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Characters from enamel microstructure have not been used in recent phylogenetic analyses of Mesozoic Mammalia. Reasons are that enamel characters have been perceived as (A) variable without regard to systematic position of taxa, (B) inconsistently reported within the literature, and (C) simply scored as either prismatic or not prismatic in earlier mammals. Our work on Mesozoic mammals such as Sinoconodon, Gobiconodon, Triconodontidae, Docodon, Laolestes, and others suggests that synapsid columnar enamel (SCE) structure was easily transformed into plesiomorphic prismatic enamel (PPE) and that PPE may be described with at least five independent character states. Two PPE characters—a flat, open prism sheath and a planar prism seam—were present in the cynodont Pachygenelus and in several Jurassic and Cretaceous mammals. We propose that appearance of a prism sheath transforms SCE into PPE and that reduction and loss of a prism sheath reverse PPE into SCE, in both phylogeny and ontogeny. We further propose that no amniote vertebrates other than the trithelodontid cynodont, Pachygenelus, plus Mammalia have ever evolved an ameloblastic Tomes process capable of secreting PPE and that the genetic potential to secrete PPE is a synapomorphy of Pachygenelus plus Mammalia, whether or not all lineages of the clade have expressed that potential.  相似文献   

Teeth from specified members of the two suborders of Late Cretaceous Multituberculata and two Late Cretaceous therians were studied. The enamel was prismatic on all teeth. In the therian representatives and the representatives of the suborder Ptilodontoidea of the Multituberculata, the prism diameters and densities per unit area were similar to those of recent mammals. In the representatives of the suborder Taeniolabidoidea the prisms were very large and their density per unit area was 5 to 8 times lower than in recent mammals. It is suggested that gigantoprismatic enamel is a characteristic of Taeniolabidoidea and could be used as a taxonomic criterion in multituberculate systematics.  相似文献   

The previously unknown enamel microstructure of a variety of Mesozoic and Paleogene mammals ranging from monotremes and docodonts to therians is described and characterized here. The novel information is used to explore the structural diversity of enamel in early mammals and to explore the impact of the new information for systematics. It is presently unclear whether enamel prisms arose several times during mammalian evolution or arose only once with several reversals to prismless structure. At least two undisputed reversions or simplifications are known—in the monotreme clade from Obdurodon to Ornithorhynchus (via Monotrematum?), and (perhaps more than once) within the clade from archaeocete to a variety of odontocete whales. Similarly, both prismatic and nonprismatic enamel is present among docodonts. Seven discrete characters showing enough morphological diversity to be of potential importance in phylogenetic reconstructions may be identified as a more appropriate summary of enamel microstructural diversity among mammaliaforms than the single character “prismatic enamel-present/absent” employed in recent matrices. Inclusion of five of these characters in the matrix of Luo et al. (2002) modifies the original topology by collapsing several nodes involving triconodonts and other nontribosphenic taxa. There is considerable support for prismatic enamel as a synapomorphy of trithelodonts plus Mammaliamorpha, and multituberculates appear to have small or “normal” sized prisms as the ancestral condition, with some (as yet) enigmatic changes to nonprismatic structure in some basal members of the group and the appearance of “gigantoprismatic” structure as an autapomorphic state of less inclusive clades. Other potential qualitative characters and the need for attaining appropriate methods to incorporate quantitative features may be important for future analyses.  相似文献   

On the Scaling of Tooth Size in Mammals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We must establish the allometric regularities of functionalscalingin interspecific, "mouse-to elephant" plots in orderto provide criteria for the recognition of special adaptationsunrelated to the requirements of size. The qualitative literaturesuggests that postcanine tooth areas of herbivorous mammalsshould increase with positive allometry in such plots. Thispositive allometry might reflect the demands of metabolism orthe ecological strategies of large vs. small hervivores embodiedin Levins' concept of environmental grain. Plots of postcaninearea vs. body size display the expected postive allometry inall groups studied: hystricomorph rodents, suine artiodactyls(pigs, peccaries, and hippos), cervoid artiodactyls (deer, s.l),and four groups of primates considered separately (lemuroids,ceboids, cercopithecoids, and great apes). Sketchy data foraustralopithecines also indicate positive allometry and therelatively larger cheek teeth of robust forms may only reflecttheir larger body size and not the dietary differences so oftenadvocated. Phyletic dwarfs of large herbivores display negativeallometry (relatively larger cheek teeth in dwarfs) in oppositionto the interspecific trend.  相似文献   

Vestigial structures occur at both the anatomical and molecular levels, but studies documenting the co-occurrence of morphological degeneration in the fossil record and molecular decay in the genome are rare. Here, we use morphology, the fossil record, and phylogenetics to predict the occurrence of “molecular fossils” of the enamelin (ENAM) gene in four different orders of placental mammals (Tubulidentata, Pholidota, Cetacea, Xenarthra) with toothless and/or enamelless taxa. Our results support the “molecular fossil” hypothesis and demonstrate the occurrence of frameshift mutations and/or stop codons in all toothless and enamelless taxa. We then use a novel method based on selection intensity estimates for codons (ω) to calculate the timing of iterated enamel loss in the fossil record of aardvarks and pangolins, and further show that the molecular evolutionary history of ENAM predicts the occurrence of enamel in basal representatives of Xenarthra (sloths, anteaters, armadillos) even though frameshift mutations are ubiquitous in ENAM sequences of living xenarthrans. The molecular decay of ENAM parallels the morphological degeneration of enamel in the fossil record of placental mammals and provides manifest evidence for the predictive power of Darwin''s theory.  相似文献   

Specialized acrobatic leaping has been recognized as a key adaptive trait tied to the origin and subsequent radiation of euprimates based on its observed frequency in extant primates and inferred frequency in extinct early euprimates. Hypothesized skeletal correlates include elongated tarsal elements, which would be expected to aid leaping by allowing for increased rates and durations of propulsive acceleration at takeoff. Alternatively, authors of a recent study argued that pronounced distal calcaneal elongation of euprimates (compared to other mammalian taxa) was related primarily to specialized pedal grasping. Testing for correlations between calcaneal elongation and leaping versus grasping is complicated by body size differences and associated allometric affects. We re-assess allometric constraints on, and the functional significance of, calcaneal elongation using phylogenetic comparative methods, and present an evolutionary hypothesis for the evolution of calcaneal elongation in primates using a Bayesian approach to ancestral state reconstruction (ASR). Results show that among all primates, logged ratios of distal calcaneal length to total calcaneal length are inversely correlated with logged body mass proxies derived from the area of the calcaneal facet for the cuboid. Results from phylogenetic ANOVA on residuals from this allometric line suggest that deviations are explained by degree of leaping specialization in prosimians, but not anthropoids. Results from ASR suggest that non-allometric increases in calcaneal elongation began in the primate stem lineage and continued independently in haplorhines and strepsirrhines. Anthropoid and lorisid lineages show stasis and decreasing elongation, respectively. Initial increases in calcaneal elongation in primate evolution may be related to either development of hallucal-grasping or a combination of grasping and more specialized leaping behaviors. As has been previously suggested, subsequent increases in calcaneal elongation are likely adaptations for more effective acrobatic leaping, highlighting the importance of this behavior in early euprimate evolution.  相似文献   

New neurons are continuously generated in specific regions in the adult brain. Studies in rodents have demonstrated that adult-born neurons have specific functional features and mediate neural plasticity. Data on the extent and dynamics of adult neurogenesis in adult humans are starting to emerge, and there are clear similarities and differences compared to other mammals. Why do these differences arise? And what do they mean?  相似文献   

不同食性哺乳动物及人的牙釉质微结构对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据动物食性将搜集于西藏、新疆、江苏和吉林4省和自治区16种哺乳动物的581颗牙齿分为食草、杂食和食肉3类,设计了录像-截图-测量-定标4步微米量级牙釉质结构测量方法,测量得到牙釉质的颊面厚度和舌面厚度比、臼齿外轮廓平均牙釉质厚度比等牙釉质分布规律,观测到不同哺乳动物釉柱的组装直径均在100 μm 左右,但柱间晶体的宽度不同,发现3类哺乳动物牙釉柱与釉牙本质界夹角的规律:人和食肉动物狗的釉柱角度最大,接近90°,杂食动物猪釉柱角度约为70°,而食草动物釉柱角度在54°~68°之间.研究表明,不同食性哺乳动物牙齿外在和内在结构都和其生物力学功能密切相关,牙釉质的异型结构是使得釉质具有优异的力学性能的优化结构模式.  相似文献   

An additional method for the investigation of the microstructure of enamel is described using the teeth of Coryphodon, Uintatherium, Entelodon, and Crocuta. Under low magnification natural surfaces or sections of teeth display details of the enamel microstructure when the light guide effect of prisms is used. Under the same low magnification even more details were obtained from sputter-coated surfaces of sections. The method is of particular significance for the investigation of large teeth with thick enamels when structures are somewhat irregular. The new method provides a better general survey, where scanning electron microscope images often show confusing details. The enamel of Coryphodon shows oblique lines of nested chevrons that are similar, to some degree, to the zigzag enamel in Crocuta, but a distinct asymmetry between ascending and descending lineaments was observed. This specific Coryphodon -enamel was also found in Uintatherium and Entelodon. This enamel type, which evolved several times in parallel, cannot be attributed to a specific diet, but must be regarded as one of the several ways to strengthen the enamel against breakage.  相似文献   

Species of at least 5 orders of insects, 6 families of birds,and 2 orders of mammals, in various combinations, can exploitthe cones and seeds of most species of conifers. Lodgepole pineis the exception to this pattern of broad taxonomic diversityof seed predators in that only pine squirrels and coreid bugsattack its serotinous cones. The contrast between lodgepolepine and other conifers demonstrates that large intrinsic variationin the abundance of a resource fosters the evolution of a broadrange of taxonomic groups to exploit the resource. The diversegroups'are limited by different predators and alternate resourceswhen conifer seeds independently decrease in abundance.  相似文献   

Naoko Egi 《Palaeontology》2001,44(3):497-528
The body mass estimation of several limb bone dimensions (shaft cross-sectional properties, articular sizes, and bone lengths) were examined using bivariate linear regression analyses. The sample included taxonomically and behaviourally diverse small to medium-sized Recent carnivorans and carnivorous marsupials. All examined limb bone dimensions indicated low errors (percentage standard error of estimate, 8–13) for the body mass estimations. Among them, humeral and femoral shaft properties correlated best with body weight, while limb bone lengths gave larger errors. Both humeral and femoral head dimensions have relatively large individual variations, and distal humeral articular dimensions seem to be influenced more by phylogenetic differences. The regressions based on each locomotor group gave slightly lower errors than those based on the total pooled sample. The results were then applied to hyaenodontid creodonts from the Eocene–Oligocene of North America. The estimated body masses (kg) are: Arfia , 5.4–9.5; Prototomus , <6.0; Pyrocyon , 2.6; Sinopa , 1.3–1.4; Tritemnodon , 7.6–13; Prolimnocyon , 1.6; Thinocyon , 0.7–2.5; Machaeroides , 12; Limnocyon , 7.8– 16; Hyaenodon , 9.1–43. The various limb bone dimensions give different body mass values, but the variation in estimates is smaller compared to those derived from dental or cranial measurements.  相似文献   

Lantibiotic synthetases are remarkable biocatalysts generating conformationally constrained peptides with a variety of biological activities by repeatedly utilizing two simple posttranslational modification reactions: dehydration of Ser/Thr residues and intramolecular addition of Cys thiols to the resulting dehydro amino acids. Since previously reported lantibiotic synthetases show no apparent homology with any other known protein families, the molecular mechanisms and evolutionary origin of these enzymes are unknown. In this study, we present a novel class of lanthionine synthetases, termed LanL, that consist of three distinct catalytic domains and demonstrate in vitro enzyme activity of a family member from Streptomyces venezuelae. Analysis of individually expressed and purified domains shows that LanL enzymes install dehydroamino acids via phosphorylation of Ser/Thr residues by a protein kinase domain and subsequent elimination of the phosphate by a phosphoSer/Thr lyase domain. The latter has sequence homology with the phosphothreonine lyases found in various pathogenic bacteria that inactivate host mitogen activated protein kinases. A LanC-like cyclase domain then catalyzes the addition of Cys residues to the dehydro amino acids to form the characteristic thioether rings. We propose that LanL enzymes have evolved from stand-alone protein Ser/Thr kinases, phosphoSer/Thr lyases, and enzymes catalyzing thiol alkylation. We also demonstrate that the genes for all three pathways to lanthionine-containing peptides are widespread in Nature. Given the remarkable efficiency of formation of lanthionine-containing polycyclic peptides and the latter''s high degree of specificity for their cognate cellular targets, it is perhaps not surprising that (at least) three distinct families of polypeptide sequences have evolved to access this structurally and functionally diverse class of compounds.  相似文献   

The shape of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear was quantified using geometric morphometrics in a sample of 16 species of living marsupial diprotodontians, the extinct Diprotodon and Thylacoleo, and four outgroups. X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) and conventional computed tomography (CT) were used to acquire 3D data. The analyses of 22 landmarks revealed a strong body-mass related allometric pattern. A discriminant analysis on allometry-free labyrinthine shape served to evaluate the phylogenetic signal portion of the labyrinth for Macropodiformes, Phalangeroidea, Petauroidea, and Vombatiformes. The inner shape of Thylacoleo is consistent with its phylogenetic placement as a vombatiform.  相似文献   

We have developed a 4D computer-assisted reconstruction and motion analysis system, J3D-DIAS 4.1, and applied it to the reconstruction and motion analysis of tumorigenic cells in a 3D matrix. The system is unique in that it is fast, high-resolution, acquires optical sections using DIC microscopy (hence there is no associated photoxicity), and is capable of long-term 4D reconstruction. Specifically, a z-series at 5 μm increments can be acquired in less than a minute on tissue samples embedded in a 1.5 mm thick 3D Matrigel matrix. Reconstruction can be repeated at intervals as short as every minute and continued for 30 days or longer. Images are converted to mathematical representations from which quantitative parameters can be derived. Application of this system to cancer cells from established lines and fresh tumor tissue has revealed unique behaviors and cell types not present in non-tumorigenic lines. We report here that cells from tumorigenic lines and tumors undergo rapid coalescence in 3D, mediated by specific cell types that we have named “facilitators” and “probes.” A third cell type, the “dervish”, is capable of rapid movement through the gel and does not adhere to it. These cell types have never before been described. Our data suggest that tumorigenesis in vitro is a developmental process involving coalescence facilitated by specialized cells that culminates in large hollow spheres with complex architecture. The unique effects of select monoclonal antibodies on these processes demonstrate the usefulness of the model for analyzing the mechanisms of anti-cancer drugs.  相似文献   

Low-magnification microwear techniques have been used effectively to infer diets within many unrelated mammalian orders, but the extent to which patterns are comparable among such different groups, including long extinct mammal lineages, is unknown. Microwear patterns between ecologically equivalent placental and marsupial mammals are found to be statistically indistinguishable, indicating that microwear can be used to infer diet across the mammals. Microwear data were compared to body size and molar shearing crest length in order to develop a system to distinguish the diet of mammals. Insectivores and carnivores were difficult to distinguish from herbivores using microwear alone, but combining microwear data with body size estimates and tooth morphology provides robust dietary inferences. This approach is a powerful tool for dietary assessment of fossils from extinct lineages and from museum specimens of living species where field study would be difficult owing to the animal’s behavior, habitat, or conservation status.  相似文献   



The New Zealand quail, Coturnix novaezealandiae, was widespread throughout New Zealand until its rapid extinction in the 1870''s. To date, confusion continues to exist concerning the identity of C. novaezealandiae and its phylogenetic relationship to Coturnix species in neighbouring Australia, two of which, C. ypsilophora and C. pectoralis, were introduced into New Zealand as game birds. The Australian brown quail, C. ypsilophora, was the only species thought to establish with current populations distributed mainly in the northern part of the North Island of New Zealand. Owing to the similarities between C. ypsilophora, C. pectoralis, and C. novaezealandiae, uncertainty has arisen over whether the New Zealand quail is indeed extinct, with suggestions that remnant populations of C. novaezealandiae may have survived on offshore islands.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using fresh and historical samples of Coturnix sp. from New Zealand and Australia, DNA analysis of selected mitochondrial regions was carried out to determine phylogenetic relationships and species status. Results show that Coturnix sp. specimens from the New Zealand mainland and offshore island Tiritiri Matangi are not the New Zealand quail but are genetically identical to C. ypsilophora from Australia and can be classified as the same species. Furthermore, cytochrome b and COI barcoding analysis of the New Zealand quail and Australia''s C. pectoralis, often confused in museum collections, show that they are indeed separate species that diverged approximately 5 million years ago (mya). Gross morphological analysis of these birds suggests a parallel loss of sustained flight with very little change in other phenotypic characters such as plumage or skeletal structure.


Ancient DNA has proved invaluable for the detailed analysis and identification of extinct and morphologically cryptic taxa such as that of quail and can provide insights into the timing of evolutionary changes that influence morphology.  相似文献   

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