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The usefulness of currently available techniques for the biological monitoring of chromium(VI) exposed individuals is reviewed. Chromium levels in body fluids, such as urine and blood plasma, are reliable markers of exposure to chromium in oxidation states (VI) and (III) and provide a measure of the internalized dose of chromium. These markers are sufficiently sensitive to be useful in most occupational settings encountered today. In contrast, the majority of cytogenetic surveillance studies among chromium platers, ferrochromium workers and stainless steel welders using the manual metal arc (MMA) method have yielded negative or inconclusive results. As a marker for genotoxicity, the number of sister chromatid exchanges in blood lymphocytes proved to be relatively insensitive towards exposure to chromium(VI). There were however significant increases in rare chromosome aberrations among MMA stainless steel welders, although the reported levels of all aberrations combined were similar to those observed among control groups of many other studies. The relative lack of success of cytogenetic surveillance studies using blood lymphocytes is surprising in view of the strong genotoxicity of chromium(VI). A possible explanation comes from recent studies which showed that the differences in chromium lymphocyte levels between exposed and controls were disproportionately small. Another factor which complicates attempts to correlate genotoxic effects in lymphocytes with the processes giving rise to cancers of the respiratory system is the toxicokinetics of inhaled chromium(VI). Only small fractions of the total inhaled dose are distributed in the body while the bulk of chromium(VI) deposited in the lungs remains there for very long periods of time. The vast majority of lymphocytes will therefore come into contact with chromium(VI) not while travelling through the supporting tissues of the lungs but during their migration through the blood. There they take up chromium(VI) that has leached from the lungs. Blood lymphocytes therefore seem to be inappropriate for the monitoring of the biologically effective dose, and of early biological effects arising from exposure to chromium(VI). Thus there is an urgent need to develop techniques which would allow the non-invasive monitoring of internalized doses of chromium in the lung.  相似文献   

A computational study of chromium(VI) and (V) peroxides, which exhibit important genotoxic and mutagenic activity, is reported. Energies and equilibrium geometries for [CrVI(O)(O2)2(OH)], [CrVI(O)(O2)2(OH2)], [CrVI(O)(O2)2(py)], [CrVI(OH)(O2)2(OH2)]+, [CrV(O)(O2)2(OH2)] and species were calculated using molecular mechanics calculations (MMFF94 and MM+), quantum calculations with semi-empirical methods (RHF and UHF/PM3) and density functional theory (pBP86/DN* or pBP/DN* and B3LYP/6-31G(d). Equilibrium geometries for the compounds [CrV(O2)3(OH)]2− and [CrV(O2)4]3− were determined by molecular mechanics. Vibrational frequencies, standard thermodynamic quantities and electronic spectra were calculated using B3LYP/6-31G(d). The structural relationship between all these species and an explanation of the formation of peroxo species in the acid-basic pH range are given. An experimental study of peroxo species in basic medium was also performed (synthesis, X-ray powder diffraction patterns and infrared spectra of the peroxo complexes isolated) but did not confirm the existence of a tri-peroxo complex in the solid phase.  相似文献   

In the ongoing investigation into the biological importance and toxicity issues surrounding the bioinorganic chemistry of chromium, the accepted literature procedure for the isolation of the biological form of chromium, low molecular weight chromium binding protein (LMWCr) or chromodulin, was investigated for its specificity. When chromium(VI) is added to bovine liver homogenate, results presented here indicate at least four chromium(III) binding peptides and proteins are produced and that the process is non-specific for the isolation of LMWCr. A novel trivalent chromium containing protein (1) has been isolated to purity and initial characterization is reported here. Chromium(III) identification was determined by optical spectroscopy and diphenylcarbazide testing. This chromium binding protein has a molecular weight of 15.6kDa, which was determined from both gel-electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. The protein is comprised primarily of Asx, Glx, His, Gly/Thr, Ala, and Lys in a 1.00:2.51:0.37:2.09:0.39:1.17 ratio and is anionic at pH 7.4. In addition, the protein binds approximately 2.5 chromium(III) ions per molecule.  相似文献   

The first evidence has been obtained for Cr(VI) (chromate) binding to isolated calf thymus (CT) histones under physiological conditions (pH 7.4, Cl concentration 152 mM, 310 K). No significant Cr(VI) binding under the same conditions was observed for other extracellular and intracellular proteins, including albumin, apo-transferrin and G-actin, as well as for CT DNA. The mode of Cr(VI) binding to histones was studied by vibrational, electronic and X-ray absorption (X-ray absorption near-edge structure and X-ray absorption fine structure) spectroscopies and molecular mechanics calculations. A proposed binding mechanism includes electrostatic interactions of CrO4 2− with protonated Lys and Arg residues of histones, as well as the formation of hydrogen bonds with the protein backbone. Similarly, Cr(VI) can bind to nuclear localization signals (typically, Lys- and Arg-rich fragments) of other nuclear proteins. Selective binding of Cr(VI) to newly synthesized nuclear proteins (including histones) in the cytoplasm is likely to be responsible for the active transport of Cr(VI) into the nuclei of living cells. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

High concentration of heavy metals is toxic for most microorganisms and cause strict damage in wastewater treatment operations and often a physico-chemical pretreatment prior to biological treatment is considered necessary. However, in this study it has been shown that biological systems can adapt to Ni (II) and Cr (VI) when their concentration is below 10 and 20 mg/L, respectively. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of Ni (II) and Cr (VI) on the lab-scale rotating biological contactor process. It was found that, addition of Ni (II) up to 10 mg/L did not reduce the chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency and on the contrary concentrations below 10 mg/L improved the performance. The influent Ni (II) concentration of 1 mg/L was the concentration where the treatment efficiency produced a maximum COD removal of 86.5%. Moreover, Ni (II) concentration above 10 mg/L was relatively toxic to the system and produced lower treatment efficiencies than the baseline study without Ni (II). Turbidity and suspended solids removals were not stimulated to a great extent with nickel. Addition of Ni (II) did not seem to affect the pH of the system during treatment. The dissolved oxygen concentration did not drop below 4 mg/L at all concentrations of Ni (II) indicating aerobic conditions prevailed in the system. Experiments conducted with Cr (VI) revealed that addition of Cr (VI) up to 20 mg/L did not reduce the COD removal efficiency and on the contrary concentrations below 20 mg/L improved the performance. The influent Cr (VI) concentration of 1 mg/L was the concentration where the treatment efficiency produced a maximum COD removal of 88%. Turbidity and SS removals were more efficient at 5 mg/L Cr (VI) concentration, rather than 1 mg/L, which lead to the conclusion that 5 mg/L Cr (VI) concentration is the optimum concentration, in terms of COD, turbidity and SS removals. Similar with Ni (II) experiments, addition of Cr (VI) did not significantly affect the pH value of the effluent. The DO concentration remained above 5 mg/L.  相似文献   

Chromium(VI) compounds are genotoxic in a variety of cellular systems. Their potential carcinogenicity is affected by toxicokinetic patterns restricting bioavailability to certain targets, and by metabolic pathways affecting interaction of chromate-derived reactive species with DNA. Epidemiological data indicate that chromium(VI) can be carcinogenic to the human respiratory tract following inhalation at doses that are only achieved in certain occupational settings. However, concern has been raised that adverse effects may also result from oral intake. In order to further explore this issue, we performed studies in BDF1 and Swiss mice of both genders and various age. Sodium dichromate dihydrate and potassium dichromate were administered either with the drinking water, up to a concentration of 500 mg chromium(VI)/l for up to 210 consecutive days, or in a single intragastric dose of 17.7 mg/kg body weight. Under these conditions, no increase of the micronucleus frequency was observed in either bone marrow or peripheral blood erythrocytes. Conversely, the same compounds induced a clastogenic damage following intraperitoneal injection, which by-passes detoxification mechanisms. In addition, due to the hypothesis that susceptibility may be increased during the period of embryogenesis, we treated pregnant mice, up to a concentration of 10 mg chromium(VI)/l drinking water. There was no effect on the numbers of fetuses/dam and on body weight of fetuses. Again, no toxic or genotoxic effect was observed either in bone marrow of pregnant mice or in liver and peripheral blood of their fetuses. Thus, even at doses that largely exceed drinking water standards (up to 10,000 times) or by massive intragastric administration, chromium(VI) is not genotoxic to hematopoietic cells of either adult mice or transplacentally exposed fetuses. These conclusions are consistent with the poor toxicity and lack of carcinogenicity of oral chromium(VI), and are mechanistically explained by the high efficiency of chromium(VI) detoxification processes in the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The capacity of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans to reduce different concentrations of hexavalent chromium in shake flask cultures has been investigated. A. ferrooxidans reduces 100% of chromium (VI) at concentrations of 1, 2.5 and 5 ppm, but in the presence of 10 ppm only 42.9% of chromium (VI) was reduced after 11 days of incubation. A. thiooxidans showed a lower capacity to reduce this ion and total reduction of chromium (VI) was only obtained for concentrations of 1 and 2.5 ppm, whereas 64.7% and 30.5% was reached for 5 and 10 ppm, respectively, after 11 days. A continuous flow mode system was subsequently investigated, in which A. thiooxidans was immobilized on elemental sulphur and the acidic medium obtained was employed to solubilize chromium (III) and to reduce chromium (VI) present in a real electroplating waste [30% of chromium (III) and 0.1% of chromium (VI)]. The system enabled the reduction of 92.7% of hexavalent chromium and represents a promising way to treat this type of waste in the industry.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The present study was carried out to determine the effect of chromium(VI) on the status of plasma lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes in workers exposed to chromium during chromium plating process. METHODS: Fifty subjects working in chromium plating process formed the study group. An equal number of age-sex matched subjects working in administrative units formed the control group. The control subjects were residing in the same city but away from the work place of study group subjects. Urinary chromium levels were determined by using a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The plasma lipid peroxidation and erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes were determined by using spectrophotmetric methods. RESULTS: A significant increase of plasma lipid peroxidation and a significant decrease of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase levels were noted in the study group as compared with the controls. The level of plasma lipid peroxidation was positively and erythrocyte antioxidant enzymes were negatively and significantly correlated with chromium levels in urine. Multiple regression analysis was assessed the oxidative stress associated with chromium and life style confounding factors such as BMI, coffee, tea, alcohol and smoking. The multiple regression analysis showed that the urine chromium levels >10 micro g/g of creatinine, smoking, consumption of green vegetables and BMI variables were significantly associated with the levels of oxidative stress. CONCLUSION: The results show that the increased plasma lipid peroxidation and decreased antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase) observed in chromium-exposed workers could be used as biomarkers of oxidative stress.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reduction of the chromium(VI) ion by 2-mercaptosuccinic acid (thiomalic acid) were studied by rapid scanning stopped flow spectrophotometry. The conditions used were [Cr(VI)]T=0.20 mM, [MSA]T=5-90 mM, 3.0≤pH≤5.6 in citric acid-phosphate buffer, or 3.3≤pH≤5.4 in 0.40 M acetic acid-acetate buffer, 20.0≤T≤35.0 °C at I=0.50 M (NaClO4). Spectrophotometric titration at 350 nm indicates the stoichiometry of the reaction to be 1:3. The kinetics of both formation and decay of the intermediate chromium(VI) thioester were followed at λmax=425 nm and rate expressions, specific rate constants and corresponding activation parameters were derived from the proposed mechanism. The acetic acid-acetate buffer was found to catalyze the formation but not the decay rate of the intermediate. The citric acid-phosphate buffer and dissolved oxygen did not have any significant effect on the reaction rates. The justification of the mechanism was discussed in terms of standard biological conditions.  相似文献   

The combined effect of phenanthrene and Cr(VI) on soil microbial activity, community composition and on the efficiency of bioremediation processes has been studied. Biometer flask systems and soil microcosm systems contaminated with 2,000 mg of phenanthrene per kg of dry soil and different Cr(VI) concentrations were investigated. Temperature, soil moisture and oxygen availability were controlled to support bioremediation. Cr(VI) inhibited the phenanthrene mineralization (CO2 production) and cultivable PAH degrading bacteria at levels of 500–2,600 mg kg−1. In the bioremediation experiments in soil microcosms the degradation of phenanthrene, the dehydrogenase activity and the increase in PAH degrading bacteria counts were retarded by the presence of Cr(VI) at all studied concentrations (25, 50 and 100 mg kg−1). These negative effects did not show a correlation with Cr(VI) concentration. Whereas the presence of Cr(VI) had a negative effect on the phenanthrene elimination rate, co-contamination with phenanthrene reduced the residual Cr(VI) concentration in the water exchangeable Cr(VI) fraction (WEF) in comparison with the soil microcosm contaminated only with Cr(VI). Clear differences were found between the denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) patterns of each soil microcosm, showing that the presence of different Cr(VI) concentrations did modulate the community response to phenanthrene and caused perdurable changes in the structure of the microbial soil community.  相似文献   

Effects of chromium(VI) and vanadium(V) on the lifespan of fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of chromium(VI) on the lifespan of laboratory-reared guppies (Poecilia reticulata) has been studied both in the absence and in the presence of the antioxidant D-mannitol, and it has been compared with that produced by vanadium(V). The three substances used as additives exhibited either a weak (D-mannitol), a moderate (chromate) or an acute (vanadate) toxicity to fish. Vanadate, with LC50 (7 days) = 3.84 x 10(-5) mol/L, was about ten times more toxic than chromate, with LC50 (7 days) = 3.42 x 10(-4) mol/L as a single additive and 4.27 x 10(-4) mol/L in the presence of d-mannitol. An increasing effect on the maximum lifespan of males was observed when the additives studied were used at low concentrations, either alone or in a binary combination, following the sequence: vanadate (14%) < D-mannitol (41%) < chromate + D-mannitol (57%) < chromate (69%). Of these substances, only chromate increased also the maximum lifespan of females (72%). The maximum lifespan showed a strong, positive correlation with the concentration of chromate for males (P = 0.00008) and a weaker, positive correlation (P = 0.116) for females. These results suggest the existence of a chemical-hormesis phenomenon that might be subjected to sexual-genre variability. Both the toxicity and the chemical-hormetic effect provoked by chromate were substantially decreased when it was used in combination with d-mannitol, and the possible causes for this double inhibition are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The sorption of highly toxic Cr(VI) ions by cassava waste biomass was quantitatively investigated. The sorption was found to be influenced by several physico-chemical factors such as agitation speed, temperature, contact time, pH, and sorbent/sorbate ratio. The adsorption data at equilibrium were fitted to Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. The monolayer sorption capacity was found to be 61.79 mg of Cr(VI) per gram of biomass. The kinetics of Cr(VI) adsorption to pure cassava-tuber-bark wastes were determined based on a pseudo-second-order-rate model using the batch-sorption technique at a temperature of 30 degrees. The kinetics data suggest that the adsorption process is exothermic, and that the rate-limiting step is physisorption. Negative DeltaG(ads) values indicate that the adsorption is spontaneous and exothermic in nature. Also, under optimal conditions (in agitated 1M H(2)SO(4) at 30 degrees), the cassava waste biomass appears to be recyclable.  相似文献   

The effect of copper(II), lead(II) and chromium(VI) ions on the growth and bioaccumulation properties of Aspergillus niger was investigated as a function of initial pH and initial metal ion concentration. The optimum pH values for growth and metal ion accumulation were determined as 5.0, 4.5 and 3.5 for copper(II), lead(II) and chromium(VI) ions, respectively. Although all metal ion concentrations caused an inhibition effect on the growth of A. niger, it was capable of removing of copper(II) and lead(II) with a maximum specific uptake capacity of 15.6 and 34.4 mg g−1 at 100 mg dm−3 initial copper(II) and lead(II) concentration, respectively. Growth of A. niger was highly effected by chromium(VI) ions and inhibited by 75 mg dm−3 initial chromium(VI) concentration since some inhibition occurred at lower concentrations.  相似文献   

Two strains of the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus acutus (F.J.F. Meyen) with different sensitivity to chromium (VI) were compared to evaluate their ultrastructural morphology in chromium-free and -supplemented medium with a sub-lethal concentration of Cr(VI) for 72 hours. The ultrastructural alteration in different cytological compartments indicated that Cr(VI) induced earlier and stronger alterations in the wild type (wt) compared with the chromium-tolerant strain (Cr-t). After Cr treatments, ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) showed a higher Cr accumulation in the wild type than in the Cr-tolerant strain, suggesting a more efficient chromium-exclusion mechanism in the latter. The Cr treatment induced an increase in the nuclear area and a rearrangement in the eu-heterochromatic fraction, suggesting that chromatin remodelling could be at the basis of differential gene expression and metal tolerance. To gain additional information on the remodelling of the nuclear chromatin, we analysed DNA methylation by immunolocalization of 5-methyl-cytosine, before and after Cr exposure. Significant differences in the quantification of the immunolabelling of DNA cytosine-rich zones between the two strains were observed. These data suggest that an epigenetic mechanism could be at the basis of the Cr tolerance in S. acutus, as supported by previous data reporting that the acquired tolerance was inherited and maintained through the progeny.  相似文献   

Chromium is generally believed to be an essential trace element and to have a role in maintaining proper carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, probably by enhancing insulin signaling. Three recent events have strongly influenced biochemical and nutritional studies of Cr(III): (1) the Food and Nutrition Board’ new daily adequate intake (AI) of Cr, (2) the Food Standards Agency’s determination that Cr picolinate might have the potential to cause cancer, and (3) the National Institutes of Health’s program announcement “Chromium as an adjuvant therapy for type 2 diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance.” A discussion of these three events allows the current understanding of the nutritional biochemistry of Cr to be outlined.  相似文献   

The study explores utilization of waste cyanobacterial biomass of Nostoc linckia from a lab-scale hydrogen fermentor for the biosorption of Cr(VI) from aqueous solution. The biomass immobilized in alginate beads was used for removal of the metal in batch mode optimizing the process conditions adopting response surface methodology (RSM). Kinetic studies were done to get useful information on the rate of chromium adsorption onto the cyanobacterial biomass, which was found to follow pseudo second-order model. Four important process parameters including initial metal concentration (10-100 mg/L), pH (2-6), temperature (25-45 °C) and cyanobacterial dose (0.1-2.0 g) were optimized to obtain the best response of Cr(VI) removal using the statistical Box-Behnken design. The response surface data indicated maximum Cr(VI) biosorption at pH 2-4 with different initial concentrations of the metal in the aqueous solution. The biosorbent could remove 80-90% chromium from solutions with initial metal concentration of 10-55 mg/L. Involvement of the surface characteristics of the biomass was studied through its scanning electron micrographs and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis.  相似文献   

Since chromium(VI) is unreactive toward DNA under physiological conditions in vitro, the ability of carcinogenic chromium(VI) compounds to damage DNA depends on the presence of cellular redox components that reduce chromium(VI) to reactive species capable of interacting with DNA. We have examined the role of glutathione and hydrogen peroxide in chromium(VI)-induced DNA damage in vitro. Upon reaction with chromium(VI), glutathione produced chromium(V) and glutathione thiyl radical reactive intermediates, whereas hydrogen peroxide produced chromium(V) and hydroxyl radical. Reaction of DNA with chromium(VI) in the presence of glutathione resulted in binding of chromium and glutathione to DNA with little or no DNA strand breakage. Reaction of DNA with chromium(VI) in the presence of hydrogen peroxide produced the 8-hydroxydeoxy-guanosine adduct and extensive DNA strand breakage in the absence of significant Cr-DNA adduct formation. These results suggest that the nature of chromium(VI)-induced DNA damage will be strongly dependent on reactive intermediates such as chromium(V), glutathione thiyl radical, and hydroxyl radical, produced by cellular components active in chromium(VI) metabolism. In order to assess the ability of chromium(VI)-induced DNA damage to affect the normal template function of DNA, we investigated the effects of chromium(VI) on steady-state mRNA levels of various genes in chick embryo liver in vivo, and compared the effects to the levels of DNA damage observed. Chromium(VI) induced DNA-protein and DNA interstrand cross-links in chick embryo liver in vivo and suppressed the induction of 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase and cytochrome P-450 mRNA expression by porphyrinogenic drugs. In contrast, chromium(VI) increased the basal levels of expression of these two inducible genes, but had little or no effect on the expression of the constitutive albumin, β-actin, and conalbumin genes. Comparison of the time course of formation and repair of DNA damage with that of changes in gene expression suggests that chromium(VI) may form a mono-adduct prior to formation of DNA cross-links, and that chromium(VI)-induced DNA lesions may target certain classes of genes and lead to changes in their expression.  相似文献   

Succinylated mercerized cellulose (cell 1) was used to synthesize an anion exchange resin. Cell 1, containing carboxylic acid groups was reacted with triethylenetetramine to introduce amine functionality to this material to obtain cell 2. Cell 2 was reacted with methyl-iodide to quaternize the amine groups from this material to obtain cell 3. Cells 2 and 3 were characterized by mass percent gain, degree of amination and quaternization, FTIR and CHN. Cells 2 and 3 showed degrees of amination and quaternization of 2.8 and 0.9 mmol/g and nitrogen content of 6.07% and 2.13%, respectively. Cell 3 was used for Cr (VI) adsorption studies. Adsorption equilibrium time and optimum pH for Cr (VI) adsorption were found to be 300 min and 3.1, respectively. The Langmuir isotherm was used to model adsorption equilibrium data. The adsorption capacity of cell 3 was found to be 0.829 mmol/g. Kinetic studies showed that the rate of adsorption of Cr (VI) on cell 3 obeyed a pseudo-second-order kinetic model.  相似文献   

The study presented in this article investigated the influence of different Cr(III) and Cr(VI) compounds in the cultivation medium on the uptake and localization of chromium in the cell structure of the yeast Candida intermedia. The morphology of the yeast cell surface was observed by the scanning electron microscopy. Results demonstrated that the growth inhibitory concentration of Cr(III) in the cultivation medium induced changes in the yeast cell shape and affected the budding pattern, while inhibitory concentration of Cr(VI) did not cause any visible effects on morphological properties of the yeast cells. The amount of total accumulated chromium in yeast cells and the distribution of chromium between the yeast cell walls and spheroplasts were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. No significant differences were found neither in total chromium accumulation nor in the distribution of chromium in yeast cell walls and spheroplasts between the two of Cr(VI) compounds. Conversely, substantial differences between Cr(III) compounds were demonstrated in the total uptake as well as the localization of chromium in yeast cells.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of hexavalent chromium(VI) induced DNA damage were unveiled by detecting products of single- and double-stranded DNA in the presence of glutathione. The absence of a detectable hydroxyl radical in the reactions indicates that DNA damage was exclusively by hypervalent chromium species. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) experiments with 32-mer single-stranded oligonucleotide and its complementary duplex revealed cleavages largely at purine bases with significant enhancement of such cleavages in the presence of a base. Quantitative estimations of bases released by HPLC before and after enzymatic digestion with exonucleases unequivocally established the excessive release of purine bases. This release was accompanied by the concomitant formation of phosphoglycolate as characterized by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). These data connote that the preponderance DNA damage is due to an oxidation specifically at H4' of the ribose moiety leading to the formation of apurinic sites. In addition to the oxidation at H4', DNA oxidation was also initiated through H5' site as evidenced by the identification of furfural. This pathway appears to be non-selective and more abundant for ssDNA as cleavages were observed at both purine and pyrimidine bases. Finally, the detection of guanidinohydantoin as a minor product points the involvement of an oxygen activated hypervalent chromium species, perhaps a peroxo-chromium species. Both major and minor pathways lead to cleavages at purine sites for ds-DNA and are consistent with the observation that DNA cleavage was enhanced in the presence of a base. In contrast, when hydrogen peroxide was added to the reactions, random DNA cleavages were apparent indicating involvement of multiple species including a hydroxyl radical. These data pinpoint mutation mechanisms induced by chromium(VI) in the presence of glutathione due to transversion either by inserting the wrong bases opposite to the apurinic sites during replication or by purine-purine mismatch.  相似文献   

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