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Using data collected as part of offshore surveys conducted during 1972–2013, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus association patterns with depth and temperature in southern Newfoundland waters, the northern extremity of the species' range in the western Atlantic Ocean, were quantified. They were typically concentrated in the deep warm waters along the narrow shelf slope in North‐west Atlantic Fisheries Organization Divisions 3O and 3P with individuals moving seasonally into the shallow waters of the banks as they warmed. While M. aeglefinus were found over a range of depths and temperatures, they were primarily located at depths deeper and temperatures warmer than the median sampled. Analyses demonstrated that of the two hydrographic variables assessed, temperature was most influential in structuring distribution, with individuals appearing to change depth in order to maintain similar temperature throughout the year. Melanogrammus aeglefinus were found predominantly in temperatures of c. 4–8° C which often represented some of the warmest waters available. Differences in fish‐habitat association patterns in relation to sex or maturity status were not readily apparent from the analyses. Warming conditions off Newfoundland and Labrador in recent years might be predicted to improve local M. aeglefinus productivity.  相似文献   

We report the development of a multiplex, single tube (TaqMan) PCR assay for the identification of three commercially important gadoid species, the cod (Gadus morhua L.), the haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) and the whiting (Merlangius merlangus L.). The assay unambiguously identifies known adult tissue samples, and ethanol‐preserved eggs from all three species with greater than 98% accuracy, providing a powerful tool for the development of catch independent stock assessment methods, mapping of spawning sites and the detection of commercial fraud in the fishing and food production industries.  相似文献   

Dietary habits and trophic‐guild structure were examined in a fish assemblage (47 species) of the Chesapeake Bay estuary, U.S.A., using 10 years of data from >25 000 fish stomachs. The assemblage was comprised of 10 statistically significant trophic guilds that were principally differentiated by the relative amounts of Mysida, Bivalvia, Polychaeta, Teleostei and other Crustacea in the diets. These guilds were broadly aggregated into five trophic categories: piscivores, zooplanktivores, benthivores, crustacivores and miscellaneous consumers. Food web structure was largely dictated by gradients in habitat (benthic to pelagic) and prey size. Size classes within piscivorous species were more likely to be classified into different guilds, reflecting stronger dietary changes through ontogeny relative to benthivores and other guilds. Relative to predator species and predator size, the month of sampling had negligible effects on dietary differences within the assemblage. A majority of sampled fishes derived most of their nutrition from non‐pelagic prey sources, suggesting a strong coupling of fish production to benthic and demersal food resources. Mysida (predominantly the opossum shrimp Neomysis americana) contributed substantially to the diets of over 25% of the sampled predator groups, indicating that this species is a critical, but underappreciated, node in the Chesapeake Bay food web.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to compare astaxanthin binding ability of solubilized muscle proteins of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus L.) and Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus L.). Muscle proteins of juvenile Atlantic salmon, haddock and halibut were solubilized by sequential extraction of muscle tissue using low ionic strength solutions. Electrophoretic protein profiles of the six solubilized fractions from these species were similar. Each solubilized fraction from the three species was examined for its relative astaxanthin binding capacity. The amount of bound astaxanthin was significantly different (P < 0.05) among the six fractions of each species. Significant differences in astaxanthin binding were only found for fractions A and E among the species. The amount of bound astaxanthin in various fractions of each species showed a good correlation (R2 = 0.80–0.92) with the ANS (8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate) fluorescence intensity of those fractions. The pattern and extent of astaxanthin binding to the muscle proteins of juvenile salmon, haddock and halibut is comparable to that reported previously for adult Atlantic salmon [Saha, M.R., Ross, N.W., Gill, T.A., Olsen, R.E., Lall, S.P., 2005. Development of a method to assess binding of astaxanthin to Atlantic salmon S. salar L. muscle proteins. Aquacult. Res. 36, 336–343.]. These combined observations suggest that the carotenoid binding capacity of the muscle proteins of salmon is not the limiting factor in the deposition of carotenoid in their flesh.  相似文献   

1. The monarch has undergone considerable population declines over the past decade, and the governments of Mexico, Canada, and the United States have agreed to work together to conserve the species. 2. Given limited resources, understanding where to focus conservation action is key for widespread species like monarchs. To support planning for continental‐scale monarch habitat restoration, we address the question of where restoration efforts are likely to have the largest impacts on monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus Linn.) population growth rates. 3. We present a spatially explicit demographic model simulating the multi‐generational annual cycle of the eastern monarch population, and use the model to examine management scenarios, some of which focus on particular regions of North America. 4. Improving the monarch habitat in the north central or southern parts of the monarch range yields a slightly greater increase in the population growth rate than restoration in other regions. However, combining restoration efforts across multiple regions yields population growth rates above 1 with smaller simulated improvements in habitat per region than single‐region strategies. 5. S ynthesis and applications: These findings suggest that conservation investment in projects across the full monarch range will be more effective than focusing on one or a few regions, and will require international cooperation across many land use categories.  相似文献   

A study on the feeding ecology of juvenile cod Gadus morhua, haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus and whiting Merlangius merlangus during the pelagic to demersal transition was carried out on fishes sampled throughout their settlement season at a local nursery ground in the north-western North Sea, off the Scottish east coast. A comprehensive quantitative taxonomic analysis of the diets, as described in the paper, showed the emergence of distinctive feeding niches, minimizing the potential for competition between species and size categories. The diet of the juveniles changed with fish size, water depth, time of year and distance offshore. Small G. morhua were present in the study area earlier in the season, settled further inshore and ate a higher proportion of pelagic prey (copepods) and as size increased they moved into deeper waters and targeted larger, more benthic prey. As M. aeglefinus grew larger and moved into deeper waters, a diet of largely copepods, amphipods, pelagic Ammodytes spp., cyprids and pelagic gastropods evolved to one dominated predominantly by fishes and benthic invertebrates. In the case of M. merlangus, widespread ages and sizes throughout the sampling season, a consequence of their more protracted spawning season, resulted in dietary changes which were more likely to be influenced by seasonal changes in the prey field, in addition to developmental (size) changes, than the diets of the other two species.  相似文献   

In this study, behaviour and survival following catch‐and‐release (C&R) angling was investigated in wild Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (n = 75) angled on sport fishing gear in the River Otra in southern Norway at water temperatures of 16·3–21·1° C. Salmo salar were tagged externally with radio transmitters and immediately released back into the river to simulate a realistic C&R situation. The majority of S. salar (91%) survived C&R. Most S. salar that were present in the River Otra during the spawning period 3–4 months later were located at known spawning grounds. Downstream movements (median furthest position: 0·5 km, range: 0·1–11·0 km) during the first 4 days after release were recorded for 72% of S. salar, presumably stress‐induced fallback associated with C&R. Individuals that fell back spent a median of 15 days before commencing their first upstream movement after release, and 34 days before they returned to or were located above their release site. Mortality appeared to be somewhat elevated at the higher end of the temperature range (14% at 18–21° C), although sample sizes were low. In conclusion, C&R at water temperatures up to 18° C had small behavioural consequences and was associated with low mortality (7%). Nevertheless, low levels of mortality occur due to C&R angling and these losses should be accounted for by management authorities in rivers where C&R is practised. Refinement of best practices for C&R may help to reduce mortality, particularly at warmer temperatures.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the historical biogeography of the pantropical flowering plant family Hernandiaceae (Laurales), which today comprises 62 species in five genera. Location Hernandiaceae occur in Africa (9 species), Madagascar (4), the Neotropics (25), Australia (3), southern China, Indochina, Malesia, and on numerous Pacific Islands (32). These numbers include two widespread species, Hernandia nymphaeifolia, which ranges from East Africa to the Ogasawara Islands and New Caledonia, and Gyrocarpus americanus, thought to have a pantropical range. Methods We sampled 37 species from all genera, the widespread ones with multiple accessions, for a chloroplast DNA matrix of 2210 aligned nucleotides, and used maximum likelihood to infer species relationships. Divergence time estimation relied on an uncorrelated‐rates relaxed molecular clock calibrated with outgroup fossils of Lauraceae and Monimiaceae. Results The deepest split in the family is between a predominantly African–Madagascan–Malesian lineage comprising Hazomalania, Hernandia and Illigera, and an African–Neotropical lineage comprising Gyrocarpus and Sparattanthelium; this split may be 122 (110–134) Myr old. The stem lineages of the five genera date back at least to the Palaeocene, but six splits associated with transoceanic range disjunctions date only to the Oligocene and Miocene, implying long‐distance dispersal. It is inferred that Hernandia beninensis reached the West African islands of São Tomé and Bioko from the West Indies or the Guianas; Hernandia dispersed across the Pacific; and Illigera madagascariensis reached Madagascar from across the Indian Ocean. Main conclusions The disjunct ranges and divergence times of sister clades in the Hernandiaceae are partly congruent with the break‐up of West Gondwana, but mostly with later transoceanic dispersal. An exceptional ability to establish following prolonged oceanic dispersal may be largely responsible for the evolutionary persistence of this small clade.  相似文献   

One model for marine migration of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar proposes that North American and southern European stocks (<62° N) move directly to feeding grounds off west Greenland, then overwinter in the Labrador Sea, whereas northern European stocks (>62° N) utilize the Norwegian Sea. An alternate model proposes that both North American and European stocks migrate in the North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre (NASpG) where S. salar enter the NASpG on their respective sides of the Atlantic, and travel counterclockwise within the NASpG until returning to natal rivers. A review of data accumulated during the last 50 years suggests a gyre model is most probable. Freshwater parr metamorphose into smolts which have morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations of epipelagic, marine fishes. Former high‐seas fisheries were seasonally sequential and moved in the direction of NASpG currents, and catches were highest along the main axis of the NASpG. Marking and discrimination studies indicate mixed continental origin feeding aggregations on both sides of the Atlantic. Marked North American smolts were captured off Norway, the Faroe Islands, east and west Greenland, and adults tagged at the Faroes were recovered in Canadian rivers. Marked European smolts were recovered off Newfoundland and Labrador, west and east Greenland, and adults tagged in the Labrador Sea were captured in European rivers. High Caesium‐137 (137Cs) levels in S. salar returning to a Quebec river suggested 62·3% had fed at or east of Iceland, whereas levels in 1 sea‐winter (SW) Atlantic Canada returnees indicated 24·7% had fed east of the Faroes. Lower levels of 137 Cs in returning 1SW Irish fish suggest much of their growth occurred in the western Atlantic. These data suggest marine migration of S. salar follows a gyre model and is similar to other open‐ocean migrations of epipelagic fishes.  相似文献   

Alternatives in ecosystem‐based management often differ with respect to trade‐offs between ecosystem values. Ecosystem or food‐web models and demographic models are typically employed to evaluate alternatives, but the approaches are rarely integrated to uncover conflicts between values. We applied multistate models to a capture–recapture dataset on common guillemots Uria aalge breeding in the Baltic Sea to identify factors influencing survival. The estimated relationships were employed together with Ecopath‐with‐Ecosim food‐web model simulations to project guillemot survival under six future scenarios incorporating climate change. The scenarios were based on management alternatives for eutrophication and cod fisheries, issues considered top priority for regional management, but without known direct effects on the guillemot population. Our demographic models identified prey quantity (abundance and biomass of sprat Sprattus sprattus) as the main factor influencing guillemot survival. Most scenarios resulted in projections of increased survival, in the near (2016–2040) and distant (2060–2085) future. However, in the scenario of reduced nutrient input and precautionary cod fishing, guillemot survival was projected to be lower in both future periods due to lower sprat stocks. Matrix population models suggested a substantial decline of the guillemot population in the near future, 24% per 10 years, and a smaller reduction, 1.1% per 10 years, in the distant future. To date, many stakeholders and Baltic Sea governments have supported reduced nutrient input and precautionary cod fishing and implementation is underway. Negative effects on nonfocal species have previously not been uncovered, but our results show that the scenario is likely to negatively impact the guillemot population. Linking model results allowed identifying trade‐offs associated with management alternatives. This information is critical to thorough evaluation by decision‐makers, but not easily obtained by food‐web models or demographic models in isolation. Appropriate datasets are often available, making it feasible to apply a linked approach for better‐informed decisions in ecosystem‐based management.  相似文献   

While a few North Atlantic cod stocks are stable, none have increased and many have declined in recent years. Although overfishing is the main cause of most observed declines, this study shows that in some regions, climate by its influence on plankton may exert a strong control on cod stocks, complicating the management of this species that often assumes a constant carrying capacity. First, we investigate the likely drivers of changes in the cod stock in the North Sea by evaluating the potential relationships between climate, plankton and cod. We do this by deriving a Plankton Index that reflects the quality and quantity of plankton food available for larval cod. We show that this Plankton Index explains 46.24% of the total variance in cod recruitment and 68.89% of the variance in total cod biomass. Because the effects of climate act predominantly through plankton during the larval stage of cod development, our results indicate a pronounced sensitivity of cod stocks to climate at the warmer, southern edge of their distribution, for example in the North Sea. Our analyses also reveal for the first time, that at a large basin scale, the abundance of Calanus finmarchicus is associated with a high probability of cod occurrence, whereas the genus Pseudocalanus appears less important. Ecosystem‐based fisheries management (EBFM) generally considers the effect of fishing on the ecosystem and not the effect of climate‐induced changes in the ecosystem state for the living resources. These results suggest that EBFM must consider the position of a stock within its ecological niche, the direct effects of climate and the influence of climate on the trophodynamics of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

A spatially explicit, individual‐based simulation model is used to study the spread of an allele for mate‐choice copying (MCC) through horizontal cultural transmission when female innate preferences do or do not coevolve with a male viability‐increasing trait. Evolution of MCC is unlikely when innate female preferences coevolve with the trait, as copier females cannot express a higher preference than noncopier females for high‐fitness males. However, if a genetic polymorphism for innate preference persists in the population, MCC can evolve by indirect selection through hitchhiking: the copying allele hitchhikes on the male trait. MCC can be an adaptive behavior—that is, a behavior that increases a population's average fitness relative to populations without MCC—even though the copying allele itself may be neutral or mildly deleterious.  相似文献   

Spatial structure underpins numerous population processes by determining the environment individuals' experience and which other individuals they encounter. Yet, how the social landscape influences individuals' spatial decisions remains largely unexplored. Wild great tits (Parus major) form freely moving winter flocks, but choose a single location to establish a breeding territory over the spring. We demonstrate that individuals' winter social associations carry‐over into their subsequent spatial decisions, as individuals breed nearer to those they were most associated with during winter. Further, they also form territory boundaries with their closest winter associates, irrespective of breeding distance. These findings were consistent across years, and among all demographic classes, suggesting that such social carry‐over effects may be general. Thus, prior social structure can shape the spatial proximity, and fine‐scale arrangement, of breeding individuals. In this way, social networks can influence a wide range of processes linked to individuals' breeding locations, including other social interactions themselves.  相似文献   

Abstract We investigated the effects of biodiversity loss across trophic levels and across ecosystems (terrestrial to aquatic) on ecosystem function, in a detritus‐based tropical food web. Diversities of consumers (stream shredders) and resources (leaf litter) were experimentally manipulated by varying the number of species from 3 to 1, using different species combinations, and the effects on leaf breakdown rates were examined. In single‐species shredder treatments, leaf diversity loss affected breakdown rates, but the effect depended on the identity of the leaves remaining in the system: they increased when the most preferred leaf species remained, but decreased when this species was lost (leaf preferences were the same for all shredders). In multi‐species shredder assemblages, breakdown rates were lower than expected from single‐species treatments, suggesting an important role of interspecific competition. This pattern was also evident when oneleaf species was available but not with higher leaf diversity, suggesting that lowered leaf diversity promotes competitive interactions among shredders. The influence of diversity and identity of species across trophic levels and ecosystems on stream functioning points to complex interactions that may well be reflected in other types of ecosystem.  相似文献   

Oceanic uptake of anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) is altering the carbonate chemistry of seawater, with potentially negative consequences for many calcifying marine organisms. At the same time, increasing fisheries exploitation is impacting on marine ecosystems. Here, using increased benthic‐invertebrate mortality as a proxy for effects of ocean acidification, the potential impact of the two stressors of fishing and acidification on the southeast Australian marine ecosystem to year 2050 was explored. The individual and interaction effects of the two stressors on biomass and diversity were examined for the entire ecosystem and for regional assemblages. For 61 functional groups or species, the cumulative effects of moderate ocean acidification and fishing were additive (30%), synergistic (33%), and antagonistic (37%). Strong ocean acidification resulted in additive (22%), synergistic (40%), and antagonistic (38%) effects. The greatest impact was on the demersal food web, with fishing impacting predation and acidification affecting benthic production. Areas that have been subject to intensive fishing were the most susceptible to acidification effect, although fishing also mitigated some of the decline in biodiversity observed with moderate acidification. The model suggested that ocean acidification and long‐term fisheries exploitation could act synergistically with the increasing sensitivity to change from long‐term (decades) fisheries exploitation potentially causing unexpected restructuring of the pelagic and demersal food webs. Major regime shifts occur around year 2040. Greater focus is needed on how differential fisheries exploitation of marine resources may exacerbate or accelerate effects of environmental changes such as ocean acidification.  相似文献   

Piscivorous birds frequently display sex‐specific differences in their hunting and feeding behavior, which lead to diverging impacts on prey populations. Cormorants (Phalacrocoracidae), for example, were previously studied to examine dietary differences between the sexes and males were found to consume larger fish in coastal areas during autumn and winter. However, information on prey partitioning during breeding and generally on sex‐specific foraging in inland waters is missing. Here, we assess sex‐specific prey choice of Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo) during two subsequent breeding seasons in the Central European Alpine foreland, an area characterized by numerous stagnant and flowing waters in close proximity to each other. We developed a unique, noninvasive approach and applied it to regurgitated pellets: molecular cormorant sexing combined with molecular fish identification and fish‐length regression analysis performed on prey hard parts. Altogether, 364 pellets delivered information on both, bird sex, and consumed prey. The sexes differed significantly in their overall prey composition, even though Perca fluviatilis, Rutilus rutilus, and Coregonus spp. represented the main food source for both. Albeit prey composition did not indicate the use of different water bodies by the sexes, male diet was characterized by higher prey diversity within a pellet and the consumption of larger fish. The current findings show that female and male cormorants to some extent target the available prey spectrum at different levels. Finally, the comprehensive and noninvasive approach has great potential for application in studies of other piscivorous bird species.  相似文献   

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