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SINGH  LALJI; SINGH  J. S 《Annals of botany》1991,68(3):263-273
Species composition, plant biomass and net primary productivitywere studied on three sites of a dry tropical forest The forestwas characterized by small structure with 38–10.4 m2 ha–1tree and 3 1–7 8 m2 ha–1 shrub basal cover Speciesdiversity was highest for the mid-slope site while the concentrationof dominance was greatest for the hill-top stand The beta diversitywas 3 1 Total standing crop of vegetation averaged 66 98 t ha–1with 46 70 t ha–1 in the tree layer, 13.97 t ha–1in the shrub layer, 0.35 t ha–1 in the herb layer, 2 83t ha–1 in the litter layer and 3 13 t ha–1 in fineroots Of the total annual litterfall (4 88–6.71 t ha–1),69% was accounted for by leaves and 31% by non-leaf matter Netprimary production (NPP) ranged between 11 3 and 19 2 t ha–1year–1, to which the contributions of trees, shrubs andherbs averaged 72, 22 and 6%, respectively Contribution of rootsto NPP was substantial and ranged from 2 9 to 5 3 t ha–1year–1 A total of 83% of vegetation carbon was storedin the above-ground plant parts while the above-ground NPP wasresponsible for 72% of the total carbon input into the systemThe contribution of foliage, herbaceous vegetation and fineroots to carbon turnover was disproportionately larger comparedto their share in the total standing crop Carbon budgeting indicatedthat the forest was an accumulating system, over at least theshort term Dry tropical forest, biomass, litterfall, net primary production, carbon budget, carbon flux  相似文献   

The present study deals with structure and function of fourareas of Himalayan chir pine forest. Tree layer was monospecificon all sites with varied density and basal cover in the rangeof 540–1630 individuals per ha and 25·0–47·2m2ha–1, respectively. Shrubs having low density were sparselydistributed. All allometric equations relating to biomass ofdifferent components, to circumference at breast height (cbh)were significant, with the exception of that for cone biomass.Total vegetation biomass (115–236 t ha–1) was distributedas 113–283 t ha–1 in trees. 0·56–0·82t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·63–2·57 t ha–1in herbs. Total forest floor biomass including herbaceous litterranged between 9·6 and 13·6 t ha–1. Of thetotal annual litter fall (4·26–7·38 t ha–1),60·3–75·1 per cent was distributed in leaflitter and 24·9–39·7 per cent in wood litter.Turnover rate of tree litter varied from 0·45 to 0·53,whereas rates for shrubs and herbs were assumed to 1. Net primaryproduction of total vegetation ranged between 9·91 and21·2 t ha–1 year–1, of which the contributionof trees, shrubs and herbs was 76·5– 88·1per cent 0·6–1·8 per cent and 11·3–21·5per cent, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter onthe basis of mean data across sites was developed to show drymatter storage and flow of dry matter within the ecosystem. Pinus roxburghii forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

Biomass, Productivity and Energetics in Himalayan Alder Plantations   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
E.  SHARMA; R.S.  AMBASHT 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):285-293
Biomass, net primary production and energy fixation in an agesequence of Himalayan alder (Alnus nepalensis D. Don) plantationswere estimated in the Kalimpong forest division of the easternHimalayas. Biomass in the plantations ranged from 106 t ha–1(7-year stand) to 606 t ha–1 (56-year stand) demonstratingthe potential of the alder for accumulating large biomass. Netprimary production and net energy fixation rates of the plantationswere reduced by nearly half in the 7-year stand (25 t ha–1year–1; 421 x 106 kJ ha–1 year–1) comparedwith the 56-year stand (13 t ha–1 year–1; 215 x106 kJ ha–1 year–1). Compartmental models of energystorage and flow rates were developed for the 7-year and 56-yearstands. The production efficiency, energy conversion efficiencyand energy efficiency in N2 fixation have inverse relationshipswith plantation age. These efficiencies, when treated with eachother, showed significant exponential functions. Alnus nepalensis D. Don, Himalayan alder, plantation age, biomass, net primary production, energy flow, efficiencies  相似文献   

The present study deals with structure and functioning of threeareas of Himalayan oak forest. Low- and mid-altitude oaks, namelyQuercus leucotrichophora, and Quercus floribunda, form predominantevergreen forests in Central and Western Himalaya. The totaltree basal cover ranged between 33·89 m2 ha–1 (Q.floribunda site) to 36·83 m2 ha–1 (Q. leucotrichophorasite). The density ranged between 570 and 760 individuals ha–1.Allometric equations relating biomass of different tree componentsto GBH (girth at breast height) were significant with the exceptionof leaf biomass in Q. leucotrichophora and Rhododendron arboreum.Total vegetation biomass (29·40–467·0 tha–1) was distributed as 377·1 t ha–1 intrees, 5·40 t ha–1 in shrubs and 1·23 tha–1 in herbs. Total forest floor biomass ranged between4·6 and 6·2 t ha–1. Of the total annuallitter fall (4·7–4·8 t ha–1), 77·5% was contributed by leaf litter, 17·8 % by wood litterand 4·7 % by miscellaneous litter. Turnover rate of treelitter varied from 0·66 to 0·70. Net primary productionof total vegetation ranged between 15·9 and 20·6t ha–1 yr–1, of which the contribution of trees,shrubs and herbs was 81·2 %, 8·6 % and 10·2%, respectively. A compartment model of dry matter on the basisof mean data across sites was developed to show dry matter storageand flow of dry matter within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q. floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, biomass, litter fall, net primary production, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

Biomass and phosphorus distribution and accumulation rates wereestimated for an undisturbed subtropical rainforest in northernNew South Wales. The accumulation rates were estimated overa 16-year period. It is estimated that the steady-state above-groundbiomass for this forest is 35.0 tonne ha–1. Most of theannual biomass production was replacing litterfall and mortality.The above-ground forest contained 52 kg P ha–1 with agross annual accumulation of about 0.4 kg P ha–1/yr–1.The forest understorey and forest floor contained 4.7 kg P ha–1and 7.9 kg P ha–1, respectively. The annual uptake wasapprox. 4 kg P ha–1 yr–1. The phosphorus utilizationof this stand was compared with that of a Eucalyptus grandisplantation Sub-tropical rainforest, biomass accumulation, phosphorus cycling  相似文献   

The biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) of 2- to 8-year-oldplantations of Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm. (= E. hybrid) growingin the tarai (a level area of superabundant water) region ofCentral Himalaya were estimated. Allometric equations for allthe above-ground and below-ground components of trees and shrubswere developed for each stand. Understorey, forest floor biomassand litter fall were also estimated from stands. Shrubs appearedfirst at 5-year-old plantation. The biomass of vegetation, forestfloor littermass, tree litter fall and net primary productivity(NPP) of trees and shrubs increased with the increase in plantationage, whereas herb biomass and NPP significantly (P < 0·01)decreased with the increase in plantation age. The total plantationbiomass increased from 7·7 t ha–1 in the 2-year-oldto 126·7 t ha–1 in the 8-year-old plantation andNPP from 8·6 t ha–1 year–1 in the 2-year-oldto 23·4 t ha–1 year–1 in the 8-year-old plantation.The biomass accumulation ratio ranged from 0·81 to 5·93. Eucalyptus tereticornis Sm, plantation, biomass, forest floor, litter fall, net primary productivity, biomass accumulation ratio  相似文献   

The annual total litter fall in six Central Himalayan forestsranged from 2.1 to 3.8 t C ha–1, of which 54 to 82 percent was leaf litter, 9–20 per cent wood litter and 6–14per cent other litter. In all forests the order of relativeabundance of nutrients (kg ha-1 year-1) in litter fall was Ca(50.8–91.6) > N (47.7–72.2) > K (22.8–37.1)> P (4.1–6.4). Leaf litter accounted for 63–95per cent of the total nutrients returned through litter fall. In these forests throughfall ranged from 71.3 to 81.4 per cent,stemflow from 0.50 to 2.16 per cent and canopy interceptionfrom 17.7 to 28.2 per cent of the gross rainfall. In the incidentrainfall the concentration and annual input of Ca was the greatestand of P the least. Canopy precipitation was richer in all nutrientscompared to incident rainfall. Net gain of nutrients from thecanopy ranged from 0.16 kg ha-1 year-1, for P, to 17.77 kg ha-1year-1 for K. Leaching was greatest for K and least for N. Ofthe total quantity of nutrients returned to the soil, 11 to46 per cent was accounted for by precipitation components. Thusprecipitation inputs play a significant role in nutrient cyclingof these forests. Himalaya, forest, litter fall, precipitation components, nutrients  相似文献   

Stands of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), a C3 legume, weregrown in controlled-environment glasshouses at 28 °C (±5°C)under two levels of atmospheric CO2 (350 ppmv or 700 ppmv) andtwo levels of soil moisture (irrigated weekly or no water from35 d after sowing). Elevated CO2 increased the maximum rate of net photosynthesisby up to 40%, with an increase in conversion coefficient forintercepted radiation of 30% (from 1–66 to 2–16g MJ–1) in well-irrigated conditions, and 94% (from 0–64to 1·24 g MJ–1) on a drying soil profile. In plantswell supplied with water, elevated CO2 increased dry matteraccumulation by 16% (from 13·79 to 16·03 t –1) and pod yield by 25% (from 2·7 to 3·4t ha–1).However, the harvest index (total poddry weight/above-grounddry weight) was unaffected by CO2 treatment. The beneficial effects of elevated CO2 were enhanced under severewater stress, dry matter production increased by 112% (from4·13 to 8·87 t ha–1) and a pod yield of1·34t ha–1 was obtained in elevated CO2, whereascomparable plotsat 350 ppmv CO2 only yielded 0·22 t ha-1.There was a corresponding decrease in harvest index from 0·15to 0·05. Following the withholding of irrigation, plants growing on astored soil water profile in elevated CO2 could maintain significantlyless negative leaf water potentials (P<0·01) for theremainder of the season than comparable plants grown in ambientCO2, allowing prolonged plant activity during drought. In plants which were well supplied with water, allocation ofdry matter between leaves, stems, roots, and pods was similarin both CO2 treatments. On a drying soil profile, allocationin plants grown in 350 ppmv CO2 changed in favour of root developmentfar earlier in the season than plants grown at 700 ppmv CO2,indicating that severe waterstress was reached earlier at 350ppmv CO2. The primary effects of elevated CO2 on growth and yield of groundnutstands weremediated by an increase in the conversion coefficientfor intercepted radiation and the prolonged maintenance of higherleaf water potentials during increasing drought stress. Key words: Arachis hypogaea, elevated CO2, water stress, dry matter production  相似文献   

The present study deals with the structure and functioning ofthree different forest communities, viz., horse chestnut, silverfir and kharsu oak forests, in a high altitude region of CentralHimalaya. The tree density and total basal cover of horse chestnutforest was 280 and 76, silver fir forest 355 and 106, and kharsuoak forest 480 trees ha-1 and 73 m2 ha-1, respectively. Allometricequations relating biomass of different tree components to cbh(circumference at breast height) were significant. Total vegetationbiomass was 505 t ha-1 in horse chestnut, 566 t ha-1 in silverfir and 593 t ha-1 in kharsu oak forests, of which maximum contributionwas by tree layer followed by shrub, herb, sapling and seedlinglayers. The forest floor litter biomass was 2·1, 4·7and 4·2 t ha-1 in horse chestnut, silver fir and kharsuoak forests, respectively. The total litter fall was 7·3,6·7 and 9·4 t ha-1 year-1, of which leaf littercontributed 48, 39 and 64% in horse chestnut, silver fir andkharsu oak forests, respectively. Turnover rate of tree litterwas 0·80 in horse chestnut, 0·61 in silver firand 0·71 in kharsu oak forests. Net primary productionof total vegetation was 19·6, 18·9 and 24·9t ha-1 year-1, of which tree layer contributed maximum proportionfollowed by herb, shrub, sapling and seedling layers. To showdry matter storage and flow of dry matter within the system,compartment models were developed for all forests.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Total basal cover, biomass, productivity, Quercus, Aesculus, Abies, high altitude, litter, compartmental transfer  相似文献   

TURNER  J. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(2):159-170
The cycling of nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium andpotassium in a series of western Washington Douglas-fir [Pseudotsugamenziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stands ranging in age from 9 to 95years has been described. The stands were of relatively lowproductivity being limited by low nitrogen. The content of nitrogen,phosphorus, magnesium and potassium in tree foliage all tendedto stabilize at about 40 years whereas calcium continued toincrease. The content of all nutrients in the wood continuedto increase with stand age. Nitrogen in the forest floor accumulatedconstantly at about 5.7 kg ha–1 year–1 and thistogether with the above-ground tree accumulation meant about10.5 kg ha–1 year–1 nitrogen was immobilized. Calciumalso increased with time in the forest floor with age whereasthe other nutrients were fairly constant after about 30 years.Understorey nutrient content reached a peak at about 20 years,while understorey litter-fall was significant throughout theage sequence. Internal redistribution, especially of nitrogen,represented an increasingly greater proportion of stand requirementwith increasing stand maturity. Pseudotsuga menziesti (Mirb.) Franco, Douglas-fir, biomass, litter-fall, nutrient content, nutrient cycling  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of nitrogenapplication at 15, 30 and 45 kg ha–1 of urea at pre-flowering(PF) and pod initiation (PI) stages on the activity of nitrogenase(N2ase), nitrate reductase (NR) and other related parametersin the nodules of moong (Vigna radiata). Nitrogen applied atPF or PI stage was found to be inhibitory to N2ase and glutaminesynthetase (GS) activities except at 15 kg N ha–1 whenapplied at PF in the case of N2ase. At both the stages therewas increase in NR and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activitieswith the application of nitrogen. Seed yield increased by 18per cent with the application of 15 kg N ha–1 at PI stagewhereas nitrogen application at PF stage only increased strawyield significantly. Nitrate reductase, nitrogenase, nitrogen application, ammonia assimilation, Vigna radiata  相似文献   

Storage and Flux of Nutrients in a Dry Tropical Forest in India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SINGH  LALJI; SINGH  J S. 《Annals of botany》1991,68(3):275-284
Storage and flux of N, P, Ca, K and Na were studied in a drytropical forest The nutrient concentrations in different growthforms were in the order herb > shrub > tree, whereas thestanding state of nutrients followed the order tree > shrub> herb The total storage (kg ha–1) in vegetation amountedto 567 N, 37 P, 278 Ca, 256 K and 46 Na The share of above-groundparts in vegetation storage was 82 % for N, 83 % for P, 76 %for Ca, 85 % for K and 79 % for Na From 56 to 71 % of foliarN, P and K was withdrawn during senescence Nutrient input (kgha–1 year–1) from the vegetation (above-ground +below-ground) to forest floor amounted to 115 N, 8 P, 62 Ca,38 K and 10 Na compared to total net annual uptake (kg ha–1)of 143 N, 10 P, 78 Ca, 52 K and 12 Na, indicating marginal accumulationin the system Fine roots were as important a pathway of nutrientreturn as leaf litter Turnover rate and turnover time for differentnutrients on the forest floor ranged, respectively, between72 and 83 % and 12 and 1 39 years Dry tropical forest, nutnent concentration, standing state, uptake, internal cycling, turnover  相似文献   

ROBSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(3):487-500
The leaf growth, tiller production, light interception, anddry weight increase of a simulated sward of S24 perennial ryegrass(Lolium perenne) were followed during the development of thesward from a collection of two-leaved seedlings to a closedcanopy with an LAI of 23, of which 15 consisted of green leaflaminae. The dry weight of live shoots increased exponentiallyat first, but then entered a long linear phase of increase.This was equivalent to a crop growth rate of 200 Kg ha–1day–1 and a conversion efficiency of radiant energy (400–700nm) of 7.2 per cent. Towards the end of the growth period therate of increase of live shoots declined rapidly to zero anda ceiling yield was reached equivalent to 10 metric tons ha–1.Leaf growth continued at a high rate, but was equalled by therate of leaf death, so that the weight of live leaf tissue remainedconstant. By this time the swards had achieved a stable tillerpopulation (about 1 cm–1), each tiller bore a constantnumber of live leaves (about three), and the length of eachnewly expanded leaf equalled the length of the old leaf it replaced(about 70 cm). The swards were grown in Perlite so that in theabsence of soil fauna dead leaves accumulated at the base ofthe sward where, after 12 weeks, they accounted for 19 per centof the total weight of dry matter produced.  相似文献   

The main shoot of field-grown Jyoti barley (Hordeum vulgareL.) grown at 40 kg ha–1 was separated into different organsat various stages of growth and development. Changes in freshand dry weights and duration for which the parts remained metabolicallyactive (green) were recorded. Weight duration (gram x day),a factor contributing to total NO3 reduction of eachorgan, was calculated. The dry matter percentage increased inthe successively formed laminae and sheaths. The weight durationof the different components viz. internodes, spike (excludingthe grains), laminae, and sheaths, respectively were 40.2, 10.5,21.8, and 17.8. Nitrate content (µmol g–1 dry wt.)was high in the initially formed organs and declined in thesuccessively formed ones. In the laminae, there was a sharpfall after achieving maximal values except for the flag laminawhere the changes in NO3 content were marginal over afairly long period. The ear components had low NO3 concentration.Total NO3 content (µmol) in the main shoot showedpeaks at 49, 84, and 118 d after sowing.  相似文献   

Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Growth and Yield of Spring Wheat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine amounts of nitrogen fertilizer, ranging from 0 to 200 kgN ha–1, were applied to spring wheat cv. Kleiber in the3 years 1972-1974. In 1972 grain dry weight with 125 kg N ha–1or more was 100 g m–2 (23 per cent) greater than withoutnitrogen. Grain yield was unaffected by nitrogen in the otheryears. Leaf area at and after anthesis was increased throughoutthe range of nitrogen tested, most in 1972 and least in 1973.Consequently, the addition of 200 kg N ha–1 decreasedthe amount of grain produced per unit of leaf area by approximately25 per cent in all years. The dry weight of leaves and stems at anthesis and maturitywas increased by nitrogen in all years, similarly to leaf area.However, the change in stem dry weight between anthesis andmaturity was not affected by nitrogen; stems increased in dryweight for about 20 days after anthesis and then decreased tovalues similar to those at anthesis. The uptake of CO2 per unit area of flag leaf or second leaf(leaf below the flag leaf) was slightly decreased by nitrogenwhen the increase in leaf area caused by nitrogen appreciablydecreased the light intensity at the surface of these leaves.In spite of such decreases the CO2 absorbed by flag and secondleaves per unit area of land was always increased by nitrogen,and relatively more than was grain yield. It is suggested that increases in respiratory loss of CO2 withincreasing nitrogen fertilizer may explain why nitrogen increasedvegetative growth and leaf area relatively more than grain yield.  相似文献   

The growth of lucerne var. Europe was examined in the fieldduring 1976. The annual dry matter production of unirrigatedlucerne during 1976, with no nitrogen fertilizer application,was 82.5 per cent greater than unirrigated S.24 perennial ryegrass,with a nitrogen application of 384 kg ha–1. The mean aboveground growth rate of lucerne was 7.3 g DM m–2 day–1between March and early June, of which stem material contributeda maximum of 76.5 per cent. Significant losses of leaves andstems occurred from the end of April, indicating a loss of potentialforage material. Nitrogen analyses of the above ground crop suggested that in56 days lucerne yielded 10.7 per cent more nitrogen than didS.24 annually with a nitrogen fertilizer addition of 280 kgha–1. Between 13 and 57 per cent of the daily photosynthate is translocatedbelow ground. Medicago sativaL, lucerne, dry matter production, canopy structure, nitrogen analyses  相似文献   

The method for assay of in vivo nitrate reductase (NR) activitywas standardized for barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). NR activitywas determined in the various organs of the main shoot of field-grownJyoti barley at 40 kg N ha–1. Total nitrate reductaseactivity (TNRA) of each organ for the period it was metabolicallyactive was calculated. The NR activity was highest in the laminae,followed by the sheaths, reproductive organs; and internodes.The NR activity was high in the first-formed laminae and itshowed a decline in the ones formed subsequently. The valuesvaried from 43.2 ± 4.33 to 7.2 ± 1.49 µmolNO3 reduced g–1 dry wt. h–1. Maximum TNRAin the laminae, sheath, and internodes was at 49, 84, and 84–93d after sowing, respectively. The TNRA of the main shoot asa whole showed three peaks, one around 49 d, a second around63 d, and a third around 84 d after sowing. Correlation coefficient(r) between NR and NO3 concentration was highly significantin the laminae and sheath viz. 0.76*** and 0.62***, respectively.The results are discussed in relation to alteration in managementpractices to maximize nitrate assimilatory activity and theamount of reduced N harvested.  相似文献   

The biomass and net primary productivity (NPP) of 5- to 8-year-oldpoplar (Populus deltoides Marsh, Clone D121) plantations growingin the Tarai belt (low-lying plains with high water table adjacentto foothills of central Himalaya) were estimated. Allometricequations for all the above-ground and below-ground componentsof trees and shrubs were developed for each stand. Understorey,forest floor biomass, and litter fall were also estimated fromstands. The biomass of plantation, forest floor litter mass,tree litter fall and net primary productivity (NPP) of treesand shrubs increased with increase in plantation age, whereasherb biomass and NPP significantly (P < 0·01) decreasedwith increasing plantation age. The total plantation biomassincreased from 84·0 in the 5-year-old to 170·0t ha-1 in the 8-year-old plantation and NPP from 16·8t ha-1 year-1 in the 5- and 6-year-old to 21·8 t ha-1year-1 in the 8-year-old plantation. The biomass accumulationratio (biomass: net production, BAR) for different tree componentsincreased with the age of plantation increase. The BAR ratioranged from 4·9 in the 5-year-old to 7·7 in the8-year-old plantation.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Populus deltoides plantations (Clone D121), biomass, dry matter turnover, net primary productivity, Tarai belt of Central Himalaya  相似文献   

Measuring the Canopy Net Photosynthesis of Glasshouse Crops   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A null balance method is described for measuring net photosynthesisof mature canopies of cucumber and other protected crops overperiods of 10 min in a single-span glasshouse (c. 9m x 18m inarea). Accuracy of control of the CO2 concentration in the greenhouseatmosphere is within ±10 vpm of the normal ambient level(c. 350 vpm). The amounts of CO2 used in canopy net photosynthesisare measured with linear mass flowmeters accurate to within±0.80g. The total errors incurred in measuring canopynet photosynthesis at an ambient CO2 level are estimated tobe of the order of ± 1·2% in bright light (350W m–2, PAR)and ±3·6% in dull light (100W m–2, PAR). Measurements of the rates of net photosynthesis of a maturecanopy of a cucumber crop were made at near-ambient CO2 concentrationsover a range (0–350 W m–2) of natural light fluxdensities. A model of light absorption and photosynthesis applicableto row crops was used to obtain a net photosynthesis versuslight response curve for the cucumber crop. At a light fluxdensity of 350 W m–2 the fitted value of canopy net photosynthesiswas 2.65 mg CO2 m–2s–1 (equivalent to over 95 kgCO2 ha–1h–1). The results are discussed in relationto the need for CO2 supplements to avoid depletion in both ventilatedand unventilated glasshouses during late spring and summer. Key words: Glasshouse crops, cucumber, measurement, canopy photosynthesis, light, CO2  相似文献   

This paper elucidates nutrient dynamics in oak forests previouslyinvestigated for dry matter dynamics. The nutrient concentrationsin different life forms were of the order: herb > shrub >tree, whereas the standing state of nutrients were of the order:tree > shrub > herb. Soil, litter and vegetation, respectively,accounted for 32·4–98·0 %; 0·3–3·5%, and 10·2–66·6 % of the total nutrientsin the system. Considerable reductions (8·5–41·7%)in concentrations of nutrients in leaves occurred during senescence.The uptake of nutrients by vegetation, and also by differentcomponents with and without adjustment for internal recycling,has been calculated separately. Annual transfer of litter (above+ below ground) to the soil by vegetation was 115·9–187N, 7·5–15·6 P, 122·7–195·1Ca, 36·1–48·8 K and 2·88–5·16Na kg ha–1 yr–1. Turnover rate and turnover timefor different nutrients ranged between 0·66–0·84yr–1 and 1·19–1·56 yr–1, respectively.Compartment models for nutrient dynamics have been developedto represent the distribution of nutrient contents and net annualfluxes within the system. Quercus leucotrichophora forest, Q.floribunda forest, Q. lanuginosa forest, Nutrient concentration, standing state, uptake, internal cycling, turnover  相似文献   

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