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α-Tocopherol is a lipid-soluble antioxidant that is specifically required for reproduction and embryogenesis. However, since its discovery, α-tocopherol's specific biologic functions, other than as an antioxidant, and the mechanism(s) mediating its requirement for embryogenesis remain unknown. As an antioxidant, α-tocopherol protects polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from lipid peroxidation. α-Tocopherol is probably required during embryonic development to protect PUFAs that are crucial to development, specifically arachidonic (ARA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids. Additionally, ARA and DHA are metabolized to bioactive lipid mediators via lipoxygenase enzymes, and α-tocopherol may directly protect, or it may mediate the production and/or actions of, these lipid mediators. In this review, we discuss how α-tocopherol (1) prevents the nonspecific, radical-mediated peroxidation of PUFAs, (2) functions within a greater antioxidant network to modulate the production and/or function of lipid mediators derived from 12- and 12/15-lipoxygenases, and (3) modulates 5-lipoxygenase activity. The application and implication of such interactions are discussed in the context of α-tocopherol requirements during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

An improved gas chromatographic method for the analysis of retinol and α-tocopherol in biological samples is described. The use of cold on-column injection in combination with wall coated open tubular column gas chromatography eliminates thermal decomposition of vitamin A and yields efficient separations of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D2, D3, and E) without derivatization. Peak tailing was judged to be minimal. Vitamins were quantified by flame ionization detection responses down to 3.5 ng injected, and their identifies were confirmed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Extracts of biological samples were saponified, and sterols were removed using digitonin-impregnated celite chromatography before analysis by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Recoveries of vitamins from a test diet ranged from 89 to 103%.  相似文献   

An enzyme system which metabolizes α-tocopherol has been identified in homogenates of etiolated pea shoots. Enzyme activity is considerably increased by the presence of 20% ethanol in the incubation mixture. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for phospholipid. The reaction utilizes molecular oxygen and it is proposed that the enzyme be called α-tocopherol oxidase.  相似文献   

The synthesis of the fully benzylated α- and β-d-glucopyranosyluronic esters of 1-benzyl N-benzyloxycarbonyl-l-aspartic and -glutamic acids and N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-l-phenylalanine, followed by hydrogenolysis, afforded the respective anomers of the 1-O-acyl-d-glucopyranuronic acids 2, 7, and 12. Esterification of both anomers of the N-acetylated derivatives of 2 and 7 by diazomethane was accompanied by glycosyl-bond cleavage, and, in the case of the α anomers, with concomitant 1→2 acyl migration to give, after O-acetylation, the 2-O-acyl O-acetyl methyl ester derivatives 5 and 10, respectively. Similarly, 12α yielded methyl 1,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-2-O-[N-(tert-butoxycarbonyl)-l-phenylalanyl]-d-glucopyranuronate and an analogue having a furanurono-6,3-lactone structure. Esterification of the C-5 carboxyl group, in 1-O-acyl-α-d-glucopyranuronic acids by methanol in the presence of the BF3?-MeOH reagent (1–1.5 equiv.) proceeded without acyl migration. By using this procedure, followed by acetylation, the N-acetylated derivative of afforded methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-O-(1-methyl N-acetyl-l-glutam-5-oyl)-α-d-glucopyranuronate, and 12α gave methyl 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-1-O-(N-acetyl-l-phenylalanyl)-α-d-glucopyranuronate; the formation of the latter involved cleavage of the tert-butoxycarbonyl group by BF3, followed by N-acetylation in the next step.  相似文献   

The ability of sodium taurocholate, cholesterol and oleic, linoleic and palmitoleic acids to induce conformational changes in α-elastin has been studied by circular dichroism. In addition, the influence of Ca2+ ions has been investigated. The formation of inelastic structure (α-helix, β-form) in the protein has been evidenced by spectral data. These results could be of interest in relation to aging and atherogenesis.  相似文献   

Summary Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (P(3HB)) was produced from a series of , -alkanedioic acids of both even and odd carbon numbers by the Alcaligenes sp. AK201. In contrast, copolymers of 3HB and 3-hydroxyvalerate(P(3HB-co-3HV)) were produced from hydroxylated fatty acids of even carbon numbers such as 12-hydroxystearate and 2-hydroxyoctanoate. The biosynthetic pathways to poly(3-hydroxyalkanoates)(P(3HA)) are discussed.  相似文献   

The surface pressures of α-tocopherol analogs, fatty acids, and their mixtures were measured in their spread monolayers at an air—water interface. The surface pressure—area isotherms for the mixed monolayers of α-tocopherol and either stearic acid, oleic acid or linoleic acid deviated positively from those calculated on the basis of the additivity rule, and the magnitude depended on the length of the phytyl side chain in α-tocopherol and on the degree of unsaturation of the fatty acid chains. Lysosome membranes of mouse liver were stabilized by addition of α-tocopherol. A decrease in the length of the phytyl side chain in α-tocopherol reduced its ability to stabilize lysosome membranes. A good correlation was obtained between the extent of stabilizing activity of α-tocopherol analogs on lysosome membranes and the degree of positive deviation of the surface pressure for their mixtures with fatty acids.  相似文献   

We have found that plastoquinone-A (PQ-A) and α-tocopherol (α-Toc) increased the reduction level of the high-potential form of cytochrome b-559 (cyt. b-559 HP) and α-tocopherol quinone (α-TQ) decreased the level of this cytochrome form in Scenedesmus obliquus wild-type, while the investigated prenyllipids were not active in the restoration of the cyt. b-559 HP form in Scenedesmus PS28 mutant and Synechococcus 6301 (Anacystis nidulans) where the cyt. b-559 HP form is naturally not present. Among the tested prenyllipids, α-TQ quenched fluorescence in thylakoids of S. obliquus wild-type, the PS28 mutant and tobacco to the highest extent, while PQ-A was less effective in this respect. α-Tocopherol showed the opposite effect to α-TQ and it was rather small. The fluorescence quenching measurements of thylakoids in the presence of DCMU (3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) showed that the α-Toc and FCCP (carbonylcyanide-p-trifluoromethoxy-phenyl-hydrazone) did not quench non-photochemically chlorophyll fluorescence while PQ-9 and α-TQ were effective fluorescence quenchers at higher concentrations (> 15 μM). However, at the lower α-TQ concentrations where its effective fluorescence quenching was found in DCMU-free samples, there was nearly no quenching effect by α-TQ observed in DCMU-treated thylakoids. This suggested a specific, not non-photochemical, DCMU sensitive, fluorescence quenching of photosystem II (PSII) at low α-TQ concentrations which is probably connected with the cyclic electron transport around PSII and might have a function of excess light energy dissipation. The effects of α-TQ on PSII resembled those of FCCP under many respects which might suggest similar mechanism of action of these compounds on PSII, i.e. the catalytic deprotonation and/or redox changes of some components of PSII such as the water splitting system, tyrosine D, Chlz or cytochrome b-559.  相似文献   

A convenient, one-step synthesis of α-hydroxy long chain, very long-chain and branched chain fatty acids from non-oxygenated fatty acids is described. The procedure involves preparation of fatty acid dianion using lithium diisopropylamide and oxygenation of the dianion by molecular oxygen.  相似文献   

The iturinic antibiotics, which contain long chain β-amino acids, are produced by Bacillus subtilis. Screening these strains for the presence of a possible precursor of the iturinic antibiotics, we isolated a lipopeptide containing β-hydroxy fatty acids. The structure of this compound was studied and it appears to be identical or structurally very similar to surfactin. The carbon chain of its β-hydroxy fatty acids was n C16, iso C16, iso C15 or anteiso C15. The percentages of each β-hydroxy fatty acids varied according to the strain producing iturinic antibiotics and were influenced by addition of branched-chain α-amino acids to the culture medium. These results demonstrate for the first time that iso C14 β-hydroxy fatty acid is a constituent present in such a surfactin like lipopeptide. Besides, the presence of radioactive β-hydroxy fatty acids in the phospholipids when the strains were grown in the presence of sodium [14C]acetate seems also characterize the different strains producing iturinic antibiotics.  相似文献   

Methyl α-d-glucopyranoside as a model acceptor was acylated by several phenolic and non-phenolic vinyl esters using immobilised Lipolase. Donor specificity and regioselectivity of reaction were investigated. Conversion and rate of acylation by structurally varied donors indicates that the synthetic reactivity of Lipolase corresponds to the hydrolytic activity of feruloyl esterase type A. Lipolase exhibited remarkable regioselectivity for primary position of methyl α-d-glucopyranoside. The acylation occurred exclusively at 6-O primary position when vinyl esters of phenolic acids (hydroxybenzoates, hydroxyphenylalkanoates and hydroxycinnamates) served as acyl donors (5–77%). In addition to the major 6-O-acyl products (52–79%), 2,6-di-O-acylated derivatives were isolated from reaction mixtures (2–13%) when non-phenolic donors were used (vinyl esters of fully methoxylated derivatives of phenolic acids, along with vinyl benzoates, cinnamates or some heterocyclic analogues).  相似文献   

The role of -tocopherol uptake system in human erythrocyte in the uptake of plasma -tocopherol has been suggested. However no information is available on -tocopherol uptake activity of human erythrocytes in the presence of high levels of D-glucose which is known to lead to pathological alterations in different cells including human erythrocytes. Therefore, in order to examine the effect of D-glucose on the binding of -tocopherol to human erythrocytes, the binding characteristics of -tocopherol to these cells were established first. Binding of [3H]-tocopherol to human erythrocytes was both saturable and specific. Scatchard analysis of -tocopherol binding to these cells showed the presence of two independent classes of binding sites with widely different affinities. The high affinity binding sites had a dissociation constant (Kd1) of 90 nM with a binding capacity (n1) of 900 sites per cell, whereas the low affinity binding sites had a dissociation constant (Kd2) of 5.2 M and a binding capacity (n2) of 105,400 sites per cell. Trypsin treatment abolished all the -tocopherol binding activity. Competition for the binding of -tocopherol to human erythrocytes was effective with other homologues of -tocopherol (-tocopherol, -tocopherol and -tocopherol) and their potency was almost equal to -tocopherol itself. The order of preference was -tocopherol > -tocopherol -tocopherol -tocopherol. Incubation of human erythrocytes with various concentrations of D-glucose did not affect -tocopherol uptake activity. Our data demonstrate the presence of an -tocopherol uptake system in human erythrocytes and that the -tocopherol uptake activity is not modulated by the presence of D-glucose.  相似文献   

It has been found that free fatty acids and acylcarnitine inhibit α-oxobutyrate utilization in rat liver mitochondria. It has been recognized that the intramitochondrial accumulation of acetyl-CoA, produced by the β-oxidation of activated fatty acids, is responsible for such inhibition. In fact acetyl-CoA is shown to inhibit α-oxobutyrate dehydrogenase (α-oxoglutarate: lipoate oxidoreductase (acceptor acylating) EC  相似文献   

Summary From a culture broth ofPseudomonas aeruginosa (KSLA strain 473) grown on heptane as the sole source of carbon, fatty acids could be isolated after a period of decreased oxygen supply. The corresponding methyl esters—obtained by treatment with diazomethane—were separated by gas-liquid chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry. Heptylic, valeric and propionic acids were shown to be present in the original culture broth. Using the same techniques the formation of caproic acid from hexane was shown to occur, whereas the amount of butyric acid formed was extremely small and inconsistent. These results show conclusively that this microbiological oxidation of heptane and hexane proceeds by way of the corresponding fatty acids, which are further degraded by β-oxidation. The absence of caproic and valeric acids in heptane and hexane oxidation, respectively, shows that decarboxylation of fatty acids does not occur.  相似文献   

One of the neuropathological hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD)—causing neurodegeneration and consequent memory deterioration, and eventually, cognitive decline—is amyloid-β (Aβ) aggregation forming amyloid plaques. Our previous study showed the potential of a tocotrienol-rich fraction—a mixture of naturally occurring of vitamin E analogs—to inhibit Aβ aggregation and restore cognitive function in an AD mouse model. The current study examined the effect of three vitamin E analogs—α-tocopherol (α-TOC), α-tocotrienol (α-T3), and γ-tocotrienol (γ-T3)—on Aβ aggregation, disaggregation, and oligomerization in vitro. Thioflavin T (ThT) assay showed α-T3 reduced Aβ aggregation at 10 μM concentration. Furthermore, both α-T3 and γ-T3 demonstrated Aβ disaggregation, as shown by the reduction of ThT fluorescence. However, α-TOC showed no significant effect. We confirmed the results for ThT assays with scanning electron microscopy imaging. Further investigation in photo-induced cross-linking of unmodified protein assay indicated a reduction in Aβ oligomerization by γ-T3. The present study thus revealed the individual effect of each tocotrienol analog in reducing Aβ aggregation and oligomerization as well as disaggregating preformed fibrils.  相似文献   

Inhibition of gluconeogenesis by α-oxo acids   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

Rates of oxidation of α-tocopherol by the hydroxyl- and superoxide free radicals were measured. The radicals were produced in known yields by radiolysis of aqueous solutions with gamma rays. Two main systems were used to dissolve the tocopherol; micelles, made up from charged and uncharged amphiphiles, and membranes made from dimyristyl phosphatidylcholine which could be charged by addition of stearyl amine or dicetyl phosphate. The HO. radicals were efficient oxidants of α-tocopherol in all systems, with up to 83% of radicals generated in micelle and 32% in membrane suspensions initiating the oxidation. The HO2? radical was an even more effective oxidant, but when most of it was in the O form at neutral or alkaline pH, the oxidation rates became low. Tocopherol held in positively charged micelles or membranes was oxidized at a higher rate by the O than in uncharged or negative particles. Possible biological significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

The SS-isoenzyme of alcohol dehydrogenase from horse liver was found to be active towards ω1- and ω2-hydroxylated fatty acids, an ω-hydroxylated steroid, ethanol and a 3β-hydroxysteroid. The main part of all these activities disappeared after carboxymethylation of a cysteineresidue at the active site of LADHSS. The ω-hydroxyfatty acid dehydrogenase activity of LADHSS was of similar magnitude as that of LADHEE whereas the ω-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity of LADHSS was considerably higher than that of LADHEE.  相似文献   

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