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  • Genlisea violacea is a Brazilian endemic carnivorous plant species distributed in the cerrado biome, mainly in humid environments, on sandy and oligotrophic soil or wet rocks. Studies on reproductive biology or pollination in the Lentibulariaceae are notably scarce; regarding the genus Genlisea, the current study is the first to show systematic and standardised research on reproductive biology from field studies to describe the foraging of visiting insects and determine the effective pollinators of Genlisea.
  • We studied two populations of G. violacea through the observation of flower visitors for 4 months of the rainy and dry seasons. Stigmatic receptivity, pollen viability, and breeding system were evaluated together with histochemistry and morphological analyses of flowers.
  • The flowers showed stigmatic receptivity of 100% in open buds and mature flowers, reducing to 80% for senescent flowers. Nearly 80% of pollen grains are viable, decreasing to 40–45% after 48 h. Nectar is produced by glandular trichomes inside the spur. Two bee species are effective pollinators: one of the genus Lasioglossum (subgenus Dialictus: Halictidae) and the other of the genus Ceratina (subgenus Ceratinula: family Apidae). Moreover, bee‐like flies of the Syrphidae family may also be additional pollinators.
  • Genlisea violacea is an allogamous and self‐compatible species. The differences in flower‐visiting fauna for both populations can be attributed to factors such as climate, anthropogenic effect, seasonal factors related to insects and plants, as well as the morphological variation of flowers in both populations.

Vanilloideae comprises 15 genera distributed worldwide, among which are Vanilla and Epistephium (tribe Vanilleae). Based on field and laboratory investigations, the pollination biology of V. dubia and E. sclerophyllum was analysed. The former was surveyed in a semi‐deciduous mesophytic forest at the biological reserve of Serra do Japi and in a marshy forest at the city of Pradópolis, southeastern Brazil. The latter was examined in rocky outcrop vegetation in the Chapada Diamantina, northeastern Brazil. In the studied populations, the tubular flowers of V. dubia and E. sclerophyllum were pollinated by bees. Pollen was deposited on either their scutellum (V. dubia) or scutum (E. sclerophyllum). The mentum region of V. dubia is dry, whereas that of E. sclerophyllum presents a small quantity of dilute nectar. Flowers of E. sclerophyllum are scentless, while those of V. dubia are odoriferous. Although V. dubia is self‐compatible, it needs a pollinator to produce fruit. In contrast, E. sclerophyllum sets fruit through spontaneous self‐pollination, but biotic pollination also occurs. Both species are primarily adapted to pollination by euglossine bees. Pollination by Euglossina seems to have occurred at least twice during the evolution of Vanilleae. Furthermore, shifts between rewarding and reward‐free flowers and between autogamous and allogamous species have been reported among vanillas.  相似文献   

Although the pollinators of some plant species differ across regions, only a few mammal‐pollinated plant species have regional pollinator differences in Asia. Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) is pollinated by squirrels, flying foxes, and macaques in subtropical and temperate islands. In this study, the pollination system of M. macrocarpa was identified in tropical Asia, where the genus originally diversified. This species requires “explosive opening” of the flower, where the wing petals must be pressed down and the banner petal pushed upward to fully expose the stamens and pistil. A bagging experiment showed that fruits did not develop in inflorescences (n = 66) with unopened flowers, whereas fruits developed in 68.7% of inflorescences (n = 131) with opened flowers. This indicated that the explosive opening is needed for the species to reproduce. Four potential pollinator mammals were identified by a video camera‐trap survey, and 78.3% and 60.1% of monitored inflorescences (n = 138) were opened by gray‐bellied squirrels (Callosciurus caniceps) and Finlayson's squirrels (C. finlaysonii), respectively, even though more than 10 mammal species visited flowers. Nectar was surrounded by the calyx, and the volume and sugar concentration of secreted nectar did not change during the day. This nectar secretion pattern is similar to those reported by previous studies in other regions. These results showed that the main pollinators of M. macrocarpa in the tropics are squirrels. However, the species' nectar secretion pattern is not specifically adapted to this particular pollinator. Pollinators of M. macrocarpa differ throughout the distribution range based on the fauna present, but there might not have been no distinctive changes in the attractive traits that accompanied these changes in pollinators.  相似文献   

Floral traits are adapted by plants to attract pollinators. Some of those plants that have different pollinators in different regions adapt to each pollinator in each region to maximize their pollination success. Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) limits the pollinators using its floral structure and is pollinated by different mammals in different regions. Here, we examine the relationships between floral traits of M. macrocarpa and the external morphology of mammalian pollinators in different regions of its distribution. Field surveys were conducted on Kyushu and Okinawajima Island in Japan, and in Taiwan, where the main pollinators are the Japanese macaque Macaca fuscata, Ryukyu flying fox Pteropus dasymallus, and red‐bellied squirrel Callosciurus erythraeus, respectively. We measured the floral shapes, nectar secretion patterns, sugar components, and external morphology of the pollinators. Results showed that floral shape was slightly different among regions and that flower sizes were not correlated with the external morphology of the pollinators. Volume and sugar rate of nectar were not significantly different among the three regions and did not change throughout the day in any of the regions. However, nectar concentration was higher in Kyushu than in the other two regions. These results suggest that the floral traits of M. macrocarpa are not adapted to each pollinator in each region. Although this plant limits the number of pollinators using its flower structure, it has not adapted to specific mammals and may attract several species of mammals. Such generalist‐like pollination system might have evolved in the Old World.  相似文献   

  • Pollination success of highly specialised flowers is susceptible to fluctuations of the pollinator fauna. Mediterranean Aristolochia rotunda has deceptive trap flowers exhibiting a highly specialised pollination system. The sole pollinators are kleptoparasitic flies in search of food. This study investigates these pollinators on a spatio‐temporal scale and the impact of weather conditions on their availability. Two potential strategies of the plants to cope with pollinator limitation, i.e. autonomous selfing and an increased floral life span, were tested.
  • A total of 6156 flowers were investigated for entrapped pollinators in 10 Croatian populations. Availability of the main pollinator was correlated to meteorological data. Artificial pollination experiments were conducted and the floral life span was recorded in two populations according to pollinator availability.
  • Trachysiphonella ruficeps (Chloropidae) was identified as dominant pollinator, along with less abundant species of Chloropidae, Ceratopogonidae and Milichiidae. Pollinator compositions varied among populations. Weather conditions 15–30 days before pollination had a significant effect on availability of the main pollinator. Flowers were not autonomously selfing, and the floral life span exhibited considerable plasticity depending on pollinator availability.
  • A. rotunda flowers rely on insect pollen vectors. Plants are specialised on a guild of kleptoparasitic flies, rather than on a single species. Pollinator variability may result in differing selection pressures among populations. The availability/abundance of pollinators depends on weather conditions during their larval development. Flowers show a prolonged trapping flower stage that likely increases outcrossing success during periods of pollinator limitation.

Floral displays, influencing attractiveness to insects, increase the number of pollinator visits and the efficiency of each visit in terms of pollen exchange and thus affect the plant reproductive success. Here, we conducted an in situ manipulation experiment to investigate whether the floral modifications affect reproductive success in natural orchid populations of Serapias lingua and Serapias vomeracea. We estimated male and female reproductive success of three treatment groups, disassembly of floral tube, cutting of lip, and painting of the callus surface, in terms of pollinaria removed/deposited and fruit production. Results revealed that phenotypic modification had opposite effects on reproductive success of two examine species. Indeed, reproductive success was significantly increased by the detached of the petals and sepals, and decreased, due to callus painting and lip removal, in S. lingua. On the contrary, unmanipulated plants of S. vomeracea showed significantly higher value of pollinaria removed and deposited and fruit set than manipulated ones. The differences between S. lingua and S. vomeracea agree to the different pollination strategy of examined species. S. vomeracea shows shelter imitation strategy, and thus, the disassembly of tunnel‐like corolla does not allow the insects to use the flower as a refuge, while S. lingua is a sexually deceptive orchid and therefore the opening of the flower made more visible callus (visible at a greater distance) increasing the pollinators attraction. This study provides evidence that pollinators were largely sensitive to the experimental modification of the flower phenotype, which is consistent with the presence of significant selection on individual floral characters. Our experimental investigations of the effects of variation in display on pollinator visitation provide insights into the evolution of floral morphology in orchid with shelter imitation strategy.  相似文献   

 Nectarless flowers of Cypripedium macranthos var. rebunense are pollinated by only queen Bombus pseudobaicalensis, which also pollinates nectar-producing flowers of Pedicularis schistostegia. Our previous study (Sugiura et al. 2001) suggested that they form a floral mimicry system: (1) Flowering phenology of both plants overlapped greatly. (2) Cypripedium occurred with lower frequency relative to Pedicularis. And (3) in a mixed stand of both plants, foraging bumblebees were sometimes confused between the mimic and model flowers. The present study clarified the system with new evidence. (4) Flower colour of Cypripedium and Pedicularis would be similar within the range of a bumblebee's visual spectrum. And (5) both species largely overlapped in spatial distribution. Based on these findings, we discuss how C. macranthos var. rebunense differs in pollination mechanism from other congeneric species, especially C. calceolus. Received April 23, 2002; accepted August 23, 2002 Published online: November 28, 2002 Addresses of the authors: Naoto Sugiura (e-mail: sugiura@aster.sci.kumamoto-u.ac.jp), Department of Environmental Science, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan. Masashi Goubara, United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Tottori University, Tottori 680-8553, Japan. Kenji Kitamura, Division of Environmental Biology, Faculty of Life and Environmental Science, Shimane University, Mastue 690-8504, Japan. Ken Inoue, Biological Institute and Herbarium, Faculty of Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan.  相似文献   

The early floral development of Actinidia (A. arguta, A. callosa, A. chinensis and A. kolomikta; Actinidiaceae), Saurauia (S. montana, S. oldhamii, S. pittieri and S. subspinosa; Actinidiaceae), Roridula gorgonias (Roridulaceae) and Heliamphora nutans (Sarraceniaceae) was studied comparatively using scanning electron microscopy. Late stages of androecium development are additionally presented for Clematoclethra scandens (Actinidiaceae), Darlingtonia californica and Sarracenia leucophylla (Sarraceniaceae). Flowers are typically pentamerous and share a number of developmental features: perianth organs emerge in a clockwise or anticlockwise spiral sequence on the floral apex with relatively long plastochrons between successive organs, resulting in conspicuous size differences among perianth organs in early development; the perianth always consists of two differentiated whorls (unlike earlier interpretations of the perianth in Heliamphora); the androecium is polystemonous in most species and is initiated with leading stamens in alternipetalous positions; successive stamen primordia appear in a lateral succession until a ring‐like structure is formed; and the anthers become inverted shortly before anthesis. Later androecial development differs conspicuously between taxa and further proliferation may be centrifugal, centripetal and/or lateral. For Ericales, unusual features of floral development include: petals initiated in a spiral sequence (but later organized in a whorl) with comparatively long plastochrons between individual petals (except Saurauia); common occurrence of perianth organs in double positions in Actinidiaceae; and anthers that become inverted close to anthesis. The floral development in the sarracenioids is additionally compared with that of other families and clades in Ericales, further emphasizing the highly variable patterns of androecium development in the order.  相似文献   

The pollinators of 29 ginger species representing 11 genera in relation to certain floral morphological characteristics in a mixed-dipterocarp forest in Borneo were investigated. Among the 29 species studied, eight were pollinated by spiderhunters (Nectariniidae), 11 by medium-sized Amegilla bees (Anthophoridae), and ten by small halictid bees. These pollination guilds found in gingers in Sarawak are comparable to the pollination guilds of neotropical Zingiberales, i.e., hummingbird-, and euglossine-bee-pollinated guilds. Canonical discriminant analysis revealed that there were significant correlations between floral morphology and pollination guilds and suggests the importance of plant–pollinator interactions in the evolution of floral morphology. Most species in the three guilds were separated on the plot by the first and second canonical variables. Spiderhunter-pollinated flowers had longer floral tubes, while Amegilla-pollinated flowers had wider lips than the others, which function as a platform for the pollinators. Pistils and stamens of halictid-pollinated flowers were smaller than the others. The fact that gingers with diverse morphologies in a forest with high species diversity were grouped into only three pollination guilds and that the pollinators themselves showed low species diversity suggests that many species of rare understory plants have evolved without segregating pollinators in each pollination guild.  相似文献   

The genus Aspidistra comprises about 160 species of herbaceous plants. In previous investigations, different authors suggested that Aspidistra is pollinated by flies, fungus gnats, slugs, amphipods and even collembolans. The vast majority of data was based on only one species, A. elatior, and was not confirmed by direct observations. Recent field observations of anthetic plants confirm the idea of pollination by flies for two other species of the genus. The present study summarizes direct observations of flowering phenology and pollination of five previously unstudied species of Aspidistra. Flowering biology was studied using visual observations as well as video and photo monitoring. Flowers and captured pollinators were investigated using scanning electron microscopy. As a result, knowledge of the flowering biology of Aspidistra has been increased. The absence of heat production and an ultraviolet pattern were verified. The present data show that flowers of Aspidistra can serve as a food resource for animals. The investigated species of Aspidistra are pollinated by dipteran insects: A. formosa, A. marasmioides and A. subrotata are pollinated by fungus gnats; A. multiflora and A. oviflora are pollinated by flies. The occurrence of fungus‐gnat pollination was directly demonstrated for the first time in the genus Aspidistra. The present study confirmed the idea of myiophily in the genus Aspidistra. Apparently, myiophily is common and diverse in Aspidistra. More likely, pollinators are attracted by scent, which is undetectable by humans, but the attraction mechanism is still not completely clear.  相似文献   

Abstract  Australian Nymphulinae are a diverse group of moths with aquatic caterpillars that probably play an important role in determining the composition and abundance of aquatic macrophytes in Australian freshwater systems. Less than 10% of the nymphuline larvae in Australia have been described. As part of a project to develop biological control agents for hydrilla, Hydrilla verticillata , we encountered a variety of Nymphulinae larvae feeding on this and other aquatic plants. We illustrate, describe and provide a key to five species of Nymphulinae larvae ( Ambia ptolycusalis (Walker), Parapoynx diminutalis Snellen, Hygraula nitens Butler, Margarosticha repititalis (Warren) and Theila siennata (Warren)) that feed on hydrilla in North Queensland. Information on their host plants also is included. Our field research indicates that none of these species should be considered as potential biological control agents for hydrilla.  相似文献   

Pollination biology in Gastrodia elata was investigated on Rebun Island, Japan. The flowers have an urceolate perianth chamber whose opening is constricted by the column and labellum. This structure plays a crucial role in the selection of small‐bodied bees from flower visitors of various body sizes. In addition, the furrow on the ventral side of the column possibly contributes to the admission of sweat bee pollinators, whose thoracic widths match the width of the furrow. Sweat bees receive the pollinarium on their thorax while escaping head first from the chamber. No pollinator rewards, such as previously reported harvestable spongy tissue, are likely to be produced by the orchid. The flowers, however, have a glossy area reminiscent of nectar secreted into the chamber that likely acts as a deceptive signal for pollinators. Fruit‐set ratios were found to vary spatiotemporally; the values were higher under bright light conditions, probably reflecting the presence of sweat bees for sunny places.  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions are thought to be major drivers of floral trait diversity. However, the relative importance of divergent pollinator‐mediated selection vs. neutral processes in floral character evolution has rarely been explored. We tested for adaptive floral trait evolution by comparing differentiation at neutral genetic loci to differentiation at quantitative floral traits in a putative Ipomopsis aggregata hybrid zone. Typical I. aggregata subsp. candida displays slender white tubular flowers that are typical of flowers pollinated by hawkmoths, and subsp. collina displays robust red tubular flowers typical of flowers pollinated by hummingbirds; yet, hybrid flower morphs are abundant across the East Slope of the Colorado Rockies. We estimated genetic differentiation (FST) for nuclear and chloroplast microsatellite loci and used a half‐sib design to calculate quantitative trait divergence (QST) from collection sites across the morphological hybrid zone. We found little evidence for population structure and estimated mean FST to be 0.032. QST values for several floral traits including corolla tube length and width, colour, and nectar volume were large and significantly greater than mean FST. We performed multivariate comparisons of neutral loci to genetic correlations within and between populations and found a strong signal for divergent selection, suggesting that specific combinations of floral display and reward traits may be the targets of selection. Our results show little support for historical subspecies categories, yet floral traits are more diverged than expected due to drift alone. Non‐neutral divergence for multivariate quantitative traits suggests that selection by pollinators is maintaining a correlation between display and reward traits.  相似文献   

Pollination via sexual deception is hypothesised to be associated with more frequent outcrossing and greater pollen dispersal distances than strategies involving food‐foraging behaviour. In this study, we investigated the behaviour and movement distances of Lissopimpla excelsa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), and their implications for the pollination of the sexually deceptive Cryptostylis ovata (Orchidaceae). Pollinator observations revealed that while L. excelsa will alight on multiple flowers within a single visit to a patch of orchids, the frequency of attempted copulation decreases with successive visits, suggesting that pollinator learning may inhibit within‐patch pollen transfer. Mark‐recapture demonstrated that 25% of wasps revisited inflorescences within a day and 50% revisited within a week. Despite the apparent site fidelity of some individuals, L. excelsa often move over large distances (maximum = 625 m), and are capable of dispersing pollen between patches. To resolve the consequences of pollination by sexual deception of ichneumonids, we compared our results with those from studies of other sexually deceptive systems. While pollination rates were comparable with other sexually deceptive orchids, L. excelsa showed high rates of column contact and moved over large distances relative to other sexually deceived pollinators. Among sexually deceptive orchids in general, the frequency of column contact was not correlated either with the frequency of pseudocopulation or with pollination rate. These results suggest that the consequences of pollination by sexual deception may vary extensively between plant taxa due to variation in floral traits, and behavioural differences between pollinator groups.  相似文献   

异型花柱是一种受遗传因素控制的花型多态性现象,其适应意义在于提高不同花型间传粉精确性,从而促进异交。为检验二型花柱植物滇丁香(Luculia pinceana)是如何促进异交并确定有效传粉者的类型,实验统计自然种群中长、短柱型的植株数量,测量花部特征,统计自然种群植株柱头上的型间花粉落置的数量和比例,比较型内、型间花粉的萌发率以及花粉管长度,比较不同人工授粉处理结实情况,观察传粉昆虫类型并测量虫体特征。结果表明(1)滇丁香自然居群中长、短柱型植株的数量没有显著性差异。长柱型的筒深、筒直径、开口直径、雄蕊长和柱头长均显著小于短柱型,而长柱型的叶片长和宽、雌蕊长、花药体积、花粉粒体积、柱头厚均显著大于短柱型。(2)自然种群植株柱头上型间花粉所占比例显著低于型内花粉的比例。(3)型间授粉的花粉萌发率以及花粉管长度均大于型内授粉和混合授粉。(4)型间授粉的结实率显著高于型内授粉的结实率,型内授粉具有一定的结实。(5)夜行性长喙条背天蛾(Cechenena lineosa)是滇丁香的有效传粉者,其吻长和滇丁香的花筒深相适应。本研究表明二型花柱植物滇丁香主要是通过与其花部特征相匹配的长喙天蛾实现有效的传粉,通过促进型间花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长而有利于型间授粉结实,提高传粉精确性。  相似文献   

  • This study tested the hypothesis that self‐compatibility would be associated with floral traits that facilitate autonomous self‐pollination to ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. In a comparison of two pairs of Ipomoea species with contrasting breeding systems, we predicted that self‐compatible (SC) species would have smaller, less variable flowers, reduced herkogamy, lower pollinator visitation and higher reproductive success than their self‐incompatible (SI) congeners.
  • We studied sympatric species pairs, I. hederacea (SC)– I. mitchellae (SI) and I. purpurea (SC)–I. indica (SI), in Mexico, over two years. We quantified variation in floral traits and nectar production, documented pollinator visitation, and determined natural fruit and seed set. Hand‐pollination and bagging experiments were conducted to determine potential for autonomous self‐pollination and apomixis.
  • Self‐compatible Ipomoea species had smaller flowers and lower nectar production than SI species; however, floral variation and integration did not vary according to breeding system. Bees were primary pollinators of all species, but visitation rates were seven times lower in SC than SI species. SC species had a high capacity for autonomous self‐pollination due to reduced herkogamy at the highest anther levels. Self‐compatible species had two to six times higher fruit set than SI species.
  • Results generally support the hypothesis that self‐compatibility and autonomous self‐pollination ensure reproduction under low pollinator visitation. However, high variation in morphological traits of SC Ipomoea species suggests they maintain variation through outcrossing. Furthermore, reduced herkogamy was associated with high potential for autonomous self‐pollination, providing a reproductive advantage that possibly underlies transitions to self‐compatibility in Ipomoea.

Floral nectar composition has been explained as an adaptation to factors that are either directly or indirectly related to pollinator attraction. However, it is often unclear whether the sugar composition is a direct adaptation to pollinator preferences. Firstly, the lower osmolality of sucrose solutions means that they evaporate more rapidly than hexose solutions, which might be one reason why sucrose‐rich nectar is typically found in flowers with long tubes (adapted to long‐tongued pollinators), where it is better protected from evaporation than in open or short‐tubed flowers. Secondly, it can be assumed that temperature‐dependent evaporation is generally lower during the night than during the day so that selection pressure to secrete nectar with high osmolality (i.e. hexose‐rich solutions) is relaxed for night‐active flowers pollinated at night. Thirdly, the breeding system may affect selection pressure on nectar traits; that is, for pollinator‐independent, self‐pollinated plants, a lower selective pressure on nectar traits can be assumed, leading to a higher variability of nectar sugar composition independent of pollinator preferences, nectar accessibility and nectar protection. To analyse the relations between flower tube length, day vs. night pollination and self‐pollination, the nectar sugar composition was investigated in 78 European Caryophylloideae (Caryophyllaceae) with different pollination modes (diurnal, nocturnal, self‐pollination) using high‐performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All Caryophylleae species (Dianthus and relatives) were found to have nectar with more than 50% sucrose, whereas the sugar composition of Sileneae species (Silene and relatives) ranged from 0% to 98.2%. In the genus Silene, a clear dichotomous distribution of sucrose‐ and hexose‐dominant nectars is evident. We found a positive correlation between the flower tube length and sucrose content in Caryophylloideae, particularly in day‐flowering species, using both conventional analyses and phylogenetically independent contrasts.  相似文献   

  • Caladenia is a diverse Australian genus that is exceptional among orchids in having both species pollinated by food‐seeking and sexually deceived insects. Here, we investigated the pollination of Caladenia nobilis, a species predicted to be food‐deceptive due to its large, cream‐coloured and apparently nectarless flowers.
  • Pollinator observations were made using experimental clumps of flowers. Measurements of floral colour were undertaken with a spectrometer, nectar was tested using GC‐MS, and reproductive success was quantified for 2 years.
  • While C. nobilis attracted nine species of insect, only males of the thynnine wasp Rhagigaster discrepans exhibited the correct size and behaviour to remove and deposit pollen. Male R. discrepans attempted to feed from the surface of the labellum, often crawling to multiple flowers, but showed no evidence of sexual attraction. Most flowers produced little or no nectar, although some may provide enough sucrose to act as a meagre reward to pollinators. Floral colouration was similar to a related Caladenia species pollinated by sexual deception, although the sexually deceptive species had a dull‐red labellum. Reproductive success was generally low and highly variable between sites and years.
  • In addition to most visitors being of inappropriate size for pollinia removal, the lack of response to the orchid by several co‐occurring species of thynnine wasp suggests filtering of potential pollinators at the attraction phase. Our discovery of a pollination strategy that may be intermediate between food deception and food reward raises the question, how many putatively rewardless orchids actually produce meagre amounts of nectar?

Assembly of microbial communities is the result of neutral and selective processes. However, the relative importance of these processes is still debated. Microbial communities of flowers, in particular, have gained recent attention because of their potential impact to plant fitness and plant‐pollinator interactions. However, the role of selection and dispersal in the assembly of these communities remains poorly understood. Here, we evaluated the role of pollinator‐mediated dispersal on the contribution of neutral and selective processes in the assembly of floral microbiomes of the yellow monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus). We sampled floral organs from flowers in the presence and absence of pollinators within five different serpentine seeps in CA and obtained 16S amplicon data on the epiphytic bacterial communities. Consistent with strong microenvironment selection within flowers we observed significant differences in community composition across floral organs and only a small effect of geographic distance. Pollinator exposure affected the contribution of environmental selection and depended on the rate and intimacy of interactions with flower visitors. This study provides evidence of the importance of dispersal and within‐flower heterogeneity in shaping epiphytic bacterial communities of flowers, and highlights the complex interplay between pollinator behaviour, environmental selection and additional abiotic factors in shaping the epiphytic bacterial communities of flowers.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 3 (ARF3) belongs to the auxin response factor (ARF) family that regulates the expression of auxin‐responsive genes. ARF3 is known to function in leaf polarity specification and gynoecium patterning. In this study, we discovered a previously unknown role for ARF3 in floral meristem (FM) determinacy through the isolation and characterization of a mutant of ARF3 that enhanced the FM determinacy defects of agamous (ag)‐10, a weak ag allele. Central players in FM determinacy include WUSCHEL (WUS), a gene critical for FM maintenance, and AG and APETALA2 (AP2), which regulate FM determinacy by repression and promotion of WUS expression, respectively. We showed that ARF3 confers FM determinacy through repression of WUS expression, and associates with the WUS locus in part in an AG‐dependent manner. We demonstrated that ARF3 is a direct target of AP2 and partially mediates AP2's function in FM determinacy. ARF3 exhibits dynamic and complex expression patterns in floral organ primordia; altering the patterns spatially compromised FM determinacy. This study uncovered a role for ARF3 in FM determinacy and revealed relationships among genes in the genetic network governing FM determinacy.  相似文献   

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