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Mohr  Otto L.  Wriedt  Chr 《Journal of genetics》1928,19(3):315-336
Journal of Genetics -  相似文献   

The SUP-RL1 suppressor in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes lethality in haploid strains but not in diploid or aneuploid strains that are heterozygous for the suppressor locus. This recessive lethal suppressor acts on amber (UAG) nutritional markers, and can cause the production of approximately 50% of the normal amount of iso-1-cytochrome c in disomic strains that are heterozygous for the SUP-RL1 suppressor, and that contain the cyc1-179 allele which has an amber codon corresponding to amino acid position 9. The suppressed iso-1-cytochrome c contains a residue of serine at the position that corresponds to the site of the amber codon. SUP-RL1 was found to lie between thr4 and MAL2 on chromosome III, approximately 30 map units from the mating-type locus. It is suggested that the gene product of SUP-RL1 may be a species of serine transfer RNA that normally reads the serine codon UCG, and that is represented only once in the haploid genome.  相似文献   

Spontaneous embryonic lethality and the recessive lethal gene frequency in the gene pool of noninbred mice and rats of the bioteria of the National Research Center of the Cuba Republic Academy of Sciences were investigated. It was established that the level of spontaneous embryonic lethality among mice increased greatly as compared to that in 1977 and was 40% (versus 20% in 1977). Of this number, 30% falls within the postimplantation period. In noninbred rats, these values constituted 21.4 and 8.1%, respectively. High embryonic lethality among noninbred mice may be determined by genetic causes and the influence of ecological factors. The frequency of recessive lethals among noninbred mice was 28%, that among rats 20.8%. It is characteristic that in both categories, recessive lethals became apparent only in the postimplantation period of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The frequency of recessive lethals in the 2nd chromosome was examined in two mutator stocks of Drosophila ananassae, ca and ca; px. They are characterized respectively by possessing an extrachromosomal clastogenic mutator in males, and by the retrotransposon "tom", which induces Om mutability only in females. The frequencies of recessive lethal mutations in the 2nd chromosome among progenies from males and females of the ca; px stock are 0.35 and 0.34 percent, respectively. Similarity of these frequencies indicates that tom does not induce recessive lethals in females. In contrast to the ca; px stock, the frequency of recessive lethals in males of the ca mutator stock was estimated to be 1.54 percent for the 2nd chromosome. No visible mutants except Minutes were recovered. Some recessive lethals derived from ca stock males were associated with chromosomal rearrangements. Being consistent with its high rate of Minute mutation it was demonstrated that the ca clastogenic mutator also induced recessive lethals.  相似文献   

Modification of dominance by selection in the homozygote   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J N Thompson  J M Thoday 《Heredity》1972,29(3):285-292

Diploidy, though essential for normal development, is a foil to geneticists. Two recent studies (Elling et?al., 2011, this issue of Cell Stem Cell; Leeb and Wutz, 2011, Nature), report the isolation of haploid pluripotent mouse ESCs, thus enabling efficient functional screening for genes involved in diverse cellular and developmental processes.  相似文献   

The presence of spontaneous lethal mutations in inbred strains is discussed with special reference to their variation and influence on estimates to induced mutations.A model is presented that will facilitate classification of lethal-free and lethal heterozygotes.The model is used in classification of sons to lethal heterozygous males carrying a spontaneous mutation.The observed results are in good agreement with the model.From experience it is concluded that the most efficient way to use the facilities in lethal tests is to examine 10 or more full brothers to the P parents. By doing so pre-existing spontaneous lethals can be excludde by eliminating families in which any of the P parents were lethal heterozygous. The observed total rate of recessive lethals gives slight over-estimation of the induced rate of mutations, as spontaneous mutations in the gametes forming the F1 cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

A group of 13 recessive lethal mutants was selected on the basis of the collection of Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants with insertions of T-DNA vector plasmid pLD3 or pPCVRN4, which was produced by agrobacterial transformation of germinating seeds. The use of media containing exogenous hormones made it possible to compensate the lethal effect, identify phenotypes, and characterize six lines of recessive lethal germlings using genetic and molecular-genetic methods.  相似文献   

Recessive lethal mutations and mutations at the gol-1 locus were induced in the zebrafish by exposure of mature sperm to the alkylating agent ethyl nitrosourea (ENU). Embryonic lethal phenotypes were recognized among the parthenogenetic progeny of mutagenized animals or among the progeny of daughters of mutagenized animals. Novel specific locus mutations were identified by the failure of mutagenized chromosomes to complement pre-existing mutant alleles at the gol-1 locus. Each mutagenized individual harboured approximately 10 embryonic lethal mutations in its germ line and about 1 in 500 mutagenized animals harboured a new mutation at the gol-1 locus. Three lines of evidence indicate that the majority of mutations that were recovered following treatment of mature sperm with ENU were probably point mutations. First, the soma and germ lines of mutagenized animals were mosaic, as expected following simple alkylation of sperm DNA. Second, mutations induced by ENU at the gol-1 locus affected pigmentation but not viability, unlike the majority of mutations induced at this locus with gamma-irradiation. Third, the ratio of specific locus:recessive lethal mutations induced by ENU was approximately 50-fold lower than the ratio observed following mutagenesis with gamma-rays. Comparison of the incidence with which embryonic recessive lethal mutations were induced with the incidence with which specific locus mutations arose indicates that there are greater than 5000 genes essential to the development and viability of the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

UMP synthase was characterized biochemically in dairy cattle heterozygous for a deficiency of this enzyme. Both activities comprising this bifunctional enzyme are decreased, with OMP decarboxylase more affected than orotate phosphoribosyltransferase. Immunotitration of UMP synthase activity revealed the presence of the protein product of the mutant allele in the heterozygous animals. UMP synthases from normal and deficient cattle were not distinguished from one another by kinetic constants, responses to inhibitors, pH profiles, or thermal lability. It was concluded that the 50% reduction in enzyme activity in heterozygous cattle is the result of the presence of only half the normal level of catalytically active UMP synthase.  相似文献   

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