borers and leaffolders proved harmful to natural enemies, and some insecticides may directly induce resurgence of rice planthoppers. Studies for developing a proactive insect resistance management of transgenic rice in the future are discussed to ensure the sustainable use of transgenic rice.  相似文献   

Anton Berns 《EMBO reports》2016,17(11):1516-1531
Historically, cancers have been treated with chemotherapeutics aimed to have profound effects on tumor cells with only limited effects on normal tissue. This approach was followed by the development of small‐molecule inhibitors that can target oncogenic pathways critical for the survival of tumor cells. The clinical targeting of these so‐called oncogene addictions, however, is in many instances hampered by the outgrowth of resistant clones. More recently, the proper functioning of non‐mutated genes has been shown to enhance the survival of many cancers, a phenomenon called non‐oncogene addiction. In the current review, we will focus on the distinct non‐oncogenic addictions found in cancer cells, including synthetic lethal interactions, the underlying stress phenotypes, and arising therapeutic opportunities.  相似文献   

With an increasing pressure on forested landscapes, conservation areas may fail to maintain biodiversity if they are not supported by the surrounding managed forest matrix. Worldwide, forests are managed by one of two broad approaches—even‐ and uneven‐aged silviculture. In recent decades, there has been rising public pressure against the systematic use of even‐aged silviculture (especially clear‐cutting) because of its perceived negative esthetic and ecological impacts. This led to an increased interest for uneven‐aged silviculture. However, to date, there has been no worldwide ecological comparison of the two approaches, based on multiple indicators. Overall, for the 99 combinations of properties or processes verified (one study may have evaluated more than one property or process), we found nineteen (23) combinations that clearly showed uneven‐aged silviculture improved the evaluated metrics compared to even‐aged silviculture, eleven (16) combinations that showed the opposite, and 60 combinations that were equivocal. Furthermore, many studies were based on a limited study design without either a timescale (44 of the 76) or spatial (54 of the 76) scale consideration. Current views that uneven‐aged silviculture is better suited than even‐aged silviculture for maintaining ecological diversity and processes are not substantiated by our analyses. Our review, by studying a large range of indicators and many different taxonomic groups, also clearly demonstrates that no single approach can be relied on and that both approaches are needed to ensure a greater number of positive impacts. Moreover, the review clearly highlights the importance of maintaining protected areas as some taxonomic groups were found to be negatively affected no matter the management approach used. Finally, our review points to a lack of knowledge for determining the use of even‐ or uneven‐aged silviculture in terms of both their respective proportion in the landscape and their spatial agency.  相似文献   

The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines Matsumura) is an economically significant pest in North America, causing extensive damage to soybean crops through direct feeding damage and disease transmission. If unchecked, this pest could cause billions of dollars of damage to soybean crops. Identification of the soybean aphid can be difficult due to its small size, complex life cycle and morphological plasticity. Generally, an expert is required to identify a specimen. Additionally, identification of some life stages, such as eggs, is impossible. DNA barcoding has been successfully used to differentiate aphid species, including A. glycines, based on sequencing of a standardized gene region. Although this method represents an important step towards accurate identification, samples must still be sent to specialized facilities for analysis. Using existing DNA barcode sequences in the publically accessible Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD; www.boldsystems.org ), species‐specific differences were identified and used to develop a real‐time PCR assay to identify soybean aphids. This assay can be run on portable systems for rapid, accurate and simple identification in the field. The use of a non‐destructive DNA extraction protocol allows the original insect to be vouchered and therefore available for further study if necessary. This work represents an important step in soybean aphid management.  相似文献   

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