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The cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi, is a short-day species undergoing an imaginal summer and winter diapause. Its photoperiodic response highly depends on temperature. All adults entered diapause at ≤ 20 °C regardless of photoperiods. High temperatures strongly weakened the diapause-inducing effects of long daylengths. The diapause-averting influence of short daylengths was expressed only at high temperatures (above 20 °C). This indicates that the beetle has a cryptic ability to reproduce in summer. In fact, summer and winter diapause were induced principally by relatively low temperatures in the field, whereas photoperiod had less influence on diapause induction. The critical daylength for the autumnal population was between 12 h and 13 h. By transferring from a long day to a short day or vice versa at different times after hatching, it was shown that the sensitive stage with regard to photoperiod was the larva, whereas a long day was photoperiodically more potent than a short day. The sensitive stage to temperature encompassed the larval, pupal and adult stages. This different response pattern serves to ensure that the beetle enters summer and winter diapause in time. The selections for non-diapause trait under laboratory (at 25 °C) and natural conditions (at >24 °C) showed that the beetle could lose its sensitivity to photoperiod very rapidly.  相似文献   

Under field conditions, the cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete, displays a pupal summer diapause in response to relatively low daily temperatures and gradually increasing day-length during spring and a pupal winter diapause in response to the progressively shorter day-length. To determine whether photoperiod is 'more' important than temperature in the determination of summer and winter diapause, or vice versa, the effects of naturally changing day-length and temperature on the initiation of summer and winter diapause were systematically investigated under field conditions for five successive years. Field results showed that the incidence of summer diapause significantly declined with the naturally increasing temperature in spring and summer generations. Path coefficient analysis showed that the effect of temperature was much greater than photoperiod in the determination of summer diapause. In autumn, the incidence of diapause was extremely low when larvae developed under gradually shortening day-length and high temperatures. The incidence of winter diapause increased to 60-90% or higher with gradually shortening day-length combined with temperatures between 20.0°C and 22.0°C. Decreasing day-length played a more important role in the determination of winter diapause induction than temperature. The eco-adaptive significance of changing day-length and temperature in the determination of summer and winter diapause was discussed.  相似文献   

The cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete is multivoltine with a pupal summer and winter diapause. Summer and winter diapause are induced principally by relatively long and short daylengths, respectively. The intermediate to relatively short daylengths of autumn permitted some pupae to develop without diapause in the field. A short daylength had a stronger diapause inducing effect than a relatively long one under higher temperatures. The principal sensitive phase for photoperiodic response occurred before the late 3rd larval instar. The critical daylength for wild autumnal populations was between 12h 30min and 12h 40min at an average temperature of 20.5 degrees C. A night interruption by 2h of light averted diapause most effectively when it was placed 10 to 12h after lights-off. High temperatures and long days during summer inhibited the incidence of diapause, suggesting that the occurrence of summer diapause is due to the specific climatic conditions occurring in April and early May, rather than to the high temperatures in summer. This indicates that the butterfly has a cryptic ability to reproduce in summer. High temperatures delayed diapause development, whereas low temperatures enhanced it, indicating that the optimum temperature of diapause development is lower. The diapause regulating mechanisms thus ensure that the species synchronises its development and reproduction with the growth seasons of the host plants and provide the species with a high degree of flexibility in its life cycle.  相似文献   

Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) exhibits a facultative pupal diapause, which depends on temperature and photoperiod. Pupal diapause is induced at 20 degrees C by short photoperiods and inhibited by long photoperiods during the larval stage. However, in some pupae (35% of males and 57% of females) of a non-selected field population from Okayama Prefecture (34.6 degrees N), diapause is not induced by short photoperiods. In the present experiment, the importance of temperature for diapause induction was studied in the non-diapausing strain, which was selected from such individuals reared at 20 degrees C under a short photoperiod of 10L:14D. Furthermore, the sensitive stage for thermal determination of pupal diapause was determined by transferring larvae of various instars and pupae between 20 degrees C and 15 degrees C. Diapause was induced by 15 degrees C without respect to photoperiod. When larvae or pupae reared from eggs at 20 degrees C under a short or a long photoperiod were transferred to 15 degrees C in the periods of the middle fifth instar to the first three days after pupation, the diapause induction rate was significantly reduced in both males and females, especially in females. In contrast, when larvae or pupae reared at 15 degrees C were transferred to 20 degrees C in the same periods, diapause was induced in males, but not in females. However, the diapause induction rate of pupae transferred to 20 degrees C on the fourth day after pupation was significantly increased in females. The results show that temperature is the major diapause cue in the photoperiod-insensitive strain and the periods of middle fifth larval instar to early pupal stage are the thermal sensitive stages for pupal diapause induction with some different responses to temperatures between males and females in H. armigera.  相似文献   

Characteristics of summer diapause in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua, were clarified by laboratory experiments. Temperature was the primary factor for the induction of summer diapause in this species. The critical temperature for diapause induction was approximately 24 degrees C, regardless of the photoperiod. At 23 degrees C, the development of the diapausing pupae was arrested the day after pupariation, when about 7% of the total pupal development had occurred in terms of total effective temperature (degree-days). The most sensitive period for temperature with regard to diapause induction was estimated to be between pupariation and "pupation" (i.e., evagination of the head in cyclorrhaphous flies). Completion of diapause occurred at a wide range of temperatures (4-25 degrees C): The optimal temperature was approximately 16 degrees C, at which temperature only five days were required for diapause completion. The characteristics of summer diapause in D. antiqua are discussed in comparison with those of summer dormancy in a congener D. radicum and those of winter diapause in D. antiqua.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This study tests the effects of temperature, water, food and photoperiod on breaking diapause and resumption of activity (emergence from the soil) in Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) diapausing under natural winter conditions or at constant temperatures in the laboratory. Behavioural and physiological criteria were used to characterize the various phases of diapause. Three successive phases are distinguished during hibernation: 'diapause development' or true diapause, a facultative 'post-diapause quiescence' and, finally, a transient phase of post-diapause development leading to emergence from the soil. Diapause development is completed within 3 months in the field and its duration depends on temperature. Although they are buried in the soil during this phase, beetles remain sensitive to photoperiod when artificially exposed to it. They do not emerge from the soil when exposed to higher temperatures. Thereafter, they stay in a quiescent state maintained by low temperature, low humidity or lack of food. The response to temperature changes during hibernation. In the soil, activity begins when soil temperature reaches 4–5C, but this temperature is too low to permit postdiapause development. The transient phase has a temperature threshold between 8 and 10C, whereas emergence from the soil occurs only when the temperature exceeds 11C. Post-diapause development is influenced strongly by temperature and humidity. After emergence, post-diapause development leads eventually to reproduction. Food is essential for reproduction after diapause whereas photoperiod plays no further role.  相似文献   

Many insects in temperate zones withstand the adverse conditions of winter through entering diapause and the two most important environmental stimuli that induce diapause are photoperiod and ambient temperature. The Large Copper butterfly, Lycaena dispar Haworth (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae), is a Palearctic butterfly that hibernates as larvae. Since this butterfly is a near threatened species in some regions, there has been a growing need for a standardized protocol for mass rearing of this butterfly based on the adequate knowledge of its ecology. In the present study, we first identified that L. dispar larvae were sensitive to the photoperiodic induction of diapause during their first larval instar. We then investigated to what extent the diapause-inducing effects of photoperiod could be modified by ambient temperatures in L. dispar larvae by exposing them to the range of day-lengths (L:D 14:10, 12:12, 10:14 and 8:16) at three different temperatures (15, 20 and 25 °C). All larvae were induced to enter diapause at low ambient temperature (15 °C) regardless of photoperiod, whereas most of them (86 %) exhibited direct development when temperature was high (25 °C). The photoperiodic induction of diapause was evident when day-length was shorter than 14 h at intermediate temperature (20 °C). Pre-diapause development was prolonged at low temperatures. Finally, we found that post-diapause development of L. dispar larvae was determined by both the chilling temperature experienced by diapausing larvae and the duration of larval diapause. Adult emergence was enhanced when larvae were chilled at 8 °C and when they had been under the state of diapause for 20 days before they were treated to terminate diapause.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Two distinct seasonal forms were found for the common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae , the most serious insect pest of cultivated pistachio trees, Pistacia vera in Iran. The two forms are different morphologically as well as biologically. The summer form is of light colour and readily mates and starts egg laying 1–2 days after emergence, whereas, the winter form is larger, generally darker and in reproductive diapause. The first form is observed under long photoperiod, while the second form is induced under a combination of short photoperiod and low temperature. The combination of long photoperiod and warm temperature enhanced post-emergence ovarian development in the winter form, showing a close inverse correlation between pre-oviposition period and increasing temperatures. Both forms of A. pistaciae are adapted to a wide temperature range of 20–30°C for reproduction, and the fecundity of psyllid adults of either summer- or winter forms was found to be very high under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Dormancy in Chrysopa oculata, a multivoltine species, is controlled by reponses to photoperiod and temperature. Variation in both the critical photoperiod for diapause induction and the duration of diapause is positively related to the latitudianl origin of the population. The incidence of photoperiodically induced diapause also varies geographically; at 24°C the southern-most population is more variable for diapause induction than the northern populations. By contrast, there is little interpopulation variation in thermally determined rates of post-diapause development. The results suggest that the lower threshold for development and the thermal requirements above the threshold may be functionally correlated.  相似文献   

Abstract Mummified pistachios containing fully grown diapause larvae of Eurytoma plotnikovi Nikol'skaya (Hym., Eurytomidae) were collected in early August and late September in coastal northern Greece and subjected to various photoperiod and temperature treatments, then maintained at 19 or 26°C and a long-day (LD 16:8 h), a changing, or a short-day (LD 10:14 h) photoperiod until pupation. In larvae of early August (beginning of diapause) subjected for 20 weeks to 19°C under a long, a changing, or a short photophase, followed by 19°C and a long photophase, 50% of the larvae pupated after 24, 18 and 13 weeks respectively. After exposure for 20 or even 12 weeks to a short photophase and low temperatures (10 or 4°C), pupation occurred after only 7–8 weeks and was more synchronous. The ranges of temperature for diapause development and post-diapause morphogenesis overlap. After exposure for 12 weeks to short days and low temperature, larvae of late September pupated much sooner under long days than under short days and sooner at 26° than at 19°C. E.plotnikovi depends on both temperature and photoperiod for diapause development, low temperature having a strong favourable effect on the earlier part and long day on the later part of diapause. In a few larvae of another pistachio seed wasp, Megastigmus pistaciae Walker, after a long enough period of low temperatures, diapause was terminated normally at 26°C and long days, or at 19°C and long or short days.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness and biochemical changes were investigated in winter and summer pupae of the cabbage armyworm Mamestra brassicae at the diapause and post-diapause stages under temperature acclimation. Diapause pupae were successively acclimated to 25, 20 and then 10 degrees C (warm-acclimated group). Pupae at the diapause and post-diapause stages were successively acclimated to 5, 0, -5 and then -10 degrees C (cold-acclimated groups). Supercooling point values in winter and summer pupae remained constant regardless of the diapause stages and acclimated temperatures. Warm-acclimated pupae at the diapause stage did not survive the subzero temperature exposure, whereas, cold-acclimated pupae achieved cold hardiness to various degrees. Winter pupae were more cold hardy than summer pupae, and pupae at the post-diapause stage were more cold hardy than those at the diapause stage. Trehalose contents in winter pupae rose under cold acclimation. Summer pupae accumulated far lower trehalose contents than winter pupae, with the maximal level occurring in winter pupae at the post-diapause stage. Glycogen content remained at a high level in diapause pupae after warm acclimation, whereas it decreased after cold acclimation. Alanine, the main free amino acid in haemolymph after cold acclimation, increased at lower temperatures in both diapause and post-diapause pupae, but the increase was greater in the diapause pupae. These results suggest that cold hardiness is more fully developed in winter pupae than in summer pupae, and cold acclimation provides higher cold hardiness in winter pupae at the post-diapause stage than at the diapause stage.  相似文献   

Sesamia nonagrioides responds to photoperiod for diapause termination at high temperature with a Type II response curve, and only photoperiods longer than 12:12 terminate diapause. However, these photoperiods never occur in the field when diapausing larvae are competent to terminate diapause. Under a temperature similar to the natural field temperatures diapause terminates spontaneously in approximately 4 months, which ensures that the larvae reach the middle of winter without pupation. S. nonagrioides larvae pupate after going through a specific number of light-dark cycles or days: the required day number (RDN) for diapause completion. This RDN could be modulated by temperature but more research is necessary to clarify this point. In post-diapause development, when a suitable temperature threshold is considered, the absolute accumulation of heat is more important than whether the temperature received is fluctuating or constant. The temperature threshold for diapause and post-diapause development was lower than the temperature threshold of larvae in continuous development. This is important for adjusting phenological models in S. nonagrioides and in other species, and may explain why in many cases adults appear in the field when the supposed temperature threshold for development has not been attained.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to the daily photoperiod, particularly with respect to pupal diapause induction, was studied during ovarian, embryonic, and larval development of the flesh flySarcophaga argyrostoma. Large flies were shown to have a greater number of primary follicles in their ovaries and to be capable of limited ovarian maturation in the absence of exogenous protein (autogeny). Such ovarian development occurred independently of photoperiod. However, long days experienced during embryogenesis caused more rapid development, and earlier larviposition, than short days. Short days during embryonic and subsequent larval development also induced pupal diapause, whereas long days led to continuous or non-diapause development of the pupae. Pupal diapause could not be induced by photoperiods during the vitellogenic phase of ovarian development. InSarcophaga argyrostoma, a maternal effect preventing pupal diapause among the progeny of files with a diapause history was not observed.  相似文献   

低温和光周期对绿盲蝽越冬卵滞育解除和发育历期的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了探讨温度和光周期对绿盲蝽Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür越冬卵滞育解除和发育历期的影响, 系统调查了绿盲蝽越冬卵在不同温度和不同光照组合下的孵化率和孵化时间, 结果显示:绿盲蝽的越冬卵均为滞育卵,低温和光周期对绿盲蝽越冬卵的滞育解除均有影响。2℃的低温处理能够显著促进其滞育解除,在0~65 d范围内,随着低温处理时间增长,其滞育解除时间缩短,未经低温处理的越冬卵T50为68.5 d,低温处理65 d的T50为12.25 d,绿盲蝽越冬卵在2℃低温处理65 d后完全解除滞育;在0~40 d范围内,低温处理时间越长,绿盲蝽越冬卵的孵化率越高,在25℃、全光照的条件下不经低温处理的孵化率为68.65%,低温处理40 d后在25℃的条件下的孵化率达到99.46%。在20~26℃范围内,绿盲蝽越冬卵的滞育后发育历期随着温度的上升而缩短, 随着光周期的延长而缩短。结果说明低温处理能够提高绿盲蝽越冬卵滞育解除率,但不是其滞育解除的必要条件,低温处理与自然变温对绿盲蝽滞育解除的作用相似;高温和长光照能够促进绿盲蝽的滞育解除,缩短发育历期。  相似文献   

We investigated the control of diapause termination and seasonal changes of cold hardiness and polyol content in Aulacophora nigripennis. Adults were ready to start post-diapause development upon transfer to high temperature by late February irrespective of photoperiod. Photoperiod probably functions to maintain diapause before winter because adults resume reproductive development at a long photoperiod in autumn. Adults showed a decreased supercooling point (SCP), increased chill tolerance and high myo-inositol content during winter. Chill tolerance at 0 degrees C appears to be a more suitable indicator of their cold hardiness than SCP because they die at 0 degrees C without freezing and they normally have no chance of being exposed to low subzero temperatures close to their SCP. The temporal pattern for changes in chill tolerance was synchronized with that for fluctuations in myo-inositol content, indicating a possible causal relationship between the two phenomena.  相似文献   

白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育诱导及滞育后发育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
孙守慧  赵利伟  祁金玉 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1307-1311
本研究针对人工繁育白蛾周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang过程中出现的小蜂滞育现象, 对其滞育诱导的光周期反应及敏感光照虫态进行了调查。结果表明: 沈阳地区的白蛾周氏啮小蜂属长日照型昆虫, 以老熟幼虫进入滞育状态, 但在不同的温度条件下诱导滞育的临界光周期不同, 在18℃时诱导滞育的临界光周期处于13L∶11D和14L∶10D之间; 在21℃和24℃时诱导滞育的临界光周期变短, 处于12L∶12D和13L∶11D之间。白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育诱导的敏感光照虫态为幼虫期, 且以幼虫的后期最为敏感, 但整个幼虫期接受短光照对滞育的形成更为有利。通过观察白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育后在18℃, 21℃, 24℃和30℃的恒温条件下的发育历期, 由最小二乘法计算出白蛾周氏啮小蜂老熟幼虫滞育后发育起点温度和有效积温分别为14.60±0.31℃和209.38±8.72日·度。这些结果可为进一步研究白蛾周氏啮小蜂的种蜂长期保存技术和指导商品蜂生产, 正确把握放蜂时机提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod and cold exposure on diapause termination, post-diapause development and reproduction in Loxostege sticticalis were examined. Larvae were reared at diapause inducing condition (22 °C, L:D 12:12) consistently or transferred to long day photoperiod (L:D 16:8) and darkness (L:D 0:24) respectively, after entering into diapause. Diapause was terminated in approximately 40% of the larvae after 36 days, and no significant differences were observed between photoperiods, suggesting larval diapause was terminated spontaneously without being induced by photoperiods. Cold exposure significantly hastened diapause termination. The diapause termination incidence increased significantly with peaks of 98% at both 5 °C and 0 °C exposure for 30 days, as compared to 42% in controls not exposed to cold, while the mortality and number of days required for diapause termination decreased dramatically. The optimal low temperature exposure periods under 5 °C or 0 °C were 20 days and 30 days, showing a higher termination incidence and shorter time for diapause termination. This suggests that the low temperatures in winter play an important role in diapause termination under natural conditions. The threshold temperatures for post-diapause development in prepupae and pupae were 9.13 °C and 10.60 °C respectively, with corresponding accumulations of 125 and 200 degree-days. Adults that experienced larval diapause significantly delayed their first oviposition, oviposition period was prolonged, and the lifetime number of eggs laid was decreased, however both males and females have significantly longer longevity. The field validation of diapause termination, the degree-days model, and the relationship between diapause and migration in L. sticticalis were also discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract To investigate the seasonal adaptation strategies of Ophraella communa to new habitats, the effects and regulation mechanisms of photoperiod and temperature on the reproductive diapause in a population collected from Changsha, Hunan were examined. Adults showed obvious reproductive diapause, which was regulated by photoperiod and temperature. At 30°C, there was no adult diapause occurring under either long‐day or short‐day conditions; at 25°C the pre‐oviposition period was short and fecundity was high in adult females under L : D 16 : 8 h, whereas under L : D 12 : 12 h, a few females entered reproductive diapause; at 20°C under short‐day conditions, all female adults entered diapause. The pre‐oviposition period was significantly prolonged when the pupae and adults were transferred from long‐days to short‐days, but the day length influence was not obvious when they were transferred only in the adult stage. However, the fecundity dropped greatly no matter whether the photoperiod shifted to short‐days only in the adult stage or whether the shift occurred in both the pupal and adult stage. The fecundity was extremely low when photoperiod shifted from long‐days to short‐days in both pupal and adult stages. This was an indication that the pupal and adult stages were the photoperiod‐sensitive stage for adult reproductive diapause. This was especially true for the photoperiod in the pupal stage, which has a distinctly significant regulative effect on reproductive diapause. Additionally, this article also addresses the reason for different photoperiodic response patterns in reproductive diapause induction between the Changsha strain and the Tsukuba strain (Japan) of O. communa.  相似文献   

In Ithaca, New York, diapause incidence in Chrysopa carnea exceeds 50 per cent among adults emerging between 31 August and 3 September. Apparently, decreasing late summer day lengths, which exceed the stationary critical photoperiod in the laboratory, act on the sensitive stages and induce diapause. Full diapause intensity occurs about 2 weeks after adult emergence; complete winter coloration appears approximately 2 weeks later. Photoperiodic stimili in combination with the geographic strain largely determine diapause depth.Decreasing autumn day lengths decelerate diapause development and maintain diapause until the winter solstice. Subsequently, short day lengths and cold temperatures slow diapause development. In nature, neither long days, increasing day lengths, nor chilling hasten diapause termination. Diapause duration is largely determined by the interaction between inducing photoperiod, maintaining photoperiodic and thermal stimuli, and geographic strain. In Ithaca, diapause ends (all response to photoperiod ceases) between 22 January and 12 March.After diapause ends, the animals retain their diapause characteristics until temperatures exceed 4°C. Post-diapause reproductive development in females requires approximately 100 heat units above 4°C; however, below 8°C mating and oviposition are absent. Although the winter coloration remains, mating occurs within 1 day after transfer from 4 to 24°C. Temperature determines the rate at which the green summer colour returns.  相似文献   

The post-embryonic development of Pieris brassicae can either be continuous (under a long photoperiod) or interrupted at the pupal stage (induced by a short photoperiod); this phenomenon is termed facultative diapause. Several studies have indicated that certain brain mechanisms could be directly involved in the perception of variations in the photoperiod and could mediate some physiological effects particular to dormancy. Biogenic amines have been particularly implicated in the response to photoperiod variations and also in the regulation of development, especially in diapause induction and termination. High performance liquid chromatography with dual electrochemical detection has therefore been used to measure several biogenic amines in pupal nervous tissues at various stages of nondiapausing and diapausing development. During direct development, the levels of dopamine (DA) and N-acetyldopamine (NADA: a DA metabolite) in brain were relatively high in 3-day-old pupae and at the end of pupal life (on the 8th day). Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (another metabolite of DA) showed no variation. Serotonin was mainly observed in 2–3-day-old pupae but 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid was never detected. In young diapausing insects, similar variations of DA levels were observed even though a slight decrease of DA metabolites was noted. Serotonin appeared somewhat later (4–5 days) and attained higher levels. In late diapausing pupae, a marked increase in DA levels was observed, especially when pupae were kept at low temperature (4°C). During diapause, serotonin levels were reduced or even absent.  相似文献   

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