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Systematic mutation of bacteriophage T4 lysozyme   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Amber mutations were introduced into every codon (except the initiating AUG) of the bacteriophage T4 lysozyme gene. The amber alleles were introduced into a bacteriophage P22 hybrid, called P22 e416, in which the normal P22 lysozyme gene is replaced by its T4 homologue, and which consequently depends upon T4 lysozyme for its ability to form a plaque. The resulting amber mutants were tested for plaque formation on amber suppressor strains of Salmonella typhimurium. Experiments with other hybrid phages engineered to produce different amounts of wild-type T4 lysozyme have shown that, to score as deleterious, a mutation must reduce lysozyme activity to less than 3% of that produced by wild-type P22 e416. Plating the collection of amber mutants covering 163 of the 164 codons of T4 lysozyme, on 13 suppressor strains that each insert a different amino acid substitutions at every position in the protein (except the first). Of the resulting 2015 single amino acid substitutions in T4 lysozyme, 328 were found to be sufficiently deleterious to inhibit plaque formation. More than half (55%) of the positions in the protein tolerated all substitutions examined. Among (N-terminal) amber fragments, only those of 161 or more residues are active. The effects of many of the deleterious substitutions are interpretable in light of the known structure of T4 lysozyme. Residues in the molecule that are refractory to replacements generally have solvent-inaccessible side-chains; the catalytic Glu11 and Asp20 residues are notable exceptions. Especially sensitive sites include residues involved in buried salt bridges near the catalytic site (Asp10, Arg145 and Arg148) and a few others that may have critical structural roles (Gly30, Trp138 and Tyr161).  相似文献   

Mutations termed das were isolated originally (Hercules and Wiberg, 1971) as partial suppressors of mutants in phage T4 genes 46 and 47. Since mutants in genes 46, 47, and 59 exhibit both an early arrest of phage DNA synthesis and the loss of this arrest in the presence of chloramphenicol or of mutations of T4 genes 33 and 55, we asked whether a das mutation can also suppress a gene 59 mutant. We find that it cannot--either at the level of phage production or DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Wild-type bacteriophage T7 is not subject to restriction by the Escherichia coli B and K restriction systems, but T7 mutants that are susceptible to such restriction have been isolated. These mutants are all defective in gene 0.3, the first T7 gene to be expressed after infection. The gene 0.3 protein apparently acts to prevent modification as well as restriction, suggesting that it may interact with a component of the host restriction-modification system that is required for both processes. Mutants in which gene 0.3 is completely deleted are only partially modified by growth on hosts with an active restriction-modification system, presumably because the conditions of T7 infection overload the modifying capacity of the cells. This is in contrast to phages such as lambda that are completely modified during growth. Since gene 0.3 is not essential for growth in non-restricting hosts, it has been possible to isolate deletions which extend to the left of gene 0.3 into the region where E. coli RNA polymerase initiates the synthesis of T7 early RNA. Two of the three strong initiators from which E. coli RNA polymerase transcribes the early region can be deleted.In the course of searching for T7 mutants that are unable to overcome restriction, it was discovered that mutants defective in gene 2 are able to plate on E. coli C with essentially normal efficiency, and most gene 7 mutants are able to plate on both C and K strains. It has not been determined why genes 2 and 7 seem to be needed for growth in some E. coli strains but not in others.  相似文献   

Novel rII duplications in bacteriophage T4.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The properties of two rII complementation heterozygotes (D5B and D7A) of bacteriophage T4 are described. These strains are characterized by their stability, each forming less than 10-3 r segregants among their viable progeny, and by their segregation of only one of the two parental types. No increase in r progeny was found on crossing D7A or D5B with T4r+, indicating that the duplications in these strains are not separated by an essential region of the phage genome. Both D5B and D7A from h-2+/h-4+ heterozygotes at frequencies similar to T4r+, suggesting that the duplicated regions in these strains are short. The progeny of these h-2+/h-4+ heterozygotes retain heterozygosity for rII but not for h: therefore, D5B and D7A are not stabilized terminal redundancy complementation heterozygotes. We conclude that D5B and D7A contain very short tandem duplications and we present structures consistent with the observed characteristics of these phages.  相似文献   

The process of bacteriophage T4 morphogenesis was studied using a heat leakage scanning calorimeter. Thermograms of defective mutant 49 (am NG727) in permissive and non-permissive cells of Escherichia coli showed a difference in thermal properties between packaged and non-packaged DNA molecules. In vivo, non-packaged DNA carried out their thermal transition at 85°C, the same temperature as that of T4 DNA melting measured in the standard saline citrate buffer, while the packaged DNA gave a sharper peak at 87°C due to some interaction with the head shell structure. Empty head shells showed a sharp heat absorption peak at 89°C both in vivo and in vitro, indicating the high degree of cooperativity in their conformational changes.  相似文献   

The genome of bacteriophage T4.   总被引:38,自引:3,他引:35       下载免费PDF全文

Concentrated suspensions of T4 phage crystallize spontaneously in the absence of tryptophan. The crystals, in one plane, contain repeated bilayers of phage in head to head and tail to tail contact, probably with tail fibers retracted. In the plane of each layer there is hexagonal packing of the phage.  相似文献   

Evidence that bacteriophage T4 eph1 is a missense hoc mutation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An electrophoretic mutation of bacteriophage T4, eph1, appears to code for a missense hoc (highly antigenic outer capsid) protein. This is based on the observation that particles lacking hoc protein (hoc- particles), after incubation in a crude extract of Escherichia coli infected with phage carrying the eph1 mutation acquired the electrophoretic mobility of the eph1 strain (the electrophoretic mobility of the eph1 strain itself is slower than that of hoc- particles). Thus, it is likely that during infection of E. coli with the eph1 strain, a hoc protein is made that has a lower negative charge than normal hoc protein but can nevertheless bind to particles lacking hoc protein. These results confirm that eph1 is a hoc mutation.  相似文献   

Methods developed for isolating bacterial nucleoids were applied to bacteria infected with phage T4. The replicating pool of T4 DNA was isolated as a particle composed of condensed T4 DNA and certain RNA and protein components of the cell. The particles have a narrow sedimentation profile (weight-average s=2,500S) and have, on average, a T4 DNA content similar to that of the infected cell. Their dimensions observed via electron and fluorescence microscopy are similar to the dimensions of the intracellular DNA pool. The DNA packaging density is less than that of the isolated bacterial nucleoid but appears to be roughly similar to its state in vivo. Host-cell proteins and T4-specific proteins bound to the DNA were characterized by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels. The major host proteins are the RNA polymerase subunits and two envelope proteins (molecular weights, 36,000 and 31,000). Other major proteins of the host cell were absent or barely detectable. Single-strand breaks can be introduced into the DNA with gamma radiation or DNase without affecting its sedimentation rate. This and other studies of the effects of intercalated ethidium molecules have suggested that the average superhelical density of the condensed DNA is small. However, these studies also indicated that there may be a few domains in the DNA that become positively supercoiled in the presence of high concentrations of ethidium bromide. In contrast to the Escherichia coli nucleoid, the T4 DNA structure remains condensed after the RNA and protein components have been removed (although there may be slight relaxation in the state of condensation under these conditions).  相似文献   

Among 32 lambda-T4 recombinant phages selected for growth on a thymidylate synthetase-deficient (thyA) host, 2 were shown to carry the T4 thymidine kinase (tk) gene. The lambda-T4tk phages contain two T4 HindIII DNA fragments (2.0 and 1.5 kilobases) that hybridize to restriction fragments of T4 DNA, encompassing the tk locus at 60 kilobases on the T4 map. The T4tk insert compensates for the simultaneous host deficiencies of thymidine kinase and thymidylate synthetase in a thymidine kinase-deficient (tdk) host growing in the presence of fluorodeoxyuridine when provided with thymidine and uridine. The lambda-T4tk hybrid phages specified five polypeptides with Mrs of 22,000 (22K), 21K, 14K, 11K, and 9K.  相似文献   

Absence of phospholipase activity in bacteriophage T4.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
We assayed phospholipase activity in T4Dt+ and in t mutant phage grown under permissive and restrictive conditions. There was no correlation between the presence of the t+ gene product and phospholipase activity. Phospholipase activity in phage lysates could be attributed to the presence of bacterial debris or to the use of commercial DNase which contains phospholipase.  相似文献   

The folate compound which is a structural component of the Escherichia coli T-even bacteriophage baseplates, has been identified as the hexaglutamyl form of folic acid using a new chromatographic procedure (Baugh, C.M., Braverman, E. and Nair, M.G. (1974) Biochemistry 13, 4952-4957). It has also been found that the host cell contains a variety of polyglutamyl forms of folic acid. The major form is the triglutamate (about 50%) but small amounts of higher molecular weight folates including the octaglutamate (1.8%) have been identified. Upon infection with wild-type T4D bacteriophage there is a shift in the distribution of the folate compounds so that the folyl polyglutamyl compounds having the higher molecular weights are increased. Infection of E. coli with baseplate mutants of T4D containing an amber mutation in gene 28 resulted in the formation of significant amounts (over 7%) of folate compound(s) of molecular weight much higher than those observed either in uninfected cells or cells infected with wild-type T4D. It is suggested that the T4D gene 28 product functions to cleave glutamate residues from high molecular weight folyl polyglutamates to increase the availability of the folyl hexaglutamate for virus assembly.  相似文献   

Deletion formation in bacteriophage T4   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
We have manipulated the dispensable region of the rIIB gene of bacteriophage T4 in order to study the generation of deletions involving direct repeats. We show that recombination between different parental chromosomes is one source of the deletions we have studied. We have also investigated the effects of structure, base composition and distance on deletion formation. We demonstrate that the potential to form structure in single-stranded DNA has variable effects on the frequency of deletion formation and conclude that, in some cases, slipped mispairing during DNA synthesis can make a substantial contribution to deletion frequencies. The G + C richness of the direct repeats involved in deletion formation is an important parameter of the frequency of deletion formation. We have confirmed that increasing the distance between direct repeats decreases deletion frequency.  相似文献   

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