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Thymocyte-stimulating factor (TSF) has been purified 360-fold with a yield of about 18% by the sequential use of gel filtration on Sephadex G-100, ultrafiltration, hydrophobic interaction chromatography on phenyl Sepharose and affinity chromatography on concanavalin A (Con A)-Sepharose. Most of the TSF activity was eluted from Con A-Sepharose columns with α-methyl-d-mannoside, thus suggesting the presence of glucose and/or mannose residues. At the same time, however, the eluted material showed a considerable degree of heterogeneity in the number of these carbohydrate residues. Column electrofocusing of the purest preparations showed two peaks of TSF activity with pI's of 4.7 and 5.1. Proteins were found to electrofocus at these pI's, while no detectable amounts of proteins were found at other pI's.  相似文献   

A flow microfluorometric technique has been developed to analyze IgE receptors on splenic and mesenteric lymph node mononuclear cells from BALB/c mice. Our data show that 1) the binding of DIBADL cross-linked IgE dimers to IgE receptors is specific in that it is inhibited by monomeric rat and mouse IgE but not by mouse or rabbit IgG or by the monoclonal anti-Fc gamma R antibody 2.4G2, and conversely, the binding of DIBADL cross-linked IgG dimers is inhibited by monomeric IgG or 2.4G2 but not by rat or mouse IgE; 2) the binding of IgE dimers is saturable on cells from uninfected and Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (Nb)-infected mice; 3) IgE dimer binding is detectable on most splenic B lymphocytes from uninfected and Nb-infected mice, but not on T lymphocytes from uninfected mice, and on few, if any, T lymphocytes from Nb-infected mice; 4) Nb infection causes a parallel increase in the percentages of B lymphocytes and cells expressing IgE receptors and Fc gamma R; 5) Nb infection leads to a marked increase in B lymphocyte IgE receptor expression, has little if any effect on IgE receptor affinity, and causes only minor changes in Fc gamma R expression; and 6) in vivo activation of B lymphocytes by a goat antibody to mouse IgD decreases IgE receptor expression considerably, but has a minimal effect on Fc gamma R expression. Thus, there are separate receptors for IgE and IgG on murine B lymphocytes, and the effect of Nb infection or anti-IgD treatment on their expression is different.  相似文献   

Normal rat spleens contain suppressor cells which can inhibit proliferative and cytotoxic responses of lymphocytes to alloantigens in vitro. The suppressor cells are adherent, phagocytic, resistant to treatment with ATS and C, radioresistant, resistant to treatment with mitomycin C, apparently absent from the thymus, and found in very high concentrations in peritoneal exudates. These characteristics indicate that the suppressor cell is a macrophages and not a T cell. When suppressor cells were removed from spleen cell suspensions, strong in vitro proliferative and cytotoxic responses to alloantigens could consistently be observed.  相似文献   

Helper factors derived from autologous mixed lymphocyte cultures   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Human tonsillar lymphocytes infected with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) were cultured at a cell concentration of 2 × 106/ml in a 0.01-ml volume in microtest plates and cell lines composed of relatively small numbers of clones (oligoclonal) were established. Culture supernatants of 1020 cell lines thus established were screened for anti-phosphorylcholine (PC) antibody production by passive hemagglutination (PHA) assay and 10 cell lines with high anti-PC PHA titers were obtained. Plaque-forming cell (PFC) assay of these cell lines revealed that in seven cell lines more than 1% of the total cells and especially in two cell lines more than 10% of the total cells were anti-PC antibody-producing cells. Free PC concentrations required to inhibit PHA (8 PHA titer) and PFC (50% inhibition) correlated well in the same cell lines, but among the different cell lines considerable differences (10- to 1000-fold) of the PC concentration were obtained, indicating that anti-PC antibody-producing cells with different binding affinities to PC were transformed in these cell lines. PHA inhibition by monospecific antisera against immunoglobulin heavy-chain classes revealed that anti-PC antibodies produced in these cell lines were of the IgM class. Cloning experiments were performed and one clone stably producing anti-PC antibodies was obtained.  相似文献   

Pools of high titered alloantisera were raised by immunizing (B10.A/SgSn X A/WySn)F1 mice with C57BL/10Sn(B10) spleen cells. This serum (F1 anti-B10), when added to one-way mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), inhibited stimulation of B10.A splenic responders by both B10 and B10.D2/nSn irradiated, splenic stimulators. The B10 stimulation was suppressed approximately 85% whereas the mean suppression of B10.D2 stimulation was approximately 60%. In the ofrmer case, the serum contained antibodies reactive with multiple major histocompatibility complex determinants on the stimulator cells. In the latter case, the cytoxic reactivity of the serum was directed principally against an I region-associated determinant Ia.8) shared by B10 and B10.D2 and coded for by a gene(s) in the I-A subregion. The magnitude of the suppression of the response to B10.D2 cells (60%) was similar to the reduction in stimulation observed when the Ia.8 difference was eliminated genetically by using (B10 X B10.A)F1 responder cells against irradiated B10.D2 stimulators. Ihhibition of MLC by this antiserum was a function of reactivity with stimulator and not responder cells. Although some pools of F1 anti-B10 antiserum produced partial inhibition of the responder cell in a B10.D2 vs B10.Ax MLC combination, the results were inconsistent and not correlated with the anti-Ia.8 cytotoxicity titers. In addition, an F1 anti-B10 antiserum pool, which consistently failed to inhibit the responder cell, nevertheless inhibited both irradiated B10.D2 and (B10.A X B10.D2)F1 cells from stimulating B10.A responder cells. However, this same antiserum did not inhibit stimulation of B10.D2 responder cells by the (B10.A X B10.D2)F1 stimulators. Thus, the binding of antibodies to the non-stimulating antigens on the F1 stimulator cell did not interfere with the capacity of the appropriate stimulating antigens to cause stimulation. All of these results are consistent with the hypothesis that Ia allo-antigens are the major stimulating determinants of I region-associated MLC reactions.  相似文献   

Mixed lymphocyte cultures employing human lymphocytes were established in serum-supplemented medium. After an initial incubation of 72 hr or longer, proliferation of the cultures was observed in serum-free medium for an additional 24–48 hr. Thereafter, the proliferation decreased to below values seen in autologous controls. No DNA synthesis was observed in serum-free cultures or in cultures initially incubated with serum for less than 72 hr. Human albumin added to the cultures could not replace serum, although a weak response was obtained. Serum therefore must be present throughout the incubation period in human mixed lymphocyte cultures, if a maximum response is to be elicited.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory has suggested that a CD8+ T suppressor (Ts) cell network regulated the murine syngeneic mixed lymphocyte reaction (SMLR). We have attempted to disrupt this network by the inoculation of anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies (mAb) in vivo. Intraperitoneal inoculation of three mAbs resulted in a marked increase in the proliferation of CD4+, self-Ia-reactive splenic T cells in vitro to syngeneic, but not to allogeneic, spleen cells. Suppression was not limited to a specific mouse strain as the enhanced SMLR was reproducible following anti-CD8 treatment of three strains of mice. In vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells was not a prerequisite for enhancement of the SMLR as several mAb to CD8 augmented the SMLR independent of their capacity to cause CD8 T cell depletion. Moreover, enhancement of the SMLR could be mimicked in vitro by inclusion of anti-CD8 mAb in in vitro cultures of responder T cells and irradiated Ia+ syngeneic stimulators. Since the in vitro SMLR was enhanced following mAb treatment, it was expected that the in vivo SMLR would also be increased. However, no evidence of increased in vivo autoreactivity could be detected following in vivo treatment with anti-CD8 mAb, indicating that other mechanisms in addition to CD8+ regulatory T cells acted to regulate the in vivo activity of autoreactive T cells.  相似文献   

Insulin and growth hormone (GH) induce mitogenic and metabolic signals in cells, GH either directly or indirectly via IGF-I production. We have studied a spontaneous murine T-cell lymphoma (LB cells) devoid of IGF-1 receptors in which proliferation is maintained by insulin [Int. J. Cancer 50 (1992) 80], and show that GH is more potent than insulin, with both GH and insulin dose-response curves for thymidine incorporation being bell-shaped. Binding showed somatogenic rather than lactogenic GH receptors. Insulin stimulated phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and of a 160-kDa protein, identified as the IRS-4 protein. This phosphorylated IRS-4 associated with PI3-kinase, which was activated along with the downstream p70(S6) kinase, whereas the Ras-MAPK pathway was not. Using selective inhibitors, the PI3-kinase, but not p70(S6) kinase or MEK, was found to be involved in insulin-stimulated DNA synthesis. GH induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-4 and nuclear translocation of STAT5. The LB cells constitute a new model for studying GH and insulin signalling without interference of IGF-1 receptors.  相似文献   

Stimulation of human peripheral blood lymphocytes with allogeneic cells in mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) results in increased NK-like cytotoxicity against K562 targets. The effector cells of this cytotoxicity were shown to include both Fcμ+ and Fcμ? cells, as shown by EAμ rosette separation and by combined rosette formation and single-cell analysis. Peak cytotoxic activity of Fcμ+ cells was found after 3 days of MLC stimulation. The Cytotoxicity against KS62 targets mediated by Fcμ+ cells could not be inhibited at all with alloantigen-bearing cells and could only be partially inhibited with another NK-sensitive target (MOLT- 4). This cytotoxicity could be generated from either Fcγ+ or FCγ? cells. These results indicate considerable heterogeneity of NK-like effectors and their precursors.  相似文献   

Previously, we have demonstrated that supernatants from autologous mixed lymphocyte (AMLR) cultures contain helper factors which can mediate the development of a cytotoxic T-cell response to hapten modified self. In the current study, the effect of AMLR supernatants on the humoral response was explored. BALB/C splenic non-T cells produced a large polyclonal antibody response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), as measured in a Protein A SRBC plaque assay. Surprisingly, syngeneic AMLR supernatants suppressed the LPS-induced generation of plaque-forming cells. The presence of T cells in the stimulated cultures did not affect suppressor activity. The decreased response was not the result of a shift in kinetics, as maximal activity was observed on Day 4, whether or not AMLR supernatants were added. The AMLR culture supernatants were most effective in suppressing the plaque-forming cell response when added at the initiation of culture. AMLR supernatants added after 24 hr of culture resulted in only about 50% of maximum suppression. Supernatants added at 48 or 72 hr had no effect. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) has been detected in AMLR culture supernatant and has been reported to suppress the development of plaque-forming cells in response to LPS. However, it is unlikely the suppressive activity observed in these studies is due to IFN-gamma. Dialysis of the AMLR culture supernatant against a pH 2 buffer for 24 hr or incubation at 70, 80, or 90 degrees C for 10 min, treatments that inactivate IFN-gamma, enhanced suppression. These results suggest that in addition to cytotoxic-T-cell helper factors, the cellular interactions in the AMLR induces the production of a stable mediator(s) which is able to directly suppress B cells at an early stage of their development into plasma cells.  相似文献   

A simple technique for synchronization of human lymphocyte cultures with fluorodeoxyuridine (FudR) is presented. The S-phase block induced by the FudR is released by simultaneous exposure to 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and Hoechst 33258 or by thymidine and Hoechst 33258. This method provides a high mitotic index with high percentage of prometaphase chromosomes. This simple method is highly advantageous and easy to utilize in clinical cytogenetics.  相似文献   

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