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This study investigated the trophic shift of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) thinlip grey mullet Liza ramada and golden grey mullet Liza aurata during their recruitment in a salt marsh located on the European Atlantic Ocean coast. Stable‐isotope signatures (δ13C and δ15N) of the fishes followed a pattern, having enrichments in 13C and 15N with increasing fork length (LF): δ13C in fishes < 30 mm ranged from ?19.5 to ?15.0‰, whereas in fishes > 30 mm δ13C ranged from ?15.8 to ?12.7‰, closer to the level in salt‐marsh food resources. Large differences between the δ15N values of mugilids and those of food sources (6·0‰ on average) showed that YOY are secondary consumers, similar to older individuals, when feeding in the salt marsh. YOY mugilids shift from browsing on pelagic prey to grazing on benthic resources from the salt marsh before reaching 30 mm LF. The results highlight the role of European salt marshes as nurseries for juvenile mugilids.  相似文献   

The abundance, growth, spatial distribution, and feeding habits of five allopatric brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis, populations (young-of-the-year, 0+ juveniles; YOY) were compared with five other populations living sympatrically with white sucker, Catostomus commersoni. The study was made in oligotrophic lakes of the Laurentian Shield (Québec, Canada) during three sampling periods in 1989 (July, August and September). The abundance of YOY charr was significantly higher in allopatric than in sympatric populations (45·3 ± 3·8 vs 3·4 ± 3·8 fish/lake caught in 1773 m2 of gillnets; P<0·005). The mean length of YOY charr did not differ among allopatric and sympatric populations at each sampling period; July: 60·2 ± 3·0 vs 60·0 ± 4·5 mm; August: 61·9 ± 4·5 vs 63·2 ± 4·1 mm; September: 77·9 ± 8·7 vs 77·3 ± 7·8 mm respectively. Horizontal distribution of allopatric YOY charr did not differ from that of sympatric charr, 65% of the fish being captured within the first 2 m depth and the rest between 2 and 7 m depth. In contrast, the vertical distribution of allopatric YOY charr from both communities was significantly different; 81% of allopatric charr were captured within 0·5 m from the substrate compared to 64% for sympatric charr (P<0·001). Differences in vertical distribution of the fish were related to differences in diet; allopatric charr fed mainly on benthic and large planktonic organisms whereas sympatric charr fed less on these organisms and more on terrestrial organisms. In the lake where YOY charr were most abundant, individuals were spatially segregated into two groups; one ‘littoral’, found in 0–2m depth, and one ‘profundal’, found in 3–6 m depth. Growth, condition, and feeding habits of charr from the two groups were different, especially during the last sampling period.  相似文献   

Temperature and egg viability data from an Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus hatchery covering a period of 28 years were analysed. During the study period, there was a significant increase in the mean water temperature in May, July, August and September of c. 2° C. Independent of year, the egg viability showed a negative correlation with the mean monthly temperatures in July, August and September as well as with the temperature difference between October and November. The negative effect of high summer temperatures was further supported by a comparison of egg viability from replicate broodstock reared at two sites differing mainly in summer water temperature. The eggs from the colder site were, on average, significantly larger (4·4 mm compared with 4·0 mm) and had higher hatching rates (57% compared with 37%). These results suggest that unfavourable temperature conditions during the summer and autumn can explain much of the excessive egg mortality experienced at the main facility used for the Swedish S. alpinus breeding programme. The main effect was supra‐optimal temperatures during the period July to September, but there also appears to have been an effect from the temperature regime before and during spawning (October to November) that was unrelated to the summer temperatures. These findings emphasize the importance of site selection and sustainable management of aquaculture hatcheries in the light of the ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Estuarine residency and marine movements of 43 anadromous Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (mean ± s.d . fork length = 523 ± 97 mm) were examined using acoustic tracking in inner Frobisher Bay (IFB; 63° N; 68° W), Canada, from July to September 2008 and 2009. A mean ± s.d . migration duration of 63 ± 7 days occurred from late June to early September. Detected S. alpinus were either continuously (maximum 34 days) or intermittently present in estuarine zones, on average residing approximately one third of time tracked and returning once every 9 days. Significantly higher estuarine residency during the final 15 migration days suggested that a transition phase may occur prior to freshwater re‐entry. Low travel rates during flood tide suggested individuals staged before accessing intertidal and estuarine zones. Although the two main estuaries were c. 22 km apart, 19% of tagged individuals used both. Individuals remained relatively close to freshwater overwintering systems, although late‐migration inter‐estuarine movements may have indicated natal homing. Approximately half of the individuals exhibited extra‐estuarine travel, mostly during mid‐migration, but remained within 3 km of shore ranging < 30 km straight line distance (SLD) of either estuary. It was concluded that IFB S. alpinus (1) spent a significant portion of their migration within or adjacent to the estuaries and (2) had a restricted marine distribution within 30 km SLD of the river mouths.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of the eye fluke Diplostomum pseudospathaceum (Trematoda) infection on over‐winter survival of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) European bitterling Rhodeus amarus (Cyprinidae) were examined between September 2010 and April 2011. The fish were reared in semi‐natural conditions to ensure that results were not confounded by other parasite infections. The cumulative mortality of R. amarus from November until April was significantly higher in D. pseudospathaceum‐infected fish (57·3%) compared to controls (42·1%). Infection of the parental generation did not have any effect on the mortality of juveniles. The results indicate that D. pseudospathaceum infection increases over‐winter mortality of YOY R. amarus. The possible mechanisms causing mortality are discussed.  相似文献   

Intraspecific competition plays a significant role in shaping how animals use and share habitats in space and time. However, the way individuals may modify their diel activity in response to increased competition has received limited attention. We used juvenile (age 1+) Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus to test the prediction that individuals at high population density are more active and distribute their foraging activity over a greater portion of the 24‐h cycle than individuals at low population density. Individually tagged fish were stocked in seminatural stream enclosures at low (2 fish/m2) and high (6 fish/m2) density. During each of two 2‐week experimental rounds, activity of all fish within each enclosure was recorded every 3 h over seven 24‐h cycles. At high density, fish were more active and distributed their activity over a greater portion of the 24‐h cycle, with increased activity particularly at crepuscular times. Fluctuations in ecological conditions (e.g., water temperature and light intensity) also affected activity. Fish at high density grew as fast as fish at low density. This study demonstrates that individuals exhibit a degree of behavioral flexibility in their response to changes in ecological conditions and suggests that intraspecific competition can cause animals to modify temporal aspects of their activity to gain access to resources and maintain growth.  相似文献   

Mean ambient water temperatures experienced by individual young-of-the-year (YOY) Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), from a Svalbard lake were estimated using measurements of oxygen stable isotopes (δ18O) derived from fish otoliths. Otolith-derived water temperatures differed significantly from temperatures recorded at the outlet river of the Dieset watercourse but were consistent with temperatures previously recorded in shallow littoral areas of other Svalbard lakes where YOY charr are commonly found. This indicates that fixed-point monitoring does not necessarily represent the temperatures and thermal habitats used by individual fish. Otolith-derived water temperatures were also positively related to fish length-at-capture and otolith size, although much of the variation remained unexplained. Differences among individuals could be related to variability in food availability and food intake as well as variation in the initial fish size at hatching. Implications for subsequent investigations into how YOY charr respond and adapt to future climate change are discussed.  相似文献   

Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) are nutritionally dependent upon their dam through the majority of their first year. Several indices of body condition were measured in YOY 1.5–9 mo of age captured in Southeast Alaska (n = 122), the Gulf of Alaska (n = 182), and the Aleutian Islands (n = 38) to test the hypothesis that nutritional stress impacted the ability of adult female Steller sea lions to adequately nourish their late gestation YOY in the central Aleutian Islands in the early 2000s. Body mass (kg) and percent total body lipid content (%TBL) increased with age in all three regions of Alaska that were sampled (P < 0.05). Young‐of‐the‐year 7–9 mo of age were leaner in Southeast Alaska (27.6% ± 1.0%) and Gulf of Alaska (29.5% ± 0.8%) than in the Aleutian Islands (35.7% ± 1.2%, P < 0.001). Condition indices calculated from morphometric measures did not strongly predict the %TBL measured by isotope dilution. The trend for Aleutian Island YOY to have larger body mass and larger body fat reserves are counter to what would be expected if dams were unable to adequately provision their late lactation YOY due to inadequate food availability in the central Aleutian Islands.  相似文献   

Linear body measurements were made on wild Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus parr (100–200 mm LF) from two populations in northern Norway during spring (May), summer (June and July) and autumn (October). To reduce handling stress, a method was developed were dorsal and ventral body measurements could subsequently be taken easily from a single picture of the anaesthetized fish. Multiple regression analyses investigated the possible correlation between the body measurements and both total and percentage lipid content of the fish. For both populations and during all seasons, the regression equations gave better estimates for total lipid than for percentage lipid. The regression equations for total lipid accounted for between 67·7 and 89·5% of the variance in lipid content for the different seasons within the lakes. The pooled data within each lake accounted for 62·9 and 81·0% of the variance in total lipid, while the pooled data for both lakes accounted for 67·7% of the variance. In general, the condition factor alone did not give a satisfactory estimate of lipid content of the Arctic charr (r2 = 0·003–0·521). Shrinkage on validation values was high (0·20–0·52). Employing a ridge regression method resulted in models with lower r2 values and lower shrinkage values (indicating more stable models). Published equations used for hatchery‐reared Arctic charr could not be used on wild fish from the same population. The close correlations between actual and predicted lipid levels found in this study show that morphometric measurements can predict total lipid levels in wild Arctic charr with reasonable accuracy. The most accurate results were obtained when equations were derived from each data set. Therefore, the method has the potential within a single study to estimate lipid levels in live fish as long as some fish can be sacrificed to develop a unique regression equation for each population or experiment.  相似文献   

The behaviour during an exploration task and the response to a confinement stress of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus were evaluated. Behaviour of individuals during 90 min of exploration was classified into high and low activity. High‐activity individuals had higher plasma cortisol levels following stress compared to low‐activity individuals. This indicates that high‐ and low‐activity individuals correspond to reactive and proactive stress‐coping styles. Further, a pigmentation analysis showed that high‐activity individuals had a higher number of carotenoid spots cm?2 than low‐activity individuals. Thus, carotenoid pigmentation, as melanin pigmentation in other salmonids, could be linked to stress‐coping style in S. alpinus.  相似文献   

The muscle and liver fatty acid composition of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Port Jackson sharks Heterodontus portusjacksoni were investigated to determine the effects of a known dietary lipid source v. maternal input as demonstrated by egg yolk fatty acid profiles. Ten Heterodontus portusjacksoni egg yolks were collected in situ and compared with four hatched H. portusjacksoni fed a known diet in a controlled feeding experiment of 185 days. This study demonstrated that fatty acids are probably conservatively transferred from egg yolks to YOY H. portusjacksoni, while diet did not have a large effect on the fatty acid composition of the liver or muscle.  相似文献   

Prey preference of top predators and energy flow across habitat boundaries are of fundamental importance for structure and function of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, as they may have strong effects on production, species diversity, and food‐web stability. In lakes, littoral and pelagic food‐web compartments are typically coupled and controlled by generalist fish top predators. However, the extent and determinants of such coupling remains a topical area of ecological research and is largely unknown in oligotrophic high‐latitude lakes. We analyzed food‐web structure and resource use by a generalist top predator, the Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.), in 17 oligotrophic subarctic lakes covering a marked gradient in size (0.5–1084 km2) and fish species richness (2–13 species). We expected top predators to shift from littoral to pelagic energy sources with increasing lake size, as the availability of pelagic prey resources and the competition for littoral prey are both likely to be higher in large lakes with multispecies fish communities. We also expected top predators to occupy a higher trophic position in lakes with greater fish species richness due to potential substitution of intermediate consumers (prey fish) and increased piscivory by top predators. Based on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses, the mean reliance of Arctic charr on littoral energy sources showed a significant negative relationship with lake surface area, whereas the mean trophic position of Arctic charr, reflecting the lake food‐chain length, increased with fish species richness. These results were supported by stomach contents data demonstrating a shift of Arctic charr from an invertebrate‐dominated diet to piscivory on pelagic fish. Our study highlights that, because they determine the main energy source (littoral vs. pelagic) and the trophic position of generalist top predators, ecosystem size and fish diversity are particularly important factors influencing function and structure of food webs in high‐latitude lakes.  相似文献   

Groups of mature (5+ year old) Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus held in sea water were exposed for 34 days to either a high (mean ±s.e . 0·15 ± 0·01 sea lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis g?1 fish mass) (HI), medium (0·07 ± 0·00 sea lice g?1 fish mass) (MI) or no [control (C)] sea‐lice infection during early stages of gonad development (June to July). Infection with sea lice resulted in increased plasma cortisol concentrations and this was related to intensity of infection; females tended to have higher cortisol concentrations than males at high infection intensities (HI group: female c. 130 ng ml?1; male c. 80 ng ml?1). Plasma osmolality (C c. 330, MI c. 350 and HI c. 415 mOsm) and chloride concentrations (C c. 135, MI c. 155 and HI c. 190 mM) increased significantly with infection intensity, indicating osmoregulatory problems in infected fish. A strong positive relationship between plasma osmolality and cortisol concentration was recorded. Plasma sex‐steroid concentrations were influenced negatively by sea‐lice infection, particularly in the HI group, and were inversely related to plasma cortisol concentrations. The most heavily infected fish postponed the initiation of reproductive development until exposed to fresh water and timing of ovulation tended to be delayed in these fish. Growth rate and condition were negatively influenced by sea‐lice infection and growth rate was inversely related to plasma cortisol concentrations. Sea‐lice infection resulted in mortality among females in the HI group, and the proportion of maturing females was lower in the MI group (46%) than in the controls (85%). Egg production in the MI and HI groups was c. 50 and 30% of the C group. Egg size, embryonic survival and fry mass did not differ across groups. Sea lice influence reproductive development and egg production in S. alpinus, and consequently these parasites may influence populations via sublethal effects on broodfish, affecting growth and condition, and their reproductive output.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in growth of the rusty parrotfish Scarus ferrugineus were studied on a southern Red Sea fringing reef that experiences seasonal changes in environmental conditions and benthic algal resources. Length increment data from tagging and recapture were compared among periods and sexes and modelled using GROTAG, a von Bertalanffy growth model. The growth pattern of S. ferrugineus was highly seasonal with a maximum occurring between April and June and a minimum between December and March. Body condition followed the seasonal variation in growth, increasing from April to June and decreasing from December to March. The season of maximum growth coincided with high irradiation, temperature increases and peak abundance of the primary food source, the epilithic algal community. There was a decline in growth rate during summer (July to October) associated with a combination of extreme temperatures and lowered food availability. There were strong sexual size dimorphism (SSD) and life‐history traits. Terminal‐phase (TP) males achieved larger asymptotic lengths than initial‐phase individuals (IP) (L 34·55 v. 25·12 cm) with growth coefficients (K) of 0·26 and 0·38. The TPs were growing four times as fast as IPs of similar size. Three individuals changed from IP to TP while at liberty and grew eight times faster than IPs of similar size, suggesting that sex change in S. ferrugineus is accompanied by a surge in growth rate. The SSD in S. ferrugineus thus coincided with fast growth that started during sex change and continued into the TP. Faster growth during sex change suggests that the cost associated with sex change is limited.  相似文献   

The migratory behaviour and spatial area use of sympatric Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus and brown trout Salmo trutta were investigated during their marine feeding migration. The likelihood of finding individuals of both species in the inner or outer fjord areas was dependent on water temperature in the inner area (especially for S. alpinus), the temperature difference between the inner and outer areas (especially for S. trutta) and fish fork length (both species). The strongest predictor was the water temperature in the inner area, and particularly S. alpinus left this area and moved to the outer areas with increasing temperatures in the inner area. At 8° C in the inner area, the likelihood of finding S. alpinus in the outer areas was >50%. This predictor had a smaller effect on S. trutta, and the likelihood of finding S. trutta in the outer areas only started to increase at around 14° C. The relationships between temperature and area use did not correspond to the species' optimal growth temperatures, but to their previously documented temperature preferences. Individuals of both species used mainly the littoral fjord areas, and to a lesser extent the pelagic areas. In conclusion, temperature differences between the inner and outer marine areas probably resulted in the segregated area use between the species, because water temperatures or factors influenced by temperature affected their migratory behaviour and habitat use differently. The results indicate that increased marine temperatures with global warming may lead to increased spatial overlap between S. trutta and S. alpinus, which again may lead to increased interspecific competition during their marine phase, and with S. alpinus probably being the more negatively affected.  相似文献   

Early life history traits of young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) round herring Etrumeus teres, caught in Tosa Bay (south‐western Japan), were studied using otolith microstructure analysis for the 2000–2003 year classes. Hatch dates ranged from October to March, and were restricted to either autumn or winter within each year class. YOY ranged from 50 to 123 mm total length (LT) and from 57 to 192 days in age. The relationship of LT to otolith radius was linear. Individual growth rates (GI) were backcalculated between the 70th and 150th days (the size range of most YOY caught) using the biological intercept method. GI ranged from 0·3 to 1·4 mm day?1 and decreased in most cases as season progressed irrespective of year class, although GI in winter cohorts were significantly higher than in autumn cohorts. Otolith growth rates (GO) ranged from 2·13 to 12·25 μm day?1 for autumn spawned YOY and from 3·12 to 12·41 μm day?1 for YOY spawned in winter. The GO trajectories followed three consistent patterns: (1) an increase in increment widths after first feeding through the second week of larval life, then (2) a plateau in increment spacing before increment widths increased again until reaching the maximum growth rate, followed by (3) a gradual decrease in increment widths until the end of the fifth month. The three stages occurred irrespective of spawning season, although YOY spawned in October and December had higher GO during stages (1) and (2) than YOY spawned in February and March, whereas higher GO was observed for late‐winter cohorts in stage (3). Otolith growth from YOY spawned in December and January showed an intermediate pattern between YOY hatched in the early autumn (October to December) and late winter (February to March). The GO trajectories were cross‐matched to the calendar date to estimate time series of otolith growth rates (GOTS) for each year. A parabolic trend was found with maximum GOTS in autumn and spring and minimum values in winter. This trend was significantly correlated to daily sea surface temperature variations. The differences in otolith growth trajectories suggest that the otolith microstructure of E. teres may be used as a natural tag for identifying autumn and winter spawned cohorts.  相似文献   

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