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The ToxR protein of Vibrio cholerae regulates the expression of several virulence factors that play important roles in the pathogenesis of cholera. Previous experiments with ToxR-alkaline phosphatase (ToxR-PhoA) fusion proteins suggested a model for gene regulation in which the inactive form of ToxR was a monomer and the active form of ToxR was a dimer (V. L. Miller, R. K. Taylor, and J. J. Mekalanos, Cell 48:271-279, 1987). In order to examine whether ToxR exists in a dimeric form in vivo, biochemical cross-linking analyses were carried out. Different dimeric cross-linked species were detected depending on the expression level of ToxR: when overexpressed, ToxR+ToxR homodimers and ToxR+ToxS heterodimers were detected, and when ToxR was expressed at normal levels, exclusively ToxR+ToxS heterodimers were detected. The amount of overexpression was quantitated by using ToxR-PhoA fusion proteins and was found to correspond to 2.7-fold the normal level of ToxR. The formation of both homodimeric ToxR species and heterodimeric ToxR+ToxS species is consistent with previously reported genetic data that suggested that both types of ToxR oligomeric interactions occur. However, variation in the amount of either the homodimeric or heterodimeric form detectable by this cross-linking analysis was not observed to correlate with laboratory culture conditions known to modulate ToxR activity. Thus, genetic and biochemical data indicate that ToxR is able to interact with both itself and ToxS but that these interactions may not explain mechanistically the observed changes in ToxR activity that occur in response to environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Two of the primary virulence regulators of Vibrio cholerae, ToxR and TcpP, function together with cognate effector proteins. ToxR undergoes regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) during late stationary phase in response to nutrient limitation at alkaline pH; however, the specific function of its cognate ToxS remains unresolved. In this work, we found that ToxR rapidly becomes undetectable in a ΔtoxS mutant when cultures are exposed to either starvation conditions or after alkaline pH shock individually. A ΔtoxS mutant enters into a dormant state associated with the proteolysis of ToxR at a faster rate than wild‐type, closely resembling a ΔtoxR mutant. Using a mutant with a periplasmic substitution in ToxS, we found that the proteases DegS and DegP function additively with VesC and a novel protease, TapA, to degrade ToxR in the mutant. Overall, the results shown here reveal a role for ToxS in the stabilization of ToxR by protecting the virulence regulator from premature proteolysis.  相似文献   

The structure of the Vibrio cholerae O:3 O-antigen polysaccharide has been investigated, mainly by n.m.r. spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, sugar and methylation analysis, and specific degradations, and is proposed to involve the following tetrasaccharide repeating-unit. [formula: see text]. In this structure, D-D-Hep is D-glycero-D-manno-heptose, Asc is 3,6-dideoxy-L-arabino-hexose (ascarylose), and Sug is 2,4-diamino-2,4,6-trideoxy-D-glucose (bacillosamine) in which N-2 is acetylated and N-4 is acylated with a 3,5-dihydroxyhexanoic acid. That the 2,4-diamino-2,4,6-trideoxy-D-glucose residue is linked through O-3 and not through one of the hydroxyl groups in the 3,5-dihydroxyhexanoyl group is indicated but not definitely proved. The configuration of the latter group has not been determined. The f.a.b.-mass spectrum of the methylated O-antigen indicates that the structure given above also represents the biological repeating-unit.  相似文献   

Persistence of Vibrio cholerae in waters of fluctuating salinity relies on the capacity of this facultative enteric pathogen to adapt to varying osmotic conditions. In an event of osmotic downshift, osmolytes accumulated inside the bacterium can be quickly released through tension-activated channels. With the newly established procedure of giant spheroplast preparation from V. cholerae, we performed the first patch-clamp characterization of its cytoplasmic membrane and compared tension-activated currents with those in Esherichia coli. Saturating pressure ramps revealed two waves of activation belonging to the ∼1-nS mechanosensitive channel of small conductance (MscS)-like channels and ∼3-nS mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL)-like channels, with a pressure midpoint ratio p0.5MscS/p0.5MscL of 0.48. We found that MscL-like channels in V. cholerae present at a density three times higher than in E. coli, and yet, these vibrios were less tolerant to large osmotic downshocks. The Vibrio MscS-like channels exhibit characteristic inward rectification and subconductive states at depolarizing voltages; they also adapt and inactivate at subsaturating tensions and recover within 2 s upon tension release, just like E. coli MscS. Trehalose, a compatible internal osmolyte accumulated under hypertonic conditions, significantly shifts activation curves of both MscL- and MscS-like channels toward higher tensions, yet does not freely partition into the channel pore. Direct electrophysiology of V. cholerae offers new avenues for the in situ analysis of membrane components critical for osmotic survival and electrogenic transport in this pathogen.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae O1 is a natural inhabitant of aquatic environments and causes the diarrheal disease, cholera. Two of its primary virulence regulators, TcpP and ToxR, are localized in the inner membrane. TcpP is encoded on the Vibrio Pathogenicity Island (VPI), a horizontally acquired mobile genetic element, and functions primarily in virulence gene regulation. TcpP has been shown to undergo regulated intramembrane proteolysis (RIP) in response to environmental conditions that are unfavorable for virulence gene expression. ToxR is encoded in the ancestral genome and is present in non-pathogenic strains of V. cholerae, indicating it has roles outside of the human host. In this study, we show that ToxR undergoes RIP in V. cholerae in response to nutrient limitation at alkaline pH, a condition that occurs during the stationary phase of growth. This process involves the site-2 protease RseP (YaeL), and is dependent upon the RpoE-mediated periplasmic stress response, as deletion mutants for the genes encoding these two proteins cannot proteolyze ToxR under nutrient limitation at alkaline pH. We determined that the loss of ToxR, genetically or by proteolysis, is associated with entry of V. cholerae into a dormant state in which the bacterium is normally found in the aquatic environment called viable but nonculturable (VBNC). Strains that can proteolyze ToxR, or do not encode it, lose culturability, experience a change in morphology associated with cells in VBNC, yet remain viable under nutrient limitation at alkaline pH. On the other hand, mutant strains that cannot proteolyze ToxR remain culturable and maintain the morphology of cells in an active state of growth. Overall, our findings provide a link between the proteolysis of a virulence regulator and the entry of a pathogen into an environmentally persistent state.  相似文献   

Superoxide dismutases are ubiquitous enzymes which play an important role in protecting cells against oxidative damage and which have also been shown to contribute to the pathogenicity of many bacterial species. Here we demonstrate that Vibrio cholerae, the causative agent of cholerae, expresses an active periplasmic Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase. Moreover, we have set up an expression system yielding large amounts of V. cholerae recombinant Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase in the periplasm of Escherichia coli and a procedure to obtain the enzyme in a highly purified form. Unlike the bovine enzyme, V. cholerae Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase has been proved to be highly resistant to inactivation by hydrogen peroxide. This property, which appears to be common to other bacterial enzymes of this class, might improve the ability of Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase to protect bacteria against the reactive oxygen species produced by phagocytes.  相似文献   

Pannexin 1 forms ion and metabolite permeable hexameric channels with abundant expression in the central nervous system and elsewhere. Although pannexin 1 does not form intercellular channels, a common channel topology and oligomerization state, as well as involvement of the intracellular carboxyl terminal (CT) domain in channel gating, is shared with connexins. In this study, we characterized the secondary structure of the mouse pannexin 1 cytoplasmic domains to complement structural studies of the transmembrane segments and compare with similar domains from connexins. A combination of structural prediction tools and circular dichroism revealed that, unlike connexins (predominately intrinsically disordered), cytosolic regions of pannexin 1 contain approximately 50% secondary structure, a majority being α-helical. Moreover, prediction of transmembrane domains uncovered a potential membrane interacting region (I360-G370) located upstream of the caspase cleavage site (D375-D378) within the pannexin 1 CT domain. The α-helical content of a peptide containing these domains (G357-S384) increased in the presence of detergent micelles providing evidence of membrane association. We also purified a pannexin 1 CT construct containing the caspase cleavage site (M374-C426), assigned the resonances by NMR, and confirmed cleavage by Caspase-3 in vitro. On the basis of these structural studies of the cytoplasmic domains of pannexin 1, we propose a mechanism for the opening of pannexin 1 channels upon apoptosis, involving structural changes within the CT domain.  相似文献   

Pannexin 1 forms ion and metabolite permeable hexameric channels with abundant expression in the central nervous system and elsewhere. Although pannexin 1 does not form intercellular channels, a common channel topology and oligomerization state, as well as involvement of the intracellular carboxyl terminal (CT) domain in channel gating, is shared with connexins. In this study, we characterized the secondary structure of the mouse pannexin 1 cytoplasmic domains to complement structural studies of the transmembrane segments and compare with similar domains from connexins. A combination of structural prediction tools and circular dichroism revealed that, unlike connexins (predominately intrinsically disordered), cytosolic regions of pannexin 1 contain approximately 50% secondary structure, a majority being α-helical. Moreover, prediction of transmembrane domains uncovered a potential membrane interacting region (I360-G370) located upstream of the caspase cleavage site (D375-D378) within the pannexin 1 CT domain. The α-helical content of a peptide containing these domains (G357-S384) increased in the presence of detergent micelles providing evidence of membrane association. We also purified a pannexin 1 CT construct containing the caspase cleavage site (M374-C426), assigned the resonances by NMR, and confirmed cleavage by Caspase-3 in vitro. On the basis of these structural studies of the cytoplasmic domains of pannexin 1, we propose a mechanism for the opening of pannexin 1 channels upon apoptosis, involving structural changes within the CT domain.  相似文献   

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