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贡嘎雪山小地老虎迁飞考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)迁飞问题早为前人提出。通过海面和空中捕蛾以及成虫标记释放,也证明了迁飞现象的客观存在。但由于虫源地、迁飞路线、飞翔过程等一系列问题尚不很明了,根据小地老虎迁飞来追索虫源地乃是一个重要的途径。从四川各地常年诱蛾情况看,春季从西(偏南)向东(偏北)蛾量是逐渐上开的趋势,秋季则相反,蛾量是逐渐下降的趋势。根据这个启示,为了探讨小地老虎在四川的来龙去脉,了解迁飞的方向和高度,利用地理优势直接观察高空虫群的动态,于1980—1981年,在四川西部凉山州贡嘎雪山山系主峰——夏诺多季峰进行了实地考察。 夏诺多季峰位于四川省木里藏族自治县西  相似文献   

小地老虎是一种远距离迁飞害虫。通过对成虫种群消长资料的分析表明,在我国境内的越冬基地,成虫种群具有两次(冬、春季)出现高峰;春季蛾量较高,其消长为典型的先坡后陡型。在一代为害区,成虫种群常有三次出现峰(春、夏、秋季);春季成虫均为迁入蛾,其消长为先陡后坡型;夏季蛾蜂高而蛾期短,消长动态属先坡后陡型。影响成虫种群消长的主要原因为虫源及性质、蛾子迁飞特性、气温与天气等。  相似文献   

粘虫迁飞能源物质的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
粘虫具有迁飞特性。本研究对迁飞型和居留型的粘虫雌、雄蛾进行生理测定,分别分析了虫体糖原、总脂肪含量,并对虫体腹腔内脂肪体显微切片进行组织学观察,其结果表明,脂肪是粘虫迁飞的主要能源物质。  相似文献   

粘虫具有迁飞特性。本研究对迁飞型和居留型的粘虫雌,雄蛾进行生理测定,分别分析了虫体糖原、总脂肪含量,并对虫体腹腔内脂肪体显微切片进行组织学观察,其结果衷明,脂肪是粘虫迁飞的主要能源物质。  相似文献   

<正> 几年来我们从研究小地老虎Agrotis Ypsi-lon Rottembery越冬代成虫发生消长规律及雌蛾卵巢发育情况着手,联系迁飞性昆虫的特性,结合气象资料分析,从以下八点论证我省早春虫源性质。 1.越冬调查与早春蛾量 1968年12月我们在安阳、西华、扶沟、方城、郑州等地调查,在1,009平方米的样点内未查得小地老虎。1978  相似文献   

稻纵卷叶螟雌蛾解剖在测报上的应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
稻纵卷叶螟是一种具有远距离迁飞能力的昆虫。一个地区各个世代峰次,存在不同的虫源性质:有“迁出代”、“迁入代“或“本地繁育世代”等差别。因此防治适期或发生量的近期预测,应根据不同代峰次的虫源性质区别对待,才能“测准、治好”。通过实践,我们体会到:采用田间赶蛾结合雌蛾解剖的办法,可以比较准确地解决这些问题。  相似文献   

白背飞虱的再迁飞能力   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汪远昆  翟保平 《昆虫学报》2004,47(4):467-473
通过室内模拟试验研究了白背飞虱经过一次远迁降落、取食不同水稻品种后的再迁飞能力。根据吊飞试验的持续飞行时间可将白背飞虱种群划分为居留型(<30 min)、迁飞型(≥30 min)、远迁型(>420 min)和再迁飞型(第二次吊飞持续飞行时间 ≥30 min)。在所测的558头白背飞虱中,再迁飞型的比率为5.7%;而在112头迁飞型个体中,再迁飞的比率为28.6%。取食不同品种的水稻对白背飞虱的飞行能力和再迁飞能力有显著影响。取食感虫水稻的白背飞虱飞行能力和再迁飞能力较强,再迁飞的比率也较高 (>5%)。吊飞前后取食常规稻与耐虫品种组合的飞虱的再迁飞时间则较短,再迁飞比率也较低;但吊飞前后均以耐虫品种饲喂的个体,反而也表现出较高的再迁飞比率和中等水平的再迁飞时间。而且,第一次飞行360 min以上的个体具有较强的再迁飞潜力。交配只对6日龄雌虫和2日龄雄虫的飞行能力有显著影响。  相似文献   

2010年广西兴安地区稻纵卷叶螟发生动态及迁飞轨迹分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
稻纵卷叶螟是我国水稻上的重要害虫,近年来给我国水稻生产造成严重的损失。兴安地区位于广西东北部是每年稻纵卷叶螟在我国南北往返的必经之路,分析该地区稻纵卷叶螟的种群动态和迁飞规律,对全国稻纵卷叶螟的预测预报和防治工作意义重大。采用灯光诱捕、田间系统调查与雌蛾卵巢解剖的方法研究了2010年广西兴安地区稻纵卷叶螟的发生动态和世代虫源性质,并运用大气质点轨迹分析平台HYSPLIT和气象图形处理软件GrADS对2010年广西兴安地区稻纵卷叶螟迁飞高峰期进行了迁飞轨迹和气象背景分析。结果表明:(1)稻纵卷叶螟种群数量在广西兴安地区随季节变化明显,年发生6代,于4月底迁入,迁飞活动主要集中在5月下旬-8月中旬。在双季早稻田、单季中稻田和双季晚稻田均发生3代,且在不同类型田中重叠发生,其在双季早稻田的发生量明显高于单季中稻田和双季晚稻田。(2)明确了兴安地区稻纵卷叶螟各世代虫源性质。第2、3代主害双季早稻,均为迁入虫源;第4代数量最多,主害双季早稻,属于迁入虫源在本地繁殖世代;7月中下旬连续降雨天气阻碍第四代稻纵卷叶螟从本地迁出,滞留单季中稻为害。第5代主害单季中稻,虫源性质复杂,主要为本地虫源本地繁殖型,既有迁入,又有迁出;第6代前期主害单季中稻,后期主害双季晚稻,第7代为害双季晚稻,虫源性质均为本地虫源大部迁出型。(3)2010年广西兴安5月上旬稻纵卷叶螟迁入虫源地来自广东沿海阳江和湛江稻区,6月中旬大规模迁入虫源地主要来自广东沿海雷州半岛稻区。低空激流为稻纵卷叶螟的迁入提供了运载气流,而当时的降雨是迫使稻纵卷叶螟集中降落的主要原因。10月中旬从本地迁出的稻纵卷叶螟,随东北气流南下可到达广西沿海北海市。  相似文献   

通过2009,2010年春季对江淮地区安徽凤台麦田及灯诱灰飞虱Laodelphax striatellus(Fallén)种群的系统调查和雌虫卵巢的系统解剖,明确了本地越冬后灰飞虱的种群性质,作为灰飞虱能否迁飞的判据;运用美国NOAA网站的HYSPLIT平台对本地的迁入高峰做了数值模拟和虫源分析。结果表明:(1)江淮稻区灰飞虱麦田种群的迁移动态为远距离迁飞与本地扩散相结合;(2)在本地范围内,灰飞虱的本地繁殖型长翅成虫于麦收前可从麦田向秧田迁移扩散,在不利于长翅成虫起飞进行远距离迁飞的天气条件,如降雨、大风等的影响下,麦田迁飞型种群可向附近的秧田扩散;(3)灯诱与田间长翅雌虫卵巢解剖表明本地2010年6月5日和12日出现迁入虫群;虫源轨迹分析显示2010年6月5日迁入虫峰来自苏中的扬州地区,6月12日迁入虫源来自鲁南济宁地区。  相似文献   

粘虫飞翔能源物质及其消耗   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:7  
曹雅忠  罗礼智 《昆虫学报》1995,38(3):290-295
根据粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)具有远距离迁飞能力的特性,在室内条件下,测试其长时间飞行的能源种类及消耗;试验设6h、12h、24h、36h和48h等5种吊飞处理和不 吊飞对照。结果表明,粘虫飞翔后体重显著下降,体重的减少量与吊测时间、实际飞翔时间及距离呈正相关;粘虫飞翔前后体内脂肪含量差异显著,而蛋白质含量则无明显变化;脂肪含量的下降趋势与虫体重下降一致,脂肪消耗量占体重消耗量的60%以上,说明脂肪是粘虫远距离飞行的主要能源物质。随飞翔时间的增加,脂肪消耗的速率有逐渐减缓趋势:飞行每小时每克体重消耗脂肪雌蛾为23.6→8.9mg/(h·g),雄蛾为11.8→9.2mg/(h.g);飞行每公里每克体重雌蛾消耗脂肪为4.0→1.7mg/(km·g),雄蛾为2.2→1.4mg/(km·g)。  相似文献   

徐培桢  杨代德 《生态学报》1986,6(3):229-237
本文讨论了1979—1984年,粘虫蛾垂直迁飞和气候因子的关系。在四川省峨眉山不同高度建立了6个观测点。并系统观测了一代粘虫蛾迁入的种群动态。据近年观察结果表明,迁飞蛾群动态与湿度、降雨、风,尤其温度有密切关系。在自然条件下,蛾始见期的平均临界低温为5.2℃,迁飞高峰时温度为10.6—24.3℃。适温和最适温分别为15—24℃和16—20℃。观察结果还表明,一代粘虫蛾各迁入峰期与高空大气压850毫巴流场的东南和偏东气流(风速为4—6米/秒)关系最密切。这是蛾子从我国东部向西部水平的长距迁入四川峨眉等地的因素。并根据不同高度地区,垂直迁飞动态观察及蛾子标记回收试验,初步证明了金顶上的蛾群乃是在夏季从低海拔地区随上升气流而垂直迁来的。  相似文献   

卢筝 《昆虫学报》1984,(2):160-164
本文研究了小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon Rott.成虫的消化系统和马氏管的形态,详细描述了消化道、唾腺和马氏管三个部分的构造。观察到有两种构造是前人有关文献中未描述过的:1.吸泵被区分为几丁质的底壁和极薄的背壁;2.唾窦背面存在有一对囊形小体,它们伸入到吸泵中。  相似文献   

Long-distance migration of adult corn earworm moths (Helicoverpazea), and several other noctuid moth species, facilitates seasonalexpansion of pest populations and consequent increased infestationsof agricultural crops on a continental scale in North America.Long-term field studies of population dynamics and migratoryflights of H. zea and fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)in the United States were evaluated using X-band radar observationsand profiles of atmospheric conditions. These studies identifiedcharacteristic patterns of migratory flight that are largelyassociated with vertical profiles of temperature and wind speed.Collective patterns of moth migrations were generally highlycorrelated with wind headings, but often at a significant angulardeviation. Preliminary analyses are presented between moth distributionsin the aerosphere estimated from discrete moth counts usingX-band radar and bulk reflectivity data from NEXRAD Dopplerradar. Identification of associations between atmospheric factorsand noctuid population dynamics and migratory flights will improvethe ability to predict infestations by pest species throughouttheir broad seasonal range expansion.  相似文献   

[目的]明确稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis生理状态对性信息素和花香气味的嗅觉行为反应的影响,以及在田间性信息素和花香气味诱蛾量的动态.[方法]于2020年在广西、湖南、浙江、四川5个试验点,通过田间网捕、花香气味和性信息素诱捕稻纵卷叶螟成虫,结合解剖卵巢和精巢,比较性信息素和花香诱捕的基本迁...  相似文献   

The gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar, is a non-native species that continues to invade areas in North America. It spreads generally through stratified dispersal where local growth and diffusive spread are coupled with long-distance jumps ahead of the leading edge. Long-distance jumps due to anthropogenic movement of life stages is a well-documented spread mechanism. Another mechanism is the atmospheric transport of early instars and adult males, believed to occur over short distances. However, empirical gypsy moth population data continue to support the possibility of alternative methods of long-range dispersal. Such dispersal events seemed to have occurred in the mid- to late-1990s with spread across Lake Michigan to Wisconsin. Such dispersal would be against the prevailing wind flow for the area and would have crossed a significant physical barrier (Lake Michigan). The climatology of the region shows that vigorous cyclones can result in strong easterly winds in the area at the time when early instars are present. It is hypothesized that these storms would enable individuals to be blown across the Lake and explain the appearance of new population centers observed at several locations on the western shore of Lake Michigan nearly simultaneously. A synoptic climatology model coupled with population dynamics data from the area was parameterized to show an association between transport events and population spread from 1996 to 2007. This work highlights the importance of atmospheric transport events relative to the invasion dynamics of the gypsy moth, and serves as a model for understanding this mechanism of spread in other related biological invasions.  相似文献   

慈竹克隆种群能量动态研究   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:15  
本文引用Harper的构件结构理论,从克隆构件,克隆分株和克隆种群3个层次,系统探索我国特有种慈竹克隆种群能量动态,研究结果表明:慈竹克隆种群单位量能值变化随其生长季节,生长发育阶段和年龄不同而异,冬季单位能值升高,换叶期单位能值聚然下降;生殖阶段单位能值降低,但龄级间差异较大,慈竹克隆种群具整合作用。影响慈竹克隆种群能量变动的因素主要是大气温度,湿度和种群生殖与换叶等。  相似文献   

In a laboratory study, we determined the potential of threeTrichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) species,T. brassicae Bezdenko,T. minutum Riley andT. nr.sibiricum Sorokina, for biological control against six species of forest lepidopteran pests, black army cutworm, hemlock looper, eastern spruce budworm, western spruce budworm, white-marked tussock moth, and gypsy moth. Females of each parasitoid species were offered eggs from each of the six host species. Parasitization and the effect of the host species on the emerging progeny were examined and recorded.Trichogramma minutum had the broadest host range and successfully parasitized four host species out of the six offered.Trichogramma nr.sibiricum had the narrowest host range and parasitized only two species of hosts. Of the six host species, black army cutworm was the most preferred by all threeTrichogramma species; white-marked tussock moth and gypsy moth were not parasitized by any parasitoids. There was a positive correlation between the size of female offspring and their corresponding egg complement in all three parasitoid species. The developmental time of parasitoids from egg to adult was influenced by both the parasitoid and host species. Our results suggest thatT. minutum has the greatest potential for biological control against various forest lepidopteran pests and that the black army cutworm may be the best target candidate for further study.  相似文献   

桃小食心虫蛾的趋光性   总被引:16,自引:1,他引:16  
侯无危  杨自军 《昆虫学报》1994,37(2):165-170
桃小食心虫Carposlna niponensis Walsingham属鳞翅目蛀果蛾科的一种夜间活动的小蛾。文献记载该蛾虽然为夜间活动,但无趋光性。我们在室内用五种单色光(350、375、405、383、333毫微米)对枕小食心虫进行测定。结果表明该蛾不仅对上述的单色光有反应,而且对350毫微米单色光的反应比较明显。室外的实验选择在不施农药又少人为干扰的枣林,设置4个诱虫光源(20瓦黑绿灯、20瓦黑蓝灯、20瓦黑橙灯和20瓦黑光灯管),每个光源彼此间隔50米。经两年田间诱虫试验结果表明,上述4种光源都能诱到该蛾,其中以20瓦黑绿双光灯管诱蛾量为多,经显著性测定,黑绿灯诱蛾量极显著。此外,光源与诱芯或光源加诱芯的联合诱蛾实验,同样表明黑绿灯最有效。经室内外的实验结果证明桃小食心虫蛾有趋光性。  相似文献   

Shade structures are often considered as one method of reducing stress in feedlot cattle. Selection of a suitable shade material can be difficult without data that quantify material effectiveness for stress reduction. A summer study was conducted during 2007 using instrumented shade structures in conjunction with meteorological measurements to estimate relative effectiveness of various shade materials. Shade structures were 3.6 m by 6.0 m by 3.0 m high at the peak and 2.0 m high at the sides. Polyethylene shade cloth was used in three of the comparisons and consisted of effective coverings of 100%, 60% with a silver reflective coating, and 60% black material with no reflective coating. Additionally, one of the structures was fitted with a poly snow fence with an effective shade of about 30%. Each shade structure contained a solar radiation meter and a black globe thermometer to measure radiant energy received under the shade material. Additionally, meteorological data were collected as a non-shaded treatment and included temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. Data analyses was conducted using a physiological model based on temperature, humidity, solar radiation and wind speed; a second model using black globe temperatures, relative humidity, and wind speed was used as well. Analyses of the data revealed that time spent in the highest stress category was reduced by all shade materials. Moreover, significant differences (P < 0.05) existed between all shade materials (compared to no-shade) for hourly summaries during peak daylight hours and for ‘full sun’ days.  相似文献   

Shade structures are often considered as one method of reducing stress in feedlot cattle. Selection of a suitable shade material can be difficult without data that quantify material effectiveness for stress reduction. A summer study was conducted during 2007 using instrumented shade structures in conjunction with meteorological measurements to estimate relative effectiveness of various shade materials. Shade structures were 3.6 m by 6.0 m by 3.0 m high at the peak and 2.0 m high at the sides. Polyethylene shade cloth was used in three of the comparisons and consisted of effective coverings of 100%, 60% with a silver reflective coating, and 60% black material with no reflective coating. Additionally, one of the structures was fitted with a poly snow fence with an effective shade of about 30%. Each shade structure contained a solar radiation meter and a black globe thermometer to measure radiant energy received under the shade material. Additionally, meteorological data were collected as a non-shaded treatment and included temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation. Data analyses was conducted using a physiological model based on temperature, humidity, solar radiation and wind speed; a second model using black globe temperatures, relative humidity, and wind speed was used as well. Analyses of the data revealed that time spent in the highest stress category was reduced by all shade materials. Moreover, significant differences (P < 0.05) existed between all shade materials (compared to no-shade) for hourly summaries during peak daylight hours and for ‘full sun’ days.  相似文献   

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