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A population of African tigerfish Hydrocynus vittatus from the Schroda Dam, actively prey on barn swallows Hirundo rustica in flight. This behaviour was discovered during a radio telemetry study and documented using a motion picture video camera. These results show that an avivorous diet is a part of the feeding biology of H. vittatus, and may occur in other populations.  相似文献   

The marine environment associated with the air-water interface (neuston) provides an important food source to pelagic organisms where subsurface prey is limited. However, studies on predator-prey interactions within this environment are lacking. Copepods are known to produce strong escape jumps in response to predators, but must contend with a low-Reynolds-number environment where viscous forces limit escape distance. All previous work on copepod interaction with predators has focused on a liquid environment. Here, we describe a novel anti-predator behaviour in two neustonic copepod species, where individuals frequently exit the water surface and travel many times their own body length through air to avoid predators. Using both field recordings with natural predators and high-speed laboratory recordings, we obtain detailed kinematics of this behaviour, and estimate energetic cost associated with this behaviour. We demonstrate that despite losing up to 88 per cent of their initial kinetic energy, copepods that break the water surface travel significantly further than those escaping underwater and successfully exit the perceptive field of the predator. This behaviour provides an effective defence mechanism against subsurface-feeding visual predators and the results provide insight into trophic interactions within the neustonic environment.  相似文献   

Dissection of freshly eaten prey suggests that the North Pacific daggertooth Anotopterus nikparini sever the spine of small prey with a single slashing blow. The bite marks indicate that the immobilized prey is manipulated and swallowed head first. Frequent evidence suggests daggertooth wound prey which are too large to consume whole by cutting off strips of flesh. In either case the wounds consist of a single prominent slash mark on one side and a series of inconspicuous marks on the opposite side. Retinal morphology provides supporting evidence that daggertooths are visual ambush predators that attack prey from below, and should be considered as epipelagic rather than mesopelagic fish. Visual acuity appears to be high, suggesting that frequent attacks on prey too large to be killed immediately is not error, but a well-defined feeding behaviour. The daggertooth may be a significant source of mortality for economically important fish such as all sizes of salmon.  相似文献   

Starry flounder Platichthys stellatus , a rare polymorphic flatfish exhibiting a large-scale geographic cline in the frequency of right-eyed (dextral) and left-eyed (sinistral) morphs, was studied to investigate whether foraging behaviour (turning angle and prey strike orientation) differed between dextral and sinistral laboratory-raised juveniles. Platichthys stellatus foraging on brine shrimp Artemia sp. nauplii tended to strike dorsally at prey ('left' to an observer for dextral flounder and 'right' to an observer for sinistral flounder), although this effect was stronger for sinistral fish. This dorsal tendency also increased with body size. Non-strike behaviours (movements between strikes) were ventrally biased for both morphs. Maximum turn angles were larger for both morphs towards the dorsal side than the ventral side during prey strikes but were the same during non-strike behaviours. The positioning of the eyes of the juvenile starry flounder was skewed towards the dorsal midline rather than being symmetrically placed between dorsal and ventral margins on the eyed side of each fish. The migrating eyes of dextral fish, however, were significantly closer to the dorsal midline than in sinistral fish. This, in addition to the more dorsally oriented prey strikes in sinistral fish, suggests that the morphs are not simple behavioural mirror images of one another and therefore may differ ecologically.  相似文献   

Differences in predator‐inspection behaviour between gravid and non‐gravid female as well as between male and female three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus were investigated. Gravid females confronted with a live rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss showed bolder inspection behaviour than non‐gravid ones. The behaviour of gravid females was comparable with that of males, maybe because both face a high risk of predation. The results indicate that antipredator behaviour in female G. aculeatus is not fixed but adjusted to their reproductive state.  相似文献   

Can ecological theory be used to improve water quality?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Maciej Gliwicz  Z. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):283-291
The role of ecology in environmental management has been more to warn of the dangers of pollution than to propose technical solutions for environmental problems, this being mostly left to chemists and engineers. Only limited aspects of the broad and diverse theory of ecology have been applied in the present bottom-up-control approach to water management (nutrient reduction). Another aspect of ecological theory which has recently become applicable is the top-down-control approach known as biomanipulation (promoting efficient herbivores). Both approaches are likely to be reinforced in the future by further application of ecological theory to water management. Of the multiple possibilities of applying ecological theory to environmental problems, one is the use of our knowledge on chemical communication in aquatic habitats, the phenomena by which prey detect the presence of their predators. I postulate that the phytoplankton standing crop might be reduced by chemical regulation of the physiology and life cycles of algae and cyanobacteria, as well as by chemical regulation of the behaviour and life histories of planktonic herbivores and their predators. At present planktivorous fish seem to be the most logical target for such chemical manipulation. A desirable effect, i.e. a reduction in algal standing crop, could be achieved by scaring fish from the lake pelagial thus releasing predation pressure on the offshore herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

In the present study the role of the nocturnal migration of bogue Boops boops shoals to anthropogenically modified shallow littoral locations was examined, evaluating four alternative hypotheses: (1) feeding, (2) reproduction, (3) attraction of B. boops to artificial light and (4) concealment in the darkness related to predation avoidance. All hypotheses apart from predation avoidance were rejected, as B. boops tended to concentrate in shaded locations of wider illuminated areas, a finding not only important concerning fish behaviour, but also with significant management implications.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to determine which sensory cues the mangrove rivulus Kryptolebias marmoratus, a quasi-amphibious, hermaphroditic fish, uses to orient in an unfamiliar terrestrial environment. In a laboratory setting, K. marmoratus were placed on a terrestrial test arena and were provided the opportunity to move toward reflective surfaces, water, dark colours v. light colours, and orange colouration. Compared with hermaphrodites, males moved more often toward an orange section of the test arena, suggesting that the response may be associated with camouflage or male–male competition, since only males display orange colouration. Younger individuals also moved more often toward the orange quadrant than older individuals, suggesting age-dependent orientation performance or behaviour. Sloped terrain also had a significant effect on orientation, with more movement downhill, suggesting the importance of the otolith-vestibular system in terrestrial orientation of K. marmoratus. By understanding the orientation of extant amphibious fishes, we may be able to infer how sensory biology and behaviour might have evolved to facilitate invasion of land by amphibious vertebrates millions of years ago.  相似文献   

Caliothrips phaseoli, a phytophagous insect, detects and responds to solar ultraviolet-B radiation (UV-B; λ ≤ 315 nm) under field conditions. A highly specific mechanism must be present in the thrips visual system in order to detect this narrow band of solar radiation, which is at least 30 times less abundant than the UV-A (315–400 nm), to which many insects are sensitive. We constructed an action spectrum of thrips responses to light by studying their behavioural reactions to monochromatic irradiation under confinement conditions. Thrips were maximally sensitive to wavelengths between 290 and 330 nm; human-visible wavelengths (λ ≥ 400 nm) failed to elicit any response. All but six ommatidia of the thrips compound eye were highly fluorescent when exposed to UV-A of wavelengths longer than 330 nm. We hypothesized that the fluorescent compound acts as an internal filter, preventing radiation with λ > 330 nm from reaching the photoreceptor cells. Calculations based on the putative filter transmittance and a visual pigment template of λmax = 360 nm produced a sensitivity spectrum that was strikingly similar to the action spectrum of UV-induced behavioural response. These results suggest that specific UV-B vision in thrips is achieved by a standard UV-A photoreceptor and a sharp cut-off internal filter that blocks longer UV wavelengths in the majority of the ommatidia.  相似文献   

Insect seed predators are important agents of mortality for tropical trees, but little is known about the impact of these herbivores in rainforests. During 3 years at Khao Chong (KHC) in southern Thailand we reared 17,555 insects from 343.2 kg or 39,252 seeds/fruits representing 357 liana and tree species. A commented list of the 243 insect species identified is provided, with details about their host plants. We observed the following. (i) Approximately 43% of identified species can be considered pests. Most were seed eaters, particularly on dry fruits. (ii) Approximately 19% of parasitoid species (all Opiinae) for which we could determine whether their primary insect host was a pest or not (all Bactrocera spp. breeding in fruits) can be considered beneficials. (iii) The seeds/fruits of approximately 28% of the plant species in this forest were free of attack. Phyllanthaceae, Rubiaceae and Meliaceae were attacked relatively infrequently; in contrast, Annonaceae, Fabaceae, Sapindaceae and Myristicaceae were more heavily attacked. There was no apparent effect of plant phylogeny on rates of attack but heavily attacked tree species had larger basal area in the KHC plot than rarely attacked tree species. (iv) Insects reared from fleshy fruits were more likely to show relatively stable populations compared to insects reared from dry fruits, but this was not true of insects reared from dipterocarps, which appeared to have relatively stable populations throughout the study period. We tentatively conclude that insects feeding on seeds and fruits have little effect on observed levels of host abundance in this forest.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2022,32(8):1675-1688.e7
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Previous exposure to predators influenced the survival immediately after settlement in a coral reef damselfish, Pomacentrus amboinensis . Rapid learning of antipredator behaviour may in part have driven the rapid increase in survival in the days following this critical transition.  相似文献   

We determined how turbidity affected the reactive distance and foraging success of smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieu. Smallmouth bass reactive distance decreased exponentially with increasing turbidity, from 65cm in clear water to 10cm at the highest turbidity. Turbidity significantly decreased the probability of a fish reacting to a prey item, but did not influence foraging success following reaction to the prey. Elevated turbidity may reduce stream fish foraging efficiency and decrease prey consumption.  相似文献   

A comparison of the size-frequency distribution of parasitic gnathiid isopod larvae in the diet of the cleaner fish Labroides dimidiatus and on six host fish species ( Chlorurus sordidus, Ctenochaetus striatus, Hemigymnus melapterus, Scolopsis bilineatus, Siganus doliatus, Thalassoma lunare ) was made on one occasion. The comparison was repeated with Hemigymnus melapterus on three occasions and between two islands in Australia. L. dimidiatus selected larger gnathiids at all times at Lizard Island but not at Heron Island. Size-selective predation by L. dimidiatus suggests any potential effect of cleaner fish on parasites may vary according to the size of parasite. However, this effect appears to vary spatially.  相似文献   

The response of a benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage to whole-lake biomanipulation was studied in a small Finnish mesotrophic lake. From 1993 to 1997, over 200 kg ha–1 of fish, mainly roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) and bream (Abramis brama (L.)) were caught and the fish biomass was reduced by nearly 80%. The biomass and density of benthic invertebrates were investigated during the years of fish removal and for the following three years. The decrease in benthivorous fish stock led to a higher biomass and density of all major groups of benthic invertebrates during the early years of fish removal. Non-biting midges (Chironomidae), water mites (Hydrachnellae), mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera), sphaeriid clams (Bivalvia: Sphaeridae) and biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) seemed to respond most profoundly to changes in fish biomass. The biomass of most invertebrate groups correlated negatively with the catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE). The total biomass and density of invertebrates had strong negative correlations with the CPUE (r= -0.85, p = 0.016, r = -0.84, p = 0.019, respectively), but they did not correlate significantly with total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, or temperature. However, the variation in total biomass that was not explained by the CPUE, was significantly associated with total phosphorus.The fish stock recovered to almost its initial level within three years after fish removal had been discontinued. As an apparent response to increased predation pressure, the biomasses of many invertebrate groups decreased again in the years 1999–2000. The strong relationship between macrozoobenthos and fish populations in the studied lake is likely to be a consequence of the open and sparsely vegetated bottom, which offers minimal shelter to invertebrate prey. An additional factor behind the recent low biomass levels may be changes in primary production. Phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations started to decrease markedly after three years of fishing and they have remained at a low level.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments investigated changes in the vulnerability of herring to predation by whiting during growth from <34 to >80mm in length, Premetamorphic herring (<50mm) failed to react to c . 50% of attacks by the predator, but this was reduced to c . 20% in postmetamorphic fish. Premetamorphic herring failing to react had c. 30% probability of survival due to unforced errors by the predator (unsuccessful attacks that did not elicit a reaction by the prey), but these errors did not occur after herring metamorphosis. The loss of the advantage of lower conspicuousness following metamorphosis was counterbalanced by increased reactivity. Antipredator benefits should increase with schooling behaviour (first evident in experiments at c . 50 mm), so predation mortality should decrease in postmetamorphic herring in the sea. Metamorphosis itself would be associated with high predation risk since conspicuousness is enhanced but reactivity and schooling behaviour are still not fully developed.  相似文献   

In four experiments conducted over a 6-year period, we investigated whether fathead minnows, Pimephales promelas, could acquire the ability to recognize chemical alarm cues of introduced brook stickleback, Culaea inconstans. A laboratory experiment documented that stickleback-naïve minnows did not exhibit an anti-predator response when exposed to the chemical alarm cues of stickleback. In a laboratory experiment conducted 5 years after the introduction of stickleback to the pond, minnows exhibited an antipredator response to stickleback cues. Moreover, in a field experiment the minnows exhibited avoidance of areas labelled with stickleback alarm cues. Minnows raised from eggs taken from the test pond did not exhibit an anti-predator response to stickleback cues while minnows from the test pond that had experience with stickleback cues did respond to stickleback cues. Our results provide clear evidence that cross-species responses to chemical alarm cues of fishes can be learned. Learned recognition of alarm cues has important implications for predator/prey interactions.  相似文献   

Shoal position can have a strong influence on individual fitness. Individuals in front positions of shoals were observed to have higher feeding rates than individuals elsewhere. Manipulation of nutritional state showed that hungry individuals had a stronger preference for front positions and that the duration of food-deprivation was positively correlated with the degree of the position preference. On the other hand, front positions (like other peripheral positions) probably incur costs in terms of increased predation risks. Experiments with Schreckstoff showed that frightened individuals seek the central part of the shoal. This suggests that individuals rotate their shoal positions according to the tradeoff between energy intake and predation risk.  相似文献   

Zooplankton of the fish pond reveals a two-year periodicity, which is induced by the two-year cycle of fishery management. In the first year of each cycle, the biomass of large cladocerans prevailed — mainly adult specimens of the species Daphnia pulicaria Forbes, which were absent in the second year. The species Daphnia galeata Sars was present in both years, however, it is more numerous in the second year. The fraction of small zooplankton (rotifers, nauplii, Bosmina, newborn Daphnia) was abundant in the second years, but scarce in the first years, respectively.  相似文献   

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