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The reliability and consistency of the many measures proposed to quantify sexual selection have been questioned for decades. Realized selection on quantitative characters measured by the selection differential i was approximated by metrics based on variance in breeding success, using either the opportunity for sexual selection Is or indices of inequality. There is no consensus about which metric best approximates realized selection on sexual characters. Recently, the opportunity for selection on character mean OSM was proposed to quantify the maximum potential selection on characters. Using 21 years of data on bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis), we investigated the correlations between seven indices of inequality, Is, OSM and i on horn length of males. Bighorn sheep are ideal for this comparison because they are highly polygynous and sexually dimorphic, ram horn length is under strong sexual selection, and we have detailed knowledge of individual breeding success. Different metrics provided conflicting information, potentially leading to spurious conclusions about selection patterns. Iδ, an index of breeding inequality, and, to a lesser extent, Is showed the highest correlation with i on horn length, suggesting that these indices document breeding inequality in a selection context. OSM on horn length was strongly correlated with i, Is and indices of inequality. By integrating information on both realized sexual selection and breeding inequality, OSM appeared to be the best proxy of sexual selection and may be best suited to explore its ecological bases.  相似文献   

Variation in male lifetime breeding success (LBS) is central to understanding selection, yet it has rarely been measured in natural populations of large mammals. Here, we first describe variation in the opportunity for selection in cohorts of Soay rams (Ovis aries) on the archipelago of St. Kilda, Scotland, that were born during years of varying population density. Variation in LBS is closely coupled with demography, as rams born in years of low density following population crashes enjoy greater LBS than do those born in high-density years. Paradoxically, the opportunity for selection was greatest in the largest cohorts, those born in years of high population density, owing to low juvenile breeding success and overwinter survival. Variation in longevity and the contribution of nonbreeders were the most important components of the total variance in LBS in cohorts born in years of high density, while variation in fecundity was more important in cohorts born in low-density years. The opportunity for sexual selection is thus stronger in cohorts born in low-density years, as many rams in these cohorts survive to compete for mates as adults in subsequent ruts. Variation in population density in the year of birth also influenced the intensity of selection. Individuals born in years of high population density underwent strong natural selection in favor of longer hindlimbs over their first winter. In contrast, in cohorts born in low-density years, there was no natural selection on hindlimb in the first year of life. Longer hindlimbs were associated with increased fecundity over the entire lifetime of individuals born in low-density years. Natural and sexual selection thus act on the same trait in the same direction at different life-history stages in Soay rams, depending on the population density experienced in the year of birth.  相似文献   

The identification of genes influencing fitness is central to our understanding of the genetic basis of adaptation and how it shapes phenotypic variation in wild populations. Here, we used whole‐genome resequencing of wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to >50‐fold coverage to identify 2.8 million single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and genomic regions bearing signatures of directional selection (i.e. selective sweeps). A comparison of SNP diversity between the X chromosome and the autosomes indicated that bighorn males had a dramatically reduced long‐term effective population size compared to females. This probably reflects a long history of intense sexual selection mediated by male–male competition for mates. Selective sweep scans based on heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity revealed evidence for a selective sweep shared across multiple populations at RXFP2, a gene that strongly affects horn size in domestic ungulates. The massive horns carried by bighorn rams appear to have evolved in part via strong positive selection at RXFP2. We identified evidence for selection within individual populations at genes affecting early body growth and cellular response to hypoxia; however, these must be interpreted more cautiously as genetic drift is strong within local populations and may have caused false positives. These results represent a rare example of strong genomic signatures of selection identified at genes with known function in wild populations of a nonmodel species. Our results also showcase the value of reference genome assemblies from agricultural or model species for studies of the genomic basis of adaptation in closely related wild taxa.  相似文献   

Temperament traits in animals may have important fitness consequences, but have received little attention from ecologists or evolutionary biologists. A few studies have linked variation in temperament with fitness, but none has measured selection on temperament traits. We estimated the strength of selection on female boldness and docility on bighorn sheep ewes, Ovis canadensis. The Ram Mountain population experienced little predation pressure during the first 25 years of study, then 2 years (1997 and 1998) of frequent predation by cougars, Puma concolor, during which adult ewe mortality almost tripled over the long-term average, to 27% a year. During years of high predation, we found moderate selection favouring bold ewes, and age-specific selection on docility. Old ewes appeared more vulnerable to predation than young ewes. In contrast, no evidence of selection on temperament traits was observed during 2 years of low predation (1996 and 1999). These results suggest predator-induced selection favouring bold and nondocile ewes. Leadership was highly correlated with age and may increase the risk of predator encounter. Leadership alone, however, could not explain the higher vulnerability of old ewes to predation. Cougar predation on bighorn sheep occurs sporadically and unpredictably, probably because individual cougars often are prey specialists. Cougar predation may have limited microevolutionary effects on temperament in bighorn sheep, because it mostly affects ewes near the end of their reproductive life span and because of potential countervailing selection on boldness and docility. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Males may allocate a greater proportion of metabolic resourcesto maintenance than to the development of secondary sexual characterswhen food is scarce, to avoid compromising their probabilityof survival. We assessed the effects of resource availabilityon body mass and horn growth of bighorn rams (Ovis canadensis)at Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada over 30 years. The number ofadult ewes in the population tripled during our study, and theaverage mass of yearling females decreased by 13%. We used theaverage mass of yearling females as an index of resource availability.Yearling female mass was negatively correlated with the bodymass of rams of all ages, but it affected horn growth only duringthe first three years of life. Yearly horn growth was affectedby a complex interaction of age, body mass, and resource availability.Among rams aged 2–4 years, the heaviest individuals hadsimilar horn growth at high and at low resource availability,but as ram mass decreased, horn growth for a given body massbecame progressively smaller with decreasing resource availability.For rams aged 5–9 years, horn growth was weakly but positivelycorrelated with body mass, and rams grew slightly more hornfor a given body mass as resource availability decreased. Whenfood is limited, young rams may direct more resources to bodygrowth than to horn growth, possibly trading long-term reproductivesuccess for short-term survival. Although horn growth of olderrams appeared to be greater at low than at high resource availability,we found no correlation between early and late growth in hornlength for the same ram, suggesting that compensatory horn growthdoes not occur in our study population. Young rams with longerhorns were more likely to be shot by sport hunters than thosewith shorter horns. Trophy hunting could select against ramswith fast-growing horns.  相似文献   

The sexual performance of bulls and male goats is improved if they are allowed to view the hetero-sexual behavior of other males as a prelude to mating. The purpose of the following study was to determine whether sexual stimulation enhances the sexual performance of rams. In Experiment 1, 11 sexually experienced ram lambs ( 9 months of age) and 18 sexually experienced yearling and 2-year-old rams were individually exposed to 4 unrestrained, hormone-induced estrous ewes for 60 min after viewing the courtship and mounting behaviors of a male conspecific for 20 min (two tests) and in the absence of stimulator animals (two tests). In contrast to the results with bulls and bucks, the rams were hardly influenced by the sexual stimulation treatment. Latencies for first mount and first ejaculation were shorter for sexually stimulated ram lambs; otherwise, treatment differences were negligible.

A similar follow-up experiment was administered to 12 mature rams using restrained females in the sexual performance tests. Again, treatment differences were minor.

It was concluded that sexual stimulation does not functionally enhance the sexual performance of rams. Species differences in response to sexual stimulation are discussed in terms of female sexual behaviors that may result in a selective (competitive) advantage to males that are stimulated to locate and mate with females early in the estrous period.  相似文献   

The question of what causes a male animal to seek out and choose a female as opposed to another male mating partner is unresolved and remains an issue of considerable debate. The most developed biologic theory is the perinatal organizational hypothesis, which states that perinatal hormone exposure mediates sexual differentiation of the brain. Numerous animal experiments have assessed the contribution of perinatal testosterone and/or estradiol exposure to the development of a male-typical mate preference, but almost all have used hormonally manipulated animals. In contrast, variations in sexual partner preferences occur spontaneously in domestic rams, with as many as 8% of the population exhibiting a preference for same-sex mating partners (male-oriented rams). Thus, the domestic ram is an excellent experimental model to study possible links between fetal neuroendocrine programming of neural mechanisms and adult sexual partner preferences. In this review, we present an overview of sexual differentiation in relation to sexual partner preferences. We then summarize results that test the relevance of the organizational hypothesis to expression of same-sex sexual partner preferences in rams. Finally, we demonstrate that the sexual differentiation of brain and behavior in sheep does not depend critically on aromatization of testosterone to estradiol.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of a single generation of artificial selection for sexual performance in rams on the sexual behavior and fecundity of their male and female progeny. Ninety-two ram lambs born to sires selected for either high or low sexual performance were evaluated for their sexual behaviors at approximately 8 months of age when individually exposed to four estrous ewes for 30min in four weekly serving capacity tests. Number of mounts and successful matings (ejaculations) were recorded. Fourteen of the 17 high-performing ram lambs identified were sired by high-performing sires, whereas 22 of 37 low-performing ram lambs were sired by low-performing sires (P<0.01). Sons of high-performing sires exhibited more ejaculations (P<0.04) and more mounts without ejaculation (P<0.02) than sons of low-performing sires. The two groups of ram lambs did not differ in mating efficiency (ratio of ejaculations to total mounts). Daughters of high-performing rams (N=79) exhibited their first behavioral estrus approximately 8 days earlier than daughters (N=61) of low-performing sires (P<0.005). Ovulation rates for the two groups of ewe lambs did not differ (P=0.55). It was concluded that there was sufficient genetic variation in the population of sheep studied to obtain a significant response to selection for ram sexual performance in both male and female offspring in a single generation.  相似文献   

Mate guarding is the primary mating tactic used by dominantmales of many species of ungulates. Guarding males are thoughtto forage less during the rut than do nonguarding males, possiblyleading to greater fitness costs. I observed bighorn rams foragingduring the pre-rut and the rut. I compared how coursing (analternative mating tactic) and tending (a form of mate guarding)affected the foraging behavior of bighorn rams over the rut,to test whether foraging was more constrained by mate guardingthan by coursing. All adult males spent less time feeding duringthe rut compared with the pre-rut. The decrease in time spentfeeding, however, was independent of mating tactic. Contraryto expectation, individual rams observed both coursing and tendingspent less time foraging when coursing than when tending. Foryoung rams, the time spent in rutting activities was correlatedwith individual pre-rut mass, indicating that males either modifytheir behavior according to available metabolic reserves oradjust the energy devoted to rutting activities to the levelof expected benefits. Mate guarding does not appear to constrainforaging more than coursing. The costs of male reproductivebehavior may depend more upon individual effort than on theparticular tactic adopted.  相似文献   

When in contact with receptive or non-receptive ewes, the presence of females increased LH peak frequency both in experienced and inexperienced rams (P less than 0.05). The highest response was found in experienced rams stimulated by sexually receptive ewes. In this group only, the mean testosterone levels increased during stimulation (P less than 0.05). Sexual behavior did not differ between experienced and inexperienced males. The sexual receptivity of the females and the sexual experience of rams appear to interact and thus facilitate the rams' LH and testosterone responses to the presence of ewes.  相似文献   

Sutama IK  Edey TN 《Theriogenology》1986,25(4):601-607
Spring-born Merino ram lambs were reared on 130%, 165% or 200% of recommended maintenance energy requirements from 7 to 12 mo of age and were then placed on a common plane of nutrition from 12 to 25 mo of age. During the latter 13 mo, the 24 rams were studied for changes in live-weight and testicle characteristics. Semen characteristics and sexual activity were observed from 12 to 19 mo of age. At the beginning of the study, groups coming from low (L), medium (M), and high (H) nutrition had liveweights of 38.9, 46.8, and 53.6 kg (P < 0.05) and scrotal circumferences of 24.6, 28.9, and 32.1 cm (P < 0.05), respectively. When the rams were given common feed conditions, the differences between groups in both liveweight and scrotal circumference quickly decreased and were not significant by the sixth month. No significant differences existed between groups in ejaculate characteristics during semen collection, except in sperm density which, at the end of semen collection, was significantly (P < 0.05) higher in Group M (3.98 x 10(9)/ml) than in Group L (2.55 x 10(9)/ml). However, in analyses of pooled data, there were significant differences between months of collection in sperm density, total number of sperm per ejaculate, and percentages of live and abnormal sperm. The data indicate that differential nutrition during the first year of life will affect some reproductive characters contemporaneously, but with restored feeding, reproductive differences are resolved more quickly than those in liveweight and the changes proceed despite countervailing photoperiodic influences.  相似文献   

Endocrine differences in rams after genetic selection for testis size   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Testis diameter and body weight were recorded from 6 to 76 weeks of age in ram lambs from two established lines selected for high (H) and low (L) testis size. While testis growth was greater in the H line up to 14 weeks of age (P less than 0.001), body weight was significantly lower, with the L line rams being 10 kg heavier by 76 weeks. There were no differences in plasma LH up to 20 weeks of age, but FSH concentrations were significantly lower at 14 and 20 weeks in the H line. Testosterone concentrations were not significantly higher in the H line from 6 to 20 weeks. In lambs castrated at birth, significantly higher FSH values were recorded from 6 to 20 weeks of age in the H line (P less than 0.001) whereas there was no difference in LH concentration at 6 and 10 weeks of age between the lines. At 14 and 20 weeks, however, the concentrations of LH were greater in the H than L line lambs (P less than 0.05). After hemicastration at 6 weeks of age, the rate of growth of the remaining testis in the L line lambs was significantly faster than in entire lambs of that line from 10 to 20 weeks (P less than 0.05 at 10 weeks to P less than 0.001 at 20 weeks). There was no difference in the rate of testis growth between the the entire and hemicastrated lambs from the H line from 6 to 12 weeks of age. It can be concluded that there is an underlying genetic difference in pituitary gland and/or hypothalamic activity in ram lambs from the two selected lines.  相似文献   

In sexually dimorphic mammals, high population density is commonly associated with increased mortality of males relative to females and with female-biased adult sex ratios. This paper investigates the consequences of these changes on the distribution of male breeding success, the intensity of competition for females and the opportunity for sexual selection. After the red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) population of the North Block of Rum (Inner Hebrides) was released from culling, female numbers rose and male numbers declined, leading to an adult sex ratio of around one male to two females. This change was the result of increased mortality of males relative to females during the first two years of life; of increased emigration rates by young males; and of reduced immigration by males from outside the study area. The increasing bias in the adult sex ratio affected the timing of breeding as well as the distribution of mating success in males. As the adult sex ratio became increasingly biased towards females, the degree of skew in mating success (calculated across all harem-holders) increased, but mature males defended harems for shorter periods and a higher proportion of males held harems. In addition, a higher proportion of calves were fathered by immigrant males and the proportion fathered by males born in the study area declined. These results support the contention that, where high population density is associated with a female-biased adult sex ratio, competition for mates is likely to decline.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent sexual selection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sexual selection by female choice is expected to give rise to a frequency-dependent sexual advantage in favour of preferred male phenotypes: the rarer the preferred phenotypes, the more often they are chosen as mates. This 'rare-male advantage' can maintain a polymorphism when two or more phenotypes are mated preferentially: each phenotype gains an advantage when it is rarer than the others; no preferred phenotype can then be lost from the population. Expression of preference may be complete or partial. In models of complete preference, females with a preference always mate preferentially. Models of partial preference are more realistic: in these models, the probability that a female mates preferentially depends on the frequency with which she encounters the males she prefers. Two different 'encounter models' of partial preference have been derived: the O'Donald model and the Charlesworth model. The encounter models contain the complete preference model as a limiting case. In this paper, the Charlesworth model is generalized to allow for female preference of more than one male phenotype. Levels of frequency dependence can then be compared in the O'Donald and Charlesworth models. The complete preference model and both encounter models are formulated in the same genetical terms of preferences for dominant and recessive male phenotypes. Polymorphic equilibria and conditions for stability are derived for each of the three models. The models are then fitted to data of frequencies of matings observed in experiments with the two-spot ladybird. The complete preference model gives as good a fit as the encounter models to the data of these and other experiments. The O'Donald and Charlesworth encounter models are shown to produce a very similar frequency-dependent relation. Generally, as females become less choosy, they express their preference with more dependence on male frequency, whereas the resulting selection of the males becomes less frequency dependent. More choosy females are more constant in expressing their preference, producing greater frequency dependence in the selection of the males.  相似文献   

The female reproductive tract is where competition between the sperm of different males takes place, aided and abetted by the female herself. Intense postcopulatory sexual selection fosters inter-sexual conflict and drives rapid evolutionary change to generate a startling diversity of morphological, behavioural and physiological adaptations. We identify three main issues that should be resolved to advance our understanding of postcopulatory sexual selection. We need to determine the genetic basis of different male fertility traits and female traits that mediate sperm selection; identify the genes or genomic regions that control these traits; and establish the coevolutionary trajectory of sexes.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the individual differences in sexual activity of rams. In total, 374 observations were made on 17 rams (22 for each ram). The average duration of mating for all rams was 70.9 s, ranging from 30.0 to 166.7 s for particular rams. The average duration of mating for a group of ten more active rams (MAR) was 49.3 s, while for a group of seven less active rams (LAR) it was 101.8 s, the difference being highly significant. Significant differences were also found with respect to the average number of mounts per ejaculation, both between individual rams (mean 2.36) and between group MAR (2.20) and LAR (2.60). The percentage of failure, defined as copulations without ejaculation, was significantly higher in group LAR (11.1%) than in group MAR (2.5%), indicating that the rams of group MAR copulate much more efficiently than the other males. The lambing results obtained from service during the first oestrus did not show significant differences between groups MAR and LAR, neither with respect to their fertility nor to the lambing rate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if the absence of the mother during rearing has long-term effects on sexual behaviour and physiological reproductive parameters of adult rams. Two groups of rams were: (1) artificially reared, separated from their dams 24 to 36 h after birth (Week 0) and fed using sheep milk until 10 weeks of age (group AR, n=14); and (2) reared by their dams until 10 weeks of age (group DR, n=13). Sexual behaviour (tests of 20 min) and physiological reproductive parameters were analysed separately for the non-breeding (Weeks 42 to 64) and the breeding (Weeks 66 to 90) seasons. Body weight, scrotal circumference, gonado-somatic index, testosterone concentrations or sperm parameters were similar in both rearing conditions (AR v. DR) in both seasons. During the non-breeding season AR rams displayed fewer ano-genital sniffings (AR: 4.2±0.4 v. DR: 5.3±0.4, P=0.04) and matings (AR: 1.2±0.2 v. DR: 1.8±0.2, P=0.002) than DR rams. During the breeding season AR rams displayed fewer ano-genital sniffings (AR: 4.3±0.5 v. DR: 5.7±0.5, P=0.005), flehmen (AR: 0.7±0.2 v. DR: 1.1±0.2, P=0.03), mount attempts (AR: 1.4±0.2 v. DR: 2.1±0.2, P=0.04), and tended to mount less frequently (AR: 6.6±0.9 v. DR: 8.8±0.9, P=0.08) than DR rams. In conclusion, the absence of the mother during the rearing period negatively affected display of sexual behaviour towards oestrous ewes during a rams adult life in both breeding and non-breeding seasons. However, it did not affect testis size, testosterone secretion or sperm variables.  相似文献   

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