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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Loasaceae subfam. Loasoideae are mostly distributed in South America (sea level to over 4500 m) with a wide range of animals documented as pollinators. The aim was to investigate correlations between nectar parameters, flower morphology, pollination syndrome and phylogeny. METHODS: Nectar was collected from 29 species from seven genera in the subfamily. Concentration and volumes were measured and the amount of sugar calculated. Correlations of nectar data were plotted on a ternary graph and nectar characteristics compared with flower visitors, floral morphology and phylogenetic data. KEY RESULTS: Sugar concentrations are generally higher than reported for most plant families in the literature. The species investigated can be roughly grouped as follows. Group I: plants with approx. 1.5(-3.5) microL nectar with (40-)60-80% sugar and 0.19-2 mg sugar flower-1; with small, white, star-shaped corollas, pollinated by short-tongued bees. Groups II, III and IV: plants with mostly orange, balloon-, saucer-, bowl- or bell-shaped corollas. Group II: plants with approx. 9-14 microL nectar with 40-60% sugar and 4-10 mg sugar flower-1; mostly visited by long-tongued bees and/or hummingbirds. Group III: plants with 40-100 microL nectar with 30-40% sugar and 14-36 mg sugar flower-1, mostly visited by hummingbirds. Group IV: geoflorous plants with 80-90 microL with 10-15% sugar and 8.5-12 mg sugar flower-1, presumably visited by small mammals. Groups II and III include species visited by bees and/or hummingbirds. CONCLUSIONS: Pollinator switches from short-tongued bees via long-tongued bees to hummingbirds appear to have taken place repeatedly in the genera Nasa, Loasa and Caiophora. Changes in nectar amount and concentration appear to evolve rapidly with little phylogenetic constraint.  相似文献   

Whether species interactions are static or change over time has wide‐reaching ecological and evolutionary consequences. However, species interaction networks are typically constructed from temporally aggregated interaction data, thereby implicitly assuming that interactions are fixed. This approach has advanced our understanding of communities, but it obscures the timescale at which interactions form (or dissolve) and the drivers and consequences of such dynamics. We address this knowledge gap by quantifying the within‐season turnover of plant–pollinator interactions from weekly censuses across 3 years in a subalpine ecosystem. Week‐to‐week turnover of interactions (1) was high, (2) followed a consistent seasonal progression in all years of study and (3) was dominated by interaction rewiring (the reassembly of interactions among species). Simulation models revealed that species’ phenologies and relative abundances constrained both total interaction turnover and rewiring. Our findings reveal the diversity of species interactions that may be missed when the temporal dynamics of networks are ignored.  相似文献   

In flowers of Cajophora arechavaletae Urb. the stamens are hidden from flower visitors in naviculate petals. In the male phase the stamens successively migrate at irregular intervals to the centre of the flower where they present pollen. Therefore, non-specialised pollinators cannot predict the time of pollen presentation. The oligolectic females of Bicolletes pampeana are effective pollinators of Cajophora arechavaletae. Females and males can elicit stamen movements by pressing the scales of the nectaries outwards with their head while taking up nectar. If this stimulus is responded to, up to 3 stamens move and reach the centre of the flower on average after 2.4 min. Experiments showed that the stimulus of nectar scale pressing was responded to maximally when the inter-stimulus interval was at least 14 min. B. pampeana females have evolved a foraging strategy which is adapted to the unique pollen presentation of C. arechavalete flowers. On microforaging routes they trapline 30–60 flowers and, therefore, most frequently come back to the same flower after intervals of about 3 min. This is exactly the period after which a female can expect pollen in the centre of the flower if her previous stimulus was responded to. Competition between the females causes them to return to the flowers at such short intervals.  相似文献   

A long‐standing question in ecology is how species interactions are structured within communities. Although evolutionary theory predicts close size matching between floral nectar tube depth and pollinator proboscis length of interacting species, such size matching has seldom been shown and explained in multispecies assemblages. Here, we investigated the degree of size matching among Asteraceae and their pollinators and its relationship with foraging efficiency. The majority of pollinators, especially Hymenoptera, choose plant species on which they had high foraging efficiencies. When proboscides were shorter than nectar tubes, foraging efficiency rapidly decreased because of increased handling time. When proboscides were longer than nectar tubes, a decreased nectar reward rather than an increased handling time made shallow flowers more inefficient to visit. Altogether, this led to close size matching. Overall, our results show the importance of nectar reward and handling time as drivers of plant–pollinator network structure.  相似文献   

Large‐scale spatial variability in plant–pollinator communities (e.g. along geographic gradients, across different landscapes) is relatively well understood. However, we know much less about how these communities vary at small scales within a uniform landscape. Plants are sessile and highly sensitive to microhabitat conditions, whereas pollinators are highly mobile and, for the most part, display generalist feeding habits. Therefore, we expect plants to show greater spatial variability than pollinators. We analysed the spatial heterogeneity of a community of flowering plants and their pollinators in 40 plots across a 40‐km2 area within an uninterrupted Mediterranean scrubland. We recorded 3577 pollinator visits to 49 plant species. The pollinator community (170 species) was strongly dominated by honey bees (71.8% of the visits recorded). Flower and pollinator communities showed similar beta‐diversity, indicating that spatial variability was similar in the two groups. We used path analysis to establish the direct and indirect effects of flower community distribution and honey bee visitation rate (a measure of the use of floral resources by this species) on the spatial distribution of the pollinator community. Wild pollinator abundance was positively related to flower abundance. Wild pollinator visitation rate was negatively related to flower abundance, suggesting that floral resources were not limiting. Pollinator and flower richness were positively related. Pollinator species composition was weakly related to flower species composition, reflecting the generalist nature of flower–pollinator interactions and the opportunistic nature of pollinator flower choices. Honey bee visitation rate did not affect the distribution of the wild pollinator community. Overall, we show that, in spite of the apparent physiognomic uniformity, both flowers and pollinators display high levels of heterogeneity, resulting in a mosaic of idiosyncratic local communities. Our results provide a measure of the background of intrinsic heterogeneity within a uniform habitat, with potential consequences on low‐scale ecosystem function and microevolutionary patterns.  相似文献   

  • Opuntia (Cactaceae) is known for high rates of hybridization and ploidisation, resulting in the formation of new species. The occurrence of two sympatric and closely related species of Opuntia, O. elata and O. retrorsa, in Brazilian Chaco enabled us to test the hypothesis that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation mechanisms operate in both species.
  • We monitored the flowering period, as well as floral biology, and compared the morphological variation of floral structures through measurements, performed intra‐ and interspecific cross‐pollination tests, and recorded the guild of floral visitors and pollinators.
  • Flowering was seasonal and highly synchronous. Floral biology exhibits similar strategies, and although floral morphology differs significantly in many of the compared structures, such morphological variation does not result in the selection of exclusive pollinators. Floral visitors and pollinators are oligolectic bees shared by both species. Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are self‐compatible. While interspecific cross‐pollination (bidirectional) resulted in germination, the pollen tube did not penetrate the stigma.
  • Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are closely related; however, they are isolated and do not hybridise in Brazilian Chaco. We found that both have weak pre‐pollination barriers, but that they are strongly isolated by pollen–pistil incompatibility, i.e. post‐pollination barrier.

Vigorous discussion of the degree of specialization in pollination interactions, combined with advances in the analysis of complex networks, has revitalized the study of entire plant–pollinator communities. Noticeably rare, however, are attempts to quantify temporal variation in the structure of plant–pollinator networks, and to determine whether the status of species as specialists or generalists is stable. Here we show that network structure varied through time in a montane meadow community from southern California, USA, in that pollinator species did not form the same links with plant species across years. Furthermore, composition of the generalized core group of species in the network varied among summers, as did the identity of those species involved in relationships that appeared to be reciprocally specialized within any one summer. These differences appear to be related to severe drought conditions experienced in the second summer of the 3 year study. In contrast to this variation, the pollinator community remained similarly highly nested in all three summers, even though species were packed into the nested matrix differently from year to year. These results suggest that plant–pollinator networks vary in detail through time, while retaining some basic topological properties. This dynamic aspect of community‐scale interactions has implications for both ecological and evolutionary inferences about pollination mutualisms.  相似文献   

Novice foragers of social bees have to decide what food commodity to collect when they start foraging for the first time. In this decision making process two types of factors are involved: internal factors (the response threshold) and external factors (environmental and colony conditions). In this study we will focus on the importance of two external factors, pollen storage level and information from experienced foragers about food availability in the field, on the initial commodity choice of foragers of the stingless bee species Plebeia tobagoensis. We also studied the effect of the initial choice of individuals on their subsequent foraging career. This study was performed in a closed greenhouse compartment, where food availability and colony condition could be controlled. Information on food availability in the field from experienced foragers and pollen storage level both greatly influenced the initial commodity choice of individuals, with more choices for the commodity communicated by experienced foragers or lacking in storage. The initial choice of foragers is of importance for their future foraging career, although a substantial proportion of foragers did switch between food commodities. Because of the ability of novice foragers to become flexibly distributed over foraging tasks, social bees are able to react to changes in their environment without directly having to decrease foraging effort devoted to other foraging tasks. This, in combination with individual flexibility during foraging careers makes it possible for colonies of P. tobagoensis to forage efficiently in an ever-changing environment. Received 7 November 2005; revised 12 January 2006; accepted 16 February 2006.  相似文献   

Climate change alters the abiotic constraints faced by plants, including increasing temperature and water stress. These changes may affect flower development and production of flower rewards, thus altering plant–pollinator interactions. Here, we investigated the consequences of increased temperature and water stress on plant growth, floral biology, flower‐reward production, and insect visitation of a widespread bee‐visited species, Borago officinalis. Plants were grown for 5 weeks under three temperature regimes (21, 24, and 27°C) and two watering regimes (well‐watered and water‐stressed). Plant growth was more affected by temperature rise than water stress, and the reproductive growth was affected by both stresses. Vegetative traits were stimulated at 24°C, but impaired at 27°C. Flower development was mainly affected by water stress, which decreased flower number (15 ± 2 flowers/plant in well‐watered plants vs. 8 ± 1 flowers/plant under water stress). Flowers had a reduced corolla surface under temperature rise and water stress (3.8 ± 0.5 cm2 in well‐watered plants at 21°C vs. 2.2 ± 0.1 cm2 in water‐stressed plants at 27°C). Both constraints reduced flower‐reward production. Nectar sugar content decreased from 3.9 ± 0.3 mg/flower in the well‐watered plants at 21°C to 1.3 ± 0.4 mg/flower in the water‐stressed plants at 27°C. Total pollen quantity was not affected, but pollen viability decreased from 79 ± 4% in the well‐watered plants at 21°C to 25 ± 9% in the water‐stressed plants at 27°C. Flowers in the well‐watered plants at 21°C received at least twice as many bumblebee visits compared with the other treatments. In conclusion, floral modifications induced by abiotic stresses related to climate change affect insect behavior and alter plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

The interplay between insect and plant traits outlines the patterns of pollen transfer and the subsequent plant reproductive fitness. We studied the factors that affect the pollination efficiency of a pollinator community of Dictamnus albus L. by evaluating insect behaviour and morphological characteristics in relation to flowering phenology. In order to extrapolate the pollinator importance of single taxa and of the whole pollinator guild, we calculated an index distinguishing between potential (PPI) and realized (RPI) pollinator importance. Although the pollinator species spectrum appeared rather constant, we found high intra‐ and inter‐annual variability of pollinator frequency and importance within the insect community. Flower visitation rate strictly depended on insect abundance and on the overlap between their flying period and flower blooming. All the pollinators visited flowers from the bottom to the top of the racemes, excluding intra‐plant geitonogamous pollination, and most of them showed high pollen fidelity. Only medium large‐sized bees could contact the upward bending stiles while feeding on nectar, highlighting a specialisation of the plant towards bigger pollinators. Moreover, we found evidence of functional specialisation, since all pollinators were restricted to a single taxonomic group (order: Hymenoptera; superfamily: Apoidea). Both the PPI and RPI indices indicate Habropoda tarsata as the most important pollinator of D. albus. Following hand cross‐pollination experiments we revealed the presence of pollination limitation in 1 of the 3 years of field study. We discuss this result in relation to flowering abundance and to possible mismatches of phenological periods between plants and insects.  相似文献   

Almond trees are one of the most important crops in the Balearic Islands. The pollination of almonds is limited to the activity of insects, and cross‐pollination is necessary for fruit development. Currently, honey bees and wild bee populations are declining considerably due to multiple causes, such as the use of pesticides, diseases and habitat loss. An alternative to increase the almond production is the use of commercial pollinators. In this long‐term (3 years) study, the effect of the introduction of Bombus terrestris colonies on almond production was evaluated in two orchards. Two experimental designs were carried out to study the best management of this pollinator. For 2 years, all bumble bee colonies were placed in the middle of the plot and during the last year, the bumble bee colonies were distributed homogenously in the plot. Fruit set and the foraging behaviour of bumble bees during the blossoming period was determined, and the effect of different environmental variables on the visitation rate of bumble bees was assessed by means of a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Moreover, for the first time, the spatial distribution of fruit set was evaluated. Our results show that fruit set was significantly higher in the fields where B. terrestris had been introduced than in the control plots. This increased production resulted in a positive economic balance for the farmer. Moreover, bumble bees showed to prefer trees in a southwest orientation that were close to their colony. The activity of bumble bees showed to be significantly influenced by wind speed (the higher the speed the more flowers are visited by B. terrestris) and time after flowering (visitation rate decreased with days after flowering). In order to improve its management and obtain the highest possible almond production, it is important to understand the activity and behaviour of this pollinator.  相似文献   

  • Naturalists Fritz and Hermann Müller hypothesised that heteranthery often leads to a division of labour into ‘feeding’ and ‘pollinating’ stamens; the latter often being as long as the pistil so as to promote successful pollination on the bees’ back. In many buzz‐pollinated species of Senna, however, the so‐called pollinating stamens are short and not level with the stigma, raising the question of how pollen is shed on the bees’ back. Here we explore a mechanism called ‘ricochet pollination’. We test whether division of labour is achieved through the interaction between short lower stamens and strongly concave ‘deflector petals’.
  • We studied the arrangement and morphology of the floral organs involved in the ricochet pollination, functioning of the flowers through artificial sonication and observed the interactions between bees and flowers in the field.
  • The middle stamens are adapted to eject pollen downwards, which can be readily collected on the bee mid legs. Most of the pollen is ejected towards the deflector petal(s). Pollen from this set of stamens is more likely to contribute to pollination. The pollen grains seem to ricochet multiple times against the deflector petals to eventually reach the bee's back.
  • The pollen ricochet mechanism promotes a division of labour by involving additional floral organs, such as petals, reinforcing the Müllers’ division‐of‐labour hypothesis. However, alternative, non‐multiexclusive hypotheses could be explored in genus Senna and other angiosperm species.

  • Bees are the most important diurnal pollinators of angiosperms. In several groups of bees a nocturnal/crepuscular habit developed, yet little is known about their role in pollination and whether some plants are adapted specifically to these bees. We used a multidisciplinary approach to investigate the reproductive biology and to understand the role of nocturnal/crepuscular bees in pollination of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae), popularly named cambuci.
  • We studied the floral biology and breeding system of C. phaea. We collected the floral visitors and tested the pollinators' effectiveness. We also determined the floral scents released at night and during daytime, and studied behavioural responses of crepuscular/nocturnal bees towards these scents.
  • The flowers of cambuci were self‐incompatible and had pollen as the only resource for flower visitors. Anthesis lasted around 14 h, beginning at 04:30 h at night. The flowers released 14 volatile compounds, mainly aliphatic and aromatic compounds. We collected 52 species of floral visitors, mainly bees. Nocturnal and crepuscular bees (four species) were among the most frequent species and the only effective pollinators. In field bioassays performed at night, nocturnal/crepuscular bees were attracted by a synthetic scent blend consisting of the six most abundant compounds.
  • This study describes the first scent‐mediated pollination system between a plant and its nocturnal bee pollinators. Further, C. phaea has several floral traits that do not allow classification into other nocturnal pollination syndromes (e.g. pollinator attraction already before sunrise, with pollen as the only reward), instead it is a plant specifically adapted to nocturnal bees.

The oligolectic bee genus Melitta Kirby, 1802 (Melittidae: Melittinae) is recorded from the Arabian Peninsula for the first time, and from Saudi Arabia in particular. A series of females of Melitta schmiedeknechti Friese, 1898 Friese, H. (1898): Beiträge zur Bienenfauna von Aegypten. Természetrajzi Füzetek, 21, 303313. [Google Scholar] were captured near Jabal al Mashār, Ha’il, Saudi Arabia, representing the first occurrence of this species, previously known across northern Africa and the southern Levant. Brief remarks and a key are provided for the two subspecific forms of M. schmiedeknechti.  相似文献   

1. Plant secondary metabolites can govern prey–predator interactions by altering the diet breadth of predators and sometimes provide an ecological refuge to prey. Brassicaceae plants and their specialist pests can be used as a model system for understanding the role of chemically mediated effects restricting the diet breadth of natural enemies, and consequently the occurrence of enemy‐free space for the specialist pest. 2. The objective of the present study was to test the performance of the generalist predator Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) fed on the specialist herbivore Brevicoryne brassicae L.(Homoptera: Aphididae), reared on two different brassica species: black mustard (Brassica nigra), a wild species with high levels of sinigrin; and canola (Brassica napus), a cultivated species without sinigrin. 3. The preference and performance of the predator and the performance of the prey were measured. Sinigrin was quantified by high‐performance liquid chromatography in both leaf samples and aphids reared on the two host plants. 4. The cabbage aphid performed better on canola than on black mustard. The performance of the predator on this aphid when reared on canola was clearly better than when reared on black mustard. Females had a higher overall preference for cabbage aphids reared on canola than on black mustard. 5. The ability of aphids reared on plants with high glucosinolate content to reduce the performance of their generalist predators indicates that the presence of B. nigra may provide enemy‐free space for the cabbage aphid from its predator, a concept that has useful application in the context of biological control for agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Because inbreeding is common in natural populations of plants and their herbivores, herbivore‐induced selection on plants, and vice versa, may be significantly modified by inbreeding and inbreeding depression. In a feeding assay with inbred and outbred lines of both the perennial herb, Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, and its specialist herbivore, Abrostola asclepiadis, we discovered that plant inbreeding increased inbreeding depression in herbivore performance in some populations. The effect of inbreeding on plant resistance varied among plant and herbivore populations. The among‐population variation is likely to be driven by variation in plant secondary compounds across populations. In addition, inbreeding depression in plant resistance was substantial when herbivores were outbred, but diminished when herbivores were inbred. These findings demonstrate that in plant–herbivore interactions expression of inbreeding depression can depend on the level of inbreeding of the interacting species. Furthermore, our results suggest that when herbivores are inbred, herbivore‐induced selection against self‐fertilisation in plants may diminish.  相似文献   

The chloroplast is one of the most dynamic organelles of a plant cell. It carries out photosynthesis, synthesizes major phytohormones, plays an active part in the defence response and is crucial for interorganelle signalling. Viruses, on the other hand, are extremely strategic in manipulating the internal environment of the host cell. The chloroplast, a prime target for viruses, undergoes enormous structural and functional damage during viral infection. Indeed, large proportions of affected gene products in a virus‐infected plant are closely associated with the chloroplast and the process of photosynthesis. Although the chloroplast is deficient in gene silencing machinery, it elicits the effector‐triggered immune response against viral pathogens. Virus infection induces the organelle to produce an extensive network of stromules which are involved in both viral propagation and antiviral defence. From studies over the last few decades, the involvement of the chloroplast in the regulation of plant–virus interaction has become increasingly evident. This review presents an exhaustive account of these facts, with their implications for pathogenicity. We have attempted to highlight the intricacies of chloroplast–virus interactions and to explain the existing gaps in our current knowledge, which will enable virologists to utilize chloroplast genome‐based antiviral resistance in economically important crops.  相似文献   

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(5-6):403-418
Background: Intraspecific variations in floral traits of species over its geographic range can be associated with differences in pollinator assemblages and/or with environmental conditions.

Aims: We evaluated the area of elaiophores in different populations of Stigmaphyllon bonariense (n = 9) and S. jatrophifolium (n = 6), and we hypothesised a marked reduction in their size towards their southern limits of distribution, associated with different oil-collecting bee assemblages.

Methods: Area of elaiophores was calculated and we carried out linear correlations with floral size, pollinators, visitation rate and pollinator size along the latitudinal gradient of the plants’ distributions. Moreover, we examined the relative size relationships using allometric analyses, to verify this reduction.

Results: Floral elaiophore area decreased with latitude. However, for S. bonariense we observed an allometric reduction in elaiophore area with respect to floral size, while for S. jatrophifolium an isometric reduction was found. In both species, pollinator richness and visitation rate did not diminish with latitude, but pollinator size for S. bonariense varied.

Conclusions: Our results show a reduction in the size of elaiophores in both species along their distribution range, with dissimilar tendencies, suggesting that these species may have different selection pressures that cause variation of their phenotypic traits.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of four species of passionflower was studied in south-eastern Brazil, specifically the importance of chemical features of floral nectar, pigments and odours. All species required pollinators to produce fruits: P. alata was pollinated by bees, P. speciosa by hummingbirds, and P. galbana and P. mucronata by bats. Pollinators consumed nectar as a food source. The activity of vertebrate pollinators reflected resource availability: they foraged when large amounts of nectar were available and when quantitative resource predictability was greater. The nectar of the vertebrate-pollinated species was richer in cholesterol and phospholipids, and had a potassium-sodium ratio higher than 1.0. For all species, the light absorption of flowers was paralleled by the pollinators' visual spectral sensitivity. This first report on Passiflora floral volatile compounds showed that there was a greater chemical class diversity among the species pollinated by animals with an acute olfactory sense, such as bees and bats. Benzenoid alcohols were the most represented compounds. The fragrances contained compounds that occur in other plant species and in the exocrine secretions of bees. This study shows a strong association between pollinators and the attracting and rewarding features of flowers.  相似文献   

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