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Examining the movement ecology of mesopredators is fundamental to developing an understanding of their biology, ecology and behaviour, as well as the communities and ecosystems they influence. The limited research on the residency and movements of benthic marine mesopredators has primarily used visual tags, which do not allow for the efficient and accurate monitoring of individual space use. In this study, the authors investigated the residency and movement patterns of Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni (Meyer 1793) at a breeding aggregation site in Jervis Bay, south-eastern Australia, using passive acoustic telemetry to further our understanding of the movement ecology of these important mesopredators. Between 2012 and 2014, individuals were tagged with acoustic transmitters, and their residency and movements within the bay were monitored for up to 4 years. H. portusjacksoni showed strong preferences for particular reefs within and between breeding seasons. Males had significantly higher residency indices at their favoured sites relative to females, suggesting that males may be engaging in territorial behaviour. Conversely, female H. portusjacksoni exhibited higher roaming indices relative to males indicating that females may move between sites to assess males. Finally, H. portusjacksoni showed temporal variation in movements between reefs with individuals typically visiting more reefs at night relative to the day, dusk and dawn corresponding with their nocturnal habits.  相似文献   

Egg capsules of the Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni were examined during underwater visual census surveys at two sites in New South Wales, Australia, during the 2002–2005 reproductive seasons (austral winter). Embryonic mortality was high (0·783–0·896 per annum) with the majority (99·2%) resulting from predation. The crested horn shark Heterodontus galeatus and common tent shell Astralium tentoriformis (Gastropoda, Turbinidae) were positively identified as egg predators. Gastropod predation was insignificant, accounting for only 2·0 and 2·1% of total mortality at Terrigal Haven and Dent Rock, respectively. Most capsules appeared to have been depredated by large predatory fishes with the eastern blue groper Achoerodus viridis (Labridae) and the black stingray Dasyatis thetidis (Dasyatidae) as possible candidate predators. The rate of embryonic mortality in H. portusjacksoni is higher than that reported for other oviparous elasmobranchs. This high level of mortality has significant consequences for the conservation and management of this species, especially when combined with an understanding of their low fecundity, late maturity and protracted reproductive life.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether captive-reared juvenile Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni choose to aggregate and if familiarity is one of the mechanisms driving social preference. In a controlled binary-choice experiment, juvenile sharks were given the option to associate or not with unfamiliar conspecifics, or to associate or not with familiar conspecifics. In neither group did juvenile H. portusjacksoni actively choose to associate with conspecifics, but familiarity decreased the proportion of time spent near a conspecific only during the initial phase of the experiment. Treatment (1 or 3 shoal mates), sex and size had no effect on aggregation behaviour. These findings suggest that familiarity is not a driver of social preferences in juvenile H. portusjacksoni, contrary to results in another shark species. Additionally, adult H. portusjacksoni form large aggregations during the breeding season and actively associate with familiar sex and size-matched individuals, thus our results suggest the species undergoes an ontogenetic shift in social behaviour.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology and ecology of the Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni was investigated at three locations on the central and southern coast of New South Wales (NSW), Australia from January 2002 to December 2005 using underwater visual census surveys and samples obtained from a commercial fishery. Adults displayed sexual dimorphism in total length ( L T) at sexual maturity, with males maturing between 762 and 772 mm L T and females between 902 and 905 mm L T. The mean ovarian fecundity was estimated at 16 offspring per female but was unrelated to female L T. Male gonado-somatic ( I G) and hepato-somatic ( I H) indices and female I G declined from July to November as did maximum ovarian follicle diameter and the diameter of the three largest follicles. Adults were absent from inshore reefs between December and July. Hence, H. portusjacksoni has a synchronous annual breeding season in NSW, which occurs between July and November (the austral winter to spring), with a peak in oviposition from August to October. Heterodontus portusjacksoni copulatory and ovipository behaviour are reported for the first time. Copulation was observed and involved oral grasping of the female's pectoral fin by a single male, which wrapped his body around hers to insert one clasper. Ovipositing females appeared to search crevices in the reef prior to delivering a single capsule, which was washed into the crevice by water movement, with the female departing very soon after oviposition. This study represents the first rigorously quantitative analysis of H. portusjacksoni reproductive biology and ecology in NSW waters.  相似文献   

The longitudinal veins of the trunk of the Port Jackson shark exhibit low venous pressures and blood flow is facilitated by four subsidiary mechanisms. The sucking action of the heart is augmented by the presence of single flap valves at the central ends of certain longitudinal veins. The flexion of the trunk in swimming transfers blood from the dorsal aorta to the caudal vein; both the segmental arteries and the segmental veins are valved at their origins from the main vessels. Movement of the median dorsal fins and of the tail pumps blood from cutaneous veins to the caudal vein by the compression and dilation of valved venous reservoirs located close to radial muscles. Movement of the rectum generates negative pressures in certain cutaneous veins. A division of the trunk venous system, into abdominal and postpelvic regions is suggested on functional and anatomical grounds.  相似文献   

The oviparous Port Jackson shark Heterodontus portusjacksoni embryo has a long incubation of 10–11 months during which it undergoes major morphological changes. Initially the egg capsule is sealed from the external environment by mucous plugs in either end of the capsule. Four months into incubation, the egg capsule opens to the surrounding sea water. Fifteen stages of development are defined for this species, the first 10 occur within the sealed capsule, the remaining five after capsule opening to hatching. The functional significance of major definitive characters such as circulation within the yolk membrane and embryo, rhythmic lateral movement of the embryo, external gill filaments, heart activity, internal yolk supplies, egg jelly and the significance of the opening of the egg capsule are described. The egg jelly in the sealed capsule functions to mechanically protect the embryo during early development, however, it eventually creates a hypoxic environment to the embryo as the available oxygen is used up. This generates several physiological challenges to the developing embryo. It is able to overcome these problems by morphological changes such as increasing the effective surface area for gaseous exchange with the development of external gill filaments, fins and extensive circulation in both the embryo and attached external yolk sac. These adaptations become limiting as the embryo grows and respiratory needs outweigh the available oxygen. At this time, the mucous plugs dissolve and the capsule becomes open to the external environment.  相似文献   

Synopsis The genital ducts ofHeterodontus portusjacksoni consist of the sperm carrying ducts (the rete testis, ductuli efferentes, and initial and terminal segments of the ductus epididymidis) and the Leydig glands (anterior opisthonephros). The ducts are lined by a ciliated epithelium which maintains a barrier to the transport of solute between blood and the lumen of the duct. Spermatozoa, Sertoli cell bodies, Sertoli cell cytoplasts and cellular debris are released from spermatocysts into the longitudinal canal of the rete testis. However, only the Sertoli cell cytoplasts persist throughout the sperm ducts. The epithelia lining the initial segment of the ductus epididymidis and secretory tubules of the Leydig glands are specialized for protein secretion and (particularly the Leydig glands) must be the main source of luminal protein in the ductus epididymidis. The epithelium lining the terminal segment of the ductus epididymidis also secretes protein, reabsorbs fluid and sodium, and may carry out heterophagic digestion. Spermatozoa develop the capacity for motility in the extratesticular sperm ducts, but do not undergo structural changes. However, they form spherical bundles in the terminal segment of the ductus epididymidis. It is suggested that the reduction in ratio of sodium:potassium from 48:8 in the ductuli efferentes to 3:4 in the distal end of the terminal segment of the ductus epididymidis may favour sperm survival.  相似文献   

The muscle and liver fatty acid composition of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni were investigated to determine the effects of a known dietary lipid source v. maternal input as demonstrated by egg yolk fatty acid profiles. Ten Heterodontus portusjacksoni egg yolks were collected in situ and compared with four hatched H. portusjacksoni fed a known diet in a controlled feeding experiment of 185 days. This study demonstrated that fatty acids are probably conservatively transferred from egg yolks to YOY H. portusjacksoni, while diet did not have a large effect on the fatty acid composition of the liver or muscle.  相似文献   

The time taken for oxytetracycline to be incorporated as an intense, discrete band was determined by examining vertebrae and dorsal fin spines of Heterodontus portusjacksoni that were injected with oxytetracycline 2–180 days post-treatment. Oxytetracycline was visible in dorsal fin spines 2 days after treatment and 3 days after treatment in sectioned vertebrae. A distinct mark could not be identified in unsectioned vertebrae.  相似文献   

Distinguishing the factors that influence activity within a species advances understanding of their behavior and ecology. Continuous observation in the marine environment is not feasible but biotelemetry devices provide an opportunity for detailed analysis of movements and activity patterns. This study investigated the detail that calibration of accelerometers measuring root mean square (RMS) acceleration with video footage can add to understanding the activity patterns of male and female Port Jackson sharks (Heterodontus portusjacksoni) in a captive environment. Linear regression was used to relate RMS acceleration output to time‐matched behavior captured on video to quantify diel activity patterns. To validate captive data, diel patterns from captive sharks were compared with diel movement data from free‐ranging sharks using passive acoustic tracking. The RMS acceleration data showed captive sharks exhibited nocturnal diel patterns peaking during the late evening before midnight and decreasing before sunrise. Correlation analysis revealed that captive animals displayed similar activity patterns to free‐ranging sharks. The timing of wild shark departures for migration in the late breeding season corresponded with elevated diel activity at night within the captive individuals, suggesting a form of migratory restlessness in captivity. By directly relating RMS acceleration output to activity level, we show that sex, time of day, and sex‐specific seasonal behavior all influenced activity levels. This study contributes to a growing body of evidence that RMS acceleration data are a promising method to determine activity patterns of cryptic marine animals and can provide more detailed information when validated in captivity.  相似文献   

Resting Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni with dorso-lateral pit organs ablated oriented with a mean angle of 263° to the current direction in a flume. This was significantly different ( P <0·01) to controls (normal and sham operated) who had a pooled mean angle of 44° to the current. Thus the dorso-lateral pit organs of H. portusjacksoni , like the free neuromasts of some teleosts, provide sensory information for rheotaxis.  相似文献   

Differences in how individuals cope with stressful conditions (e.g. novel/unfamiliar environment, social isolation and increases in human contact) can explain the variability in data collection from nutrient digestibility trials. We used the collared peccary (Pecari tajacu), which is under process of domestication and shows high individual behavioral distinctiveness in reactions toward humans, to test the hypothesis that behavioral differences play a role in nutrient digestibility. We assessed the individual behavioral traits of 24 adult male collared peccaries using both the ‘behavioral coding’ and the ‘subjective ratings’ approaches. For the behavioral coding assessment, we recorded the hourly frequency of behaviors potentially indicative of stress during the 30-day habituation period to the experimental housing conditions. The subjective ratings were performed based on the individuals’ reactions to three short-term challenge tests (novel environment, novel object and threat from a capture net) over a period of 56 days. During the last 26 days, the collared peccaries were fed diets either high (n = 12) or low (n = 12) in dietary fiber levels, and we determined the total tract apparent digestibility of nutrients. The individual subjective ratings showed consistency in the correlated measures of ‘relaxedness’, ‘quietness’ and ‘satisfaction’ across the three challenge tests, which were combined to produce z score ratings of one derived variable (‘calmness’). Individual frequency of BPIS/h and calmness scores were negatively correlated and both predicted the total tract digestibility of acid detergent fiber (ADF), which ranged from 0.41 to 0.79. The greater the calmness z scores (i.e. calmer individuals), the greater the total tract digestibility of ADF. In contrast, the higher the frequency of BPIS/h, the lower the total tract digestibility of ADF. Therefore, our results provide evidence that by selecting calmer collared peccaries, there will be an increase in their capacity to digest dietary fiber.  相似文献   

One explanation for animal personality is that different behavioural types derive from different life-history strategies. Highly productive individuals, with high growth rates and high fecundity, are assumed to live life at a fast pace showing high levels of boldness and risk taking, compared with less productive individuals. Here, we investigate among-individual differences in mean boldness (the inverse of the latency to recover from a startling stimulus) and in the consistency of boldness, in male hermit crabs in relation to two aspects of life-history investment. We assessed aerobic scope by measuring the concentration of the respiratory pigment haemocyanin, and we assessed fecundity by measuring spermatophore size. First, we found that individuals investing in large spermatophores also had high concentrations of haemocyanin. Using doubly hierarchical-generalized linear models to analyse longitudinal data on startle responses, we show that hermit crabs vary both in their mean response durations and in the consistency of their behaviour. Individual consistency was unrelated to haemocyanin concentration or spermatophore size, but mean startle response duration increased with spermatophore size. Thus, counter to expectations, it was the most risk-averse individuals, rather than the boldest and most risk prone, that were the most productive. We suggest that similar patterns should be present in other species, if the most productive individuals avoid risky behaviour.  相似文献   

Post‐copulatory sexual selection, and sperm competition in particular, is a powerful selective force shaping the evolution of sperm morphology. Although mounting evidence suggests that post‐copulatory sexual selection influences the evolution of sperm morphology among species, recent evidence also suggests that sperm competition influences variation in sperm morphology at the intraspecific level. However, contradictory empirical results and limited taxonomic scope have led to difficulty in assessing the generality of sperm morphological responses to variation in the strength of sperm competition. Here, we use phylogenetically controlled analyses to explore the effects of sperm competition on sperm morphology and variance in sharks, a basal vertebrate group characterized by wide variation in rates of multiple mating by females, and consequently sperm competition risk. Our analyses reveal that shark species experiencing greater levels of sperm competition produce sperm with longer flagella and that sperm flagellum length is less variable in species under higher sperm competition risk. In contrast, neither the length of the sperm head and midpiece nor variation in sperm head and midpiece length was associated with sperm competition risk. Our findings demonstrate that selection influences both the inter‐ and intraspecific variation in sperm morphology and suggest that the flagellum is an important target of sexual selection in sharks. These findings provide important insight into patterns of selection on the ejaculate in a basal vertebrate lineage.  相似文献   

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