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This study used data provided by the Chinese Longline Fishery Scientific Observer Programme from the tropical eastern Atlantic Ocean to estimate the reproductive parameters of the blue shark (Prionace glauca) and crocodile shark (Pseudocarcharias kamoharai). Sizes ranged from 80 to 298 cm fork length (FL) for blue sharks and from 48 to 99 cm FL for crocodile sharks. Sexual segregation was observed during different months for both sharks. The sex ratio for blue sharks was 1.38 F:1 M, and 1 F:2.79 M for crocodile sharks. The size of adult blue sharks ranged from 144 to 280 cm for males and from 174 to 298 cm for females; and that of crocodile sharks from 63 to 97 cm for males and 78–99 cm for females. The size at 50% of maturity for blue sharks was estimated at 191.7 cm FL for females and 197.5 cm FL for males, and that of crocodile sharks was assessed at 84.9 cm FL for females and 78.5 cm FL for males. Most sexually matured females were pregnant; their means were 207.2 ± 16.4 cm FL for blue sharks and 89.4 ± 4.3 cm FL for crocodile sharks. Mature sizes for both species were significantly different among months. Embryonic sizes also varied widely among months for crocodile sharks, but a slight change was recorded for those of blue sharks. The observed mean size at birth and litter size were 34.5 cm FL and 37 ± 12 for the blue sharks, and that of the crocodile sharks, 39.5 cm FL and a dominant four embryos in the uterus. Due to the observed increasing catch trend of blue sharks and the slow reproductive cycle of crocodile sharks, this study presents the need of implementing conservation measures to ensure the sustainability of both species in their habitat.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology of blacknose sharks Carcharhinus acronotus in the western North Atlantic Ocean was studied by examining specimens collected in the coastal waters of South Carolina. Males begin the maturation process between 875 and 910 mm fork length ( L F), as indicated by the presence of functional claspers and siphon sacs. The presence of vitellogenic oocytes and developing oviducal glands and uteri indicated that females begin to mature at c . 870 mm L F. Length at which 50% of the population reached maturity was 896 and 964 mm L F, equivalent to 4·3 and 4·5 years, for males and females, respectively. Gonado‐somatic indices suggested that spermatogenesis and vitellogenesis began after December. Mating took place during the end of May and the beginning of June. Fertilization occurred during late June and early July, suggesting that female blacknose sharks were capable of sperm storage. Based on the timing of fertilization and occurrence of females carrying near‐term pups in late May and early June, the gestation period for blacknose sharks was c . 11 months. Female blacknose sharks reproduced biennially based on the absence of vitellogenic oocytes in near‐term females and there being no indication of vitellogenesis in postpartum females. Male blacknose sharks were capable of reproducing annually as indicated by turgid genital ducts, which were observed in all mature males collected during late May and early June.  相似文献   

Composition of the urogenital system, oocyte development, gamete morphology, and features of embryonic development are described in Scorpaenopsis possi and Sebastapistes cyanostigma (Scorpaenidae) from the Nha Trang Bay, the South China Sea (Vietnam). In males of both species, paired spermiducts enter into the anterior dorsal part of the hypertrophied urinary bladder containing mature sperm. The duration of progressive movements of spermatozoa obtained from the testes and urinary bladder is 5–6 and 12–15 min after activation, respectively. Ovulated oocytes possess oval shapes, they are transparent and without oil droplets. The oocytes are embedded into the floating gelatinous matrix. Insemination of the eggs in nature is apparently external. The embryos of S. cyanostigma hatch at a more advanced morphological condition in comparison to the embryos of Sc. possi. The features of reproductive biology are discussed in the context of the evolution of viviparity within the family.  相似文献   

Although islands are of long‐standing interest to biologists, only a handful of studies have investigated the role of climatic history in shaping evolutionary diversification in high‐latitude archipelagos. In this study of the Alexander Archipelago (AA) of Southeast Alaska, we address the impact of glacial cycles on geographic genetic structure for three mammals co‐distributed along the North Pacific Coast. We examined variation in mitochondrial and nuclear loci for long‐tailed voles (Microtus longicaudus), northwestern deermice (Peromyscus keeni), and dusky shrews (Sorex monticola), and then tested hypotheses derived from Species Distribution Models, reconstructions of paleoshorelines, and island area and isolation. In all three species, we identified paleoendemic clades that likely originated in coastal refugia, a finding consistent with other paleoendemic lineages identified in the region such as ermine. Although there is spatial concordance at the regional level for endemism, finer scale spatial and temporal patterns are less clearly defined. Demographic expansion across the region for these distinctive clades is also evident and highlights the dynamic history of Late Quaternary contraction and expansion that characterizes high‐latitude species.  相似文献   

Explanations for the evolution of body size in mammals have remained surprisingly elusive despite the central importance of body size in evolutionary biology. Here, we present a model which argues that the body sizes of Nearctic mammals were moulded by Cenozoic climate and vegetation changes. Following the early Eocene Climate Optimum, forests retreated and gave way to open woodland and savannah landscapes, followed later by grasslands. Many herbivores that radiated in these new landscapes underwent a switch from browsing to grazing associated with increased unguligrade cursoriality and body size, the latter driven by the energetics and constraints of cellulose digestion (fermentation). Carnivores also increased in size and digitigrade, cursorial capacity to occupy a size distribution allowing the capture of prey of the widest range of body sizes. With the emergence of larger, faster carnivores, plantigrade mammals were constrained from evolving to large body sizes and most remained smaller than 1 kg throughout the middle Cenozoic. We find no consistent support for either Cope's Rule or Bergmann's Rule in plantigrade mammals, the largest locomotor guild (n = 1186, 59% of species in the database). Some cold‐specialist plantigrade mammals, such as beavers and marmots, showed dramatic increases in body mass following the Miocene Climate Optimum which may, however, be partially explained by Bergmann's rule. This study reemphasizes the necessity of considering the evolutionary history and resultant form and function of mammalian morphotypes when attempting to understand contemporary mammalian body size distributions.  相似文献   

The first detailed information on the biological aspects of members of the economically important shark family Carcharhinidae in Indonesian waters is given. Carcharhinids dominated the landings of sharks at sites visited, comprising almost 60% of the total biomass of all sharks recorded, over an intensive 5 year sampling period. A total of 26 species of carcharhinids, representing half of the species in the Carcharhinidae, were recorded. The most abundant species, in terms of numbers recorded, were Scoliodon laticaudus and Carcharhinus falciformis , while the most abundant in terms of biomass were Prionace glauca , C. falciformis and Carcharhinus obscurus . Biological data are presented for 22 of the 26 species. The total length at which males attain maturity ( L 50) was determined for 10 species. The biological aspects of a number of species, most notably Carcharhinus sorrah and Loxodon macrorhinus , were found to differ from those recorded in the literature for other regions.  相似文献   

Many biological characters of interest are temporal sequences of decisions. The evolution of such characters is often modelled using dynamic optimization methods such as the maximum principle. A quantity central to these analyses is the ''Hamiltonian'' function, named after the mathematician William R. Hamilton. On the other hand, evolutionary models in which individuals interact with relatives are usually based on Hamilton''s rule, named after the evolutionary biologist William D. Hamilton. In this article we present a generalized maximum principle that includes the effects of interactions among relatives and we show that a time-dependent (dynamic) version of Hamilton''s rule holds involving the Hamiltonian. This result brings together the power and generality of both the maximum principle and Hamilton''s rule thereby providing a natural framework for understanding the evolution of ''dynamic'' characters under kin selection.  相似文献   

The way in which the huge Australian parasite fauna is described (discovery and naming) is the subject of this address. The approach to the task has never been well-organised so that a few groups of parasites are now relatively well-known because of the efforts of small groups of workers who have made sustained efforts in these groups, but equally some host-parasite systems have been almost completely ignored in that no worker has ever given them sustained attention. A high proportion of Australian parasites have been described by international workers. The sustaining of interest in a group of parasites over a long period is the key to real progress being made. The nature of the organisation of Australian science presently means that few positions are available for parasite taxonomists and funding for taxonomic research is scarce. Thus, parasite taxonomy (like the taxonomy of many groups of Australian plants and animals) can only be considered to be in crisis.  相似文献   

Several greenhouse experiments were used to measure how high levels of antibiosis resistance to nymphs in two interspecific Brachiaria (brachiariagrass) hybrids affect life history parameters of the spittlebugs Aeneolamia varia (F.) and Zulia carbonaria (Lallemand), two of the most important spittlebug (Hemiptera: Cercopidae) species affecting Brachiaria production in Colombia. The A. varia-resistant hybrid CIAT 36062, the Z. carbonaria-resistant hybrid SX01NO/0102, and the susceptible accession CIAT 0654 were used to compare the effect of all possible combinations of food sources for nymphs and adults. Calculation of growth indexes showed a significant impact of antibiosis resistance on the biology of immature stages of both species. Median survival times of adults feeding on resistant genotypes did not differ from those recorded on the susceptible genotype, suggesting that factors responsible for high mortality of nymphs in the resistant hybrids did not affect adult survival. Rearing nymphs of A. varia on CIAT 36062 and of Z. carbonaria on SX01NO/0102 had deleterious sublethal effects on the reproductive biology of resulting adult females. It is concluded that high nymphal mortality and subsequent sublethal effects of nymphal antibiosis on adults should have a major impact on the demography of the two spittlebug species studied.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long been fascinated by both the ways in which species respond to ecological conditions at the edges of their geographic ranges and the way that species'' body sizes evolve across their ranges. Surprisingly, though, the relationship between these two phenomena is rarely studied. Here, we examine whether carnivore body size changes from the interior of their geographic range towards the range edges. We find that within species, body size often varies strongly with distance from the range edge. However, there is no general tendency across species for size to be either larger or smaller towards the edge. There is some evidence that the smallest guild members increase in size towards their range edges, but results for the largest guild members are equivocal. Whether individuals vary in relation to the distance from the range edges often depends on the way edge and interior are defined. Neither geographic range size nor absolute body size influences the tendency of size to vary with distance from the range edge. Therefore, we suggest that the frequent significant association between body size and the position of individuals along the edge-core continuum reflects the prevalence of geographic size variation and that the distance to range edge per se does not influence size evolution in a consistent way.  相似文献   

The depletion and overexploitation of several fish stock demands for a valorisation of non-target and discarded species. Nonetheless, such species are often poorly studied, and information on their biological parameters must be gathered for effective population management. For 1 year, the reproductive strategy of the piper gurnard Trigla lyra and the red gurnard Chelidonichthys cuculus was studied by monthly samples obtained from commercial boats operating on western Portuguese coast. Both species showed a biased sex ratio towards females, especially for larger length classes. Length at first maturity could be estimated only for red gurnard (22.1 and 19.9 cm for females and males, respectively) because all piper gurnard individuals caught were mature. Piper gurnard showed determinate fecundity and a short spawning season, from November to February with a peak in January, whereas red gurnard showed indeterminate fecundity and a wide spawning season, from late December to May. The relative annual fecundity estimated for red gurnard (1893 ± 728 oocytes × g−1 eviscerated weight [EW]) was higher than the one estimated for piper gurnard (1018 ± 250 oocytes×g−1 EW). Although important information for understanding the species dynamics is presented in this study, additional information on other life-history parameters and of species landings is required.  相似文献   

Abstract. The common waxbill Estrilda astrild was first introduced to Portugal from Africa in 1964, and has spread across much of the country and into Spain. We modelled the expansion of the common waxbill on a 20 × 20 km UTM grid in 4‐year periods from 1964 to 1999. The time variation of the square root of the occupied area shows that this expansion process is stabilizing in Portugal, and reasons for this are discussed. Several methods used to model biological expansions are not appropriate for the present case, because little quantitative data are available on the species ecology and because this expansion has been spatially heterogeneous. Instead, colonization on a grid was modelled as a function of several biophysical and spatio‐temporal variables through the fitting of a multivariate autologistic equation. This approach allows examination of the underlying factors affecting the colonization process. In the case of the common waxbill it was associated positively with its occurrence in adjacent cells, and affected negatively by altitude and higher levels of solar radiation.  相似文献   

Brontispa longissima is a serious pest of the coconut palm Cocos nucifera, presumed to have originated in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. It recently invaded Southeast and East Asia, where outbreaks have been reported. Mitochondrial DNA analysis reveals two cryptic species in B. longissima: one is distributed over a wide area including Asia and the Pacific region (the Asian clade) and the other in a limited area in the Pacific region (the Pacific clade). Recent invasions and outbreaks have been reported only from the area where the Asian clade has been found, suggesting that this clade has become a pest in Asia. To infer if the Asian clade has the ability to establish, spread and outbreak in novel habitats more effectively than the Pacific clade, we compared life‐history traits between the two populations of different clades. The net reproduction rate (R0) was 130.0 and 94.0, the mean length of a generation (T) was 57.7 and 54.7 days, and the intrinsic rate of natural increase (r) was 0.084 and 0.083 per day for the population from Ishigaki Island, Japan (ISH) (the Asian clade) and for the population from Papua New Guinea (PNG) (the Pacific clade), respectively. Although the difference in r was little, the simulated population growth showed that the ISH population can be 1.6 times larger than that of the PNG after ten generations. The rapid population growth of the Asian clade would be partly responsible for its establishment, spread and frequent outbreaks in Asia.  相似文献   

对太行花种群地理分布、生境因子等方面的调查表明。太行花分布在太行山东缘。其分布特点是:①在海拔600~1500米之间呈间断、零星、条带状分布;②主要生长在阴坡裸露崖壁的缝穴中。其生境特点是:①夏季炎热多雨,冬季干燥寒冷。昼夜气温变化剧烈;②着生太行花的崖缝土壤极少,有机质贫乏,但含钙量较高;③太行花群落中植物种类稀少,在调查的3个样方中仅有15个种,分属于9个科,11个属,为温带旱生灌草类型。太行花的这种特殊生境,可能是它致濒的直接原因。  相似文献   

This study examines the craniometry of Black and White Colobus monkeys using 1072 specimens representing all the recognized subspecies (after Rahm, '70) of the genus. Seventy-six measurements were taken on each individual, and examined using canonical variates analysis and clustering by Ward's Error Sum method. The assumptions of the analytical techniques are shown to be met, and the results demonstrated to be stable. Examination of the populations for statistical difference and taxonomic distinctiveness using a multivariate extension of Mayr's Rule indicates that the taxonomy presented by Rahm ('70) is essentially correct, except that the subspecies of guereza across the northern part of Central Africa should be lumped into a single group--C. g. occidentalis--and the subspecies of montane angolan colobus in Eastern Zaire should all be lumped into C. a. ruwenzorii. The systematic patterns of the genus illustrate the whole range of the process of speciation, from barely distinct subspecies, to subspecies almost as distinct as allopatric species of the genus, and on the fully sympatric species Three major zoogeographic areas may be delineated: an East African area dominated by the effects of the Rift Valley, with a large number of subspecies isolated in forest islands; a Central African area with little subspeciation and sympatric overlap of the major species of Colobus; and a West African area with a clinal pattern of distribution of subspecies, and secondary intergradation. The arbitrary nature of Mary's Rule is also apparent. Lastly, the CVA indicated major differences across the genus to be located in the teeth and jaws, suggesting diet might be an important distinguishing feature in Colobus.  相似文献   


For the first time, the densities and diversity of microorganisms developed on ocean gliders were investigated using flow cytometry and Illumina MiSeq sequencing of 16S and 18S rRNA genes. Ocean gliders are autonomous buoyancy-driven underwater vehicles, equipped with sensors continuously recording physical, chemical, and biological parameters. Microbial biofilms were investigated on unprotected parts of the glider and surfaces coated with base, biocidal and chitosan paints. Biofilms on the glider were exposed to periodical oscillations of salinity, oxygen, temperature, pressure, depth and light, due to periodic ascending and descending of the vehicle. Among the unprotected surfaces, the highest microbial abundance was observed on the bottom of the glider’s body, while the lowest density was recorded on the glider’s nose. Antifouling paints had the lowest densities of microorganisms. Multidimensional analysis showed that the microbial communities formed on unprotected parts of the glider were significantly different from those on biocidal paint and in seawater.  相似文献   

There are few historical analyses quantifying impacts of human activity in Australia. This paper compares vegetation change, fire regime, erosion and eutrophication rates between the European period and the recent prehistoric past in two lake systems on the south coast of New South Wales. The variance in pollen abundance and hence species population changes increased markedly in the historical period, especially amongst understorey taxa, and this could be related to changes in the local fire regimes and to the effects of grazing. Local fire activity decreased from the prehistorical period at both sites. Erosion rates increased in the historical period and both organic and inorganic components were deposited in the lakes. Erosion episodes could be related to fire during some periods but are clearly controlled by forest disturbance and land-use at other periods. The trophic status of the lakes was increasing from before European settlement but accelerated in the recent past. This was in part due to the increased erosion rates and in part due to fertiliser application. The results suggest that lower rates of erosional and eutrophic change occur in catchments with basaltic than with Holocene sand substrata.  相似文献   

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