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Primary cultures of normal human breast were stained with monoclonal antibodies to see if antigens characteristic of luminal epithelial cells are retained in culture. Three monoclonal antibodies were used, LICR-LON-M8, LICR-LON-M18, and LICR-LON-M24, all specific for the cell surface of luminal epithelial as opposed to myoepithelial or stromal cells in the breast, and each staining a different subset of the epithelial cells in the intact tissue. Cultures were prepared from reduction mammoplasty samples by digestion with collagenase. The surface layer of cells was stained by immunofluorescence without fixation. (Cells underneath the surface layer were not accessible to this mode of staining). The antibodies stained patches of cells resembling flattened epithelium. These patches of cells cannot be distinguished by phase contrast microscopy without reference to the staining, in fact the boundaries of the cells are not usually resolved by phase contrast microscopy. Electron microscopy of sections through these cells show they are very flattened. They lie on top of the polygonal and elongated cells that dominate the phase contrast image. Two of the antibodies, M8 and M24, stain subsets of these epithelial-like cells at all stages of culture. The third antibody, M18, stains such cells initially, but after the first few days staining is predominantly found on the polygonal and elongated cells, then this also gradually disappears. It is possible that the cells stained by antibody M18 are converting from the epithelial-like morphology to the cuboidal and elongated morphology. Many cells are not stained by any of the antibodies, so appear either to by myoepithelial in origin or to have lost their luminal epithelial surface antigens at an early stage. This analysis draws attention to the variety of cell types in these cultures and the limitations of phase contrast microscopy as a means of analysing them.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the retention in culture of the antigens characteristic of the two mammary epithelial subclasses, basal and luminal epithelium. Primary and secondary cultures of normal human mammary-gland cells were used for immunolocalization experiments with monoclonal antibodies to luminal and basal epithelium. In contrast to the in vivo situation, in which reactivity was only seen in basal cells that were negative for the luminal antigen, we found the homogeneous expression of the basal marker by all of the cultured cells at second passage, and the simultaneous expression of the luminal marker by some of these cells. Characterization of the basal antigen expressed in culture using sodium-dodecyl-sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting techniques showed it to be a 51-kilodalton keratin peptide with an isoelectric pH of 5.4, and confirmed its similarity to the antigen expressed in vivo. Our findings thus demonstrated the coordinate expression of the basal and luminal antigens in cells cultured on solid substrates. The availability of monoclonal antibodies to epithelial-subclass-specific markers of the human mammary gland now makes it feasible to search for culture conditions that would allow the maintenance and manipulation of cell differentiation in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Subpopulations of normal bronchial epithelial cells were identified using a series of murine monoclonal antibodies. These antibodies were used to stain intact bronchial epithelial cells in culture by indirect immunofluorescence. LAM 2 reacted with 80%, LAM 6 with 75%, LAM 7 with 60%, and LAM 8 with 5% of these cells. Sections of human bronchial epithelium were also stained with these antibodies by immunoperoxidase methods. LAM 2 was found to bind with 80%, LAM 6 with 65%, LAM 7 with 50%, and LAM 8 with less than 1% of bronchial epithelial cells. LAM 2 stained both columnar epithelial cells and basal cells; LAM 6 stained mainly basal cells and only a small proportion of columnar cells; LAM 7 showed specificity for basal cells; LAM 8 distinctly stained single cells in the basal cell layer. These antibodies were previously shown to react with the surface membrane of human lung carcinomas, ranging from the broad reactivity of LAM 2 with small cell and non-small cell lung cancers to the highly restricted reactivity of LAM 8 with small cell carcinomas of the lung. Thus, membrane antigens have been identified in bronchial epithelial cells by monoclonal antibodies which exhibit a similar range of cellular reactivity in vitro as in vivo. Inasmuch as these antibodies recognize subsets of cells which could not be easily distinguished by morphologic characteristics, these reagents may be useful in classifying bronchial epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies raised to the human milk fat globule membrane bind, within the normal breast, to the surface of the luminal epithelial cells but not to the surrounding myoepithelial, connective tissue, or blood vessel cells. These antibodies distinguish three subsets of the epithelial cells that are not distinguishable by conventional histology. To show the arrangement of the cells in two dimensions over the sheet of epithelium, ducts were dissected out of normal breast tissue, opened up and laid flat as sheets of epithelium. The apical faces of the cells were strained, unfixed, using two-color immunofluorescence to contrast the subsets of cells stained by the different antibodies. The epithelium was then seen to be a mosaic of cells that express different surface antigens. The grouping and appearance of the cells stained by the different antibodies was characteristic. This may be just a random heterogeneity of antigen expression but alternatively the different cells may be in different physiological states. Regardless of its biological significance, the observation has practical consequences for the use of such antibodies in identifying cells and the study of antigenic heterogeneity in tumors.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) against human ejaculated sperm were developed from mice immunized with sperm membrane preparations. A solid-phase radioimmunoassay, with dried sperm as antigen, was employed in McAb screening. The tissue and species specificity of monoclonal antibodies HS 2, 4 and 6 were evaluated after absorption of antibody preparations with heterologous sperm, human serum or seminal plasma or cells from other human organs. The sensitivity of HS 2, 4 and 6 antigens to trypsin exposure was determined: HS 4 antigen was highly sensitive while HS 2 and 6 were not. The regional distribution of McAb 4 on intact sperm cells was determined by immunofluorescence staining. HS 4 may be a sperm-coating antigen based on its presence on sperm and in seminal plasma. This possibility led to an investigation of its role in sperm capacitation. HS 4 antibody binding was reduced when capacitated sperm were compared with noncapacitated cells. HS 4 antibody, when present during capacitation and insemination, was without effect on sperm motility or fusion with zona-free hamster eggs. Trypsin removal of as much as 60% of HS 4 antigen from the cell population also did not impact on sperm function. To identify the molecular correlate of HS 4 antigen, membrane components were extracted from washed sperm with Nonidet P-40, concentrated by acetone precipitation and analyzed electrophoretically in SDS-urea on 10% polyacrylamide slab gels. Immunoassays on protein blots with peroxidase-coupled second antibody identified a single reactive species in the molecular weight range of 130,000. Multiple reactive components were detected in blot transfers of seminal plasma.  相似文献   

Six human differentiation antigens (EE24.6, EG9.11, EG14.1, EI16.1, EK8.1, EK17.1) have been defined using monoclonal antibodies obtained from mice immunized with embryonic kidney cells. Their histologic distribution was determined on frozen sections of embryonic, fetal, and adult human kidneys by immunofluorescence assay. EE24.6, an ureteral bud marker, was detected only on the germ layer of mature kidney urothelium. EG9.11 and EG14.1 were detected on the S-shaped bodies and also on the adult proximal convoluted tubule for the former and the glomerular basement membrane for the latter. EI16.1, a marker of condensed mesenchyme, was detected only on epithelial cells of adult proximal convoluted tubule. EK8.1 was found in the mesangium, connective tissue, and with particularly dense labeling in the basement membranes. This labeling pattern was present throughout renal organogenesis. EK17.1 recognized both cell and plasma human fibronectins. Staining for all antibodies was nearly identical in mesonephros and metanephros. These results demonstate that some antigens follow their embryonic destiny. They indicate an antigenic similarity between the mesonephros and the metanephros and, therefore, a very early appearance of these antigens. During differentiation, these antigens concentrate on more defined structures, and staining became increased with an increased degree of differentiation.  相似文献   

Hybridomas have been prepared that secrete monoclonal antibodies against three different surface antigens of normal human mammary epithelial cells by fusion of mouse myeloma cells with spleen cells from mice and rats immunized with delipidated human milk fat globules. Using a novel method for molecular weight determination, the three different monoclonal antibodies, BLMRL-HMFG-Mc3, BLMRL-HMFG-McR2, and BLMRL-HMFG-Mc5, were found to identify molecules with apparent molecular weights of 46,000, 70,000, and 400,000 daltons, respectively. The latter is a mucin-like glycoprotein with a high sugar content and has not previously been described as a component of the human milk fat globule or of human mammary epithelial cell membranes. Single-cell quantitation of binding of monoclonal BLMRL-HMFG-Mc5 to three breast tumor cell lines using a Microscope Spectrum Analyzer and indirect immunofluorescence revealed a heterogeneous expression. Further, using a competitive radioimmunoassay, it was found that breast tumor cell lines differed by at least 10-fold in the 400,000-molecular-weight antigen content. None of the three antigens are detectable on several nonbreast cell lines, including normal breast fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is characterized by cyst formation initiated by dedifferentiation and proliferation of renal tubular epithelial cells. Renal tubular epithelial cells (RTC, derived from normal kidney tissue) in primary cultures exhibit both homogeneous expression of γ-glutamyl transferase and low molecular weight cytokeratin, two different markers for proximal and distal renal epithelial cells, respectively. RTC in cultures also abnormally express the dedifferentiation markers vimentin and PAX-2, which are proteins normally expressed in epithelial cells lining cysts in ADPKD kidneys but not tubular cells in normal kidneys. In contrast, different cultures of cystic epithelial cells (CEC, derived from the cysts walls of polycystic kidneys) display variable expression of cytokeratin, γ-glutamyl transferase, and PAX-2, but a constant level of vimentin. Importantly, RTC and CEC exhibit the capacity to convert to their respective original structures by forming tubules and cysts, respectively, when cultured in a three-dimensional gel matrix, whereas HK-2, LLC-PK1, and MDCK renal epithelial cell lines form cell aggregates or cysts. Our study demonstrates that the marker expression of the various epithelial cell types is not highly stable in primary cultures. Their modulation is different in cells originating from normal and ADPKD kidneys and in cells cultured in monolayer and three-dimensions. These results indicate the plasticity of epithelial cells that display a mixed epithelial/dedifferentiated/mesenchymal phenotype during their expansion in culture. However, RTC and CEC morphogenic epithelial properties in three-dimensional cultures are similar to those in vivo. Thus, this model is useful for studying the mechanisms leading to tubulogenesis and cystogenesis. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. This work was supported by a grant from The Polycystic Kidney Foundation. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Children’s Medical Research Institute and Children’s Miracle Network Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary Three monospecific monoclonal antibodies (BA16, BA17 and A53—B/A2) recognizing different epitopes of the human keratin 19 were used to determine tissue distribution of this 40 kDa keratin polypeptide. Immunohistochemical methods revealed four different staining patterns among normal human epithelial tissues: firstly, complete negativity of the epidermis, sebaceous glands, hepatocytes and other tissues; secondly, homogeneous positivity as seen for example in the gall bladder and urinary bladder epithelium, endometrium and many other epithelia; thirdly, a mosaic of positive and negative cells among mammary gland luminal cells, prostate epithelia and some other epithelia and fourthly, a more complex heterogeneous pattern found in non-keratinizing squamous epithelia and hair follicles with generally the basal layer being the most strongly or sometimes exclusively stained. The pattern seen in non-keratinizing squamous epithelia varied considerably according to the fixation method and the antibody used as well as among different donors and in different areas of the same organ. The other three staining patterns were on the other hand nearly identical with all three antibodies on both frozen sections and sections of methacarn-fixed paraffinembedded tissues. Our results provide evidence for differential expression of the human keratin 19 at the single cell level, an observation which could be exploited in the study of epithelial differentiation and pathology.  相似文献   

Summary A sensitive radioimmunoassay technique was developed to quantitatite the level of human breast celltype specific antigens on cells from normal breast and from various established cell lines of breast and nonbreast origins. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed four major proteinaceous components (150,000; 75,000; 60,000; and 48,000) in human milk fat globule membranes that were used to immunize rabbits in order to elicit antimammary epithelial cell antibody. Antisera obtained were rendered specific by abosorptions and were able to recognize three specific mammary epithelial components of the breast epithelial cell. Human mammary epithelial (HME) antigen expression was highest (1290 ng/106 cells) in normal breast epithelial cells from primary cultures of normal breasts. Lower levels (range: 955 to 330 ng/106 cells) were found in breast epithelial cells from cell lines established from cancerous breast tissue. Cells of nonbreast origins as well as fibroblasts from breast gave much lower values (less than 30 ng/106 cells). On treatment, with trypsin, of two breast epithelial cell lines (MDA-MB-157 and MCF-7) 80 to 85% of their HME antigen expression was lost, suggesting that a majority of these breast antigens reside on the cell surface. This work was Supported by Grant PTD-99 from the American Cancer Society, Grant CA19455 and CA20286 from the National Cancer Institute, and Biomedical Research Support Grant RR05467 from the National Institutes of Health. Most cells used in the present study were produced with support from National Cancer Institute Contract Y01-CP8-0500, Biological Carcinogenesis Branch, Division of Cancer Cause and Prevention, under the auspices of the Office of Naval Research and the Regents of the University of California.  相似文献   

Summary Overgrowth with fibroblasts has been a major problem in the cultivation of normal human skin epithelium. In the present study it is shown that the addition of spermine to the culture medium in micromolar concentrations has a differential cytotoxic effect on fibroblasts allowing the cultivation of human skin epithelial cells in primary culture without fibroblastic overgrowth. Putrescine, another polyamine, is shown to be equally cytotoxic to fibroblasts and epithelial cells when added in millimolar concentrations; below this concentration range no cytotoxic effect could be demonstrated. This difference in cytotoxicity between spermine and putrescine is suggested to depend on the conversion of spermine, but not putrescine, and to highly cytotoxic products by an amine oxidase present in fetal bovine serum. This project was supported by the Novo foundation.  相似文献   

Six monoclonal antibodies, generated by immunization of mice with human cervical carcinoma cells maintained in tissue culture or with cells from fresh tumor tissue, reacted specifically with the malignant cells in 71% to 90% of the tumor tissue imprints and cervical smears containing neoplastic cells but not with normal cervical epithelial cells in smears from 21 to 23 healthy donors. Antibody CE 402 bound to epithelial cells associated with regeneration in 2 of the 23 normal smears tested. Considerable heterogeneity of antibody binding by malignant cells was observed. Antibody CE 400 was the most reactive, binding to more than 50% of the tumor cells in all reactive specimens. Five of these monoclonal antibodies detected protein antigens in the 80 K to 110 K molecular weight range. Our studies demonstrate the feasibility of producing monoclonal antibodies with selected specificity for cervical carcinoma. These antibodies may be of considerable diagnostic value.  相似文献   

The preparation fo five monoclonal antibodies specific of important human renal histologic structures both functionally and organogenetically has permitted to identify the repartition of the corresponding antigens in the vertebrate phylum. For three of them, appeared a clear cut histologic identity in intensity and localization between the mammals studied and man. For the two others a phylogenic and histologic dispersion was observed. It may be supposed, in the latter case, that the evolution and the biotope have acted in different manners on renal function and organogenesis according to the vertebrate classes or species investigated.  相似文献   

A highly sensitive method of ultrastructural-immunoperoxidase staining was developed for use with monoclonal antibodies which have been raised in this laboratory to a variety of antigens of the human kidney. Because of the susceptibility of the antigens to fixation and processing, a four layer, pre-embedding method of staining was used. Results confirmed and clarified previously reported light microscopy results, indicating that an antigen recognized by the PHM5 antibody was found on the podocyte cell membrane within the glomerulus and was not present within the glomerular basement membrane. The antigen was also present on the extraglomerular endothelial cell membrane. The study also demonstrated the presence of an antigen specific to endothelial cells throughout the renal cortex, and gave further insight into the precise localization of glomerular basement membrane components including fibronectin. The method of staining is now being used together with detailed ultrastructural studies to identify the cells produced from isolated glomeruli in tissue culture.  相似文献   

Three types of hybridomas were obtained by fusion of murine myeloma cells (NSI-1-Ag4-1) with splenocytes from mice immunized with human lymphoblastoid cells (RPMI-6410t line, acute myeloblastic leukemia). Hybridomas of the first type synthesize monoclonal antibodies Ma-1, which interact with 6410t-cells, but are not bound to the cells of human Burkitt lymphoma-Raji. Raji cells contain HLA-DRw5 and -DRw6 antigens on cell surface but there are no HLA-A2, -B7 and -B12 antigens (specific for 6410t). Thus, Ma-1 are probably derected against some of HLA antigens of loci A or B. Hybridomas of the second type synthesize Ma-2 antibodies which react with 6410t and Raji cells, but are not bound to peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL). We suppose that Ma-2 antibodies to tumor specific antigens which have common antigen determinants both for Raji and RPMI-6410t cells. The third type of hybridomas synthesizes monoclonal antibodies Ma-3 reacting with all the three types of target cells: 6410t, Raji, and PBL. Ma-3 seems to be directed against human species-specific lymphocyte antigens which remained in 6410t and Raji cells.  相似文献   

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