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Simulated atmospheric gas-phase reactions of naphthalene, fluorene and phenanthrene have been carried out in an environmental chamber with bioassay-directed chemical analysis of the reaction products. Nitro-PAH were found to be the most significant mutagens formed from the reactions of naphthalene and fluorene. The mutagram (bar graph of mutagenic activity versus HPLC fraction) of the phenanthrene reaction products closely resembled that of an ambient air particulate extract with the most mutagenic activity being in a fraction more polar than that in which the nitro-PAH elute. Nitrophenanthrene lactones (nitro-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyran-6-ones) were found to account for the observed activity of this polar fraction of the phenanthrene reaction products. It has been shown that the utilization of an environmental chamber with a known PAH-starting material and the ability to produce sufficient product for isomer-specific identifications of mutagens is a promising complement to bioassaydirected fractionation of ambient air particulate extracts.  相似文献   

Ames's strains of Salmonella typhimurium were used to evaluate the mutagenic activity of airbone particulate materials collected at six different points in the industrial area of Ohmuta and the residential area Fukuoka. Tests were done in presence of rat-liver S-9 fraction isolated from rats that had been treated with Aroclor 1254. When the number of revertant colonies per plate was plotted against the amount of methanol extract of particulate air pollutants, using strain TA98, approximately linear relationships were observed for active samples. Generally, mutagenic activity of the samples increased in proportion to the density of air pollutants. In our system, 38--349 microng of methanol extract, from 0.225--4.51 m3 of air from the factory districts in Ohmuta City gave 100 his+ revertants per plate. On the other hand, 54--2300 microng of air pollutants, from 1.29--14.1 m3 of air from the residential districts in Fukuoka City, gave a comparable activity. Every sample from each area had mutagenic activity. Chemicals in air pollutants were fractionated by alumina column chromatography and identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. More than 28 compounds, including 12 unknown substances were identified as polycyclic hydrocarbons. Twelve of these compounds are already known to be carcinogens and to induce reversions to histidine independence in strain TA98 of Salmonella.  相似文献   

In the present study, we summarize the results of studies on the mutagenic potential of the main fractions and subfractions of extractable organic material (EOM) in the ambient air at the workplaces of the coke oven. The objective of our experiments was to apply the Bioassay-Directed Chemical Analysis (with the use of the Ames test) for the identification of the differences in the mutagenicity of these fractions, in relationship to the complex mixture of EOM in occupational air. From the evaluation of results, it is possible to deduce the following conclusions: (1) The comparison of the mutagenicity in the main fractions (basic, acidic, neutral) demonstrates the existence of differences in mutagenic potential. Of the total mutagenicity, 20.4% is in the basic fraction, 25.4% in the acidic fraction and 54.2% in the neutral fraction. (2) In general, 90.1% of the mutagenicity found in the basic, acidic and neutral fractions together was associated with the requirement of metabolic activation in vitro (+S9). In the case of the neutral fraction, it was 51.8%. (3) These results also suggest that frameshift mutations are the major component (53.8%) of the total mutagenicity of the main fractions. (4) With regards to the mutagenicity of organic compounds in the neutral fraction it appeared that genotoxicants of its subfractions (slightly and moderately polar and aromatic) play the main role. Carcinogenic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and genotoxic nitrocompounds play an important role as determinants of the mutagenic potential of complex mixtures of harmful compounds in ambient air. This is confirmed first by the results of short-term bacterial tests.  相似文献   

Of the many nitroarenes, dinitropyrenes (DNPs) have the potential to revert Salmonella typhimurium his- mutants. This study was conducted to investigate the potential mutagens present in airborne particulate matter collected in Santiago, Chile. 5 organic substances extracted with dichloromethane showed mutagenic rates of from 38.9 to 287 revertants per m3 of air for S. typhimurium his- strain TA98 without S9 mix. 4 of the samples had greatly reduced mutagenicity for strain TA98/1,8DNP6 but not for strain TA98NR. The 1-nitropyrene (1-NP) content accounted for 0.06-0.15 microgram per g of particulate, as determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), but the contribution of the compound to mutagenicity was less than 1% of the total activity. On the other hand, by using two columns in the HPLC, DNPs of 1,6- and 1,8-isomers were detected in the samples pooled after the determination of 1-NP, and the amount of the derivatives was about 0.2 microgram per g of particulate matter.  相似文献   

Diesel particles were collected from the exhaust of a VW Golf diesel car by electrostatic precipitation. The particulate and its DCM extract were highly mutagenic in the Salmonella/microsome test in the presence and absence of metabolic activation; the highest response was observed with TA98 and TA1538 tester strains. The biological availability of particulate-associated mutagenic compounds was demonstrated by administering powder to rats and assaying, in vitro, the urine excreted within 24 h after treatment.The highest activity was obtained with TA98 in the presence of metabolic activation. Typical dose-effect responses were evident in urine of animals treated by all the administration routes tested (i.p., s.c. and per os), both in the presence and absence of a suspending vehicle. Concentration of mutagenic compounds present in urine of treated animals could be achieved by chromatography on Amberlite XAD-2 and XAD-7 resins. This study provides direct evidence for bioavailability to animal tissues of mutagens adsorbed onto diesel particulate, although part of the activity might be ascribed to nitroaromatic compounds formed during the collection of the powder.The present study is part of a more comprehensive work on diesel exhaust particulate, and results have to be considered in this light before any final conclusion can be drawn.  相似文献   

The mutagenicity spectra of the organic extracts of both airborne particulate matter and diesel and gasoline soot particles were determined using a battery of 9 bacterial strains of different genetic specificity. The assays with crude extracts and with fractionated acidic, neutral and basic components revealed striking differences in the patterns of mutagenic responses produced by each of the complex mixtures investigated. The mutagenicity of air particulate matter was shown to depend mainly on direct-acting acidic and neutral compounds, with a lesser contribution of basic promutagens which required exogenous metabolic activation by liver S9. The assays with a diesel soot extract indicated the prevailing contribution of direct-acting acidic and neutral compounds, and suggested an important role also for nitro derivatives other than nitropyrenes. The gasoline exhaust was characterized by powerful promutagenic compounds, belonging to either the acidic, neutral or basic fractions. The implications of these results are discussed with respect to the contribution of engine exhausts to air pollution, and the possible use of mutagenicity spectra in the analysis of environmental complex mixtures.  相似文献   

Laser therapy has gained wide acceptance and application in many medical disciplines. Nevertheless, during surgical procedures, the thermal destruction of tissue creates a smoke plume. Recent research data indicate that pyrolysates liberated during vaporisation of tissue induce DNA damage. However, assessing potential health hazards during medical laser treatment requires comprehensive insight into the cytotoxic, genotoxic, clastogenic and mutagenic capacity of laser pyrolysis products (LPP). Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxic, genotoxic, clastogenic and mutagenic potential of substances resulting from laser irradiation. Four different types of porcine tissues were irradiated with a surgical CO2 laser, the aerosols were sampled under defined conditions and subjected to the SCE test, micronucleus test and the HPRT test. The results showed that the pyrolysis products are strong inducers of cytotoxic effects. The pyrolysis products induced positive effects in the SCE test, micronucleus test and the HPRT test. The ability and extent to induce genotoxic and mutagenic effects turned out to be dependent on the type of tissue that had been irradiated. In general, the effects were most pronounced with liver pyrolysate. In all test systems, a clear dose relationship could be established. In conclusion, we were able to prove that the particulate fraction of laser pyrolysis aerosols originating from biological tissues undoubtedly have to be classified as cytotoxic, genotoxic, clastogenic and mutagenic. Therefore, they could be potential health hazards for humans.  相似文献   

Photoirradiation in the presence of riboflavin led to guanine oxidation and the formation of imidazolone. Meanwhile, riboflavin itself was degraded by ultraviolet light A (UV-A) and visible light (VIS) radiation, and the end product was lumichrome. VIS radiation in the presence of riboflavin oxidized guanine similarly to UV-A radiation. Although UV-A radiation with lumichrome oxidized guanine, VIS radiation with lumichrome did not. Thus, UV-A radiation with riboflavin can oxidize guanine even if riboflavin is degraded to lumichrome. In contrast, following VIS radiation degradation of riboflavin to lumichrome, VIS radiation with riboflavin is hardly capable of oxidizing guanine. The consequences of riboflavin degradation and guanine photooxidation can be extended to flavin mononucleotide and flavin adenine dinucleotide. In addition, we report advanced synthesis; carboxymethylflavin was obtained by oxidation of formylmethylflavin with chlorite and hydrogen peroxide; lumichrome was obtained by heating of formylmethylflavin in 50% AcOH; lumiflavin was obtained by incubation of formylmethylflavin in 2 M NaOH, followed by isolation by step-by-step concentration.  相似文献   

The marine environment is a rich source of biologically active compounds with pharmacological properties. Marine organisms often produce secondary metabolites with structural features different from those produced by terrestrial ones, and the Phylum Porifera seems to be one of the most productive in this sense. This study was undertaken to provide data on mutagenic and antimutagenic activities from an acetone (Areac) and an ethanol (Areet) extract obtained from Arenosclera brasiliensis, an endemic Brazilian sponge. A qualitative Salmonella reverse mutation test was performed with the TA97, TA98, TA100, and TA102 strains by incubating cells with Areac and Areet in the presence and absence of a known mutagen. A cytotoxic evaluation of the extracts was also performed. A. brasiliensis did not display any mutagenic activity, but Areac showed significant toxicity against test strains. In the antimutagenic assay, a reduction in the number of his+ revertants was observed for the TA97, TA100 and TA102 strains treated with Areac when compared to the positive controls. Areet treatment showed protective activity against DNA lesions only for the TA100. These results are in agreement with those obtained previously with other A. brasiliensis extracts, suggesting an antimutagenic activity.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial and antiviral activities of the fractions from Scutia buxifolia stem bark and leaves were evaluated. Best antimicrobial results occurred with the ethyl acetate (EA) and n-butanolic (NB) fractions from the leaves against Micrococcus sp. (minimal inhibitory concentration—MIC = 62.5 μg/ml), and NB fraction from stem bark and leaves against Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis (MIC = 62.5 μg/ml). The most active fractions were selected and fractioned into silica column to perform an in vitro antibiofilm assay, which evidenced subfractions EA2 and EA3 as the more active against Candida albicans (biofilm inhibitory concentration—BIC = 582 ± 0.01 μg/ml) and Staphylococcus aureus (BIC = 360 ± 0.007 μg/ml), respectively. The NB (selectivity index—SI = 25.78) and the EA (SI = 15.97) fractions from the stem bark, and the EA (SI = 14.13) fraction from the leaves exhibited a potential antiviral activity towards Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 whereas EA2 and EA3 subfractions from leaves (SI = 12.59 and 10.06, respectively), and NB2 subfraction from stem bark (SI = 12.34) maintained this good activity. Phenolic acids and flavonoids (gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, rutin, isoquercitrin, quercitrin and quercetin) were identified by HPLC and may be partially responsible for the antimicrobial and antiherpes activities observed. The results obtained in this study showed that Scutia buxifolia has antibiofilm and anti-herpetic activities and that these properties are reported for the first time for this species.  相似文献   

The emission of aerosol particles and their mutagenic activity as well as the emission of some gaseous pollutants has been studied experimentally in order to compare the emission from some indoor pyrolysis processes. Cigarette (tobacco and herbal) smoking, incense and mosquito-coil burning and frying of experimental lean minced pork emitted particulate matter. Their extracts were mutagenic in the Ames Salmonella test with TA98 and activation as well as, with a higher response, in a microsuspension test with the same strain and activation condition. The response of the particles from the smoking and burning processes varied from 3000 to 50,000 revertants per gram of smoked or burnt material in the conventional Salmonella test and from 50,000 to 350,000 revertants per gram in the microsuspension assay. The frying of lean minced pork gave an airborne emission of about 53 and 560 revertants per gram of fried pork, respectively, in the 2 assays. The frying of some common food items following cookbook recipes also emitted mutagenic aerosol particles but the emitted activity was less than that in the pork experiment. Carbon monoxide, isoprene and benzene were present in the emissions from the smoking and burning processes but were not detectable in the frying fumes. The results suggest that incense and mosquito-coil burning can cause indoor air pollution akin to that from cigarette smoking. Indoor air pollution from cooking requires further study.  相似文献   

The current and potential uses of sedimentation field-flow fractionation (SdFFF) for characterizing suspended particulate matter (SPM) from natural waters is reviewed. Suitable sample preparation methods and run conditions are given which enable the particle size distribution of aquatic SPM to be determined. Samples collected from different natural waters display quite distinct differences in the shape of their particle size distribution.One of the major advantages of this high resolution separation technique is that fractions of specific size ranges can be collected for characterization by other analytical methods. This has been illustrated in this work with scanning electron microscopy and EDAX elemental analysis data. The potential to extend this approach using other characterization techniques such as inductively coupled-plasma mass spectrometry and X-ray diffraction is discussed.A method has been developed for combining adsorption experiments with SdFFF separations that enables the distributions of both the amount adsorbed and the surface adsorption density across the SPM size range to be determined with good resolution. This approach is illustrated by the adsorption of the herbicide glyphosate to two estuarine SPM samples.  相似文献   

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