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We documented the morphology, infraciliature, silverline system, and molecular data of two euplotid species isolated from China, including two populations of the poorly known Euplotes platystoma Dragesco & Dragesco‐Kernéis, 1986 and the previously well described Aspidisca lynceus (Müller, 1773 ) Ehrenberg, 1830. Based on the information available, an improved diagnosis of Euplotes platystoma is given, including: a narrow adoral zone with 44–68 membranelles, 10 frontoventral, 5 transverse, 2 left marginal and 2 caudal cirri, 11–13 dorsal kineties with 17–25 dikinetids in the mid‐dorsal row, and dorsal silverline system of the double‐eurystomus type. The Chinese population of Aspidisca lynceus closely resembles previously described populations. Phylogenetic analyses inferred from SSU rDNA sequences show that E. platystoma is closely related with E. neapolitanus, and the internal position of A. lynceus within this genus is still not robust. A reconsideration of the “well‐known” Euplotes harpa and a comparison of all SSU rDNA sequences of E. harpa in GenBank are provided. We speculate that the sequences available from GenBank under the name of E. harpa are very likely from misidentified materials, that is, the identity of the species currently associated with the SSU rDNA of this “well‐known” form in molecular databases requires further confirmation.  相似文献   

Two new brackish pleurostomatid ciliates, Amphileptus spiculatus sp. n. and A. bellus sp. n. were collected from mangrove wetlands of southern China and their morphology and molecular phylogeny were studied. Amphileptus spiculatus sp. n. can be distinguished from congeners by the presence of 11–14 right and 6–8 left kineties, two macronuclear nodules and a conspicuous beak‐like anterior body end. Amphileptus bellus sp. n. is characterized by the presence of 2–4 macronuclear nodules, 31–35 right and 6 or 7 left kineties and two types of extrusomes. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequences data indicate that the family Amphileptidae is paraphyletic.  相似文献   

A new hypotrichous ciliate, Schmidtiella ultrahalophila gen. nov., spec. nov., was isolated from a solar saltern on the island of Sal, Cape Verde. The possession of only one short dorsal kinety clearly distinguishes S. ultrahalophila from other known hypotrichous genera and species. Further diagnostic characters include: a flexible and slender body, an average size of 85 × 15 μm in vivo; a bipartite adoral zone with two hypertrophied frontal adoral membranelles and nine to twelve ventral adoral membranelles; three frontal, one parabuccal, two frontoventral, two or three postoral ventral, and two or three frontoterminal cirri; and marginal cirral rows variable in number, usually one on each side. Ontogenetic data indicate the following: the frontal‐ventral cirri originate from six or five anlagen; the proter inherits the parental adoral zone; the frontal and ventral cirri originate from five or six anlagen; and the marginal cirral rows and the dorsal kinety tend to originate intrakinetally. Additional marginal rows are rarely derived from de novo anlagen. Based on its morphology, morphogenesis and its SSU rRNA phylogenetic placement, the new species should be assigned to the order Sporadotrichida Fauré‐Fremiet, 1961. Due to low taxon sampling, however, its exact position in this order remains enigmatic.  相似文献   

A new peritrichous ciliate, Zoothamnium palmphlatum nov. spec., was collected from an estuary in Yantai, China. It was investigated, using both live observation and silver staining. The new species can be identified by a palm‐shaped colony consisting of highly developed and alternately arranged secondary branches, a double‐layered peristomial lip, and an infundibular polykinety 3 composed of two parallel kinetosomal rows. Phylogenetic analyses of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence show that Z. palmphlatum clusters with other members of the family Zoothamniidae. Furthermore, the comparison of primary and secondary SSU rDNA structures indicates that Z. palmphlatum is distinctly different from its morphologically similar species (93.2–97.0% in sequence similarity) in combination of H10 and H31 regions. Although Zpalmphlatum shares highest sequence similarity with Zoothamnium mucedo (98.9%), the new species has distinctly different structures in the H11, H12, H18, and H31 regions compared to Z. mucedo, which indicates that sequence similarity may not determine the similarity of the secondary structure.  相似文献   

Two marine urostylid ciliates, Caudiholosticha marina sp. nov. and Nothoholosticha flava sp. nov., isolated from intertidal sediment in the Yellow Sea, are investigated using morphological and small subunit rDNA phylogenetic analyses. Caudiholosticha marina is 210?310 μm × 40?55 μm in vivo, and has 10?20 macronuclear nodules, 23?37 midventral cirral pairs extending to 5?8 transverse cirri, and two caudal cirri. It differs from congeners by its marine habitat, larger size, macronuclear arrangement pattern and high number of midventral pairs. Molecular phylogenetic analyses indicate a polyphyly of Caudiholosticha. Nothoholosticha flava is yellow to brownish and 240?320 μm × 40?60 μm sized, and has a bipartite adoral zone, six frontal cirri in atypical bicorona, usually four frontoterminal, one buccal and 5?7 transverse cirri and 28?54 midventral pairs. Phylogenetic analyses allocate N. flava as sister of N. fasciola, type of the genus. The two Nothoholosticha species differ distinctly by the presence/absence of frontoterminal cirri, a feature often used to define genera in the Hypotrichia. However, the SSU rDNA sequence similarity between these two species is 99.3%, which weakens the justification for separating the new isolate at genus level. The taxonomic significance of frontoterminal cirri is discussed based on morphological and molecular data.  相似文献   

Two colepid ciliates, Levicoleps taehwae nov. spec. and L. biwae jejuensis nov. subspec., were collected from the brackish water of the Taehwa River and a small freshwater pond in Jeju Island, South Korea, respectively. Their living morphology, infraciliature, and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences were determined using standard methods. Barrel‐shaped L. taehwae nov. spec. is a small ciliate with an average size of 45 × 25 μm in vivo, about 15 ciliary rows each composed of 12 monokinetids and two perioral dikinetids, and two 20 μm‐long caudal cilia. The sequence length and GC content of the SSU rRNA gene are 1,669 bp, 44.5%. This novel species is similar in body size to Coleps hirtus, and has six armor tiers and hirtus‐type tier plates, and the same number of ciliary rows as C. hirtus; however, it can be distinguished from the latter by the absence of armor spines and its sequence similarity of SSU rRNA gene is about 92.8% which indicates that it is a distinct form. Levicoleps biwae jejuensis nov. subspec., is a medium colepid ciliate which has a barrel‐shaped body, about 22 somatic kineties and 16 transverse ciliary rows, three mini adoral organelles, and four 15 μm‐long caudal cilia. The sequence length and GC content of the SSU rRNA gene are 1,666 bp and 44.4%.  相似文献   

The morphology and molecular phylogeny of a new metopid ciliate, Urostomides spinosus nov. spec., discovered in a freshwater ditch in Qingdao, China, were investigated using live observation, morphometry and protargol staining as well as molecular phylogenetic methods. Diagnostic features of the new species include a broadly obpyriform body carrying three posterior spines, eight somatic kineties, five preoral dome kineties with specialized row 3, adoral zone composed of about 28 membranelles, making a 270° turn around body axis. Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rDNA sequence revealed that the genus Urostomides is monophyletic, but its interspecific relationships remained unresolved. Moreover, a closer relationship of the new species with the morphologically similar Urostomides campanula was not supported by the molecular data.  相似文献   

In a study to investigate ciliate diversity, we discovered a new soil ciliate. Holostichides terrae nov. spec. was examined and identified based on observations of living cells and stained specimens. In addition, the nuclear SSU rRNA gene along with morphology was analyzed to infer its phylogenetic position. The new species closely resembles H. dumonti, but can be distinguished by the morphology of the pharynx (with rod-shaped structure vs. lacking) and the number of frontoterminal cirri (invariably two vs. usually more than two). Molecular analyses indicate that the genus Holostichides is not monophyletic, and H. terrae is closely related with the genera Birojimia and Hemicycliostyla, both of which have a pharynx with rod-shaped structures, as also seen in H. terrae.  相似文献   

The oxytrichid ciliate Rubrioxytricha guamensis nov. spec. isolated from water samples collected from a small freshwater pond near the Hagåtña River in Hagåtña, Guam (United States territory), Micronesia, was investigated, using live observation and protargol impregnation. The morphology, ontogenesis, and molecular phylogeny inferred from the small‐subunit rRNA gene sequences were studied. The new species is mainly characterized by a cell size of about 100 × 35 μm in vivo, two elongate ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules and two micronuclei, a single contractile vacuole, a colorless cytoplasm, yellowish cortical granules, arranged in short rows and in small groups, an adoral zone occupying about 34% of body length and comprising 27 membranelles on average, about 27 cirri each in the right and left marginal rows, 18 frontoventral transverse cirri, four dorsal kineties including one dorsomarginal row, and one or two caudal cirri at the posterior end of dorsal kinety 3. The ontogenesis of the new species is similar to that of Rubrioxytricha indica Naqvi et al., 2006. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequences consistently place the new species within the family Oxytrichidae Ehrenberg, 1838, where it clustered with other Rubrioxytricha species, viz., R. tsinlingensis, R. ferruginea, and R. haematoplasma.  相似文献   

The ciliate genus Protocruzia is a highly confused group, which was formerly placed in the class Heterotrichea or Karyorelictea, and is according to the most recent system tentatively assigned to the class Spirotrichea. In the present study, the morphology, ciliary pattern, and molecular phylogeny of two poorly known species, Protocruzia tuzeti Villeneuve‐Brachon, 1940, and Protocruzia granulosa Kahl, 1933, isolated from coastal waters of China, were investigated. Protocruzia tuzeti differs from its congeners mainly in possessing 6 adoral membranelles, 8–11 somatic kineties, and postoral dikinetids. Protocruzia granulosa is characterized by its extremely slender body, three postoral kineties, and 13 or 14 somatic kineties. The morphogenesis of P. granulosa is similar to that of P. tuzeti, especially in the parakinetal mode of stomatogenesis and the reorganization of the parental paroral membrane; however, more than one somatic kinety joins in the formation of the oral primordium in P. granulosa. Phylogenetic analyses based on small subunit ribosomal RNA gene revealed that six Protocruzia species form a fully supported clade that does not belong to any ciliate class; therefore, our data support the establishment of the class Protocruziea Gao et al. (Sci. Rep., 6, 2016, 24874).  相似文献   

Three new cyrtophorian ciliates isolated from coastal areas of China were described based on morphological and genetic data. The Chlamydodon mnemosyne‐like species Chlamydodon similis sp. n. differs from its congeners mainly by its number of somatic kineties. Chlamydodon oligochaetus sp. n. is distinguished from its congeners mainly by having fewer somatic kineties, and/or an elongated body shape. Chlamydodon crassidens sp. n. is characterized mainly by an inverted triangular body shape, a posteriorly interrupted cross‐striated band (5–6 μm wide), and a large cytostome. Moreover, we provided small‐subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences of C. similis sp. n. and C. oligochaetus sp. n. Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) consistently placed C. similis sp. n. as a sister to C. paramnemosyne, but showed different branching position of C. oligochaetus sp. n., which may be due to a low taxon sampling in the Chlamydodontidae and/or an insufficient resolution of the marker gene at species level.  相似文献   

The morphology and partial morphogenesis of two freshwater hypotrichous ciliates, Deviata brasiliensis Siqueira‐Castro et al., 2009 and Deviata rositae Küppers et al., 2007, isolated from southern China, were investigated using live observation and protargol staining. Our populations resemble the original ones in terms of their live characters and ciliary patterns. The main determinable morphogenetic features of Dbrasiliensis basically correspond with those of the type population. However, the origin of anlage V for either proter or opisthe is ambiguous: whether anlage V for the proter originates from parental frontoventral row 2 (the same as in the original population) or parental frontoventral row 3 (the same as in Deviata abbrevescens) or even de novo is not clear; the anlage V for the opisthe is possibly derived from frontoventral row 3 and further migrates to frontoventral row 2, like that in D. abbrevescens. In addition, the SSU rRNA gene was first sequenced for both species. Molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that the genus Deviata is non‐monophyletic and has a close relationship with Perisincirra paucicirrata.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the Cladophoraceae, a large family of filamentous green algae, has been problematic for a long time due to morphological simplicity, parallel evolution, phenotypic plasticity, and unknown distribution ranges. Partial large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences were generated for 362 isolates, and the analyses of a concatenated dataset consisting of unique LSU and small subunit (SSU) rDNA sequences of 95 specimens greatly clarified the phylogeny of the Cladophoraceae. The phylogenetic reconstructions showed that the three currently accepted genera Chaetomorpha, Cladophora, and Rhizoclonium are polyphyletic. The backbone of the phylogeny is robust and the relationships of the main lineages were inferred with high support, only the phylogenetic position of both Chaetomorpha melagonium and Cladophora rupestris could not be inferred unambiguously. There have been at least three independent switches between branched and unbranched morphologies within the Cladophoraceae. Freshwater environments have been colonized twice independently, namely by the freshwater Cladophora species as well as by several lineages of the Rhizoclonium riparium clade. In an effort to establish monophyletic genera, the genera Acrocladus and Willeella are resurrected and two new genera are described: Pseudorhizoclonium and Lurbica.  相似文献   

A multi‐gene (SSU, LSU, psbA, and COI) molecular phylogeny of the family Corallinaceae (excluding the subfamilies Lithophylloideae and Corallinoideae) showed a paraphyletic grouping of six monophyletic clades. Pneophyllum and Spongites were reassessed and recircumscribed using DNA sequence data integrated with morpho‐anatomical comparisons of type material and recently collected specimens. We propose Chamberlainoideae subfam. nov., including the type genus Chamberlainium gen. nov., with C. tumidum comb. nov. as the generitype, and Pneophyllum. Chamberlainium is established to include several taxa previously ascribed to Spongites, the generitype of which currently resides in Neogoniolithoideae. Additionally we propose two new genera, Dawsoniolithon gen. nov. (Metagoniolithoideae), with D. conicum comb. nov. as the generitype and Parvicellularium gen. nov. (subfamily incertae sedis), with P. leonardi sp. nov. as the generitype. Chamberlainoideae has no diagnostic morpho‐anatomical features that enable one to assign specimens to it without DNA sequence data, and it is the first subfamily to possess both Type 1 (Chamberlainium) and Type 2 (Pneophyllum) tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof development. Two characters distinguish Chamberlainium from Spongites: tetra/biasporangial conceptacle chamber diameter (<300 μm in Chamberlainium vs. >300 μm in Spongites) and tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof thickness (<8 cells in Chamberlainium vs. >8 cells in Spongites). Two characters also distinguish Pneophyllum from Dawsoniolithon: tetra/bisporangial conceptacle roof thickness (<8 cells in Pneophyllum vs. >8 cells in Dawsoniolithon) and thallus construction (dimerous in Pneophyllum vs. monomerous in Dawsoniolithon).  相似文献   

Four species belonging to the genus Euplotes have been investigated, namely: E. lynni nov. spec., E. indica nov. spec., E. aediculatus, and E. woodruffi. All populations are from India and were investigated using morphological and molecular markers. The phylogenetic relationships were inferred from small subunit ribosomal rRNA gene (SSU rRNA), internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region, and mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. Predicted secondary structure models for two new species using the hypervariable region of the SSU rRNA gene and ITS2 region support the distinctness of both species. Morphological characters were subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) and genetic variations were studied in-depth to analyze the relatedness of the two new species with their congeners. An integrative approach combining morphological features, molecular analysis, and ecological characteristics was carried out to understand the phylogenetic position of the reported species within the different clades of the genus Euplotes.  相似文献   

Wittrockiella is a small genus of filamentous green algae that occurs in habitats with reduced or fluctuating salinities. Many aspects of the basic biology of these algae are still unknown and the phylogenetic relationships within the genus have not been fully explored. We provide a phylogeny based on three ribosomal markers (ITS, LSU, and SSU rDNA) of the genus, including broad intraspecific sampling for W. lyallii and W. salina, recommendations for the use of existing names are made, and highlight aspects of their physiology and life cycle. Molecular data indicate that there are five species of Wittrockiella. Two new species, W. australis and W. zosterae, are described, both are endophytes. Although W. lyallii and W. salina can be identified morphologically, there are no diagnostic morphological characters to distinguish between W. amphibia, W. australis, and W. zosterae. A range of low molecular weight carbohydrates were analyzed but proved to not be taxonomically informative. The distribution range of W. salina is extended to the Northern Hemisphere as this species has been found in brackish lakes in Japan. Furthermore, it is shown that there are no grounds to recognize W. salina var. kraftii, which was described as an endemic variety from a freshwater habitat on Lord Howe Island, Australia. Culture experiments indicate that W. australis has a preference for growth in lower salinities over full seawater. For W. amphibia and W. zosterae, sexual reproduction is documented, and the split of these species is possibly attributable to polyploidization.  相似文献   

Two novel hypotrichous ciliates, Hemiurosomoida warreni nov. spec. and Hemiurosoma clampi nov. spec., isolated from soil in the Lhalu Wetland and Motuo Virgin Forest in Tibet, respectively, were investigated using live observation and protargol staining. Hemiurosomoida warreni nov. spec. strongly resembles the type species H. longa but can be distinguished by its body size in vivo (110–145 × 30–40 μm vs. 50–100 × 18–40 μm), number of adoral membranelles (25–38 vs. 15–22), and numbers of right (29–39 vs. 14–23) and left (26–35 vs. 13–23) marginal cirri, transverse cirri (3 vs. 4 or 5) and macronuclear nodules (4–8 vs. 2). Hemiurosoma clampi nov. spec. is characterized by its vermiform body shape, colourless cortical granules distributed in irregular rows, two macronuclear nodules, three frontal cirri, one buccal cirrus, four frontoventral cirri ranged in a line, two transverse cirri, lacking postoral ventral and pretransverse ventral cirri, and marginal rows that are not posteriorly confluent. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA gene sequences suggest that Hemiurosomoida is not monophyletic. A close relationship is revealed between Hemiurosomoida warreni nov. spec., Parakahilella macrostoma, Hemiurosoma clampi nov. spec., and the type species Hemiurosoma terricola. As expected, all these species are classified within the “non-oxytrichid Dorsomarginalia”.  相似文献   

Two new and one problematic species of pleurostomatids, Amphileptus dragescoi sp. n., A. wilberti sp. n., and A. marinus from coastal areas of the South China Sea, are described based on observations of live and protargol‐impregnated specimens. Amphileptus dragescoi is different from its congeners by the presence of an apical group of extrusomes and the possession of 12–15 right and five left somatic kineties, two macronuclear nodules, and a single terminally positioned contractile vacuole. Amphileptus wilberti is diagnosed by oval or pyriform body, 15–19 right and seven or eight left somatic kineties, extrusomes arranged only in anterior portion of oral slit, usually three ventrally located contractile vacuoles, and two macronuclear nodules. Amphileptus marinus (Kahl, 1931) Song et al., 2004 is redescribed and its diagnosis is improved. One isolate which was misidentified as A. marinus by Song et al. (2004) is believed to represent an unknown form, named here as Amphileptus songi sp. n. Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rDNA sequences indicate that the genus Amphileptus is paraphyletic, but its monophyly is not rejected by statistical tree topology tests.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of three pleurostomatid ciliates, Litonotus bergeri nov. spec., L. blattereri nov. spec. and L. petzi nov. spec., collected from mariculture ponds near Qingdao (Tsingtao), China, were investigated using live observations and the protargol impregnation method. These new species are distinguished from their congeners by a combination of characters including the typical distribution of extrusomes, i.e., along entire ventral margin, the number of macronuclear nodules, features and number of somatic kineties, living morphology, number and position of contractile vacuoles and their marine biotopes. Considering the distribution of extrusomes and general morphology, five new combinations are suggested, Litonotus vermiforme (Sauerbrey, 1928) nov. comb. [basionym: Loxophyllum vermiforme Sauerbrey, 1928], Litonotus levigatum (Sauerbrey, 1928) nov. comb. [basionym: Loxophyllum levigatum Sauerbrey, 1928], Litonotus undulatum (Sauerbrey, 1928) nov. comb. [basionym: Loxophyllum undulatum Sauerbrey, 1928], Loxophyllum pictus (Gruber, 1884) nov. comb. [basionym: Litonotus pictus Gruber, 1884] and Loxophyllum trichocystiferus (Foissner, 1984) nov. comb. [basionym: Litonotus trichocystiferus Foissner, 1984].  相似文献   

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