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The Rvb1p and Rvb2p (or TIP48 and TIP49) nuclear ATP binding proteins are universally conserved in eukaryotes and essential for viability of yeasts. Rvbp associate with each other as a double hexamer, with YHR034c and with two complexes involved in chromatin remodeling, Ino80.com and Swr1.com. Loss of Rvb1p or Ino80p affects many yeast promoters similarly. Rvbp are not essential for the recruitment of Ino80p to promoters but are essential for the catalytic activity of Ino80.com. Loss of Rvbp leads to loss of the functionally critical Arp5p in Ino80.com. Rvb2p associates with Arp5p in vitro in a reaction dependent on the presence of ATP and Ino80p. Therefore, Rvbp are required for the structural and functional integrity of the Ino80 chromatin remodeling complex.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the cdk5/p25 complex has provided information on possible molecular mechanisms of the ligand binding, specificity, and regulation of the kinase. Comparative molecular dynamics simulations are reported here for physiological conditions. This study provides new insight on the mechanisms that modulate such processes, which may be exploited to control pathological activation by p25. The structural changes observed in the kinase are stabilized by a network of interactions involving highly conserved residues within the cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk) family. Collective motions of the proteins (cdk5, p25, and CIP) and their complexes are identified by principal component analysis, revealing two conformational states of the activation loop upon p25 complexation, which are absent in the uncomplexed kinase and not apparent from the crystal. Simulations of the uncomplexed inhibitor CIP show structural rearrangements and increased flexibility of the interfacial loop containing the critical residue E240, which becomes fully hydrated and available for interactions with one of several positively charged residues in the kinase. These changes provide a rationale for the observed high affinity and enhanced inhibitory action of CIP when compared to either p25 or the physiological activators of cdk5.  相似文献   

Members of the ISWI family of chromatin remodeling factors hydrolyze ATP to reposition nucleosomes along DNA. Here we show that the yeast Isw2 complex interacts with DNA in a nucleotide-dependent manner at physiological ionic strength. Isw2 efficiently binds DNA in the absence of nucleotides and in the presence of a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog. Conversely, ADP promotes the dissociation of Isw2 from DNA. In contrast, Isw2 remains bound to mononucleosomes through multiple cycles of ATP hydrolysis. Solution studies show that Isw2 undergoes nucleotide-dependent alterations in conformation not requiring ATP hydrolysis. Our results indicate that during an Isw2 remodeling reaction, hydrolysis of successive ATP molecules coincides with cycles of DNA binding, release, and rebinding involving elements of Isw2 distinct from those interacting with nucleosomes. We propose that progression of the DNA-binding site occurs while nucleosome core contacts are maintained and generates a force dissipated by disruption of histone-DNA interactions.  相似文献   

Within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), mannoses and glucoses, donated from dolichol-phosphate-mannose and -glucose, are transferred to N-glycan and GPI-anchor precursors, and serine/threonine residues in many proteins. Glycosyltransferases that mediate these reactions are ER-resident multitransmembrane proteins with common characteristics, forming a superfamily of >10 enzymes. Here, we report an essential component of glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I (GPI-MT-I), which transfers the first of the four mannoses in the GPI-anchor precursors. We isolated a Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell mutant defective in GPI-MT-I but not its catalytic component PIG-M. The mutant gene, termed phosphatidylinositolglycan-class X (PIG-X), encoded a 252-amino acid ER-resident type I transmembrane protein with a large lumenal domain. PIG-X and PIG-M formed a complex, and PIG-M expression was <10% in the absence of PIG-X, indicating that PIG-X stabilizes PIG-M. We found that Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pbn1p/YCL052Cp, which was previously reported to be involved in autoprocessing of proproteinase B, is the functional homologue of PIG-X; Pbn1p is critical for Gpi14p/YJR013Wp function, the yeast homologue of PIG-M. This is the first report of an essential subcomponent of glycosyltransferases using dolichol-phosphate-monosaccharide.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are secretory proteins that are attached to the cell surface of eukaryotic cells by a glycolipid moiety. Once GPI anchoring has occurred in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), the structure of the lipid part on the GPI anchor undergoes a remodeling process prior to ER exit. In this study, we provide evidence suggesting that the yeast p24 complex, through binding specifically to GPI-anchored proteins in an anchor-dependent manner, plays a dual role in their selective trafficking. First, the p24 complex promotes efficient ER exit of remodeled GPI-anchored proteins after concentration by connecting them with the COPII coat and thus facilitates their incorporation into vesicles. Second, it retrieves escaped, unremodeled GPI-anchored proteins from the Golgi to the ER in COPI vesicles. Therefore the p24 complex, by sensing the status of the GPI anchor, regulates GPI-anchored protein intracellular transport and coordinates this with correct anchor remodeling.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster Brahma (Brm) complex, a counterpart of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SWI/SNF ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complex, is important for proper development by maintaining specific gene expression patterns. The SNR1 subunit is strongly conserved with yeast SNF5 and mammalian INI1 and is required for full activity of the Brm complex. We identified a temperature-sensitive allele of snr1 caused by a single amino acid substitution in the conserved repeat 2 region, implicated in a variety of protein-protein interactions. Genetic analyses of snr1(E1) reveal that it functions as an antimorph and that snr1 has critical roles in tissue patterning and growth control. Temperature shifts show that snr1 is continuously required, with essential functions in embryogenesis, pupal stages, and adults. Allele-specific genetic interactions between snr1(E1) and mutations in genes encoding other members of the Brm complex suggest that snr1(E1) mutant phenotypes result from reduced Brm complex function. Consistent with this view, SNR1(E1) is stably associated with other components of the Brm complex at the restrictive temperature. SNR1 can establish direct contacts through the conserved repeat 2 region with the SET domain of the homeotic regulator Trithorax (TRX), and SNR1(E1) is partially defective for functional TRX association. As truncating mutations of INI1 are strongly correlated with aggressive cancers, our results support the view that SNR1, and specifically the repeat 2 region, has a critical role in mediating cell growth control functions of the metazoan SWI/SNF complexes.  相似文献   

The structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) family of proteins play essential roles in genomic stability. SMC heterodimers are required for sister-chromatid cohesion (Cohesin: Smc1 & Smc3), chromatin condensation (Condensin: Smc2 & Smc4), and DNA repair (Smc5 & Smc6). The SMC heterodimers do not function alone and must associate with essential non-SMC subunits. To gain further insight into the essential and DNA repair roles of the Smc5-6 complex, we have purified fission yeast Smc5 and identified by mass spectrometry the co-precipitating proteins, Nse1 and Nse2. We show that both Nse1 and Nse2 interact with Smc5 in vivo, as part of the Smc5-6 complex. Nse1 and Nse2 are essential proteins and conserved from yeast to man. Loss of Nse1 and Nse2 function leads to strikingly similar terminal phenotypes to those observed for Smc5-6 inactivation. In addition, cells expressing hypomorphic alleles of Nse1 and Nse2 are, like Smc5-6 mutants, hypersensitive to DNA damage. Epistasis analysis suggests that like Smc5-6, Nse1, and Nse2 function together with Rhp51 in the homologous recombination repair of DNA double strand breaks. The results of this study strongly suggest that Nse1 and Nse2 are novel non-SMC subunits of the fission yeast Smc5-6 DNA repair complex.  相似文献   

Assembly of a yeast 5 S RNA gene transcription complex   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  

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