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We describe sloth assemblages from the Cocinetas Basin (La Guajira peninsula, Colombia), found in the Neogene Castilletes and Ware formations, located in northernmost South America, documenting otherwise poorly known biotas. The tentative referral of a specimen to a small megatherioid sloth, Hyperleptus?, from the early–middle Miocene Castilletes Formation, suggests affinities of this fauna with the distant Santa Cruz Formation and documents a large latitudinal distribution for this taxon. The late Pliocene Ware Formation is much more diverse, with five distinct taxa representing every family of ‘ground sloths’. This diversity is also remarkable at the ecological level, with sloths spanning over two orders of magnitude of body mass and probably having different feeding strategies. Being only a few hundred kilometres away from the Isthmus of Panama, and a few hundred thousand years older than the classically recognized first main pulse of the Great American Biotic interchange (GABI 1), the Ware Formation furthermore documents an important fauna for the understanding of this major event in Neogene palaeobiogeography. The sloths for which unambiguous affinities were recovered are not closely related to the early immigrants found in North America before GABI 1.  相似文献   

The completion of the land bridge between North and South America approximately 3.5-3.1 million years ago (Ma) initiated a tremendous biogeographic event called the Great American Biotic Interchange (GABI), described principally from the mammalian fossil record. The history of biotic interchange between continents for taxonomic groups with poor fossil records, however, is not well understood. Molecular and fossil data suggest that a number of plant and animal lineages crossed the Isthmus of Panama well before 3.5 Ma, leading biologists to speculate about trans-oceanic dispersal mechanisms. Here we present a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the frog genus Pristimantis based on 189 individuals of 137 species, including 71 individuals of 31 species from Panama and Colombia. DNA sequence data were obtained from three mitochondrial (COI, 12S, 16S) and two nuclear (RAG-1 and Tyr) genes, for a total of 4074 base pairs. The resulting phylogenetic hypothesis showed statistically significant conflict with most recognized taxonomic groups within Pristimantis, supporting only the rubicundus Species Series, and the Pristimantis myersi and Pristimantis pardalis Species Groups as monophyletic. Inference of ancestral areas based on a likelihood model of geographic range evolution via dispersal, local extinction, and cladogenesis (DEC) suggested that the colonization of Central America by South American Pristimantis involved at least 11 independent events. Relaxed-clock analyses of divergence times suggested that at least eight of these invasions into Central America took place prior to 4 Ma, mainly in the Miocene. These findings contribute to a growing list of molecular-based biogeographic studies presenting apparent temporal conflicts with the traditional GABI model.  相似文献   

The aim was to establish the genetic diversity and population structure of three guinea pig lines, from seven production zones located in Nari?o, southwest Colombia. A total of 384 individuals were genotyped with six microsatellite markers. The measurement of intrapopulation diversity revealed allelic richness ranging from 3.0 to 6.56, and observed heterozygosity (Ho) from 0.33 to 0.60, with a deficit in heterozygous individuals. Although statistically significant (p < 0.05), genetic differentiation between population pairs was found to be low. Genetic distance, as well as clustering of guinea-pig lines and populations, coincided with the historical and geographical distribution of the populations. Likewise, high genetic identity between improved and native lines was established. An analysis of group probabilistic assignment revealed that each line should not be considered as a genetically homogeneous group. The findings corroborate the absorption of native genetic material into the improved line introduced into Colombia from Peru. It is necessary to establish conservation programs for native-line individuals in Nari?o, and control genealogical and production records in order to reduce the inbreeding values in the populations.  相似文献   

A new species, Microcavia criolloensis (Rodentia, Caviidae), from the Upper Pleistocene (Sopas Formation) of the northern basin of Uruguay (South America) is described. This species is characterised by an exclusive association of skull and dental state characters. An analysis of similarity including other species of the genus and the related genera of Caviidae was performed. The new species of Microcavia behaved in the phenogram obtained as a discrete unit closely associated to Microcavia chapalmalensis and Microcavia niata. A mosaic of habitats, ranging from open and arid or semiarid microhabitats to fluvial and riparian forests, is suggested here, mainly based on the current adaptations of the genus Microcavia and the records of several taxa of mammals in the Sopas Formation. The geographic area occupied by Microcavia in the Pleistocene was different, with fossil records located more than 500 km eastward with respect to its present distribution. This variation could have occurred as a response to environmental changes in the last interglacial and glacial cycles.  相似文献   

A new species of Ctenomyidae from the late Pliocene of Uquía Formation (northwestern Argentina) is described. The new remains consist of a fragmentary rostrum, and a left mandible with partial lower dentition. Its phylogenetic affinity and morphological specializations for tooth-digging support its assignation to the South American rodent genus Ctenomys. In this context, we highlight the importance of unique morphological specializations for the delimitation of genera within an intrafamilial clade in which similar adaptive strategies could have evolved more than once. The new materials are the oldest fossils for the genus (ca. 3.5 Ma), and their finding in the central Andes agrees with previous hypotheses about the possible area of origin of Ctenomys. They precede by about one million years the presence of Ctenomys chapalmalensis in the Pliocene of the Pampean region of central Argentina, the oldest record previously known for the genus. Nevertheless, the new species does not contribute key information about ancestral character states for the genus beyond those already known through C. chapalmalensis. The phylogenetic, adaptive and even chronological information supplied by these new materials would be linked to the differentiation of the genus rather than to its origin.  相似文献   

The aquatic beetle Hydraena delvasi sp. n. from Colombia, belonging to the family Hydraenidae, is described and illustrated as a new species. The types were collected by F. Collantes during a recent visit to Colombia.  相似文献   

Two species of anurans from Colombia, South America, Atelopus spurrelli and Dendrobates histrionicus, were examined for helminths. A. spurrelli was found to harbor three species of Nematoda, adults of Cosmocerca podicipinus and larvae of Physocephalus sp. and Porrocaecum sp. D. histrionicus was found to harbor, in addition to C. podicipinus, Physocephalus sp. and Porrocaecum sp. and cystacanths of three species of Acanthocephala: Centrorhynchus sp., Onicola sp. and Polymorphus sp. A. spurrelli and D. histrionicus represent new host records for these helminths.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses were conducted on cytochrome b sequence data of the most geographically and taxonomically broad sampling of Cavia taxa to date. Primary objectives included providing the first extensive molecular phylogenetic framework for the genus, testing the taxonomic and systematic hypotheses of previous authors and providing insight into the evolutionary and biogeographic history of the genus. Support was found for the morphologically defined species C. aperea, C. tschudii, C. magna and C. fulgida and the taxonomic placement of taxa previously subject to conflicting taxonomic opinions (e.g. C. nana, C. anolaimae and C. guianae) was further resolved. Additionally, we elevate the Ecuadorian C. a. patzelti to species status, restrict the distributional limits and suggest taxonomic affiliations of some C. tschudii subspecies, and provide strong evidence for the geographic origin of guinea pig domestication. Finally, we provide an estimated evolutionary timeline for the genus Cavia, which appears to extend well into the late Miocene.  相似文献   

Doklady Biological Sciences - A pygmy dormouse Typhlomys stegodontis sp. nov. is described on the base of the maxillary fragment and isolated teeth from the Middle Pleistocene Tham Hai cave...  相似文献   

The rodent Neoepiblema acreensis (Chinchilloidea: Neoepiblemidae) is member of a lineage that reached gigantic dimensions during the Late Miocene of South America—the Neoepiblemidae. In this paper, the cranial anatomy of this rodent is reviewed. Noninvasive imaging is used to reveal internal structures. Our review is based mainly on an almost complete cranium from the Upper Miocene deposits of the western Amazonia of Brazil. The cranium has an elongated rostrum, large frontal sinuses, a deep temporal fossa, well-developed sagittal, nuchal, medial occipital, and secondary crests, and a tympanic fenestra connected to the external acoustic meatus by a thin ventral cleft. Remarkably, the cranium shows the presence of fossae on the posterior region of the frontal and parietal bones, and a “W-shaped” fronto-parietal suture, which are not present in other analyzed chinchilloids. This study contributes to the knowledge of the morphology of this extinct rodent as well as to the phylogenetic relationships and paleobiology of neoepiblemids.  相似文献   

Several new fossiliferous Pliocene localities have been identified in the continental deposits of the area of Tollo de Chiclana (Guadix Basin, SE Spain), that have yielded a rich rodent and insectivore fauna. In this paper, we study the Arvicolidae from these localities. Remains adscribed to the genera Dolomys, Mimomys and Kislangia have been found, which are very interesting from a biostratigraphical point of view.  相似文献   

González‐Ittig, R. E., Salazar‐Bravo, J., Barquez, R. M. & Gardenal, C. N. (2010). Phylogenetic relationships among species of the genus Oligoryzomys (Rodentia, Cricetidae) from Central and South America. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 511–526. The genus Oligoryzomys includes several species very similar in external morphology, which has resulted in a confusing specific taxonomy. Accurate species identification is particularly important because several species of Oligoryzomys act as natural hosts of hantaviruses affecting humans. Here, we assign specific status to individuals from a wide geographical area of Argentina and Chile using sequences of the mtDNA control region. We also compare cytochrome b sequences of 14 species recognized from Central and South America to infer the phylogenetic relationships within the genus. In addition, the results were analysed using available data on chromosome numbers, and the host–parasite relationships reported for the genus Hantavirus. We confirm the geographical distribution of Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Argentina, Chile), Oligoryzomys nigripes (Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil), Oligoryzomys chacoensis (Argentina, Bolivia, Paraguay), Oligoryzomys fornesi (Argentina, Paraguay), Oligoryzomys destructor (Argentina, Bolivia) and Oligoryzomys microtis (Bolivia, Brazil). Oligoryzomys longicaudatus is strongly related to the Oligoryzomys flavescens complex, which comprises four clades; O. nigripes is closely related to Oligoryzomys stramineus, and Oligoryzomys vegetus, to Oligoryzomys fulvescens from Central America. Oligoryzomys chacoensis, O. destructor, O. fornesi, O. longicaudatus, O. microtis, O. nigripes, O. stramineus, Oligoryzomys moojeni, Oligoryzomys rupestris, O. fulvescens and O. vegetus are confirmed as valid species, whereas O. flavescens, Oligoryzomys magellanicus, Oligoryzomys griseolus, Oligoryzomys victus, Oligoryzomys andinus and Oligoryzomys arenalis need exhaustive revision. The sister species to all the remaining entities of the genus was O. microtis, suggesting an Amazonian origin for the genus.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of aplodontid rodent, Proansomys dureensis, from the late Oligocene of the northern Junggar Basin of China is described. The new genus is referred to as Ansomyinae because the ectoloph on the upper cheek teeth, although not fully crested, has attained the same characteristic bucket-handle-shaped configuration as other members of the subfamily. It represents the earliest record of the subfamily yet discovered in Asia and is more plesiomorphic than species of the genus Ansomys in having a partly crested ectoloph, a lower degree of lophodonty, and less complex tooth basins (lacking accessory lophules). Proansomys has transitional features between Prosciurus and Ansomys, suggesting that the Ansomyinae derived from a group of aplodontids related to Prosciurus, as did other advanced aplodontid rodents. This provides new light on the paleobiogeography of the Ansomyinae.  相似文献   

The Procyonidae (Mammalia: Carnivora) have played a central role in resolving the controversial systematics of the giant and red pandas, but phylogenetic relationships of species within the family itself have received much less attention. Cladistic analyses of morphological characters conducted during the last two decades have resulted in topologies that group ecologically and morphologically similar taxa together. Specifically, the highly arboreal and frugivorous kinkajou (Potos flavus) and olingos (Bassaricyon) define one clade, whereas the more terrestrial and omnivorous coatis (Nasua), raccoons (Procyon), and ringtails (Bassariscus) define another clade, with the similar-sized Nasua and Procyon joined as sister taxa in this latter group. These relationships, however, have not been tested with molecular sequence data. We examined procyonid phylogenetics based on combined data from nine nuclear and two mitochondrial gene segments totaling 6534bp. We were able to fully resolve relationships within the family with strongly supported and congruent results from maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, minimum evolution, and Bayesian analyses. We identified three distinct lineages within the family: a (Nasua, Bassaricyon) clade, a (Bassariscus, Procyon) clade, and a Potos lineage, the last of which is sister to the other two clades. These findings, which are in strong disagreement with prior fossil and morphology-based assessments of procyonid relationships, reemphasize the morphological and ecological flexibility of these taxa. In particular, morphological similarities between unrelated genera possibly reflect convergence associated with similar lifestyles and diets rather than ancestry. Furthermore, incongruence between the molecular supermatrix and a morphological character matrix comprised mostly of dental characters [Baskin, J.A., 2004. Bassariscus and Probassariscus (Mammalia, Carnivora, Procyonidae) from the early Barstovian (Middle Miocene). J. Vert. Paleo. 24, 709-720] may be due to non-independence among atomized dental characters that does not take into account the high developmental genetic correlation of these characters. Finally, molecular divergence dating analyses using a relaxed molecular clock approach suggest that intergeneric and intrageneric splits in the Procyonidae mostly occurred in the Miocene. The inferred divergence times for intrageneric splits for several genera whose ranges are bisected by the Panamanian Isthmus is significant because they suggest diversification well precedes the Great American Interchange, which has long been considered a primary underlying mechanism for procyonid evolution.  相似文献   

A new genus and species, Notobaetis penai, n. gen., n. sp., of Baetidae (Ephemeroptera), is described based upon reared specimens collected from the Cordoba Province of Argentina. This new genus appears to be phenetically intermediate between Baetis Leach and Centroptilum Eaton while possessing a unique combination of characters and one autapomorphic character.  相似文献   

We analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of echimyid genera based on sequences of the cytochrome b, 12S, and 16S mitochondrial genes. Our results corroborate the monophyly of Octodontoidea and the rapid diversification of echimyid rodents as previously proposed. The analyses indicate that the family Echimyidae, including Myocastor to the exclusion of Capromys, is paraphyletic, since Capromys and Myocastor are well-supported sister-taxa. We therefore suggest the inclusion of both Capromys and Myocastor in the family Echimyidae. Five other suprageneric clades are well supported: Dactylomys+Kannabateomys, Euryzygomatomys+Clyomys, Proechimys+Hoplomys, Mesomys+Lonchothrix, and Makalata+(Echimys+Phyllomys). Trinomys and Thrichomys have no clear close relatives, and Isothrix emerged as sister to Mesomys+Lonchothrix, but with no support. We suggest that most of the cladogenesis leading to the extant echimyid genera probably occurred during the Late Miocene, about eight million years ago.  相似文献   

Octodontoidea is the most diverse group of caviomorph rodents. The systematics of most of the fossil representatives has been essentially based upon dental characters. Described here is an almost complete skull with dentition assigned to Prospaniomys Ameghino based upon its dental morphology. The specimen comes from the Sarmiento Formation at Pampa de Gan Gan (central Patagonia, Argentina), assigned to the Colhuehuapian SALMA (early Miocene). The most remarkable features are in the posterior portion of the skull, some of them shared with the modern octodontids and interpreted as specialized by previous authors, which contrast with the generalized dental morphology. These combined features were not previously known in other octodontoids. The comparisons with other fossil and extant members of the superfamily suggest that the characters traditionally used to associate Prospaniomys with the echimyids are very probably plesiomorphies. Prospaniomys would represent an early diverging lineage more closely related to modern octodontids than to echimyids, in which cranial structures evolved more rapidly than dental and mandibular ones.  相似文献   

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