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A major goal of learning and memory research is to correlate the function of molecules with the behaviour of organisms. The beautiful laminar structure of the cerebellar cortex lends itself to the study of synaptic plasticity, because its clearly defined patterns of neurons and their synapses form circuits that have been implicated in simple motor behaviour paradigms. The best understood in terms of molecular mechanism is the parallel fibre-Purkinje cell synapse, where presynaptic long-term potentiation and postsynaptic long-term depression and potentiation finely tune cerebellar output. Our understanding of these forms of plasticity has mostly come from the electrophysiological and behavioural analysis of knockout mutant mice, but more recently the knock-in of synaptic molecules with mutated phosphorylation sites and binding domains has provided more detailed insights into the signalling events. The present review details the major forms of plasticity in the cerebellar cortex, with particular attention to the membrane trafficking and intracellular signalling responsible. This overview of the current literature suggests it will not be long before the involvement of the cerebellum in certain motor behaviours is fully explained in molecular terms.  相似文献   

Neurons receive synaptic inputs primarily onto their dendrites, which filter synaptic potentials as they spread toward the soma. Recent results indicate that this filtering appears to be compensated by increasing the synaptic conductance at distal synapses, thus normalizing the efficacy of synaptic inputs at the soma.  相似文献   

The original article to which this Erratum refers has been published in Journal of Neurobiology J Neurobiol (2005)64(1)75–90 . © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Most neurons have elaborate dendritic trees that receive tens of thousands of synaptic inputs. Because postsynaptic responses to individual synaptic events are usually small and transient, the integration of many synaptic responses is needed to depolarize most neurons to action potential threshold. Over the past decade, advances in electrical and optical recording techniques have led to new insights into how synaptic responses propagate and interact within dendritic trees. In addition to their passive electrical and morphological properties, dendrites express active conductances that shape individual synaptic responses and influence synaptic integration locally within dendrites. Dendritic voltage-gated Na(+) and Ca(2+) channels support action potential backpropagation into the dendritic tree and local initiation of dendritic spikes, whereas K(+) conductances act to dampen dendritic excitability. While all dendrites investigated to date express active conductances, different neuronal types show specific patterns of dendritic channel expression leading to cell-specific differences in the way synaptic responses are integrated within dendritic trees. This review explores the way active and passive dendritic properties shape synaptic responses in the dendrites of central neurons, and emphasizes their role in synaptic integration.  相似文献   

Lateral interaction is an important feature of various types of cell surface receptors including the receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs). Here we report that dynamic lateral interaction produces amplification and variation in signalling of the EGF receptor, a member of RTKs. Binding of EGF is known to induce transphosphorylation inside EGFR dimers. Using single-molecule techniques, the relationship between EGF binding and EGFR phosphorylation has been determined. The number of phosphorylated EGFR molecules became larger than that of EGF binding as unliganded EGFR was phosphorylated, meaning an amplification of EGF signalling. EGFR formed clusters continuously exchanging their elements through thermal diffusion, and direct and/or indirect lateral interactions. As a result, various types of activation sites differing in number of activated receptors were generated. Amplification required no cytoplasmic factors and was observed on semi-intact cells for a wide range of number of EGFR molecules (10(4)-10(6) per cell) suggesting generality of this process.  相似文献   

In vivo voltage clamp recordings have provided new insights into the synaptic mechanisms that underlie processing in the primary auditory cortex. Of particular importance are the discoveries that excitatory and inhibitory inputs have similar frequency and intensity tuning, that excitation is followed by inhibition with a short delay, and that the duration of inhibition is briefer than expected. These findings challenge existing models of auditory processing in which broadly tuned lateral inhibition is used to limit excitatory receptive fields and suggest new mechanisms by which inhibition and short term plasticity shape neural responses.  相似文献   

Although individual neurons can be intrinsically oscillatory and can be network pacemakers, motor patterns are often generated in a more distributed manner. Synaptic connections with other neurons are important because they either modify the rhythm of the pacemaker cell or are essential for pattern generation in the first place. Computational studies of half-center oscillators have made much progress in describing how neurons make transitions between active and inactive phases in these simple networks. In addition to characterizing phase transitions, recent studies have described the synaptic mechanisms that are important for the initiation and maintenance of activity in half-center oscillators.  相似文献   

There is a growing body of evidence suggesting a functional relationship between Ca2+ signals generated in astroglia and the functioning of nearby excitatory synapses. Interference with endogenous Ca2+ homeostasis inside individual astrocytes has been shown to affect synaptic transmission and its use-dependent changes. However, establishing the causal link between source-specific, physiologically relevant intracellular Ca2+ signals, the astrocytic release machinery and the consequent effects on synaptic transmission has proved difficult. Improved methods of Ca2+ monitoring in situ will be essential for resolving the ambiguity in understanding the underlying Ca2+ signalling cascades.  相似文献   

Synaptic transmission is the key system for the information transfer and elaboration among neurons. Nevertheless, a synapse is not a standing alone structure but it is a part of a population of synapses inputting the information from several neurons on a specific area of the dendritic tree of a single neuron. This population consists of excitatory and inhibitory synapses the inputs of which drive the postsynaptic membrane potential in the depolarizing (excitatory synapses) or depolarizing (inhibitory synapses) direction modulating in such a way the postsynaptic membrane potential. The postsynaptic response of a single synapse depends on several biophysical factors the most important of which is the value of the membrane potential at which the response occurs. The concurrence in a specific time window of inputs by several synapses located in a specific area of the dendritic tree can, consequently, modulate the membrane potential such to severely influence the single postsynaptic response. The degree of modulation operated by the synaptic population depends on the number of synapses active, on the relative proportion between excitatory and inbibitory synapses belonging to the population and on their specific mean firing frequencies. In the present paper we show results obtained by the simulation of the activity of a single Glutamatergic excitatory synapse under the influence of two different populations composed of the same proportion of excitatory and inhibitory synapses but having two different sizes (total number of synapses). The most relevant conclusion of the present simulations is that the information transferred by the single synapse is not and independent simple transition between a pre- and a postsynaptic neuron but is the result of the cooperation of all the synapses which concurrently try to transfer the information to the postsynaptic neuron in a given time window. This cooperativeness is mainly operated by a simple mechanism of modulation of the postsynaptic membrane potential which influences the amplitude of the different components forming the postsynaptic excitatory response.  相似文献   

Narp (neuronal activity-regulated pentraxin) is a secreted immediate-early gene (IEG) regulated by synaptic activity in brain. In this study, we demonstrate that Narp possesses several properties that make it likely to play a key role in excitatory synaptogenesis. Narp is shown to be selectively enriched at excitatory synapses on neurons from both the hippocampus and spinal cord. Overexpression of recombinant Narp increases the number of excitatory but not inhibitory synapses in cultured spinal neurons. In transfected HEK 293T cells, Narp interacts with itself, forming large surface clusters that coaggregate AMPA receptor subunits. Moreover, Narp-expressing HEK 293T cells can induce the aggregation of neuronal AMPA receptors. These studies support a model in which Narp functions as an extracellular aggregating factor for AMPA receptors.  相似文献   

The mammalian hypothalamic magnocellular neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei are among the best understood of all peptidergic neurons. Through their anatomical features, vasopressin- and oxytocin-containing neurons have revealed many important aspects of dendritic functions. Here, we review our understanding of the mechanisms of somato-dendritic peptide release, and the effects of autocrine, paracrine and hormone-like signalling on neuronal networks and behaviour.  相似文献   

Astrocytes play an important role in chemical signalling, acting as receptive as well as secretory elements. They can express receptors for essentially all classical neurotransmitter substances and for a large variety of peptides. Recent evidence indicates that astrocytes are involved in the information processing within the nervous system. Astrocytes respond to various neurotransmitters with elevations in intracellular calcium which can either be long-duration Ca(2+) spikes or oscillations in Ca(2+) levels. Astrocytic excitation can be propagated to adjacent astrocytes in the form of Ca(2+) waves. Due to their intimate spatial relationship with synaptic contacts, astrocytes can directly respond to synaptically released messengers and communicate, via signalling substances, with neurons in a reciprocal manner. Cultured astrocytes and astroglioma cells express synaptic vesicle proteins and members of the synaptic SNARE complex. Astrocytes can release a variety of messenger substances via receptor-mediated mechanisms implicating their potential for regulated exocytosis and the participation of proteins of the SNARE complex.  相似文献   

突触的可塑性与学习,记忆机制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
位于哺乳动物海马、小脑皮层的不同类型的可塑性突触,分别具有突触传递的长时程强化(LTP)或抑制(LTD)现象,它们可能是某些经典条件反射形成的基础。以LTD型突触为记忆装置的小脑局部神经网络,具有典型的适应控制能力。突触可塑性的另一类表现是突触前纤维长芽,有证据表明,伴随大脑—红核系统条件反射的建立,在红核神经元胞体附近有新的突触形成,这可能是长期记忆的基础。  相似文献   

Synaptic mechanisms underlying pheromonal memory in vomeronasal system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When female mice are mated, they form a memory of the pheromonal signal of the male with which they mated. Our research objective was to determine the neural mechanisms underlying learning and memory by employing a convenient model of pheromone-induced olfactory memory (pheromonal memory). Formation of pheromonal memory depends on the association between mating and exposure to pheromones. Synaptic plasticity involving this memory occurs in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB), depending on vaginocervical stimulation at mating. The vaginocervical stimulation at mating reduces the dendrodendritic feedback inhibition of principal neurons (mitral/tufted (MT) cells) in the AOB and enhances their cell activity. The enhancement of activity induces on these plastic changes in dendrodendritic synapses, which in turn enhance GABA-mediated inhibition of MT cell activity. This "self-inhibition" of MT cells activity in response to pheromonal signals of the partner can disrupt its signals at the AOB thereby preventing the signals from reaching the central brain. The formation and maintenance of pheromonal memory is based on this inhibition mechanism.  相似文献   

Maren S 《Neuron》2005,47(6):783-786
Do associative learning and synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP) depend on the same cellular mechanisms? Recent work in the amygdala reveals that LTP and Pavlovian fear conditioning induce similar changes in postsynaptic AMPA-type glutamate receptors and that occluding these changes by viral-mediated overexpression of a dominant-negative GluR1 construct attenuates both LTP and fear memory in rats. Novel forms of presynaptic plasticity in the lateral nucleus may also contribute to fear memory formation, bolstering the connection between synaptic plasticity mechanisms and associative learning and memory.  相似文献   

Crochet S  Poulet JF  Kremer Y  Petersen CC 《Neuron》2011,69(6):1160-1175
Sensory information is actively gathered by animals, but the synaptic mechanisms driving neuronal circuit function during active sensory processing are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the synaptically driven membrane potential dynamics during active whisker sensation using whole-cell recordings from layer 2/3 pyramidal neurons in the primary somatosensory barrel cortex of behaving mice. Although whisker contact with an object evoked rapid depolarization in all neurons, these touch responses only drove action potentials in ~10% of the cells. Such sparse coding was ensured by cell-specific reversal potentials of the touch-evoked response that were hyperpolarized relative to action potential threshold for most neurons. Intercontact interval profoundly influenced touch-evoked postsynaptic potentials, interestingly without affecting the peak membrane potential of the touch response. Dual whole-cell recordings indicated highly correlated membrane potential dynamics during active touch. Sparse action potential firing within synchronized cortical layer 2/3 microcircuits therefore appears to robustly signal each active touch response.  相似文献   

Functions and mechanisms of retrograde neurotrophin signalling   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Neuronal connections are established and refined through a series of developmental programs that involve axon and dendrite specification, process growth, target innervation, cell death and synaptogenesis. Many of these developmental events are regulated by target-derived neurotrophins and their receptors, which signal retrogradely over long distances from distal-most axons to neuronal cell bodies. Recent work has established many of the cellular and molecular events that underlie retrograde signalling and the importance of these events for both development and maintenance of proper neural connectivity.  相似文献   

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