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In the present work we tested the effects of cholinergic drugs on the early development of P. lividus. Fertilization was performed in the presence of cholinergic drugs, and the embryos were fixed after 2 hours, when the controls (untreated) completed the second segmentation cleavage. We identified four classes of stages in the development of the embryos affected by the drugs, i.e.: unhatched zygotes, first cleaved stage, second cleaved stage (= unaffected), and anomalous embryos. Statistical analysis indicated that that drugs with analogous action mechanism caused similar alterations in the distribution of the treated embryos in these four classes. This finding supports the hypothesis of the presence of a complete "pre-nervous" cholinergic system, with a true cholinergic role. It is tempting to speculate that this system is involved in the first cell to cell interactions during early segmentation and possibly in the block to polyspermy.  相似文献   

In sea urchin embryos, the initial animal-vegetal (AV) axis is specified during oogenesis but the mechanism is largely unknown. By using chemical reagents such as lithium, it is possible to shift the principal embryonic territories toward a vegetal fate. We have investigated the possibility of obtaining the same morphological effect as with lithium by utilizing Fabs against the maternal Bep4 protein that is localized in the animal part of Paracentrotus lividus egg and embryos. Incubation of fertilized eggs with Fabs against Bep4 protein causes exogastrulation at 48 h of development of P. lividus embryos, similar to embryos treated with lithium. This vegetalizing effect was ascertained by utilizing territorial markers such as EctoV, EndoI, and Ig8. The effect of Fabs against Bep4 on gene expression was observed by monitoring spatial expression of the hatching enzyme gene. A decreased expression domain compared to its normal spatial distribution was detected and this effect was again comparable to those obtained with lithium treatment. Association of Bep4 with a cadherin was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation and immunostaining experiments, and an involvement in cell signaling is discussed. In addition, treatment of embryos with anti-Bep4 Fabs causes an enhancement in the level and an expansion in the pattern of nuclear beta-catenin. Moreover, this treatment also provokes a decrease of beta-catenin in adherens junctions. Together, these data indicate that anti-Bep4 Fabs provoke a shift of the animal-vegetal boundary toward the animal pole and suggest an active role of Bep4 protein in patterning along the AV axis.  相似文献   

In Paracentrotus lividus eggs, there are RNAs localized at the animal and vegetal poles. During the first cell division, some of these RNAs are associated with the mitotic spindle, whereas others are free in the cytoplasm. Among the RNAs bound to mitotic apparatus (MA), we have found the mitochondrial 16S rRNA. By immunohistochemistry we have also detected hsp60, a mitochondrial membrane protein, localized around the MA, suggesting that the entire mitochondria are associated with it. Western blotting of proteins prepared by cellular fractionation after detergent treatment of P. lividus eggs revealed that both hsp60 and cytochrome c are not associated with cytoskeletal elements. All the above data have been confirmed by immunoblot analyses of preparations of microtubules and MA in which the presence of hsp60 and cytochrome c were detected only in the MA fraction. Moreover, mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity was determined in MA and cytoplasm fractions during the first cell division, and the localization and vitality of the organelles were also confirmed by in vivo staining with Mito red. A possible role for mitochondria in the asymmetric distribution of RNAs and in cell division is discussed.  相似文献   

Drugs such as oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies are known to find their way into rivers, lakes and seas, and have the potential to affect reproduction and development of the wildlife. The knowledge of the reproductive mechanisms and their regulation in aquatic species is of fundamental importance for predicting and preventing the damage by the increasing release of such chemicals in the environment. Mifepristone, a synthetic steroid used as a drug for chemical abortion, works by blocking the effects of progesterone. Its presence in fresh and salt water has been reported, representing a danger for aquatic species. In this frame, we evaluated in both acute and chronic exposures, the effects of mifepristone on the reproductive performance of the sea urchin P. lividus. In both acute and chronic exposures, mifepristone did not affect the histological structure of the gonads. However, mifepristone administered to females caused the decrease of the percentage of normal developed plutei larvae compared with the control, whereas it did not alter sperm motility parameters and fertilization success in males. The immunohistological localization of progesterone receptor‐like immunoreactivity on the plasma membrane of oocytes and ova and the molecular weight of a progesterone receptor‐like immunoband identified by western blotting, are in agreement with a membrane progesterone receptor deducted from the genome sequence of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus and suggest that in P. lividus mifepristone actions may be mediated by a progesterone receptor.  相似文献   

The temporal expression of two cell surface proteins, called BEP1 and BEP4, during Paracentrosus lividus embryonic development was studied. These proteins are found in both monomeric and dimeric forms in egg and embryos and we have established that their specific form is related to their being in the cytoplasm or on the cell surface. The spatial distribution of BEP1 and BEP4 proteins in eggs and embryos was established by whole mount immunohistochemistry. These proteins are located in the animal part of unfertilized and fertilized eggs; thereafter they are much less represented in structures derived from the vegetal cells of the embryo such as the micromeres of the 16 cell stage, the primary mesenchyme of blastula and the gut of gastrula. At the prism stage BEP1 and BEP4 proteins are present to some ectodermal parts and thereafter, at the pluteus stage, to the oral region.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to evaluate the embryotoxicity of Fenbendazole, a benzimidazole carbamate-derived anthelmintic drug widely employed in Veterinary Medicine, by using the embryonal development of Paracentrotus lividus (sea urchin) as a experimental model. Embryos were obtained by in vitro eggs fertilization and cultured in seawater. Five embryo suspensions were added by Fenbendazole reaching a final concentration of 5 micrograms/l, 7.5 micrograms/l, 10 micrograms/l, 12.5 micrograms/l and 25 micrograms/l; a suspension was kept drug-free as a control. Embryo development was evaluated by microscopical examination of suspensions at 3 and 40 hours. Our results show that a concentration of 5 micrograms/l of the drug determines a considerable delay of the embryonal development in the 95 percent of the elements observed, and a concentration of 25 micrograms/l produces a block of the embryogenesis at the phase of morula and blastula in all embryos. Results confirm that the effects observed are probably due to an extended inhibition of several enzyme complexes of the embryo cells.  相似文献   

Localization of Paracentrotus lividus bep maternal mRNAs at the animal pole occurs by association with the cytoskeleton and involves a 54-kDa protein, called LP54, that is able to bind to the 3' untranslated regions (UTRs) of bep mRNAs. We describe here the isolation and purification of this protein. Antibodies raised against purified LP54 allowed us to establish its localization in P. lividus eggs and embryos. This localization coincides with the mRNAs with which it is associated, that is, the animal pole in the egg, and, after fertilization, the regions derived from this part of the egg, and finally the oral ectoderm of the pluteus. Association with the cytoskeleton was shown by the copurification of LP54 in a microtubule preparation. Involvement in bep mRNA localization was demonstrated by microinjection of anti-LP54 antibodies in P. lividus eggs, which caused alteration of spatial distribution of bep3 mRNA.  相似文献   

In the eggs of Paracentrotus lividus the total quantity of pigment appears to decrease during the early stages of development, i.e. between fertilization and gastrulation. Data are also given concerning the appearance of a new pigment, possibly a precursor of the echinochrome.  相似文献   

In the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, the first three cleavages are synchronous in all blastomeres. Upon the segregation of the micromeres at the fourth cleavage, a vegetal-animal gradient of cell division begins; i.e., the closer the cells are to the micromeres, the earlier they enter mitosis. The phase difference between mitotic cells along the vegetal-animal axis increases concurrently with the increase in cell number. At the blastula stage, mitoses appear organized in clusters. From the mesenchyme-blastula stage onward, the clusters become smaller and most of the mitotic cells are solitary. The size of the clusters increases upon treatment with colchicine, thus suggesting the existence of pacemaker units of mitotic activity. We confirm that the division of the micromeres is out of phase with respect to the other blastomeres. Of the eight cells originating from the first division of the micromeres, only the four outer ones continue to cleave; the four inner ones appear to have lost the ability to divide. The overall mitotic activity is high during cleavage and suddenly drops to very low levels around hatching. An interpretation of these results is presented in terms of a nonlinear oscillators theory.  相似文献   

Thin sections, lanthanum tracer and the freeze-fracture technique revealed the presence of different types of cell junctions in early sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) embryos. During the first four cleavage cycles, which are characterized by synchrony of cell division, sister blastomeres were connected only by intercellular bridges, formed as a result of incomplete cytokinesis; no trace of other junctions was found at these stages. From the 16-cell stage onwards, septate junctions and gap junctions began to appear between blastomeres. It is postulated that cell-cell interactions may provide a mechanism for the propagation of signals necessary for the coordination of cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Experiments are described, showing the presence of putative nicotinic cholinoreceptors in the egg after fertilization. The experiments were carried out on gametes and early embryos of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, by using nicotinic agonists and antagonists. 1 mM Acetylcholine (ACh), 100 microM nicotine, 100 nM alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-BuTx) and 100 microM curare inhibit sperm motility and fertilization, while they have no effect on unfertilized eggs. The drugs added within 1 min. after the raising of the fertilization layer had stronger effects on cleavage and development; when added more than 15 min. after the raising of the fertilization layer, they had lesser effects on further development up to pluteus stage. In all the experiments, nicotine was the most effective drug. The binding of fluorescein-labelled alpha-BuTx did not point out any affinity sites on unfertilized eggs, while they were localized on the sperms and on the eggs fertilized by sperms, but not on the eggs activated artificially. The binding was prevented by pretreatment of sperms and activated eggs with 10 nM native alpha-BuTx and 10 microM curare. We conclude that, in the fertilized egg, putative nicotinic cholinoreceptors are present, which are able to bind alpha-BuTx and curare. Fertilization by sperms is needed to trigger the formation of alpha-BuTx receptors.  相似文献   

Asymmetric divisions that produce two distinct cells play a fundamental role in generating different cell types during development. Here we investigate the role of the cortex region and mitotic apparatus in asymmetrical localization and segregation of Bep4 protein in Paracentrotus lividus egg. By centrifugation of eggs with or without drugs we established an involvement of the cortex region in localization of Bep4 protein, confirmed by immunohistochemistry of isolated cortex. Association with the mitotic apparatus during cell division permits selective partitioning of Bep4 protein into the daughter cells. Direct association with spindle was also demonstrated both by Western blot and immunohistochemistry after isolation of the mitotic apparatus.  相似文献   

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