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Sucrose uptake and partitioning in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber discs were examined under a range of mannitol and ethylene-glycol concentrations. Mannitol caused the same changes in turgor over a wide range of incubation periods (90 min-6 h), indicating that it did not penetrate the tissue. In comparison, ethylene glycol reduced turgor losses but did not eliminate them, even after 6 h. Between 100 mM and 300 mM mannitol, turgor fell by 350 kPa, compared with 35 kPa in ethylene glycol. Uptake experiments in mannitol alone showed that total sucrose uptake was strongly correlated with both osmotic potential and with turgor potential. In subsequent experiments sucrose uptake and partitioning were examined after 3 h equilibration in 100 mM and 300 mM concentrations of mannitol and ethylene glycol. Total sucrose uptake and the conversion of sucrose to starch were enhanced greatly only at 300 mM mannitol, indicating an effect of turgor, rather than osmotic potential on sucrose partitioning. The inhibitors p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid and carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) both reduced sucrose uptake, but in quite different ways. p-Chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid reduced total sucrose uptake but did not affect the partitioning of sucrose to starch. By contrast, CCCP inhibited total uptake and virtually eliminated the conversion of sucrose to starch. Despite this, sucrose uptake in the presence of CCCP continued to increase as the mannitol concentration increased, indicating an increase in passive transport at higher mannitol concentrations. Increased sucrose uptake above 400 mM mannitol was shown to be the result of uptake into the free space. The data show that starch synthesis is optimised at low but positive turgors and the relation between sucrose partitioning and the changing diurnal water relations of the tuber are discussed.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid  相似文献   

When fresh potato tuber slices were incubated with [1-14C]-sodium acetate, cycloartenol was heavily labelled but no radioactivity was recovered in 24-methylene cycloartanol and free sterols. If potato slices were aged for 0–24 hr before feeding with radioactive acetate, a rapid increase of the label in the sterol precursors and the free sterols was observed. The free sterol content was 5 × higher after ageing for 24 hr. Isofucosterol synthesis was especially stimulated. The synthesis of sterols during the ageing process seems to be related to the appearance of a cycloartenol C24-methylase and may be linked to a biogenesis of membranes.Nomenclature: (1) 4,4,14α-trimethyl 9β, 19β-cyclo-5α-cholest-24-en 3β-ol; (2) 4,4,14α-trimethyl 9β, 19β-cyclo-5α-ergost-24(28)-en 3β-ol; (3) 4α,14α-dimethyl 9β,19β-cyclo 5α-ergost 24(28)-en 3β-ol; (4) 4α, 14α-dimethyl 5α-ergosta 8.24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (5) 4α-methyl 5α-ergosta 7,24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (6) ergosta 5,24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (7) stigmasta 5,Z-24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (8) (24R)-24 methyl cholest 5-en 3β-ol; (9) (24R)-24 ethyl cholest 5-en 3β-ol; (10) (24S)-24 ethyl cholesta 5,E-22(23)-dien 3β-ol; (11) cholest 5-en 3β-ol.  相似文献   

The early stages of tuber development are characterized by cell division, high metabolic activity, and the predominance of invertase as the sucrose (Suc) cleaving activity. However, during the subsequent phase of starch accumulation the cleavage of Suc occurs primarily by the action of Suc synthase. The mechanism that is responsible for this switch in Suc cleaving activities is currently unknown. One striking difference between the invertase and Suc synthase mediated cleavage of Suc is the direct involvement of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) in the latter case. There is presently no convincing explanation of how the PPi required to support this process is generated in potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers. The major site of PPi production in a maturing potato tubers is likely to be the reaction catalyzed by ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, the first committed step of starch biosynthesis in amyloplasts. We present data based on the analysis of the PPi levels in various transgenic plants altered in starch and Suc metabolism that support the hypothesis that PPi produced in the plastid is used to support cytosolic Suc breakdown and that PPi is an important coordinator of cytosolic and plastidial metabolism in potato tubers.  相似文献   

Nutrient resorption from senescing plant tissues is an important determinant of the fitness of plant populations in nutrient-poor ecosystems, because it makes plants less dependent on current nutrient uptake. Moreover, it can have significant “afterlife” effects through its impact on litter chemistry and litter decomposability. Little is known about the effects of climate change on nutrient resorption. We studied the effects of climate change treatments (including winter snow addition, and spring and/or summer warming) on nutrient resorption of four dominant species in a nutrient-poor subarctic peatland. These species were Betula nana (woody deciduous), Vaccinium uliginosum (woody deciduous), Calamagrostis lapponica (graminoid) and Rubus chamaemorus (forb). After five years of treatments both mature and senesced leaf N concentrations showed a small but significant overall reduction in response to the climate treatments. However, the effects were species-specific. For example, in the controls the N concentration in senesced leaves of Calamagrostis (3.0±0.2 mg N g−1) was about four times lower than for Rubus (11.2±0.2 mg N g−1). There were no significant treatment effects on N resorption efficiency (% of the N pool in mature leaves that is resorbed during senescence). The nitrogen resorption efficiency of Calamagrostis (about 80%) was higher than in the other three species (about 60%). Thus, climate change has only a minor impact on nutrient resorption parameters. However, given the substantial interspecific differences in these parameters, substantial changes in plant–soil feedbacks may be expected as a result of the observed changes in the species composition of high-latitude vegetation. These changes are species-specific and thus difficult to predict.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies found an increased kidney cancer risk in hypertensive patients. These patients frequently present an increase in the mineralocorticoid aldosterone (Ald) due to a stimulated renin angiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS). Recently, we showed pro-oxidative and genotoxic effects of Ald in vitro. Here, we investigated the influence of blood pressure on aldosterone-induced oxidative damage. To distinguish whether effects in Sprague–Dawley rats treated with Ald were caused by Ald or by increased blood pressure, the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) antagonist spironolactone was administered in a subtherapeutical dose, not lowering the blood pressure, and hydralazine, a RAAS-independent vasodilator, was given to normalize the pressure. With the antioxidant tempol, oxidative stress-dependent effects were demonstrated. Ald treatment caused kidney damage and oxidative and nitrative stress. Structural DNA damage and the mutagenic oxidative base modification 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine were increased, as well as DNA repair activity and nuclear NF-κB translocation. Spironolactone and tempol decreased all markers significantly, whereas hydralazine had just slight effects. These data comprise the first report of essentially blood pressure-independent tissue- and DNA-damaging effects of Ald. A fully activated MR and the production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species were crucial for these effects.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Because of the complexity of metabolic networks and their regulation, formal modelling is a useful method to improve the understanding of these systems. An essential step in network modelling is to validate the network model. Petri net theory provides algorithms and methods, which can be applied directly to metabolic network modelling and analysis in order to validate the model. The metabolism between sucrose and starch in the potato tuber is of great research interest. Even if the metabolism is one of the best studied in sink organs, it is not yet fully understood. RESULTS: We provide an approach for model validation of metabolic networks using Petri net theory, which we demonstrate for the sucrose breakdown pathway in the potato tuber. We start with hierarchical modelling of the metabolic network as a Petri net and continue with the analysis of qualitative properties of the network. The results characterize the net structure and give insights into the complex net behaviour.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the extent to which plastidial phosphoglucomutase (PGM) activity controls starch synthesis within potato (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desirée) tubers. The reduction in the activity of plastidial PGM led to both a correlative reduction in starch accumulation and an increased sucrose accumulation. The control coefficient of plastidial PGM on the accumulation of starch was estimated to approximate 0.24. The fluxes of carbohydrate metabolism were measured by investigating the metabolism of [U-14C]glucose in tuber discs from wild-type and transgenic plants. In tuber discs the control coefficient of plastidial PGM over starch synthesis was estimated as 0.36, indicating that this enzyme exerts considerable control over starch synthesis within the potato tuber.  相似文献   

用马铃薯人工饲养马铃薯块茎蛾的方法   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
桂富荣  李正跃 《昆虫知识》2003,40(2):187-189
介绍一种马铃薯块茎蛾Phthorimaeaoperculella的室内人工饲养方法。在人工养虫室内用 1 0 %的蜂蜜水喂养成虫 ,用滤纸收集卵块 ,幼虫在薯块上饲养 ,化蛹于牛皮纸卷成的纸筒中 ,饲养结果发现马铃薯块茎蛾完成 1代大约需要 35~ 4 6d ,室内连续饲养块茎蛾 3代 ,卵的孵化率、幼虫化蛹率、成虫羽化率均在 90 %以上。  相似文献   

The possibility that reduced photomorphogenic responses could increase field crop yield has been suggested often, but experimental support is still lacking. Here, we report that ectopic expression of the Arabidopsis PHYB (phytochrome B) gene, a photoreceptor involved in detecting red to far-red light ratio associated with plant density, can increase tuber yield in field-grown transgenic potato (Solanum tuberosum) crops. Surprisingly, this effect was larger at very high densities, despite the intense reduction in the red to far-red light ratios and the concomitant narrowed differences in active phytochrome B levels between wild type and transgenics at these densities. Increased PHYB expression not only altered the ability of plants to respond to light signals, but they also modified the light environment itself. This combination resulted in larger effects of enhanced PHYB expression on tuber number and crop photosynthesis at high planting densities. The PHYB transgenics showed higher maximum photosynthesis in leaves of all strata of the canopy, and this effect was largely due to increased leaf stomatal conductance. We propose that enhanced PHYB expression could be used in breeding programs to shift optimum planting densities to higher levels.  相似文献   

Calcium is believed to be transported with water in the xylem. Consistent with this proposal, low‐transpiring organs such as potato Solanum tuberosum tubers are known to suffer from calcium deficiency. Although roots on tubers and stolons have been shown to supply water to tubers, there is no direct evidence for the calcium transport pathway to tubers. Both a xylem and a phloem transport pathway have been suggested. We investigated in vivo calcium transport to developing potato, cv. Dark Red Norland and cv. Russet Burbank, tubers using 45Ca in a controlled environment facility. Whole plant split pot experiments allowed the placement of 45Ca either in the main (basal) root or the tuber and stolon areas of the pot. The results showed that 45Ca was transported to the shoot with the transpiration stream from both areas but was not re‐translocated to tubers or the main (basal) root system even 57 days after 45Ca application. Radioactivity could only be detected in the tuber when 45Ca was fed to the stolon and tuber area. When 45Ca was fed to specific tubers, radioactivity was detected in the aerial shoot; however, no activity was detected in other tubers or the main (basal) roots. In another set of experiments, roots on a stolon near a tuber were precisely fed 45Ca and Safranin O. The radioactive signal exactly overlapped the water transport pathway in the tuber marked with Safranin O dye, suggesting that water and calcium can be simultaneously transported from stolon roots to the tuber. No transport of 45Ca across the tuber periderm was detected 8 days after 45Ca was applied to the tuber periderm. This indicated that no significant transport of calcium occurs from the soil across the periderm. Our results provide evidence that: (1) calcium is not re‐translocated via the phloem from the aerial shoot tubers and main (basal) roots; (2) the main root system does not supply calcium to the tuber; (3) calcium is not transported across the periderm to the interior tuber tissue; (4) calcium is transported to the tuber via the xylem along with water, and the roots on the stolon associated with the tuber supply water and calcium to the developing tuber; and (5) transpirational demand is a significant determinant of calcium distribution within the plant.  相似文献   

To determine the function of cytosolic phosphorylase (Pho2; EC, transgenic potato plants were created in which the expression of the enzyme was inhibited by introducing a chimeric gene containing part of the coding region for cytosolic phosphorylase linked in antisense orientation to the 35S CaMV promotor. As revealed by Northern blot analysis and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the expression of cytosolic phosphorylase was strongly inhibited in both leaves and tubers of the transgenic plants. The transgenic plants propagated from stem cuttings were morphologically indiscernible from the wild-type. However, sprouting of the transgenic potato tubers was significantly altered: compared with the wild-type, transgenic tubers produced 2.4 to 8.1 times more sprouts. When cultivated in the greenhouse, transgenic seed tubers produced two to three times more shoots than the wild-type. Inflorescences appeared earlier in the resulting plants. Many of the transgenic plants flowered two or three times successively. Transgenic plants derived from seed tubers formed 1.6 to 2.4 times as many tubers per plant as untransformed controls. The size and dry matter content of the individual tubers was not noticeably altered. Tuber yield was significantly higher in the transgenic plants. As revealed by carbohydrate determination of freshly harvested and stored tubers, starch and sucrose pools were not noticeably affected by the antisense inhibition of cytosolic phosphorylase; however, glucose and fructose levels were markedly reduced after prolonged storage. These results favour the view that cytosolic phosphorylase does not participate in starch degradation. The possible links between the reduced levels of cytosolic phosphorylase and the observed changes with respect to sprouting and flowering are discussed.  相似文献   

The sucrose proton-cotransporter gene from potato (StSUT1) is mainly expressed in the phloem of mature, exporting leaves. To study the in vivo role of the protein, potato plants were transformed with antisense constructs of the sucrose transporter cDNA under control of the CaMV35S and the rolC promoters, respectively. Both types of transgenic plant develop symptoms characteristic of an inhibition of phloem loading. To determine the level of inhibition, immunological and transport studies were performed. Purified antibodies directed against a peptide from the central loop of SUT1 recognized a transporter with an apparent molecular mass of 47 kDa in leaf plasma membrane vesicles. Antisense repression under control of the non-specific CaMV35S promoter led to a strong reduction in SUT1 protein, whereas no such reduction could be detected when the companion cell-specific rolC promoter was used. Similarily. sucrose uptake in plasma membrane vesicles was reduced by 50–75% in CaMV35S but not in rolC plants. These data suggest that, unlike the rolC promoter, the sucrose transporter is expressed not only in the companion cells but also in other leaf cells. However, inhibition of the transporter by rolC-controlled antisense repression is sufficient to impair phloem loading.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate the importance of cytosolic phosphorylating glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPC) in potato carbohydrate metabolism. For this purpose, the cytosolic isoform of phosphorylating GAPC was cloned and used for an antisense approach to generate transgenic potato plants that exhibited constitutively decreased GAPDH activity. Potato lines with decreased activities of phosphorylating GAPC exhibited no major changes in either whole-plant or tuber morphology. However, the levels of 3-phosphoglycerate were decreased in leaves of the transformants. A broad metabolic phenotyping of tubers from the transformants revealed an increase in sucrose and UDPglucose content, a decrease in the glycolytic intermediates 3-phosphoglycerate and phosphoenolpyruvate but little change in the levels of other metabolites. Moreover, the transformants displayed no differences in cold sweetening with respect to the wild type. Taken together these data suggest that phosphorylating GAPC plays only a minor role in the regulation of potato metabolism. The results presented here are discussed in relation to current models regarding primary metabolism in the potato tuber parenchyma.  相似文献   

The effects of the herbicides 1,1'-dimethyl-4,4'-bipyridylium dichloride (paraquat), 3,6-dichloro-2-metoxybenzoic acid (dicamba) and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on cell growth of non-green potato tuber calli are described. We attempted to relate the effects with toxicity, in particular the enzymes committed to the cellular antioxidant system. Cell cultures were exposed to the herbicides for a period of 4 weeks. Cellular integrity on the basis of fluorescein release was strongly affected by 2,4-D, followed by dicamba, and was not affected by paraquat. However, the three herbicides decreased the energy charge, with paraquat and 2,4-D being very efficient. Paraquat induced catalase (CAT) activity at low concentrations (1muM), whereas at higher concentrations, inhibition was observed. Dicamba and 2,4-D stimulated CAT as a function of concentration. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was strongly stimulated by paraquat, whereas dicamba and 2,4-D were efficient only at higher concentrations. Glutathione reductase (GR) activity was induced by all the herbicides, suggesting that glutathione and glutathione-dependent enzymes are putatively involved in the detoxification of these herbicides. Paraquat slightly inhibited glutathione S-transferase (GST), whereas 2,4-D and dicamba promoted significant activation. These results indicate that the detoxifying mechanisms for 2,4-D and dicamba may be different from the mechanisms of paraquat detoxification. However, the main cause of cell death induced by paraquat and 2,4-D is putatively related with the cell energy charge decrease.  相似文献   

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