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Age, growth rates and hatching dates were determined for juvenile common snook, Centropomus undecimalis, collected in several Puerto Rican estuarine systems. Two growth models (von Bertalanffy and power curve) were used and compared based on the fitting, the residual distribution and homogeneity of variances. A multiple linear regression was also fit to predict age from otolith weight, fish weight and standard length. Hatching dates back-calculated from age estimates, suggested that spawning occurs throughout the year but peaks from May to October. Early juveniles (age < 100d) recruited during the wet season (August to November) showed a significantly higher growth rate (0.67mmd–1) than the dry season (December to July) recruits (0.41mmd–1). These results are compared with snook collected in west Florida.  相似文献   

This study reports descent of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar fry from their natal streams to brackish waters of the Baltic Sea and their use of this environment as an alternative rearing habitat before ascending back to freshwater streams. To the authors' knowledge, residency in a brackish environment has not previously been demonstrated in S. salar fry. Recruitment success and evolutionary significance of this alternative life‐history strategy are presently not known.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Diapause is common among insects and is regarded as an adaptive response to periodic occurrence of adverse conditions. It occurs at a particular developmental stage, typically only once in a lifetime. However, little is known about the details of the control mechanism of life cycles with multiple diapauses in insects. In this study, a complex 2-year life cycle with three types of diapause is reported in a subtropical cockroach, Symploce japonica : a winter diapause in mid-nymphal instars, a summer diapause in later nymphal instars, and a reproductive diapause is reported in the adult stage. Nymphal development was extremely slow either at short days (winter diapause) or long days (summer diapause). Nymphs in summer diapause matured rapidly when transferred from long days to short days, indicating that seasonal changes in day-length are the pivotal factor in the control of this life cycle. It is proposed that the main significance of winter diapause in this subtropical species is to enable the nymphs to survive the mild winter successfully with reduced energy demand, and that of summer diapause is to delay adult emergence until late in the autumn for successful induction of the following adult diapause. Adults do not emerge until shortly before winter, yet the presence of diapause in the adult stage does not simply appear to be a response to cope with the winter conditions but, instead, ensures that reproduction will occur early the next year, before summer, because reproduction is greatly hampered at high temperature.  相似文献   

Juvenile sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka that were reared and smolted in laboratory conditions were found to produce otolith daily increments, as well as a consistently visible marine‐entry check formed during their transition to salt water. Field‐collected O. nerka post‐smolts of an equivalent age also displayed visible checks; however, microchemistry estimates of marine‐entry date using Sr:Ca ratios differed from visual estimates by c. 9 days suggesting that microstructural and microchemical processes occur on different time scales.  相似文献   

Stream-dwelling fish populations have long served as important models of animal movement. Populations of adult stream-dwelling fishes are generally composed of a mix of relatively sedentary and mobile individuals. However, we do not know whether this pattern that we typically observe among adults is indicative of patterns of movement that occur throughout the life cycle. Therefore, we do not know whether we can apply these patterns to understanding or predicting processes such as migration and thus the potential for the evolution of genetic differences among populations. We test the general hypothesis that patterns of movement throughout the life cycle are consistent with patterns of movement inferred by indirect genetic methods and, more specifically, that the characteristics of the mobile fraction of the population are consistent with patterns of genetic differentiation. We used parentage analyses to infer the movements of alevin brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) in Freshwater River, Newfoundland, Canada, and a capture-recapture study of one cohort in this population to infer movement throughout the rest of the life cycle. We found that alevins move large distances shortly after emergence, primarily in the downstream direction, and that the population is composed of a mix of relatively sedentary and mobile individuals throughout all other intervals of the life cycle. In contrast, when we considered movements of individuals first captured as juveniles and eventually recovered as reproductively mature adults, we found relatively large and uniform distributions of net movement distance. Thus, heterogeneity in individual movement of adults is not representative of patterns of movement throughout the life cycle and therefore may provide only limited inference of population-level processes such as gene flow.  相似文献   

Deleterious effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity have been demonstrated in numerous taxa. Although parasites represent a large part of worldwide biodiversity, they are mostly neglected in this context. We investigated the effects of various anthropogenic environmental changes on gastrointestinal parasite infections in four small mammal hosts inhabiting two landscapes of fragmented dry forest in northwestern Madagascar. Coproscopical examinations were performed on 1,418 fecal samples from 903 individuals of two mouse lemur species, Microcebus murinus (n = 199) and M. ravelobensis (n = 421), and two rodent species, the native Eliurus myoxinus (n = 102) and the invasive Rattus rattus (n = 181). Overall, sixteen parasite morphotypes were detected and significant prevalence differences between host species regarding the most common five parasites may be explained by parasite–host specificity or host behavior, diet, and socioecology. Ten host‐ and habitat‐related ecological variables were evaluated by generalized linear mixed modeling for significant impacts on the prevalence of the most abundant gastrointestinal parasites and on gastrointestinal parasite species richness (GPSR). Forest maturation affected homoxenous parasites (direct life cycle) by increasing Lemuricola, but decreasing Enterobiinae gen. sp. prevalence, while habitat fragmentation and vegetation clearance negatively affected the prevalence of parasites with heterogenic environment (i.e., Strongyloides spp.) or heteroxenous (indirect cycle with intermediate host) cycles, and consequently reduced GPSR. Forest edges and forest degradation likely change abiotic conditions which may reduce habitat suitability for soil‐transmitted helminths or required intermediate hosts. The fragility of complex parasite life cycles suggests understudied and potentially severe effects of decreasing habitat quality by fragmentation and degradation on hidden ecological networks that involve parasites. Since parasites can provide indispensable ecological services and ensure stability of ecosystems by modulating animal population dynamics and nutrient pathways, our study underlines the importance of habitat quality and integrity as key aspects of conservation.  相似文献   

In the context of sea‐level rise (SLR), an understanding of the spatial distributions of mangrove flora and fauna is required for effective ecosystem management and conservation. These distributions are greatly affected by tidal inundation, and surface elevation is a reliable quantitative indicator of the effects of tidal inundation. Most recent studies have focused exclusively on the quantitative relationships between mangrove‐plant zonation and surface elevation, neglecting mangrove fauna. Here, we measured surface elevation along six transects through the mangrove forests of a subtropical estuarine wetland in Zhenzhu Bay (Guangxi, China), using a real‐time kinematic global positioning system. We identified the mangrove plants along each transect and investigated the spatial distributions of arboreal, epifaunal, and infaunal molluscs, as well as infaunal crabs, using traditional quadrats. Our results indicated that almost all mangrove forests in the bay were distributed within the 400–750 m intertidal zone, between the local mean sea level and mean high water (119 cm above mean sea level). Mangrove plants exhibited obvious zonation patterns, and different species tended to inhabit different niches along the elevation gradient: Aegiceras corniculatum dominated in seaward locations while Lumnitzera racemosa dominated in landward areas. Mangrove molluscs also showed distinct patterns of spatial zonation related to surface elevation, independent of life‐form and season. The spatial distributions of some molluscs were correlated to the relative abundances of certain mangrove plants. In contrast, the spatial distributions of crabs were not related to surface elevation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to explicitly quantify the influences of surface elevation on the spatial distributions of mangrove fauna. This characterization of the vertical ranges of various flora and fauna in mangrove forests provides a basic framework for future studies aimed at predicting changes in the structure and functions of mangrove forests in response to SLR.  相似文献   

Diadromous fish have exhibited a dramatic decline since the end of the 20th century. The allis shad (Alosa alosa) population in the Gironde-Garonne-Dordogne (GGD) system, once considered as a reference in Europe, remains low despite a fishing ban in 2008. One hypothesis to explain this decline is that the downstream migration and growth dynamics of young stages have changed due to environmental modifications in the rivers and estuary. We retrospectively analysed juvenile growth and migration patterns using otoliths from adults caught in the GGD system 30 years apart during their spawning migration, in 1987 and 2016. We coupled otolith daily growth increments and laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry measurements of Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca, and Mn:Ca ratios along the longest growth axis from hatching to an age of 100 days (i.e., during the juvenile stage). A back-calculation allowed us to estimate the size of juveniles at the entrance into the brackish estuary. Based on the geochemistry data, we distinguished four different zones that juveniles encountered during their downstream migration: freshwater, fluvial estuary, brackish estuary, and lower estuary. We identified three migration patterns during the first 100 days of their life: (a) Individuals that reached the lower estuary zone, (b) individuals that reached the brackish estuary zone, and (c) individuals that reached the fluvial estuary zone. On average, juveniles from the 1987 subsample stayed slightly longer in freshwater than juveniles from the 2016 subsample. In addition, juveniles from the 2016 subsample entered the brackish estuary at a smaller size. This result suggests that juveniles from the 2016 subsample might have encountered more difficult conditions during their downstream migration, which we attribute to a longer exposure to the turbid maximum zone. This assumption is supported by the microchemical analyses of the otoliths, which suggests based on wider Mn:Ca peaks that juveniles in 2010s experienced a longer period of physiological stress during their downstream migration than juveniles in 1980s. Finally, juveniles from the 2016 subsample took longer than 100 days to exit the lower estuary than we would have expected from previous studies. Adding a new marker (i.e., Ba:Ca) helped us refine the interpretation of the downstream migration for each individual.  相似文献   

Uptake and use of energy are of key importance for animals living in temperate environments that undergo strong seasonal changes in forage quality and quantity. In ungulates, energy intake strongly affects body mass gain, an important component of individual fitness. Energy allocation among life‐history traits can be affected by internal and external factors. Here, we investigate large‐scale variation in body growth patterns of Alpine chamois Rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra, in relation to sex, age, temperature, and habitat variations across 31 (sub)populations in the Central European Alps. Taking advantage of an exceptionally large dataset (n = 178,175) of chamois hunted over 27 consecutive years between 1993 and 2019 in mountain ranges with different proportions of forest cover, we found that (i) patterns of body mass growth differ between mountain ranges, with lower body mass but faster mass growth with increasing proportion of forest cover and that (ii) the effect of spring and summer temperatures on changes in body growth patterns are larger in mountain ranges with lower forest cover compared to mountain ranges with higher forest cover. Our results show that patterns of body mass growth within a species are more plastic than expected and depend on environmental and climatic conditions. The recent decline in body mass observed in Alpine chamois populations may have greater impacts on populations living above the treeline than in forests, which may buffer against the effects of increasing temperatures on life‐history traits.  相似文献   

Juveniles of two Acentrogobius species collected in a mangrove estuary in Sikao Creek, southern Thailand, were identified by morphological and molecular methods. A total of 1315 Acentrogobius specimens were collected and grouped into types A (n = 1107, 4·4–12·0 mm standard length, LS) (melanophore absent or indistinct on posterodorsal contour of caudal peduncle; two rows of melanophore blotches on lateral midline) and B (n = 208, 4·8–12·6 mm LS) (distinct melanophore on posterodorsal contour of caudal peduncle; a single row of melanophore blotches on lateral midline). Based on the reverse series method, the melanophore patterns of larger juveniles were linked with the smallest specimens possessing adult characters. The homogeneities of mitochondrial cytochrome b region sequences between the two juvenile types and adult Acentrogobius species collected in the study area indicated type A to be A. kranjiensis (homogeneity between type A and A. kranjiensis: 99·3–100%), and type B to be A. malayanus (homogeneity between latter 98·1 and 99·7%). No Acentrogobius juveniles were collected from the surf zone outside the creek mouth, both species apparently spending most of their life histories within the estuarine habitat. During their pelagic phase, A. kranjiensis and A. malayanus dispersed in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the creek. On the other hand, occurrence patterns during the benthic phase of A. kranjiensis and A. malayanus differed, the former showing upstream movement and the latter downstream movement with growth. These results emphasize the necessity of analysing early fish life histories at the species level, and the collaboration between morphological and molecular methods should prove valuable in accurately identifying of larvae and juveniles.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Opisoplatia orientalis is an ovoviviparous cockroach living in the subtropical areas in Japan. Both adults and nymphs overwinter on Hachijo Island (33°N). The nymphs sampled before and after overwintering showed a similar pattern in frequency distribution of head widths with a definite peak of fifth instars. The present study was conducted to determine how this pattern was formed by investigating the effects of photoperiod and temperature on development and reproduction. Photoperiod influenced the number of nymphal instars, resulting in a longer duration of nymphal development at LD 12 : 12 h than at LD 16 : 8 h. However, the rate of development at each instar was only affected to a small extent by photoperiod and no sign of diapause was detected. It was suggested that the photoperiodic response controlling the number of nymphal instars might have evolved to adjust the timing of adult emergence and reproduction to the favourable season. The prereproductive period and time intervals between nymph depositions were prolonged as temperature declined, but there was no evidence for diapause in adults. Mortality occurred in eggs and embryos inside of the body of the females during winter. Thus, it was inferred that female adults would reset ovarian development in spring and deposit nymphs in summer simultaneously, and these nymphs would reach the fifth instar before winter comes. This winter mortality hypothesis was supported by experiments in which reproductive activity and mortality were monitored for field-collected adults under either constant or changing temperature conditions simulating those in the field.  相似文献   

亚热带分层水库固氮微生物时空分布格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丽娜  陈辉煌  刘乐冕  余正  杨军 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5827-5837
生物固氮作用是水生态系统氮元素的重要来源途径之一,通常通过固氮微生物实现。但是,目前人们对亚热带分层水库固氮微生物多样性、分布和丰度认识还非常有限。以厦门市汀溪水库为例,基于固氮基因(nifH)综合应用克隆文库、定量PCR、定量RT-PCR研究固氮微生物在不同季节和不同水层的时空分布格局与演替规律。结果表明,汀溪水库具有丰富多样的固氮微生物,包括蓝藻、α-变形菌、β-变形菌、γ-变形菌、厚壁菌,以及少量未知的固氮细菌和序列;固氮微生物的群落组成、丰度、多样性和活性均呈现显著的时空差异。春、夏和秋3季表层和底层蓝藻nifH基因序列所占比例均超过50%,其中表层高于底层;冬季表层和底层蓝藻OTU数目比例超过50%。聚类分析表明,冬季表层和底层群落汇聚为一类;春、夏和秋三个季节表层首先聚为一类,然后与底层分别汇为一支。汀溪水库热分层时期的固氮微生物群落组成的空间差异大于季节差异,而且表层水体蓝藻在所有固氮微生物中占据绝对优势地位。相关分析表明,固氮微生物RNA丰度和RNA/DNA分别与氨氮、水温显著负相关;固氮微生物DNA丰度与溶解氧、pH、叶绿素a显著负相关,与硝氮显著正相关。综上所述,亚热带水库热分层对固氮微生物的群落结构具有显著的影响,在水库环境保护和生态管理中,特别是蓝藻水华防控时,要充分考虑水体热分层的生态效应。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT From 2006 to 2009, we marked 198 Northern Pintails (Anas acuta) with satellite transmitters on their wintering areas in Japan to study their migration routes and habitat use in spring staging areas. We hypothesized that the distribution of pintails during spring staging was influenced by patterns of land use and expected that the most frequently used areas would have more agricultural habitat than lesser‐used areas. We obtained 3031 daily locations from 163 migrant pintails marked with satellite transmitters and identified 524 stopover sites. Based on a fixed kernel home range analysis of stopover utilization distribution (UD), core staging areas (areas within the 50% UD) were identified in northern Honshu and western Hokkaido, and were used by 71% of marked pintails. Core staging areas had a greater proportion of rice fields than peripheral (51–95% UD) and rarely used (outside the 95% UD) staging areas. Stopover sites also contained more rice fields and other agricultural land than were available at regional scales, indicating that pintails selected rice and other agricultural habitats at regional and local scales. Pintails remained at spring staging areas an average of 51 d. Prolonged staging in agricultural habitats of northern Japan was likely necessary for pintails to prepare for transoceanic migration to Arctic nesting areas in eastern Russia.  相似文献   

In this study we used pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides) in field experiments to examine linkages between intertidal saltmarsh and adjacent subtidal habitats. Pinfish are more than twice as abundant in intertidal marshes adjacent to seagrass beds than in those adjacent to the unvegetated subtidal bottom. Movement of pinfish between the marsh edge and the adjacent subtidal habitat was greater for fish captured in areas with both intertidal and subtidal vegetation than in those with intertidal vegetation and adjacent unvegetated mudflats. This movement provides an important link between habitats, allowing transfer of marsh-derived secondary production to subtidal seagrass beds and vice versa. Pinfish held in enclosures with both intertidal and subtidal vegetation were, on average, approximately 90% heavier than fish held in enclosures with intertidal vegetation and unvegetated subtidal bottom. Because saltmarshes and seagrass beds contribute to the production of living marine resources, active measures are being taken to preserve and restore these habitats. The results from this study have direct application to decisions concerning site selection and optimal spatial proximity of saltmarsh and seagrass habitats in the planning of restoration and mitigation projects. To maximize secondary production and utilization of intertidal marshes, managers may opt to restore and/or preserve marshes adjacent to subtidal seagrass beds. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 23 October 1996  相似文献   

Coral-associated gobies are highly specialized reef fishes withhigh host-coral fidelity. Flexibility in habitat choice, however,is important to compensate for potential habitat alterationor loss, but detailed information about the postsettlement movementbehavior of such gobies is lacking. We examined movement patternsin Gobiodon histrio, both under natural conditions and duringsubsequent field experiments, involving breeding pair or partnerremoval from 3 of the 4 investigation plots. Additionally, weinvestigated homing behavior, and 2 aquaria experiments weredesigned to assess home coral and partner recognition of adultfish taken from breeding pairs. Under natural conditions, themovement rate was high for single adults, whereas breeding pairsshowed high home-coral fidelity. Manipulations revealed littlechange of natural patterns except in single adults, which slightlydecreased their movement rate in the breeding pair removal plot.In the homing experiment, 17% of tested fish returned to theirhome coral even after displacement of 4 m, and homing successwas much higher at shorter distances (100% at 0.5 m, 53% at2.25 m). In the aquarium, G. histrio exhibited higher recognitionof its home-coral colony (75%) than of its breeding pair partner(60%). Our study shows that G. histrio frequently moves betweencorals, although this depends on the social status (juvenile,single adult, breeding pair) of the individuals. The high proportionand movement rate of single adults indicate low sensitivityto habitat alteration but also limited high-quality habitatsin which breeding pairs could be established. Hence, vulnerabilityto habitat loss increases when individuals breed.  相似文献   

To address the paucity of information on the spatial and temporal composition of elasmobranch fish assemblages in the Arabian region, data from fisheries surveys around Kuwait's Boubyan Island, in the Tigris‐Euphrates‐Karun delta at the head of the Arabian (Persian) Gulf were examined. A total number of 461 elasmobranchs consisting of at least 13 taxa were captured by gillnets (300 m length, 4, 4.5, 5.5, and 5.75 inch stretch mesh) and otter trawls (5‐m chain line length, 34 and 10 mm stretch mesh in body and cod end, respectively) from February 2004 to March 2005. Seventy‐nine gillnet sets averaged 24 min soak time, while 431 5‐min trawl tows averaged 4.1 km h?1 for a swept area of 1025 m2 tow?1 with a net spread of 3 m. Most taxa were infrequently recorded. Of the six species that accounted for over 90% of individual abundance, the longheaded eagle ray Aetobatus flagellum (170, 269.5 kg) and the scaly whipray Himantura imbricata (137, 17.3 kg) ranked first and second, respectively. Most sharks were Arabian carpetshark Chiloscyllium arabicum (22, 7.7 kg) and milk shark Rhizoprionodon acutus (21, 2.3 kg). Species richness for gillnets was greatest along the main Gulf coast (H' = 1.87), although H. imbricata and A. flagellum were widespread. Based on published birth sizes, neonates or young‐of‐year of several species were recorded. Results indicated that the water temperature strongly determined seasonal distribution: no elasmobranchs were recorded in the winter following a 14°C drop after October, and diversity, abundance and biomass generally increased in summer. While salinity varied from 28.4 to 39.8, major anthropogenic modifications in the upper Tigris‐Euphrates watersheds and development of Boubyan Port will result in higher salinities, which in turn will influence longer‐term patterns of elasmobranch distribution.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of Centropomus parallelus was described from 589 individuals captured in estuarine and coastal waters in Southern Brazil. Length-frequency distribution showed the dominance of males in smaller length-classes (132–290 mm LT), whereas females were dominant in larger length-classes (>290 mm LT). Total length at maturity (L50) was 180 mm LT and corresponded to 29% of the maximum length recorded. Histological sections revealed one hermaphrodite (205 mm LT) and few immature females. Life history traits provided herein can contribute to sustainable fisheries management practices.  相似文献   

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