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We have constructed a clone which over-produces a 33 kDa protein representing the C-terminal portion of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A subunit. This protein has no enzymic activity of its own, but will form a complex with a 64 kDa protein (representing the N-terminal part of the A subunit) and the gyrase B subunit, that will efficiently catalyse DNA supercoiling. We show that the 33 kDa protein can bind to DNA on its own in a manner which induces positive supercoiling of the DNA. We propose that the 33 kDa protein represents a domain of the gyrase A subunit which is involved in the wrapping of DNA around DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

Antagonism of the DNA gyrase B subunit in the donor bacterium by coumermycin or thermal inactivation inhibited transfer of plasmid R64drd-11. Coumermycin also inhibited Hfr transfer, with kinetics after drug removal suggesting that transfer resumed from the point of inhibition, in contrast to inhibition with nalidixic acid, after which transfer reinitiated from the origin of transfer.  相似文献   

Tryptic fragments of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Treatment of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein with trypsin generates two large fragments which are stable to further digestion. The molecular masses of these fragments are 64 and 33 kDa, and they are shown to be derived from the N terminus and the C terminus of the A protein, respectively. These fragments could represent structural and/or functional domains within the A subunit of DNA gyrase. The trypsin-cleaved A protein (A'), in combination with the B subunit of gyrase, can support ATP-dependent supercoiling of relaxed DNA and other reactions of DNA gyrase. The isolated 64-kDa fragment will also catalyse DNA supercoiling in the presence of the B protein, but the 33-kDa fragment shows no enzymic activities. We conclude that the N-terminal 64-kDa fragment represents the DNA breakage/reunion domain of the A protein, while the 33-kDa fragment may contribute to the stability of the gyrase-DNA complex.  相似文献   

The rates of synthesis of inner and outer membrane proteins of Escherichia coli K12 during inhibition of cell division have been studied. When cell division was inhibited, either by treatment of wild-type cells with the antibiotic clorobiocin (an inhibitor of the B subunit of DNA gyrase) or by a temperature shift of a gyrB-ts mutant, a 40% reduction in the rate of synthesis of total outer membrane protein relative to that of the inner membrane was observed. When a gyrB-ts mutant was shifted to high temperature under conditions which allowed continued cell division, this large reduction in the rate of synthesis of outer membrane protein relative to inner membrane protein was not observed. In contrast to the results obtained with clorobiocin, inhibition of cell division by the beta-lactam antibiotic cefuroxime did not cause any detectable disturbance in the rate of synthesis of either inner or outer membrane protein. This demonstrates that inhibition of septum formation per se does not perturb synthesis of envelope protein. The data obtained are consistent with a model in which the rate of synthesis and therefore expansion of outer membrane is one of many conditions which must be satisfied before septum formation can occur. The results are discussed in relation to such a model, and to previous findings which have shown that the rate of synthesis of outer membrane proteins displays a linear mode with an abrupt doubling in rate at a discrete point in the cell cycle.  相似文献   

A genetic selection system that detects splicing and nonsplicing activities of inteins was developed based on the ability to rescue a T4 phage strain with a conditionally inactive DNA polymerase. This phage defect can be complemented by expression of plasmid-encoded phage RB69 DNA polymerase. Insertion of an intein gene into the active site of the RB69 DNA polymerase gene renders polymerase activity and phage viability dependent on protein splicing. The effectiveness of the system was tested by screening for thermosensitive splicing mutants. Development of genetic systems with the potential of identifying protein splicing inhibitors is a first step towards controlling proliferation of pathogenic microbes harboring inteins in essential proteins.  相似文献   

Ellilä S  Jurvansuu JM  Iwaï H 《FEBS letters》2011,585(21):3471-3477
Protein splicing catalyzed by inteins has enabled various biotechnological applications such as protein ligation. Successful applications of inteins are often limited by splicing efficiency. Here, we report the comparison of protein splicing between 20 different inteins from various organisms in identical contexts to identify robust inteins with foreign exteins. We found that RadA intein from Pyrococcus horikoshii and an engineered DnaB intein from Nostoc punctiforme demonstrated an equally efficient splicing activity to the previously reported highly efficient DnaE intein from Nostoc punctiforme. The newly identified inteins with efficient cis-splicing activity can be good starting points for the further development of new protein engineering tools.  相似文献   

F McEachern  L M Fisher 《FEBS letters》1989,253(1-2):67-70
Bacterial DNA supercoiling is controlled by balancing the supercoiling activity of DNA gyrase and the relaxing activity of DNA topoisomerase I. We have characterized the gyrB gene from a top A deletion mutant of Escherichia coli (DM800) that has a compensatory mutation in gyrB, lowering the activity of gyrase 10-fold, and thereby redressing the intracellular level of supercoiling. The mutant gene differs from the wild type in carrying three rather than two direct tandem repeats of a 6 bp sequence encoding Ala-Arg. We suggest this novel mutation affects domain spacing and was generated by an unequal crossing over event, possibly involving gyrase.  相似文献   

The gene gyrA of Escherichia coli, which encodes the A subunit of DNA gyrase (topoisomerase II), has been cloned and a region of approximately 3300 base-pairs sequenced. An open reading frame of 2625 nucleotides coding for a protein of 97,000 Mr is located. The peptide weight of the subunit predicted from this open reading frame is in close agreement with previously published estimates of that of the A subunit. There is a "TATAAT" promoter motif located 44 bases upstream from the first "ATG" of the open reading frame. The amino acid sequence derived from the nucleotide sequence is about 50% homologous with that derived from the Bacillus subtilis gyrA gene sequence, with several regions showing greater than 90% homology.  相似文献   

λ-Red system-based recombinogenic engineering is a powerful new method to engineer DNA without the need for restriction enzymes or ligases. Here, we report the use of a single selectable marker to enhance the usefulness of this approach. The strategy is to utilize the thymidylate synthase A (thyA) gene, which encodes an enzyme involved in the synthesis of thymidine 5′-triphosphate, for both positive and negative selection. With this approach, we successfully created point mutations in plasmid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) DNA containing the mouse Col10a1 gene. The results showed that the thyA selection system is highly efficient and accurate, giving an average of >90% selection efficiency. This selection system produces DNA that is free from permanent integration of unwanted sequences, thus allowing unlimited rounds of modifications if required.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli strain LE316 contains a mutation in gyrB that results in the substitution of Val164 to Gly and confers both chlorobiocin resistance and temperature sensitivity. Selection for suppressors of the ts phenotype yielded second-site mutations in GyrB at His38 and Thr157. The properties of proteins bearing these mutations have been characterized, and a mechanism of suppression is proposed based upon structural considerations.  相似文献   

A Ahmed 《Gene》1984,28(1):37-43
Insertion of a HindIII-EcoRI fragment carrying part of the gal operon from lambda gal+ into pBR322 yields a plasmid (pAA3) which confers strong galactose sensitivity on E. coli strains deleted for the gal operon. Sensitivity to galactose is caused by the expression of kinase and transferase (but not epimerase) genes from a promoter located in the tet gene of pBR322. Insertion of a DNA fragment carrying Tn9 at the HindIII junction blocks gal expression and produces a galactose-resistant phenotype. Hence, galactose resistance can be used to select DNA fragments cloned at the HindIII site. The system was used efficiently for cloning lambda, yeast, and human DNA. The cloned fragments can be screened directly for the presence of promoters by testing for tetracycline resistance. Alternatively, these plasmids can be used as cosmids for cloning large fragments of DNA at a number of sites. Construction of several related vectors is described.  相似文献   

The 64 x 10(3) Mr N-terminal breakage-reunion domain of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein was purified from an over-expressing strain. When complexed with the gyrase B protein, this truncated A protein has all of the enzymic properties of the full-length counterpart, although with reduced efficiency in some cases. The 64 x 10(3) Mr protein has been crystallized in several forms, a number of which were too small for crystallographic analysis. However, two forms grew to sufficient size for preliminary X-ray analysis. Both forms were tetragonal with a primitive lattice. One form (type I) had cell dimensions of a = b = 170 A, c = 145 A a space group of either P41212 (P43212) or P42212, and diffracted to 6 A resolution. The type II crystals had cell dimensions of a = b = 177 A, c = 175 A, a space group of P41212 (P43212) or P42212, and diffracted to at least 4.5 A resolution. Both crystal forms apparently contained four subunits (possibly a tetramer) in the asymmetric unit. We are attempting to increase the size and quality of these crystals.  相似文献   

In a previous report (Reece, R. J., and Maxwell, A. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19648-19653) we showed that treatment of the Escherichia coli DNA gyrase A protein with trypsin generates two stable fragments. The N-terminal 64-kDa fragment supports DNA supercoiling, while the C-terminal 33-kDa fragment shows no enzymic activity. We proposed that the 64-kDa fragment represents the DNA breakage-reunion domain of the A protein. We have now engineered the gyrA gene such that the 64-kDa protein is generated as a gene product. The properties of this protein confirm the findings of the experiments with the 64-kDa tryptic fragment. We have also generated a series of deletions of the gyrA gene such that C-terminal and N-terminal truncated versions of the A protein are produced. The smallest of the N-terminal fragments found to be able to carry out the DNA breakage-reunion reaction is GyrA(1-523). The cleavage reaction mediated by this protein occurs with equal efficacy as that performed by the intact GyrA protein. Deletion of the N-terminal 6 amino acids from either the A protein or these deletion derivatives has no effect on enzymic activity, while deletion of the N-terminal 69 amino acids completely abolishes the DNA breakage-reunion reaction. Therefore the smallest GyrA protein we have found that will perform DNA breakage and reunion is GyrA(7-523). A model is proposed for the domain organization of the gyrase A protein.  相似文献   

The polyamine content of the Escherichia coli polyamine-auxotrophic strain BGA 8 seemed to influence the effects of nalidixic acid, an antibiotic acting on subunit A of DNA gyrase. The growth rate was more affected under conditions of putrescine depletion and the inhibition could be partially relieved if the polycation was added back to the culture. DNA synthesis was likewise more sensitive to nalidixic acid in cultures grown without polyamine. The expression of some proteins characteristic of the heat-shock response, evoked by the antibiotic, showed a different persistence according to the presence or absence of polyamines. Novobiocin, acting on subunit B of gyrase, also promoted a differential effect depending on the polyamine content, but in this case putrescine-supplemented cells were more sensitive. The described findings suggest a role of polyamines in all the reactions carried out by gyrase, perhaps due to the influence of the polycations on the state of DNA aggregation.  相似文献   

The thermosensitive growth phenotype exerted by runaway-mutant plasmids was suppressed by sublethal doses of the DNA gyrase inhibitors novobiocin or nalidixic acid, although the latter drug was less efficient. A novobiocin-resistant gyrB mutant Escherichia coli strain prevented expression of the runaway phenotype at 37 to 42 degrees C in the absence of any drug.  相似文献   

The letA (ccdA) and letD (ccdB) genes, located just outside the sequence essential for replication of the F plasmid, apparently contribute to stable maintenance of the plasmid. The letD gene product acts to inhibit partitioning of chromosomal DNA and cell division of the host bacteria, whereas the letA gene product acts to suppress the activity of the letD gene product. To identify the target of the letD gene product, temperature-sensitive growth-defective mutants were screened from bacterial mutants that had escaped the letD product growth inhibition that occurs in hosts carrying an FletA mutant. Of nine mutants analysed, three mutants were shown, by phage P1-mediated transduction and complementation analysis, to have mutations in the gyrA gene and the other six in the groE genes. The nucleotide sequence revealed that one of the gyrA mutants has a base change from G to A at position 641 (resulting in an amino acid change from Gly to Glu at position 214) of the gyrA gene. The mutant GyrA proteins produced by these gyrA(ts) mutants were trans-dominant over wild-type GyrA protein for letD tolerance. The wild-type GyrA protein, produced in excess amounts by means of a multicopy plasmid, overcame growth inhibition of the letD gene product. These observations strongly suggest that the A subunit of DNA gyrase is the target of the LetD protein.  相似文献   

We have developed pBR328-derived vectors which allow highly efficient positive selection of recombinant plasmids. The system is based on the rglB-coded restriction activity of Escherichia coli K-12 directed against 5-methylcytosine (5mC)-containing DNA. The vectors code for cytosine-specific, temperature-sensitive DNA methyltransferases (ts-Mtases), whose specificity elicits RglB restriction. 5mC-free vector DNA - a prerequisite to allow establishment of such plasmids in cells expressing the RglB nuclease activity - can be prepared from cultures grown at 42 degrees C. At 30 degrees C the vector plasmids are vulnerable to RglB restriction due to the expression of suicidal Mtase activity. Cloning a DNA fragment into the ts-Mtase-coding gene disrupts the lethal methylation and thus permits selection of such recombinant plasmids at 30 degrees C. The standard vector used, pBN73, contains unique recognition sites for nine restriction enzymes within the ts-Mtase-coding gene, which can be used independently or in combination for the construction of recombinant plasmids selectable by the rglB-coded activity. Plasmid pBN74, which carries the determinants for both the ts-Mtase and the RglB nuclease, contains seven unique sites within the ts-Mtase-coding gene. While selection of recombinant plasmids derived from pBN73 obligatorily requires the employment of rglB+ strains, selection of pBN74 derivatives can be performed independent of the E. coli-host genotype. It remains to be elucidated whether positive selection of pBN74-derived recombinant plasmids can also be achieved in hosts other than E. coli. Plasmids pBN73, pBN74 and the recombinants are structurally stable. Generally applicable procedures, as developed during the establishment of this vector system, are described; they allow the isolation of ts-Mtases and facilitate the cloning of genes coding for nucleases directed against 5mC-containing DNA.  相似文献   

We assign a function for a small protein, YacG encoded by Escherichia coli genome. The NMR structure of YacG shows the presence of an unusual zinc-finger motif. YacG was predicted to be a part of DNA gyrase interactome based on protein-protein interaction network. We demonstrate that YacG inhibits all the catalytic activities of DNA gyrase by preventing its DNA binding. Topoisomerase I and IV activities remain unaltered in the presence of YacG and its action appears to be restricted only to DNA gyrase. The inhibition of the enzyme activity is due to the binding of YacG to carboxyl terminal domain of GyrB. Overexpression of YacG results in growth inhibition and alteration in DNA topology due to uncontrolled inhibition of gyrase.  相似文献   

Brino L  Bronner C  Oudet P  Mousli M 《Biochimie》1999,81(10):973-980
DNA gyrase is an essential enzyme that regulates the DNA topology in bacteria. It belongs to the type II DNA topoisomerase family and is responsible for the introduction of negative supercoils into DNA at the expense of hydrolysis of ATP molecules. The aim of the present work was to study the contribution of I10, one of the most important residues responsible for the stabilization of GyrB dimer and involved in the ATP-binding step, in the ATP-hydrolysis reaction and in the DNA supercoiling mechanism. We constructed MBP-tagged GyrB mutants I10G and Delta4-14. Our results demonstrate that both mutations severely affect the DNA-dependent ATPase activity and DNA supercoiling. Mutation of Y5 residue involved in the formation of ATPase catalytic site (Y5G mutant) had only little effect on the DNA-dependent ATPase activity and DNA supercoiling. Interestingly, the DNA-relaxation activity of MBP-GyrB mutants and wild type was completely inhibited by ATP. Binding of ADPNP to MBP-tagged mutants was significantly decreased. ADPNP had no effect on DNA-relaxation activity of MBP-tagged mutants but was able to inhibit MBP-tagged wild type enzyme. Our results demonstrate that GyrB N-terminal arm, and specially I10 residue is essential for ATP binding/hydrolysis efficiency and DNA transfer through DNA gyrase.  相似文献   

Summary To investigate the interaction of subunits A and B of DNA gyrase during DNA supercoiling, a Cour mutant of Escherichia coli was obtained and the effect of nalidixic acid on the supercoiling of DNA by wild-type and mutant enzymes was assayed. The enzyme of the Cour strain proved to be more sensitive to nalidixic acid than the wild-type DNA gyrase. Hence the mutation affecting the B subunit can also change the properties of the A subunit, which fact suggests that the two subunits of DNA gyrase are in contact during DNA supercoiling.  相似文献   

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