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Seasonal changes in leaf population per area, nutrient absorption rate and elemental concentration of Menyanthes trifoliata L. were studied in a floating peat mat in Mizorogaike Pond, central Japan, with reference to the peat redox potential. Leaf population of M. trifoliata showed a rapid increase in May, reached the maximum in June, and then decreased to 12% of the maximum density in July. The foliage density of M. trifoliata again increased and reached its second maximum in September, and then it decreased to zero in December. The decrease of the foliage density from June to July corresponded to the minimum of redox potential (Eh) of the surface peat. Low Eh in the rhizosphere of M. trifoliata relates to the temporary disappearance of the foliage of the plant from June to July. Nutrient concentration (K, Mg, Ca, Fe) in M. trifoliata roots showed minimum in June to August. The nutrient absorption rate of M. trifoliata evaluated from the rubidium absorption rate of excised root of M. trifoliata showed a minimum value in June and July. Peat redox properties would affect the nutrient absorption activity of the roots and the consequent foliage phenology of M. trifoliata in Mizorogaike Pond.  相似文献   

Yamada  Sayumi  Tsujino  Riyou  Takemon  Yasuhiro  Urabe  Jotaro 《Limnology》2019,20(2):181-190
Limnology - Larvae of many odonate species commonly appear within the same freshwater ecosystem. However, it remains unknown whether there is a dietary separation among the larvae of different...  相似文献   

Species-area relationships of flowering plants were analyzed on the habitat-islands (hummocks on a floating bog) of Mizorogaike Pond, Japan. Three habitat units (Sphagnum cuspidatum unit,Sphagnum palustre unit, and fallen leaves unit) in which habitat conditions were homogeneous and a group of habitat-specific species occurred were recognized on the hummocks. Six hummock types were determined according to various combinations of the three habitat units. The most fundamental species-area relationships in which size itself affects the number of species were shown by hummocks with only one habitat unit. The species-area relationships for hummocks with two or three habitat units included the effects of habitat diversity in addition to size. The speciesarea curve for all hummocks was an average of these relationships. It is concluded that area in species-area relationships affects species numbers in two ways: number of habitat units and size of each habitat unit.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(1):31-37
The fish fauna of Thalassia testudinum (König) seagrass beds was studied at two sites in the Grand Cul-de-Sac Marin Bay (Guadeloupe, French West Indies). The first seagrass bed was located near a coral reef and the second was near coastal mangroves. Both habitats were sampled during day and night, using a purse-seine and a trap net. A total of 98 species belonging to 36 families were observed. Distance-based redundancy analyses revealed two site-specific assemblages of fishes. Diel assemblage shifts were more pronounced in the seagrass beds near coral reefs than in those near mangroves, due to the existence of nocturnal trophic incursions of coral reef fishes into seagrass beds. First-order carnivores dominated the trophic structure of the fish assemblages during both day and night. At night, Haemulidae, Holocentridae and Apogonidae took the place of Labridae, Chaetodontidae and Mullidae present by day near the reef. This switch did not occur near the coast where the exchanges between seagrass beds and mangrove appear to be less important than with the reef ecosystem. Thus, it appears that the adjacent seascape habitat setting affects the intensity in diel variability of the seagrass bed fish community.  相似文献   

I analyzed stomach contents of the American bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, in the Mizorogaike Pond of Kyoto, Japan. As a result, adult bullfrogs were found to feed predominantly on crayfish, and juveniles eat diverse arthropods. A wide variety of aquatic organisms occurred in the diet of both adult and juvenile bullfrogs.  相似文献   

The diversity of beetle assemblages in different habitat types (primary forest, logged forest, acacia plantation and oil palm plantation) in Sabah, Malaysia was investigated using three different methods based on habitat levels (Winkler sampling, flight-interception-trapping and mist-blowing). The overall diversity was extremely high, with 1711 species recorded from only 8028 individuals and 81 families (115 family and subfamily groups). Different degrees of environmental changes had varying effects on the beetle species richness and abundance, with oil palm plantation assemblage being most severely affected, followed by acacia plantation and then logged forest. A few species became numerically dominant in the oil palm plantation. In terms of beetle species composition, the acacia fauna showed much similarity with the logged forest fauna, and the oil palm fauna was very different from the rest. The effects of environmental variables (number of plant species, sapling and tree densities, amount of leaf litter, ground cover, canopy cover, soil pH and compaction) on the beetle assemblage were also investigated. Leaf litter correlated with species richness, abundance and composition of subterranean beetles. Plant species richness, tree and sapling densities correlated with species richness, abundance and composition of understorey beetles while ground cover correlated only with the species richness and abundance of these beetles. Canopy cover correlated only with arboreal beetles. In trophic structure, predators represented more than 40% of the species and individuals. Environmental changes affected the trophic structure with proportionally more herbivores (abundance) but fewer predators (species richness and abundance) in the oil palm plantation. Biodiversity, conservation and practical aspects of pest management were also highlighted in this study.  相似文献   

Deceptive orchid species that offer no floral rewards to pollinators often experience pollinator limitation because they. The breeding system and fruit set were investigated in order to examine pollinator limitation for a population of a deceptive orchid, Pogonia japonica , on a floating peat mat in Mizorogaike Pond, western Japan. Fruit sets for outcross-pollinated, self-pollinated and pollinator-excluded flowers were 75%, 80%, and 0%, respectively. Thus, this species was self-compatible but neither autogamous nor apogamous. The fruit set for open-pollinated flowers was 22.9% and 17.4% in 1994 and 1995, suggesting that pollinator limitation did occur in the field. Larger flowers were more likely to develop into fruit than smaller ones in open pollination (36% vs 8%). Thus, flower size seems to affect fruiting of this species. No effective visits by major pollinators such as bees, which could carry pollinia, were observed during 16.5 h of observation during daytime. Instead, thrips were often found moving on gynostemium or pollinia and circumstantial evidence that suggests thrips may partly transfer pollen in pieces out of a granular pollinium of P. japonica was obtained. Pogonia japonica should come to use thrips as a pollinator to supplement low fruit set under limited flower visitation by major pollinators.  相似文献   

We determined the species-specific habitat associations of coral reef fishes and environmental characteristics in an Okinawan coral reef in Japan. We focused on three families (Pomacentridae, Gobiidae and Labridae) and attempted to determine differences in habitat utilization. We selected six sites along the coast of Amitori Bay, from the entrance to the innermost part, in order to cover a wide range of habitat characteristics (exposed habitat, semi-exposed habitat and sheltered habitat). The species diversity of coral assemblages was greater at the exposed and semi-exposed habitats, whereas branching coral mostly covered the sheltered habitat. The environmental factors that determine the species-specific spatial association in fishes differed among families. Both biological characteristics (coral morphology and coral species diversity) and physical characteristics (water depth and wave exposure) affected the spatial association of pomacentrids and gobiids. In contrast, physical characteristics such as substrate complexity and water depth affected the species-specific spatial association of labrid species. Further study is needed to determine the ecological factors that regulate the species-specific habitat preference in Okinawan coral reefs.  相似文献   

A relationship was sought between species distribution and seasonal change in the redox property of peat in a floating mat in Mizorogaike Pond, central Japan. The mat surface experienced an annual submergence-emergence cycle due to its sinking-rising movement. Redox potential (Eh) of the surface peat showed little difference between communities in the mat in the submergence season (January–June) and early emergence season (July–August). However variation in Eh among communities was clear in the late emergence season (September–December). Among seven communities in the floating mat, theMenyanthes trifoliata-Rhynchospora fauriei, M. trifoliata-Eriocaulon sikokianum-E. bondoense f.pilosum, Sphagnum cuspidatum andM. trifoliata-Carex thunbergii communities had high Eh (400–600 mV) in the late emergence season, while theMenyanthes trifoliata andPhragmites australis-M. trifoliata communities had lower Eh (200–400 mV). TheM. trifoliata-Isachné globosa community was intermediate (300–500 mV). The earlier the emergence of the peat surface began, the higher the Eh became in the late emergence season.  相似文献   

1. The effects of channelisation on macroinvertebrates were examined in relation to a spate and flow refugia. Habitat components that can function as flow refugia were identified in a small, low‐gradient stream in northern Hokkaido, Japan. 2. Macroinvertebrates and their habitat characteristics (depth, current velocity and substratum) were sampled and measured in natural and channelised sections on three occasions: before, during and immediately after a spate. For macroinvertebrate sampling and habitat measurements, five (riffle, glide, pool, backwater and inundated habitats) and three (channelised‐mid, channelised‐edge and inundated habitats) habitat types were classified in the natural and channelised section, respectively. 3. The rate of velocity increase with discharge was compared among habitat types to determine which habitat types were less affected by increased discharge. The rate was the highest in riffles followed by glides and channelised‐mids. Backwaters maintained low current velocity even at high flow. In addition, current velocity in both natural and channelised inundated habitats was low relative to other habitat types during the spate. 4. Through the spate, total density of macroinvertebrates in channelised‐mids and taxon richness in both channelised‐mids and edges decreased. In the natural section, however, such a significant decrease was not found except for taxon richness in pools. This indicated that the spate had a greater impact on assemblages in the channelised section. Riffle assemblages exhibited a rapid recovery immediately after the spate, suggesting the existence of flow refugia in the natural section. Among the habitat types we examined, backwaters and inundated habitats appeared to have acted as flow refugia, because these habitats accumulated macroinvertebrates during the spate. 5. The lower persistence of the macroinvertebrate assemblage in the channelised section was attributable to the lower availability of flow refugia such as backwaters and inundated habitats. Our results emphasised the importance of considering flow fluctuations and refugia in assessing the effects of channelisation. In addition, the lateral heterogeneity of stream channels should be considered in stream restoration and management.  相似文献   

We studied variation in benthic macrocrustacean and insect assemblages in relation to spring habitat characteristics in six springs located in a single groundwater area in south-west Finland. We defined five habitat types in the studied springs according to water flow and benthic substrate characteristicsminerogenic brooks, organogenic brooks, helocrenes, floating moss carpets and limnocrene pools. Most studied invertebrate orders, as well as individual taxa, showed differences in relative abundances between the habitat types, but the most common taxa occurred in all springs and habitat types. The studied macroinvertebrates were most abundant in the moss carpet sites and least abundant in the pool sites, but the difference was not statistically significant. We did not observe significant differences in mean taxonomic richness per sample between habitat classes. The observed taxonomic richness in pooled samples of habitat classes was highest in moss carpet habitat and lowest in pool habitat, and the rarefied richness estimate was lowest in pool habitat. Benthic macrocrustacean and insect assemblages varied more between habitat types than between individual springs. In an Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordination analysis, spring brook sites were separated from the moss carpet and pool sites, whereas helocrene sites were widely scattered among sites in other habitat classes. The strongest ecological gradients were related to water flow and the presence of minerogenic substrate, separating lentic and lotic habitats. Abundances of moss and coarse detritus accounted for most of the within-class variation. We identified several indicator species for minerogenic and organogenic brooks and for moss carpet and pool habitats, but none for the helocrenes. We found several occurrences of two crenobiont insect species considered threatened in Finland. We suggest that combined studies on macroinvertebrate and bryophyte assemblages would be a powerful approach in assessing the biodiversity of springs.  相似文献   

Studies based on presence/absence of a species may provide insight into habitat associations, allowing the distribution of species to be predicted across the landscape. Our objective was to characterise the epigeal spider fauna in three mature boreal forest types (conifer, mixedwood and deciduous) and a disturbed habitat (clearcut) to provide baseline data on the spider species inhabiting major forest types of boreal northwestern Ontario, Canada. Only spring-active epigeal spiders were considered for logistical reasons. We further identified the coarse woody debris structure and microhabitat characteristics within these stand types to try to refine our ability to predict the within-stand occurrence of spiders. We found the clearcut habitat strongly dominated by the Lycosidae with 55% of spiders represented by a single species, Pardosa moesta Banks. The forested habitats were more diverse, with web-building families forming a large component of the fauna and many species represented by only a few individuals. The spider composition of the deciduous stands (aspen and mixedwood) was very similar, and distinct from that of spruce stands. Species such as Agroeca ornata (Emerton) (Liocranidae) and Pirata montanus Emerton (Lycosidae) were strongly associated with deciduous leaf litter. Within the spruce stands, Agyneta olivacea (Emerton) (Linyphiidae) and Pardosa uintana Gertsch (Lycosidae) were associated with feathermoss rather than Sphagnum microhabitats. Many of the habitat associations observed at Rinker Lake do not conform well to those described in the taxonomic literature as typical for the species. Few associations with coarse woody debris or microhabitat attributes (other than ground cover type) were found.  相似文献   

The abundance and taxonomic composition of the aquatic insect fauna were investigated, with focus on adult water bugs, water beetles and water scavenger beetles (Heteroptera: Nepomorpha and Gerromorpha, and Coleoptera: Hydradephaga and Hydrophilidae) in two different freshwater habitats: (1) a periodically flooded area of the Special Zoological Reserve in Kopa?ki rit Nature Park, Croatia; and (2) melioration canals in the wider area of the Nature Park during 2005. Aquatic insects are generally abundant in various water systems, including floodplains that are exposed to water level fluctuations. Our aims were (1) to determine abundance and species richness in relation to habitat type; (2) to determine the influence of high flood peaks and oscillations during high water levels on the diversity of aquatic Coleoptera and Heteroptera in the flooded area; and (3) to identify characteristic species associated with each habitat type. We collected 71 species; 41 were captured at canals and 64 at the flooded area. Diversity of the two habitat types varied depending on the months but there were remarkable differences in species pool and their abundance. Both high and low water levels as well as oscillations during high water levels had major influence on species assemblages at the flooded area. Diversity of aquatic Coleoptera and Heteroptera was higher when the water level decreased after high water level peaks. A total of 11 species fulfilled the criteria for specificity and were sufficiently abundant to be suitable species characteristic for these two habitats. A higher proportion of significant characteristic species was present in the flooded area than in the canals. The presence of two Red List species of water beetles (Graphoderus bilineatus De Geer, 1774 and Berosus geminus Reiche et Saulcy, 1856) and nine significant characteristic species at the flooded area clearly indicates that the contribution of floodplains in maintaining freshwater biodiversity is not only important regionally but also at the international level. Also, our results suggest that the power of high water levels is an important factor that can be used in analyses on aquatic Coleoptera and Heteroptera assemblages, showing the uniqueness of large floodplain areas.  相似文献   

1. Habitat complexity is thought to exert a significant influence on ecological communities, but its operation under variable natural conditions is not well understood, particularly in freshwater. To elucidate the role of habitat complexity, in particular the fractal structure of surface irregularity, in a stream system, field colonisation experiments were conducted at three times of year (summer, winter and spring) using natural substrates with different levels of fractal dimension in a small coastal mountain stream of southern Japan. 2. In the winter experiment, comparison was also made between the standard (control) treatment and the resource‐preconditioning treatment whereby experimental plates were conditioned in the natural stream environment to allow the accumulation of potential food resources (algae and detritus) for 1 month prior to the experiment. 3. Species abundance patterns observed at different times of year showed little systematic variation with levels of habitat complexity but largely followed the patterns expected from, or lying in between, the Random Assortment model and the random fraction model. 4. Taxon richness and density increased with habitat complexity in all seasons except for density in spring. Different taxa showed different patterns of change with habitat complexity, which also varied with seasons. Biomass of invertebrates showed no systematic trend with an increase in habitat complexity. 5. Chlorophyll‐a concentrations tended to be lower in more complex habitats, particularly in summer. In contrast, fine particulate organic matter (FPOM) tended to increase with habitat complexity. However, the relationship between these potential food resources and invertebrate assemblages remain unclear. 6. While there were no significant differences in taxon richness and biomass of invertebrates between the resource‐preconditioning and the control treatment, density was higher in the former than in the latter. The abundance of relatively large, surface‐dwelling animals showed more marked temporal variation over the entire period of colonisation in the resource‐preconditioning treatment than in the control treatment. 7. Body size of invertebrates tended to decline with fractal complexity, indicating that crevice sizes could affect habitat use by benthic animals of different sizes. In addition, body size was larger in the resource‐preconditioning treatment than in the control treatment, suggesting that body size in invertebrate assemblages was controlled by a mixture of factors. Thus, the present study demonstrates that habitat structure affects benthic invertebrate assemblages in a complex manner.  相似文献   


Urban heat islands (UHIs) represent a serious problem for urban biodiversity and landscapes. The impact of UHIs on Japanese gardens are of particular concern because these gardens use moss as a ground cover, and moss can be strongly affected by UHIs due to their sensitivity to drought stress. We studied 17 historical gardens in Kyoto, Japan, and propose an effective management strategy for moss gardens that takes into account the influence of UHIs on these gardens. The study sites included gardens covered by large patches of hygrophilous moss, gardens covered by mosses including small patches of hygrophilous moss, gardens covered by relatively drought-resistant moss, and gardens with small patches of mosses. We measured temperature and relative humidity within the gardens and determined the surrounding land-use types. A comparison of microclimates showed significant differences among garden types. Hygrophilous gardens had the lowest temperature and highest relative humidity, whereas gardens with small patches of moss had the highest temperature and lowest relative humidity. Using structural equation models, we determined that urbanization within 1000 m from the gardens increased temperature and decreased relative humidity, strongly affecting the type of garden. These effects could be attributed to the sensitivity of mosses to changes in microclimate caused by UHIs. Taken together, the results indicate that urban planning—e.g., increasing green space—within 1000 m of moss gardens can maintain those gardens by mitigating the influence of UHIs.


Chemical properties of waters and their seasonal changes were studied in Mizorogaike Pond, a system of pond and floating mat. The following six sites including contrasting habitats and water conditions were monitored to assess nutrient dynamics in the system: 1) a pool on the mat, 2) margin of aSphagnum cuspidatum community, 3) an artificial ‘well’ (water layer beneath the floating mat), 4) aMenyanthes trifoliata community in a hollow, and 5) & 6) two sites in the open water. On the floating mat, the water around theSphagnum community had lower pH values, while that in theM. trifoliata community had higher pH values. This difference was related to the influence of flood water, the extent of which was determined by the microtopography. Seasonal changes in water chemistry on the mat suggested that pond water flooding the mat in late autumn and winter is important for the nutrient supply to the mat surface vegetation in this system. Water chemistry of the ‘well’ suggested that the diffusion of inorganic nitrogen occurs from beneath the peat layer. Two types of cluster analysis based on the mean values for chemical variables and the patterns of fluctuation in these variables were performed. The six sites were classified into similar groups which were identified by water type (pool, hollow, well and open water) by both types of analysis. The results showed that a common kind of perturbation should operate in determining the status of nutrient dynamics in the various water types.  相似文献   

The relationship between vegetation and seasonal changes in water level was examined in a system of terrestrializing floating peat mat and pond in a warm temperate zone. The duration of flooding, or drawdown period, is related to vegetation in the mat. The first process of terrestrialization would be the attenuation of floating-sinking movement of the mat and the consequent stabilization of water level. Water level at the time when the movement of the mat was attenuated determined the subsequent vegetation change at the site. Two series of succession according to terrestrialization were recognized, and started from initial conditions of low and high water levels respectively. Habitats in low initial water levels experienced short flooding and long drawdown periods. Species changes in the successional series were:Menyanthes trifoliata-Rhynchospora fauriei-Eriocaulon sikokianum-Sphagnum cuspidatum. Submerged peat was experimentally emerged, and the crowded community ofRhynchospora fauriei andEriocaulon sikokianum established within one or two years. Appearance of these species was controlled by the water level of the habitats in winter. Another series of species changes in terrestrialization process was:Menyanthes trifoliata-Phragmites australis-Carex thunbergii orIsachne globosa. Habitats of these types of vegetation were in the area with relatively high initial water level (long flooding and short drawdown) when the floating-sinking movement of the mat attenuated. After the temporal paludification, the water level was lowered by the accumulation of peat in the process of terrestrialization.  相似文献   

This study explores the association of 24 polychaete species with sandy and muddy habitats located in a sub-arctic fjord, and across Atlantic Canada including Labrador, Newfoundland, and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Key characters used to facilitate species identification are also summarized. Within Bonne Bay, distinctive polychaete assemblages were associated with specific sediment types and polychaete species richness and density were significant both predictors of corresponding total (infaunal) density and species richness. Polychaetes were denser and more diverse in sandy sediments, partly because sandy locales were associated with the outer portion of the bay, and therefore were closer to the more productive and diverse Gulf of St. Lawrence. In general, species that occupied both sediment types were more widely distributed within Bonne Bay and across the region. The biogeography of most species also suggests that the Bonne Bay fauna is transitional between Labrador and Acadian biogeographic provinces.  相似文献   

Shorebirds are globally experiencing declines due to habitat loss and anthropogenic disturbance. The Central Asian Flyway hosts significant shorebirds that winter in the Indian subcontinent. The current study examined the shorebird assemblages of Kadalundi-Vallikkunnu Community Reserve, an internationally important estuarine wetland in southwestern India, to determine changes in their assemblages in relation to habitat alterations. We conducted point counts from 2005 to 2012 in mudflats, mangroves, sandy beaches and shallow water areas in Kadalundi-Vallikkunnu Community Reserve. This study measured physicochemical variables as a proxy for anthropogenic change experienced as a result of rapidly increasing human populations combined with development. We examined rainfall data during the study period to determine associations with shorebird abundance. Stepwise linear regression showed that total nitrogen and rainfall were significantly related to shorebird abundance (bird count = 306 + 213 NO3 ?—1.13 rainfall, F = 31.20, p < 0.001). High rainfall in a given year (one-way ANOVA F = 19.91, p < 0.001) and the previous year resulted in lower shorebird counts (one-way ANOVA F = 16.01, p < 0.001). Shorebirds declined during the study period and habitat use shifted significantly from mangroves and mudflats to sandy beaches (one-way ANOVA, F = 2.18, p = 0.034). Shorebirds also exhibited a gradual decline in diversity. We conclude that altered nutrient content in this wetland resulted in changes in the prey base in the four habitat types. Shorebirds responded to these changes by increasing the use of less preferred habitat (sandy beaches). The anthropogenic influences on the wetland are large (waste disposal, sand mining, disturbance due to development) and continued pressure may result in further decline of shorebird assemblages. The results from this study indicate that certain anthropogenic disturbances, such as waste disposal and sand mining, should be reduced to maintain and improve the integrity of this wetland.  相似文献   

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