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Between‐individual variation in phenotypes within a population is the basis of evolution. However, evolutionary and behavioural ecologists have mainly focused on estimating between‐individual variance in mean trait and neglected variation in within‐individual variance, or predictability of a trait. In fact, an important assumption of mixed‐effects models used to estimate between‐individual variance in mean traits is that within‐individual residual variance (predictability) is identical across individuals. Individual heterogeneity in the predictability of behaviours is a potentially important effect but rarely estimated and accounted for. We used 11 389 measures of docility behaviour from 1576 yellow‐bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) to estimate between‐individual variation in both mean docility and its predictability. We then implemented a double hierarchical animal model to decompose the variances of both mean trait and predictability into their environmental and genetic components. We found that individuals differed both in their docility and in their predictability of docility with a negative phenotypic covariance. We also found significant genetic variance for both mean docility and its predictability but no genetic covariance between the two. This analysis is one of the first to estimate the genetic basis of both mean trait and within‐individual variance in a wild population. Our results indicate that equal within‐individual variance should not be assumed. We demonstrate the evolutionary importance of the variation in the predictability of docility and illustrate potential bias in models ignoring variation in predictability. We conclude that the variability in the predictability of a trait should not be ignored, and present a coherent approach for its quantification.  相似文献   

Using a genealogy containing over 1800 dams and nearly 400 sires (estimated by genetic paternity techniques), combined with maximum likelihood procedures and an ‘animal model’, we have estimated the heritabilities, genetic correlations and variance components of three morphometric traits in the Soay sheep (Ovis aries) on St Kilda, Scotland. This approach allows heritabilities to be estimated in natural populations that violate the assumptions of offspring–parent regression methods. Maternal (or paternal) effects can also be estimated under natural conditions. We demonstrate that all the traits, body weight, hind leg length and incisor arcade breadth, have low but significant heritabilities. Body weight, the trait that experiences the strongest selection, had the lowest heritability but the highest additive genetic coefficient of variation. An evolutionary response to selection is predicted. When maternal effects were not taken into consideration heritabilities were over‐estimated, although this effect was only significant in female offspring.  相似文献   

Linear mixed‐effects models are frequently used for estimating quantitative genetic parameters, including the heritability, as well as the repeatability, of traits. Heritability acts as a filter that determines how efficiently phenotypic selection translates into evolutionary change, whereas repeatability informs us about the individual consistency of phenotypic traits. As quantities of biological interest, it is important that the denominator, the phenotypic variance in both cases, reflects the amount of phenotypic variance in the relevant ecological setting. The current practice of quantifying heritabilities and repeatabilities from mixed‐effects models frequently deprives their denominator of variance explained by fixed effects (often leading to upward bias of heritabilities and repeatabilities), and it has been suggested to omit fixed effects when estimating heritabilities in particular. We advocate an alternative option of fitting models incorporating all relevant effects, while including the variance explained by fixed effects into the estimation of the phenotypic variance. The approach is easily implemented and allows optimizing the estimation of phenotypic variance, for example by the exclusion of variance arising from experimental design effects while still including all biologically relevant sources of variation. We address the estimation and interpretation of heritabilities in situations in which potential covariates are themselves heritable traits of the organism. Furthermore, we discuss complications that arise in generalized and nonlinear mixed models with fixed effects. In these cases, the variance parameters on the data scale depend on the location of the intercept and hence on the scaling of the fixed effects. Integration over the biologically relevant range of fixed effects offers a preferred solution in those situations.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen lots of studies on ‘animal personality’ (i.e. the study of consistent between‐individual behavioural differences). As timely and promising as this field is, its development has come with a diversity of research questions. As an unfortunate consequence, it now suffers from substantial confusion about what ‘animal personality’ is, and how relevant related research frameworks are. Here, we stress the current inconsistencies and sources of confusion pertaining to the field, and their consequences on terminology used and miscommunication between researchers. In an attempt to unravel and clarify the concepts underlying the field, we identify two distinct, but complementary, theory‐driven conceptual frameworks: the intra‐individual variability (IIV) approach and the life‐history (LH) approach, which we believe encompass the vast majority of existing ‘personality studies’. Finally, we argue in favour of theory‐driven studies of consistent behavioural differences and state that the integrative statistical properties of random regression models should not override the merit of alternative conceptual frameworks. We then provide brief guidelines and warnings for a parsimonious and sound use of terminology.  相似文献   

Adaptive evolutionary responses are determined by the strength of selection and amount of genetic variation within traits, however, both are known to vary across environmental conditions. As selection is generally expected to be strongest under stressful conditions, understanding how the expression of genetic variation changes across stressful and benign environmental conditions is crucial for predicting the rate of adaptive change. Although theory generally predicts increased genetic variation under stress, previous syntheses of the field have found limited support for this notion. These studies have focused on heritability, which is dependent on other environmentally sensitive, but nongenetic, sources of variation. Here, we aim to complement these studies with a meta‐analysis in which we examine changes in coefficient of variation (CV) in maternal, genetic, and residual variances across stressful and benign conditions. Confirming previous analyses, we did not find any clear direction in how heritability changes across stressful and benign conditions. However, when analyzing CV, we found higher genetic and residual variance under highly stressful conditions in life‐history traits but not in morphological traits. Our findings are of broad significance to contemporary evolution suggesting that rapid evolutionary adaptive response may be mediated by increased evolutionary potential in stressed populations.  相似文献   

Abstract Avian blue‐green eggshell coloration has been proposed as a female signal of genetic or phenotypic quality to males. However, little is known about the relative importance of additive genetic and environmental effects as sources of eggshell colour variation in natural populations. Using 5 years of data and animal models, we explored these effects in a free‐living population of pied flycatchers. Permanent environmental and year effects were negligible, although year environmental variance (VYear) was significant for all but one of the traits. However, we found high–moderate narrow‐sense heritabilities for some colour parameters. Within‐clutch colour variability showed the highest coefficient of additive genetic variation (i.e. evolvability). Previous evidence suggests that eggshell colour is sexually selected in this species, males enhancing parental effort in clutches with higher colour variability and peak values. Eggshell colour could be driven by good‐genes selection in pied flycatchers although further genetic studies should confirm this possibility.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is a devastating disease that affects approximately 1% of the population across cultures. Its neurobiological underpinnings are still unknown. Accordingly, animal models of schizophrenia often lack construct validity. As concordance rate in monozygotic twins amounts to only 50%, environmental risk factors (e.g. neurotrauma, drug abuse, psychotrauma) likely act as necessary ‘second hit' to trigger/drive the disease process in a genetically predisposed individual. Valid animal models would have to consider this genetic–environmental interaction. Based on this concept, we designed an experimental approach for modeling a schizophrenia‐like phenotype in mice. As dysfunction in synaptic transmission plays a key role in schizophrenia, and complexin2 (CPLX2) gene expression is reduced in hippocampus of schizophrenic patients, we developed a mouse model with Cplx2 null mutation as genetic risk factor and a mild parietal neurotrauma, applied during puberty, as environmental ‘second hit'. Several months after lesion, Cplx2 null mutants showed reduced pre‐pulse inhibition, deficit of spatial learning and loss of inhibition after MK‐801 challenge. These abnormalities were largely absent in lesioned wild‐type mice and non‐lesioned Cplx2 null mutants. Forced alternation in T‐maze, object recognition, social interaction and elevated plus maze tests were unaltered in all groups. The previously reported mild motor phenotype of Cplx2 null mutants was accentuated upon lesion. MRI volumetrical analysis showed a decrease of hippocampal volume exclusively in lesioned Cplx2 null mutants. These findings provide suggestive evidence for the ‘second hit' hypothesis of schizophrenia and may offer new tools for the development of advanced treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Stress responses in plants imply spatio‐temporal changes in enzymes and metabolites, including subcellular compartment‐specific re‐allocation processes triggered by sudden changes in environmental parameters. To investigate interactions of primary metabolism with abiotic stress, the gin2‐1 mutant, defective in the sugar sensor hexokinase 1 (HXK1) was compared with its wildtype Landsberg erecta (Ler) based on time resolved, compartment‐specific metabolome and proteome data obtained over a full diurnal cycle. The high light sensitive gin2‐1 mutant was substantially delayed in subcellular re‐distribution of metabolites upon stress, and this correlated with a massive reduction in proteins belonging to the ATP producing electron transport chain under high light, while fewer changes occurred in the cold. In the wildtype, compounds specifically protecting individual compartments could be identified, e.g., maltose and raffinose in plastids, myo‐inositol in mitochondria, but gin2‐1 failed to recruit these substances to the respective compartments, or responded only slowly to high irradiance. No such delay was obtained in the cold. At the whole cell level, concentrations of the amino acids, glycine and serine, provided strong evidence for an important role of the photorespiratory pathway during stress exposure, and different subcellular allocation of serine may contribute to the slow growth of the gin2‐1 mutant under high irradiance.  相似文献   

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