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In spite of enormous diversity in tree species, dendrochronological records in the tropical Andes are very scarce. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the search for new tree species with high dendrochronological characteristics in the tropical Andes, including the humid Puna of Peru. We present the first tree-ring chronology from Polylepis rodolfo-vasquezii, a recently described tree species in the Central Andes of Peru between 4000 and 4400 m elevation. Fifty trees were sampled in the district of Comas, Peru. After establishing the anatomical characteristics that delimit the annual growth rings, we developed a ring-width chronology by applying conventional dendrochronological techniques. The chronology covers the period 1869–2015 (157 years) and is well replicated from 1920 to present (> 20 samples). The statistics used to evaluate the quality of the chronology indicate that the P. rodolfo-vasquezii has similar values of MS, RBAR and EPS to those shown by other Polylepis spp chronologies. To determine the main climatic factors controlling the growth of P. rodolfo-vasquezii, we compared our chronology with local and regional temperature and precipitation records. Growth season temperature (November to May) seems to be the main climatic factor modulating inter-annual variations in the growth of this species. The sensitivity to inter-annual temperature variations highlights the potential of P. rodolfo-vasquezii to provide climatically sensitive dendrochronological records in the Central Andes. To our knowledge, this is the first tree-ring record in South America displaying significant relationships with temperature over the tropical Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

In order to maintain small ruminant grazing systems it is necessary to know precisely how they work and what actions can be taken to improve them. The objective of this paper was to characterize, classify, analyse and propose improvements for the dairy goat grazing systems in three countries from the western Mediterranean area: Spain, France and Italy. A multivariate analysis was conducted with 21 indicators obtained from the data collected from 45 farms. As a result of the multivariate analysis, 82.5% of variance was explained by two principal components. The first component included proportion of cultivated pasture area and cultivated pasture area per goat. The second included goats present and forage supply per goat. After conducting a cluster analysis based on these two principal components, farms were classified into four groups. Group 1 was made up of French and Italian farms, which had a smaller territorial base but a high cultivated pasture area per goat, contributing to greater self-sufficiency in feed. However the concentrate per goat was too high in relation to milk production, which was medium. The difference between milk income and feed cost is also medium. Group 2 was basically made up of Italian farms. The farms in this group had the most extensive management systems, with a low use of inputs. However, the milk production was low, meaning that the difference between milk income and feed cost was also low. Group 3 was mainly made up of Spanish farms. On these farms the concentrate supply was excessive and the forage supply was low. The milk production per goat was medium and the difference between milk income and feed cost was small. Group 4 was made up mainly of French farms. The farms of this group had a moderate supply of concentrate although the forage supply was very high. They had a high milk production, which lead to a large difference between milk income and feed cost per goat.The main weaknesses observed are related to feeding management, particularly grazing, and to the goat productivity. In the former case research on the nutritional utilization of rangelands and pastures and correct feed supplementation is to be encouraged. In the latter, the production capacity of the goats present in these systems should be improved, without forgetting the balance between hardiness and general productivity.  相似文献   

This is the second of a series of four articles aimed at providing a general analysis of the dynamic of rural intensification in China in view of sustainability, with a particular focus on the area considered in our project. Data provided in this article confirms the analysis given in the previous article about global trends for agricultural changes. In the last decades, the agricultural sector of the Hubei province managed to cope with the dramatic increase in demographic pressure by increasing more than proportionally agricultural yields. This was paid for in terms of higher environmental stress and higher reliance on external inputs. The challenge for future decades will refer to the need of matching an increasing socioeconomic pressure (=boosting the productivity of labor of farmers to get them a higher income and to make available surplus of food for the growing urban population) while limiting the environmental loading generated by agriculture. Data describing the evolution of cropping patterns, production techniques, mix and intensity of inputs used in production in the last decades seem to indicate that this would represent a formidable challenge. The nature of this challenge implies that the entire Chinese society must be involved in order to negotiate viable compromises between the need of: guaranteeing food security for China; raising the standard of living for rural populations; preserving natural resources and ecological systems for future generations.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio X chromosomes, which prevent the production of Y-bearing sperm, have been identified in a dozen Drosophila species covering a wide phylogenetic range. It has not yet been established whether the same ancestral genetic system underlies this type of meiotic drive across the genus, but the biological characteristics and the evolutionary history of species undoubtedly determine the fate of X-linked drivers. The intragenomic conflict they trigger contributes to geographical variation in D. simulans, which shows a sharp contrast between ancestral-stock derived and recently introduced populations. In the former, sex-ratio X chromosomes are widespread and sometimes reach a high frequency, but they are inactivated by strong Y-linked and autosomal drive suppressors. In recently-introduced populations, sex-ratio X chromosomes are generally rare and suppressors are moderate or absent. We discuss how this pattern could be related to the recent geographical expansion of D. simulans, and consider possible reasons why sex-ratio drive apparently does not occur in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Myrosmodes cochleare is a terrestrial orchid restricted to high elevations of the northern Andes. It is self-compatible but not autogamous. Flowering begins at the apex of the inflorescence, but flower size increases steadily towards the base. Fruit set of selfed flowers was found to increase significantly from the apex to the base of the inflorescence. Open-pollinated fruit set was significantly lower than hand-pollinated fruit set overall, but the highest levels occurred in the middle of the inflorescence. Eumenid wasps and a calliphorid fly were observed to pollinate the flowers, but visits were rare and occurred only during infrequent warm periods.  相似文献   

Tropical forests are changing in composition and productivity, probably in response to changes in climate and disturbances. The responses to these multiple environmental drivers, and the mechanisms underlying the changes, remain largely unknown. Here, we use a functional trait approach on timescales of 10,000 years to assess how climate and disturbances influence the community-mean adult height, leaf area, seed mass, and wood density for eight lowland and highland forest landscapes. To do so, we combine data of eight fossil pollen records with functional traits and proxies for climate (temperature, precipitation, and El Niño frequency) and disturbances (fire and general disturbances). We found that temperature and disturbances were the most important drivers of changes in functional composition. Increased water availability (high precipitation and low El Niño frequency) generally led to more acquisitive trait composition (large leaves and soft wood). In lowland forests, warmer climates decreased community-mean height probably because of increased water stress, whereas in highland forests warmer climates increased height probably because of upslope migration of taller species. Disturbance increased the abundance of acquisitive, disturbance-adapted taxa with small seeds for quick colonization of disturbed sites, large leaves for light capture, and soft wood to attain fast height growth. Fire had weak effects on lowland forests but led to more stress-adapted taxa that are tall with fast life cycles and small seeds that can quickly colonize burned sites. Site-specific analyses were largely in line with cross-site analyses, except for varying site-level effects of El Niño frequency and fire activity, possibly because regional patterns in El Niño are not a good predictor of local changes, and charcoal abundances do not reflect fire intensity or severity. With future global changes, tropical Amazonian and Andean forests may transition toward shorter, drought- and disturbance-adapted forests in the lowlands but taller forests in the highlands.  相似文献   

The literature pertaining to the use of registered antibacterial agents in Mediterranean finfish farming is reviewed, with an emphasis on the Greek fish-farming industry. This review provides a scientific resource dedicated to the design of future antibacterial dosing regimes in Mediterranean fish farming, where insufficient supporting information is currently available. This paper addresses the paucity in knowledge concerning pharmacokinetics and the efficacy and environmental impact of commonly used antibacterials needed to direct future research and promote good practices in the euryhaline fish farming industry. Several registered antibacterials are currently available for combating bacterial infections, including tetracyclines, (fluoro) quinolones, potentiated sulfa, penicillin and chloramphenicol derivatives. Based on the available data, oxytetracycline (OTC) and quinolone drugs (oxolinic acid – OA and flumequine – FLU) are the most widely used in Mediterranean aquaculture. As a result these drugs have received the most extensive studies, whereas, there is considerable paucity of reliable data on pharmacokinetic and the depletion characteristics of other drugs used, particularly potentiated sulfa, penicillin derivatives and florfenicol. We find there is incomplete data on drug efficacy and minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) for common antibacterials used against the major bacterial pathogens of Mediterranean fish species. Furthermore, a considerable lack of data on environmental drug concentrations around Mediterranean fish farms was also identified, highlighting the need for more extensive environmental studies to monitor contamination in environmental components i.e., water and sediment, and in non-target species (flora and fauna). Prudent selection and use of antibacterials can encourage lower dosage applications, enhance treatment efficacy, and help to minimize contamination of the environment. Selection of readily bioavailable drugs which have low environmental persistence, low aquatic toxicity and high antibacterial efficacy is advised, to reduce potential losses to the environment and associated toxic effects on target species and the development of bacterial resistance. Lack of present data made it impossible to provide thorough and accurate guidance on selection and use of antibacterials and approaches for minimizing environmental impacts for the treatment of major euryhaline aquaculture species.  相似文献   

我国人工养麝研究进展及养麝效益问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国人工养麝已历经半个世纪,人工养麝研究取得了重要进展,但从整体上看,疾病控制、产香量及养麝的整体效益仍是有待深入研究的课题.为进一步推进我国人工养麝研究和养麝业的发展,现就一些主要的研究进展进行了综述,提出了麝场的经济效益公式,认为在现有的管理体制下,养麝规模越大,经济效益反而越低.鉴于我国养麝业的特殊性及其存在的具体问题,国家应该将养麝业作为一项公益性的事业予以特殊的政策和资金方面的扶持.同时,鼓励医药企业积极投身于养麝研究与麝场建设,以共同推进养麝业的持续健康发展,从而使人工养麝能够为我国麝资源的保护和传统中药的传承做出应有的贡献.  相似文献   

A Langevin canonical framework for a chiral two‐level system coupled to a bath of harmonic oscillators was developed within a coupling scheme different from the well‐known spin‐boson model. Thermal equilibrium values were reached at asymptotic times by solving the corresponding set of nonlinear coupled equations in a Markovian regime. In particular, phase difference thermal values (or, equivalently, the so‐called coherence factor) and heat capacity through energy fluctuations were obtained and are discussed in terms of tunneling rates and asymmetries. Chirality 26:319–325, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

北方旱作区沟垄二元覆盖技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北方旱作区降水稀少,水分不足是限制作物生长的主要因素,沟垄二元覆盖技术可进一步提高降水的利用效率和作物生产水平,在国内外已备受关注.为深刻理解中国北方旱作区沟垄二元覆盖技术模式及研究进展,本文就沟垄二元覆盖技术的概念、研究现状、配套农机具、技术模式及其土壤生态与作物效应进行了综述;在总结现有研究的基础上,归纳了典型旱作区沟垄二元覆盖技术模式的类型、作业操作及应用效果;科学评价不同沟垄二元覆盖技术下土壤与作物的生态效应;指出了目前沟垄二元覆盖技术研究中所存在的问题,并提出相应的建议.综合国内外沟垄集雨栽培技术的研究进展,提出沟垄二元覆盖模式及技术体系今后的重点研究方向:1)建立适合北方不同旱作类型区及不同作物的垄沟比;2)重视土壤水分与温度、肥力等其他因子耦合性研究;3)探索最佳环保型覆盖材料;4)加强沟垄二元覆盖模式及体系的技术评价、技术推广与配套机具设计等方面的研究.  相似文献   

We develop a simulation model of worker connectivity to analyze how variation in worker communication can influence task performance. The model generates predictions about how colony demography, worker communicative behavior, and worker cognition will affect the rate of recruitment of workers to a new task. The model explores some mechanisms for modulating the recruitment of workers. Under the conditions of our model– probabilistic interactions that lower worker’s response thresholds to tasks– worker recruitment follows a logistic growth pattern. The rate of recruiting workers increases exponentially toward an inflection point when 50% of the available force has been activated, then decreases toward the upper asymptote (all workers recruited). Many relevant features of colony design and worker behavior, including group size, probability of interacting, and strength of interaction effects on receivers, show a positive but decelerating effect on the rate of worker recruitment. We also identify features of worker cognition that can influence task recruitment, focusing on the time course of worker’s memories about previous interactions. Both learning (e.g., sensitization) and forgetting about previous interactions can influence the rate of worker recruitment to a task. The model suggests that worker cognition may be shaped by natural selection on task performance at the colony level. Forgetting about interactions may be especially costly, because it leads to unpredictable patterns of worker recruitment. We also show that social inhibition, when coupled with excitatory interactions, can effectively modulate worker recruitment at the colony level. Received 9 December 2006; revised 23 May 2007; accepted 30 May 2007.  相似文献   

Aim Peperomia subgenus Tildenia consists of c. 60 species growing in seasonal habitats of Neotropical mountain areas from Mexico to Argentina. The subgenus can be split geographically, with almost equal diversity in the Northern Hemisphere (centred in Mexico and Guatemala) and in the Southern Hemisphere (centred in Peru and Bolivia). Only a few species are known from a limited number of localities between these two hotspots. As such, Tildenia is an ideal candidate with which to test time, direction and mode of migration of high mountain taxa against the background of the ‘Great American Biotic Interchange’. Location The Andes with focus on the Central Andes, and the Mexican mountain chains, especially the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt. Methods To elucidate the spatio‐temporal origin, subsequent colonization and radiation of Tildenia, we combine Bayesian phylogenetics based on the chloroplast trnK–matK–psbA region, georeferenced distribution data, and fossil calibrated molecular dating approaches using both penalized likelihood and relaxed phylogenetics. Reconstruction of the ancestral distribution area was performed using dispersal–vicariance analysis and dispersal–extinction–cladogenesis. Results Peperomia subgenus Tildenia is subdivided into six Andean clades and one Mexican and Central American clade originating from a north/central Peruvian ancestor. Molecular dating approaches converge on a stem age of c. 38 Ma for Tildenia and a mostly Miocene diversification and colonization. Main conclusions We detect a strong correlation between diversification of Tildenia and orogenetic events in the respective distribution centres. In the Andes, distribution was influenced by the Altiplano–Eastern Cordillera System as well as the Amotape‐Huancabamba Zone, where the latter serves as both migration barrier and migration bridge for different clades. In contrast to most studies of high‐elevation taxa, we provide support for a south–north colonization towards Central America and Mexico, and provide additional, independent evidence for the latest view on the timing of the Great American Biotic Interchange. In Mexico, the Trans‐Mexican Volcanic Belt has played a major role in more recent radiations together with climatic oscillation and the formation of refugia.  相似文献   

人工红树林幼林藤壶危害及防治研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
向平  杨志伟  林鹏 《应用生态学报》2006,17(8):1526-1529
随着近年来红树林恢复性造林面积的扩大,海洋污损生物藤壶对红树林幼林的危害问题日益突出.文中综述了藤壶附着的生物化学、藤壶在红树林附着的生态学、藤壶对人工红树林幼林的危害和国内所采用的化学药物防治措施等方面的研究进展,以及今后的研究方向.藤壶在红树林的附着和分布模式受海水盐度、浸淹深度、林分郁闭度、水文条件等环境因素和生物因素的影响.而藤壶胶粘蛋白的氨基酸组成、一维结构,胶粘蛋白在水下的交联、组装和胶粘的过程与机制,以及藤壶危害红树幼苗的机制和危害权重尚需要深入探讨.研究红树植物对藤壶附着的响应和长期适应机制将为藤壶的防治提供更多的启示.  相似文献   

Emission spectroscopy of laser-induced plasma was applied to elemental analysis of biological samples. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) performed on thin sections of rodent tissues: kidneys and tumor, allows the detection of inorganic elements such as (i) Na, Ca, Cu, Mg, P, and Fe, naturally present in the body and (ii) Si and Gd, detected after the injection of gadolinium-based nanoparticles. The animals were euthanized 1 to 24 hr after intravenous injection of particles. A two-dimensional scan of the sample, performed using a motorized micrometric 3D-stage, allowed the infrared laser beam exploring the surface with a lateral resolution less than 100 μm. Quantitative chemical images of Gd element inside the organ were obtained with sub-mM sensitivity. LIBS offers a simple and robust method to study the distribution of inorganic materials without any specific labeling. Moreover, the compatibility of the setup with standard optical microscopy emphasizes its potential to provide multiple images of the same biological tissue with different types of response: elemental, molecular, or cellular.  相似文献   

Abstract Treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC9027 with various commercial alginates from brown algae enhanced extracellular lipase activities in a time- and concentration-dependent manner ("exolipase stimulation"). Alginate isolated from Azotobacter vinelandii and mucoid mutants of P. aeruginosa was similarly effective. Several independently isolated mucoid (alginate-producing) mutants of P. aeruginosa showed higher spontaneous exolipase activities than the nonmucoid wild type. Alginate was chemically modified by (i) reduction of carboxyl groups (removal of charge), (ii) oxidation of pyranoid rings (destruction of tertiary structure), and (iii) reduction of reducing end groups. None of the chemical modifications resulted in total loss of the exolipase-stimulating ability of the alginate derivatives.  相似文献   

We review the key determinants of health in Ucayali, Peru, identified by researchers, and, according to these, propose a set of tools to improve health in this area. Women and indigenous peoples are recognized as two vulnerable groups in the region that face greater health risks, and these are the main focus of the development of tools for health improvement. Also, the growing economic integration in the region facilitates the spread of infectious disease, thus requiring several levels of intervention. The tools discussed to improve health in Ucayali cross several scales and sectors. They include improved natural resource management, education and empowerment of women, integration of traditional and biomedical care, improved health information management, and community mobilization for health. Overall, our conclusions reinforce the limitations of the biomedical approach, which focuses on the treatment of specific pathologies in improving health. Health-system development requires the cooperation of many sectors and many actors across several spatial scales.  相似文献   

Grabovich  M. Yu.  Dul'tseva  N. M.  Dubinina  G. A. 《Microbiology》2002,71(3):255-261
Major pathways of carbon and sulfur metabolisms were studied in representatives of two clusters of bacteria: Leucothrix thiophila (cluster I, strains 2WS, 4WS, and 6WS) and Leucothrix sp. (cluster II, strains 1WS, 3WS, and 5WS). All strains were capable of chemoorganoheterotrophic growth, as well as of chemolithoheterotrophic growth in the presence of reduced sulfur compounds. The bacteria were found to possess a complete set of the enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and glyoxylate cycle. The dehydrogenase activity in cells of cluster I strains was an order of magnitude lower than in cluster II strains and in other known heterotrophic bacteria. Cells of bacteria of both clusters exhibited high activity levels of enzymes involved in the energy metabolism of sulfur. The oxidation of sulfur compounds and the operation of the electron-transport chain were shown to be related. Cluster II bacteria more efficiently use organic compounds in their energy metabolism, whereas cluster I bacteria are characterized by more efficient utilization of reduced sulfur compounds. During sulfite oxidation, cluster I bacteria can synthesize ATP both via substrate-level phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation, whereas cluster II bacteria synthesize ATP only via the latter process.  相似文献   

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