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Synopsis Field and laboratory experiments indicate that the mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdi, feed in the dark. Blinded sculpins feed on a variety of motile prey in the laboratory and show stereotyped responses to prey stimuli. The sculpins bite at moving inert objects, even if buried in substratum, indicating that they use their lateral line system to detect prey. Covering portions of the lateral line with an inert paste eliminates response to objects near the covered region of the lateral line. The sculpins can also detect prey (including inert objects) in a stream if the prey is upstream. Collection from two series of presunset, postsunset, presunrise, postsunrise, dives in Lake Michigan indicate nocturnal feeding by the mottled sculpin.  相似文献   

In the early 1800s, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) was probably extirpated from Switzerland, due to overhunting and deforestation. After a federal law was enacted in 1875 to protect lactating females and young, and limiting the hunting season, the roe deer successfully recovered and recolonized Switzerland. In this study, we use mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA markers to investigate the recolonization and assess contemporary genetic structure in relation to broad topographic features, in order to understand underlying ecological processes, inform future roe deer management strategies, and explore the opportunity for development of forensic traceability tools. The results concerning the recolonization origin support natural, multidirectional immigration from neighboring countries. We further demonstrate that there is evidence of weak genetic differentiation within Switzerland among topographic regions. Finally, we conclude that the genetic data support the recognition of a single roe deer management unit within Switzerland, within which there is a potential for broad‐scale geographic origin assignment using nuclear markers to support law enforcement.  相似文献   

The geographic distribution of mitochondrial DNA haplotypes from Japanese river sculpin Cottus pollux large-egg type (LE), collected from 55 locations in 22 rivers over most of the species’ range in Japan, was examined to assess for patterns of population genetic structure. The 87 haplotypes observed from C. pollux LE were distinguishable from C. pollux middle-egg type and small-egg type haplotypes from previously published research. Cottus pollux LE from each river were largely represented by diagnostic mtDNA haplotypes, with limited geographical associations of haplotypes, suggesting that each river must be treated as a separate management unit.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and divergence patterns of smallmouth bass Micropterus dolomieu spawning groups are analysed across its northern native range with mtDNA cytochrome b gene sequences and eight unlinked nuclear DNA microsatellite loci. Results reveal high levels of genetic variability and significant differences in allelic representation among populations (mtDNA: mean ± s.e ., HD = 0·50 ± 0·06, mean ± s.e ., θST = 0·41 ± 0·02 and microsatellites: mean ± s.e . HO = 0·46 ± 0·03, mean ± s.e . θST = 0·25 ± 0·01). The distributions of 28 variant mtDNA haplotypes, which differ by an average of 3·94 nucleotides (range = 1–8), denote divergent representation among geographic areas. Microsatellite data support nine primary population groups, whose high self‐assignment probabilities likewise display marked divergence. Genetic patterns demonstrate: (1) high genetic diversity in both genomes, (2) significant divergence among populations, probably resulting from natal site homing and low lifetime migration, (3) support for three post‐glacial refugia that variously contributed to the current northern populations, which remain evident today despite waterway connectivity and (4) a weak yet significant genetic isolation by geographic distance pattern, indicating that other processes affect the differences among populations, such as territoriality and site fidelity.  相似文献   

The genetic relationships among morphologically and geographically divergent populations of whitefish (genus: Coregonus ) from Denmark and the Baltic Sea region were studied by analysis of microsatellites and polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) analysis of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) segments. The endangered North Sea houting (classified as C. oxyrhynchus ) differs morphologically and physiologically from other Danish whitefish ( C. lavaretus ). However, limited divergence of North Sea houting was observed both at the level of mtDNA and microsatellites. The implications of these results for the conservation status of North Sea houting are discussed in the light of current definitions of evolutionary significant units. Both mtDNA and microsatellite data indicated that postglacial recolonization by C. lavaretus in Denmark was less likely to have taken place from the Baltic Sea. Instead, the data suggested a recent common origin of all Danish whitefish populations, including North Sea houting, probably by recolonization via the postglacial Elbe River system. Estimates of genetic differentiation among populations based on mtDNA and microsatellites were qualitatively different. In addition, for both classes of markers analyses of genetic differentiation yielded different results, depending on whether molecular distances between alleles or haplotypes were included.  相似文献   

Deepwater sculpin, Myoxocephalus thompsoni (Girard), were sampled from six stations from the 15–100 m depth contours in Lake Michigan between April 1983 and July 1984. In south-eastern Lake Michigan M. thompsoni lay benthic eggs in offshore waters, which hatch between November and August, with peak hatching in March. Abundance of larvae in pelagic samples was higher offshore than inshore, but larval size was greater and development more advanced at inshore stations, indicating an inshore movement after hatching. Larvae reached metamorphosis at 20 mm and settled to the bottom beginning in July. Pelagic larvae 20–40 mm were found in the lower water column at all stations, but newly settled individuals were only captured with bottom trawls at inshore locations (≤60 m depth). Data from ichthyoplankton and bottom trawl samples in 1983 and 1984 indicated that locations for successful settlement of larvae to the bottom extended only as deep as the shallowest fringe of the adult population (> 50 m in 1983). In 1983, maximum density of larvae reached 0.4 individuals m−3 by June. Survival from the pelagic larval stage to the demersal young-of-year stage in 1983/1984 was c . 0.1–0.4%. The specific mechanism of mortality at the time of transition to a demersal habit has not been determined.  相似文献   

Most genetic surveys of parentage in nature sample only a small fraction of the breeding population. Here we apply microsatellite markers to deduce the genetic mating system and assess the reproductive success of females and males in an extensively collected, semi-closed stream population of the mottled sculpin fish, Cottus bairdi. In this species, males guard nest rocks where females deposit the eggs for fertilization. The potential exists for both males and females to mate with multiple partners and for males to provide parental care to genetically unrelated offspring. Four hundred and fifty-five adults and subadults, as well as 1,259 offspring from 23 nests, were genotyped at five polymorphic microsatellite loci. Multilocus maternal genotypes, deduced via genetic analyses of embryos, were reconstructed for more than 90% of the analysed nests, thus allowing both male and female reproductive success to be estimated accurately. There was no genetic evidence for cuckoldry, but one nest probably represents a takeover event. Successful males spawned with a mean of 2.8 partners, whereas each female apparently deposited her entire clutch of eggs in a single nest (mean fecundity = 66 eggs/female). On average, genetically deduced sires and dams were captured 1.6 and 9.3 metres from their respective nests, indicating little movement by breeders during the spawning season. Based on a 'genetic mark-recapture' estimate, the total number of potentially breeding adults (c. 570) was an order-of-magnitude larger than genetically based estimates of the effective number of breeders (c. 54). In addition, significantly fewer eggs per female were deposited in single than in multidam nests. Not only were perceived high-quality males spawning with multiple partners, but they were receiving more eggs from each female.  相似文献   

1. We used allozyme electrophoresis to compare Bythotrephes longimanus (Crustacea: Onychopoda: Cercopagididae) from recently founded North American populations with those from native European populations, and to examine changes in genetic structure of North American populations over time.
2. The genetic structure of North American populations in 1996 was similar to that of European populations, because of the disappearance of founder effects which distinguished North American from European populations in 1989.
3. The Lake Ladoga, Russia population was more closely related to North American populations than to other European populations, consistent with non-genetic evidence implicating Lake Ladoga as the source of North American populations.
4. Our results provide additional evidence of the presence of an invasion corridor that allows Urasian and Ponto-Caspian species to be introduced into North American freshwater ecosystems, and show that founder effects can erode over time following establishment of invasive species.  相似文献   

Uniparentally inherited mitochondrial (mt)DNA and chloroplast (cp)DNA microsatellites (cpSSRs) were used to examine population genetic structure and biogeographic patterns of bird-dispersed seed and wind-disseminated pollen of whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.). Sampling was conducted from 41 populations throughout the range of the species. Analyses provide evidence for an ancestral haplotype and two derived mtDNA haplotypes with distinct regional distributions. An abrupt contact zone between mtDNA haplotypes in the Cascade Range suggests postglacial biogeographic movements. Among three cpSSR loci, 42 haplotypes were detected within 28 cpSSR sample populations that were aggregated into six regions. Analysis of molecular variance (amova) was used to determine the hierarchical genetic structure of cpSSRs. amova and population pairwise comparisons (FST ) of cpSSR, and geographical distribution of mtDNA haplotypes provide insights into historical changes in biogeography. The genetic data suggest that whitebark pine has been intimately tied to climatic change and associated glaciation, which has led to range movements facilitated by seed dispersal by Clark's nutcracker (Nucifraga columbiana Wilson). The two hypotheses proposed to explain the genetic structure are: (i) a northward expansion into Canada and the northern Cascades in the early Holocene; and (ii) historical gene flow between Idaho and the Oregon Cascades when more continuous habitat existed in Central Oregon during the late Pleistocene. Genetic structure and insights gained from historical seed movements provide a basis on which to develop recovery plans for a species that is at risk from multiple threats.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region sequences were used to test the genetic and phylogeographic structure of walleye Stizostedion vitreum populations at different geographical scales: among spawning sites, lake basins, lakes, and putative glacial refugia in the Great Lakes region. Sequencing 199 walleye revealed nucleotide substitutions and tandemly repeated sequences that varied in copy number, as well as in sequence composition, in 1200 bp of the mtDNA control region. Variable numbers of copies of an 11-bp tandem repeat showed no geographical patterning and were not used in further analyses. Substitutions in the other areas of the control region yielded 19 haplotypes, revealing phylogeographic structure and significant differences among glacial refugia, lakes, basins and some spawning sites. Differences among spawning populations were consistent with reduced gene flow, philopatry and possible natal homing. Analysis of spawning populations showed consistency of genotypic frequencies among years and between males and females, supporting philopatry in both sexes. The unglaciated plateau in southern Ohio, USA housed a very different haplotype that diverged prior to the Missouri, Mississippi and Atlantic glacial refugia types. Haplotypes from the three refugia colonized the Great Lakes after retreat of the Wisconsin glaciers, and their present distribution reflects the geography of their prior isolation and differential colonization. Populations that became associated with spawning localities appear to have diverged further due to philopatry, resulting in fine-scale phylogeographic structuring.  相似文献   

Analyses of the genetic population structure of spotted seatrout Cynoscion nebulosus along the south‐eastern U.S. coast using 13 microsatellites suggest significant population differentiation between fish in North Carolina (NC) compared with South Carolina (SC) and Georgia (GA), with New River, NC, serving as an area of integration between northern and southern C. nebulosus. Although there is a significant break in gene flow between these areas, the overall pattern throughout the sampling range represents a gradient in genetic diversification with the degree of geographic separation. Latitudinal distance and estuarine density appear to be main drivers in the genetic differentiation of C. nebulosus along the south‐eastern U.S. coast. The isolation‐by‐distance gene‐flow pattern creates fine‐scale differences in the genetic composition of proximal estuaries and dictates that stocking must be confined to within 100 km of the location of broodstock collection in order to maintain the natural gradient of genetic variation along the south‐eastern U.S. coast.  相似文献   

  • 1 We examined spatial patterns in population characteristics (density, biomass, mean body length) and physiological condition (lipid content, length‐weight) of the amphipod Diporeia spp. in Lake Michigan by collecting samples at up to 85 sites in late summer 1994 and 1995. Variables were examined relative to water depth and three lake regions: south, central and north. Most major river systems are found in the south, and this region is more nutrient‐enriched compared to the north.
  • 2 Over all sites, mean density was 5240‐2, biomass was 4.1g dry wt m‐2, and mean body length was 5 mm. While maximum densities were related to depth, with a peak at 30–70 m, greatest densities occurred on the west side of the lake, and low densities were found in the south‐east, north‐east and lower Green Bay. High densities in the west probably resulted from upwelling, and reduced densities in the south‐east may reflect food competition with Dreissena polymorpha (zebra mussel).
  • 3 Lipid content, weight per unit length, and mean length declined with increased water depth, but depth‐related trends were most evident in the south. Overall, mean lipid content and weight per unit length were significantly lower in the south (16.6% dry wt, 0.59 mg at 5 mm body length) compared to the north (23.7% dry wt, 0.78 mg at 5 mm body length). These regional differences may have resulted from greater diatom availability in the north and competition from D. polymorpha in the south. Triacylglycerols and phospholipids were the dominant lipid classes in all three regions. Although the mean proportion of triacylglycerols, the energy‐storage lipid, was lower in the south than in the north, regional differences in proportions of lipid classes were not significant.
  • 4 Mean lipid content and weight per unit length of Diporeia in the south were lower than values found in the late 1980s prior to the establishment of Dreissena. Mean lipid content of mature individuals is now at levels considered a minimum for successful reproduction.

In this study, genetic variation was assessed in Aphanius fasciatus and Aphanius iberus characterized by similar ecological traits but with very different distribution ranges in the Mediterranean area. Five populations of A. iberus and five of A. fasciatus were analysed using five polymorphic microsatellite loci and partial mitochondrial control region (D‐loop) sequences. Congruent results were found with both nuclear and mitochondrial molecular markers. The results showed that similar levels of genetic divergence, based on mitochondrial control region sequences, are present among populations of A. iberus and among populations of A. fasciatus despite the very different geographic distance existing among the examined populations of the two species (low geographic distance in A. iberus and high in A. fasciatus). A possible explanation could be that the populations of A. iberus were isolated for a longer time than the populations of A. fasciatus supporting the hypothesis that the split in the lineage leading to A. iberus is older than the split in the lineage leading to A. fasciatus. The possibility that the wide circum‐Mediterranean distribution of A. fasciatus ensures the high connectivity of its populations, preventing, in some cases, local differentiation, however, cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Examination of the genetic structure of the vairone Telestes souffia based on 10 nuclear markers (microsatellites) revealed little-to-moderate genetic differentiation between geographically adjacent populations in the eastern part of Lake Constance in central Europe. Results emphasize the critically endangered status of this freshwater fish in the upper Rhine River system.  相似文献   

The plains topminnow Fundulus sciadicus is a freshwater killifish endemic to the Great Plains of North America. Rising concerns for future viability of this species have prompted recent changes in its conservation status. In this study, the results of a range-wide population genetic survey based on the sequence of entire mitochondrial control region (CR) are presented. A total of 181 fish were collected from 11 sites in Nebraska and 10 sites in Missouri spanning the distribution range of the species. Seven polymorphic sites were found in the 966 base pairs of the CR, and only nine unique haplotypes were detected among all fish. Phylogenetic analysis and statistical parsimony networks identified two distinct clades. The first included fish in the Osage, Gasconade and Spring River drainages in Missouri, while the second included individuals from Nebraska and the Lamine River in Missouri, although the Lamine River is much closer to the other Missouri sites than to the Nebraska sites. Pair-wise F ST and average population distances indicated that populations from most drainages are genetically distinct, as 93% of the total molecular variance was attributed to among-drainage effects. Four sites within the main distributions of this species and a highly disjunct site from the south-western portion of the range are suggested as potential targets for conservation.  相似文献   

Resolving the identity, phylogeny and distribution of cryptic species within species complexes is an essential precursor to management. The bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo, is a small coastal shark distributed in the Western Atlantic from North Carolina (U.S.A.) to southern Brazil. Genetic analyses based on mitochondrial markers revealed that bonnethead sharks comprise a species complex with at least two lineages in the Northwestern Atlantic and the Caribbean (S. tiburo and Sphyrna aff. tiburo, respectively). The phylogeographic and phylogenetic analysis of two mitochondrial markers [control region (mtCR) and cytochrome oxidase I (COI)] showed that bonnethead sharks from southeastern Brazil correspond to S. aff. tiburo, extending the distribution of this cryptic species >5000 km. Bonnethead shark populations are only managed in the U.S.A. and in the 2000s were considered to be regionally extinct or collapsed in southeast Brazil. The results indicate that there is significant genetic differentiation between S. aff. tiburo from Brazil and other populations from the Caribbean (ΦST = 0.9053, P < 0.000), which means that collapsed populations in the former are unlikely to be replenished from Caribbean immigration. The species identity of bonnethead sharks in the Southwest Atlantic and their relationship to North Atlantic and Caribbean populations still remains unresolved. Taxonomic revision and further sampling are required to reevaluate the status of the bonnethead shark complex through its distribution range.  相似文献   

Here, we present a study of the Pipistrellus pipistrellus species complex, a highly diversified bat group with a radiation centre in the Mediterranean biodiversity hotspot. The study sample comprised 583 animals from 118 localities representatively covering the bats' range in the western Palearctic. We used fast-evolving markers (the mitochondrial D-loop sequence and 11 nuclear microsatellites) to describe the phylogeography, demography and population structure of this model taxon and address details of its diversification. The overall pattern within this group includes a mosaic of phylogenetically basal, often morphologically distant, relatively small and mostly allopatric demes in the Mediterranean Basin, as well as two sympatric sibling species in the large continental part of the range. The southern populations exhibit constant size, whereas northern populations show a demographic trend of growth associated with range expansion during the Pleistocene climate oscillations. There is evidence of isolation by distance and female philopatry in P. pipistrellus sensu stricto. Although the northern populations are reproductively isolated, we detected introgression events among several Mediterranean lineages. This pattern implies incomplete establishment of reproductive isolating mechanisms in these populations as well as the existence of a past reinforcement stage in the continental siblings. The occurrence of reticulations in the radiation centre among morphologically and ecologically derived relict demes suggests that adaptive unequal gene exchange within hybridizing populations could play a role in speciation and adaptive radiation within this group.  相似文献   

Population structure and lineage diversification within a small, non‐dispersive hammerhead shark species, the bonnethead shark Sphyrna tiburo, was assessed. Sphyrna tiburo is currently described as one continuously distributed species along the Atlantic continental margins of North, Central and South America, but recent genetic analysis of an insular population (Trinidad) suggests the possibility of cryptic speciation. To address this issue S. tiburo were sampled at six sites along c. 6200 km of continuous, continental coastline and from one island location (Grand Bahama) across a discontinuity in their distribution (the Straits of Florida), in order to test if they constitute a single lineage over this distribution. A total of 1030 bp of the mitochondrial control region (CR) was obtained for 239 S. tiburo, revealing 73 distinct haplotypes, high nucleotide diversity (0·01089) and a pair of highly divergent lineages estimated to have separated 3·61–5·62 million years ago. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I and nuclear internal transcribed spacer loci show the same pattern. Divergence is similar within S. tiburo to that observed between established elasmobranch sister species, providing further evidence of cryptic speciation. A global AMOVA based on CR confirms that genetic diversity is primarily partitioned among populations (ΦST = 0·828, P < 0·001) because the divergent lineages are almost perfectly segregated between Belize and North America–The Bahamas. An AMOVA consisting solely of the North American and Bahamian samples is also significantly different from zero (ΦST = 0·088, P < 0·001) and pairwise FST is significantly different between all sites. These findings suggest that S. tiburo comprises a species complex and supports previous research indicating fine population structure, which has implications for fisheries management and biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

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