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Pheromones act as attractants and sexual stimulants in most vertebrates. For example, in red-spotted newts, Notophthalmus viridescens, female pheromones attract males, and male pheromones increase female receptivity. However, no studies have determined whether male vertebrates produce a pheromone that repels competing males. Through a series of olfactory mate selection tests, we found that sexually motivated male red-spotted newts produce a pheromone that functions to repel other approaching males. Our finding is the first report of a repelling function for pheromones in male vertebrates. The pheromones may act to increase both the sender's and receiver's mating success when the operational sex ratio (OSR) is male biased.  相似文献   

Sexual communication in plethodontid salamanders is mediated by a proteinaceous pheromone that a male delivers to a female during courtship, boosting her receptivity. The pheromone consists of three proteins from three unrelated protein families. These proteins are among a small group of pheromones known to affect female receptivity in vertebrates. Previously, we showed that the genes of two of these proteins (PRF and SPF) are prone to incessant evolution driven by positive selection, presumably as a consequence of coevolution with female receptors. In this report, we focus on the evolution of the third pheromone protein gene family, plethodontid modulating factor (PMF), to determine whether it shows the same pattern of diversification. We used RT-PCR in mental gland cDNA to survey PMF sequences from three genera of plethodontid salamanders (27 spp.) to measure rates of evolution, level of gene diversification, modes of selection, and types of amino acid substitution. Like PRF and SPF, PMF is produced by a multigene family characterized by gene duplication and high levels of polymorphism. PMF evolution is rapid, incessant, and driven by positive selection. PMF is more extreme in these dimensions than both PRF and SPF. Nestled within this extraordinary variation, however, is a signature of purifying selection, acting to preserve important structural and biochemical features of the PMF protein (i.e., secretion signal, cysteine residues, and pI). Although a pattern of persistent diversification exists at the molecular level, the morphological and behavioral aspects of the pheromone delivery system show evolutionary stasis over millions of years.  相似文献   

Pheromones constitute an important cue used by both males and females during courtship. Here, we investigate the effect of male pheromones on female behaviour in the swordtail characin (Corynopoma riisei), a species of fish where males have a caudal pheromone gland which has been suggested to affect female behaviour during courtship. We subjected female C. riisei to male courtship pheromones and investigated the effect on both female behaviour and brain serotonergic activity levels compared to a control group. While no difference in serotonergic activity was found, the pheromone‐treated females showed lower stress levels compared to the control group. Furthermore, pheromone‐treated females increased locomotor activity over time, while a decrease in locomotor activity was observed in the control group. These results suggest that the male courtship pheromones may serve to reduce female stress and increase female activity, possibly to aid males in gaining access to females and facilitating sperm transfer.  相似文献   

Purification, characterization and biological activity of urodele and anuran sex-pheromones were reviewed. Female-attracting pheromones obtained from the abdominal gland of Cynops pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda males are peptides consisting of 10 amino acid residues being designated sodefrin and silefrin, respectively. Each pheromone attracted only conspecific females. Molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding sodefrin and silefrin revealed that both are generated from precursor proteins. Synthesis of these pheromones is regulated by prolactin (PRL) and androgen. Responsiveness of the female vomeronasal epithelium to sodefrin is enhanced by PRL and estrogen. The submandibular gland of the male terrestrial salamander, Plethodon jardani secretes a 22-kD proteinaceous pheromone that enhances female receptivity. It was revealed that every salamander synthesizes multiple isoforms of this pheromone, Plethodontid receptivity factor. The magnificent tree frog, Litoria splendida breed in an aquatic environment. The skin glands of the male secrete a female-attracting peptide pheromone, splendipherin, comprising 25 amino acid residues. The significance of the structure of the amphibian sex-pheromone as peptide and protein is discussed in terms of their species specificity.  相似文献   

Courtship pheromones play an important role in salamander reproductive behaviour. In salamanders of the family Plethodontidae, males deliver specialized pheromones to females during courtship interactions. These courtship pheromones increase female receptivity and may be involved in mate discrimination. In order to test hypotheses related to mate discrimination, we staged courtship encounters between male-female Plethodon shermani pairs in which the female received pheromones obtained from either conspecific (P. shermani) or heterospecific (P. yonahlossee orP. montanus ) males. Both conspecific and heterospecific pheromones increased female receptivity. Moreover, pheromones from both heterospecific species were as effective as the conspecific pheromone in increasing female receptivity inP. shermani females. Our results suggest that the courtship pheromone signal and function may be conserved across related species, with mate discrimination occurring before pheromone delivery. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Studies of reproductive behavior in amphibians havebeen especially successful in synthesizing data produced frommolecular and physiological research with evolutionary parameters,such as measures of reproductive success. In particular, tworelatively new areas of amphibian research are highly amenableto synthetic studies. One area is the nature of chemical communicationby pheromone delivery in terrestrial salamanders. Male courtshippheromones, for example, are delivered to the female duringmating. These pheromones typically are received by the accessoryolfactory system and act (presumably via the hypothalamus) toincrease female receptivity. At an evolutionary level, pheromonedelivery can increase male courtship success and thus the likelihoodthat a given male will sire offspring. Variation in pheromonecomposition and effectiveness will permit us to trace the evolutionof the male pheromone on a phylogeny of related populationsand species. At a proximal level, salamander courtship pheromonesare being chemically analyzed in order to identify specificprotein components that affect female receptivity. It also willbe possible to determine whether chemical variation among malesis related to behavioral effectiveness. Thus, courtship pheromonedelivery is a behavior that has invited scrutiny from a combinationof evolutionary and mechanistic perspectives. The second researcharea that is gaining from a synthetic approach is the investigationof relationships between hormonal mechanisms and reproductivebehavior in field populations of anurans and salamanders. Amphibiansare an understudied group, and the area of hormone-behaviorrelationships is inspired by testable hypotheses based on studiesof other terrestrial vertebrates. The ability to correlate physiologicalmeasures with estimates of reproductive success identifies areasof amphibian research that will profit from continued attention.  相似文献   

Functionally equivalent genes may evolve heterogeneously across closely related taxa as a consequence of lineage-specific selective pressures. Such disparate evolutionary modes are especially prevalent in genes that encode postcopulatory reproductive proteins, presumably as a result of sexual selection. We might therefore expect genes that mediate reproduction prior to insemination to evolve in a similar manner. Plethodontid receptivity factor (PRF), a proteinaceous salamander pheromone produced by the male, increases female receptivity during courtship interactions. To test for lineage-specific differences in PRF's evolution, we intensively sampled PRF genes across the eastern Plethodon phylogeny (27 spp.; 34 populations) to compare gene diversification, rates of evolution, modes of selection, and types of amino acid substitution. Our analyses indicate that PRF evolutionary dynamics vary considerably from lineage to lineage. Underlying this heterogeneity, however, are two well-defined transitions in evolutionary mode. The first mode is representative of a typical protein profile, wherein neutral divergence and purifying selection are the dominant features. The second mode is characterized by incessant, cyclical evolution driven by positive selection. In this mode, the positively selected sites are bound by a limited assortment of acceptable amino acids that appear to evolve independently of other sites, resulting in a tremendous number of unique PRF alleles. Several of these selected sites are implicated in receptor binding. These sites are apparently involved in a molecular tango in which the male signal and female receptors coevolve within a confined molecular space. PRF's lineage-specific evolutionary dynamics, in combination with evidence of a molecular tango, highlight the molecular action of sexual selection on a chemical signal that is used during courtship.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, pheromones play a crucial role in regulating courtship behaviors. In males, female aphrodisiac pheromones promote male‐female courtship, and male antiaphrodisiac pheromones inhibit male‐male courtship. Previous studies have reported that receptor proteins belonging to the pickpocket (ppk) family, ionotropic receptor family and gustatory receptor family are required for pheromone detection and normal courtship. However, none of them has been shown to be sufficient for sensing pheromones after ectopic expression in originally unresponsive cells. “M” cells are activated by male antiaphrodisiac pheromones but not female aphrodisiac pheromones, and the activated cells inhibit male‐male courtship. In our study, male flies with ectopic expression of ppk25, ppk29 and ppk23 in “M” cells showed decreased male‐female courtship. Using an in vivo calcium imaging approach, we found that the “M” cells expressing these three ppks were significantly activated by the female aphrodisiac pheromone 7,11‐heptacosadiene (7,11‐HD). Our results indicate that a sodium channel consisting, at minimum, of ppk25, ppk29 and ppk23, can sense 7,11‐HD, most likely as a receptor. Our findings may help us gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of pheromonal functions.  相似文献   

In insects, increasing evidence suggests that small secreted pheromone binding proteins (PBPs) and odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are important for normal olfactory detection of airborne pheromones and odorants far from their source. In contrast, it is unknown whether extracellular ligand binding proteins participate in perception of less volatile chemicals, including many pheromones, that are detected by direct contact with chemosensory organs. CheB42a, a small Drosophila melanogaster protein unrelated to known PBPs or OBPs, is expressed and likely secreted in only a small subset of gustatory sensilla on males' front legs, the site of gustatory perception of contact pheromones. Here we show that CheB42a is expressed specifically in the sheath cells surrounding the taste neurons expressing Gr68a, a putative gustatory pheromone receptor for female cuticular hydrocarbons that stimulate male courtship. Surprisingly, however, CheB42a mutant males attempt to copulate with females earlier and more frequently than control males. Furthermore, CheB42a mutant males also attempt to copulate more frequently with other males that secrete female-specific cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones, but not with females lacking cuticular hydrocarbons. Together, these data indicate that CheB42a is required for a normal gustatory response to female cuticular hydrocarbon pheromones that modulate male courtship.  相似文献   

Bray S  Amrein H 《Neuron》2003,39(6):1019-1029
Propagation in higher animals requires the efficient and accurate display of innate mating behaviors. In Drosophila melanogaster, male courtship consists of a stereotypic sequence of behaviors involving multiple sensory modalities, such as vision, audition, and chemosensation. For example, taste bristles located in the male forelegs and the labial palps are thought to recognize nonvolatile pheromones secreted by the female. Here, we report the identification of the putative pheromone receptor GR68a, which is expressed in chemosensory neurons of about 20 male-specific gustatory bristles in the forelegs. Gr68a expression is dependent on the sex determination gene doublesex, which controls many aspects of sexual differentiation and is necessary for normal courtship behavior. Tetanus toxin-mediated inactivation of Gr68a-expressing neurons or transgene-mediated RNA interference of Gr68a RNA leads to a significant reduction in male courtship performance, suggesting that GR68a protein is an essential component of pheromone-driven courtship behavior in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Pheromones have been found in species in almost every part of the animal kingdom, including mammals. Pheromones (a molecule or defined combination of molecules) are species-wide signals which elicit innate responses (though responses can be conditional on development as well as context, experience, and internal state). In contrast, signature mixtures, in invertebrates and vertebrates, are variable subsets of molecules of an animal’s chemical profile which are learnt by other animals, allowing them to distinguish individuals or colonies. All signature mixtures, and almost all pheromones, whatever the size of molecules, are detected by olfaction (as defined by receptor families and glomerular processing), in mammals by the main olfactory system or vomeronasal system or both. There is convergence on a glomerular organization of olfaction. The processing of all signature mixtures, and most pheromones, is combinatorial across a number of glomeruli, even for some sex pheromones which appear to have ‘labeled lines’. Narrowly specific pheromone receptors are found, but are not a prerequisite for a molecule to be a pheromone. A small minority of pheromones act directly on target tissues (allohormone pheromones) or are detected by non-glomerular chemoreceptors, such as taste. The proposed definitions for pheromone and signature mixture are based on the heuristic value of separating these kinds of chemical information. In contrast to a species-wide pheromone, there is no single signature mixture to find, as signature mixtures are a ‘receiver-side’ phenomenon and it is the differences in signature mixtures which allow animals to distinguish each other.  相似文献   

Pheromones play a central role in coordinating the events leading up to copulation in snakes. We report here a novel pheromone system in the brown tree snake in which females release a pheromone that inhibits male courtship behaviour. In a previous study, we made observations of female brown tree snakes releasing cloacal secretions (CS) during courtship that appeared to cause courting males to cease courtship. All snakes have glands that release CS through ducts located along the cloacal orifice. Although CS have been studied for many years, their function in the mediation of snake behaviour has not been experimentally well determined. We examined the role of CS in the reproductive behaviour of male and female brown tree snakes. We conducted four experiments to test the effect of both male and female CS on brown tree snake behaviour under two behavioural contexts, courtship and male-male ritualized combat. Within each experiment, we compared the effects of CS to a control. Female CS caused a decrease in the time that males spent courting females and a decrease in the intensity of courtship compared with the control treatment. Male CS did not, however, affect the time that males spent displaying courtship or the intensity of that courtship. Neither male nor female CS had significant effects on male ritualized combat behaviour, including time that males spent in combat or the intensity of combat behaviours displayed. Furthermore, neither female nor male CS had an effect on female courtship versus controls. The inhibition of brown tree snake reproductive behaviours is specific to female CS inhibiting male courtship behaviour. This pheromone acts in concert with the female sex pheromone to regulate the events leading to copulation.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Pheromones are an important component of sexual communication in courting salamanders, but the number of species in which their use has been demonstrated with behavioral evidence remains limited. Here we developed a behavioral assay for demonstrating courtship pheromone use in the aquatically courting Iberian ribbed newt Pleurodeles waltl. By performing an in-depth study of the courtship behavior, we show that females invariably open their cloaca (cloacal gaping) before engaging in pinwheel behavior, the circling movement that is the prelude to spermatophore uptake. In contrast, cloacal gaping was not observed in failed courtships, where females escaped or displayed thanatosis. Since gaping mainly occurred during male amplexus and cloacal imposition, which is the obvious period of pheromone transfer, we next investigated whether male courtship water (i.e., water holding courtship pheromones) alone was able to induce this reaction in females. These tests showed that courtship water induced cloacal gaping significantly more than water, even in the absence of a male. Cloacal gaping thus provides a simple and robust test for demonstrating courtship pheromone use in the Iberian ribbed newt. Since opening the cloaca is an essential prerequisite for spermatophore pick-up in all internally fertilizing salamanders, we hypothesize that variations on this assay will also be useful in several other species.  相似文献   

Abstract  We expect organisms to have evolved mechanisms to gather and use the information available within their environments, to steer resource investment decisions toward the traits that will give the greatest fitness returns. Pheromones are social signals, a common purpose of which is to act as indicators of mate presence. Consequently, pheromones have the potential to act as signals to increase or maintain reproductive investment over that of competing life-history traits. In the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea (Oliver), females pay costs of maintaining investment in reproduction when there are no males, and males produce pheromones that are known to effect female reproductive outcomes. Whether the pheromones have an influence on resource physiology is unknown. We subjected newly eclosed females to either a synthetic blend of male pheromones or control. We dissected females at 7, 12, 17 or 22 days. We measured apoptosis levels and size of all oocytes within the vitellerium, and measured dry fat body mass. Synthetic male pheromone blend did not have an effect on any measure of female reproductive or somatic resource physiology. Although negative results are always problematic, the success of the synthetic pheromone method in the past suggests that females may be insensitive to male pheromones in the pre-oviposition period, and may rely on mating stimulus rather than pheromone as the cue for oocyte maintenance and growth. Previous studies reporting effects of male pheromones on female reproduction suggest that the period of pheromone sensitivity may be between mating and birth.  相似文献   

Pheromones play important roles in female and male behaviour in the filamentous ascomycete fungi. To begin to explore the role of pheromones in mating, we have identified the genes encoding the sex pheromones of the heterothallic species Neurospora crassa. One gene, expressed exclusively in mat A strains, encodes a polypeptide containing multiple repeats of a putative pheromone sequence bordered by Kex2 processing sites. Strains of the opposite mating type, mat a, express a pheromone precursor gene whose polypeptide contains a C-terminal CAAX motif predicted to produce a mature pheromone with a C-terminal carboxy-methyl isoprenylated cysteine. The predicted sequences of the pheromones are remarkably similar to those encoded by other filamentous ascomycetes. The expression of the pheromone precursor genes is mating type specific and is under the control of the mating type locus. Furthermore, the genes are highly expressed in conidia and under conditions that favour sexual development. Both pheromone precursor genes are also regulated by the endogenous circadian clock in a time-of-day-specific fashion, supporting a role for the clock in mating.  相似文献   

This article reviews the current state of understanding of reproductive pheromones in amphibians, focusing mainly on the purification and characterization of peptide pheromones in newts of the genus Cynops, molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding the pheromone molecules, and hormonal control of secretion of these pheromones. Pheromones that attract sexually developed female Cynops pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda newts were isolated from the male abdominal glands. The C. pyrrhogaster and C. ensicauda pheromones are peptides, designated sodefrin and silefrin, with the amino acid sequences SIPSKDALLK and SILSKDAQLK, respectively. Each pheromone attracts only conspecific females. Molecular cloning of cDNAs encoding sodefrin and silefrin revealed the presence of precursor proteins that are considered to generate these pheromone peptides. Pheromone precursor mRNA levels and radioimmunoassayable pheromone concentrations in the abdominal glands were elevated by prolactin and androgen. Sexual dimorphism and hormone dependency of the responsiveness of vomeronasal epithelium to sodefrin were noted. Significance of pheromones in the form of peptide for those performing reproductive behavior in an aquatic environment was also discussed.  相似文献   

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