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Female rats were kept on a diet with a low content of animal protein (5.5%) beginning from the 2nd day after delivery. Beginning from the 10th day after delivery their body weight was persistently lower than that of control females. Also the body weight of their young was lower than that of control animals throughout the experiment, with significant differences appearing on the 17th day of life. Spontaneous termination of maternal milk intake occurred in malnourished young 10 days later than in the controls. Retention of 85Sr in malnourished females was in keeping with their milk production. Irrespective of the differences in body weight and the quality of solid food, the malnourished young began consuming solid food at the same age and in the same relative amounts as the controls. Thus in malnourished young the period of gradual weaning was prolonged by more than to 3 weeks in contrast to 2 weeks in the controls. This is probably due to the slower extinction of the oral sucking mechanism resulting from changes in the maturation of the CNS. No changes were found in maternal behaviour (nest building and efficiency of retrieving) in malnourished females during the suckling period. However, infanticide appeared in some females during the weaning period.  相似文献   

Treatment or implantation of oestrone, oestradiol or progesterone on the third day postpartum into the ventromedial-arcuate region of the hypothalamus produced a complex pattern of changes in established maternal behaviour in rats. Progesterone implanted into the ventromedial-arcuate region of the hypothalamus increased the time spent nursing. In contrast, it was shortened by oestradiol given subcutaneously or implanted hypothalamically or extrahypothalamically, or by oestrone implanted into the hypothalamus. Oestradiol by an route used oestrone implanted into the hypothalamus caused marked reduction of pup weight and retrieval frequency. Progesterone had no such effect. Maternal care involving retrieval, sniffing, licking and nursing, expressed in seconds care, declined after hypothalamic and systemic oestradiol treatment. However, oestrone implanted into the hypothalamus increased seconds of care on days 9 and 10. Progesterone did not affect this function.  相似文献   

This experiment addressed the hypothesis that aggressiveness toward conspecifics is stimulated by hormonal factors known to mediate the onset of maternal care. Subjects included both pregnant and virgin females. Sixteen-day pregnant rats were hysterectomized (H), hysterectomized-ovariectomized and injected with estrogen (HO-EB), or subjected to sham procedures. Nonpregnant females were HO-EB or sham operated. The females were sensitized by continuous exposure to pups and were judged to have initiated maternal care when all pups were retrieved and grouped, Aggressiveness was observed during 5-min intruder tests using unfamiliar males, administered (a) 10 min prior to the introduction of test pups, (b) following the first 3 hr of pup exposure, and (c) after females had initiated maternal care. The results revealed that treatments known to reduce sensitization latencies also increased aggressiveness even prior to exposure to pups. Aggressiveness was displayed before sensitization only in groups having elevated estrogen levels. After initiating maternal behavior, pregnant and pregnancy-terminated females increased further in aggressiveness whereas nonpregnant females did not. Pregnancy-terminated, HO-Oil females became aggressive (only) after initiating maternal behavior, indicating that factors other than estrogen also influence the onset of maternal aggression.  相似文献   

1. The effects of premature weaning on to normal and high-glucose diets and of normal weaning on to high-protein and high-fat diets on the activities of hepatic enzymes involved in both the utilization of glucose and the formation of glucose by gluconeogenesis in rats during the weaning period were investigated. 2. The effects of weaning and high-glucose diets were, in general, to bring about increases in the activities of enzymes involved in glucose utilization and a more rapid decrease of the activities of the gluconeogenic enzymes towards normal adult values. 3. The effects of weaning on to high-fat and high-protein diets were, in general, to lower the rate of increase in activities of the enzymes involved in glucose utilization, and to prevent the decrease in activity of the gluconeogenic enzymes that occurs during normal weaning. 4. The changes in the activity of cytoplasmic phosphopyruvate carboxylase appear to be of special significance; this and other results are in keeping with current theories about the pathways and control of gluconeogenesis. 5. The activity of ATP citrate lyase appears to be particularly important in lipid formation. 6. The results are interpreted in terms of the known adaptive behaviour of these enzymes in the adult rat. The roles of enzyme development and of enzyme adaptation in the elaboration of metabolic homoeostasis in the weanling rat are discussed.  相似文献   

1. A group of six rats, living at thermoneutrality, but with access to food only under a high heat load, was compared with a similar group living and eating at thermoneutrality. 2. Animals eating in the heat reduced total food intake, meal duration, total feeding time, and rate of weight gain; they increased frequency of feeding and had higher water intakes. 3. Identifiable behavioral and nutritional responses explained some of the difference in adaptation between the groups through other factors may also have played a role.  相似文献   

Virgin female rats were mated at a freely cycling oestrus, and then again with the same males at the subsequent postpartum oestrus. Copulatory behaviour at each mating was compared and the temporal patterning of the female's mating and maternal behaviour was analysed. Postpartum females were found to conserve the number of ejaculatory series received, yet the series were shorter, resulting in a shorter time being occupied, by this mating. During mating, females spent little time with their litters, and then mainly in the post-ejaculatory intervals. Ejaculatory series were rarely disrupted by nesting. The postpartum female rat seems to engage in behavioural time-sharing.  相似文献   

Dynamics of body mass has been followed in 663 noninbred animals from birth up to 3.5 years of age. The rats are kept in vivarium, taking into account necessary demands upon their diet, breeding, amount of the brood and sex dimorphism. The offspring is obtained with a strictly dated time of birth. During the first month of life they are weighed daily (up to a complete maturation, specimens of both sex are measured, till intensity of males and females growth is similar), and then with the interval, increasing as a geometrical progression, with a coefficient 1.1 up to the 1231st day after birth (males only). At every period of observations no less than 7 animals are examined, average mass and standard deviation are calculated. Dynamics of the parameters are determined by means of sliding average. Using the curves on the body mass changes in the laboratory rats during nearly their whole life, it is possible with a desired precise to determined their age at carrying out investigations of wide range on ontogenesis of organs and tissues, when the animals are bred in nurseries.  相似文献   

This experiment was carried out to investigate the long-term effects of enhancing cage complexity on behavioural measures of welfare in laboratory rats. We housed 72 rats in groups of four in either ‘enriched’ or ‘unenriched’ cages for six weeks. Scan and focal animal sampling were conducted in both the light and dark phase of the second, fourth and sixth weeks. Results revealed that rats in the ‘enriched’ cages showed longer durations of sleep behaviour, and low levels of agonistic behaviour compared to rats in the ‘unenriched’ cages. Results importantly demonstrated that the behavioural changes observed in the enriched environment were due to the presence of the enrichments themselves in the cages (indirect effects) and not due merely to rats interacting with the enrichment items in their environment. Thus, enhancing the complexity of conventional laboratory cages can promote behaviour such as longer bouts of sleep that is likely to be indicative of good welfare, and diminish levels of behaviour such as aggression that is likely to lead to poor welfare.  相似文献   

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