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The monogonont rotifer Lecane inermis is commonly known as a facultative parthenogen. Unexpectedly, among numerous lineages we isolated from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), only one was capable of sexual reproduction. We investigated why sex was so rare among L. inermis in WWTP. The reproductive modes of lineages derived from the sexual lineage were examined. Among all lineages, the fraction of those reproducing only asexually for 14 d was 0.39. In the subsequent round, the fraction of asexual lineages reached 0.61. The population growth rate of the parthenogenetic lineages was significantly higher than that of the sexual lineages. We simulated the fate of rotifer populations in WWTP by removing 10% of the experimental cultures each day. After 10 d of these conditions, the mean number of females was greater in parthenogenetic than in sexual lineages. After 20 d, only solitary dormant eggs remained in the sexual lineages. It therefore appears that the loss of sex may be attributed to the specific conditions of the WWTP. When there is no risk of desiccation and no need for dormancy, the fast‐growing parthenogens outcompete lineages investing in costly sex. Furthermore, even if some resting eggs were deposited, they would be washed out from the system with the excess sludge.  相似文献   

Monogononta is the most speciose class of rotifers, with more than 2,000 species. The monogonont genus Brachionus is widely distributed at a global scale, and a few of its species are commonly used as ecological and evolutionary models to address questions related to aquatic ecology, cryptic speciation, evolutionary ecology, the evolution of sex and ecotoxicology. With the importance of Brachionus species in many areas of research, it is remarkable that the genome has not been characterized. This study aims to address this lacuna by presenting, for the first time, the whole‐genome assembly of the freshwater species Brachionus calyciflorus. The total length of the assembled genome was 129.6 Mb, with 1,041 scaffolds. The N50 value was 786.6 kb, and the GC content was 24%. A total of 16,114 genes were annotated with repeat sequences, accounting for 21% of the assembled genome. This assembled genome may form a basis for future studies addressing key questions on the evolution of monogonont rotifers. It will also provide the necessary molecular resources to mechanistically investigate ecophysiological and ecotoxicological responses.  相似文献   

  1. A review of research on life-cycle events in field and laboratory populations of monogonont rotifers shows that there is great variation at multiple levels: (1) degree of sexual dimorphism; (2) occurrence and timing of sex; (3) propensity for sex during sexual periods; (4) factors controlling initiation of sex; and (5) timing and extent of emergence from diapause. There is no regular pattern where: (1) fertilised resting eggs hatch to start the growing season; (2) populations develop via female parthenogenesis during favourable conditions; and then (3) bisexual reproduction with resting-egg production occurs during later, unfavourable conditions.
  2. Sexual reproduction in natural populations can occur throughout much of the growing season, be restricted to some period(s) during the growing season, or be completely absent. During sexual reproduction in both natural and laboratory populations, only some fraction of females produces males or resting eggs. This bet-hedging strategy can prevent a population crash and permits future population growth via female parthenogenesis. Selection against sexual reproduction, and rapid loss of sex, can occur.
  3. Laboratory experiments with pond-dwelling species have identified specific environmental factors that induce sex in different species: (1) increasing population density; (2) dietary tocopherol (vitamin E) and (3) long photoperiods. These factors generally are associated with favourable conditions for population growth and production of energy-rich resting eggs: (1) large population size; (2) high probability of contacts between males and fertilisable females; and (3) nutritious diets. Endogenous factors can inhibit responses to these environmental inducers, and thus favour female parthenogenesis.
  4. The timing of resting-egg hatching depends on: (1) occurrence of specific environmental conditions; (2) the minimum duration of obligate diapause; and (3) the genotype and physiology of females producing resting eggs. Hatching may occur shortly after oviposition, after a long diapause before or at the start of a new growing season, or throughout the growing season. Hatching can be massive and contribute substantially to population growth and genetic diversity.
  5. Areas for future research include: (1) determining the timing and extent of sex and resting-egg hatching in more natural populations, especially those that are marine, benthic, sessile, and interstitial; and (2) identifying environmental and physiological factors controlling these events.

Variability for mixis initiation in Brachionus plicatilis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deductions from both evolutionary models and inductive argumentation from empirical data support the notion of intraspecific variability for the initiation of sexual reproduction (mixis) within rotifer populations. In this study, we focus on the time and density at which mixis is initiated in a growing population. Cyclical parthenogenetic clones of Brachionus plicatilis established by hatching of resting eggs, isolated from a natural habitat, have been tested at the start of their sexual phase. Clones exhibited great variation for this trait, their time of switching to sexual reproduction being correlated with population density. Most of the variation for mixis initiation has either low or no heritability and is caused by individual environmental factors.  相似文献   

Cyclical parthenogens, which combine asexual and sexual reproduction, are good models for research into the ecological and population processes affecting the evolutionary maintenance of sex. Sex in cyclically parthenogenetic rotifers is necessary for diapausing egg production, which is essential to survive adverse conditions between planktonic growing seasons. However, within a planktonic season sexual reproduction prevents clonal proliferation. Hence, clones with a low propensity for sex should be selected, becoming dominant in the population as the growing season progresses. In this context, we studied the dynamics of the heritable variation in propensity for sexual reproduction among clones of a Brachionus plicatilis rotifer population in a temporary Mediterranean pond during the period the species occurred in plankton. Clonal isolates displayed high heritable variation in their propensity for sex. Moreover, the frequency of clones with low propensity for sex increased during the growing season, which supports the hypothesized short‐term selection for low investment in sex within a growing season. These results demonstrate (1) the inherent instability of the cyclical parthenogenetic life cycle, (2) the cost of sexual reproduction in cyclical parthenogens where sex produces diapausing eggs and (3) the role of the association between sexual reproduction and diapause in maintaining sex in these cyclical parthenogens.  相似文献   

Pozuelo  M.  Lubián  L.M. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):139-143
Two strains of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis (L-type) differing in the levels of mictic female and male production, were grown in batch cultures with the alga Nannochloropsis gaditana as food, at two low (2.5 and 10), and two high (40 and 50) salinities. While both the low (strain S-1) and the high (strain S-3) sexual reproducing strains developed similar growth cycles at 2.5 and 10, the population growth response at 40 and 50 showed that; 1) in strain S-1, mixis can be suppressed in conditions that still allow asexual reproduction, and 2) in strain S-3 mictic female and male production are possible at nearly zero asexual population growth rates. In strain S-3, a double log linear relationship between the densities of males and females was found. These results show that mixis can occur over a wide ranges of female population density, and support the hypothesis that sexual reproduction is a strain dependent component of the general reproductive response.  相似文献   

A culture system for the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was designed to maintain higher food conversion rates and stable population densities. Two 2001 plastic tanks were employed in the culture experiments, tank A for feedback culture and tank B for a control culture. The experiments were carried out for 70 days at 24 °C, light intensity, 1500 lux, and a photoperiod of L:D 15:9. B. plicatilis were fed once a day on baker's yeast and Chlorella.Food conversion rates in tanks A and B were 24.7% and 10.1%, respectively. Population density of B. plicatilis in tank A was consistently stable at 100–150 ind. ml–1 throughout the culture period. Density in tank B, however, showed large fluctuations after 40 or 50 days and by the end of the experiment, declined to zero.  相似文献   

Several experiments with Brachionus plicatilis have been conducted to test the existence of chemical-mediated induction of mixis. In a first experimental set, bioassays were used to test relationships between preconditioning of culture medium to high population density and the occurrence of mixis in mass cultures with these media. The results show that a preconditioned medium has inducing properties that are comparable to the crowding effect.In order to isolate the effect on mixis of the preconditioning, we also carried out an experiment involving individual cultures. Isolated individuals of B. plicatilis, CU strain, placed in 1 ml of medium renewed daily showed no mixis, but mixis was induced when medium preconditioned to high density was used following the same experimental procedure.  相似文献   

1. The coexistence of five cryptic species of the rotifer species complex Brachionus plicatilis was investigated in four coastal Mediterranean ponds. Monthly sampling was undertaken for 15 months and species were characterised using allozyme electrophoresis. 2. We describe species‐diagnostic allozyme loci that can be used for rapid identification of these species. 3. The five species overlapped to some extent in their temporal use of the ponds, although some seasonal segregation was observed. 4. The match between temporal and spatial distribution and limnological conditions suggested ecological specialisation in some cases, although we found striking examples of extensive seasonal overlap. 5. Our results indicate that sympatry of cryptic rotifer species is largely because of seasonal ecological specialisation, which allows seasonal succession and partitioning of resources. The processes that might be involved in the long periods of overlapping seasonal distributions of species which are potentially competitors are discussed. This example illustrates that the ‘paradox of the plankton’ is more the rule than the exception.  相似文献   

Faunistic survey using a DNA taxonomy approach may provide different results from morphological methods, especially for small and understudied animals. In this study, we report the results from morphometric analyses (linear measurements of the lorica) and DNA taxonomy (generalized mixed Yule coalescent model on the barcoding mtDNA locus cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) performed on 15 clonal lineages of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis species complex from six Iranian inland saltwaters. The DNA taxonomy approach found more units of diversity (four) than the morphometric approach (two) in the studied rotifers. Three of the taxa identified in this study are already known as described valid species or as‐yet unnamed lineages, but a new, additional lineage is also identified from Iran. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The habitat occupied by a subpopulation and withinwhich there is random mating is known as itsneighborhood area. Neighborhood area is dependenton dispersal rates and organisms with low rates ofdispersal are expected to have small neighborhoodareas. In the absence of evolutionary forces,neighborhood areas under sexual reproduction will beconstant in size as long as dispersal patterns do notchange. This scenario differs when reproduction is bycyclical parthenogenesis since recombination anddispersal may occur in different generations. Ingeneral, dispersal distances increase with the numberof parthenogenetic generations. We show that cyclicalparthenogenesis increases neighborhood area which,concomitantly, decreases the potential for geneticsubdivision. It is noteworthy, however, that theincrease in neighborhood area is a decreasing functionof the number of parthenogenetic generations.This mechanism may have important implications for thepopulation structure of planktonic rotifers living ina horizontally undifferentiated habitat. In suchhabitats organisms are effectively unrestricted intheir lateral movements. Because rotifers typicallyhave low dispersal rates spatial geneticdiscontinuities may develop that divide the populationinto genetically distinct subpopulations. Counteringthis tendency is the increased neighborhood areaproduced by dispersal during the parthenogeneticphase. Thus cyclical parthenogenesis in organismslike rotifers may have important and previouslyunreported effects on the population's geneticstructure.  相似文献   

This work explores theoretical patterns of reproduction that maximize the production of resting eggs and the long-term fitness of genotypes in cyclical parthenogens. Our focus is on density-dependent reproduction as it influences the consequences of a trade-off between producing amictic daughters – which reproduce parthenogenetically and subitaneously – and producing mictic daughters – which undergo meiosis and bisexual reproduction. Amictic females increase competitive ability and allow the population to achieve a larger size; mictic females directly contribute to population survival through harsh periods by producing resting eggs. Although morphologically indistinguishable, the two types of females differ greatly in their ecological and reproductive roles. What factors underlie the differential allocation of resources to produce amictic and mictic females? Using a demographic model based on readily accessible parameters we demonstrate the existence of a frequency of mictic females that will maximize the population's long-term fitness. This frequency, termed the optimal mictic ratio, mo, is 1 ? (q/b)1/2, where q is the mortality rate and b is the maximum birth rate. Using computer simulation we compared the fitness of a population with this constant mictic ratio with populations having multiple switches from complete parthenogenetic growth to complete allocation in mixis (mictic ratio either 0 or 1). Two important conclusions for optimal mixis in density-dependent growth conditions are: (1) intermediate mictic ratios are optimal, and (2) optimal mictic ratios are higher when habitat conditions are better. Physiological cues responding to differences in birth and death rates are common so that it is possible that populations may adjust their relative rates of mictic and amictic female production in response to environmentally induced changes to the optimum mictic ratio. Our analysis demonstrates that different patterns of mixis are expected in different type of habitats. Since the optimal mictic ratio is sensitive to the effects of a variety of environmental challenges, our model makes possible a new means to evaluate life history evolution in cyclical parthenogens.  相似文献   

Transitions to asexuality have occurred in many animals and plants, yet the biological mechanisms causing such transitions have often remained unclear. Cyclical parthenogens, such as cladocerans, rotifers or aphids often give rise to obligate asexual lineages. In many rotifers, chemical signals that accumulate during population crowding trigger the induction of sexual stages. In this study, I tested two hypotheses on the origin of obligate parthenogenesis in the rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus: (i) that obligate parthenogens have lost the responsiveness to the sexual signal; and (ii) that obligate parthenogens have lost the ability to produce the sexual signal. Pairwise cross-induction assays among three obligate parthenogenetic strains and two cyclically parthenogenetic (sexual) strains were used to test these hypotheses. I found that obligate parthenogens can induce sexual reproduction in sexual strains, but not vice versa. This demonstrates that obligate parthenogens do still produce the sexual signal, but have lost responsiveness to that signal.  相似文献   

Fertilization and male fertility in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The role of males in fertilization in the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis was examined. Neonate mictic females sometimes escaped fertilization even when sperm were present in their pseudocoeloms. Males made a major contribution to this fertilization failure through temporary infertility. As males aged, sperm numbers and motility decreased. Maternal diet was found to play a primary role in determining the fertilizing capacity of the F1 males. Females from log phase populations produced males with higher sperm counts and motility than females from stationary phase populations. A conditioning factor in the medium may increase sperm number and fertilization rate.  相似文献   

Weithoff  Guntram  Walz  Norbert 《Hydrobiologia》1995,(1):381-386
The population dynamics of B. calyciflorus was investigated using a green alga, Monoraphidium minutum, and a blue-green alga Planktothrix agardhii as food sources, separately and as mixtures. Growth rate (r), egg ratio (ER), and juvenile development time (D j ) were measured in the laboratory and mortality rate and embryonic development time (D E ) were calculated. With M. minutum, Brachionus showed a typical growth curve (Monod-kinetics) dependent on food concentration. In contrast B. calyciflorus did not grow well on P. agardhii. With all food concentrations the measured growth rates were about r=0. At low food concentrations r was low with both food types, but the ER of B. calyciflorus was significantly higher with P. agardhii as food source. Furthermore the relative egg volume of females carrying one egg was higher with Planktothrix than with Monoraphidium. An addition of P. agardhii to M. minutum led to increasing growth rates. Highest growth rates were found with complementary food sources. High food concentrations of M. minutum shortened the juvenile development (D J ) time, but D j was uneffected by different P. agardhii food concentrations. A mixture of both algae did not shorten D j compared with M. minutum as single food. The calculated D E was not effected by different food qualities but the calculated mortality was nearly 3 times higher with P. agardhii as food.  相似文献   

Survival analysis of three clones of Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Age-specific survival schedules of females from three genetically different clones of Brachionus plicatilis were analyzed at several environmental conditions in the laboratory.Lifespan showed the expected decrease with increasing temperature, but a general trend with salinity or genotype was not observed. Probability of death increased with age, as tested by polynomial regression analysis of the survival curve and using theoretical mortality distributions. Three two-parameter models (linear-exponential model, Weibull model, and Gompertz model) were fitted to the survival data. Fitting of these models to data was rather poor, but the Gompertz model and, to a lesser extent, the Weibull model fitted the data better than the linear-exponential model. Parameters obtained from the survival curve analyses were related to other demographic parameters. A significant relationship between the shape parameter of the Gompertz model and the cohort generation time was detected, suggesting, but not proving, an effect of reproductive effort on aging.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to search for species-specific and strain-specific satellite DNA sequences for which oligonucleotide primers could be designed to differentiate between various commercially important strains of the marine monogonont rotifers Brachionus rotundiformis and Brachionus plicatilis. Two unrelated, highly reiterated satellite sequences were cloned and characterized. The eight sequenced monomers from B. rotundiformis and six from B. plicatilis had low intrarepeat variability and were similar in their overall lengths, A + T compositions, and high degrees of repeated motif substructure. However, hybridizations to 19 representative strains, sequence characterizations, and GenBank searches indicated that these two satellites are morphotype-specific and population-specific, respectively, and share little homology to each other or to other characterized sequences in the database. Primer pairs designed for the B. rotundiformis satellite confirmed hybridization specificities on polymerase chain reaction and could serve as a useful molecular diagnostic tool to identify strains belonging to the SS morphotype, which are gaining widespread usage as first feeds for marine fish in commercial production. Received April 12, 1999; accepted July 29, 1999.  相似文献   

Yúfera  M.  Pascual  E.  Guinea  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,(1):159-164
The contribution of the egg weight and the population size structure to the body mass have been studied in two strains of Brachionus plicatilis of different size. A mathematical model was developed in order to obtain a reliable estimate of the dry mass from two single easily determined parameters; the egg/female ratio and the mean lorica length.  相似文献   

1. Salinity is a strong selective force for many aquatic organisms, affecting both ecological and evolutionary processes. Most of our knowledge on the effects of salinity on rotifers in the Brachionus plicatilis species complex is based mainly on populations from waterbodies that experience broad environmental changes both seasonally and annually. We tested the hypothesis that, despite the supposedly high potential for gene flow among rotifers inhabiting neighbouring environments, constant salinity has promoted local adaptation, genetic population divergence and even cryptic speciation in B. plicatilis complex populations from three deep maar lakes of distinct salinities [1.1, 6.5 and 9.0 g L?1 total dissolved solids (TDS)] in Central Mexico. 2. To look for local adaptation, we performed common garden experiments to test the effect of different salinities on population density and intrinsic growth rate (r). Then, we evaluated the genetic divergence by sequencing the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and performed reproductive trials to assess the potential gene flow among the three populations and with other closely related B. plicatilis complex species. 3. We confirmed that the rotifer populations have phenotypic plasticity in tolerance of salinity, but only rotifers from the least saline lake are adapted to low salinity. Among the populations, sequence divergence at COI was very low (just a single haplotype was found), suggesting a persistent founder effect from a relatively recent single colonisation event and a subsequent dispersal from one lake to the others, and a very restricted immigration rate. In the phylogenetic analysis, rotifers from this area of Mexico clustered in the same clade with the middle‐sized species Brachionus ibericus and B. sp. ‘Almenara’. Mexican rotifers showed successful recognition, copulation and formation of hybrids among them, but interpopulation breeding with the Spanish B. ibericus and B. sp. ‘Almenara’ was unsuccessful. 4. We conclude that the B. plicatilis complex populations from these three lakes belong to a new biological species not yet described (presently named B. sp. ‘Mexico’). To our knowledge, this is the first report of local adaptation of a natural B. plicatilis complex population living in freshwater conditions (1.1 g L?1 TDS).  相似文献   

Rumengan  Inneke F. M.  Fu  Yong  Kayano  Hiroshi  Hirayama  Kazutsugu 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):213-217
Some S type strains of the rotifer Brachionus plicatilis were found to have particular band patterns of certain enzymes, which suggested that the strains were triploids or trisomics for some chromosomes. Chromosomes of the strains were then observed by a conventional squash method of preparation. Analysis of chromosomes was made in comparison with the karyotype of amictic female S type rotifer. The strains were found to be hypotriploids. A strain which was derived from one of the hypotriploid strains was also studied, and was found to be diploid. The relationship between the chromosomes, the isozyme patterns, the origin of the hypotriploid strain and the derived diploid strain were discussed.  相似文献   

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