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Summary In this paper, the connection between morphology, cephalosporin-C production and alternative respiration of Acremonium chrysogenum is examined. As demonstrated by chemostat experiments, the ratio of the filamentous and the yeast-like forms depended on the growth rate. The yeast-like form, but not the filamentous form exhibited cyanide-resistant alternative respiration. As a consequence, the yeast-like form was regarded to be more suitable for antibiotic overproduction.  相似文献   

Long-wave ultraviolet radiation (UVA) may cause extensive DNA damage via reactive oxygen species (ROS). In this study we examined whether UVA- and H2O2-mediated DNA damage have equivalent effects on the induction of G2/M phase checkpoint and cell cycle progression in a transformed keratinocyte cell line HaCaT. By employing single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay) we determined the equipotent doses of UVA and H2O2 with respect to the induction of alkali-labile sites (an indicator of oxidative DNA decay). However, in contrast to H2O2 which caused a pronounced G2/M cell cycle arrest 24h after treatment, UVA irradiation did not affect cell cycle progression. Increasing UVA doses up to 150 kJ/m2 did not affect cell cycle and proliferation whereas increasing H2O2 concentrations caused a cell cycle block or cell death. Cytometric analysis revealed that G2/M cell cycle arrest took place beyond the cyclin B1 restriction point. We conclude that the DNA damage induced by UVA is easily repaired and does not perturb cell growth, whereas the H2O2-induced damage leads ultimately to cell cycle arrest or cell death.  相似文献   

By introduction of the cefEF genes of Acremonium chrysogenum and the cmcH gene of Streptomyces clavuligerus, Penicillium chrysogenum can be reprogrammed to form adipoyl-7-amino-3-carbamoyloxymethyl-3-cephem-4-carboxylic acid (ad7-ACCCA), a carbamoylated derivate of adipoyl-7-aminodeacetoxy-cephalosporanic acid. The cefT gene of A. chrysogenum encodes a cephalosporin C transporter that belongs to the Major Facilitator Superfamily. Introduction of cefT into an ad7-ACCCA-producing P. chrysogenum strain results in an almost 2-fold increase in cephalosporin production with a concomitant decrease in penicillin by-product formation. These data suggest that cephalosporin production by recombinant P. chrysogenum strains is limited by the ability of the fungus to secrete these compounds.  相似文献   

Specific cephalosporin C production of Acremonium chrysogenum grown on a glucose-based minimal medium using conventional batch and dialysis membrane reactor systems was independent of the cell density in the range of 0.4 to 40 g biomass l–1.  相似文献   

Circular mDNAs 26.85 and 26.94 kb in length were isolated from two isogenic strains of A. chrysogenum producing cephalosporin C. The strains differed in antibiotic production capacity. Restriction analysis of the mDNAs was performed with using 6 endonucleases. Comparison of the restriction data revealed identity of mDNAs. A restriction map of the mDNAs was constructed. It is useful as a basis for further studies with molecular cloning.  相似文献   

Deacetoxycephalosporin C (DAOC) is not only the precursor but also one of the by-products during cephalosporin C (CPC) biosynthesis. One enzyme (DAOC/DAC synthase) is responsible for the two-step conversion of penicillin N into deacetylcephalosporin C (DAC) in Acremonium chrysogenum, while two enzymes (DAOC synthase and DAOC hydroxylase) were involved in this reaction in Streptomyces clavuligerus and Amycolatopsis lactamdurans (Nocardia lactamdurans). In this study, the DAOC hydroxylase gene cefF was cloned from Streptomyces clavuligerus and introduced into Acremonium chrysogenum through Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. When cefF was expressed under the promoter of pcbC, the ratio of DAOC/CPC in the fermentation broth significantly decreased. These results suggested that introduction of cefF could function quite well in Acremonium chrysogenum and successfully reduce the content of DAOC in the CPC fermentation broth. This work offered a practical way to improve the CPC purification and reduce its production cost.  相似文献   

A procedure for preparing stable A. chrysogenum protoplasts capable of 60 per cent regeneration was developed. Two morphogenetic types of the regeneration were detected. The variants isolated after the protoplast regeneration were characterized by wide ranges of morphological variation. Capacity for the antibiotic production varied from 60 to 160 per cent of the activity of the starting strain. A procedure for isolating functionally active mitochondria from protoplasts of A. chrysogenum was also developed. Their main bioenergetic parameters were studied. In the respiratory chain of the A. chrysogenum mitochondria there were detected three conjugation sites of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of Acremonium chrysogenum as the only cephalosporin C (CPC) producer, there is still a limited understanding about the molecular mechanisms regulating antibiotic biosynthesis in this fungus. Based on the previously described relationship between environmental pH and antibiotic production in numerous filamentous fungi, we studied the expression of genes related to CPC production in A. chrysogenum. We report for the first time similarities and differences, characterizing CPC production by A. chrysogenum under a variable pH environment, in submerged and solid-state fermentation. This characterization is supported by measurements of parameters, like CPC production, pH, growth, and expression levels of several genes involved, directly or indirectly, in CPC production. Interesting differences in intermediate (Pen N) and certain biosynthetic gene expression levels were observed. Our results point out some relationships between physiological features and gene expression that open important improvement perspectives for both culture systems.  相似文献   

Using pulse electrophoresis in controlled homogenous electric field we performed molecular karyotyping of cephalosporin C-producing industrial and laboratory strains of Acremonium chrysogenum. Differences in size of several chromosomes of high-producing strain CB26/8 compared to the wild-type strain ATCC 11550 were revealed. It was shown that chromosomal polymorphism in the high-producing strain was not associated with alteration of localization and copy number of cephalosporin C (CPC) biosynthesis and transport genes. A cluster of ??early?? CPC biosynthesis genes is located on chromosome VI (4.4 Mb); a cluster of the ??late genes??, on chromosome II (2.3 Mb). Both clusters are presented as a single copy per A. chrysogenum genome in the wild-type and in CB26/8 high-producing strains. Based on comparative analysis of laboratory and industrial CPC producers, a karyotype scheme for A. chrysogenum strains of various origins was designed.  相似文献   

Mycelial fragmentation in submerged cultures of the cephalosporin C (CPC) producing fungus Acremonium chrysogenum was characterized by image analysis. In both fed-batch and chemostat cultures, the proportion of mycelial clumps seemed to be the most sensitive morphological indicator of fragmentation. In a fed-batch fermentation culture, this declined from roughly 60% at inoculation to less than 10% after 43 h. Subsequent additions of glucose resulted in a sharp increase back to near the initial value, an increase that reversed itself a few hours after glucose exhaustion. Meanwhile CPC production continued to decline steadily. On the other hand, the addition of soybean oil enhanced CPC production, but had no significant effect on the morphology. Although it may sometimes appear that morphology and productivity are related in batch or fed-batch cultures, this study suggests that this is because both respond simultaneously to more fundamental physiological changes, dependent on the availability of carbon. In circumstances, such as supplementary carbon source addition, the relationship is lost. Chemostat cultures supported this belief, as CPC-production rates were hardly affected by the specific growth rate, but the morphology showed significant differences, i.e., lower dilution rates resulted in a lower proportion of clumps and in smaller clumps.  相似文献   

Fragmentation rate constants, which can be used to estimate the tensile strength of fungal hyphae, were used to elucidate relationships between morphological changes and addition of fatty acids during cephalosporin C production in Acremonium chrysogenum M35. The number of arthrospores increased gradually during fermentation, and, in particular, was higher in the presence of rice oil, oleic acid or linoleic acid than in their absence. Because supplementation of rice oil or fatty acids increased cephalosporin C, we concluded that differentiation to arthrospores is related to cephalosporin C production. To estimate the relative tensile strengths of fungal hyphae, fragmentation rate constants (k frag) were measured. When rice oil, oleic acid, or linoleic acid were added into medium, fragmentation rate constants were higher than for the control, and hyphal tensile strengths reduced. The relative tensile strength of fungal hyphae, however was not constant presumably due to differences in physiological state.  相似文献   

A W Smith  M Ramsden  J F Peberdy 《Gene》1992,114(2):211-216
Promoter activity was examined in the beta-lactam-producing fungus, Acremonium chrysogenum, by assessment of the properties of transformant isolates. Transformation was achieved using plasmid constructs specifying hygromycin B resistance (HyR) linked to the promoter elements of gpdA (the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase-encoding gene of Aspergillus nidulans), and pcbC [the gene encoding the isopenicillin N synthetase (IPNS) enzyme of A. chrysogenum]. Transformation frequency, HyR levels, and Hy phosphotransferase (HPT) levels suggested that the transformants of constructs using the gpdA promoter showed a higher level of expression of the HyR gene than in transformants obtained using the pcbC promoter. The patterns of integration of the transforming DNA also differed in that pcbC promoter construct transformants appeared to have tandem repeats. All integrations of plasmid DNA occurred on a single chromosome which was different in four out of five transformants studied. Multiple copy transformants of constructs using the pcbC promoter did not show the regulated pattern of expression of HPT activity observed with IPNS in untransformed strains.  相似文献   

7-Amino cephalosporanic acid (7-ACA), which is currently obtained by chemical deacylation from cephalosporin C (CPC), is a major intermediate for industrial production of β-lactam antibiotics. 7-ACA can also be produced from CPC by enzymatic route including two-step and one-step procedures. In our research, an ecs gene coding for CPC acylase was synthesized and cloned into pET-28a(+) to construct an E. coli expression plasmid pYG232. E. coli BL21(DE3) bearing pYG232 was induced by IPTG and successfully expressed the recombinant ECS (88.9 kDa). Under the optimal conditions: 0.5 mg/ml purified ECS protein, 5 mg/ml CPC, 100 mM Tris–Cl (pH 9.6), supplement with 7 mM Zn2+, slightly shaking for 6 h at 25°C, the transformation productivity was 54.4%. Then, ecs was cloned downstream of an A. chrysogenum endogenous promotor, PpcbC, to construct pYG233 for expression in A. chrysogenum. pYG233 was introduced into a CPC high-producer via integrative transformation of protoplasts. Two independent bleomycin-resistant transformants were investigated by PCR, Southern blotting, quantitative RT–PCR, western blotting, and fermentation. Although these two transformants both have one copy of integrated ecs, they showed different expression level of ECS protein and 7-ACA production. When concentration of CaCO3 was reduced to 50 mM, ZnSO4 was increased to 7 mM, CuSO4 was eliminated from the fermentation media, and the pH was adjusted to 8.0 at day 4 during fermentation, 7-ACA production of one of the transformants could reach 1701 μg/ml, indicated that more than 30% of CPC produced by this high-producer have been transformed into 7-ACA directly in vivo. This is the highest 7-ACA production by direct fermentation ever reported.  相似文献   

Medically useful semisynthetic cephalosporins are made from 7-aminodeacetoxycephalosporanic acid (7-ADCA) or 7-aminocephalosporanic acid (7-ACA). Here we describe a new industrially amenable bioprocess for the production of the important intermediate 7-ADCA that can replace the expensive and environmentally unfriendly chemical method classically used. The method is based on the disruption and one-step replacement of the cefEF gene, encoding the bifunctional expandase/hydroxylase activity, of an actual industrial cephalosporin C production strain of Acremonium chrysogenum. Subsequent cloning and expression of the cefE gene from Streptomyces clavuligerus in A. chrysogenum yield recombinant strains producing high titers of deacetoxycephalosporin C (DAOC). Production level of DAOC is nearly equivalent (75-80%) to the total beta-lactams biosynthesized by the parental overproducing strain. DAOC deacylation is carried out by two final enzymatic bioconversions catalyzed by D-amino acid oxidase (DAO) and glutaryl acylase (GLA) yielding 7-ADCA. In contrast to the data reported for recombinant strains of Penicillium chrysogenum expressing ring expansion activity, no detectable contamination with other cephalosporin intermediates occurred.  相似文献   

alpha-Aminoadipate reductase (alpha-AAR) is a key enzyme in the branched pathway for lysine and beta-lactam biosynthesis of filamentous fungi since it competes with alpha-aminoadipyl-cysteinyl-valine synthetase for their common substrate L-alpha-aminoadipic acid. The alpha-AAR activity in two penicillin-producing Penicillium chrysogenum strains and two cephalosporin-producing Acremonium chrysogenum strains has been studied. The alpha-AAR activity peaked during the growth-phase preceding the onset of antibiotic production, which coincides with a decrease in alpha-AAR activity, and was lower in high penicillin- or cephalosporin-producing strains. The alpha-AAR required NADPH for enzyme activity and could not use NADH as electron donor for reduction of the alpha-aminoadipate substrate. The alpha-AAR protein of P. chrysogenum was detected by Western blotting using anti-alpha-AAR antibodies. The mechanism of lysine feedback regulation in these two filamentous fungi involves inhibition of the alpha-AAR activity but not repression of its synthesis by lysine. This is different from the situation in yeasts where lysine feedback inhibits and represses alpha-AAR. Nitrate has a strong negative effect on alpha-AAR formation as shown by immunoblotting studies of alpha-AAR. The nitrate effect was reversed by lysine.  相似文献   

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