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以二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)为代表的长链多不饱和脂肪酸,对人体心血管系统、神经系统、抗炎免疫系统等有着理想的功效,因而倍受研究者关注。我们从结构、生物来源和合成、生理功能及生物工程途径的研究现状等方面阐述了EPA和DHA的相关信息,并对其生成途径中涉及的酶进行了简要概述。  相似文献   

The role of acyl‐CoA‐dependent Δ6‐desaturation in the heterologous synthesis of omega‐3 long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids was systematically evaluated in transgenic yeast and Arabidopsis thaliana. The acyl‐CoA Δ6‐desaturase from the picoalga Ostreococcus tauri and orthologous activities from mouse (Mus musculus) and salmon (Salmo salar) were shown to generate substantial levels of Δ6‐desaturated acyl‐CoAs, in contrast to the phospholipid‐dependent Δ6‐desaturases from higher plants that failed to modify this metabolic pool. Transgenic plants expressing the acyl‐CoA Δ6‐desaturases from either O. tauri or salmon, in conjunction with the two additional activities required for the synthesis of C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids, contained higher levels of eicosapentaenoic acid compared with plants expressing the borage phospholipid‐dependent Δ6‐desaturase. The use of acyl‐CoA‐dependent Δ6‐desaturases almost completely abolished the accumulation of unwanted biosynthetic intermediates such as γ‐linolenic acid in total seed lipids. Expression of acyl‐CoA Δ6‐desaturases resulted in increased distribution of long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in the polar lipids of transgenic plants, reflecting the larger substrate pool available for acylation by enzymes of the Kennedy pathway. Expression of the O. tauriΔ6‐desaturase in transgenic Camelina sativa plants also resulted in the accumulation of high levels of Δ6‐desaturated fatty acids. This study provides evidence for the efficacy of using acyl‐CoA‐dependent Δ6‐desaturases in the efficient metabolic engineering of transgenic plants with high value traits such as the synthesis of omega‐3 LC‐PUFAs.  相似文献   

Hydrogen-bonded networks composed of guanidinium (G) and 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonate (NDS) have been developed for the selective inclusion and separation of fatty acid esters based on their degree of unsaturation. Porous crystalline networks have been synthesized and include fatty acid esters during crystallization from both methanol and 2-methoxyethanol. Crystalline networks formed in methanol are selective for the inclusion of saturates in preference to polyunsaturated fatty acid methyl esters, but their applicability is limited by the competing inclusion of the solvent methanol. In 2-methoxyethanol, a three-component host structure is formed that provides 4.1 x 4.7 A2 pores which are also selective for saturated fatty acid ester inclusion. These networks do not suffer from the competing inclusion of the solvent 2-methoxyethanol as is the case with methanol, and thus complete removal of initial saturated fatty acid 2-methoxyethyl esters is possible. Binary selectivity experiments on mixtures of the 2-methoxyethyl esters of saturated stearic acid and the omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid reveal that this three-component network structure provides nearly complete resolution of these two guests in the crystal and filtrate fractions. Separation of the 2-methoxyethyl esters of alpha-linolenic acid from the monounsaturated oleic acid is also possible, although with decreased efficiency in comparison to removal of the saturated fatty acid ester.  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum is a lipid‐rich marine diatom that contains a high level of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). In an effort to reduce costs for large‐scale cultivation of this microalga, this study first established a New BBM medium (0.3 x strength BBM with only 3% of the initial phosphate level) to replace the traditional F/2 medium. Phaeodactylum tricornutum could grow in extremely low phosphate concentrations (25 µM), without compromising the EPA content. In the presence of sea salts, silicate addition was not necessary for high rate growth, high EPA content, or lipid accumulation in this species. Using urea as the sole nitrogen source tended to increase EPA contents per dry biomass (by 24.7%) while not affecting growth performance. The use of sea salts, rather than just sodium chloride, led to significantly improved biomass yields (20% increase) and EPA contents of total fatty acid (46–52% increase), most likely because it supplied sufficient essential elements such as magnesium. A salinity level of 35 led to significantly higher biomass yields compared with 20, but salinity had no significant influence on EPA content. EPA became the dominant fatty acid with average levels of 51.8% of total fatty acids during the exponential growth phase at 20 ppt in New BBM medium with sea salts.  相似文献   

Rat pups deficient in n-3 fatty acids received an oral administration of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-rich, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)-free microalgal oil (DMO) or fish oil (FO). DMO administration almost restored liver EPA to the level of the control diet-fed dam’s pups, but FO administration did not. This suggests that EPA could be recovered in the liver, even though EPA-free DMO was supplemented.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton are the main source of energy and omega‐3 (n‐3) long‐chain essential fatty acids (EFA) in aquatic ecosystems. Their growth and biochemical composition are affected by surrounding environmental conditions, including temperature, which continues to increase as a result of climate warming. Increasing water temperatures may negatively impact the production of EFA by phytoplankton through the process of homeoviscous adaptation. To investigate this, we conducted an exploratory data synthesis with 952 fatty acid (FA) profiles from six major groups of marine and freshwater phytoplankton. Temperature was strongly correlated with a decrease in the proportion of n‐3 long‐chain polyunsaturated FA (LC‐PUFA) and an increase in omega‐6 FA and saturated FA. Based on linear regression models, we predict that global n‐3 LC‐PUFA production will be reduced by 8.2% for eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 27.8% for docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) with an increase in water temperature of 2.5 °C. Using a previously published estimate of the global production of EPA by diatoms, which contribute to most of the world's supply of EPA, we predict a loss of 14.2 Mt of EPA annually as a result of ocean warming. The n‐3 LC‐PUFA are vitally important for an array of key physiological functions in aquatic and terrestrial organisms, and these FA are mainly produced by phytoplankton. Therefore, reduced production of these EFA, as a consequence of climate warming, is predicted to negatively affect species that depend on these compounds for optimum physiological function. Such profound changes in the biochemical composition of phytoplankton cell membranes can lead to cascading effects throughout the world's ecosystems.  相似文献   

除草剂精喹禾灵用于硅藻过量产生二十碳五烯酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硅藻Nitzschia laevis是EPA很好的替代来源。除了对硅藻进行高密度培养外,EPA的产量还能利用除草剂来提高。本文研究了除草剂精喹禾灵对硅藻的生长和产EPA的影响。DMSO作为除草剂的溶剂,会对硅藻的生长造成抑制,DMSO在培养基中的添加量最好不要超过0.2%。除草剂能对硅藻的细胞形态造成损害,随着除草剂浓度的增加,硅藻的产量减低了,但脂质和EPA的含量提高了。当除草剂浓度为0.1mmol/L时,EPA的含量从3.00%增加到3.58%,提高了19.3%,EPA占总脂肪酸的含量也由25.15%提高到了32.88%。实验表明,除草剂精喹禾灵能促进硅藻EPA的积累,因而在筛选过量产生EPA微藻方面有重要用途。  相似文献   

There is a growing number of animal models and clinical trials of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFAs) supplementation in disease. Epidemiologic and biochemical studies have suggested beneficial effects of n-3 PUFAs. But also, the use of n-3 PUFAs has some potential toxicological risks that can be circumvented by careless processing, storing, and preserving the PUFAs. The use of n-3 PUFAs is safe if appropriate preparations and dosages are selected. Much research is needed to clarify their use under different disease conditions. The newly established clinical and nutritional facts on n-3 PUFAs will induce industry to develop food products based on this knowledge.  相似文献   

The synthesis and accumulation of omega‐3 long‐chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in transgenic Camelina sativa is demonstrated using the so‐called alternative pathway. This aerobic pathway is found in a small number of taxonomically unrelated unicellular organisms and utilizes a C18 Δ9‐elongase to generate C20 PUFAs. Here, we evaluated four different combinations of seed‐specific transgene‐derived activities to systematically determine the potential of this pathway to direct the synthesis of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in transgenic plants. The accumulation of EPA and the related omega‐3 LC‐PUFA eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA) was observed up to 26.4% of total seed fatty acids, of which ETA was 9.5%. Seed oils such as these not only represent an additional source of EPA, but also an entirely new source of the bona fide fish oil ETA. Detailed lipidomic analysis of the alternative pathway in Camelina revealed that the acyl‐substrate preferences of the different activities in the pathway can still generate a substrate‐dichotomy bottleneck, largely due to inefficient acyl‐exchange from phospholipids into the acyl‐CoA pool. However, significant levels of EPA and ETA were detected in the triacylglycerols of transgenic seeds, confirming the channelling of these fatty acids into this storage lipid.  相似文献   

In order to find new sources of arachidonic (AA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids, the composition of fatty acids was studied and lipid concentrations were determined in the thalluses of 32 species of red algae from Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan. The greatest level of EPA and a small concentration of AA were registered in the thalluses of Corallina pilulifera, Palmaria stenogona, Halosaccion yendoi, and Laurencia nipponica. Taking into consideration the level of the lipid concentrations in the algae, as well as their biomass and frequency of occurrence, the algae C. pilulifera, P. stenogona, L. nipponica, and Polysiphonia morrowii may be of interest as potential sources of EPA. Among the examined algae, only Gracilaria verrucosa showed a high level of AA.  相似文献   

EPA and DHA are not biologically equivalent; however, their individual activity on B cells is unknown. We previously reported fish oil enhanced murine B-cell activity in obesity. To distinguish between the effects of EPA and DHA, we studied the ethyl esters of EPA and DHA on murine B-cell function as a function of time. We first demonstrate that EPA and DHA maintained the obese phenotype, with no improvements in fat mass, adipose inflammatory cytokines, fasting insulin, or glucose clearance. We then tested the hypothesis that EPA and DHA would increase the frequency of splenic B cells. EPA and DHA differentially enhanced the frequency and/or percentage of select B-cell subsets, correlating with increased natural serum IgM and cecal IgA. We next determined the activities of EPA and DHA on ex vivo production of cytokines upon lipopolysaccharide stimulation of B cells. EPA and DHA, in a time-dependent manner, enhanced B-cell cytokines with DHA notably increasing IL-10. At the molecular level, EPA and DHA differentially enhanced the formation of ordered microdomains but had no effect on Toll-like receptor 4 mobility. Overall, the results establish differential effects of EPA and DHA in a time-dependent manner on B-cell activity in obesity, which has implications for future clinical studies.  相似文献   

以鱼油下脚料为原料.以固定化Geotrichum sp.脂肪酶为催化剂,选择性水解粗鱼油,使目标脂肪酸EPA和DHA富集于甘油骨架上,显著提高了甘油酯中EPA和DHA的质量分数。通过单因素试验和响应面分析得出最佳水解条件:2g粗鱼油,2.5g水,221.3U脂肪酶,30℃,反应11.7h。最佳条件下的水解度为42.1%。EPA和DHA质量分数分别为7.8%和41.1%。经过二次水解后,水解度提高到45.9%,EPA和DHA质量分数分别提高到8.5%和42%。与初始鱼油相比,分别提高了2倍和2.2倍。  相似文献   

Aim: To isolate eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) genes from Shewanella baltica MAC1 and to examine recombinant production of EPA and DHA in E. coli to investigate cost‐effective, sustainable and convenient alternative sources for fish oils. Methods and Results: A fosmid library was prepared from the genomic DNA of S. baltica MAC1 and was screened for EPA and DHA genes by colony hybridization using a partial fragment of the S. baltica MAC1 pfaA and pfaD genes as probes. Analysis of total fatty acids isolated from transgenic E. coli positive for pfaA and pfaD genes by gas chromatography and gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry indicated recombinant production of both EPA and DHA. Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequence for the isolated gene cluster showed 16 putative open reading frames (ORFs). Among those, four ORFs showed homology with pfaA, pfaB, pfaC and pfaD genes of the EPA and/or DHA biosynthesis gene clusters; however, the protein domains of these genes were different from other EPA/DHA biosynthesis genes. Conclusions: The EPA and DHA gene cluster was cloned successfully. The transgenic E. coli strain carrying the omega‐3 gene cluster was able to produce both EPA and DHA. The isolated gene cluster contained all the genes required for the recombinant production of both EPA and DHA in E. coli. Significance and Impact of the Study: These findings have implications for any future use of the EPA and DHA gene cluster in other micro‐organisms, notably those being used for fermentation. Recombinant production of both EPA and DHA by E. coli or any other micro‐organism has great potential to add economic value to a variety of industrial and agricultural products.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the interaction of high‐fat diets (HF) made with different dietary fatty acids and exercise on body‐weight regulation, adiposity, and metabolism. Research Methods and Procedures: Male Wistar rats born to dams fed HF diets (40% w/w) made with either fish oil (FO), soybean oil (SO), or palm oil (PO) were fed diets similar to their dams and divided randomly into exercise (EX, swimming) or sedentary control (SD) groups when they were 9 weeks old. EX lasted for 6 weeks. Twenty‐four hours after the last EX bout, fasted rats were killed by decapitation. Chemical analyses and body composition analysis were conducted. Results: The results demonstrated that different fatty acids had different effects on body weight, composition, and metabolism. SO‐fed rats gained the most weight and fat. EX reduced body weight of FO‐ and PO‐fed rats, but SO‐fed rats were still heavier and fatter than other rats. Data from SO‐ and PO‐fed rats suggested that they are insulin resistant and that EX normalized this abnormality. Of the three HF diets used, FO produced the least adverse effects compared with PO and SO. Discussion: Not only the quantity of dietary fat, but also the type of fat used, will produce different effects on body weight and metabolism. EX ameliorates the suggested insulin resistance induced in rats fed either highly saturated or n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Long‐chain n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, as found in fish oil, are more beneficial than n‐6 polyunsaturated fatty acids when fed in high amounts to rats.  相似文献   

Depression may be associated with impaired membrane PUFA composition, especially decreased n-3 PUFA. This assumption has not been tested at the level of brain tissue. Moreover, most studies were confounded by dietary variability. We examined the FA composition of selected brain areas in an animal model of depression, the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL) rat, and compared the findings with those in controls fed identical diets. In all brain regions studied, the concentration of arachidonic acid (AA) was significantly higher in the FSL rats: in the hypothalamus by 21%, in the nucleus accumbens by 24%, in the prefrontal cortex by 31%, and in the striatum by 23%. No significant differences were observed for n-3 PUFA or for the saturated and monounsaturated FAs. Our results confirm the existence of altered brain PUFA composition in an animal model of depression. The finding of increased AA, an n-6 PUFA, rather than decreased n-3 PUFA, emphasizes the importance of both PUFA families in the pathophysiological processes underlying depression. The FSL rat is a useful tool for further elucidation of the FA disturbances in depression.  相似文献   

The physiological roles of omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid have been investigated in detail and microbial strains producing these polyunsaturated fatty acids have been characterised. It has recently been suggested that docosapentaenoic acid may have an important role, especially in infant nutrition, and that its positive health effects have been overlooked. Docosapentaenoic acid (C22:5, ω-3) production by a strain of Pythium acanthicum ATCC 18660 was thus investigated. Optimum conditions for growth of P. acanthicum ATCC 18660 and docosapentaenoic acid production were: pH 6.0, temperature 20°C and incubation time, 10 days. Among different saccharides and complex nitrogen sources tested, glucose and sodium glutamate were preferred carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. Maximum biomass content (10.4 g L−1) and docosapentaenoic acid yield (49.9 mg L−1) were obtained in 10 days. An increase in docosapentaenoic acid volumetric yields to 108–110 mg L−1 was obtained when linseed oil was used to supplement glucose or soy flour-containing medium. Batch feeding of additional glucose or linseed oil further enhanced the docosapentaenoic acid volumetric yield to 132 mg L−1 and 125 mg L−1, respectively, in 14 days. The specific production of docosapentaenoic acid in preliminary experiments ranged from 1.0–5.0 mg g−1 biomass. As conditions were optimised, docosapentaenoic acid specific production titers were generally in the range of 4.0–5.5 mg g−1 and increases in docosapentaenoic acid volumetric production could be attributed to increased biomass production. The limited improvement obtained by modifying culture conditions indicates that increasing volumetric yields of docosapentaenoic acid by modifying culture conditions appears to represent a significant barrier to commercialisation of such a process and suggests a more fundamental manipulation of metabolism and physiology is required. Received 06 November 1997/ Accepted in revised form 10 January 1998  相似文献   

Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) is being explored as a therapy in neurological diseases and disorders. Although it is known that palmitate is the most abundant fatty acid in the brain while EPA is one of the lowest, the mechanism by which the brain maintains this balance is unclear. Therefore, to trace the metabolism of these fatty acids in the brain, (14) C-palmitate or (14) C-EPA was administered via intracerebroventricular infusion to rats. From 4 to 128 days post-infusion, brains were collected after head-focused, high-energy microwave irradiation for biochemical analysis. At day 4 post-infusion, 57% (82 ± 26 nCi) of the total phospholipid radioactivity in (14) C-palmitate-infused brains was intact palmitate; whereas in (14) C-EPA-infused brains, 9% (2 ± 0.9 nCi) of the radioactivity was intact EPA. The half-life of esterified (14) C-palmitate and (14) C-EPA was 32 ± 4 (2% loss per day) and 5 ± 0.2 days (14% loss per day), respectively. Radioactivity was also detected in other saturates, monounsaturates, and cholesterol, suggesting that the infused radiolabeled fatty acids were β-oxidized. In conclusion, the low concentration of EPA in brain phospholipids may be the result of extensive metabolism of EPA, in part by β-oxidation, upon entry into the brain and upon de-esterification from phospholipids.  相似文献   

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