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The mushroom phorid fly, Megaselia halterata (Wood) (Diptera: Phoridae), is a key pest in mushroom farming in most parts of the world. Studies on the mushroom phorid fly have focused on its life history within mushroom growing houses, but little is known about the fly's activity outside mushroom growing houses. In this study, daily activity and distribution of adult M. halterata in the areas surrounding mushroom growing houses was studied using yellow sticky traps. Results suggest that M. halterata focuses its flight activity over turf areas rather than windbreaks and spent compost piles, possibly for mating purposes. Our study found no evidence of M. halterata breeding in turf areas surrounding mushroom growing houses. In addition, flight activity is highest in the afternoon until midnight at higher temperatures, yet at lower temperatures activity ceases after sunset. Establishing temperature and daylight thresholds for M. halterata flight activity may be useful in developing integrated pest management (IPM) tactics for this species. The most successful IPM tool that mushroom growers use at present is fly exclusion. Exclusion can be improved by focusing farm operations around temperature and daylight thresholds when fly activity is at its lowest.  相似文献   

Bioassays were initially conducted in Petri-dishes to screen the efficacy of four Heterorhabiditis and Steinernema species against the mushroom phorid Megaselia halterata. Control rates of 61 to 70% control were obtained at a dosage of 1500 infective juveniles (IJs) per 30 larvae. In order to avoid stress-induced susceptibility, an improved bioassay system in micro-wells, filled with 0.6 ml of compost agar and 0.2 of compost colonized by Agaricus bisporus, was developed. In a screening of different species of Heterorhabiditis and Steinernema with applications of 30 IJs per phorid larva, a highest parasitization rate of 20% was obtained with S. feltiae. Bioassays were continued with S. feltiae in dosage-mortality assays in which larvae of the sciarid Lycoriella auripila and the phorid M. halterata were challenged. At the lowest dosage of 30 IJs per sciarid larva, 78% control was obtained. Increasing the dosage from 30 to 1000 led to only small increases of the phorid mortality. At 1000 IJs per larva a significant mortality of 18% was obtained. The nature of the substrate, compost or casing did not greatly influence the parasitization rates. The sex ratio of nematodes that were able to penetrate and establish in the phorid larvae appeared to be female-skewed. Males were only present at a mean of 19%. Low susceptibility of the phorid larva was ascribed to the inaccessibility of its small mouth opening.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to examine the location of oviposition by the phorid fly Megaselia halterata (Wood) (Diptera: Phoridae) in uncased and cased compost. Clearly, a majority of the gravid females choose oviposition sites directly after entering the top layer of the compost. In uncased compost, 60% of all adults emerged from the top of four compost layers of equal thickness. When the compost was covered by a casing layer which was still uncolonized by Agaricus bisporus, oviposition was further concentrated in the top compost layer. In this situation, 91% of all adults emerged from the top compost layer whereas only 1.5% emerged from the casing. When the casing layer was colonized by mushroom mycelium, 45% of all adults emerged from the casing layer and 53% emerged from the top compost layer. Further concentration in the top compost layer and the casing layer occurred as a result of upward migration of larvae. When compost was cased after oviposition, up to 43% of all adults emerged from the casing layer. We concluded that in the control of phorid infestations with insect pathogenic nematodes, applications in uncased compost can be restricted to the upper compost layer. When compost and casing are filled simultaneously, nematode applications in the casing layer only could be considered.  相似文献   

Pasteurized, spawned, full-grown and immediately-cased full-grown compost were simultaneously exposed to natural populations of the mushroom pests Lycoriella auripila (Winnertz) (Diptera: Sciaridae) and Megaselia halterata (Wood) (Diptera: Phoridae). Different numbers of adults emerged from each of these composts. Highest numbers of L. auripila emerged from spawned and pasteurized compost whereas lowest numbers of L. auripila emerged from full-grown compost. the emergence from full-grown compost was delayed, which could be explained by the delayed development of the larvae in this type of compost. High numbers of M. halterata emerged from compost that was completely colonized by the mycelia of the edible white button mushroom Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach. The immediate covering of the compost with a casing layer significantly lowered the numbers of emerging M. halterata flies. Compared with the emergence pattern from full-grown and immediately-cased full-grown compost, adult M. halterata showed a delayed pattern of emergence in spawned compost. Adult M. halterata did not emerge from pasteurized compost. The results of these experiments enabled us to improve the timing of the application of insect pathogenic nematodes in the control of the larvae of both insect pests.  相似文献   

The nematode Steinernema feltiae (Nematoda: Steinemematidae) was tested for its ability to control two main mushroom pests i.e. the sciarid Lycoriella auripila (Diptera: Sciaridae) and the phorid Megaselia halterata (Diptera: Phoridae) in growing-rooms filled with spawned compost. A clear difference between female and male sciarid control was observed. A nematode application 1 day after casing preceded by an application 1 day before casing on the compost caused an almost complete control (97%) of the F1-generation of female sciarids. The F2-generation of females was similarly controlled (95%) by an application 7 days after casing. A dosage of 1 × 106nematodes m-2was found to be equally effective as higher dosages. Diflubenzuron remained active throughout entire the cropping period with high sciarid mortality rates varying from 72% to 99%. Phorid control was variable and seemed to depend on the presence of sciarids. In one occasion the control rate of F2-generation phorid larvae was 75% and was possibly caused by the presence of new infective juvenile nematodes recycled in F2-generation sciarid larvae. Diflubenzuron did not significantly reduce phorid numbers.  相似文献   

Isolates from eight species of Agaricus were investigated in laboratory experiments for their effect on the development of the mushroom sciarid fly, Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour) (Diptera: Sciaridae), which is an important pest of the white mushroom Agaricus bisporus (Lange) Imbach (Agaricaceae). The population levels of L. ingenua developing in compost inoculated with Agaricus mycelium varied with the Agaricus isolate used, with some isolates causing high levels of inhibition. The development of L. ingenua populations and the survival of larval instars were inversely proportional to the amount of Agaricus inoculum applied. There was also a negative relationship between L. ingenua survival and the extension rate of the Agaricus isolate in compost. The results suggest that inhibition of L. ingenua population development by Agaricus is linked to the rate at which compost is colonized by fungal mycelium. Therefore, on mushroom farms, sciarid fly control should focus on protection of the compost before it has become colonized by mycelium, as this is when it is most vulnerable to the pest.  相似文献   

The sciarid, Lycoriella auripila, is a serious pest of commercial mushroom production. A series of trials demonstrated that the use of early, specifically-targeted, treatments of insecticides and/or antagonists and repellents, which distance treatment time from crop harvest, have the potential to play a useful part in the control of initial and subsequent generations of this pest. Of the treatments examined, those involving a drench treatment of the compost at filling (before pasteurisation) proved to be the most effective. Cyromazine and diflubenzuron were the most active insecticides tested, with cyromazine achieving a superior level of control of the initial infestation. Repellents and antifeedants were also effective, with calcium oxalate and sinapic acid both achieving about 50% control when applied at filling. Treatments applied later during the production cycle, unless in combination with a treatment at filling, were progressively less effective at controlling both the initial sciarid infestation and later generations of larvae. Multiple treatments caused greater reductions in fly populations than did the single treatments and continued to do so throughout the cropping cycle, the greatest reduction in the initial generation (79%) occurring with a triple treatment of cyromazine. With the exception of some diflubenzuron treatments, those that were effective resulted in increases in yield. The use of a physical paper barrier caused significant increases in both fly numbers and total yield.  相似文献   

The control potential of a strain (ScP) of Steinernema feltiae genetically selected against the mushroom sciarid Lycoriella solani, was evaluated for the management of L. mali. Trials were conducted at two commercial mushroom farms with high and low levels of fly infestation. The efficacy of the ScP strain was compared with the SN strain of S. feltiae and the chitin synthesis inhibitor, diflubenzuron. At low densities of L. mali, the two strains did not differ in efficacy and caused 85–94% reduction in fly populations. At high fly densities with a mixed infestation of the phorid fly, Megaselia halterata, the ScP stain caused 56–83% reduction in L. mali populations whereas the SN strain caused 51–73% reduction. Two doses of the improved strain (0.5 times 106 and 1.0 times 106 infective juveniles per m2 cropping area) did not differ in efficacy from diflubenzuron which caused 80% reduction in L. mali populations. The lower dose (0.5 times 106) of the SN strain was less effective than diflubenzuron. The ScP strain had a major advantage over the SN strain in persistence in casing material. Nematodes had no significant effect on mushroom yields.  相似文献   

The efficacy of different species of entomopathogenic nematodes was tested against larvae of the mushroom phorid Megaselia halterata (Diptera: Phoridae) and the mushroom sciarid Lycoriella auripila (Diptera: Sciaridae). Sciarid larvae originating from infestations in casing soil during colonization by Agaricus bisporus were almost completely controlled by applications of Steinernema feltiae to the casing soil. When larvae originated from infestations in freshly spawned compost, they could be controlled by compost applications halfway through spawnrunning and by very early casing treatments. The control of phorids in compost was maximally 31% when nematodes were mixed within the infested compost at a concentration of 3 106 nematodes/m2. Only slightly higher reduction rates were obtained at higher concentrations. The control of phorids was more promising in the infested casing layer, in which S. carpocapsae was most successful. At concentrations of 6 and 15 106 nematodes/m2 this species obtained reduction rates of 65 and 73% respectively when it was applied 3 days after the end of the infestation period. These concentrations are, however, too high for practical application.  相似文献   

A bioassay chamber was developed to evaluate the attraction of the phorid fly pest,Megaselia halterata (Wood) (Diptera, Phoridae), to volatiles from mushroom compost colonized by the commercial mushroom,Agaricus bisporus (Fungi, Agaricaceae) and to its volatile constituents, 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone. The bioassay chamber consisted of a large round container which was attached, via glass tubes, to three removable sample cups situated below the container. Once a fly had entered a sample cup, the flatly cut glass tubes prevented the flies from readily returning to the release chamber and, in effect, was a pit fall trap which kept the flies in the cups until the flies were counted. Holes in the bottom of the cups and removal of 20 ml of air from the chamber to fill the entrance tubes with volatiles from the cups were necessary for the success of the bioassay. Mated and unmated femaleM. halterata and, to a lesser extent, mated males preferred spawned compost (compost well colonized by fungal mycelia) relative to unspawned compost or blank cups. Unmated males were not attracted to spawned compost. Males and females were not attracted to unspawned compost. No attraction of male or femaleM. halterata to the spawned compost volatiles, 1-octen-3-ol and 3-octanone, could be demonstrated under various experimental conditions. These two compounds seemed to deter females at high concentrations.  相似文献   

To evaluate the attractiveness of several mushroom‐growing substrates to the female mushroom fly Lycoriella ingenua (Dufour) (Diptera: Sciaridae), a pest of the cultivated white button mushroom, Agaricus bisporus (JE Lange) Emil J Imbach (Agaricales), we developed a two‐choice, static‐flow olfactometer. Behavioral assays using this olfactometer indicated that mushroom compost with A. bisporus mycelia growing in it was not more attractive than compost lacking growing mycelia. We also found that female flies were more attracted to compost lacking A. bisporus mycelia than to the actual commodity, the white button mushroom fruiting bodies. Flies were not, however, attracted to sterilized compost, suggesting the attraction is due to volatiles produced by microbial metabolism in the compost. We also found that female L. ingenua flies were attracted to the mycoparasitic green mold Trichoderma aggressivum Samuels & W Gams (Hypocreales). Flies preferred mushroom compost that had T. aggressivum growing in it over compost lacking T. aggressivum, providing an experimental outcome consistent with the anecdotal belief that L. ingenua flies are vectors of T. aggressivum spores that can infest mushroom‐growing houses.  相似文献   

When introduced into a mushroom crop at rates of 2, 20 or 200 larvae/tray (0.56 m2), the mushroom cecid, Heteropeza pygmaea, caused significant reductions in both yield and number of mushrooms in relation to the infestation level. The reductions were greater when the larvae were introduced at spawning rather than at casing. The yield and number of infested (unmarketable) mushrooms increased significantly in relation to the initial infestation level. Just two H. pygmaea larvae, introduced at spawning, resulted in cecid populations that caused a 12% loss in total yield in addition to a 7% loss due to spoilage. Loss assessment in the future, therefore, should take into account both yield suppression and spoilage. There was little effect of cecid infestation on flush timing and mushroom size was only affected in the fourth flush, when a significant reduction (27%) was shown at the highest infestation rate at spawning.  相似文献   

The production of a protease inhibitor from Agaricus bisporus through solid-state fermentation was studied. The purpose was to produce protease inhibitor from natural, cheap, and readily available carbon and nitrogen sources. Solid-state fermentation enhanced the mycelia growth and also gave a higher yield of the product. Further, fungal growth and other production parameters were statistically optimized. The specificity of the inhibitor was tested and was effective against trypsin. Screening of significant factors (wheat bran, cyanobacterial biomass, initial pH, temperature, incubation period, and moisture content and inoculum size) was performed using Plackett–Burman design. Central composite design was used to determine the optimized values of the significant variables which were found to be temperature (27.5°C), incubation time (156?hr), cyanobacterial biomass (1?g), and moisture content (50%) and gave a statistical yield of 980 PIU/g which was 25.6% higher than experimental yield (780 PIU/g). The inhibitor was purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation and diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose chromatography (yield 43.89% and 0.21%, respectively) and subjected to reversed-phase HPLC to validate its identity. Since protease inhibitors act against proteases, finding ample therapeutic roles; the isolated protease inhibitor from A. bisporus can also be a probable medicinal agent after its further characterization.  相似文献   

双孢蘑菇是世界消费量最大的食用菌之一,不同于欧美国家的麦草栽培配方,我国双孢蘑菇栽培材料主要是以水稻秸秆为主.为了降低农业秸秆废弃物的焚烧和我国双孢蘑菇产业的持续发展,需因地制宜地开发和利用各地特色农业废弃物资源作为双孢蘑菇栽培的基质.为鉴别不同材料栽培的双孢蘑菇子实体的营养和产量差异,本研究以8种不同基质配方栽培的双...  相似文献   

Development and reproduction of the predatory mite Parasitus consanguineus Oudemans et Voigts (Acari: Parasitidae) reared on a diet of first and second instars of Megaselia halterata (Diptera: Phoridae) or Lycoriella ingenua (Diptera: Sciaridae) were studied. Mites were allowed to feed on these diets until death. The developmental time of immature stages of P. consanguineus was significantly longer when reared on L. ingenua than on M. halterata larvae (8.3 vs. 7.9 days, respectively). Survival to adulthood of P. consanguineus reared on L. ingenua or M. halterata larvae was 63 and 49%, and mite fecundity was 17.8 and 12.3 eggs/female, respectively. Adult females reared on L. ingenua lived on average 6.9 days, whereas those reared on M. halterata lived for 5.7 days. Mite survival, female longevity and fecundity were significantly different among the two diet types.  相似文献   

The mushroom growing bed consists of an underlying compost which is covered with casing (a peat and chalk or lime mixture) to induce fruit-body formation. The influences of the depths of the compost and casing layers on the mushroom texture, susceptibility to bruising, and ease of detachment from the growing bed surface were investigated. Textural properties were determined on cubes of cap tissue and detachment torque was determined by using an instrumented rotating suction cup which was lowered on to the caps. The proportion of mushrooms which detached at the base from the bed surface was recorded, since this is an important parameter for an automatic (robotic) harvesting system. Shallow casing resulted in mushrooms that were firmer and less likely to deform plastically, but that showed greater discolouration after a standard bruising treatment. Shallower casing also increased the proportion of mushrooms that detached at the base. Increasing the depth of compost produced firmer mushrooms, significantly increased the detachment torque and reduced the proportion of mushrooms detached at the base. The proportion of mushrooms that detached at the base correlated negatively with the plastic deformation of cap tissue. A positive correlation was found between mushroom dry matter content and tissue firmness.  相似文献   

Agaricus bisporus is an edible basidiomycete cultivated industrially for food production. Different spawn and mushroom producers use genetically related A. bisporus strains frequently marketed as different products. In this paper we show that the use of suitable molecular markers reveals the high level of genetic homology of commercial strains of A. bisporus, and allows, at the same time, to distinguish between them. In the course of this work, a molecular marker potentially linked to the agronomic character 'mushroom weight' has been identified by bulked segregant analysis.  相似文献   

The changes in thermophilic fungi and biochemical characteristics, during windrow and bunker stages of phase I and phase II composts, were compared in this investigation. Composts prepared by the two phase I systems differed in a number of key parameters including mean straw length, population of Scytalidium thermophilum, dry matter, conductivity, nitrogen dry matter, ammonia, fibre content and ash. S. thermophilum populations in phase I composts were significantly higher in windrow compared to bunker‐composted materials as a result of the larger high temperature (65‐80°C) core in bunker treatment, which inhibited microbial activity. Assessment of the composts for loss of matter during composting has revealed that the bunker system can conserve fresh matter better than the windrow production system, possibly due to lower microbial activities during bunker composting. The productivity of the phase II composts prepared from windrow and bunker systems was compared in trials using commercial growers.  相似文献   

The fungicides chlorothalonil, metrafenone, prochloraz‐Mn, thiabendazole and thiophanate‐methyl were tested in vitro and in vivo for their effect on Cladobotryum mycophilum, the mycoparasite that causes cobweb disease in white button mushroom. In vitro experiments showed that metrafenone (EC50= 0.025 mg L?1) and prochloraz‐Mn (EC50= 0.045 mg L?1) were the most effective fungicides for inhibiting the mycelial growth of C. mycophilum. Selectivity indexes of the tested fungicides on both C. mycophilum and Agaricus bisporus indicated that metrafenone was also the most selective fungicide, while chlorothalonil was the most toxic fungicide against A. bisporus mycelium. The in vivo efficacy of fungicides for controlling cobweb was evaluated in three mushroom cropping trials, which were artificially inoculated with C. mycophilum (106 conidia m?2). Prochloraz‐Mn provided good control, although the surface colonised by cobweb reached 12% by the end of the crop cycles. None of the inoculated cropping trials treated with metrafenone showed any cobweb disease symptoms, and neither were any significant phytotoxic effects on mushroom yield recorded. These results indicated that metrafenone can be used as an alternative to prochloraz‐Mn in the control of cobweb disease.  相似文献   

Three formulations of diazinon: flowable granules (FG); wettable powder (WP); and emulsifiable concentration (EC), which are used for the control of mushroom pests, were compared for toxicity towards a hybrid and non-hybrid strain of the cultivated mushroom, Agaricus bisporus. With all formulations, yield and number of mushrooms were reduced according to dosage (linear trend). The EC was the most toxic and persistent formulation – equally so to both mushroom strains – and produced the most severe responses in all the parameters considered. The WP was the least toxic formulation. The hybrid strain was more susceptible to diazinon than the non-hybrid, but not markedly so.  相似文献   

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