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Using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, two genes for phytohemagglutinin-L (PHA-L), the lectin seed protein of the common bean Phaseolus vulgaris, were stably integrated into the tobacco genome. The two alleles for PHA-L, dlec2 and pdlec2, were obtained from a normal cultivar (Greensleeves) and a lectin-deficient cultivar (Pinto) respectively. In the bean embryos, the expression of dlec2 is 30 times greater than the expression of pdlec2. In the dlec2-transformed tobacco, PHA-L accumulated specifically in the seeds at the same stages as the tobacco seed storage proteins and was degraded after germination. PHA-L was found in the embryo, and at a 5–7 times lower concentration in the endosperm tissue of the mature tobacco seeds. No PHA could be detected in other parts of the plants. We conclude that the signals for temporal and spatial regulation of the dlec2 gene are present in the DNA fragment used for transformation. Transformation with the second PHA-L allele pdlec2 from the cultivar Pinto caused the accumulation of about 50 times less PHA-L in tobacco seeds when compared to dlec2. We conclude from analyzing the 5' sequences of dlec2 and Pdlec2 that the low expression phenotype of the Pdlec2 allele could be due to the absence or mutation of a cis-acting element carried by the dlec2 fragment.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to determine whether the long-term training regimens experienced by competitive collegiate swimmers would result in altered levels of total and free serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) as well as IGF-binding proteins (BP) IGFBP-1 and -3. Two male (Teams 1M and 2M) and one female (Team 2F) teams were studied at the start of training, after 2 mo of training, after 4 mo (2-4 mo had the highest volume of training), after 5 mo (near the end of tapering; only for Team 1M), and several days after training was over. For Team 1M, total IGF-I concentrations were increased by 76% after 4 mo and were subsequently maintained at this level. Total IGF-I responses were more variable for Teams 2F and 2M. Free IGF-I levels were increased nearly twofold for all teams at 2 mo and were maintained or increased further with subsequent training. Only the levels of free IGF-I for Team 1M returned to pretraining values after training had ended. Training had little effect on IGFBP-1 levels. For all teams, serum IGFBP-3 was elevated by 4 mo of training (for Team 2F it was increased at 2 mo) by 30-97% and remained at these higher levels thereafter. The ratio of total IGF-I to IGFBP-3 was not increased by training in any group. These data indicate that serum levels of total and free IGF-I and total IGFBP-3 can be increased with intense training and maintained with reduced training (tapering). The findings show that changes in free IGF-I levels are not accounted for by alterations in the total IGF-I/IGFBP-3 complex or in IGFBP-3 levels and indicate that there are other important determinants of free IGF-I.  相似文献   

Brain eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) levels are 250- to 300-fold lower than docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), at least partly, because EPA is rapidly β-oxidized and lost from brain phospholipids. Therefore, we examined if β-oxidation was necessary for maintaining low EPA levels by inhibiting β-oxidation with methyl palmoxirate (MEP). Furthermore, because other metabolic differences between DHA and EPA may also contribute to their vastly different levels, this study aimed to quantify the incorporation and turnover of DHA and EPA into brain phospholipids. Fifteen-week-old rats were subjected to vehicle or MEP prior to a 5 min intravenous infusion of 14C-palmitate, 14C-DHA, or 14C-EPA. MEP reduced the radioactivity of brain aqueous fractions for 14C-palmitate-, 14C-EPA-, and 14C-DHA-infused rats by 74, 54, and 23%, respectively; while it increased the net rate of incorporation of plasma unesterified palmitate into choline glycerophospholipids and phosphatidylinositol and EPA into ethanolamine glycerophospholipids and phosphatidylserine. MEP also increased the synthesis of n-3 docosapentaenoic acid (n-3 DPA) from EPA. Moreover, the recycling of EPA into brain phospholipids was 154-fold lower than DHA. Therefore, the low levels of EPA in the brain are maintained by multiple redundant pathways including β-oxidation, decreased incorporation from plasma unesterified FA pool, elongation/desaturation to n-3 DPA, and lower recycling within brain phospholipids.  相似文献   

Previously, we described a Cre-lox based strategy to convert a complex multi-copy integration pattern to a single-copy transgene (Srivastava et al., 1999). When a lox-containing transgenic line of wheat was crossed with a cre-expressing line, extra copies of the transgene were deleted by site-specific recombination. This process included the removal of a lox-flanked selection marker gene, bar. Three out of six F1 plants were chimeric for the resolved and the complex loci because both completely resolved and incompletely resolved patterns were found in the F2 population. From one F1 plant, 4 out of 20 F2 progeny showed not only incomplete resolution of the complex integration pattern, but also the presence of a circular loxP-bar-nos3 fragment, which we refer to as the bar circle. This bar circle was detected in subsequent generations, and was associated with the presence of both the lox transgene and the cre locus. We hypothesize that the cre gene in these bar circle plants must have undergone a genetic or epigenetic change that altered the spatial and/or temporal pattern of cre expression. Late expression might excise the DNA incompletely, and late in development. What is surprising is that the DNA is not degraded, but remains in the cells as an extra-chromosomal circular molecule.  相似文献   

转抗盐基因中天杨新品种扦插育苗耐盐试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用滨海盐碱土配制营养基质,采用盆栽扦插的方法,对转抗盐基因(mtl-D基因)中天杨新品种的耐盐能力、生长表现和根系发育状况进行了对比试验研究。结果表明,随着土壤含盐量的增加,插穗存活率降低,生长量减少,仅2 g.kg-1盐度试验组生长正常,叶色浓绿,存活率一直保持在90%以上,4 g.kg-1以上盐度试验组均因盐害而陆续枯死;土壤盐害首先作用于皮部侧根,表现为新生皮部根褐变坏死,导致枝叶发黄、萎蔫,并逐渐干枯死亡;扦插育苗前期,转基因中天杨与对照的耐盐能力和生长表现并无明显差别,其原因可能与插穗中外源基因的表达过程有关。  相似文献   

Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) is a bioplastic that can be produced in transgenic plants by the coexpression of three bacterial genes for its biosynthesis. PHB yields from plants have been constrained by the negative impacts on plant health that result from diversion of resources into PHB production; thus, we employed an ecdysone analogue-based system for induced gene expression. We characterized 49 insertion events in hybrid transgenic poplar (Populus tremula x alba) that were produced using Agrobacterium transformation and studied two high-producing events in detail. Regenerated plants contained up to 1-2% PHB (dry weight) in leaves after 6-8 weeks of induction. Strong induction was observed with 1-10 mm Intrepid and limited direct toxicity observed. Confocal fluorescence microscopy was used to visualize PHB granules in chloroplasts after chemical treatment to reduce autofluorescence. A greenhouse study indicated that there were no negative consequences of PHB production on growth unless the PHB content exceeded 1% of leaf weight; at PHB levels above 1%, growth (height, diameter and total mass) decreased by 10%-34%.  相似文献   

Recovery of transgenic trees after electroporation of poplar protoplasts   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Protoplasts from leaflets ofin vitro cuttings were electroporated in osmotically adjusted and buffered solutions containing plasmid DNA: pABD1, carrying thenptII gene for resistance to neomycin; pGH1, carrying a mutant acetolactate synthase gene,als, for resistance to sulfonylurea; and pGSFR781A, carrying a synthetic phosphinothricin acetyltransferase (pat) for resistance to phosphinothricin (Basta). Gene transfer was repeatedly efficient, without use of carrier DNA, in the range of one transformant for 105 to 104 protoplast-derived cell colonies. This was probably due to the high plating efficiency (30%) of protoplasts in our culture process. Selection for expression of foreign genes was applied in liquid medium and repeatedly achieved with 30 M paromomycin for NPTII, 200 nM chlorsulfuron for the mutant ALS ofArabidopsis and 25 M phosphinothricin for PAT expression. Integration of foreign genes into genomic DNA of resistant poplar trees was demonstrated by Southern blot hybridizations, which revealed that for some transformants practically no other part of the vector plasmid than the selected gene was integrated.Effective processes for protoplast culture, efficient selection at the cell colony stage and gene transfer will provide new possibilities in poplar breeding.  相似文献   

Amyloid-beta (Aβ) plaques are a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. Several proteases including plasmin are thought to promote proteolytic cleavage and clearance of Aβ from brain. The activity of both plasmin and tissue plasminogen activator are reduced in Alzheimer's disease brain, while the tissue plasminogen activator inhibitor neuroserpin is up-regulated. Here, the relationship of tissue plasminogen activator and neuroserpin to Aβ levels is explored in mouse models. Aβ(1-42) peptide injected into the frontal cortex of tissue plasminogen activator knockout mice is slow to disappear compared to wildtype mice, whereas neuroserpin knockout mice show a rapid clearance of Aβ(1-42). The relationship of neuroserpin and tissue plasminogen activator to Aβ plaque formation was studied further by knocking-out neuroserpin in the human amyloid precursor protein-J20 transgenic mouse. Compared to the J20-transgenic mouse, the neuroserpin-deficient J20-transgenic mice have a dramatic reduction of Aβ peptides, fewer and smaller plaques, and more active tissue plasminogen activator associated with plaques. Furthermore, neuroserpin-deficient J20-transgenic mice have near normal performances in the Morris water maze, in contrast to the spatial memory defects seen in J20-transgenic mice. These results support the concept that neuroserpin inhibition of tissue plasminogen activator plays an important role both in the accumulation of brain amyloid plaques and loss of cognitive abilities.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is commonly believed to function as an effective antiherbivore defense in plants. PPO is induced in plants following herbivory, and insect performance is often negatively correlated with PPO levels. However, induced defenses create numerous changes in plants, and very little work has been done to test the direct effects of PPO on insect herbivores separately from other changes. This study examined the impacts of high levels of PPO on the performance of two species of tree-feeding caterpillars (Lymantria dispar and Orgyia leucostigma) on poplar. Transgenic PPO-overexpressing poplar (Populus tremula × Populus alba) was used as a source of elevated-PPO leaves, thereby controlling for the multiple effects of induction. In addition, the impacts of treating poplar foliage with high levels of purified mushroom PPO were examined on the two caterpillar species. Contrary to expectation, in several cases increased PPO levels had no significant effect on insect consumption or growth rates. Although one of the mechanisms by which PPO is believed to impact herbivores is via increased oxidative stress, the ingestion of large amounts of PPO had little or no effect on semiquinone radical and oxidized protein levels in the gut contents of lymantriid caterpillars. PPO activity in caterpillars is likely limited by the low oxygen and high ascorbate levels commonly found in their gut contents. This study questions whether induced PPO functions as an effective post-ingestive defense against tree-feeding caterpillars, and indicates that controlled, mechanistic studies are needed in other plant–herbivore systems to test for a direct effect of PPO on insect performance.  相似文献   

沈文静  刘来盘  方志翔  张莉  刘标 《昆虫学报》2021,64(10):1187-1195
【目的】转Bt基因棉花和转Bt基因杨树在我国已推广使用。本研究的目的是调查和分析不同转基因杨棉复合系统内地上节肢动物群落多样性变化,为转基因杨树大规模应用提供生态安全方面的数据。【方法】2019年4-10月,在河北任丘采取欧洲黑杨Populus nigra林下种植转基因棉花Gossypium hirsutum的模式,设置转基因杨树 转基因棉花(复合生态系统1)和非转基因杨树-转基因棉花(复合生态系统2)两种杨棉复合系统,调查杨树和棉花地上部植株节肢动物种类和个体数量,比较节肢动物各功能群的物种数量和个体数量以及香农指数、优势集中性指数、均匀度指数等群落多样性指数,并测定了转基因杨树和棉花叶片Bt蛋白含量。【结果】复合生态系统1中转基因杨树和棉花各自植株上鳞翅目种群累计个体数均显著低于复合生态系统2相应植株上的个体数量。转基因杨树上叶甲类累计个体数量显著高于非转基因杨树上的,寄生蜂类累计个体数量则显著低于非转基因杨树上的。在6月5日、6月21日和9月7日的调查中,转基因杨树上的节肢动物群落香农指数显著高于非转基因杨树上的。除鳞翅目害虫外,2个复合系统中棉株上节肢动物各功能群累计个体数量无显著性差异,香农指数、优势集中性指数和均匀度指数随时间变化的趋势基本一致且同一调查时间无显著性差异,仅在8月17调查中复合生态系统1中棉株上节肢动物香农指数显著高于复合生态系统2棉株上的。将杨树和棉花上节肢动物各类群累计数量相加作为系统整体,复合生态系统1和复合生态系统2在香农指数、优势集中性指数和均匀度指数数值上无显著差异。在调查后期,2个复合系统中节肢动物种群均向杨树叶片聚集。转基因棉花叶片Bt蛋白含量在各调查期均显著高于转基因杨树叶片的。【结论】转基因杨树对靶标害虫种群数量有较好的控制作用,对同系统内棉花上鳞翅目害虫数量亦有协同控制作用。转基因杨棉复合系统中地上节肢动物群落结构稳定,对系统内棉花地上部节肢动物群落多样性无显著影响。靶标害虫对转Bt基因杨树的抗性发展需持续监测。  相似文献   

Laccases are copper-containing glycoproteins, which are widespread in higher plants as multigene families. To gain more insight in the function of laccases in plants, especially potential role in lignification, we produced transgenic poplar plants overexpressing a cotton laccase cDNA (GaLAC1) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. As compared with untransformed control plants, transgenic plants exhibited a 2.1- to 13.2-fold increased laccase activity, whereas plant growth rate and morphological characters remained similar to control plants. A 2.1–19.6% increase in total lignin content of the stem was found in transgenic plants. Moreover, transgenic plants showed a dramatically accelerated oxidation rate of phenolics, without obvious change in total phenolic content. Our data suggested that GaLAC1 may participate in lignin synthesis and phenolic metabolism in plants. The present work provided a new genetic evidence for the involvement of plant laccases in lignification.  相似文献   

Wounding hybrid poplar (Populus trichocarpa × P. deltoides) trees results in the expression of novel wound-inducible (win) mRNAs thought to encode proteins involved in defense against pests and pathogens. Members of thewin6 gene family encode acidic multi-domain chitinases, with combined structure and charge characteristics that differ from previously described chitinases.Win6 expression has been shown to occur in pooled unwounded leaves of a wounded (on multiple leaves) poplar plant. Here we demonstrate that wounding a single leaf induceswin6 expression locally, in the wounded leaf, and remotely, in specific unwounded leaves with strong vascular connections to the wounded leaf. We also demonstrate that awin6 promoter--glucuronidase (GUS) gene fusion (win6-GUS) responds to wounding locally and remotely in transgenic tobacco. These data indicate that the poplarwin6 promoter has regulatory elements that are responsive to wound signals in the heterologous host. In addition,win6-GUS is developmentally activated in unwounded young leaves and floral tissues of transgenic tobacco. Similar developmental expression patterns are found to occur forwin6 in poplar trees, demonstrating that a herbaceous plant can serve as a host for woody tree transgene analysis and can accurately predict expression patterns in tree tissues (e.g. flowers) that would be difficult to study in free-living trees.  相似文献   

Liao Y  Zhou X  Yu J  Cao Y  Li X  Kuai B 《Plant physiology》2006,142(2):620-628
Transgenic exploitation of bacterial degradative genes in plants has been considered a favorable strategy for degrading organic pollutants in the environment. The aromatic ring characteristic of these pollutants is mainly responsible for their recalcitrance to degradation. In this study, a Plesiomonas-derived chlorocatechol 1,2-dioxygenase (TfdC) gene (tfdC), capable of cleaving the aromatic ring, was introduced into Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Morphology and growth of transgenic plants are indistinguishable from those of wild-type plants. In contrast, they show significantly enhanced tolerances to catechol. Transgenic plants also exhibit strikingly higher capabilities of removing catechol from their media and high efficiencies of converting catechol to cis,cis-muconic acid. As far-less-than-calculated amounts of cis,cis-muconic acid were accumulated within the transgenic plants, existence of endogenous TfdD- and TfdE-like activities was postulated and, subsequently, putative orthologs of bacterial tfdD and tfdE were detected in Arabidopsis. However, no TfdC activity and no putative orthologs of either tfdC or tfdF were identified. This work indicates that the TfdC activity, conferred by tfdC in transgenic Arabidopsis, is a key requirement for phytoremoval and degradation of catechol, and also suggests that microbial degradative genes may be transgenically exploited in plants for bioremediation of aromatic pollutants in the environment.  相似文献   

Condensed lignins are synthesized in poplar leaves exposed to ozone   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Poplar (Populus tremula x alba) trees (clone INRA 717-1-B4) were cultivated for 1 month in phytotronic chambers with two different levels of ozone (60 and 120 nL L(-1)). Foliar activities of shikimate dehydrogenase (EC, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (EC, and cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase (CAD, EC were compared with control levels. In addition, we examined lignin content and structure in control and ozone-fumigated leaves. Under ozone exposure, CAD activity and CAD RNA levels were found to be rapidly and strongly increased whatever the foliar developmental stage. In contrast, shikimate dehydrogenase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase activities were increased in old and midaged leaves but not in the youngest ones. The increased activities of these enzymes involved in the late or early steps of the metabolic pathway leading to lignins were associated with a higher Klason lignin content in extract-free leaves. In addition, stress lignins synthesized in response to ozone displayed a distinct structure, relative to constitutive lignins. They were found substantially enriched in carbon-carbon interunit bonds and in p-hydroxyphenylpropane units, which is reminiscent of lignins formed at early developmental stages, in compression wood, or in response to fungal elicitor. The highest changes in lignification and in enzyme activities were obtained with the highest ozone dose (120 nL L(-1)). These results suggest that ozone-induced lignins might contribute to the poplar tolerance to ozone because of their barrier or antioxidant effect toward reactive oxygen species.  相似文献   

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