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Electric field-induced absorption changes of bacteriorhodopsin were studied with different samples of purple membranes which were prepared as randomly oriented and electrically oriented films of purple as well as cation-depleted blue bacteriorhodopsin. The absorption changes were proportional to the square of the field strength up to 300 kV/cm. The electric field from the intracellular side to the extracellular side of the purple bacteriorhodopsin induces a spectrum change, resulting in a spectrum similar to that of the cation-depleted blue bacteriorhodopsin. When the field was removed, the purple state was regenerated. The blue state was mainly affected by an electric field in the opposite direction, suggesting a reversible interaction with the Schiff's base bond of the retinal. Since the field-induced reaction of bacteriorhodopsin was observed in the presence of a concomitant steady ion flux, it is assumed that the generation of a local diffusion potential may play an important role in these spectral reactions. Although the fragments were fixed in the dried film, electric dichroism was observed. The dichroic contribution of the total absorbance change was about 15%. The angular displacement of the retinal transition moment was calculated to be 1.5° toward the membrane normal.  相似文献   

Electric field induced light scattering by suspensions of cation-depleted purple membranes, obtained by deionization of purple membrane (PM) suspensions on a cation exchange column or by electrodialysis at a pH around 6, shows a strong drop (more than 5 times) in the value of the permanent dipole moment relative to that of PM fragments. The membrane dipole moments were measured both at low dc and ac electric fields as well as by using electric field pulses with reversing polarity. Some slight changes in the dispersion of the electric polarizability were also observed.Microelectrophoretic measurements showed that the electric charge of the membrane fragments is increased by 30% after deionization. The importance of these data for the understanding of the blue membrane properties and subsequently for the mechanism of proton pumping are discussed.  相似文献   

Electric field induced conformational changes of bacteriorhodopsin were studied in six types of dried film (randomly and electrically oriented membranes of purple as well as cation-depleted blue bacteriorhodopsin) by measuring the frequency dependence of the optical absorbance change and the dielectric dispersion and absorption. For the purple bacteriorhodopsin the optical absorbance change induced by alternating rectangular electric fields of ±300 kV/cm altered the sign twice in the frequency range from 0.001 Hz to 100 kHz (around 0.03 Hz and 100 kHz), indicating that the electric field induced conformational change in these samples consists of, at least, three steps. Similarly, it was found for the blue bacteriorhodopsin that at least two steps are involved. In accord with optical measurements, the dielectric behaviour due to alternating sinusoidal electric fields of±6kV/cm in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz showed two broad dispersion/absorption regions, one below 1 kHz and the other around 10–100 kHz. This suggests that the conformational change of bacteriorhodopsin is also reflected by its dielectrical properties and that it is partially induced at 6 kV/cm. Including previous results obtained by analysis of the action of DC fields on purple membrane films, a model for a field-induced cyclic reaction for purple as well as blue bacteriorhodopsin is proposed. In addition it was found that there are electrical interactions among purple membrane fragments in dried films.  相似文献   

Electric field induced pH changes of purple membrane suspensions were investigated in the pH range from 4.1 to 7.6 by measuring the absorbance change of pH indicators. In connection with the photocycle and proton pump ability, three different states of bacteriorhodopsin were used: (1) the native purple bacteriorhodopsin (magnesium and calcium ions are bound, the M intermediate exists in the photocycle and protons are pumped), (2) the cation-depleted blue bacteriorhodopsin (no M intermediate), and (3) the regenerated purple bacteriorhodopsin which is produced either by raising the pH or by adding magnesium ions (the M intermediate exists). In the native purple bacteriorhodopsin there are, at least, two types of proton binding sites: one releases protons and the other takes up protons in the presence of the electric field. On the other hand, blue bacteriorhodopsin and the regenerated purple bacteriorhodopsin (pH increase) show neither proton release nor proton uptake. When magnesium ions are added to the suspensions; the field-induced pH change is observed again. Thus, the stability of proton binding depends strongly on the state of bacteriorhodopsin and differences in proton binding are likely to be related to differences in proton pump activity. Furthermore, it is suggested that the appearance of the M intermediate and proton pumping are not necessarily related.  相似文献   

Fluorescence and absorption spectra were used to study the temperature effect on theconformation of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in the blue and purple membranes (termed as bRb and bRprespectively).The maximum emission wavelengths of tryptophan fluorescence in both proteins at roomtemperature are 340 nm,and the fluorescence quantum yield of bRb is about 1.4 fold higher than that of bRp.As temperature increases,the tryptophan fluorescence of bRb decreases,while the tryptophan fluorescenceof bRp increases.The binding study of extrinsic fluorescent probe bis-ANS indicated that the probe can bindonly to bRb,but not to bRp.These results suggest that significant structural difference existed between bRband bRp.It was also found that both kinds of bR are highly thermal stable.The maximum wavelength of theprotein fluorescence emission only shifted from 340 nm to 346 nm at 100℃.More interestingly,as tempera-ture increased,the characteristic absorption peak of bRb at 605 nm decreased and a new absorption peak at380 nm formed.The transition occurred at a narrow temperature range (65℃-70℃).These facts indicatedthat an intermediate can be induced by high temperature.This phenomenon has not been reported before.  相似文献   

Kinetic refractive index spectroscopy has been applied to the study of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle. A fully hydrated purple membrane film was examined in the temperature range from 10° to 40°C using 532 nm excitation (doubled Nd YAG laser) and 633 nm (He–Ne laser) testing beam. Multiexponential fitting of the data revealed five processes. Four of them are well known from kinetic optical absorption studies. The fifth process has only recently been observed in optical absorption experiments where it has a relatively small amplitude. In our refractive index experiments it has an amplitude of up to 30% of the full signal amplitude. It is characterized by an Arrhenius temperature dependence with an activation enthalpy of 40±5 kJ/mol and a decay time of about 0.8 ms at 20°C.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin was continuously excited with green background light. In this way a steady state distribution of all intermediates of the photocycle was obtained. Then a perturbation of the system was induced by a blue laser flash and the resulting absorption changes were measured. The experiments were done with native bacteriorhodopsin and with the point mutant BR Asp96Asn , in which aspartate 96 is changed to asparagine. Blue light induced relaxation experiments revealed a rate constant belonging to the excitation of bacteriorhodopsin by the green background. With this rate constant the quantum efficiency of native bacteriorhodopsin and of BR Asp96Asn was determined to be 0.60 ± 0.10. Signals obtained with native bacteriorhodopsin could be explained with a simple model of the photocycle consisting of three consecutive intermediates BR 568, L 550 and M 412. To describe the behavior of BR Asp96Asn , a further photoactive intermediate after the M 412 state had to be postulated. Properties of this intermediate are similar to those of the N 550 state.  相似文献   

Proline residues in transmembrane helices have been found to have important roles in the functioning of membrane proteins. Moreover, Pro residues occur with high frequency in transmembrane α-helices, as compared to α-helices for soluble proteins. Here, we report several properties of the bacteriorhodopsin mutants P50A (helix B), P91A (helix C) and P186A (helix F). Compared to wild type, strongly perturbed behaviour has been found for these mutants. In the resting state, increased hydroxylamine accessibility and altered Asp-85 pKa and light-dark adaptation were observed. On light activation, hydroxylamine accessibility was increased and proton transport activity, M formation kinetics and FTIR difference spectra of M and N intermediates showed clear distortions. On the basis of these alterations and the near identity of the crystalline structures of mutants with that of wild type, we conclude that the transmembrane proline residues of bacteriorhodopsin fulfil a dynamic role in both the resting and the light-activated states. Our results are consistent with the notion that mutation of Pro to Ala allows the helix to increase its flexibility towards the direction originally hindered by the steric clash between the ring Cγ and the carbonyl O of the i-4 residue, at the same time decreasing the mobility towards the opposite direction. Due to their properties, transmembrane Pro residues may serve as transmission elements of conformational changes during the transport process. We propose that these concepts can be extended to other transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin, a light-driven proton pump found in the purple membrane of Halobacterium salinarum, exhibits purple at neutral pH but its color is sensitive to pH. Here, structures are reported for an acid blue form and an alkaline purple form of wild-type bacteriorhodopsin. When the P622 crystal prepared at pH 5.2 was acidified with sulfuric acid, its color turned to blue with a pKa of 3.5 and a Hill coefficient of 2. Diffraction data at pH 2-5 indicated that the purple-to-blue transition accompanies a large structural change in the proton release channel; i.e. the extracellular half of helix C moves towards helix G, narrowing the proton release channel and expelling a water molecule from a micro-cavity in the vicinity of the retinal Schiff base. In this respect, the acid-induced structural change resembles the structural change observed upon formation of the M intermediate. But, the acid blue form contains a sulfate ion in a site(s) near Arg82 that is created by re-orientations of the carboxyl groups of Glu194 and Glu204, residues comprising the proton release complex. This result suggests that proton uptake by the proton release complex evokes the anion binding, which in turn induces protonation of Asp85, a key residue regulating the absorption spectrum of the chromophore. Interestingly, a pronounced structural change in the proton release complex was also observed at high pH; i.e. re-orientation of Glu194 towards Tyr83 was found to take place at around pH 10. This alkaline transition is suggested to be accompanied by proton release from the proton release complex and responsible for rapid formation of the M intermediate at high pH.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin has been reconstituted into lipid vesicles with dipalmitoyl and dimyristoyls phosphatidylcholine. Circular dichroism (CD) measurements show that the proteins are in a monomeric state above the main lipid phase transition temperature (Tc), 41 and 23°C for dipalmitoyl and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine, respectively. Below Tc, the CD spectrum is the same as that found for the purple membrane. The latter result implies that the orientation of the chromophore at these temperatures is most likely the same as in the purple membrane (70° ± 5° from the normal to the membrane plane).Transient dichroism measurements show that below Tc the proteins are immobile, while above this temperature protein rotation around an axis normal to the plane of the membrane is occurring. In addition, from the data the angle of the chromophore for the rotating proteins with respect to the rotational diffusion axis can be calculated. This angle is found to be 30° ± 3° and 29° ± 4° in dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine and dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, respectively. This is considerably smaller than the value of 70° ± 5° for the natural biomembrane. A reversible reorientation of the chromophore above and below the respective main Tc transition temperature could explain the change of angle observed provided that all the molecules rotate above Tc.  相似文献   

P. Seta  P. Ormos  B. D&#x;Epenoux  C. Gavach 《BBA》1980,591(1):37-52
The photo response of bacteriorhodopsin adsorbed on a bimolecular lipid membrane has been investigated using short-circuit current measurements. The results revealed a biphasic current vs. time curve for the photocurrent at pH values of approx. 7. This phenomenon could be modified by altering either the value of the external applied electrical field or the proton concentration differences.The observed effects of the external applied voltage, pH gradient and lipophilic proton carriers enabled us to conclude that the bacteriorhodopsin can be adsorbed in two different states, which give rise to a pumping effect and a flux of protons in opposite directions.A theoretical analysis of the photocycle in relation to the electrical field which acts on the proton uptake and release is proposed. The main effect of this field is to diminish the pumping rate due to the proton motive force resulting from the creation of space-charge in the vicinity of purple membrane fragments.  相似文献   

P. Ormos  L. Reinisch  L. Keszthelyi 《BBA》1983,722(3):471-479
The time behavior of flash-induced charge movements during the first steps in the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle was measured on a suspension of purple membranes oriented by an electric field. The experiments were done in the temperature range 80–278 K. During the formation of the intermediate K, two negative (with respect to the direction of the proton pump) components of the response signal are well resolved with time constants τ1 < 3 μs and τ2 ? 150 μs at 200 K. The distances of the charge displacements responsible for the electric signals are estimated. On the basis of the results the two components are assigned to two steps in the trans-cis isomerization of the retinal. A third negative component appears at higher temperatures which is related by time constant measurements to the K → L transition.  相似文献   

Bleaching of the purple membrane strongly reduces the number of divalent cation binding sites as well as their affinities. Conversely, deionization of the bleached membrane drastically inhibits the chromophore regeneration. Proteolysis experiments using bromelain show that the bleached membrane has an additional cleavage site probably located at the fifth loop, whereas in the blue membrane, the C-terminal tail is no longer susceptible to proteolysis. It is suggested that there exists a close relationship between the retinal environment and one or more of the cation binding sites.  相似文献   

Biological membrane is crucial for the function, stability and folding of membrane proteins. By studying the stability and folding kinetics of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) in lipid vesicles with different sizes, here we report the influence of membrane curvature (vesicle size) on the stability and folding kinetics of bR. The results show that both the stability and folding kinetics of bR can be significantly changed when reconstituted into mimic membranes with different curvatures. The stability of bR decreases and unfolding rate of bR increases with the growth of vesicle size, i.e. decrease of membrane curvature. Our results suggest that it is possible to regulate the properties of membrane proteins by changing the curvature of membranes.  相似文献   

The chromoprotein bacteriorhodopsin from Halobacterium halobium has been incorporated into liposomes made of a fully synthetic, polymerizable lipid. Bacteriorhodopsin is found to be active in these polymer liposomes. The advantage in the use of such polymer systems concerning long-term stability in comparison with liposomes made of natural lipid is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Robert Renthal  Bill Wallace 《BBA》1980,592(3):621-625
Reaction of purple membrane with water soluble carbodiimides inhibits the spectral transition from purple to blue observed at acid pH. The pK and Hill constant for this transition are shifted from 3.4 to 2.6 and from 1.8 to 0.85, respectively. The results suggest a connection between the uptake side of the proton pump and the purple-to-blue transition.  相似文献   

In the presence of valinomycin and K+, bacteriorhodopsin undergoes (i) a decrease of its maximum absorbance, (ii) a blue shift of the maximum wavelength of both the light and the dark adapted forms. However (iii) a normal light adaptation is maintained and (iv) the retinal-retinal interactions are not perturbed. The role of valinomycin as a K+-carrier allowing a H+-K+ competition as well as the stabilization of the deprotonated Schiff-base (linking retinal to the apo-opsin) is shown and discussed.Abbreviations bR bacteriorhodopsin - CD circular dichroism - DA dark-adapted - LA light-adapted - M-412 Meta-intermediate of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin monomer dispersed in a solution of the detergent L-1690 could maintain the specific interaction between retinal and protein in the pH range 9.0-0.0 at 25°C. λmax of the absorbance spectrum was 550 nm at pH 9.0, 556 nm at pH 5.5, 609 nm at pH 2.1 and 570 nm at pH 0.0. Increasing the NaCl concentration in the solution promoted formation of the 609 nm product at pH 5.0-3.0 and also its transition to the 570 nm product at pH 2.5-1.0. Retinal isomer analysis gave a ratio of 13-cis- to all-trans-retinal of 53 : 47 at pH 5.5. When the pH of the solution was reduced, the relative content of all-trans-retinal increased and the ratio of 13-cis- to all-trans-retinal was 14 : 86 at pH 0.0. Illumination of the solution at pH 7.2 yielded a product containing 9-cis-retinal or 9-cis, 13-cis-retinal, which may be due to a reaction other than the photoreaction cycle.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin is a prototype of efficient molecular machinery functioning as a light-activated proton pump. Among the five distinct intermediates (K, L, M, N, and O) of the photocycle, there is less structural information on the later stages compared with the early intermediates. Here, we report the structural modeling of the O-intermediate for which the determination of experimental structure remains difficult. Hypothetical conformational change of the molecule from the light-adapted state to the O-intermediate state was simulated by gradually changing the protonation state of two residues. To achieve accurate molecular modeling, we carefully constructed a realistic system of the native purple membrane. The modeled structure of the O-intermediate has some implications about proton transfer in the later stages of the photocycle and the structural response of bacteriorhodopsin to the inner charge distribution.  相似文献   

Visible and infrared spectra of bacteriorhodopsin films under different humidities at room and low temperatures are investigated. On dehydration of purple membranes at room temperatures an additional chromophore state with the absorption band at 506 nm is revealed. The photocycle of purple membranes in the dry state is devoid of the 550 nm intermediate and involves the long-lived intermediate at 412 nm. As water is removed, the 550 nm intermediate becomes undetectable. The analysis of the infrared spectra shows that dehydration does not affect the ordering of the main network of the interpeptide hydrogen bonds which stabilizes the -helical conformation (slightly distorted in the initial humid dark- and light-adapted state); light adaptation (cis-trans isomerization) of bacteriorhodopsin results in an increase of sorbed water in purple membranes. Dehydration of purple membranes decreases the reaction rate of cis-trans isomerization.  相似文献   

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