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We investigated the occurrence pattern of the pond-living endangered cyprinid, Pseudorasbora pumila, and also compared its habitat characteristics with those of the congeneric invasive species, Pseudorasbora parva, in the contact zone. Comparison of 16 environmental variables among the P. pumila habitats, P. parva habitats, and unoccupied ponds revealed that conductivity was a common limitation factor of distribution of both species. We found that emergent vegetation occupancy along the pond bank was the most important factor determining P. pumila occurrence and that ponds with steep banks may have a low probability of containing P. parva. We constructed a logistic regression model to predict the establishment risk of P. parva in ponds occupied by P. pumila. The model demonstrated that more than half of the ponds exhibited a high establishment risk of P. parva. Principal component analysis using six parameters selected from stepwise logistic regression analysis revealed that seven unoccupied ponds had the potential to sustain P. pumila, suggesting that our study site is capable of supporting more P. pumila populations and expanding the current range.  相似文献   


The objective of this research is to determine the concentration and potential health risks of toxic metals in six most consumed freshwater fish species (Auchenoglanis occidentalis, Bagrus ubangensis, Citharinus gibbosus, Distichondus fasciolatus, Marcusenius moorii, and Schilbe mystus). A total of 126 samples of these fish species were collected from seven sites of Congo River in the vicinity of Kinshasa City, Democratic Republic of the Congo. Toxic metals (Cr, Co, Ni, Zn, Se, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, and Pb) levels in fish muscle tissues were determined using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry whereas Hg analysis was carried out using atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The maximum metal concentration (mg kg?1 wet weight) of Zn (59.72), Sb (5.98), and Pb (4.96) was detected in muscle tissues of M. moorii, C. gibbosus, and D. fasciolatus, respectively. Pb, Zn, and Hg values in many fish samples exceeded the permissible levels set by Food and Agriculture Organization and World Health Organization for human consumption. Given the concentrations of Pb in all fish species and Zn in M. moorii, human health implications are likely to occur on continuous consumption. Addition, the evaluation of potential health risks for fish consumers indicates that there may or not be adverse effects.  相似文献   

Summary A zooplankton community was established in outdoor experimental ponds, into which a vertebrate predator (topmouth gudgeon: Pseudorasbora parva) and/or an invertebrate predator (phantom midge larva: Chaoborus flavicans) were introduced and their predation effects on the zooplankton community structure were evaluated. In the ponds which had Chaoborus but not fish, small- and medium-sized cladocerans and calanoid copepods were eliminated while rotifers became abundant. A large-sized cladoceran Daphnia longispina, whose juveniles had high helmets and long tailspines as anti-predator devices, escaped from Chaoborus predation and increased. In the ponds which had fish but not Chaoborus, the large-sized Daphnia was selectively predated by the fish while small-and medium-sized cladocerans and calanoid copepods predominated. In the ponds containing both Chaoborus and fish, the fish reduced the late instar larvae (III and IV) of Chaoborus but increased the early instar larvae (I and II). Small- and large-sized cladocerans were scarcely found. The former might have been eliminated by predation of the early instar larvae of Chaoborus, while the latter was probably predated by fish. Consequently, the medium-sized cladocerans, which may have succeeded in escaping from both types of predator, appeared abundantly. The results suggest that various combinations of vertebrate and invertebrate predators are able to drive various kinds of zooplankton community structure.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to explore fish species diversity and understand some ecological aspects of the lakes of Golestan province, which represent a group of the small and rather isolated water bodies, from September 2000 to August 2002. With respect to environmental properties, there were no significant differences among wetlands. The results revealed that non-indigenous fish species are found to be dominant in the lakes. Of ten sampled species, four, including sharp belly Hemiculter leucisculus, silver crucian carp Carassius auratus, top mouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva, and mosquito fish Gambusia holbrooki, were non-indigenous. Observation of sharp belly and top mouth gudgeon represent actually the first record of these species in these lakes. Endemicism was highest in Adji-Gol (52.37% native) and much lower in Alma-Gol (10.20%) and Ala-Gol (20.43%). Species richness, diversity, and evenness were highest in Adji-Gol and lowest in Ala-Gol. Dominance of non-indigenous species could be explained by their wider ecological and physiological tolerance; therefore, if greater emphasis is not placed on the conservation of native fishes, these species could face continued declines or might be quietly lost in the lakes. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

We examined the influence of water chemistry on zooplankton community structure in the unvegetated zone (open water) and among different types of macrophytes (helophytes and elodeids) in 12 ponds located in two types of catchment area (mid‐forest and mid‐field). An equal occurrence of rotifers and crustaceans was found in mid‐field ponds, while rotifers prevailed over crustaceans in mid‐forest ponds which may have been due to phytoflagellate prevalence, contributing to diminishing the diversity index. We found variation in physical‐chemical features between both types of ponds with higher trophic status, confirmed by eutrophy indicators (K. quadrata or B. longirwostris) frequent occurrence, in the case of mid‐field ponds. The type of water body (forest vs. field) was the best predictor of zooplankton species distribution using DCA analysis. Two groups of zooplankton species were distinguished: (1) related to the mid‐forest ponds (representatives of genera: Cephalodella, Lepadella, Lecane, Trichocerca), where zooplankton densities positively correlated with chlorophyll a and CDOC and (2) related to the mid‐field ponds (representatives of genera: Keratella, Bosmina or Ceriodaphnia). Spatial differentiation of zooplankton community structure was also recorded with lower species diversity attributed to the open water zone compared to vegetated areas. Crustacean densities rose along the heterogeneity gradient of a habitat (from the open water to the zone of elodeids), which indicates the best refuge conditions in the most complex habitat during the daylight‐hours in the ponds with fish presence. Rotifers (especially those equipped with morphological adaptations againt predators) remained in the open water despite the presence of fish. (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The present study reports length–weight relationships (LWR) and length–length relationships (LLR) for five native freshwater fish species (Schizopygopsis younghusbandi, Triplophysa orientalis, T. tibetana, T. stewartii and T. stenura) and four introduced freshwater fish species (Pseudorasbora parva, Carassius auratus, Micropercops cinctus and Oryzias latipes) captured in the Lhasa River Basin, Tibet, China. Five of the LWRs are presented for the first time.  相似文献   

The species diversity and distribution of rotifers between different habitats (elodeids, helophytes and open water) of 34 field and 31 forest ponds, differing in regard to origin, size, depth, macrophyte cover, overshading and the presence of fish were examined (N = 381). 197 taxa were found in both types of ponds with 32 species being rare, endangered or new to Polish fauna. The species composition and Shannon‐Wiener index distribution reflected heterogeinity of the habitats, while rotifer mean densities revealed a reverse pattern in both types of water bodies. The great variability of limnological features contributed to a lack of significant differences in rotifer abundance between both types of water bodies. Although some rotifers preferred one specific type of water body (forest vs. field), the type of habitat was a much stronger predictor of their distribution, which reflects a necessity to examine ponds in relation to their microhabitats created by various macrophytes. Rotifers revealed a strict division into two groups – of pelagic origin (e.g., Polyarthra vulgaris), which were attributed to the open water and helophytes, and of littoral origin (e.g., Lepadella patella), which were associated with elodeids, biomass of a plant habitat and a lack of fish. The selective choice of the most complex habitat (elodeids) by only littoral species suggests the weak impact of fish in the studied ponds and the most advantageous conditions for littoral rotifers among such a habitat. The first group comprised species characteristic of field ponds, while the second was characteristic of forest ponds. (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Rotenone is used to clear ponds of unwanted organisms and trash fish which may predate on fish when the ponds are stocked. Toxicity tests using water extract of the leaves of Tephrosia vogelii Hook, which contains rotenone, were conducted on rotifers (Brachionus species), Cyclops, mosquito larvae (Culex species) and fish (Aphyosemion gardneri nigerianum) in static bioassays. The 48‐h LC50s were derived from probit curves using the probit‐analysis method, while chi‐square was used to test for significant differences between observed mean mortalities and predicted mean mortality values. These showed no significant differences (P > 0.05). The variance ratio of the replicates in each treatment also showed no significant difference (P > 0.05). The 48‐h LC50s were found to be 2.89, 1.04, 4.48 and 0.24 mg L?1 for rotifers, Cyclops, mosquito larvae and fish, respectively. The probit mortalities were positively correlated with the log‐concentration, except for the rotifers bioassay, which was negative. The fish, A. gardneri nigerianum, was the most sensitive; the mosquito larvae were the least sensitive.  相似文献   

Behavioral isolation is a common and potent mechanism of reproductive isolation. Determining the extent to which behavioral isolation varies with environmental conditions is critical to understanding speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries. Here, we tested the effect of salinity on behavioral isolation (female species recognition, male–male competition, and male species recognition) between two closely related killifish (Lucania goodei and L. parva) that differ in salinity tolerance. We performed no‐choice assays and behavioral trials where males could compete and court females in fresh water (0 ppt) and brackish water (15 ppt). We found high levels of behavioral isolation that did not vary as a function of salinity. In behavioral trials, male species recognition of females was strong and asymmetric between the two species. Lucania goodei males preferred conspecifics and rarely courted or mated with L. parva females. Lucania parva males preferred conspecifics but readily courted and mated with L. goodei females. This asymmetry matches previously documented asymmetries in hybrid offspring fitness. Crosses between L. parva males and L. goodei females produce fully viable/fertile hybrids, but crosses between L. goodei males and L. parva females produce males with reduced fertility. Hence, behavioral isolation may have evolved in part due to reinforcement.  相似文献   

  1. Freshwater species with complex life cycles face a trade-off between the risks of offspring mortality due to desiccation in temporary habitats and due to predators common in long-duration habitats, especially fish. In real-world conditions, intermediate-gradient areas that are highly suitable for some ecological specialists are often limited. I examined the relative significance of drivers of the permanence–predation gradient in habitat selection by pond-breeding anurans.
  2. Anuran oviposition was investigated at the community level in fish pond landscapes with only three types of habitat, permanent fish-containing ponds and highly desiccation-prone pools, either fishless or recently emptied of fish and with fish odour (fish cue). Altogether, 65 ponds/pools, interspersed in four clusters, were examined for the presence of egg masses.
  3. Bufo bufo was the only species preferring permanent ponds. Egg masses of Rana sp. (Rana arvalis/Rana temporaria) occurred in all fishless pools, and less frequently in the ponds. Bufotes viridis and long larval period species Pelobates fuscus and Hyla orientalis oviposited almost exclusively in fishless pools. Fish-cue pools were avoided by all species. Anuran richness was higher in fishless pools than in permanent ponds. Species distribution between the two habitats was nested, with both common and rare species occurring in fishless pools.
  4. The results indicate the primacy of offspring predation risk over hydroperiod constraints in oviposition decision-making by fish-intolerant anurans. The absence of some species from ponds and pools with fish or fish cues shows that non-consumptive interactions may better explain the scarcity of anuran larvae in waters dominated by fish than actual consumption. The strict avoidance of fish habitats despite their proximity to fishless patches indicates fine-scale assessment of predation risk. However, rigid habitat selection against fish predation on offspring may prove maladaptive if habitats with high desiccation risk are the main alternative and are indiscriminately preferred. Maintenance of fishless wetlands with a hydroperiod sufficient to allow completion of metamorphosis should be a conservation priority for anuran diversity in areas where fishless habitats are limited.

Life‐history variability of two non‐native centrarchids, pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, was evaluated in three stream stretches of the lower River Guadiana drainage (south‐west Iberian Peninsula) with different degrees of regulated flows. Abundance, condition and population structure differed among populations for both species, but invasion success was lower in the least regulated river. Lepomis gibbosus were abundant and had multiple age classes in the three river sites, whereas M. salmoides were less abundant and mainly represented by young‐of‐the‐year fish. Juvenile growth in L. gibbosus was similar in all three populations, though longevity was slightly greater in the population from the River Guadiana mainstream. Lepomis gibbosus exhibited a long reproductive season, but the duration of season, size at maturity and reproductive effort varied among populations. The life‐history differences found demonstrate the importance of species adaptation to local conditions which might favour their invasion success. Lepomis gibbosus were more adaptable and resilient to local conditions, whereas M. salmoides seemed dependent on reservoirs and large rivers for maintenance of riverine populations.  相似文献   

Gillnet size selectivity was studied for freshwater fish species, based on experimental fishing trials carried out with multimesh gillnets in lentic freshwater systems in Northern Greece. Selectivity estimates were based on a large range of mesh sizes, i.e. more than 10 different mesh sizes ranging from 8 to 90 mm bar length. Results showed that the model, in which both mean and standard deviation of the curve were defined as a linear function of the mesh size, revealed the best fit. For seven (i.e. Αlburnus sp. Volvi, Aspius aspius, Carassius gibelio, Lepomis gibbosus, Pachychilon macedonicum, Squalius prespensis and Vimba melanops) of the 11 studied species and the hybrid (Alburnus belvica × Rutilus prespensis), gillnet selectivity parameters were estimated for the first time, contributing to the evaluation of gillnet fisheries' impacts on fish species populations and consequently to fisheries management and species conservation.  相似文献   

The diet of the Iberian otter (Lutra lutra) was determined by analysing 547 spraints collected at 28 sites within a wide area invaded by centrarchid fishes (pumpkinseed sunfish, Lepomis gibbosus and largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides): the middle Guadiana basin (South-west Iberian Peninsula). Fish was the otters’ main prey, representing more than 60% of total individuals and more than 80% of total biomass. Otters preyed on most of the fish species captured in the field; however, the consumption of centrarchids was low compared to their abundance in the streams, and Jacobs’ index of preference showed a clear rejection of both species by the otter. Consumption of native fish genera (Squalius, Barbus and Chondrostoma) by otters increased in relation to their increase in the environment. In contrast, increasing numbers of L. gibbosus in the field was not reflected in otter consumption. The general decline of native freshwater fishes in Iberian rivers, the preferred prey of otters, together with the spread of exotic fish species (centrarchids and others) could put otter populations at risk.  相似文献   

Turner AM  Chislock MF 《Oecologia》2007,153(2):407-415
Studies in lakes show that fish and crayfish predators play an important role in determining the abundance of freshwater snails. In contrast, there are few studies of snails and their predators in shallow ponds and marshes. Ponds often lack fish and crayfish but have abundant insect populations. Here we present the results of field surveys, laboratory foraging trials, and an outdoor mesocosm experiment, testing the hypothesis that insects are important predators of pulmonate snails. In laboratory foraging trials, conducted with ten species of insects, most insect taxa consumed snails, and larval dragonflies were especially effective predators. The field surveys showed that dragonflies constitute the majority of the insect biomass in fishless ponds. More focused foraging trials evaluated the ability of the dragonflies Anax junius and Pantala hymenaea to prey upon different sizes and species of pulmonate snails (Helisoma trivolvis, Physa acuta, and Stagnicola elodes). Anax junius consumed all three species up to the maximum size tested. Pantala hymenaea consumed snails with a shell height of 3 mm and smaller, but did not kill larger snails. P. acuta were more vulnerable to predators than were H. trivolvis or S. elodes. In the mesocosm experiment, conducted with predator treatments of A. junius, P. hymenaea, and the hemipteran Belostoma flumineum, insect predators had a pronounced negative effect on snail biomass and density. A. junius and B. flumineum reduced biomass and density to a similar degree, and both reduced biomass more than did P. hymenaea. Predators did not have a strong effect on species composition. A model suggested that A. junius and P. hymenaea have the largest effects on snail biomass in the field. Given that both pulmonate snails and dragonfly nymphs are widespread and abundant in marshes and ponds, snail assemblages in these water bodies are likely regulated in large part by odonate predation.  相似文献   

Pseudorasbora pumila pumila was collected to investigate its genetic relationships from 11 localities in Hokkaido and eastern Honshu of Japan with Pseudorasbora parva from 6 localities in Hokkaido, eastern Honshu, and Polovynka River (a tributary of the Amur River in eastern Russia) in 1996–1998. In Hokkaido and Akita prefectures (Honshu), three P. pumila pumila populations were distributed with P. parva sympatrically. Samples of P. pumila pumila and P. parva were analyzed based on 27 allozyme loci. Genetic differentiation between P. pumila pumila and P. parva (D = 0.522–0.622, average 0.601) was almost equal to or greater than that between other congeneric fish species previously reported. In the three sympatric populations of two species, which had arisen from artificial transplantation of the latter into localities of the former, the individual frequency composition of genetic types (P. pumila pumila, P. parva, F1 hybrid, and later filial generation hybrid) were significantly different from each other. Differing from the previous studies, F1 hybrids were fertile and coexisting populations of the two species included the F1 hybrid and the later filial generation hybrid. These results suggest that genetic population dynamics of sympatric populations of the two species would be influenced not only by hybridization but also by ecological and environmental factors. Alternatively, the existence of populations that possessed both the alleles specific to P. pumila pumila and those specific to P. parva may indicate that introgressive hybridization, instead of species displacement, has occurred between the two species under a certain condition.  相似文献   

When a species is introduced in a new territory its parasites may also follow, thus forming a sort of biotic unit. We propose the term symbiota to indicate this host–parasite complex. This concept is at the basis of the present research in which 11 species of alien and native freshwater fish were collected by electrofishing in the Po river area (Northern Italy). The alien host fish Ictalurus melas and Silurus glanis were parasitized by only one monogenean species each. Lepomis gibbosus, of North American origin, hosted four monogeneans and Carassius carassius three. All these parasites should be considered as alien species, except those collected from C. carassius that should be considered in part natives and in part aliens.  相似文献   

Invasive fish species impact aquatic ecosystems and modify native communities, often leading to a decline in local species. These ecological impacts include the transmission of pathogens, predation, competition as well as hybridization. Two invasive fish species, the common bleak Alburnus alburnus and the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorabora parva, have both been recently found co-occurring in several regions of southern Europe, such as the Italian Arno River. Nonetheless, the trophic relationships among invasive fish species, especially cyprinids, remain poorly understood, and no studies have reported the trophic interaction between these two species. This study compared length–weight relationship and used stomach content and stable isotope analysis of two co-occurring populations in the Arno River to characterize the growth and overlap of potential trophic niches. It also found similar allometric growth in both species, a wider generalist trophic niche for P. parva and a more specialized niche for A. alburnus. A considerable niche overlap was found, suggesting that feeding competition can occur if resources were to be limited. Moreover, the niche of P. parva was more likely to overlap with that of A. alburnus than vice versa, suggesting that P. parva can be considered as a potential over competitor. Nonetheless, the authors found in the overlapping populations no evidence of realized competition, probably avoided through a combination of fine-scale mechanisms. They also highlighted that these two invasive species can co-exist and share resources, at least in an open ecosystem like a river, thus potentially doubling up their trophic impact on local communities.  相似文献   

Changes in biomass of several macroalgae [Ulva rotundata Bliding; Gracilariopsis longissima (S. G. Gmel.) Steentoft, L. M. Irvine et Farnham; Ulva intestinalis L.; and Cladophora sp.] and marine plants (Zostera noltii and Ruppia cirrhosa) growing naturally in earthen ponds of a fish farm (Acuinova, San Fernando, Southern Spain) were recorded during a year. The farm is mainly devoted to the culture of gilthered seabream (Sparus aurata). The most conspicuous algal species thriving in the ponds was U. rotundata, which reached densities up to 600 g dry mass · m−2 and produced up to 20.45 g C · m−2 · d−1. Dissolved nutrients (phosphate and ammonium), tissue nutrient content, and growth rates of this species were estimated during 2001 and 2002. Evidence of natural biomitigation by U. rotundata when water circulates throughout the fish farm is presented. Due to the fish cultivation, both phosphate and ammonium increased as water circulated from the preculture ponds to the postculture ponds. As a consequence, U. rotundata tissue nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) increased from algae growing in preculture ponds to algae growing in the outflow channel, so that mean C:N:P ratio varied from 773:57:1 in preculture ponds to 567:64:1 in the outflow channel. Phosphorus limited growth of U. rotundata during the spring. As growth rates increased as a function of tissue P, data were fitted to the Droop equation. From this equation, the estimated maximal growth rate was 0.295 ± 0.041 d−1, the subsistence quota was 0.05 ± 0.01% P of dry mass, and the critical quota was 0.215% P of dry mass. The results suggest that management of the fish farm based on a large-scale integrated mariculture system of fish and macroalgae may increase the total ecological and economic benefits, both for the farm and for the environment.  相似文献   

The present work analyzes the relationship between length and weight for 28 fish species belonging to 16 families in Celestun lagoon, a natural marine reserve located in southeast Mexico that is influenced by freshwater seeps. With interrupted periods, a total of 14 846 specimens were collected from 1990 to 2006. The most abundant species were Eucinostomus argenteus, Eucinostomus gula, Anchoa mitchilli and Lagodon rhomboides. Exponents varied around b = 3.17 at P < 0.001, indicating a preference for isometric relationships. This study presents the first estimation of LWR for four species (Menidia colei, Lucania parva, Floridichthys polyommus, Garmanella pulchra) and the maximum length record for F. polyommus (19.5 cm standard length) that is greater than previously recorded.  相似文献   

R. E. MacMillen 《Oecologia》1981,49(3):340-343
Summary Among four species of Hawaiian Honeycreepers, three from Hawaii (Vestiaria coccinea, 15.0 g; Himatione sanguinea, 12.9 g; Loxops virens, 10.7 g) and one from Kauai (Loxops parva, 7.9 g), standard metabolic rate (in ml O2/g·h) was positively related to body mass, the opposite of that predicted by conventional endothermic allometry. SMR of V. coccinea conformed to the predicted value, but in the remaining species was progressively reduced below expected levels as body mass decreased. All four species occur predominantly in Metrosideros collina forests, where their preferred food is the nectar of its blooms. At least on Hawaii and during periods of moderate bloom the species are aligned along a dominance hierarchy, with the largest species most dominant and most successful at nectar exploitation. I believe that nonconformancy of SMR with body mass in the smaller species reflects an energy-conserving measure, the degree of which is dictated by social position and relative success in nectar exploitation.  相似文献   

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