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The Republic of Albania has a rich diversity of flora and fauna. However, due to its political isolation, it has never been studied in great depth, and consequently, the existing list of butterfly species is outdated and in need of radical amendment. In addition to our personal data, we have studied the available literature, and can report a total of 196 butterfly species recorded from the country. For some of the species in the list we have given explanations for their inclusion and made other annotations. Doubtful records have been removed from the list, and changes in taxonomy have been updated and discussed separately. The purpose of our paper is to remove confusion and conflict regarding published records. However, the revised checklist should not be considered complete: it represents a starting point for further research.  相似文献   

Knowing how the diversity of sharks, rays and chimaeras (Chondrichthyes) is distributed helps us to design strategies to conserve these highly-vulnerable predators and their habitats. Here, we analyzed the spatial distribution of chondrichthyan species richness in the Southwest Atlantic (34–56oS), and its relationship with environmental variables and marine fronts, by using a dataset obtained before the major development of industrial trawling fisheries. We also explored the relationship between richness and reported catches of chondrichthyans from commercial, demersal fisheries. Generalized linear models were used to assess the relationship of species richness with environmental variables; with marine fronts and with commercial catches. Species richness increased towards the north, particularly close inshore and on the outer shelf, with cells of highest richness found north of 48oS. Dissolved oxygen was related negatively with richness; depth, latitude and longitude were also related with richness, but to a lesser extent. Chondrichthyan diversity hotspots, i.e. cells with richness higher than the 90% percentile of the richness distribution, were more likely to occur on marine fronts than elsewhere. High chondrichhtyan catches were significantly associated to hotspots, but low-catch areas were not related to coldspots, i.e. cells with less than the 10% percentile of the richness distribution. Areas of high richness of chondrichthyans coincide with high levels of catches and are used by other species of high conservation concern. Given the importance of these areas to multiple species in the Southwest Atlantic, any conservation strategy based on a network of protected areas should include marine fronts.  相似文献   

A systematic revision of the Malagasy frogs hitherto attributed to the Boophis difficilis group is presented. The difficilis holotype is not conspecific with other specimens hitherto named Boophis difficilis but belongs to the B. tephraeomystax group based on lack of webbing between fingers and the presence of heterogeneously granular ventral skin. Rhacophorus difficilis Boettger, 1892 is considered as junior synonym of Boophis tephraeomystax. The Boophis difficilis group is dissolved and its species are transferred to a new species group named after Boophis majori , the oldest of the included taxa. All species of the B. majori group, their type specimens, and their geographical distributions are revised based on new morphological, bioacoustic and ecological data. Five new species of the group from the eastern rainforests of Madagascar are described. Morphological differentiation within the B. majori group is low, although some species can be distinguished by characters such as snout-vent length, relative tympanum size, or coloration. The most reliable character for species identification are advertisement calls which are strikingly different between most species of the group. Species diversity in Boophis is highest in central eastern Madagascar and gets lower at the northern and southern borders of the island. Available data do not allow a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis of the B. majori group, but a northern subgroup of small species without red coloration and a southern subgroup of larger species with distinct red pigments can be distinguished. Osteological data for B. miniatus are provided. Within Boophis , representatives of all species groups except the B. tephraeomystax group are characterized by a synapomorphic reduction of the anterolateral hyoidal process.  相似文献   

Two species of the snakefly genus Mongoloraphidia Aspöck & Aspöck, 1968 from Japan and Taiwan are described as new to science: Mongoloraphidia (Japanoraphidia) occidentalis sp. nov. and Mongoloraphidia (Formosoraphidia) curvata sp. nov. A key to the species of Mongoloraphidia from Eastern Asia is provided. Phylogenetic and biogeographical aspects on the Raphidiidae from Eastern Asia are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the last taxonomic review of chondrichthyans of the world, we selected the species distributed in the north-western Atlantic Ocean (NWA) and compared it with the available published literature related to the class Chondrichthyes in the Venezuelan exclusive economic zone. We also revised information from worldwide databases such as: FAO (NWA-31 area), GBIF, iSpecies, IUCN and OBIS, as well as available museum collection databases. The taxonomic validity was checked using the Catalogue of Fishes of the California Academy of Sciences and recent references. The past published Venezuelan lists of chondrichthyans combined included nine orders, 30 families and 108 species. The updated list with 12 orders, 36 families and 122 species increased by three new orders, six families, three shark genera, nine shark species (one replacing another species), one chimaera genus, two chimaera species, three batoid genera and six batoid species (two replacing other species). Four holotype specimens (two sharks and two rays) are deposited in Venezuelan Museums. Most of the species have an IUCN conservation status, including four species catalogued as Critically Endangered, six as Endangered and 18 species as Vulnerable. Deep-sea fisheries, scientific exploration and taxonomic/genetic revisions might add future increments to the Venezuelan chondrichthyan list.  相似文献   

The Aleocharinae (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) of Ontario were reviewed in the context of recently studied material, primarily from insect surveys conducted by the University of Guelph Insect Collection (Ontario, Canada). Aleochara daviesi Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., Agaricomorpha websteri Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., Atheta (Microdota) alesi Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., Dinaraea backusensis Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n., and Strigota obscurata Klimaszewski & Brunke sp. n. are described as new to science. We also report 47 new Ontario records and 24 new Canadian records. Callicerus rigidicornis (Erichson) and Alevonota gracilenta (Erichson) are newly reported from North America as adventive species. A checklist, with Canadian distributions by province, of the 224 species of Aleocharinae known from Ontario is given. The following species are placed in subjective synonymy with Dexiogyia angustiventris (Casey): (Dexiogyia asperata (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia abscissa (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia tenuicauda (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia intenta (Casey) syn. n., Dexiogyia alticola (Casey) syn. n.). The following species are placed in subjective synonymy with Acrotona subpygmaea (Bernhauer): (Acrotona avia (Casey) syn. n., Acrotona puritana (Casey) syn. n.). Lectotypes are designated for Thiasophila angustiventris Casey, Thiasophila asperata Casey, Ischnoglossa intenta Casey, Oxypoda rubescans Casey, Chilopora americana Casey, Chilopora fuliginosa Casey, Coprothassa smithi Casey, Atheta subpygmaea Bernhauer, Colpodota puritana Casey, Strigota seducens Casey, Trichiusa compacta Casey, Trichiusa hirsuta Casey and Trichiusa robustula Casey.  相似文献   

Eight species of the Strongylophthalmyiidae are reported from Papua New Guinea. Of these, five species (Strongylophthalmyia gigantica sp. nov., S. papuana sp. nov., S. rubella sp. nov., S. sedlaceki sp. nov. and S. shatalkini sp. nov.) are described as new to science. Strongylophthalmyia puncticollis Frey is recorded for the first time from Papua New Guinea. Faunistic remarks, a key to the species of the Strongylophthalmyia in Papua New Guinea and a world checklist are provided.  相似文献   

Aim Anthropogenic climate change is expected to result in the complete loss of glaciers from the high mountains of tropical Africa, with profound impacts on the hydrology and ecology of unique tropical cold‐water lakes located downstream from them. This study examines the biodiversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) communities in these scarce Afroalpine lake systems, in order to determine their uniqueness in relation to lowland African lakes and alpine lakes in temperate regions, and to evaluate the potential of Afroalpine Chironomidae as biological indicators to monitor future changes in the ecological integrity of their habitat. Location Mount Kenya (Kenya) and Rwenzori Mountains (Uganda). Methods The species composition of Afroalpine chironomid communities was assessed using recent larval death assemblages extracted from the surface sediments of 11 high‐mountain lakes between 2900 and 4575 m. Results were compared with similar faunal data from 68 East African lakes at low and middle elevation (750–2760 m), and with literature records of Chironomidae species distribution in sub‐Saharan Africa, the Palaearctic region and elsewhere. All recovered taxa were fully described and illustrated. Results The 11‐lake analysis yielded 1744 subfossil chironomid larvae belonging to 16 distinct taxa of full‐grown larvae, and three taxa of less differentiated juveniles. Eleven of these 16 are not known to occur in African lakes at lower elevation, and eight taxa (or 50% of total species richness) appear restricted to the specific habitat of cold lakes above 3900 m, where night‐time freezing is frequent year‐round. The faunal transition zone coincides broadly with the Ericaceous zone of terrestrial vegetation (c. 3000–4000 m). Snowline depression during the Quaternary ice ages must have facilitated dispersion of cold‐stenothermous species among the high mountains of equatorial East Africa, but less so from or to the Palaearctic region via the Ethiopian highlands. Main conclusions Chironomid communities in glacier‐fed lakes on Africa's highest mountains are highly distinct from those of lowland African lakes, and potentially unique on a continental scale. By virtue of excellent preservation and their spatial and temporal integration of local community dynamics, chironomid larval death assemblages extracted from surface sediments are powerful biological indicators for monitoring the hydrological and ecological changes associated with the current retreat and loss of Africa's glaciers.  相似文献   

The ventral gill arch skeleton was examined in some representatives of batoid fishes. The homology of the components was elucidated by comparing similarities and differences among the components of the ventral gill arches in chondrichthyans, and attempts were made to justify the homology by giving causal mechanisms of chondrogenesis associated with the ventral gill arch skeleton. The ceratohyal is present in some batoid fishes, and its functional replacement, the pseudohyal, seems incomplete in most groups of batoid fishes, except in stingrays. The medial fusion of the pseudohyal with successive ceratobranchials occurs to varying degrees among stingray groups. The ankylosis between the last two ceratobranchials occurs uniquely in stingrays, and it serves as part of the insertion of the last pair of coracobranchialis muscles. The basihyal is possibly independently lost in electric rays, the stingray genus Urotrygon (except U. daviesi) and pelagic myiiobatoid stingrays. The first hypobranchial is oriented anteriorly or anteromedially, and it varies in shape and size among batoid fishes. It is represented by rami projecting posterolaterally from the basihyal in sawfishes, guitarfishes and skates. It consists of a small piece of cartilage which extends anteromedially from the medial end of the first ccratobranchial in electric rays. It is a large cartilaginous plate in most of stingrays. It is absent in pelagic myliobatoid stingrays. The remaining hypobranchial cartilages also vary in shape and size among batoid fishes. Torpedo and possibly the Jurassic Belemnobalis and Spathobatis possess the generalized or typical chondrichthyan ventral gill arch structure in which the hypobranchials form a Σ-shaped pattern. In the electric ray Hypnos and narkinidid and narcinidid electric rays, the hypobranchial components are oriented longitudinally along the mid-portion of the ventral gill arches. They form a single cartilaginous plate in the narkinidid electric rays, Narcine and Diplobatis. In guitarfishes and skates, the second hypobranchial is unspecialized, and in skates, it does not have a direct contact with the second ceratobranchial. In both groups, the third and fourth hypobranchials are composed of a small cartilage which forms a passage for the afferent branches of the ventral aorta and serve as part of the insertion of the coracobranchialis muscle. In sawfishes and stingrays, the hypobranchials appear to be included in the medial plate. In sawfishes, the second and third components separately chondrify in adults, but the fourth component appears to be fused with the middle medial plate. In stingrays, a large medial plate appears to include the second through to the last hypobranchial and most of the basibranchial copulae. The medial plate probably develops independently in sawfishes and stingrays. Because the last basibranchial copula appears to be a composite of one to two hypobranchials and at least two basibranchial copulae, the medial plate may be formed by several developmental processes of chondrogenesis. More detailed comparative anatomical and developmental studies are needed to unveil morphogenesis and patternings of the ventral gill arch skeleton in batoid fishes.  相似文献   

Thermoacidophilic cyanidia (Cyanidiales) are the primary photosynthetic eukaryotes in volcanic areas. These red algae also serve as important model organisms for studying life in extreme habitats. The global biodiversity and community structure of Cyanidiales remain unclear despite previous sampling efforts. Here, we surveyed the Cyanidiales biodiversity in the Tatun Volcano Group (TVG) area in Taiwan using environmental DNA sequencing. We generated 174 rbcL sequences from eight samples from four regions in the TVG area, and combined them with 239 publicly available rbcL sequences collected worldwide. Species delimita‐tion using this large rbcL data set suggested at least 20 Cyanidiales OTUs (operational taxono‐mic units) worldwide, almost three times the presently recognized seven species. Results from environmental DNA showed that OTUs in the TVG area were divided into three groups: (i) dominant in hot springs with 92%–99% sequence identity to Galdieria maxima; (ii) largely distributed in drier and more acidic microhabitats with 99% identity to G. partita; and (iii) primarily distributed in cooler microhabitats and lacking identity to known cyanidia species (a novel Cyanidiales lineage). In both global and individual area analyses, we observed greater species diversity in non‐aquatic than aquatic habitats. Community structure analysis showed high similarity between the TVG community and West Pacific‐Iceland communities, reflecting their geographic proximity to each other. Our study is the first examination of the global species diversity and biogeographic affinity of cyanidia. Additionally, our data illuminate the influence of microhabitat type on Cyanidiales diversity and highlight intriguing questions for future ecological research.  相似文献   

The distributional patterns of the seven species of Rhizoprionodon were analysed using the panbiogeographical method of track analysis. The individual tracks of Rhizoprionodon suggest that the genus is mainly an Indian–Atlantic Ocean group. Five generalized tracks were found: (1) Caribbean, defined by R. porosus and R. terraenovae; (2) eastern coast of South America, defined by R. porosus and R. lalandei; (3) Indian Ocean, defined by R. acutus and R. oligolinx; (4) north‐western Australia, defined by R. acutus, R. oligolinx and R. taylori; (5) north‐north‐eastern Australia, defined by R. acutus and R. taylori. Only R. longurio was not included in any generalized track, and its distribution is restricted to the eastern Pacific Ocean. Two biogeographical nodes were found at the intersection of the generalized tracks 1 and 2 (Caribbean Sea) and generalized tracks 4 and 5 (north Australia). The generalized tracks overlap with those found in several unrelated marine taxa. Overall, the generalized tracks are associated with warm currents. The biogeographical nodes found (Caribbean and Australian) are coincident with the global distribution of mangroves.  相似文献   

An overview of the Tipulidae known to occur in northern Morocco with an emphasis on the Rif mountains is given, incorporating new distribution data based on recently collected material in the area. Dolichopeza (Dolichopeza) hispanica, Tipula (Lunatipula) subpustulata, and Tipula (Yamatotipula) afriberia afriberia are recorded for the first time for the Rif. Tipula (L.) stimulosa Mannheims, 1973 and T. (Vestiplex) vaillanti vaillanti Theowald, 1977 are reported for the first time for the Rif and Morocco. Tipula (Lunatipula) pseudocinerascens Strobl, 1906 and Tipula (Savtshenkia) confusa van der Wulp, 1883 are recorded for the first time for the Rif, Morocco and North Africa. A new species of the subgenus Lunatipula, T. (L.) pjotri n. sp., is described and illustrated. Nephrotoma exastigma, previously reported for the Rif, seems to be absent in Morocco. Reports of Tipula (Emodotipula) obscuriventris Strobl, 1900 for Morocco actually refer to T. (E.) leo. This brings the number of Tipulidae for Morocco to 39 species and for the Rif to 28. An updated checklist of the Tipulidae of Morocco is provided.  相似文献   

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