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We cloned three putative odorant receptor (OR) genes from the zebrafish to use as in situ hybridization probes to follow the temporal patterns of neurons expressing OR genes through a developmental progression from embryo (12 h postfertilization) to adult. The identification of these genes is supported by sequence homology to previously reported ORs and by the morphology and location of labeled cells in in situ hybridization experiments. Cells expressing OR mRNA were first observed in the olfactory placodes between 31 and 38 h after fertilization (fish reared at 26°C). Initially, only single cells were observed to hybridize the probe; the number of labeled cells increased throughout the remainder of embryogenesis and through postembryonic growth and morphogenesis of the olfactory organ. At all ages, the positively hybridizing cells were scattered throughout the olfactory epithelium but not in the nonsensory epithelium of the olfactory organ. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The behaviour and ecology of the zebrafish, Danio rerio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zebrafish Danio rerio, is an important model organism in developmental genetics, neurophysiology and biomedicine, but little is known about its natural ecology and behaviour. It is a small, shoaling cyprinid, native to the flood-plains of the Indian subcontinent, where it is found in shallow, slow-flowing waters. Zebrafish are group spawners and egg scatterers, although females are choosy with respect to sites for oviposition and males defend territories around such sites. Laboratory studies of zebrafish behaviour have encompassed shoaling, foraging, reproduction, sensory perception and learning. These studies are reviewed in relation to the suitability of the zebrafish as a model for studies on cognition and learning, development, behavioural and evolutionary ecology, and behavioural genetics.  相似文献   

Myogenesis is a fundamental process governing the formation of muscle in multicellular organisms. Recent studies in zebrafish Danio rerio have described the molecular events occurring during embryonic morphogenesis and have thus greatly clarified this process, helping to distinguish between the events that give rise to fast v. slow muscle. Coupled with the well-known Hedgehog signalling cascade and a wide variety of cellular processes during early development, the continual research on D. rerio slow muscle precursors has provided novel insights into their cellular behaviours in this organism. Similarly, analyses on fast muscle precursors have provided knowledge of the behaviour of a sub-set of epitheloid cells residing in the anterior domain of somites. Additionally, the findings by various groups on the roles of several molecules in somitic myogenesis have been clarified in the past year. In this study, the authors briefly review the current trends in the field of research of D. rerio trunk myogenesis.  相似文献   

Liver is one of the largest internal organs in the body and its importance for metabolism, detoxification and homeostasis has been well established. In this review, we summarized recent progresses in studying liver initiation and development during embryogenesis using zebrafish as a model system. We mainly focused on topics related to the specification of hepatoblasts from endoderm, the formation and growth of liver bud, the differentiation of hepatocytes and bile duct cells from hepatoblasts, and finally the role of mesodermal signals in controlling liver development in zebrafish.  相似文献   

AGAT, GAMT and CT1, three creatine synthesis and transport‐related molecules, have been widely studied in mammals. To explore their homologous genes in adult zebrafish Danio rerio, the gene expression patterns of these three genes in D. rerio were investigated. The results reveal that AGAT, GAMT and CT1 are expressed widely in diverse tissues of D. rerio where the homologous genes in mammals are also expressed.  相似文献   

To evaluate developmental plasticity in thermal tolerance of zebrafish Danio rerio , common-stock zebrafish were reared from fertilization to adult in the five thermal regimes (two stable, two with constant diel cycles and one stochastic diel cycle) and their thermal tolerance at three acclimation temperatures compared. The energetic cost of developing in the five regimes was assessed by measuring body size over time. While acclimation accounted for most of the variability in thermal tolerance, there were also significant differences among fish reared in the different regimes, regardless of acclimation. Fish reared in more variable environments (as much as ±6° C diel cycle) had a greater tolerance than those from non-variable environments at the same mean temperature. Fish from the more variable environments were also significantly smaller than those from non-variable environments. These results indicate that the thermal history of individual zebrafish induces irreversible changes to the thermal tolerance of adults.  相似文献   

Notch receptors are a family of cell‐surface proteins that regulate cell fate decisions and growth control. Human NOTCH1 gain‐of‐function mutations–deletions have been found in c. 60% of patients with T‐cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T‐ALL). Therefore, understanding the molecular mechanisms by which dysregulated Notch‐signalling induces leukaemia is of importance and may reveal novel targets for the development of more effective therapies. Zebrafish, Danio rerio, is an ideal model system to use for forward genetic screens to uncover pathways critical for transformation. Danio rerio also have the capacity for small molecule screening for drug discovery. rag2‐ICN1‐EGFP transgenic fish have been created that develop a T‐cell leukaemia, and these fish are now being used in genetic modifier screens.  相似文献   

Riggio M  Scudiero R  Filosa S  Parisi E 《Gene》2000,260(1-2):67-75
Full-length zebrafish cDNAs encoding two aspartic proteinases were cloned and sequenced. One of the two cDNAs was a 1708 bp product with an open reading frame of 398 amino acid residues corresponding to a cathepsin D. The other was a 1383 bp product encoding a polypeptide chain of 416 amino acids homologous to nothepsin, an aspartic proteinase first identified by us in the liver of Antarctic Notothenioidei. Gene expression assessed by RT–PCR and northern blot hybridization of RNA from different tissues showed that the expression was tissue- and sex-specific. Whereas the cathepsin D gene was expressed in all the tissues examined independently of the sex, the nothepsin gene was expressed exclusively in female livers.  相似文献   

Ahmed H  Du SJ  O'Leary N  Vasta GR 《Glycobiology》2004,14(3):219-232
Galectins are a family of beta-galactoside-binding lectins that on synthesis are either translocated into the nucleus or released to the extracellular space. Their developmentally regulated expression, extracellular location, and affinity for extracellular components (such as laminin and fibronectin) suggest a role in embryonic development, but so far this has not been unequivocally established. Zebrafish constitute an ideal model for developmental studies because of their external fertilization, transparent embryos, rapid growth, and availability of a large collection of mutants. As a first step in addressing the biological roles in zebrafish embryogenesis, we identified and characterized members of the three galectin types: three protogalectins (Drgal1-L1, Drgal1-L2, Drgal1-L3), one chimera galectin (Drgal3), and one tandem-repeat galectin (Drgal9-L1). Like mammalian prototype galectin-1, Drgal1-L2 preferentially binds to N-acetyllactosamine. Genomic structure of Drgal1-L2 revealed four exons, with the exon-intron boundaries conserved with the mammalian galectin-1. Interestingly, this gene also encodes an alternatively spliced form of Drgal1-L2 that lacks eight amino acids near the carbohydrate-binding domain. Zebrafish galectins exhibited distinct patterns of temporal expression during embryo development. Drgal1-L2 is expressed postbud stage, and its expression is strikingly specific to the notochord. In contrast, Drgal1-L1 is expressed maternally in the oocytes. Drgal1-L3, Drgal3, and Drgal9-L1 are expressed both maternally and zygotically, ubiquitously in the adult tissues. The distinct temporal and spatial patterns of expression of members of the zebrafish galectin repertoire suggest that each may play distinct biological roles during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Triclocarban (TCC), which is used as an antimicrobial agent in personal care products, has been widely detected in aquatic ecosystems. However, the consequence of TCC exposure on embryo development is still elusive. Here, by using zebrafish embryos, we aimed to understand the developmental defects caused by TCC exposure. After exposure to 0.3, 30, and 300 μg/L TCC from 4‐hour postfertilization (hpf) to 120 hpf, we observed that TCC exposure significantly increased the mortality and malformation, delayed hatching, and reduced body length. Exposure to TCC also affected the heart rate and expressions of cardiac development–related genes in zebrafish embryos. In addition, TCC exposure altered the expressions of the genes involved in hormonal pathways, indicating its endocrine disrupting effects. In sum, our data highlight the impact of TCC on embryo development and its interference with the hormone system of zebrafish.  相似文献   

Full-length cDNAs of a type I (zfCKI), and a type II (zfCKII) cytokeratin from the adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, were characterized and their expressions studied during early development and in the adult. The 1,426 bp long zfCKI cDNA encodes a 46.7 kD protein, whereas the 2,398 bp zfCKII cDNA encodes a protein of 58.6 kD. zfCKI and zfCKII each have a central rod domain that is characteristic of intermediate filaments and which share 73%-91% and 87%-93% similarity, respectively, with those of type I and type II cytokeratins from zebrafish, goldfish, and the rainbow trout. The central rod domains of zfCKI and zfCKII also contain the IF signature motif, IA[T/E]YR[K/R]LL[D/E]. zfCKI has, in addition, a leucine-zipper motif at a.a. residues 184-205 and 191-212. Both zfCKI and zfCKII mRNAs are expressed in the epidermis of the zebrafish. zfCKII mRNA was both maternally inherited and zygotically transcribed and was detected from the one-cell embryo to adult stages. zfCKII was also strongly expressed specifically during the 20-somites, protruding-mouth, and adult stages. In the adult, it was uniformly expressed in the skin, fins and scale epidermis. In contrast, zfCKI mRNA was undetectable in the oocyte but was zygotically transcribed from the epiboly stage onwards. Its expression in the skin was strong only up to the swimming larva stage and was weak and patchy in the adult. Both zfCKI and zfCKII were expressed in the neurons and glial cells of the brain and spinal cord. In the adult eye, zfCKI and zfCKII were expressed in the ganglion cell layer and the retina, but zfCKII was also strongly expressed in the cornea as well as in chondrocytes in the skull.  相似文献   

Understanding a wider range of genotype–phenotype associations can be achieved through ecological and evolutionary studies of traditional laboratory models. Here, we conducted the first large‐scale geographic analysis of genetic variation within and among wild zebrafish (Danio rerio) populations occurring in Nepal, India, and Bangladesh, and we genetically compared wild populations to several commonly used lab strains. We examined genetic variation at 1832 polymorphic EST‐based single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the cytb mitochondrial gene in 13 wild populations and three lab strains. Natural populations were subdivided into three major mitochondrial DNA clades with an average among‐clade sequence divergence of 5.8%. SNPs revealed five major evolutionarily and genetically distinct groups with an overall FST of 0.170 (95% CI 0.105–0.254). These genetic groups corresponded to discrete geographic regions and appear to reflect isolation in refugia during past climate cycles. We detected 71 significantly divergent outlier loci (3.4%) and nine loci (0.5%) with significantly low FST values. Valleys of reduced heterozygosity, consistent with selective sweeps, surrounded six of the 71 outliers (8.5%). The lab strains formed two additional groups that were genetically distinct from all wild populations. An additional subset of outlier loci was consistent with domestication selection within lab strains. Substantial genetic variation that exists in zebrafish as a whole is missing from lab strains that we analysed. A combination of laboratory and field studies that incorporates genetic variation from divergent wild populations along with the wealth of molecular information available for this model organism provides an opportunity to advance our understanding of genetic influences on phenotypic variation for a vertebrate species.  相似文献   

The zebrafish has become a major model system for biomedical research and is an emerging model for the study of behaviour. While adult zebrafish express a visually mediated shoaling preference, the onset of shoaling behaviour and of this preference is unknown. To assess the onset of these behaviours, we first manipulated the early social environment of larval zebrafish subjects, giving them three model shoaling partners of the same pigment phenotype. We then assayed the subjects' preferences using binary preference tests in which we presented subjects with two shoals, one shoal of fish exhibiting the same pigment pattern phenotype as their models and another shoal with a radically different pigment pattern. To determine whether or not the visually mediated preference could be altered once it was established, we further manipulated the social environment of a number of subjects, rearing them with one model shoal and testing them, then changing their social consorts and retesting them. Our results demonstrate that larval zebrafish shoal early in their development, but do not exhibit a shoaling preference until they are juveniles. Moreover, we find that the shoaling preference is stable, as changing the social environment of fish after they had acquired a preference did not change their preference. These data will facilitate investigations into the mechanisms underlying social behaviour in this vertebrate model system.  相似文献   

The authors show that co-injection at the one-cell stage of mRNA encoding a nuclear-targeted meganuclease I- Sce I together with expression cassettes flanked by cognate restriction sites results in efficient stable transgenesis in zebrafish Danio rerio .  相似文献   

The zebrafish (Danio rerio) has received considerable attention as a mainstream model for the molecular and genetic study of vertebrate development. In our laboratory, we have conducted a third-generation screen of chemically mutagenized zebrafish for recessive mutations affecting the visual system. This report describes the visible phenotypes and number of morphological mutants so far observed and presents a more detailed histological analysis of six of these mutations. Through analysis of mutant larvae, it was determined that several of the subtle morphological mutations resulted in degeneration of specific cellular layers of the retina. Other mutations resulted in some degeneration distributed diffusely across the entire retina or concentrated at the retinal margin. A single mutation affecting invagination of the optic cup and lens vesicle formation resulted in a failure to develop an anterior chamber. These results demonstrate the utility of a small-scale, highly focused screen for uncovering novel loci involved in retinal and eye development. Dev. Genet. 20:288–295, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The success of a robust vertebrate inflammatory response is in part because of the migratory potential of its haematopoietic components. Once these cells converge at an inflammatory site, they interact with each other as well as non‐immune tissues and infectious agents to help manage both the scale and the duration of any ensuing response. Exactly how these blood cells, that constitute the innate and adaptive immune systems, contribute to such immune responses remain largely unknown. Traditionally, assessing these contributions relied upon histological analysis of fixed tissue sections complemented with in vitro dynamic data. Although informative, translating results from these studies into the multicellular whole‐animal setting remain difficult. Recently, non‐invasive live imaging of the immune system in animal models is providing significant insights into how immune cells function within their intact natural environment. Although the majority of these studies have been conducted within mice, another vertebrate, the zebrafish Danio rerio is being recognized as an ideal platform for non‐invasive live imaging applications. The optical transparency, rapid development, genetic tractability and highly conserved innate and adaptive immune systems of this well‐established developmental model have been exploited in a number of recent studies evaluating the immunocompetence of fluorescently tagged blood cells. In addition, similar live imaging studies are helping to dissect the ontogeny of blood‐cell development by tracking various haematopoietic precursor cells to assess their contribution to different blood lineages. This review will examine some recent advances that have helped D. rerio emerge as a live imaging platform as well as its potential to offer valuable insights into the genetics behind diseases associated with immune cell dysfunction.  相似文献   

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